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TOG 2.. Heavy 'i'an'-:
Churchill 3- Gun Ca~~iei
Doarhound I Almouled Car
'1'14 Assaul t 1'anl~
~,i6 Hea\o,y Tank
M27 Medi1Jrn Tanl:
'1'55 3' Gur. Motor C~H\l'r\o
Ti~e! (P) Ho~vy Tanl:
Dicker Max lank-hunte!
5tuler ~il 'l'anl:-hunter
e.8CID Fla:UB SFt Ten~'_-hunter

Pa:lzer I F Liaht 'i'an1:
NO Hoo"y Tank
. Somovente 71:>/311 Self-!'"f0pellod Gun
KV-3 Heavy TaT~k
KV-5 Su~er-heavy Tank
IS-85 He8\'Y Tar~l:
'1'-43 Medium TElL\.:
TOG 2-
E!'Ii~J 'i'''-rL
CH:.TriC:!::':LL ;). GUN CAHjUEP.

, •
• iiO'r 3,
~.r,:i-la.'l::" 13, So;z'.i-ir':lr~:t fi::€>
:., ... _---
- !.1lti·v.rJ... ll. S~i'iJidilecl :'ire, FlO": H


I!~Av7 t,~~o\ucd Cal. , .,. ?ases ~2-13

,',SSIl1;.1t 1'~l\',~

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~l .... ifI!k. . . . .. .. . ,Ml

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'--:fld~'! Tan'
• ~'J'"r
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:.1 . ..

'1'55 3- GUN :,10'i'CR CP.RRI~.GE ~ TIGZ? (P

1an".; r€,st:n1~l ... pal!~~ ~O·Zl ;rr
,, :<-:.:0. .........•...•.

.. ...... :.1.......
• iiArlac~ Ti~el"
• • •
E in to"ur-'
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~ Tan~_-h . lIll~r .
, ,
:.t .
ler>€e ·:C"ilOOtt:, J.:)1' 2,
,., ..... ,.""..)
;.::.ti-:~Il!. :~
:.t r.<ll:~e
-ifl"r.'2Jc::I, ?.Cf G, ".nt~-t!~n:-_ 18

~ a.sCM l'L;]{le S1:L ~ P>-NZER I 1:

ili hurh=n nili':. ~ Lil):tH Tar,'·.
• ••



:J * . ~eet
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• ~Iont 8, -i'OP 2., 'lil.J~ l>a~:.~
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i'c.~e j4-~

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KV-3 KV-5
SJP:~ -h~!!1i1 ',ar.k Fd~E; 38-39
• •
• •
• •
:. t . :. t . . . . .
.. r..t:tl-la.-f: 1.;., r:or.: 14, Side 12
• •

IS-85 T-43
R'!!diUll TlliJ .
• •
• •
• •
:. t
- .~Jlli-te.l:J:.
12, Flonl 10
........ reet
:. t
.. l:-t<l~_ r~lli
. s, ftQ;JL 8


....l ....,...•....•
<:> <:>
~. CL"S~::'O:l :1 G.P-llt I <:> :hl.:.fchi:l IE

·. . ~ .......•............ ~.~ ••••••••

:.) M:;n Stuart


• • .~_ ... _.. ..... ~.

~ :-60 SU-1e~!
'A.ille:: by: ':'e::,rAin "'·ou~llin<;":
Phil Yu1es =A:l1eflol:.l f,tu.'{c
uHt.:as. otO<:;IUp:.'ly:
IO~l e= ~i,llunov ic~~, tClllefro~t 5tu~io
..:ohr.-Pl!\ul "3lisi'ptti
'lieb SUPI;o~ l:
?~ oof=~U.,:l!ll'i'i: MiC':.flel l'!P,J.i?hl, l'layn!! Turner
Marl: C....£.n
Pla,lest G:-OllpS:
ar~phic r:~Sicl~; ~i[~lboTn oa~in~ ,~~a~le~ H:Cell),
8p.ttlef=cn: :-it":;,Ho ~r::,it?: of ',;<\_ i1~i:olo ::1~ tio;
~hniil.luTe;; Jf'lsiun. P':.c l orn et1h~:
Eyer. ;.llen . l~1'. t
i:ln'!l Lib!cr1 ci !\f,.... Zeal~::1., ImVc~ 131 \'/.;\1
1,1U5CUlII. E:ovir:!:"tor, Tan:c:. Mus'!UI:t .......uslral iar. ·(u:-
~.Hr.1e:tu=~;i PainliJl1:
~'~"ll:ortdl. 1'C'),,"1 K~y P~i"ate Co-,lec:ior.,
,leremy Paintel, Je:.m"'i'i 'iro',m NP.j~!" NlltiOJl!:l !,!chive~ Of' :ana:ta,
relis-Nc~r.)8.ndie,com, liS ~.rr..y ~i~nIl1 CO~f.·s

orid at ~er ..............••... ,
:.:.. ·<1.T !~cnste.s .............•..... . .. .s P",lU.~·.L I =- Lil'?'1l ... 30
:~~a::,c~ p.nd C~veloc~Fnt _ e P·~O Bee .. ,] 'I'll::k . 32
:-1 ~. :r~Avy Te.:J: ... 8 Se:r.o"ellle 7,5/31 S!;lf·~ro,?clh::l. GUll. . . . ;',4
_-2.:"oa::d .1 ':.Tr:lOare.:l r..... :1 • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • ]2 .... _.. ;:'8
-:; ~ ~~<l.\I1 t

T..,::1: .............•.•••...... 14
,. :S-6~ Sea\'Y U:.:-.k ..............••••..... 4-0
': -4-0 ~·!!!rlillr:l TanI:
£. 'fa::!. . ................•........
··.c':'iu::l 'Je.:-.l: . ,. "<8
-:;..s ~. Gur, ~~o10::' r:flTri~_~c .. 20 Key ?osition HiS:;lon
l~er (P) EM"y T~nl. 47
:i=···"r :.:~x. ..

~t-.:.::'er Emil ~'all~:-nu::teT

~ •. ,..: S ",,;cvl',L 1;0 lO"n of ~1:.15 .,:<ioli.c.lio._ --,,~ .. t:~ rct:rr.d·~~K;. 'l"r~ il: .. r~t~i .. ~al h'~
.:.. &:..,
'Jr ::~n5:l'l1t:oe:'I.
,0 •• 0' \'7 lin" :::cl'ns .~thO\:.~ t::'e -;rio. "lit!", '·~'lIIhsiz", uf:t.e ;:-~·:> ;:0:; C~ Oth.... lS., 'I.<:,l~tec: h:
~ ... ~,,~ o~ '1:;''''';'''' '" ,U-,<:I .. tl.e:; t~<l:;. tM: ~:: "'hie!> ~t i~ "n-li,I.,:1~:ld ....t:r..ul C ~i::lilar cOI:.hlio" I .. ,,,,, ilfttcs:>d
. on :he 3ubse:J.'>~:ll l"... c;'4~" .
r.O:;;;/Lif!hl -:=e.l·.le1::,cnl Mlnl.a~,ll:'''IS Lt:'. .. ?cog. lsaK: g7B-O-9f!6:,~:!.1-n-~
~16tl6S Of Villi l\:i.lO~s 10t..: to takE :m l:-.'" TOle of a ft"Jld -::Oa'.:!lllr.d€T a.!\nOCI..V~il.J; lOu. :Loolls
across th2'efi'l'lds of '~-nIld ',il'.! :1, ·t'~lll.:zi:~" l~ill !:lassie !=eri:d of ·...l!.rfa'!'!' to lif!' in
I0Ul. 0",1, a:8oes l'UOt:!. 'dith 1,~id-OiaT 1·~on~t!':r5 yOIl can :'l!st out. th.~ eX:;'-l ilm::l'.al super -.all,":" ... 1
194Z and 1'J4J to sc~ :"'0 ... lh;~7 .. ou:i.d h,,"·.'~ perlomed if t::-,e~' hi!:::' ~:':~ !.: btc :::;-o::"H:ti<ln.


"jeu cAn usc ';;001: 1.0 field e~eIiJ::l€:-.:al ti!n~g 1=-: yo::r n:n:T.\a: l:Iid~''''61 ~lM:es Of "f'il\r [OlCo;.

Uile 0:':6 of CIIT ni.d-"w!'.r :nlellir:;.;on~e :':lInubco,-s-;'.!'lH.a 01 C::;li'ront-Ol one ';If t::e ~t.!'l:i~er.c!
oli<.:fiuas ihl'.l yO:l ::t.:; dQ"..m:Odd fron CUT ".;ensit.!", to fOr:n 11::.e co::.. cf I:JUl f01C~. N:;l;/ "oIll 1\
nlalocn of e~;eTiJ::lcn:ill tiln~s ~s c~t~a su~vo~t to ~lve 1o~r f~r:e ~C7! ru~ch!

f,c:ne ·"h.. f'I.x.n~::,iJl'l!nte.l te.n\:s :p.n illso be usc: :0 ~!,it-lacc: I:I0H~ cOllven-.lonel eQu1~:nent in :;::all
f(J_~v. ;.11 ",."(am!!le 01' this 15 the Eou::::hounn ! hea~'1 a'!'l:\o·lr"d ca::,. !.:n'j ~litis~. rnlc~ On). lc~ll'lc,­
Itl' nO:-tn!!.l ;.:::'mou:::'<9C: (".lIr ?ll'1u'Jon ,lith a H..,avy .~.ll:loule::i Cu::, Ple-toen tc f!t~e thAI! ,!'!':lai~~e::":('p
P. UOo~i.,

This 1.::001: re~clJil'''~ t.;-,e :lames Of ~1al ll,;.l~uook, ,I~_idl contains ~ll the rules llnn
Mlion!'ll C:~;'<ilacter1:itics t~.l1t you neen to ~~~~;ht. ll~nil'.tllre \'/c::'1:: W;>.. I: ·"Jf'.lLl..,s. e.~d e.
m1n-#"&r Tnte11i15ance Hl'ln2.\;(')ok (')J al; Illte11iq;ence i:!rief1n~ fro::'. Ot:T ;,IAr.!'tlrA.
Visit our weos1te at ~·~,:l&mA!'tOf~ar.c~~ or 1o~r 1(')c1'l1 ~1'I~v ~tOJ~ to tint OUt more.


E:ypry :or~e usin~ Mi2.-,Jlh MOh"tC_S C"!.1l field a sin~le e-'::pe::i:nenul.1 ~[lriJ0::'t rIa:oon. This
vlat~o~ cu~ De U~J 0: ~he a.x.n~~~~nt~1 t~n~ pl~toons r_o~ _h~ ~a~~ cowllry,
Th~'ll s.lppo!l y:'alo~1l is a::id1tl::mal to the r.olrral s;;!'port optior.s l~l yOt.. CI'IIl

!_s r.:: ~:W:;>.:nl-'l';'. oB. olithh ":11:e C:>~I!...-.:; c~u:d ftein a Il!'ll. .. y r-e...""lL F'lp.tocn of ,:,oo?A hel'.vy tan!:;!
dS ~ s~n~ort c~oice. ~e~a~dl~ss c~ :hc oU.~~ ~~VrOl" choices it is fiel~1n~ i~IO~idi~~ it c,~_
pl!:t th~ points 0:' co:a-se: 1

....1 Iil,;, man:: of th~ e1.pel1I:lel:tdl tan:"s ;,oar:!! hell.\'y 0, eVAn sllp"'r-r,a~vl :'f'lsiJ:,'TIs, some of thc::u '''::~I:
nl";; nA.~il!nS for medium tlln:.s p.n::" Oti.ICl ~t<lJlo:'a~·d u~.uipnellt.
~'he e.l::I:erimentul tunks :hl:.t :l:.n rar:lacl'l ,~tannI'.T:". l''1l1ipmant 1es~::,ib(' the t:rpes nf pl,<;tO:lns ilJld
t!nl..s thil: :he~ 1;:'':. !ctlli'l(,:.:: ill L~", UC7. 0;; no" to 1'ield t~_eD in f1WJes Of \lia,. t~ ar. !'llTtl!\,
the Chur·~hi11 ;:" Gun CaniAr rul<ls on !,!l156 \) st!l.ta th!!t IIn:J S::'ilish Rifl(.: 01 1'alk~ ':;OJ.:lp.1lly ma~'
lc~la(;c any c; "-11 Tall::: Pl.:nco::s I-'ith Gu.-, Cc.'C':-ier '~<:..~.l-: Plutocn;;.

EX:r.&TirrFlnT8.I Ilsed this ....11.'/ :;oep1!'.::'.l th'.lL slp.:d;>..:.u ;:o_mlcJl:'.1~lll, ':ul ctheI""ise folIc"" the
u~ual co~pa~y S~Iuc:ure al~ all c~ ~he 7ules ar.n11in~ to t~A f~r~e (LLt th"'1 lI.~e !,!!rt of.

L-'I.,::" eXY6r:i.m6nt!l.l t! its llssociat~d r.latoon ;;tTl;cture 8.T.d poiT,ts cost de~en.:;'iT'l! on its
$tr"nfSt':-. !UlC ~n,/ ''l:lp.l cpUcns tloa: ::~u s~l~cL.

L~r.er11T.!'nr&1 rar;l~s ar! '01 th'!!ir ~f:,r,/ nat'-1_>:: '.m'Js'J'l. i:1. tl.aL t~e:y ~J':pericer.l wit;:; r.ew id5tiS,
bC;';Jlolo~y ant Ia:;cuts. ~~:::; of th! !-'::nel1.oe~tal tan,;$ ir, This b~o': ~"e specil'll J_l'Ols tlJlt
TI;f:ect t::'eir oedi t lCS.


• .
._---_ ...
.~._ .
::: C1Ir reSf;iIo."h ...e h!i,,1e '..:ncO\i6tel". lOts of xCi'll:''! inlo!(,,;;::Il!! e>:terlil"ofln"al :a~.s. So!!:" '''-'_~
:..;",t d€~i,!n.': '"roat ;,oc.c nCT~! cOD:tJl~ted. Jt:-.e1.~ "'fIlrfll COf.'lplete':' I'IS yroiolypes, und 1I0Tr.fI flvfln se:,.,r
~-~ll-~cl'lle flelc te~tin~!

_~3e tad,s ;.IfHO ',l>;Ji~d aI;d wonderf::.1, Iar:f~in~ fr:lm 1\ lOO-l:)n lliollst~r I::.::d Ii fi'r~t I'/o:rld War
__ .i~·, to u ·'1II.·~, t\'l~side-by-sic..., u:9.ill r,:UliS, 1m urrrolln,,";, tar ",eir:;~:'iT,1;'; Q:01:,) than a tUIl1:,
~_~ a mi1.chill'~~IiUI: aIDed '.l,!ht ta.r.\<: '.lith th~ an.IO';'! of A llllik:
.anted to tl1 them 1'111 oul lO S!!€ h::1'" t~_e,! rnt~·. hll.v~ I_e:ri'o:'lf.ed i:- '.hoo,! hl'.d ,),c1u<111:; beer.
•1t, ;;c .. e ::lecld~d tc -...,:,'1.1." a ":JoeL ,.";ou: .11<.:11., jlllil iOl" the fu.."'l c:- -it!


_.:. _ere l:.t "':e.t.·lef;-ont -..-e lo\·c thO;' i·::~~ ot J:lu~·in,! d:'CU:-::i ... tth e,.;(l!~;~t.}l tan<:.s tc see 2:0·~·
_-7 ::::il<.::::'1 h.>ly~ ;..elt:>rned, ~C::l!! rM:rle :'cn':.
ei~ ::)d~:e .~I:Tl' :h!!t ~ou_ o<--vcn",n1 is i::;-.c !:lil.jin,!, ""rHh experilll':'1111\:' l.!.:".!:s cerate J:>u erld t.~~"1'1
: 1:" __ fOi<:;,e.

::.~ ~:OCI th!!!t. th':i': ill n::lt::'i1.ll" 10 st:lT: ~·Oil frO":! ~ryinl:! out 11.", e:':... erii:le:::dl tan",,~ in any
~A.ioll or sc!n<nlo yOt.:. CAr, comc U!J ... ith.

.:'. C' t:::e :;)iJ-.f.>l~ :n::lut<.':'lI ;".e"el 3L·~· :o::-ioa-., :'n ::act ~"~6r!!.1 e: ".hem ·..--(;~C n('\·('. e"€fl
."'C::'eHj. :t 11; inl6Hlstin" to specu.~tc O~J ~hat :lIi.c~t ha':e t.L~fl!n!d t1".o·.l~h. "''::-; ar. !,Xpeliner.-
!: ·ar.:.... ::::ti;::h1 ~"e :::Iol::}e H.e: ~unfl fran '!::'C:C",-YD!' fa pTl),duct.iOI.• ArA. .1~CJ.C c.;".:j, h:l"t it ....o:.:ld :=.u"e
_ ~:: CODcat if it ::111.
:...~ ·:::::-:;".1 ~I;ll\·:'ce section c: f\!lrh l.e.n)·'s =''''S~:iplion is ~ "..;_i",f descl-i~:::"on c: ;J}}e.t. rr'\"ht. hevA
:--;'".. ; : ..." of th~s'~ .~:O:::''''iiUl«:l:al :all"Cli ,~'-~. s"e cC:ll:ct in s::l~ll·s:~,le ~iel'::' ;c,;tinr.. 11l;!ie a:e
J...7·;: ,.,i:h Ii 'CC::l:P.l ',os-.c'::" s:A:U1-. -
_l~,.<'l I'~<:lx r.r.d t·~,o ~,1.lIHn E:n\l h""'~y tllni:..-::-.UJ:t'"~s .Ic~e a~'11la:"11 used ir, ,h5 Cll.U,:aii\:s liii

fO:.!I self-n!"cn!'lled 8.ecrn rlMCB SrI fcu~hL ~it:t. tlJ.l:UI ill the CdU:l:.!iU;;; <I:~t6T 'in
PO_ill.d, F~an:e c.:;d the 1;;\:<I:;\io:: cf RU!isia.
·t l!!e.;;;t e. dC1",n panH~i : F .Jcn' fil:l:: ,esled in l'd-\.J.
~ •• _S-8t hed~1 tur~ ;;;a"t li~it.!'n ~~mne.l in ear~1 1~:4"
~-."r~l ~-~3 ~c'::'i~ l~~~s ~~i\;} :ested in ~n eX;erii:le~:i11 :a~ :~,nan!"

__ ~escliptloL of fiAln t~stt~~ f::lT t~6se llln~s is ~ctu.>ll:'l l.ul:l

- - :t!!.li;;r. p.;o ~,""'l~' ".an': alld Se=,oven:e 75/~ ~!l." e"er. :::10,"6 ,:oi'T'n8t, j\;St r.ot <lith Iellly's
.~ ..",l i'.I:::I-y! tft."= the :H!.lian s'cre:l':'c_, 11.c G..,i:DaJloi lool: o~eJ. a :lu=toe= of thel>e ten~:$, !mf'_
:::"oe:. ~~oduC"ed DUIe of H,e::l fe:- t~eh' o;.,n use.
'll: T:lOdeLn i:.l.lst_il'(l .. ,u:-a~e tc.:'.I:.; and ether e:lUic::Jent i:I7e :hanl!lnfi; ell ".he :i:n"l. !- :a~_ tha:
:r".lles "th~ b<lttl!''!'~<'lP_ ·"he~ int=c=,"e"l'::' :ir.ds ils.~lf n\,~·_t"~.l:n -::~ !lel"e;- e::eo:: de~i,!.L~ 1::e nell:l
,<;'1'.1. I\l.d o.:lcld:ised ol "Tear ilfteI 1::<:'1. ?e.~el\rc:~_ an" rA"fllO(.ll'ent :>f 1),:>.1 tSCJl"l::>l:J.cs "'-n·."!.
",,"e-o:,:s Is "sse~tip.l 10"1.00-':--; .... ~ .-'i:L. an::. if ~o.i:.n.'le leed. - the lutest de",elo-:::m'lnt!i on the
ua\.lle:'~el':'. E,,!:-"l' co:mt7', dr.rr:lfiorh!'d I:'" c::"a':"l c n'!es :>f I'!se1\lc:' 'lnJ ,J.c",c':"o~U:::lll diff~I~lltly.


Oorili:>h :egel:.lch 11M Oe"flloc:-n",nl. · II rrix 0: ~ .. r,il;S a,-.d '.::l:.J.e1\L.~~1\li(,. iJll.Jlc.~~if;ll;. TIl'=l~ "'~.n~
sc:n':! oUlSl.';l:.~n!! at....e.nce:. in =.ilit'n-:; science 1;: o1:et:.g 11'-;e :i1.1a:- e:,:~. h"'e"y b:>:lio6r5, y.;!ll
tb.ey :a~~~rl h~hind in oth!r 1'.re""S liL·~ V;:l. J-~Sl~;.. l'I::.i:<.: l~.<.: OJ ilL:lli c,::ulj O~ i::De:::s~17
i::\;'i:'icie,,:, 3u:n l:;; desi'!nir,'! t!-.eir tenks tn i<:.018tion "'rorr th... ~1:n5 ~h!!.t tho.:1 ~<cul: :DCLL"!:
l~p!..;lnG; ,1.<.::li al~e.ys o;:e !;'.lJ\ cehind, :hev re<11:1 e1i'ce11e~. at ct.:nr.inlj; inno"etions ir. thE' :i61::.
The ....ll.: I.~ r.~;'ITl' ~!'.'~' lh" first ",ffe~:i·,-·~ oi;.e-clc.LlI\l1 flAil ll'.;:~." ,)I\d til'" .11t:-a-3e:::",-. C:JL
:C-,n-.l !:o.:ll:':lce _i,;ntl ·.an~:s ::es:',::r.ed to olir.~. '.he.>:T:: .... it;; 5tro·:e li~hts At nH;hl. :,\ t~e
~a'n'" tke l:nits >.:JI:,!==c_l::lChtinJ:; i:l =~il"!,in !,l"o,:;:ucec. tho: Av<u:' ~J!~hic1e ~o;al En,!i::ee::s),
:4e :'i::3·. ::e::icu'.e;', &n~'!.ne&T1nl'; ~aol::a!,a·:le c:~ 'f",:-for:ninl! iI ",ide ~""Il"l,; of ..m~ill~l;l, '.a:>:!-::>:.


~! tlie tin6 t~e ll::iten ~tat1's f'~l"::-e5. t~e -,<a::, S:UIO;C 1>".1 b~..,;;. '::li;;~tt'!.ed for =:ore :hl'.:: ti"C
'j":'l!.rs. ':lus !'.J( '!.l::: ::'tl!.t~" en 1.he bac~~ foc'. i:: t;ore ·"e'1.'· lh1'j' n ....... "'O:: to s·,~i: ~!-. to IT.ilit''l!jI
orodc;.c:ion, an": ·h..y ·~ere b~h::'nd in basic _cscl'!ch in :naIL'! oll:!f.S, t!c;"e·..e:-, tt,eir '!:ec.t ;:tle::€th
iu tt"l,;:>: podt.:ctioJl cl:l;r.e to C:::e for!!tl-or.t ir. le!\o:\'lr.~ th" first ~r;)b:cn. ;.S .Ic~l F.s a~uiJ:"
:hllir 0"'T1 !!:l-::lies ·.Iit~ th", ll\lc:>.l ,, s~c~ as t~e t~l CUIur.d "ea:i'i:lutOl:llitir tin!', t::'3V
:>:hi~\,ec. ;)(Ir.v t!".cu;;.a:1::s c:~ ~tan-;a7dis6d ,'-:1 Sher:nan '.an'-_s :n tl.. ci~ c~L::'~h 'Hod Sode--. ~11::.e3.
1')-," in,:t1st~i"l 1\1.1 S(,.i~Jlli::-ic \,O.,le:r :.>t ;'.Delie<l u:s::> <11-.o..le<'1 th!"r.1 t::> la~:"" T:ritish ar.d ,:rer..e::'
::esetlrc.h ir: !I.T!'Ift!\ : j::"" arr.::ni tior:, ;;1 t il_cA:r. '! i.e ,"~I\::'l ('I./l" ill!:s and radar, !InC. prod::c! r.ew
lln,l ilT.!'!o".... d d\;si/:l:S, (he ::;ll.:;:OO}~<l is a r.erfert eXIinn:t'\ of J5;'iHinr. (n[}blll~1. 'Ill:' fA . . nch
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TOG 2* Heavy Tank Heavy Tank Platoon
Well-trained and eager for battle, the
heavy tank battalions were ready to engage
the enemy.


Heavy Tank Platoons are rated as:
When the war broke out in 1939, many in Britain expected a repeat of the First World War,
Confident Trained Command TOG 2*
with the army joining the French in the trenches. They would build up an unbeatable material
advantage and then smash the German trenches and roll on to Berlin. HQ Tank
The old gang of Swinton, Ricardo, and Wilson who created the diamond-shaped heavy tanks of Platoon
the First World War advised the General Staff to request designs for a ‘shelled area’ infantry Sergeant Corporal
tank to lead the breakthrough. The A20 specification called for a modernised version of the old 3 TOG 2*............... 435 points
heavy tank with all-round tracks, shell-proof armour, a field gun in the hull front, and two 2 TOG 2*............... 290 points
pdr guns in side sponsons! The ideal tank for the last war.
1 TOG 2*............... 145 points
Fosters of Lincoln, who had built the heavy TOG 2* TOG 2*
tanks in the First World War, worked with ‘The Design Features Replacing Standard Equipment
Tank Tank
Old Gang’ to create a massive 81-tonne tank,
the TOG (short for The Old Gang!). The first The TOG 2 heavy tank was Any British company may replace any Heavy
Heavy Tank Platoon
version with sponson-mounted armament wasn’t used as a test bed for Armoured Platoon, Armoured Platoon, or
finished until after the German Blitzkrieg Companies that cannot take these platoons
the turret of the new Infantry Tank Platoon taken as a Support as Support platoons, may take a Heavy Tank
demolished the army in France. Challenger heavy cruiser platoon with a Heavy Tank Platoon. Platoon as an additional Support platoon.
tank, producing the
Redesign TOG 2*.
Immediately work was started on a new version Armour
The designers of 1941
with lower tracks and more powerful armament were used to tiny 2 pdr Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
in a conventional turret. This TOG 2 was an ammunition, so they
interesting hybrid of the old and the new. TOG 2* Very Slow Tank 7 5 2 Co-ax MG, Unreliable, Wide tracks.
gave the Challenger tank
The tank still had no suspension, just like two loaders to handle Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower
the original heavy tanks, but used an advanced the much larger 17 pdr
electric transmission, while the turret OQF 17 pdr gun 32”/80cm 3 13 3+ No HE, Semi-indirect fire.
ammunition. While the
mounted the brand-new 6 pdr gun. result was a huge turret
This armament was deemed too light for such and an extravagant use
of manpower, it did With two loaders and plenty of ammunition, the TOG 2* can pump out shots at an incredible rate.
a big tank, so they fitted the turret of
the Challenger cruiser tank—then being allow the big 17 pdr to
developed to carry the new 17 pdr anti-tank maintain a ­similar rate
gun—producing the TOG 2*. of fire to the smaller
guns. 2 pdr 17 pdr
Combat Service
When rumours of the new German Tiger heavy The 17 pdr gun in the TOG 2* heavy tank TOG 2* Specifications
tank reached British intelligence, the TOG 2* has ROF 3 as a result of having two
gained new importance as the only British loaders and a plentiful ammunition supply
design capable of carrying a 17 pdr gun. The immediately to hand. With its excellent
tank was rushed into production and a weak anti-tank performance, the TOG 2* is an
battalion of two small companies was rushed to outstanding tank killer.
Africa. In typical British fashion, they never
operated as a battalion, being given out in ROF 3, Anti-tank 13, semi-indirect fire
penny packets to attacks all along the front.

Designation: Tank, Heavy, TOG 2*

Crew: 6 (cdr, gnr, ldr (2), dvr, co-dvr)
Weight: 179,200lb/81,284kg
Length: 37’9”/11.50m
Height: 10’/3.05m
Width: 10’3”/3.12m
Armament: 1x OQF 17 pdr anti-tank gun,
1x BESA 7.92mm machine-gun
Ammunition Stowage: Classified
Armour Thickness: 25mm to 75mm
Engine: Paxman-Ricardo 12TP V12 diesel,
3579cu in/59 litre, 600hp
Transmission: Electric
Suspension: Rigid rollers (unsprung)
Maximum Speed: 8.5mph/14km/h
Cross-country Speed: 4mph/6km/h
Road Radius: 50 miles/80km
Vertical Obstacle: 7’/2.1m
Trench Crossing: 21’/6.4m
Churchill 3” Gun Carrier Gun Carrier Tank Platoon
The tank battalions valued the firepower of the gun carriers, but lacked the combat
experience to make the most of them.
Development Gun Carrier Tank Platoons are rated as: Confident Trained
In September 1941, rumours of new German heavy tanks in development led the General Staff
to request the Tank Board to produce cruiser and infantry tanks mounting large-calibre high- Replacing Standard Equipment
velocity guns specifically for engaging heavy German tanks. Any British company may replace any or all Infantry Tank Platoons equipped with Churchill
tanks with Gun Carrier Tank Platoons.
The Challenger cruiser tank ran into difficul-
ties and only a small number saw service in
1944 and 1945, although the turret was fitted
Design Features Subaltern
to the TOG 2* heavy tank. The A22 Churchill Subaltern
infantry tank was the obvious candidate for a Fitting the OQF 3” anti-aircraft gun
in a limited-traverse mounting on the 3 Churchill 3” Gun Carriers... 485 points
heavily-armed infantry tank. Unfortunately the
need to fit through rail tunnels meant that Churchill infantry tank was a quick way 2 Churchill III and
the turret ring on the Churchill was too small to field a weapon capable of knocking
out a Tiger heavy tank. 1 Churchill 3” Gun Carrier.. 415 points Command Churchill 3” Gun Carrier
for a turret capable of mounting a bigger gun.
The answer was to fit the gun in a limited- If you elect to field a Gun HQ Gun Carrier
On hearing rumours that the German Tiger
traverse mounting in the hull, resulting in tanks were in the area, some infantry Carrier Tank Platoon entirely
the A22D. colonels actually refused to attack equipped with Churchill 3” Gun Sergeant Corporal
While this had tactical disadvantages, the unless they had Gun Carriers in support. Carriers, you may only field one
resulting tank could be built in short order. Gun Carrier Tank Platoon.
As the 17 pdr selected for the Challenger
would not be available for some time, the old Churchill 3” Gun Carrier Churchill 3” Gun Carrier
3” Gun Carriers give Churchill tanks the
3” anti-aircraft gun was selected instead. Gun Carrier Gun Carrier
ability to engage hard targets at long
Plenty of these were available after having
been replaced in anti-aircraft units by the
range while the tanks close and assault. Gun Carrier TANK Platoon
new 3.7” gun.
Originally 100 vehicles were planned, but Armour
in Dec­ember 1941 it was decided that most Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
Churchill production should focus on tanks
fitted with the new 6 pdr gun, and the order 3” Gun Carrier Slow Tank 8 7 2 AA MG, Protected ammo,
was reduced to 24. The first prototype was Wide tracks.
ready in February 1942 and the remainder of
the first production run was finished in the Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower
middle of the year. OQF 3” gun 32”/80cm 2 11 3+ Hull mounted, Semi-indirect fire.

Combat Service OQF 3” anti-aircraft gun.

With the arrival of the German Tiger tank in
North Africa in late 1942, the General Staff The 3” gun is a high-velocity anti-aircraft
revived the A22D program and sent the existing weapon similar to the German ‘88’. The Gun Churchill 3” Gun Carrier Specifications
Gun Carriers to support the Churchill tanks Carrier can destroy any German tank, while
of the Army Tank Brigade in Tunisia. Some protected against all but the heaviest return
battalions issued their Gun Carriers to a fire by its heavy armour.
dedicated anti-tank troop in each squadron,
others issued one to each troop to ensure that Anti-tank 11, Semi-indirect Fire, Front 8
they would always be on hand when required.

Designation: Gun Carrier, 3”, Mk I, Churchill

Crew: 5 (cdr, gnr, ldr, dvr, co-dvr)
Weight: 89,600lb/40,642kg
Length: 24’5”/7.44m
Height: 10’8”/3.25m
Width: 9’/2.74m
Armament: 1x OQF 3” anti-aircraft gun,
1x Bren .303” machine-gun
Armour Thickness: 16mm to 102mm
Engine: Bedford twin-six petrol,
1294cu in/21 litre, 350hp
Suspension: Sprung bogies
Maximum Speed: 12.5mph/20km/h
Cross-country Speed: 8mph/13km/h
Road Radius: 90 miles/145km
Vertical Obstacle: 2’6”/0.76m
Trench Crossing: 10’/3.05m
Heavy Armoured Car PLATOON
Boarhound I Armoured car Heavy Armoured Car Platoon
The armoured car regiments spent all day every day watching the enemy in the deep desert.
If anyone knew how to stay alive out there, they did.
Development Heavy Armoured Car Platoons are rated as: Confident Veteran
In July 1941 the US Army Ordnance office issued joint specifications with the British for three
new armoured cars. The T17E1 specification called for a medium armored car which eventually Replacing Standard Equipment
became the Staghound, while the T18 called for a heavy armoured car. There are three ways to field Boarhound I ­armoured cars:
The T18 prototype was developed in 1942 by the - You may replace one Armoured Car Platoon with a Heavy Armoured Car Platoon,
Yellow Truck & Coach Company as a large all-
wheel-drive, eight-wheeler with the front four
Design Features - You may replace all AEC I armoured cars in your Armoured Car Platoons with Boarhound I
armoured cars for +15 points per armoured car, or
wheels steering. Its thick armour was unusual
for an armoured car, although this extra The T18E2 Boarhound armoured car was - If you are fielding an Armoured Car Squadron, you may replace all Armoured Car Platoons
protection brought the weight of the vehicle designed as a heavy armoured car with Heavy ­Armoured Car Platoons, and purchase all armoured cars in the Company HQ as
up to 26 tons—similar to contemporary medium to counter the German eight-wheeler Boarhound I armoured cars for 75 points per armoured car.
tanks such as the M3 Lee and three times the Sd Kfz 231 (8-rad) series. With much
weight of the equivalent German eight-wheeled thicker armour and a heavier gun, it
armoured cars. succeeds in this role admirably. Subaltern
Initially armed with a M6 37mm gun, it became Subaltern
clear that the T18 would need a more powerful
weapon and the final version, the T18E2, was Boarhound I Sd Kfz 231 3 Boarhound I.......... 210 points
fitted with the newly-designed M1 57mm gun, a Weight 26 tons 9 tons
US-manufactured variant of the British 6 pdr Armour 50mm 30mm Because the Boarhound is practically in-
gun. Weapon 57mm 20mm vulnerable to enemy armoured cars, it can Command Boarhound I
Machine-guns 2x MG 1x MG pursue an aggressive reconnaissance policy, HQ Armoured Car
While the United States Army proved entirely Speed 50 mph 53 mph driving them back as it seeks out the main
uninterested in the vehicle, the British Power/weight 9 hp/ton 20 hp/ton enemy force. Be careful though. It is not
Army’s successful use of armoured cars in the Sergeant Corporal
a tank and cannot engage enemy armour in a
Western Desert led them to place an order for frontal battle. Seek out their vulnerable
2500 T18E2 armoured cars, which they promptly The Boarhound I is large and heavy for an
armoured car, but in the hard, flat desert flanks and unprotected approaches instead.
christened the Boarhound I. High production
costs led to cancellation of the initial order (which is treated as Road) it is faster than
a tank. Its thick armour and big gun count Boarhound I Boarhound I
after only 30 were delivered. Heavy Armoured Car Platoons are
more than the small size of lighter armoured Recon­naissance Platoons. Armoured Car Armoured Car
Combat Service cars, especially in the hands of the veteran
Desert Rats. Heavy Armoured Car Platoon
These 30 vehicles were shipped to North Africa
to supplement the slower British AEC armoured Anti-tank 10, Veteran Reconnaissance Armour
cars supporting the light Humber armoured
cars. The Boarhound’s eight-wheeled design Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
proved ideal in the open flat terrain of the Boarhound I Wheeled 4 2 0 Co-ax MG, Hull MG.
desert with their speed and mobility being a
great asset during running battles with German
and Italian armoured cars. Their success led Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower
to further production of the Boarhound I and Boarhound I Sd Kfz 231 (8-rad)
whole regiments were re-equipped with this OQF 6 pdr gun 24”/60cm 2 10 4+ No HE.
superb armoured car.

Boarhound I Specifications

Designation: Car, Armoured, Heavy, T18E2

Crew: 4 (cdr, gnr, dvr, co-dvr)
Weight: 59,080lb/26,800kg
Length: 20”4’/6.20m Height: 10’2”/3.10m
Width: 8’6”/2.60m
Armament: 1x M1 57mm anti-tank gun,
2x Browning .30 cal machine-guns
Armour Thickness: 9.5mm to 50mm
Maximum Speed: 50mph/80km/h
Engine: 2x GMC 6-cylinder, petrol,
270cu in/4 litre, 125hp each
T14 Assault Tank Replacing Standard Equipment IN British Service

Assault Tank Platoon

The new T14 assault tank gives British infantry tank battalions their first 75mm gun tank.

Development Any British company may replace all Infantry Tank Platoons equipped with Churchill tanks with
Assault Tank Platoons. If it is an Infantry Tank Company it must also purchase all tanks in
When America entered the war in late 1941 they and the British immediately got together to the Company HQ as T14 assault tanks for 135 points per tank.
consider tank designs. The Americans learned from the British tank combat experience, while the
British examined American tank designs to see how they fit their requirements.
In September 1941 the British had expressed interest in a heavier tank after their experiences Assault Tank Platoon Subaltern
in the desert and teething problems with their new Churchill tank. At the same time the US The assault tank platoons have won the Subaltern
Ordnance Department had been advocating the adoption of heavier tanks for the US Army. The T14 confidence of the infantry they support.
assault tank was seen as the solution for both these needs.
Assault Tank Platoons are rated as:
The US Ordnance Department started design work on a tank that shared many features with the Confident Trained
M6 heavy tank, but incorporated British requirements. With design work on the new M4 Sherman Command
medium tank nearing completion, the design shared many features of this tank. The new tank had T14 assault tank
the transmission of the M4 Sherman and the standard Ford GAZ tank engine. However, due to its Platoon HQ Tank
weight, the drive was geared down so its top speed was slower than the M4. The main armament
was the same as the Sherman, while the tracks and suspension were those of the M6 heavy tank. 3 T14.................. 400 points
Sergeant Corporal
In March 1942 a new British Tank Mission signed
an agreement for 8,500 T14 tanks, pending Option
further design work. The first two prototype Design Features
T14 assault tanks were completed in 1943. Arm any or all T14 assault tanks
Designed as a British-style infantry with .50 cal AA MG for +5 points T14 assault tank T14 assault tank
Combat Service support tank, the T14 assault tank per tank. Tank Tank
is well armoured, adequately armed,
During the fighting in Sicily in July 1943 a
British infantry tank battalion fielded the
and slow. This makes it ideal for its Assault Tank Platoon
planned role of advancing ahead of
new T14 assault tank. Its thick armour proved
infantry attacks to knock out machine-
vital in heavy fighting against German Tiger
guns and pin down the enemy. Armour
and Panzer IV tanks and StuG assault guns.
Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
Impressed with the T14 assault tank’s staying The T14 assault tank is as well armoured as
power in Sicily, American ground commanders a Tiger tank and mounts the reliable and T14 Slow Tank 9 5 2 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Unreliable,
had the next shipment intended to form another effective M3 75mm gun of the M4 Sherman tank. Wide tracks.
British tank battalion diverted to the US
independent tank battalions fighting in Italy. Front 9, Semi-indirect Fire or Stabiliser Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower
M3 75mm gun 32”/80cm 2 10 3+ Smoke.

T14 Assault Tanks in Flames Of War In British service the T14 assault tank uses the Semi-indirect Fire special rule.
In US service the T14 assault tank uses the Stabiliser special rule.
Replacing Standard Equipment In US Service
The US Army uses M4 Sherman-equipped independent tank battalions for infantry support. These
units were very happy to have a more heavily-armoured tank, even in small quantities.
T14 Specifications
Any US company may replace up to half of the M4 Sherman medium tanks in each Tank Platoon
and any or all tanks in the Company HQ with T14 assault tanks armed with .50 cal AA MG
for +25 points per tank.

Jumbos Lead the Way

These T14 ‘Jumbo’ tanks (the name would later be used for the M4A3E2 assault tank as well)
were used to lead advances, taking advantage of their greater survivability.

You may allocate hits to a T14 assault

tank as if it had the lowest armour rating Designation: Tank, Assault, T14
for the Hit Weakest Armour First rule (page Crew: 5 (cdr, gnr, ldr, dvr, co-dvr)
95 of the rulebook), assigning it a hit Weight: 84,000lb/38,1024kg
before the lesser armoured tanks. Length: 20’4”/6.20m
Height: 9’1”/2.77m Width: 10’3”/3.12m
This rule does not apply to hits from
Armament: 1x M3 75mm tank gun,
Machine-guns, Artillery Bombardments or 2x Browning .30 cal machine-guns
Armour Thickness: 19mm to 103mm
Treat T14 assault tanks and M4 Sherman tanks Engine: Ford GAZ V-8 petrol,
as having the same chassis, making them 1100cu in/18 litre, 520 hp
indistinguishable using the Gun Tanks rule Suspension: Horizontal volute double bogie
(page 96 of the rulebook). Maximum Speed: 22 mph/35km/h
Road Radius: 100 miles/160km
M4A3E2 Sherma
n Jumbo tank, Vertical Obstacle: 2’1”/0.67m
October 1944.
Trench Crossing: 9’/2.7m
M6 Heavy Tank Heavy Tank Platoon
The newly-formed heavy tank platoons are
giving a good account of themselves.

Heavy Tank Platoon

Heavy Tank Platoons are rated as:
At the outbreak of World War II the US Army
Design Features Confident Trained
possessed few tanks, and no heavy tanks. In
When the specifications were laid down
May 1940 the US Army Ordnance Department
for the M6 heavy tank it was normal for
Platoon Command M6 heavy tank
started to work on the T1, 50-ton heavy
multi-turreted tank. This was similar in heavy tanks, such as the Soviet T-35, HQ Tank
to follow the ‘land battleship’ model,
3 M6 heavy tanks....... 510 points
concept to the Soviet T-35 and other 1930s
‘land battleship’ designs. By October 1940, having multiple turrets mounting a 2 M6 heavy tanks....... 340 points Sergeant Corporal
the Department reached the same conclusions variety of guns and machine-guns. The
T1 heavy tank specification featured a
1 M6 heavy tank........ 170 points
of excessive size, difficulty in crew co­
ordination and high production cost that had slightly more modern arrangement with
led to the abandonment of the land battleship both of its guns mounted in the same Replacing Standard Equipment
concept in Europe. turret and its twin .50 cal machine-
guns in a relatively conventional bow Any US company may replace a Tank Platoon
M6 heavy tank M6 heavy tank
A new T1 heavy tank design was laid down with mounting. taken as a Support platoon with a Heavy
a single turret retaining the mixed armament Tank Platoon. A Tank Company may take Tank Tank
of the earlier design. The turret mounted a a Heavy Tank Platoon as an additional
Heavy Tank Platoon
stabilized 3‑inch gun with a coaxial 37mm gun Support platoon.
with a loader and ammunition handler to keep
up the rate of fire. Initially the design had
six machine-guns, but this was cut to four
in the production vehicles. These were twin Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
.50 cal machine guns in a bow mount, a fixed
.30 cal machine-gun of dubious value in the M6 heavy tank Slow Tank 8 6 2 .50 cal AA MG, Unreliable,
front plate fired by the driver, and a .50 cal Wide tracks.
machine-gun on the commander’s hatch. Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower
On 26 May 1942 a cast-hull T1E2 and a welded- M7 3in gun 32”/80cm 2 12 3+ Co-ax mount, Stabiliser.
hull T1E3 were standardised for production
as the M6 and M6A1 respectively. The initial M6 37mm gun 24”/60cm 3 7 4+ Co-ax mount, Stabiliser.
plan was to produce 5000 tanks at 250 tanks
Twin .50 cal MG 16”/40cm 4 4 5+ Hull mounted, Twin MG.
per month, but this was soon cut to a more tank
Soviet T-35 multi-turreted heavy ROF 2 if other weapons fire.
realistic 115 tanks in the first production
run starting in December 1942. The M6 heavy tank can fire the 3in and 37mm guns together, treating one as having ROF 1.
The M6 heavy tank is a ‘land battleship’ with
multiple guns. It has a 3-inch anti-tank gun
Combat Service for use against heavy tanks, a 37mm gun for
By the time the M6 was ready for production, use against lighter armoured vehicles, and twin
the Armored Corps had lost interest, pre­fer­ .50 cal machine-guns to dig infantry out of
ring the more mobile M4 medium tank. However, trenches. M6 Specifications
the appearance of the German Tiger heavy tank
made them reconsider. It can fire both of its main guns at the
same time using the Multiple Weapons rule on
M6 heavy tanks operated in Tunisia with most page 111 of the rulebook.
tank battalions having a platoon. They proved
their worth as their 3-inch guns were one Co-axial 76mm and 37mm guns, Twin .50 cal
of the few weapons capable of knocking out a
Tiger and their thick armour enabled them to
withstand return fire.

Designation: Tank, Heavy, M6

Crew: 6 (cdr, gnr, ldr (2), dvr, co-dvr)
Weight: 126,500lb/57,379kg
Length: 27’8”/8.43m
Height: 10’7”/3.22m Width: 10’2½”/3.11m
Armament: 1x M7 3in anti-tank gun,
1x co-ax M6 37mm tank gun
1x Browning .30 cal machine-gun
3x Browning .50 cal machine-guns
Armour Thickness: 25mm to 100mm
Engine: Wright G-200 air-cooled radial petrol,
1823cu in/30 litre, 800hp
Suspension: Horizontal volute double bogie
Maximum Speed: 22mph/35km/h
Cross-country Speed: Classified
Road Radius: 100 miles/160km
Vertical Obstacle: 3’/0.91m
Trench Crossing: 11’/3.35m
M27 Medium Tank M27 Tank Platoon
American tankers are well trained and
learning their trade in the hard fighting
of Italy.
Development M27 Tank Platoons are rated as:
The M27 medium tank was born out of the T20 programme. After the M4 series of tanks went into Confident Trained Command M27 medium tank

M27 Tank Platoon

production, consideration immediately turned to its successor. The US Army Ordnance Department
was given the go-ahead to start work on an improved medium tank in May 1942. Broad outlines Replacing Standard Equipment
called for a 32-ton tank armed with an automatic 75mm gun with HVSS suspension and capable of a
Any US company may replace all of its Tank Sergeant Sergeant
speed of 25mph.
Platoons with M27 Tank Platoons. If it is
The T20 was developed first, but transmission problems led to the tank being cancelled and the a Tank Company, it must also purchase the
best ideas transferred to the T22. This was essentially a T20 with the five-speed transmis- tanks in the Company HQ as M27 medium tanks
sion from the M4 Sherman. The solutions proved unsatisfactory and this led to the project being for 290 points. M27 medium tank M27 medium tank
cancelled as well.
At the same time as the T22 was authorised, Platoon
work began on the T23. It was essentially a Design Features M27 medium tank M27 medium tank
T20 fitted with the tried and tested vertical 5 M27 medium tanks..... 710 points
volute suspension (VVSS) as used on the M4 Tank Section Tank Section
Sherman, and an electric transmission from
The M27 is as advanced in concept now as 4 M27 medium tanks..... 570 points
the M4 Sherman medium was a year ago.
General Electric. It was initially to have 3 M27 medium tanks..... 430 points M27 Tank Platoon
Its armour is effective against most
75mm automatic, 3-inch and 76mm gun versions,
German guns, while its gun is more than
but the 75mm automatic and 3-inch versions This tank is the next evolutionary step for medium tanks with thicker armour and a bigger gun.
adequate to knock out anything they can
were cancelled before prototypes were built.
There is no need to devise new tactics for this tank, it undertakes the mission of the
In its final form, the T23 has a turret medium tank better than existing models. Simply pin the enemy from the front, and use your
fitted with an all-round vision cupola for the stabilisers as you move towards their flanks. Close and destroy the enemy before initiating
commander and a rotating hatch for the loader. The M27 is a medium tank with the front armour
of a heavy tank and the gun to match. a pursuit to run them into the ground and finish them off.
The hull has a new single-piece, flat plate at
a 47-degree angle.
Front 7, Anti-tank 12, Stabiliser
Many of these design improvements were incor-
porated into late-production M4 Sherman tanks Armour
which had a 47-degree hull front and mounted
Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
the T23 turret with minor changes.
M27 medium tank Standard Tank 7 4 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG,
A limited procurement order of 250 T23 medium
tanks were ordered and were produced between .50 cal AA MG,
November 1943 and December 1944 by Detroit Overloaded, Unreliable.
Arsenal. These were to be standardised as the
Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower
M27 medium tank when production started in
earnest. M1 76mm gun 32”/80cm 2 12 3+ Stabiliser.

Combat Service
With the landing at Salerno, the fighting for
Italy was about to intensify. To bolster the
armoured forces at the beachhead, Army Ground M27 Specifications
Forces shipped a battalion of the new M27
medium tank to take part in the push out of T23E3 with torsion-bar suspension.
the landing zone up the coast to the German
Winter Line.

Designation: Tank, Medium, M27

Crew: 5 (cdr, gnr, ldr, dvr, co-dvr)
Weight: 77,500lb/35,153kg
Length: 23’2”/7.07m
Height: 8’4”/2.52m Width: 9’10/3.01m
Armament: 1x M1A1 76mm tank gun,
2x Browning .30 cal machine-gun
1x Browning .50 cal machine-gun
Armour Thickness: 12mm to 87mm
Engine: Ford GAN V-8 petrol,
1100cu in./18 litre, 470 hp
Transmission: Electric
Maximum Speed: 35mph/56km/h
Cross-country Speed: 20mph/32km/h
Road Radius: 100 miles/160km
Vertical Obstacle: 2’/0.61m
Trench Crossing: 8’/2.4m
T55 3-in Gun Motor Carriage Self-propelled Anti-tank Platoon (Wheeled)

tank platoon (wheeled)

The Tank Destroyer Branch were well trained Lieutenant

Self-propelled anti-
and determined to do their job well.
Development Self-propelled Anti-tank Platoons
The T55 Gun Motor Carriage has it origins in
Design Features (Wheeled) are rated as: ­Confident Trained
the experimental 8x8 desert vehicle designed
Replacing Standard Equipment Recon Jeep Recon Jeep
by Cook Brothers. They started by building a The Cook Interceptor has turned out to
Command .50 cal Recon Jeep
chassis that joined two powered 4x4 bogies, be an excellent light tank destroyer. Any US company may replace its Self-
each with its own engine, into an 8x8 vehicle. The M3 75mm GMC is also small and light, propelled Anti-tank Platoon with a Self-
but its gun is no match for the new Recon Jeep Recon Jeep
This unusual vehicle steered by pivoting the propelled Anti-tank Platoon (Wheeled).
entire front bogie. 3‑inch gun. This armament is the same as Security Section
that in the much heavier M10 3in GMC,
It became known as ‘Cook’s Cozy Cabin’ because carried in a mount with far better Platoon Lieutenant
of its box-like shape. Little interest was mobility on road and in the open desert.
shown in this all-terrain vehicle by the Security Section and
US Army, but Cook Brothers began work on an
experimental tank destroyer. Tank Destroyer Section with:
Command T55 3in GMC tank destroyer
This ‘Cook Interceptor’ mounted a 3-inch gun. 4 T55 3in GMC.......... 300 points T55 3in GMC tank destroyer
Two water-cooled Cadillac 8-cylinder engines
were placed in the rear end of the vehicle and 4 T55 3in GMC.......... 160 points
heavy-duty tires were fitted to cope with the
extra weight. In an effort to gain a contract Options T55 3in GMC tank destroyer T55 3in GMC tank destroyer
from the army, it was designed to be capable
of fulfilling the functions of armored car, Tank destroyer Section
Replace .50 cal Recon Jeep with
tank destroyer or armoured personnel carrier. M3A1 armoured car for +5 points. Self-propelled Anti-tank Platoon (Wheeled)
In August 1942 they received a contract for
further development of the tank destroyer as Add up to two Recon Jeeps for The Cook Interceptor wheeled tank destroyer
the T55. +10 points per jeep. is light and fast. Its high road speed makes
it an ideal fit to tank destroyer doctrine as
During tests in December 1942 the T55 was Cook’s Cozy Cabin. large numbers can quickly race to the site of
pitted against competing tank destroyer A Self-propelled Anti-tank Platoon (Wheeled) any German armoured breakthrough.
designs including the T48 57mm GMC half-track uses the Tank Destroyers special rules.
(later used by the Red Army as the SU-57).
After testing, modifications were made to the Armour
vehicle resulting in the T55E1. This revised Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
design was sent for further testing at the
desert proving ground at Fort Irwin. T55 3in GMC Jeep 0 0 0 .50 cal AA MG.
Meanwhile, production of the T55 for the Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower
US Army started with the Allied Machinery
M7 3in gun 32”/80cm 2 12 3+ Hull mounted.
Manufacturing Company.

Combat Service
The T55 3in Gun Motor Carriage was shipped to
Tunisia in 1943 for field testing. Its eight- T55 3in GMC Specifications
wheeled chassis and high ground clearance d second version.
T55E1 3in GMC, redesigne
made it ideal for the open valleys and rocky
mountainous terrain of Tunisia.
The T55 3in GMC is smaller and lighter
Fighting alongside the M10 tank destroyer, than most tank destroyers, yet packs an
this new vehicle proved itself and would soon extreme punch.
be in action again in Italy.
Anti-tank 12, Light armour, Fast

Designation: Carriage, Motor, 3in Gun, T55

Crew: 4 (cdr, gnr, ldr, dvr)
Weight: 30,226lb/13,711kg
Length: 23’5”/7.14m
Height: 6’4”/1.93m Width: 9’/2.74m
Armament: 1x M7 3in anti-tank gun,
1x Browning .50 cal machine-gun
Traverse: 20 degrees left and right
Armour Thickness: 6mm
Engine: 2x Cadillac 8-cylinder petrol,
331cu in/5 litre, 110hp each.
Transmission: Hydramatic
Maximum Speed: 60mph/97km/h
Road Radius: 150 miles/240km
Vertical Obstacle: 3’4”/1.0m
Trench Crossing: 2’3”/0.91m
Heavy TANK (Porsche) PLATOON
Tiger (P) Heavy Tank Schwere Panzer (Porsche) Platoon
(Heavy Tank (Porsche) Platoon) Leutnant
Tiger tank crews were hand-picked.
Development Schwere Panzer (Porsche) Platoons are rated
Germany started work on a 27-tonne heavy
Design Features as: Confident Veteran
breakthrough tank in 1937. Like the British Command Tiger (P) Tiger (P)
Matilda, the French Char B, and the Soviet T- The competition between Porsche and Replacing Standard Equipment
35, this tank was intended to breach WWI-style Henschel to produce the next German Any German company may replace all of its
trench lines so that the light and medium heavy tank had been intense and the Schwere Panzer Platoons with Schwere Panzer
tanks could fight a mobile battle. After resulting designs were very similar. (Porsche) Platoons, and replace all Tiger Tank Tank
three successively heavier designs, the 45- Both had the same armour specifications I E tanks in the Company HQ with Tiger (P) HQ Section Panzer Section
tonne VK4501 specification was given to both and mounted the same gun in the same tanks at no cost.
Porsche and Henschel in May 1941. The Porsche Krupp-designed turret. Schwere Panzer (Porsche) Platoon
prototype, now known as the Tiger (P), was
The differences were mainly mechanical. Platoon
finished in April 1942.
Porsche preferred longitudinal torsion
Its suspension consisted of six pairs of bars that saved space over Henschel’s
Escort Tanks
transverse torsion bars, steel-tyred
2 Tiger (P) and 2 Panzer III N...970 points
steel-tyred rubber-cushioned road wheels with The Tiger battalions sent to Africa had ­a
rear drive sprockets instead of the more usual road wheels, and a new Petrol-electric 1 Tiger (P) and 1 Panzer III N...495 points Panzer III escort tank for each Tiger tank to
front sprockets. Two air-cooled V-10 engines transmission to solve the problem of protect them from infantry and anti-tank guns.
drove generators that powered an electric moving such a heavy vehicle. - Replace all Panzer III N tanks
With their much lighter armour, their life
motor for each drive sprocket. This sophisti-
with Panzer III L or M tanks
expectancy was low.
cated design had huge theoretical advantages, for +5 points per tank.
The Tiger (P) heavy tank was designed to the
but proved to be troublesome in practice. same specifications as the Henschel-designed The companies fighting in ­Sicily and Italy
4 Tiger (P)...............1540 points dropped the Panzer III tank in favour of more
As production of both designs was scheduled Tiger I E.
3 Tiger (P)...............1155 points Tiger tanks.
to begin in July, there was little time
for testing or fixing the problems with
You may replace Tiger I E models with 2 Tiger (P)................770 points
the petrol-electric drive. With five tanks Tiger (P) models in tournaments A Schwere Panzer (Porsche) Platoon does not
built, production was halted to enable the
1 Tiger (P)................385 points count Panzer III tanks as Des­troyed when
problems to be sorted out. The Henschel works Remember to roll for your Tiger determining if it needs to check Platoon
was delighted when its production order was Petrol-electric transmission Ace skills before each game. Morale.
increased to compensate. The basic principle of the petrol-electric
By February 1943 many of the mechanical transmission is that each petrol engine spins
problems had been resolved and Hitler ordered a dynamo to generate electricity. This then Armour
the massive 8.8cm L/71 PaK43 to be fitted to powers an electric motor that powers the drive
sprocket. In theory, the result is a smooth Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
ninety Porsche Tiger tanks as the Ferdinand
assault gun in time for the Battle of Kursk. transmission with no need to change gear and Tiger (P) Slow Tank 9 8 2 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected ammo,
plenty of torque. In practice, the system Unreliable, Wide tracks.
Combat Service proved too complicated and unreliable.
Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower
The Tiger (P) was scheduled to be sent to
Africa where their air-cooled engines were 8.8cm KwK36 gun 40”/100cm 2 13 3+ Slow traverse.
seen as better suited to the hot and dusty
conditions. After delays to modify their
electric transmissions, the first five
Tiger (P) tanks were sent to Africa for field
testing, arriving as the Second Battle of El Tiger (P) Specifications
Alamein began. Designation: Panzerkampfwagen VI, Tiger (P)
Their effect on the battle more than Crew: 5 (cdr, gnr, ldr, dvr, co-dvr)
justified the effort in getting them Weight: 125,656lb/57,000kg
operational and production of the Length: 30’7”/9.34m
Tiger (P) was restarted. Two Height: 9’2”/2.8m Width: 11’1”/3.38m
battalions of Tiger (P) were Armament: 1x 8.8cm KwK36 tank gun,
subsequently committed to the Dynamo Electric motor 2x 7.92mm MG34 machine-guns
theatre where they have been Armour Thickness: 60mm to 110mm
invaluable against the British Maybach engine Drive sprocket Engine: 2x Porsche Typ 101/1 V-10 petrol,
and American forces. 915cu in/15 litre, 315hp each
Transmission: Electric
Maximum Speed: 22mph/35km/h
Tiger I (P) and Tiger I E side-by-side comparison Cross-country Speed: 6mph/10km/h
Vertical Obstacle: 2’6”/0.80m
Trench Crossing: 8’6”/2.6m

Tiger I (P) Tiger I E

Experimental TANK-hunter PLATOON
Dicker Max Tank-hunter Sturer Emil Tank-Hunter
Development Development
While still fighting in Poland in September
Design Features Design Features When the VK3001(H) heavy tank project was
1939, the German High Command looked ahead to dropped in favour of the VK4501 that would
the coming battle with France and ordered a Dicker Max is first and foremost a If you thought that Dicker Max was well eventually become the Tiger tank, two of the
vehicle for use against the fortifi­cations of gun-carrier and the gun it carried was armed, you haven’t seen Sturer Emil. prototype chassis were used to produce the
the Maginot Line. In response, Krupp set about the long-range Rheinmetall s10cm K18 This monster carried a 12.8cm gun with most powerfully armed self-propelled gun of
designing a self-propelled 10.5cm K18 long- artillery piece fitted with a muzzle a 25’6”/7.8m long barrel. the war.
range gun based on a Panzer IV tank chassis. break. This fired a 58lb/26.4kg shot at
The new vehicle’s rotund profile quickly The 12.8 cm Selbstfahrlafette L/61 (12.8cm
This weapon can penetrate 111mm of 2887fps/880m/s. It could penetrate 120mm L/61 Self-propelled Mounting) or Panzerselbst­
gained it the nickname ‘Dicker Max’ (‘Fat of armour sloped at 30 degrees at 2000m
armour at a 30 degree slope at 2000 lafette V (Armoured Self-propelled Mounting
Max’). On 31 March 1941 Krupp-Gruson presented and over 200mm at point-blank range.
meters—30% more than the famous 8.8cm V) was armed with a Rheinmetall 12.8 cm K
the first of two prototypes designated 10.5cm
FlaK18 anti-aircraft gun! Despite the weight of the shell, the L/61 gun (based on the 12.8 cm FlaK 40). The
K18 auf Panzer Selbstfahrlafette IVa (10.5cm
K18 on Armoured Self-propelled Mount IVa) to spacious fighting compartment allowed unofficial nickname of this design was ‘Sturer
Such a large gun is usually rather
Hitler. the two loaders to maintain a good rate Emil’ (Stubborn Emil), and the two vehicles
slow-firing, but with two loaders and
of fire. were named Max and Moritz after the naughty
ammunition ready to hand, it gives a
With France defeated, Hitler ordered that..this boys in Busch’s famous German children’s tale.
good account of itself.
vehicle be developed into a heavy Panzerjager
(tank-hunter) capable of destroying the Interestingly Moritz, the first prototype,
anticipated British and Soviet super-heavy had a second dummy driver’s compartment on
The powerful 10.5cm gun mounted in the Dicker Most tanks simply disintegrate under the impact the right of the hull while Max had just the
tanks. Production of the 10.5cm K18 auf Panzer Max is more than capable of destroying anything of the 12.8cm L/61 gun. Even the heaviest super
Selbstfahrlafette IVa was planned to start in driver’s compartment on the left side.
but the heaviest super tank. tank cannot withstand it.
spring 1942, but was cancelled in favour of The Sturer Emil was slow and its lack of
other vehicles. Range 40”/100cm, ROF 2, Anti-tank 15 Range 48”/120cm, ROF 2, Anti-tank 18 compatibility with other equipment caused
logistical problems. These problems paled in
Combat Service comparison with the outstanding performance
The two prototypes were assigned to of its gun. It could easily engage targets at
.. extreme ranges unmatched by any Soviet tank or
521. Schwere Panzer­jager­abteilung for a
planned attack on Gibraltar. When this was anti-tank guns.
cancelled, they were assigned to 3. Panzer­
division for Operation Barbarossa. One of them Combat Service
was lost in an ammunition explosion and the Max and Moritz joined..the surviving Dicker
other returned to the factory in October 1941 Max when 521. Panzerjagerabteilung returned
after three months in combat. to 3. Panzerdivision for the advance into the
Having proved itself very effective against Caucasus. After the disaster at Stalingrad,
Soviet KV-1, KV-2 and T-34 tanks, the Max was destroyed fighting with 2. Panzer­
surviving Dicker Max returned to 3. Panzer­ division and Moritz was captured. At the
division alongside the even better-armed time Moritz had 22 kill rings painted on
Sturer Emil in 1942. the barrel.

10.5cm K18 auf PzSfl IVa - Dicker Max 12.8cm L/61 auf PzSfl V - Sturer Emil

Dicker Max Specifications Sturer Emil Specifications

Designation: 10.5cm K18 auf Ammunition Stowage: 25x 10.5cm, 600x 7.92mm Designation: 12.8cm L/61 auf Ammunition Stowage: 18x 12.8cm, 600x 7.92mm
Panzerselbstfahrlafette IVa Armour Thickness: 20mm to 50mm Panzerselbstfahrlafette V Armour Thickness: 15mm to 50mm
Nickname: Dicker Max Engine: Maybach HL 120TRM 12-cylinder petrol, Nickname: Sturer Emil Engine: Maybach HL116 6-cylinder petrol,
Crew: 5 (cdr, gnr, ldr (2), dvr) 725cu in/12 litre, 300hp Crew: 5 (cdr, gnr, ldr (2), dvr) 674cu in/11 litre, 300hp
Weight: 55,112lb/25,000kg Transmission: Maybach double differential Weight: 77,157lb/35,000kg) Transmission: Maybach double differential
Length: 24’8”/7.52m Suspension: Leaf springs Length: 31’10”/9.7m Suspension: Transverse torsion bar
Height: 10’8”/3.25m Maximum Speed: 25mph/40km/h Height: 8’10”/2.7m Maximum Speed: 15.5mph/25km/h
Width: 9’4”/2.84m Cross-country Speed: Classified Width: 10’4½”/3.16m
Armament: 1x 10.5cm K18 gun, Road Radius: 130 miles/210km Armament: 1x 12.8cm K L/61 gun,
1x 7.92mm MG34 machine-gun 1x 7.92mm MG34 machine-gun
Traverse: 8 degrees left and right Traverse: 7 degrees left and right
Experimental TANK-hunter PLATOON
Replacing Standard Equipment with Dicker Max and Sturer Emil
Germany fielded a variety of heavy tank-hunters, ranging from the experimental
Heavier Tank-hunter Platoon Leutnant
Dicker Max and Sturer Emil to the Ferdinand based on the Tiger (P) chassis. The new tank-hunter units were formed in LEUTNANT
These were used interchangeably as the situation demanded. 1943 from cadres of established tank-hunter
Any German company may replace its Tank-hunter Platoon with an Experimental Tank-hunter Heavier Tank-hunter Platoons are rated as:
Platoon, Heavier Tank-hunter Platoon, or Heaviest Tank-hunter Platoon. Confident Veteran Command Dicker Max
HQ Section
Unteroffizier Unteroffizier
Experimental Tank-hunter Platoon 3 Dicker Max........... 525 points
The heavy tank-hunters were assigned to an 2 Dicker Max........... 350 points
experienced anti-tank battalion. LEUTNANT
1 Dicker Max........... 175 points Dicker Max Dicker Max
Experimental Tank-hunter Platoons are rated
as: Confident Veteran Tank-hunter Section Tank-hunter Section
Dicker Max is best used as a long-range
Command Sturer Emil tank-hunter firing from concealed positions Heavier TANK-hunter Platoon
Platoon HQ Section behind your own troops. This will keep
the enemy at a safe range where it cannot Dicker Max, while allowing the tank-hunter’s
2 Sturer Emil and 1 Dicker Max .635 points penetrate the relatively thin armour of the powerful long-range gun to pick them off.
Unteroffizier Unteroffizier
2 Sturer Emil.................460 points
1 Sturer Emil and 1 Dicker Max .405 points
1 Sturer Emil.................230 points Heaviest Tank-hunter Platoon Leutnant
Sturer Emil Dicker Max
1 Dicker Max..................175 points Tank-hunter Section Tank-hunter Section
Only the best crews were selected to man LEUTNANT
these the heaviest tank hunters.
Experimental TANK-hunter Platoon Heaviest Tank-hunter Platoons are rated as:
Max and Emil
Confident Veteran
Despite their size difference and different manufacturers, Dicker Max and Sturer Emil have Command Sturer Emil
very similar appearance. It is very difficult for the enemy to tell them apart at a distance.
Platoon HQ Section

When shooting at an Experimental Tank-hunter Platoon: 3 Sturer Emil.......... 690 points Unteroffizier Unteroffizier
- Treat Dicker Max and Sturer Emil tank-hunters as if they have the same armour ratings 2 Sturer Emil.......... 460 points
for the Hit Weakest Armour First rule (page 95 of the rulebook). This allows the German
player to allocate hits to the Sturer Emil tank-hunters before the Dicker Max tank- 1 Sturer Emil.......... 230 points
hunters if they wish to do so. Sturer Emil Sturer Emil
- Treat Dicker Max and Sturer Emil tank-hunters as having different chassis, making them Use the extraordinary long-range firepower Tank-hunter Section Tank-hunter Section
distinguishable using the Gun Tanks rule (page 96 of the rulebook). The shooting player of the Sturer Emil to occupy a dominating
can attempt to choose which type of tank they hit using this rule. position and steadily pick off every enemy Heaviest TANK-hunter Platoon
tank that appears. The armour on a Sturer
Emil is equivalent to a medium tank, so start to get near, simply shoot them down as
there is no need to retreat if the enemy they close.

Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
Dicker Max Standard Tank 4 1 0 AA MG.

Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower

s 10cm K18 gun 40”/100cm 2 15 2+ Hull mounted.

Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
Sturer Emil Slow Tank 5 2 0 AA MG, Unreliable.

Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower

12.8cm K L/61 gun 48”/120cm 2 18 2+ Hull mounted,
Breakthrough gun.

With two loaders the Dicker Max and Sturer Emil get an extraordinary rate of fire out of their
guns, despite their enormous size and power.
8.8cm FlaK18 Sfl Tank-hunter Bunker Flak Platoon
With years of combat experience, the Leutnant

Bunker Flak Platoon

Bufla crews know what they are doing.
Development Bunker Flak Platoons are rated as:
When it looked like Germany might soon be
Design Features Confident Veteran
at war with Czechoslovakia in 1938, the high Command 8.8cm FlaK18 Sfl 8.8cm FlaK18 Sfl
command ordered that ten 8.8cm FlaK18 anti- The Bunkerflak mounted a standard Platoon HQ Section Bunker Flak Section
aircraft guns should be modified for use 8.8cm FlaK18 gun on an armoured self-
against the fortified positions on the Czech propelled mounting. It retained the Bunker Flak Platoon
2 8.8cm FlaK18 Sfl..... 280 points
border. War was avoided, but the need remained large crew required to operate the
and ten 8.8cm FlaK18 anti-aircraft guns big gun at its maximum performance. 1 8.8cm FlaK18 Sfl..... 140 points Bunkerflak
were mounted on Daimler-Benz DB10 12‑tonne The crews were trained to use their
The 8.8cm FlaK18 Sfl ‘Bufla’ was designed to
half-tracks. weapon’s outstanding accuracy to engage Position your bunker flak platoon with suppress bunkers from outside the range of
enemy bunkers. a good field of fire to deny an area to
The resulting 8.8cm FlaK18 (Sfl) auf the defenders’ weapons. The crews were well-
Zugkraftwagen 12t was fitted with a low the enemy. The long-range accuracy of the trained in identifying and locating bunkers
armoured cab and a small armoured cupola for 8.8cm FlaK18 Sfl combined with its ability and hitting their firing slits to force the
the driver that allowed the gun to be fired to withdraw to a safer location makes the defenders to take cover.
to the front. The gun was mounted on a simple Bufla much more useful than the towed gun
platform over the tracks. Known as the ‘Bufla’ when engaging tanks. Withdraw behind the 8.8cm FlaK18 Sfl self-propelled guns
or ‘Bunkerflak’, this self-propelled mount troops you are supporting if enemy tanks can shoot at bunkers up to 24”/60cm
was equally useful against fortifications and 8.8cm FlaK18 in approach too closely. away rather than the normal 16”/40cm
heavy tanks. its standard
anti-aircraft Fielding 8.8cm FlaK18 SFL
Combat Service configuration.
You can field a Bunkerflak Platoon in
The 8.8cm FlaK18 (Sfl) auf Zugkraftwagen 12t Eastern Front.
were issued to the 8. Schwere Panzer­jager­
abteilung and were used in action in Poland in Armour
1939 and France with 1. and 2. Panzer Divisions
in 1940. They fought French tanks (including Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
the heavy Char B) on several occasions, losing 8.8cm FlaK18 Sfl Half-tracked 1 0 0 AA MG, Awkward layout,
two vehicles in the process.
8. Schwere Panzer­jager­abteilung was
Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower
attached to the XXXIX Armeekorps for the
invasion of Russia. In mid-1942 the four The 8.8cm FlaK18 Sfl tank-hunter combines the
8.8cm FlaK18 gun 40”/100cm 3 13 3+ Hull mounted, Bunkerflak.
surviving range and power of the quick-firing 8.8cm with
.. vehicles joined 521. Schwere a mobile armoured chassis.
Panzerjagerabteilung and fought in the
Caucasus alongside the Dicker Max and the two
Sturer Emil heavy tank-hunters.
ROF 3, Anti-tank 13, Armoured, Mobile
8.8cm FlaK18 Sfl Specifications

Designation: 8.8cm FlaK18 (Sfl) auf

Zugkraftwagen 12t (Sd Kfz 8)
Crew: 9 (cdr, gnr, ldr (6), dvr)
Weight: 44,090lb/20,000kg
Length: 24’6”/7.35m
Height: 9’5”/2.8m
Width: 8’7”/2.5m
Armament: 1x 8.8cm FlaK18 gun,
1x 7.92mm MG34 machine-gun
Ammunition Stowage: 40x 8.8cm, 600x 7.92mm
Armour Thickness: 8mm to 14.5mm
Engine: Maybach HL85TUKRM 12-cylinder petrol,
520cu in/9 litre, 185hp
Suspension: Torsion bar
Maximum Speed: 31mph/50km/h
Road Radius: 162 miles/260km
Panzer I F Light Tank Infanteriepanzer Platoon Leutnant


(Infantry TANK PLATOON) Leutnant Unteroffizier
What the veteran German tank crews thought
DEVELOPMENT of the Infanteriepanzer is not recorded, but
their performance remained exemplary.
In the German Army, as in every army, the infantry generals wanted tanks to support infantry Command Panzer I F Panzer I F
attacks rather than fighting their own battles elsewhere. They were impressed by the small and Infanteriepanzer Platoons are rated as:
cheap British Matilda and the French Renault 10-tonne infantry support tanks, and demanded a Confident Veteran
similar vehicle. The resulting VK1801 design was a machine-gun armed 21-tonne light tank with Panzer I F Panzer I F
80mm of armour, over twice the weight and with considerably more protection than the Allied Platoon HQ Section Panzer Section
Although based on the Panzer I, the VK1801 featured torsion bar suspension, interleaved road 4 Panzer I F........... 280 points Infanteriepanzer Platoon
wheels, and an up-rated engine with 50% more power. The commander’s turret replaced the old 3 Panzer I F........... 210 points The Panzer I F is sufficiently well armoured
MG13 machine-guns with the latest MG34 machine-guns and featured a cupola with five periscopes that it need fear nothing. It should advance
for all-round vision. All-in-all it was a magnificent piece of engineering, but it weighed as boldly at the head of the infantry, leading
much as a medium tank and cost nearly as much to produce! Replacing Standard Equipment them onto the objective. It should advance
In December 1939 the VK1801 was renamed A German company may replace an Assault Tank directly towards anti-tank guns to keep its
thickest armour facing them, then use its
the Panzer I F and 100 were ordered, but Design Features Platoon with an Infanteriepanzer Platoon.
weight to crush them beneath its tracks.
production was cancelled after thirty were
produced. A second order for 100 was also
cancelled. The Panzer I F is a well-designed
infantry-support vehicle. Its armour Armour

Combat Service protects the Panzer I F from any Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
anti-tank weapon it is likely to
Most of the thirty tanks produced were sent to face. 20”/50cm-wide tracks enable the Panzer I F Slow Tank 8 5 2 Wide tracks.
1. and 12. Panzer Divisions for combat testing Panzer I F to cross any terrain, while
in early 1943. The rest were given to several its complex, but efficient, interleaved
army schools for training and evaluation suspension distributes its weight evenly. Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower
As a true product of German engineer­ing, Twin MG 16”/40cm 4 2 6
12. Panzerdivision used its Panzer I F tanks in it would be hard to envisage a better
the fighting around Leningrad before taking the design for a machine-gun-armed infantry
surviving three tanks into the Kursk battles support light tank!
around Orel in the middle of the year.
1. Panzer­division undertook occupation duties and The Panzer I F is the ultimate infantry tank.
PANZER I F Specifications
fought partisans in Greece and the Balkans until Perfectly engineered to take any objective.
late 1943 when it returned to the Ukraine to face
the Soviet summer offensive. Front 8, Top 2, Wide tracks

Designation: Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf F

Crew: 2 (cdr/gnr, dvr)
Weight: 46,294lb/21,000kg
Length: 14’4”/4.38m
Height: 6’9”/2.05m
Width: 8’8”/2.64m
Armament: 2x 7.92mm MG34 machine-gun
Armour Thickness: 25mm to 80mm
Engine: Maybach HL45P petrol,
285cu in/5 litre, 150hp
Transmission: Maybach double differential
Suspension: Transverse torsion bar
Maximum Speed: 16mph/25km/h
Road Radius: 93 miles/150km
Vertical Obstacle: 1’1”/0.33m
Trench Crossing: 4’11”/1.50m
P40 Heavy Tank Carri pesante Platoon
(Heavy Tank Platoon) Tenente
Experienced tank crews were assigned to
Development the newly-formed heavy tank battalions.


Even before they had entered the war in 1940,
Design Features Carri Pesante Platoons are rated as: Elite
the Italian army recognised that it would Command P40 tank P40 tank
need a new, heavier tank to keep up with Despite its heavy tank label, the P40 Replacing Standard Equipment
foreign designs. At 26 tonnes, the new tank is a conventional medium tank. Its
50mm-thick armour and 75mm gun match Any Italian company may replace all of
was planned to be twice as heavy as the M13/40
that of other participants and far its Carri Platoons with Carri Pesante
medium tank about to enter service. Faced
outstrips the 30mm armour and 47mm guns Platoons. If it is a Compagnia Carri, it P40 tank P40 tank
with numerous specification changes and no
of the older Italian medium tanks. With must also purchase the tank in the Company HQ Section Carri Section
suitable engine, Fiat Ansaldo, the company
its powerful new motor, it is consider- HQ as a P40 heavy tank for 95 points.
that designed all Italian tanks, took until
late 1942 to complete the prototype. ably faster as well. Carri Pesante Platoon
The new P40 heavy tank matched any tank on the Platoon In common with all Italian tanks, the P40
drawing boards in 1941 and was similar to the The P40 is the most powerful tank in the heavy tank needs to be used aggressively.
latest medium tanks in service in late 1942— Italian arsenal. It will face anything the 4 P40.................. 385 points While its gun and armour are comparable
the M4 Sherman, T-34 and Panzer IV tanks. Allies can field and win. to the other countries’ medium tanks, the
3 P40.................. 290 points numbers available are often small.
Still, with nothing better in sight, full- Range 32”/80cm, Anti-tank 10, Elite
scale production of the new heavy tank began Your M4/41 medium tanks charge the enemy
Options while the heavy tanks engage them from
in early 1943. Unfortunately the SPA engine
factory in Turin had been bombed, and this Arm any or all tanks with an AA MG the front. If the range is too great for
combined with a shortage of electrical parts effective shooting, the heavy tanks should
for +5 points per tank.
and optics, meant that only 22 tanks had been manoeuvre forward shooting on the move, to
completed when Italy surrendered in September Equip all P40 tanks with Improvised engage the enemy with destructive fire.
1943, although parts for at least another 48 P40 M4 Sherman Armour for +5 points per tank.
tanks had been produced.

Combat Service Armour

With victory in sight at El Alamein, a small Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
pre-production batch of P40 heavy tanks joined
the armoured divisions in the desert. P40 Standard Tank 5 4 1 Co-ax MG, Limited vision,
The first companies of P40 heavy tanks arrived
in Africa just in time for the pivotal Second Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower
Battle of El Alamein. These were split up to
75/34 gun 32”/80cm 2 10 3+
support the medium tanks as they counterat-
tacked the British armoured divisions. More of
these tanks fought in the Tunisian campaign
where they allowed the Italian carristi to take
on US and British tankers on equal terms for
the first time. P40 Specifications
P40 in German service, 1944.

Designation: Carro Pesante P40

Crew: 4 (cdr/gnr, ldr, rdo, dvr)
Weight: 57,320lb/26,000kg
Length: 19’/5.80m
Height: 8’3”/2.52m
Width: 9’1”/2.8m
Armament: 1x 75/34 gun
1x 8mm Breda modello 38 machine-gun
Ammunition Stowage: 65x 75mm, 600x 8mm
Armour Thickness: 20mm to 50mm
Engine: Fiat-SPA 342 V12 petrol,
1525cu in/25 litre, 330hp
Maximum Speed: 25mph/40km/h
Road Radius: 93 miles/150km

In German Service
When Italy surrendered, the Germans seized the P40 heavy tanks and ordered another 75. Due to
the engine shortage, half of the total were to be delivered without engines. These were mounted
in the Gothic Line as bunkers in 1944. The rest were issued to the SS for anti-partisan work.
Self-propelled 75/34 Platoon
Semovente 75/34 Self-propelled gun Self-propelled 75/34 Platoon
The semoventi are the elite of the artillery
arm, itself the elite of the Royal Army.
Semovente 75/34 Self-propelled 75/34 Platoons are rated as
Design Features Artillery for the 8-million Bayonets rule.
The first Italian self-propelled gun, the Command Carro Comando
Semovente M41 da 75/18 based on the M14/41
medium tank, was introduced in late 1941. The semoventi are part of the artillery Replacing Standard Equipment HQ Tank
This provided the field artillery with both arm, the elite of the Italian Royal Any Italian company may replace any or all
mobility and protection. Mounting the short- Army. Despite the small crew, the of its Self-propelled 75/18 Platoons with Tenente Corporal
barrelled 75mm L/18 howitzer, it was used excellent range-finding capabilities of Self-propelled 75/34 ­Platoons.
with great success in the Desert where it the Carro Comando combined with their
supported the medium tanks with accurate artillery training enable them to score
long-range fire. far more hits than their enemies would Platoon Semovente 75/34 Semovente 75/34
The Semovente 75/34 was an improved design 1 Carro Comando with:
armed with a new 75/34 gun in a lengthened
fighting compartment. Being based on the 4 Semovente 75/34...... 385 points Semovente 75/34 Semovente 75/34
M15/42 hull, it had a more powerful engine, 3 Semovente 75/34...... 295 points Self-propelled Self-propelled
and was slightly longer. Gun Section Gun Section
2 Semovente 75/34...... 205 points
The design was completed by late 1942 and Fiat Self-propelled 75/34 platoon
Ansaldo began full-scale production in 1943.
They had produced 190 by September 1943 when Options The semoventi are the mobile artillery of
Italy surrendered. the armoured divisions. Moving alongside
Arm any or all Carro Comando and the tanks, they are ready to engage any
Combat Service Semovente 75/34 with an AA MG for
­ anti-tank guns the instant they fire. They
+5 points per vehicle. are also useful against tanks that are too
With the British and Commonwealth forces thickly armoured for the mediums to defeat.
pushed back across the border to El Alamein Equip any or all Carro Comando and
in Egypt, the Regio Esercito rushed early Semovente 75/34 with Improvised
prototypes of the Semovente 75/34 to the
2 da 75/34 Armour for +5 points per vehicle.
desert to help deliver the final blow to the Semovente M4
Allies. Mechanical problems with the new
engine and the 75/34 gun mounting delayed The artillery crews of the semoventi are deadly
large-scale deployment until the fighting accurate, even with their short-barrelled guns. Armour
retreat westward to Tunisia.
Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
Range 32”/80cm, Anti-tank 10, Artillery
Carro Comando Standard Tank 4 2 1

Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower

13.2mm machine-gun 16”/40cm 3 3 5+ Hull mounted.

Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
Semovente 75/34 Standard Tank 4 2 1

Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower

75/34 gun 32”/80cm 2 10 3+ Hull mounted.

Semovente 75/34 Self-propelled Gun

Designation: Semovente da 75/34 Traverse: 20 degrees left and right

In German Service Crew: 3 (cdr/gnr, ldr, dvr) Armour Thickness: 15mm to 50mm
Weight: 30,201lb/13,700kg Engine: FIAT-SPA 15TB 8-cylinder petrol,
After the fall of Italy, the Germans seized the Semovente 75/34 as the StuG M42. They had Length: 18’4”/5.60m 677cu in/11 litre, 185hp
issued a total of 294 to German units by the end of 1944. In that year they served with six Height: 6’10”/1.85m Width: 8’½”/2.23m Suspension: Semi-elliptic leaf spring
infantry divisions, two Panzer divisions, three Panzergrenadier divisions, one Fallschirm­jager Armament: 1x 75/34 gun, Maximum Speed: 24mph/39km/h
division, and one Gebirgsdivision in Italy and the Balkans. optional 8mm Breda modello 38 machine-gun Road Radius: 143 miles/230km
KV-3 Heavy Tank Gvardeyskiy Ostovoy Moshnosti Tankovy Company
(Guards Superior-Power Tank Company)

Guards Superior-Power
Only the best crews were picked for the
Development Guards heavy tank regiments, and every crew KAPITAN LEYTENANT

With the KV-1 and KV-2 heavy tanks in production, Soviet planners turned their minds to even had at least two officers.
more powerful tanks. On 17 June 1940, they ordered the Kirov plant to produce four prototypes Gvardeyskiy Ostovoy Moshnosti Tankovy
by December 1940. Only two were produced: the T-150, a KV-1 with heavier armour, and the T-220, Companies are rated as: Fearless Trained
a larger vehicle with even thicker armour and an 85mm gun. Company Command KV-3 tank KV-3 tank

Tank Company
Testing revealed major flaws with both designs. The T-150 was underpowered, and the new engine Company
on the T-220 blew up on the second day of testing! Despite this, the T-150 was ordered into
production as the KV-3 in March 1941. Rumours of a massive German heavy tank, and the realities
of producing what was in effect an even more unreliable KV-1 tank, quickly changed the order to
4 KV-3 ................ 880 points KV-3 tank KV-3 tank
produce the T-220 tank with a new engine and an even bigger 107mm gun. This new design was to 3 KV-3 ................ 660 points HQ Section Tank Platoon
be ready in just six weeks, along with a production plan for over 500 to be built by the end of
2 KV-3 ................ 440 points
The new KV-3 was fitted with a supercharged version of the V-2 tank engine, straight off the
drawing boards. This time it worked, and with strengthened suspension and transmission, the Replacing Standard Equipment With such a high proportion of officers
tank had completed 1985km (1233 miles) by 22 June. At this point affairs were interrupted by in the company, Gvardeyskiy Ostovoy
A Soviet force may replace any or all Heavy
the German invasion. Within weeks the Kirov factory was threatened and evacuated to Chelyabinsk Moshnosti Tankovy Companies use more
Tankovy or Gvardeyskiy Tyazhelyy Tankovy
in the Urals and ordered to focus on producing existing KV-1 types to rebuild the Red Army sophisticated tactics than most Soviet
Companies with Gvardeyskiy Ostovoy Moshnosti
after the disasters that had occurred at the start of the German invasion. troops. They are not affected by the Hen
Tankovy Companies. If it is a Gvardeyskiy
and Chicks special rule.
Tyazhelyy Tankovy Polk, it may also purchase
Combat Service the Company HQ tank as a KV-3 for 220 points.
With Leningrad surrounded, the ambitious
Design Features
production plan for the KV-3 heavy tank
was curtailed until a new plant could be The KV-3 is perhaps the most balanced Armour
established in the Tankograd complex in the and powerful heavy tank in existence. It Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
Urals. With KV-1 production in full swing, combines an outstanding gun with thick
KV-3 production finally got under way in armour and reasonable speed. KV-3 Slow Tank 10 8 2 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Overloaded,
early 1942. It is the perfect Tiger killer, yet it Unreliable.
The first Guards Superior-power Tank Regiments entered combat six months before the Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower
were formed for the planned Summer offensives. German Tiger heavy tank.
107mm ZIS-6 gun 32”/80cm 1 14 2+
Technical problems meant that the few KV-3
tanks available straggled into combat in ones The ZIS-6 107mm gun is the most powerful tank
and twos, being easily overrun by the better gun in the world. No tank in existence is
co-ordinated Germans. They were withdrawn, immune to its armour-piercing shot. The KV-3
reformed, and sent back into action in larger provides a relatively mobile and well-protected
numbers for Operation Uranus, the battle to mount for this superb weapon. KV-3 Specifications
surround Stalingrad.
Anti-tank 14, Firepower 2+, Front 10

Designation: Tyazhyeliy Tank KV-3

Crew: 5 (cdr, gnr, ldr, dvr, co-dvr)
Weight: 149,914lb/68,000kg
Length: 30’4”/9.25m
Height: 10’2”/3.10m
Width: 11’2”/3.41m
Armament: 1x 107mm ZIS-6 gun,
2x 7.62mm DT machine-guns
Ammunition Stowage: 44x 107mm, 2772x 7.62mm
Armour Thickness: Up to 130mm
Engine: V-2SN supercharged 12-cylinder diesel,
2368cu in/39 litre, 850hp
Suspension: Transverse torsion bar
Maximum Speed: 19mph/30km/h
Road Radius: less than 124 miles/200km
Guards Great Tank Company
KV-5 Super-heavy Tank Gvardeyskiy Bolshoi Moshnosti Tankovy Company
(Guards Great-Power Tank Company) KAPITAN
The officers of the Bolshoi Moshnostoi
Development Tankovy Polk were hand-picked by the NKVD
to ensure their competence and loyalty.
With the KV-1 and KV-2 heavy tanks in operation, work was begun on even heavier designs. The
KV-3 was an improved KV-1, the KV-4 a design exercise that created many weird and wonderful Gvardeyskiy Bolshoi Moshnostoi Tankovy
designs for multi-turreted tanks and assault guns, and the KV-5 an immense 100-ton tank with Companies are rated as: Fearless Trained
armour 170mm (6.7”) thick mounting a 107mm gun. Company Command KV-5 tank
In April 1941, N V Tseits of the SKB‑2 design bureau was given six months to design this Company HQ Section
monster and deliver a prototype, Object 225. His design team included K I Kuzmin (hull), L
Sychev (turret) and N Fedorchuk (running gear). Despite the short time frame, the design of 3 KV-5 ................ 795 points
the KV-5 was almost complete by August 1941 and production of the prototype had begun when the LEYTENANT LEYTENANT
approaching German Army forced the design team to evacuate to the Urals. 2 KV-5 ................ 530 points
1 KV-5 ................ 265 points
The proposed tank was huge: 36’5”/11.10m long,
13’1”/4.00m tall, and weighing 100 tons. The Design Features Stalin has made it clear that all commanders
crew of five had plenty of room, but were
KV-5 tank KV-5 tank
widely separated. Both the driver-mechanic and fielding bolshoi tanks must commit to
The KV-5 was a true monster of a tank. a specific plan. He has expressed his Tank Platoon Tank Platoon
the radio operator-machine gunner had separate
Nearly three times as long as a T-34 displeasure in no uncertain terms to those
compartments with their own vision cupolas.
medium tank, and over twice as high, it who order them back and forth to no gain.
The turret was large for its three man crew,
dominated the battlefield in more ways
with another machine-gun cupola on top for the
than one. Replacing Standard Equipment With a high proportion of officers in the
While it is slow, the gigantic KV-5 is A Soviet force may replace one Gvardeyskiy company, Gvardeyskiy Bolshoi Moshnostoi
Combat Service almost immune to all enemy action and can Tyazhelyy Tankovy Company with a Gvardeyskiy Tankovy Companies use more sophisticated
The main components of the prototype KV-5 destroy any enemy tank at long range. Bolshoi Moshnosti Tankovy Company. tactics than most Soviet troops, and are not
were evacuated with the plans. They received affected by the Hen and Chicks special rule.
low priority for the remainder of 1941. Weighing in at 100 tons, the KV-5 was easily
When conditions improved in early 1942, the the heaviest tank attempted anywhere at the
prototype was completed and production began. time. Its armour is impenetrable, while its gun Armour
can destroy any other vehicle in existence. Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
The super-heavy tanks of the Bolshoi Tankovy
Polk (Great Tank Regiment) were committed to Anti-tank 14, Front 14, Side 12 KV-5 Very Slow Tank 14 12 2 Co-ax MG, Deck MG, Cupola MG,
Marshal Zhukov’s Operation Mars in November
Overloaded, Unreliable.
1942. Despite their immense power, they were
unable to eliminate the Rzhev Salient and the Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower
threat to Moscow that it represented.
107mm ZIS-6 gun 32”/80cm 1 14 2+

KV-5 Specifications

Designation: Tyazhyeliy Tank KV-5

Crew: 5 (cdr, gnr, ldr, dvr, MG gnr)
Weight: 220,462lb/100,000kg
Length: 36’5”/11.10m
Height: 13’1”/4.00m
Width: 12’11”/3.95m
Armament: 1x 107mm ZIS-6 gun,
3x 7.62mm DT machine-guns
Armour Thickness: Up to 170mm
Engine: 2x V-2 12-cylinder diesel,
2368cu in/39 litre, 600hp each
Suspension: Transverse torsion bar
Guards Heavy Tank Company
IS-85 Heavy Tank Gvardeyskiy Tyazhelyy Tankovy Company
(Guards Heavy Tank Company)
Only the best crews were picked for the
Development Guards heavy tank regiments, and every
crew had at least two officers.
Soviet heavy tanks were a thorn in the side of the German Army throughout the war. Their armour
was almost invulnerable to most German anti-tank weapons and their guns were more than adequate Gvardeyskiy Tyazhelyy Tankovy Companies Company Command IS-85 tank
to deal with most German tanks. GABTU (Main Directorate of Armoured Forces) was determined to are rated as: Fearless Trained
maintain this state of affairs. The SKB‑2 heavy tank design bureau in Chelyabinsk started the HQ Section
KV‑13 program to build a heavy tank with both sufficient mobility and heavier armour. Replacing Standard Equipment
A Soviet force may equip any or all LEYTENANT LEYTENANT
N V Tseits, recently released from a Gulag concentration camp, headed the project with his
old colleague K I Kuzmin working on the hull design. Using castings to get a better shaped Gvardeyskiy Tyazhelyy Tankovy Companies with
tank, his team delivered a tank ten tons lighter than the KV, despite having better armour. IS-85 heavy tanks. If it is a Gvardeyskiy
Unfortunately its performance was lacking and the project was cancelled. Tyazhelyy Tankovy Polk, it may also purchase
the Company HQ tank as a IS-85 for 235 IS-85 tank IS-85 tank
Iosef Stalin Heavy Tank points.
On Tseits’ death, N F Shamshurin took over the project. A new transmission, cooling system and
lightened tracks solved many of the KV-13’s problems. Meanwhile Marshal Kliment Voroshilov, Company
for whom the KV tank was named, was in disgrace, so the KV-13 was renamed IS-1 in honour of IS-85 tank IS-85 tank
Iosef Stalin, the Soviet leader. One of the oddities of the new tank was a fixed-mount machine- 5 IS-85............... 1175 points
gun for the driver to replace the one fired by the co-driver in previous heavy tanks. While Tank Platoon Tank Platoon
4 IS-85................ 940 points
certainly an interesting concept, the practical usefulness of this machine-gun was nil.
3 IS-85................ 705 points Gvardeyskiy Tyazhelyy Tankovy Company
The capture of a Tiger tank in late 1942 led
to the April 1943 order to install an 85mm gun
in the new IS-1 tank. This required a whole
Design Features The IS-85 heavy tank is the logical next With such a high proportion of officers in
step in Soviet heavy tank design, incorp­ the company, Guards Heavy Tank Companies
new turret and the lengthening of the hull The Stalin heavy tank is the pinnacle orating the strengths of its predecessors use more sophisticated tactics than most
with an additional road wheel to take the of Soviet heavy tank design. Innovative and eliminating their mechanical weaknesses. Soviet troops. They are not affected by
extra weight. The IS-85 as it was now known casting technology allowed Soviet Like all Soviet heavy tanks, its role is to the Hen and Chicks special rule.
shared this turret with the KV‑85 that was engineers to make it faster and more lead the attack, smashing all before it.
produced while IS-85 production got under way. reliable than older designs, yet with as
This was not the end of the up-gunning. The thick or thicker armour. Armour
Battle of Kursk led to the demand for an even The latest 85mm D-5T tank gun gives it
bigger gun on the IS chassis that eventually Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
more flexibility than the earlier super-
led to the IS-2 armed with a 122mm gun. heavy tanks, yet retains excellent anti- IS-85 Slow Tank 10 8 2 Co-ax MG, Turret-rear MG.
tank performance capable of knocking out
Combat Service any enemy tank in existence.
Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower
The first IS-85 heavy tanks were delivered 85mm D-5T gun 32”/80cm 2 12 3+
by the Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant in October
The IS-85 heavy tank combines the gun of
1943. These were issued to Guards Heavy Tank
the KV-85 heavy tank with thicker armour
Regiments reforming after the summer’s heavy
and greater mobility. It can take on the
German ­Tiger heavy tank one-on-one and
The IS-85 heavy tank was issued to 1st, 8th, expect to win. IS-85 Specifications
and 13th Guards Heavy Tank Regiments fighting
in the Ukraine. These units were heavily Anti-tank 12, Front 10
engaged in early 1944 at Starokonstantinov,
Korsun-Shevshenkovskiy and Fastov Station west
of Kiev.

Designation: Tyazhyeliy Tank, IS-85

Crew: 4 (cdr, gnr, ldr, dvr)
Weight: 97,000lb/44,000kg
Length: 28’1”/8.56m
Height: 9’/2.73m Width: 10’1”/3.07m
Armament: 1x 85mm D-5T tank gun,
3x DT 7.62mm machine-gun
Armour Thickness: 30mm to 120mm
Engine: V-2 12-cylinder diesel,
2368cu in/39 litres, 600hp
Suspension: Transverse torsion bar
Maximum Speed: 25mph/40km/h
Road Radius: 93 miles/150km
Vertical Obstacle: 3’3”/1.0m
Trench Crossing: 8’2”/2.5m
Eksperimental Tankovy Company
T-43 Medium Tank Eksperimental Tankovy Company
The massive losses suffered in stopping the
German advance has seen tank crews thrown
into battle with minimal training.
The heavy armour of the latest Soviet tank designs ensured that they made a major impact on Eksperimental Tankovy Companies are rated
the battlefield, even in the hands of the hastily-trained conscripts that were all that was as: Fearless ­Conscript Command T-43 tank
available after the disasters of 1941. When the Germans started fielding tanks armed with new HQ Section
long-barrelled 7.5cm guns, there was an urgent need for a better armoured and easier to use Replacing Standard Equipment
tank than the T-34 medium tank. A Soviet force, excluding a Mixed Tankovy LEYTENANT LEYTENANT

In June 1942, the GABTU (Main Directorate of Armoured Forces) ordered work to begin on two Batalon, may replace any or all of its
prototypes. The SKB‑2 heavy tank design bureau in Chelyabinsk started the KV‑13 program, which Medium Tankovy Companies with Eksperimental
eventually became the IS-1 heavy tank. The Morozov Design Bureau that had been responsible for Tankovy Companies. If it is a Tankovy
the T-34, now working at the Uralvagonzavod complex, developed the T‑43 based on the advanced Batalon it can purchase the Command tank T-43 tank T-43 tank
T-34M project, which had been cancelled in 1941 when Germany invaded the USSR. The first in the Battalion HQ as a T-43 medium tank
prototype T-43 was finally completed in March 1943. for 95 points.

Thicker armour means a heavier tank, so the designers made the tank as small as possible to
Company T-43 tank T-43 tank
minimise the amount of armour needed. The bulky Christie suspension was dropped for a more
space efficient torsion bar suspension, the engine was mounted transversely, and the turret
was pushed as far forward on the hull as possible to shorten the crew compartment. The turret 10 T-43................ 775 points
had a three-man crew and a cupola giving the commander all-round vision for the first time on a 9 T-43 ................ 725 points
Soviet medium tank. T-43 tank T-43 tank
8 T-43 ................ 670 points Tankovy Platoon Tankovy Platoon
The first two prototypes were sent to the NKSM 7 T-43 ................ 610 points LEYTENANT
Independent Tank Company for combat trials Design Features 6 T-43 ................ 545 points
in the middle of 1943, and the T-43 was recom­
mended for production to replace the T-34. 5 T-43 ................ 475 points
The T-43 medium tank combines the best
features of a heavy tank with the
Combat Service mobility of a medium tank. T-43 tank T-43 tank T-43 tank
The first of the new T-43 medium tanks were
Tankovy Platoon
just entering service as the Battle of Kursk With 90mm of frontal armour, the T-43 has Mount SMG Tank Escorts on all
began. There they proved far superior to the EKsperimental Tankovy Company
nothing to fear from any enemy medium tank. tanks for +15 points per tank.
old T-34 and all German medium tanks. Safe behind their thick armour, a full ten-tank
Unfortunately the appearance of large numbers company has the firepower to shatter almost any
of German heavy Tiger, Panther and Ferdinand resistance in short order.
tanks highlighted the need for a bigger gun
as well as heavier armour. The compact form of 10-tank Companies, Front 8 Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
the T-43 prevented it from accepting a bigger
T-43 Standard Tank 8 7 1 Co-ax MG, Wide tracks.
turret and production was phased out in favour
of the re-armed T-34/85 with a long 85mm gun.
Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower
76mm F-34 gun 32”/80cm 2 9 3+
T-43 T-34

T-43 Medium Tank Specifications

Designation: Sredniy Tank, T-43

Crew: 4 (cdr, gnr, ldr, dvr)
Weight: 74,957lb/34,000kg
Length: 22’/6.71m
Height: 8’6”/2.58m Width: 9’10”/3.00m
Armament: 1x 76.2mm F-34 tank gun,
1x DT 7.62mm machine-gun
Armour Thickness: 16mm to 90mm
Engine: V-2 12-cylinder diesel,
2368cu in/39 litres, 500hp
Suspension: Transverse torsion bar
Maximum Speed: 30mph/48km/h
Road Radius: 186 miles/300km
TACAM T-60 Tank-hunter Tank-hunter Platoon
Experienced tank crews were assigned to
the new Tank-hunter companies.

Tank-hunter Platoon
Development Tank-hunter Platoons are rated as: Elite
In late 1941 the Romanians encountered the
Design Features
Soviet T-34 and KV tanks. It soon became Replacing Standard Equipment Command TACAM T-60
apparent that no guns or tanks in the Romanian The 76.2mm F-22 gun had already proved Any Romanian Companie Tancuri or Companie HQ Section
arsenal could deal with these heavily- itself as a capable anti-tank gun with Vanatori Motorizata may replace all of
armoured beasts. With the Germans hanging on the German army in 1942 as the FK36 its Motorizata Anti-tank Gun Platoons with
to everything they had that could deal with and the PaK36(r). By matching it with Tank-hunter Platoons. Sergent Sergent
these tanks, the Romanians began to look for the mobile chassis of the T-60 tank
solutions of their own. Their initial thoughts the Romanians are following on from
were to make their own copy of the T-34, but the success of the German Marder tank-
hunters as mobile anti-tank assets.
this proved beyond their industry’s resources. TACAM T-60 TACAM T-60
However, large numbers of Soviet light tanks 3 TACAM T-60........... 180 points Tank-hunter Tank-hunter
and field guns had been captured during 1941 The TACAM T-60 is more than capable of dealing
with the Soviet T-34 tank. 2 TACAM T-60........... 120 points Tank-hunter Platoon
and 1942. The best candidate for a chassis
proved to be the T-60 light tank. The T-60 was
relatively modern and powered by a Ford engine
Range 32”/80cm, Anti-tank 10, Firepower 3+
that the Romanians also made under licence. Like the German Marder tank-hunters, the new positions when enemy fire gets too hot.
The gun selected was the 76.2mm F-22 model TACAM T-60 is a stalk-and-ambush predator. It is lightly armoured, so don’t be too bold
1936 field gun. This gun had a good anti-tank It is an ideal weapon for deploying from with it-that’s what your tanks are for. Let
performance. The combination became the ‘Tun ambush, or to keep well concealed, covering the tanks draw out the enemy then lay waste
Anticar cu Afet Mobil T-60’ (Anti-tank gun on the approaches to the objectives of the to them with your TACAM T-60 tank-hunters.
mobile carriage T-60) or TACAM T-60, for short. enemy. Its mobility allows it to retire to
TACAM T-60 M4 Sherman
Combat Service
Seventeen TACAM T-60 tank-hunters were ready
by July 1943, with a total of 34 vehicles Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
completed by the end of 1943. These were
assigned to the training unit of the TACAM T-60 Standard Tank 1 0 0 AA MG, Overloaded.
1st Armoured Division where they were split Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower
into the 61st and 62nd TACAM companies
assigned to the 1st and 2nd Armoured Regiments 76mm F-22 gun 32”/80cm 2 10 3+ Hull mounted.
The TACAM companies saw service in
Transnistria and Basarabia in February to
August 1944. However, they were ready to enter
the fighting should they have be required in
the second half of 1943. TACAM T-60 Specifications


Designation: TACAM T-60

(Tun Anticar cu Afet Mobil T-60)
Crew: 3 (cdr/gnr, ldr, dvr)
Weight: 19841 lb/9,000kg
Length: 18’1”/5.51m
Height: 5’9”/1.75m
Width: 8’5”/2.35m
Armament: 1x Soviet 76.2mm F-22 M1936 gun
1x ZB53 7.92mm HMG
Ammunition Stowage: 44x 76.2mm rounds
Armour Thickness: 0mm to 35mm
Engine: Fargo F.H.2, 6 cylinders, 80hp
Maximum Speed: 25mph/40km/h
Road Radius: 124 miles/200km
Turan Harckocsizo Platoon
40M Turan I & 41M Turan II Turan Harckocsizo PlatooN
(Turan Armoured Platoon)
Experienced tank crews were assigned to
Development the newly equipped tank battalions.
During the 1930’s the Hungarians began looking
Design Features Turan Harckocsizo Platoons are rated as: Command Tank
for heavy and medium tank designs to equip Confident Veteran
their armoured divisions. After attempts to After initial teething problems the HQ tank
purchase German and Swedish designs fell Turan proved a reliable tank. With Replacing Standard Equipment
through, they approached Skoda in former more armour than their old T-38 tanks, Örmester Örmester
Czechoslovakia in late 1939. The Hungarians they could hold their own in a fight. Any Hungarian company may replace any or
had captured two Skoda LT-35 (Panzer 35(t)) Although the 40mm gun of the Turan I all of its Medium or Heavy Harckocsizo
light tanks in 1939 from the Slovaks and could deal with light tanks, it was the Platoons with Turan Harckocsizo Platoons.
had tested them with positive results. The 75mm gun of the Turan II that gave the If it is a Harckocsizo Szazad, it may also
purchase the tanks in the Company HQ as a Tank Tank
Hungarians selected the T-21/T-22 medium tank Hungarians some punch against the T-34.
from the available Skoda designs. Turan I tank for 90 points each or a Turan
II tank for 100 points each.
The Hungarians made a few design modifica- The up-gunned Turan II resulted from experience
tions: increasing the armour to 35mm, changing against the Soviet T-34 tank. Tank Tank
the cupola, upgrading the electrical equipment Platoon Harckocsizó Section Harckocsizó Section
and changing the gun from a 47mm to their own
Range 24”/60cm, Anti-tank 9, Firepower 3+
40mm (which had better armour penetration). 5 Turan I.............. 450 points Turán Harckocsizó Platoon
Production was divided between four Hungarian 4 Turan I.............. 360 points If used aggressively Turan I and II tanks
companies, but the first prototype wasn’t 3 Turan I.............. 270 points can take on the superior numbers of Soviet
finished until June 1941. Flaws in the design tanks. Use terrain and speed to reduce the
required further time to iron out. Meanwhile, 3 Turan II............. 300 points enemy fire and to bring your own fire to
the armour was increased to 50mm. The new tank bear where it will be most effective.
was named the Turan after a Hungarian term for Turan I M4 Sherman
an idealised nomadic horse-warrior.
Combat Service Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
The first Turan I tanks did not leave the Turan I Standard Tank 5 3 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG,
factory until mid 1942, but by the end of
Protected ammo.
the year 230 Turan I tanks had been issued to
Hungarian armoured units. Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower
Even before the first Turan I was produced, 40mm 41M gun 24”/60cm 3 7 4+
experience against the red Army led the
Hungarian General Staff to order the Turan II Armour
mounting a short 75mm gun. These began Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
delivery in July 1943.
Turan II Standard Tank 5 3 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG,
The Hungarians rushed their new tank units Protected ammo.
to the Ukraine in 1943 to help hold back the
Soviet surge to the Dnepr River. Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower
Turan I, 1944. 75mm 41M gun 24”/60cm 2 9 3+

Turan I and II Specifications

Designation: 40M Turan I 41M Turan II

Crew: 5 (cdr, gnr, ldr, rdo, dvr)
Weight: 40,124lb/18,200kg 42329lb/19,200kg
Length: 18’2.5”/5.55m 18’2.5”/5.55m
Height: 7’10”/2.39m 7’10”/2.39m
Width: 8’/2.44m 8’/2.44m
Armament: 1x 40mm 41M gun 1x 75mm 41M gun
2x 8mm 34/40A M machine-gun
Ammunition Stowage: 101x 40mm 56x 75mm
Armour Thickness: 20mm to 50mm 20mm to 50mm
Engine: Manfred Weiss-Z V-8h petrol, 260hp
Max Speed: 29mph/47km/h 28mph/45km/h
Road Radius: 102 miles/165km 93 miles/150km
Breakdown Rescue (Mobile Battle)
Experimental tanks are often tested on a Defender’s reserves arrive here
quiet sector of the front where they are less
likely to be lost if anything goes wrong.
Unfortunately, sometimes things go wrong,
badly wrong!
Defender deploys here
Breakdown Rescue uses the Mobile Reserves
and Prepared Positions special rules on the
following page.
Your Orders
Rest of Broken-down tank’s
An enemy experimental tank has broken down platoon deploys here
just outside our lines! You must capture it
for our engineers to study. Support is on its 16”/40cm No Man’s Land
way, but you must hurry.

One of our experimental tanks has broken
down near enemy lines. You must prevent the Broken-down tank 6”/15cm
enemy from capturing the tank and bring it 12”/30cm
safely back to our lines. All available mobile
reserves are on their way, but they will take
time to arrive.
Preparing for Battle
1.The player with a Mid-war Monsters platoon
is the defender. If both players have Mid-
war Monsters platoons, they both roll a
die and the higher scoring player is the
Attacker deploys here
2.The defending player chooses the short table
edge that they will defend from. Their
Deployment Area is this half of the table,
excluding the area within 16”/40cm of the
centre line. Attacker’s reserves arrive here
3.The attacker’s Deployment Area is the other
half of the table, excluding the area within 12”/30cm of the centre line.
4.The defender selects one of the tanks from the Mid-war Monsters platoon as the broken-down
tank. They must Deploy this tank on a point 6”/15cm on the attacker’s side of the table centre
at least 12”/30cm from either side table edge.
5.The defender Deploys the rest of the Mid-war Monsters platoon in their own table half or no
more than 6”/15cm into the attacker’s table half. Capturing a tank from this platoon is the
attacker’s Objective.
6.The defending player then Deploys any or all of their platoons using the Mobile Reserves
special rule, ignoring the Mid-war Monsters platoon. All remaining platoons are held off
table in Reserves.
7.The attacker Deploys any or all of their platoons at least 12”/30cm away from the broken-down
tank using the Mobile Reserves special rule (counting as the defender for the purpose of that
rule). All remaining platoons are held off table in Reserves.
8.Again starting with the attacker, both players now Deploy any Warrior teams that are not part
of a platoon and all Independent teams.
Beginning the Battle
1. Starting with the defender, both players make Reconnaissance Deployment moves. The broken-
down tank cannot make a Reconnaissance Deployment move.
2. The defending player has the first turn.
3. As both sides are in prepared positions, all platoons may begin the game Dug In.
Ending the Battle
The battle ends on or after turn six when:
* the attacker starts their turn holding a Destroyed experimental tank from the Mid-war Monsters platoon,
* the defender starts a turn with no enemy teams within 16”/40cm of the surviving or Destroyed
experimental tanks of the Mid-war Monsters platoon.
Deciding Who Won
The attacking player wins if they captured an experimental tank or hold a Destroyed experimental tank.
In all other cases the defending player wins.
Breakdown Rescue

Secret Missions
The Germans expected their Panther tank to be a total shock to the Russians. They built 200 of
them in secret and shipped them to the front for the Battle of Kursk­—and it was a disaster!
Within days 80% had broken down! It was a shock, but the impact was minimal.
They tried another strategy with the Tiger tank, sending them to the Leningrad front as they
became available. This allowed them to fix the bugs and then build more reliable tanks, but
gave the Soviets warning of the new tank and time to devise countermeasures.
However, testing experimental tanks is tricky. You need to get as much combat experience with
the new tank as possible, but at the same time you don’t want to give away its secrets. The
worst thing that could happen during this testing is for the enemy to capture one of your new
experimental tanks. Unfortunately that’s what may just happen in this mission!

Mission Special Rules

Moving a Broken-down Tank
The crew of the broken-down tank know how
Broken-down Movement Table
important it is that their charge not be Score Movement Distance
captured by the enemy. They will make every 1 No movement
effort to protect it and get it back to 2 2”/5cm
safety, despite the great personal risk. 3 or 4 4”/10cm
Broken Down tanks from the Mid-war Monsters 5 6”/15cm
platoon can still attempt to move as their 6 Move as normal
crews are desperately trying to save them from
capture. When such a tank attempts to move,
roll a die and consult the following table to see how fast it can move.
A Broken Down tank cannot move At the Double or move in the Shooting or Assault Steps, except
to Break Off if assaulted. When Breaking Off, they roll to see how far they move.

Stick Together
The experimental tank unit knows how vital it is that they get the damaged tank back to safety.
They will not abandon it while it can still be rescued.
The tanks from the Mid-war Monsters platoon may not move so as to leave any of their platoon
Out of Command.
Towing A Broken-down Tank
Sometimes it is more efficient to hitch a broken-down tank to another vehicle from the platoon
or a dedicated recovery vehicle and simply tow it to safety.
You may tow a Broken-down or Destroyed experimental tank using the Recovery Vehicle rules on
page 45 of the rulebook. You may only do this if the experimental tank did not attempt to move
in the Movement Step.
If the towing vehicle is Unreliable and it rolls a 1 for its Skill Test, the towing vehicle
Breaks Down as well. A Broken-down vehicle cannot tow another Broken Down or Destroyed vehicle.
You may not tow an experimental tank off the table, except in your own Deployment Area.
Fighting While Broken-down
Despite their tank being virtually immobilised, the crew know that they must protect their
charge until it can be rescued and will fight on.
Broken Down tanks from the Mid-war Monsters platoon can still shoot as normal in the Shooting Step.
Broken Down tanks from the Mid-war Monsters platoon can defend themselves in an assault as normal
and do not count as being Bogged Down during the assault. However, they cannot Launch an Assault
or move to Counterattack. If a Broken Down tank Breaks Off, it must roll on the Broken Down
Movement Table to see how far it can move. If it cannot move far enough it may be captured.

Capturing A Tank
While it would be better to capture an intact example, even a Destroyed experimental tank could
yield up many secrets to the engineers.
When an experimental tank is Destroyed, it becomes an Objective that the defending player must protect.
The Destroyed tank can be towed like a Broken-down tank to move it to a more defensible location.
The attacker wins the game by holding the wreck of a Destroyed experimental tank.
Key Position (Fair Fight)
A major attack is in the
offing. You must get your
experimental tanks into a Each player places one objective here
key position to cover the
main attack. Unfortunately,

the enemy has just launched Attacker deploys here
a spoiling attack.
Key Position uses the Delayed
Reserves, Meeting Engagement,
and Scattered Reserves 12”/30cm No Man’s Land
special rules.
Your Orders
You must push your ex- No Man’s Land
perimental tanks onto a 16”/40cm
key position to support the
attack while fending off the
enemy spoiling attack. Defender deploys here
The enemy are preparing
Each player places one objective here
a major attack. You must
counter­attack their prepa-
rations to foil the main
attack. If you can get your
experimental tanks into the right position, the enemy will have to abandon the main attack.

Preparing for Battle

1. Both players must have an Mid-war Monsters platoon in their force.
2. The players each roll a die and the higher scoring player chooses one of the long table edges
to attack from. The other player defends from the opposite table edge.
3. Starting with the attacker, both players place an Objective in their own half of the table.
4. Both players, having placed an Objective in their own half of the table, now place a second
Objective, this time in their opponent’s half of the table, again starting with the attacking player.
All Objectives must be at least 16”/40cm from the centre line of the table and may not be
placed within 8”/20cm of the side table edges.
5. Starting with the attacker, both players nominate at least half of their platoons (ignoring
the Mid-war Monsters platoon) to be held off the table in Delayed and Scattered Reserves.
6. Each player’s Deployment Area is their own half of the table, excluding the area within
12”/30cm of the centre line. Both players, starting with the attacking player, now alternate
Deploying their remaining platoons.
7. Again starting with the attacker, both players now Deploy any Warrior teams that are not part
of a platoon and all Independent teams.
8. Finally, starting once more with the attacker, both players place their Mid-war Monsters
platoon in their own Deployment Area.
Beginning the Battle
1. Starting with the attacker, both players make Reconnaissance Deployment moves for any Recce
teams they have on table.
2. Both players now roll a die. The player who finished Deploying their platoons first adds +1
to their roll. The player with the higher result has the first turn. In the event of a tie
roll again.
Ending the Battle
The battle ends when: Key Platoon Destroyed
* a player starts their turn with their Mid- If a player’s Mid-war Monsters platoon is
war Monsters platoon having Taken either of Destroyed, both players roll a die. The
the Objectives that were placed in the enemy higher scoring player (or the owning player
Deployment Area. in case of a draw) nominates a Combat or
Weapons platoon from that force to replace
Deciding Who Won the Mid-war Monsters platoon as the platoon
The player that took an Objective in the that must take the Objective. If this
opponent’s Deployment Area wins the battle. platoon is Destroyed in turn, repeat the
They have secured key terrain, forcing the procedure.
enemy onto the defensive, and opening the way
for the final, decisive blow.
Calculate your Victory Points using the Victory
Points Table on page 275 of the rulebook.
If neither side won use the Fair Fight special
rule to determine their Victory Points.

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