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For interviews with organizations

Information regarding your organization 

a) What is the name of your organization? (If the name is in any indigenous language, please
share what is the meaning).
b) How many years have of existence/formed?
c) Where is it located?
d) What Indigenous Peoples do you work with?
e) Please tell us about How your organization is constituted?
f) Please describe the communities in which you work.

1. How was your organization formed?

2. What topics do you work on specifically?
3. Who has been your inspiration and support to do what you do? Please mention if you
have been supported by an indigenous leader.
4. What have been your greatest achievements?
5. Tell us, why the work you do is important?
6. What are the challenges the organization faces?
7. Please tell us, what motivated you to participate in the FIMI programs?
8. What has been the accompaniment your organization has received from FIMI? Mention if
you have participated in more than one of FIMI’s programs and in what way.
9. What skills or tools did you acquire with the accompaniment of FIMI?
10. After the accompaniment or participation you had with FIMI, please tell us how has this
helped you achieve other goals?
11. How has FIMI transformed your organization?
12. If you could recommend FIMI to other women or organizations, why would you
recommend it?
13. What are your dreams as an organization?
14. If you could send a message to the world as a reflection on the issues your organization
works on it, what would you say to the world?
SCRIPT 9.30 a.m.

Brief: As I told yuo previously, we want to have your support in order to have a Little interview
regarding the Project, regarding your relationship with FIMI, so I sent you previously the questions
in order that you can check it and have some preparation o look for some information if it is
necedsry, lets begin with the first question:

a) What is the name of your organization? (If the name is in any indigenous language, please
share what is the meaning).

My organization name is National Indigeonus Women Federation

b) How many years have of existence/formed?

It exists since 1993, 1994 a small women group united our voices, we saw indigenous women were
left behind, there were no adressed inclusive process, no Access in the decisión making process.
They were 7 or 8 indigenous women at the beginning.
In 2000 they registered the organization at the goverment process. So it exist more or less until 20
years, mas de 20 años.

c) Where is it located?

It is located inthe capital city of Nepal. Katmandú, it Works a provincial level and district
level and community level as well.

d) What Indigenous Peoples do you work with?

Actually in Nepal there is 16 indigenous peoplas who has been recognized by Nepal
We work for 60 indigenous peoples in Nepal
We focus on our afiliated organizations
We have 43 indigenous organizations
We have a network, we are an umbrella organization
We are including all the indigenous peoples

e) Please tell us about How your organization is constituted?

This question was answered previosly.

f) Please describe the communities in which you work.

We are working in community and nacional level commuties sees for support, we work in
advocacy, because indigenous women are not included in decisión making leve

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