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Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 11 (2004) 379–384

The direct effect of ultrasound on the extraction of date

syrup and its micro-organisms
M.H. Entezari , S. Hagh Nazary b, M.H. Haddad Khodaparast b

Department of Chemistry, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, 91775 Mashhad, Iran
Department of Food Science and Technology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, 91375 Mashhad, Iran
Received 22 April 2003; accepted 11 October 2003
Available online 19 November 2003


In the date syrup industry, date fruits are mixed with a suitable amount of water at a temperature greater than 50 C for about 1
h. This condition is not sufficient for killing the micro-organisms present in the fruit. In addition, Overheating for a long time can
damages nutritious materials and also changes the final product’s color. Ultrasound was applied for improving the quantity and
quality of the extraction, and also to overcome the health problem. In this research, the following variables were examined: date
fruit/water ratio, ultrasonic intensity and temperature. The results showed that sonication under the proper conditions can lead to a
higher extraction in a shorter time with a better physical quality of the product. Most importantly, the sonication significantly
decreased the microbial count in comparison to the classical method. This study also confirmed the presence of anti-microbial
substances in date fruit, and that ultrasonic waves can accelerate their effects.
 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ultrasound; Extraction; Date syrup; Micro-organism; Anti-microbial

1. Introduction used for the date syrup production with economical

The total amount of date fruit production in the world In date’s syrup industry the fruit are mixed with water
with main producer countries in 1997 is shown in Fig. 1. and heated for around 1 h at 50 C, when the main
The highest amount of date fruit production belongs to components, sugars, are extracted. This method destroys
Iran with 20% of the total world production [1]. Kabkab some nutritive components and darkens the product’s
date is a type of Iranian date which has a high amount of color. The temperature used is not high enough to kill the
wastes; this is due to its high moisture and tenacity. Only micro-organisms naturally present in syrup and there-
35% of this date is used as first class, with the remainder fore this product raises some health problems.
used for second and third degree date and wastes [2]. Acoustic cavitation is the formation, growth and
Therefore, this research was focused on this type of date. collapse of bubbles in liquids induced by ultrasonic
Date fruit as a nutritive product contains sugar sub- waves. A number of papers have dealt with the ultra-
stances about (70.6–76.3%), proteins (1.9–3%), fat (0.2– sonically assisted extraction of different materials [4–9].
2.8%), minerals (1.3%) and vitamins [3]. High efficiency and shortening of extraction time are the
In food technology, date syrup as the main and main positive effects of such extractions. The most
general byproduct of date is used for foodstuffs such as important proposed mechanism for these behaviors is
jams, marmalades, concentrated beverages, chocolates, the intensification of mass transfer and easier access of
ice cream, confectioneries, honey, and etc. As the the solvent to the content of the cell. In addition, the
Kabkab date has a high amount of wastes, it can be collapse of cavity near the cell wall can lead to cell
disruption and releases the cell contents into the
Corresponding author. Fax: +98-511-843803. extraction medium [10–12]. Ultrasound can also inacti-
E-mail address: (M.H. Entezari). vate a range of micro-organisms. An investigation

1350-4177/$ - see front matter  2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
380 M.H. Entezari et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 11 (2004) 379–384

First method: magnetic stirring of mixture.

Second method: mixture water/fruits let to stand
without mixing.
Third method: Sonication, 20 kHz, 25% from total
power of the ultrasonic device.
Fourth method: Sonication, 20 kHz, 10% from total
power of the ultrasonic device.

All experiments were performed at two temperatures:

15 and 35 C.
In first method, the experiments were carried out in
an Erlenmeyer flask (100 ml) using a magnetic stirrer at
Fig. 1. Total amount of date fruit production in the world with main
rotation speed of 420 rpm. In ultrasonically method, the
producer countries in 1997. samples were extracted by continuous ultrasonic waves
with 20 kHz frequency in two levels of intensity. The
volume and the kind of vessel was the same as classical
explored the effects of ultrasonic waves on bacteria, method and the distance from probe tip to vessel’s
fungi, and viruses [13]. Ultrasound in the range of 20– bottom was set to 1 cm.
100 kHz frequency is mainly used in industrial processes All experiments were performed in sterile conditions
[14] and that those with higher frequency are mainly for 90 min and samples were withdrawn at 10 min
used for detection and analyses [15]. intervals. Sampling for microbial cultures was carried
The main objective of this work is to focus on the out at the start and end of extraction. Then samples
comparison of conventional and ultrasonically assisted inoculated in two solid culture mediums consist of
extraction of Kabkab date syrup. In this study also the nutrient agar (DIFCO) with 2% glucose and malt ex-
effect of ultrasound on the micro-organisms under dif- tract agar (MERK), for aerobic mesophyle micro-
ferent applied conditions are discussed. organisms and fungi growth respectively.
Abbreviation for samples:

2. Experimental S1–S4: Control samples, stirring

S5–S8: Control samples, silent
2.1. Materials and Instruments U1–U4: Sonication, power setup at 25%
U5–U8: Sonication, power setup at 10%
• Date fruits: Kabkab dates with an average contain of
sugar of 65% (analyzed by Lane–Eynons Method) The conditions for the samples are as follows:
was used in all experiments. To prevent useful com-
ponent losses it was stored in a cold room at 10 C. S1, U1, S5, U5: the water/fruits ratio ¼ 3/1, the tem-
• Ultrasound device: ÔMisonix’ model XL-2020, 20 perature ¼ 15 C
kHz, 500 W, horn type machine with 12.7 mm tip S2, U2, S6, U6: the water/fruits ratio ¼ 9/1, the tem-
diameter. perature ¼ 15 C
• Accurate refractometer was used for determination S3, U3, S7, U7: the water/fruits ratio ¼ 3/1, the tem-
of soluble solids with main component of sugar in perature ¼ 35 C
date’s syrup. S4, U4, S8, U8: the water/fruits ratio ¼ 9/1, the tem-
• Mother microbial culture: It was prepared by incu- perature ¼ 35 C
bating crushed date fruit plus water at 30 C in open
vessel for 24 h. Then nutrient broth (DIFCO) plus 1% The produced syrup was filtered by filtering cloth and
glucose medium enriched it for 24 h at 30 C. then centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 15 min.

2.2. Applied methods

3. Results and discussions
The dates were sliced to pieces with the approximate
dimensions of 1 cm · 1 cm · 0.3 cm. Then the material 3.1. Classical extraction
obtained was used for four extraction methods. The
water/fruits ratio was 3/1 (w/w) and 9/1 (w/w). In a These experiments were conducted by mechanical
typical experiment (9/1), in an Erlenmeyer flask (100 ml) stirring. Fig. 2 demonstrates the extraction by Brix/total
5 g of date pieces and 45 g of water were mixed and mass of the date fruit against of time for the silent and
extracted using method described below. mixing extractions. It is clear that the extraction rate is
M.H. Entezari et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 11 (2004) 379–384 381

Fig. 3. Brix/total mass variation among 90 min of extraction in Soni-

Fig. 2. Brix/total mass variation among 90 min of extraction in Control
cated samples: U1; U2; U3; U4; U5;
samples (Mixe ¼ S and silent ¼ s): S1; S2; S3;
U6; U7; U8.
S4; s5; s6; s7; s8.

higher by mixing as compared to the silent one. The plained by the combination of ultrasonic extraction and
reason for the low extraction rate in the silent method thermal extraction. In higher ratio of water to fruit date
can be due to the formation of saturated layer of ex- (9/1); the ultrasonic effect is more pronounced than
tracted materials around the date fruit and this phe- thermal effect. This is due to the better performance of
nomenon can almost stop the extraction of materials. acoustic cavitation in dilute solution (9/1) than viscous
The mechanical stirring removes this layer from around one (3/1).
the pieces of date fruit and then the pieces contact with Ultrasonic cavitation is more effective at lower tem-
new solvent, resulting in a higher extraction rate. This peratures; therefore the optimum condition for the
figure also shows the extent of increasing from silent to extraction was achieved at higher intensity, higher ratio,
mixing which is different from this system to other sys- and lower temperature. In ratio of 3/1, due to the high
tems. The extraction rate is affected by changing the viscosity of the solution the effect of ultrasound on
temperature and the ratio of water to date fruit for both extraction was negligible and the thermal extraction was
classical methods. The classical extraction is based on predominant and this leads to more extraction at higher
the diffusion process and this physical property is in- temperature than lower one.
creased by increasing the temperature. Therefore, in
both classical methods better extraction were achieved 3.3. Comparison of ultrasonic and classical extraction
at higher temperature. The water/fruits ratio also af-
fected differently the extraction rate in both classical The sample U2 was the best from point of view of the
methods. Higher extraction efficiency was achieved at rate, the yield, and the quality of extracted materials. In
lower ratio in silent method and at higher ratio in this sample the ultrasonic waves at high intensity
mixing method. This difference can also be explained by introduced directly to the solution with the water/fruits
the more contact of solid phase (date) to liquid phase ratio of 9/1 at 15 C. Fig. 4 compares the samples U2
(water) in the mixing method at higher ratio and in the and S2 of which the latter one is the same as the first one
silent case the more important is the higher gradient
of concentration which achieved at lower ratio.

3.2. Ultrasonic extraction

These experiments were carried out under different

variables such as intensity, the ratio of solid to liquid
phase, and temperature. Fig. 3 demonstrates the effect of
these variables on the extraction rate. Higher intensity
was more effective than lower one on the extraction rate.
This could be explained that bubbles collapse more
violently at higher intensity than lower one, leading to
more extraction.
The ratio had different effects, with higher intensity
the ratio of 9/1 was better than 3/1, but this behavior Fig. 4. Comparison of ultrasonic extraction with classical method
was reversed with lower intensity. This could be ex- under the same conditions: S2; U2.
382 M.H. Entezari et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 11 (2004) 379–384

except it was carried out without ultrasound. As it is ponents which is higher at 3/1 ratio than 9/1 one. The
shown, the Brix/total mass for sample U2 at 10 and 20 experimental results also show that the lower tempera-
min is equal to 40 and 90 min of the sample S2, ture is more effective (S1) for reduction than higher one
respectively. This figure clearly confirms that the ultra- (S3).
sonic extraction is more effective than classical extrac- In the second group (U1–U4), ultrasonic waves with
tion in terms of the yield and the rate. The more high intensity removed more micro-organisms. A com-
important point is the higher initial slope in ultrasonic bination of physical and chemical mechanisms which
extraction, which leads to the completion in the shorter occur during acoustic cavitation might be responsible
time (about 20 min). In this period of time, the taste of for the reducing of micro-organisms. The chemical
sonicated sample was sweeter than conventional one. mechanism for this reduction is attributed to attack by
This confirms that the ultrasonic extraction can be car- free radicals, especially hydroxyl and also due to the
ried out not only in the shorter time but also in the lower hydrogen peroxide produced. The physical mechanism
temperature. Both of these parameters are very impor- can be attributed to the disruption of cell membrane
tant in food industry. arising from bubble implosion. Ultrasound can also
With regard to the products’ color, there was also facilitate the disaggolomeration of micro-organism
difference between classical and ultrasonic extraction. clusters in solution which lead to increase the killing of
Control samples had a red color which was changed to a them by anti-microbial compounds from date syrup.
stronger color at higher temperature. Samples under In the third group (U5–U8), ultrasonic waves with
sonication had a cream color at lower temperature but low intensity reduced micro-organism with a lower rate.
at higher temperature the color changed to brown. This is due to the cavitation process producing milder
From point of view of the color, sonicated sample is conditions. Between the sonication samples, U1 was the
better than control samples. In industry, the color of best for destroying the micro-organisms. Under this
the control sample is changed to cream by the addition condition 85% of the total microbial count was de-
of chemicals. stroyed after 90 min. Between the classical samples, S1
was the best and 52% of micro-organisms have de-
stroyed. Comparison of these two results clearly shows
4. Micro-organism and ultrasound that under sonication 33% more micro-organisms were
destroyed than with the classical method.
4.1. Total aerobic mesophyl count For illustrating the microbial view before and after
sonication, inoculated date syrup sample was spread on
Fig. 5 demonstrates the percent of total microbial the lam surface and then stained by gram manner. Fig. 6
count for different samples. These samples behaved shows the mixed culture of micro-organisms of the
differently and can be divided to three groups. In control mixture which contains date fruit and water before
samples as a first group (S1–S4), a decrease in the total sonication, i.e. at the starting point of extraction. Fig. 7
microbial count is observed. This reduction could be
explained by the presence of anti-microbial components
in the date fruit. The anti-microbial effect is varied from
12% to 52% on these samples. The different effects can
be related to the concentration of antimicrobial com-

Fig. 5. Reduction of total microbial count under classical method and Fig. 6. The picture of mixed culture of micro-organisms before soni-
sonication: TC 90. cation of the date syrup.
M.H. Entezari et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 11 (2004) 379–384 383

intensity cannot destroy the membrane of the cell, but

can facilitate the increase of mass transfer between in-
side and outside the cell. In other words, the ultrasonic
wave increases the metabolism of the cells. From point
of view of reduction of fungi count, sample U2 (high
intensity) was the best and under this condition 69% of
the fungi count has destroyed. Comparison of U2 and
S2 also shows an increase of 28% on the fungi destruc-
tion under sonication. In contrast, ultrasonic waves
with low intensity increases the fungi count to about

5. Conclusion

From the point of view of extraction, the ultrasonic

waves with high intensity and low temperature were
Fig. 7. The picture of mixed culture of micro-organisms after sonica-
better for date fruit; condition U2 (at 25% of power, at
tion of the date syrup. 15 C, and at water/fruits ratio of 9/1) was selected as
the best for the extraction. The important result is that
the time of extraction is shorter under sonication, a
demonstrates the mixed culture of micro-organisms very important point in food industry. The time of
after sonication of the date syrup at the end of extrac- extraction has a key role on the quality of extracted
tion. The comparison of these two Figs. 6 and 7 clarified materials such as the color and the nutritious material
that the ultrasounic wave disperses and damages the of products. This investigation also confirms the pres-
microbial cells and also discharges the cells’ contents. ence of anti-microbial substances in date fruit, and that
This can be explained by the physical and chemical ultrasonic waves enhance their effectiveness. With re-
effects of ultrasound. As the syrup is a nutrient for mi- gard to micro-organisms, the ultrasonic waves with
cro-organisms, some additives to prevent microbes high intensity reduced the total microbial counts. An-
growing might be necessary. other interesting point is that the effect of ultrasonic
waves with low intensity on the fungi count is to in-
4.2. Fungi count crease its number.

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