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Republic of the Philippines

Pamantasan Ng Cabuyao
College of Education
S.Y. 2019 - 2020
Pre Final Examination
Name: Scores: Student’s Signature
Course: Dates: Professor: Alex S. Sanchez

Directions: Read and analyze each item carefully. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives A, B, C,
and D. Encircle the letter of your choice.

1. One block of land believed to be the only continent of the world more than 200 million years ago was
known as___.
A. Pangea C. Continent
B. Land D. Plate
2. The system of writing that uses clay tablets and is shaped – like wedges.
A. Cuneiform C. Sanskrit
B. Hieroglyphics D. Hindi
3. This is called the “ land between two rivers”
A. Nile Valley C. Tigris
B. Mesopotamia D. Yellow river
4. The first civilization developed in Mesopotamia.
A. Sumer C. Chaldean
B. Akkad D. Babylonian
5. He built the hanging gardens to please his wife Amhuia/ Amytis who missed the mountains of her native
A. Sargon 1 C. Pius
B. Nebuchadnezzar D. Xerxes
6. He unified the Babylonian Empire by setting up a single code of law.
A. Hammurabi C. Hittites
B. Amorites D. Sargon II
7. Group of warlike people that first developed a process called smelting
A. Assyrians C. Hittites
B. Chaldean D. Sumerians
8. He is known as the builder of the first library in the world
A. Ashurbanipal C. Xerxes
B. Hammurabi D. Sargon II
9. The first civilization in India was developed in the____.
A. Indus Valley C. Ghats
B. Deccan Plateau D. Coastal plain
10. The sacred hymns and prayers of the early Aryans are called the___.
A. Sudras C. Ramayana
B. Vedas D. Upanishads
11. Considered as China’s Sorrow because of the destruction it brought to the people
A. Nile C. Tigris
B. Indus D. Yellow
12. The “ First Emperor” of China is__.
A. Han Fei Tsu C. Kung – Fu - Tse
B. Shih Huang Ti D. Lao - Tse
13. Chinese people built the Great Wall
A. to show their talent in engineering C. to show Chinese are civilized
B. to show that Chinese are patient D. to protect the country from invaders
14. What were the demographic and social effects of the Neolithic Revolution?
A. Population grew as a result of more food, which led, in turn, to more complex economic
systems and more complex social systems.
B. Hunter-gathers increased in number in order to defend their land and to keep their place in
C. As a result of a decrease in the supply of food, agriculturalists began to compete for space.
D. The effects of the Neolithic Revolution were minimal in Mesopotamia but increased as the
Neolithic Revolution spread.
15. What forms of social organization developed in agrarian and pastoralist societies?
A. Patriarchal forms of social organizations developed.
B. Matriarchal forms of social organizations developed
C. Society turned to polygamy as populations decreased.
D. Dictatorships developed to run the empires.
16. How did rulers of states in Mesopotamia and the Nile Valley, who mobilized surplus labor to
create monumental architecture and who had the support of the military, justify their rule?
A. survival of the fittest and strongest
B. hereditary rule
C. mandate of heaven
D. divine connections to power
17. Which kingdom conquered Egypt about 1000 B.C.E and ruled it for centuries?
A. the Hittites in Anatolia
B. the Hebrews
C. the kingdom of Kush
D. the kingdom of Axum
18. What evidence supports the claim that trade expanded and interregional trade networks existed
at this time in China and India?
A. Remnants of silk have been found in Viking graves.
B. The Harappa left detailed accounts of their trade networks across the region.
C. Precious stones from China and Southeast Asia have been found at the Harappan site.
D. Maize from the Americas has been found in burial sites of the Shang era.
19. What was the effect of increased trade between Mesopotamia and Egypt?
A. As people came into contact with others, marriages increased and new social classes arose.
B. Goods, technological ideas, and cultural ideas were exchanged across the regions.
C. Egyptians adopted the Code of Hammurabi as the basis of their political system.
D. Mesopotamians begin to grow potatoes and maize as a result of increased trade.
20. Why was writing important to many early governments?
A. to keep in touch C. to avoid miscommunication
B. to keep records D. to flourished
21. What type of scientist uses fossils and artifacts to study early humans?
A. Archeologist C. Anthropologist
B. Paleontologist D. Sociologist
22. Which hominids do scientists believe were probably the first to leave Africa?
A. Homo habilis C. Homo Erectus
B. Homo sapiens D. Homo sapiens sapiens
23. Which invention made hunting easier for early humans?
A. Spear C. Stone flakes
B. Axe D. Microlith
24. Which ruler set up the first empire in world history?
A. Sargon C. Hammurabi
B. Ashurbanipal D. Nebuchadnezzar
25. What god symbolized the new life brought to Egypt by the Nile?
A. Horus C. Osiris
B. Rah D. Isis
26. Athenian leader who ended debt slavery and began Athens on a path to democracy.
A. Solon C. Aristotle
B. Pericles D. Plato
27. "High City" This is where the most important buildings were located.
A. Polis C. Acropolis
B. Megapolis D. Agorah
28. The city founded by Alexander the Great at the mouth of the Nile was
A. Alexandria C. Persopolis
B. Sparta D. Thebes
29. The blending of the culture of the east and west is called.
A. Hellenic C. Hellenes
B. Hellenistic D. Hellen
30. He led an army of soldiers across the Alps together with the elephants
A. Octavian C. Phyruus
B. Caesar D. Hannibal
31. The river separating the Gaul and Italy
A. Sinne C. Tiber
B. Rubicon D. Appenines
32. The wealthy persons who controlled the Senate
A. Helots C. Patricians
B. Plebeians D. Legions
33. The first settlement at Rome was built
A. . on the Balkan Peninsula. C. on the ruins of Troy.
B. on the Palatine hill. D. on the Capitoline hill.
34. The Roman custom of fights between gladiators came from
A. an Etruscan funeral custom. C. a soothsayer's prediction.
B. a way of planning cities. D. a welcome for heroes.
35. Which of the following aspects of Roman culture did NOT come from the Etruscans?
A Dome-shaped houses made of dirt C Alphabet
B. The arch in building bridges D Belief in omens
36. In the early years of the Roman Republic, real political power belonged to
A. the Senate. C. the plebeians.
B the patricians. D. tribunes
37. The Twelve Tables of written laws were an important step because
A. Rome had no laws before that time.
B. they gave plebeians citizenship for the first time.
C. they made laws public for all citizens to read.
D. plebeians gained more rights than patricians.
38. After the Romans overthrew their Etruscan king, they created
A a republic. C. legionaries.
B a dictator. D a corvus.
39. By about 275 B.C., the territory controlled by Rome included
A. much of central Italy. C. all of Italy and Greece.
B. Italy and North Africa. D the whole Italian peninsula.
40. The Punic Wars were a long series of conflicts between
A. Greece and Rome. C. Generals Marius and Sulla.
B. Rome and Carthage. D. Romans and Etruscans.
41. Rome's victories in the Punic Wars brought it territory in
A. Macedonia and Syria. C. Spain, North Africa, and Sicily.
B. Greece and its islands. D. Etruria and northern Italy.
42. Which of these was NOT a cause of hardship for Roman farmers?
A. Hannibal's siege of Rome C. Reforms by the Gracchus brothers
B. Growth of latifundias D. Enslaving war prisoners
43. The group who planned to kill Julius Caesar included
A. Romans angry about unemployment.
B. former soldiers who wanted land.
C. senators who feared he would become king.
D. political rivals who wanted Pompey to be consul.
44.Which of these was NOT true of trade during the Pax Romana?
A. Increased shipping C. High tariffs
B. Little piracy D. Use of same coins
45.Augustus's main aim as emperor was
A. conquering new territories to extend the empire.
B. bringing new religious ideas to Rome.
C. establishing the empire as stable and peaceful.
D. dividing the empire to make his rule easier.
46.The population count that Augustus ordered was called
A. a domus. C. an omen.
B. a census. D. a tariff.
47. What was the Pax Romana?
A. The 41 years of Augustus's reign C. The standardization of Roman law
B. A system for choosing new emperors D. A 200-year period of peace for Rome
48. As the empire expanded, Roman law changed because
A. different laws were needed for each new territory.
B. laws had to favor Romans over non-Romans.
C. laws needed to be the same throughout the empire.
D. there was a lack of skilled lawyers.
49. During the republic, Roman politicians sponsored public games in order to
A. provide jobs for gladiators. C. win people's votes.
B . educate the public. D. sell tickets at a profit.
50. Most city dwellers in Rome lived in
A. small wooden huts. C. a comfortable domus.
B. crowded apartments. D. the public baths.

Course Title Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Rosalia S. Pre
WORLD HISTORY 1 Alex S. Sanchez, Cluster Head Dr. Rommel DC. Mallari
MAED, MAT Dean, College of
Pamantasan ng Cabuyao
Kapatan Village Banay – Banay
City of Cabuyao


1. A
2. D
3. C
4. D
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. B
11. C
12. B
13. B
14. A
15. C
16. D
17. C
18. B
19. D
20. B
21. C
22. D
23. B
24. B
25. B
26. A
27. D
28. A
29. C
30. D
31. D
32. D
33. D
34. D
35. B
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan Ng Cabuyao
College of Education
S.Y. 2019 – 2020
Pre Final Examination
Name: Scores: Student’s Signature
Course: Dates: Professor: Alex S. Sanchez

Directions: Read and analyze each item carefully. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives A, B, C,
and D. Encircle the letter of your choice.

1. Among social trends, which easily passes, e.g. fashion?

A. More B. Fads C. Law D. Norms

2. Change becomes an issue when it creates a_____.

A. Disagreement B. Discomfort C. Drawback D. Duplication

3. As a science of humanity and its society, Anthropology seeks to present an integrated picture of___.

A. Man B. Primate C. Hominid D. Human fossils

4. Among the fields of Anthropology which studies evolution of man and biological diversity within the

A. Linguistics B. Archeology C. Cultural Anthropology D. Biological Anthrpology

5. Among patterns of behavior required in Sociology which is obtained through direct observation,
experience and testing?

A. Empiricism B. Critical spirit C. Objectivity D. Ethical neutrality

6. Clusters of stable rules known as social____ govern social activities and practices based on similar
principles displaying regularity.

A. Mores B. Norms C. Values D. Institution

7. The desire of the government for all the citizens to obey all laws is a/an____ culture

A. Ideal B. Real C. Conventional D. Virtual

8. Showing respect by kissing the hand that has changed to kissing the cheek or hugging shows___
culture in society.

A. Ideal B. Real C. Conventional D. Virtual

9. Which refers to the total way of life share by members of society?

A. Sociology B. Race C. Biosociology D. Culture

10. Which are the shared rules of conduct that specify how people ought to think and act called?

A. Norms B. Values C. Sanctions D. Subcultures

11. Which when violated may cause the violator to be regarded as crazy?

A. Folkways B. Mores C. Laws D. Institutions

12. Which of the following DOES NOT accurately describe the true nature of culture?

A. Culture is learned from other people B. Culture tell us how we act

C. Culture is biological inheritance D. Culture help solve problems

13. Social institutions are enduring social structures that provide ready made arrangements to meet
human basic problems. Which of these basic social institutions provides community coordination, laws,
order and defense?

A. Family B. Economy C. Religion D. Government

14. What social process occurs when people work together to achieve shared goals ?

A. Exchange B. Conflict C. Competition D. Cooperation

15. What group is characterized by intimate face to face interaction?

A. Primary B. Secondary C. Gesselschaft D. Bureaucracy

16. What do you call the feeling of disorganization and frustration that overseas contract worker may
experience when he encounters entirely different patterns of behaviors, ideas and artifacts at his
destination in a foreign country?

A. Cultural integration B. Cultural shock C. Assimilation D. Descrimination

17. Punishment is form of social control. If death penalty is imposed to scare offenders and the rest of
the society into the following rules, the purpose of punishment is______.

A. Retribution B. Deterrence C. Reformation D. Prevention

18. Which type of the family is more prevalent in the third world than in the industrialized countries?

A. Extended family B. Nuclear family C. Family orientation D. Family procreation

19. Which area of Sociology can be advanced so that it is not merely for speculative thinking of theories
and methods?

A. Population studies: planned parenthood B. Applied sociology: social changed

C. Human studies: human ills D. Social theory: social knowledge

20. If you keep seeing your way of doing things as the right way and everybody else as the wrong way,
you tend to have the attitude called_____.

A. cultural relativism B. Ethnocentrism C. Cultural pluralism D. Multiculturalism

21. On what basis is the caste system of social structure and stratification?

A. Religious beliefs B. Achievement status C. Ethnicity D. Inherited Inequality

22. If a Catholic researcher makes a study on polygamy as practiced in Islam, what influence will likely
add subjectivity to his/ her findings?

A. Cultural gap B. Economic change C. Religious bias D. Class distinction

23. How should Social Scientist view culture?

A. Difference in mores B. Refinement in the arts C. All facets of social life D. Ethical standard

24. Color, emblem, gestures, designs, words are part of language that makes a man different from

A. Symbolic B. Material C. Denotative D. Abstract

25. It refers to the differences in social behaviors that different cultures exhibit around the world.
a. Cultural identity c. Cultural variation
b. Cultural relativism d. Cultural heritage
26. It is a perception that arises from the fact that cultures differ & each culture defines reality
a. Xenocentrism c. Egocentrism
b. Ethnocentrism d. Relativism
27. It is a science that studies the relationship between the individual and the society as they
develop and change in history.
a. Anthropology c. Sociology
b. Political Science d. History
28. It is the study of human races, origins, societies, and cultures.
a. Anthropology c. Sociology
b. Political Science d. History
29. He was the pioneer of the interpretive sociology who stressed the role of rationalization in
the development of society.
a. Franz Boas c. Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski
b. Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown d. Max Weber
30. It is the attempt to judge behavior according to its cultural context.
a. Cultural identity c. Cultural variation
b. Cultural relativism d. Cultural heritage

31. This system includes socially recognized relationships based on supposed as well as actual
genealogical ties
a. Enculturation b. Socializationc. Kinship d. Ethnocentrism

32. The practice of marrying a specific ethnic group, class, or social class, rejecting others on such a basis
as being unsuitable for marriage is called__________.
a. Affinal links c. god parenthood
b. Consanguineal d. endogamy
33. The link between kin groups established by marriage is known as__________.
a. Affinal links c. god parenthood
b. Consanguineal d. endogamy
34. Select the correct sentence that does not describes the importance of a group.
a.The group is a transmitter of culture c. The group is a means of social control
b. The group creates chaos in a society d. The group socializes the individual
35. This theory proposes that people’s appreciation of their group membership is influenced by their
perception towards people who are not members of their group.
a.Weberian Theory c. socialist theory
b. self-categorization theory d. modernization theory
36. A collection of individuals who have relations with one another that make them interdependent to
some significant degree.
a. Social group b. in-group c. out-group d. secondary group
37. Compadrazgo is also called as _____________________.
a. Affinal links c. god parenthood
b. Consanguineal d. endogamy
38. Refers to a series of relationships where one person has only one partner at a time, and then moves on
to another partner after severing the relationship with the first.
a. Sexual monogamy c. Genetic Monogamy
b. social monogamy d. serial monogamy
39. This refers to a union between a man and a woman, entered into in accordance with the laws in
preparation for family life.
a. Marriage b. Cohabitation c. Relationship d. Confirmation
40. The term refers to a family member who is separated from the rest of the family due to employment
far from home.
a. Nuclear family c. conditionally separated family

b. extended family d. transnational family

41. These families live in more than one country. They usually spend part of each year in their country of
a. Nuclear family c. conditionally separated family

b. extended family d. transnational family

42. Kinship patterns basically include people related either by descent or by marriage
a. Kinship b. Kinship by blood c. Kinship by marriage d. Kinship by heart

43. Relationship by blood or by descent of the same ancestor

a. Affinity b. Tribes c. Consanguinity d. Patrilineal
44. Kinship is seen through his or her mother’s line of descent
a. Matrilineal
b. Patrilineal
c. Bilocal
d. Bilateral
45. Ritually recognized union or legal contract between spouses that establishes rights and obligations
between them.
a. Marriage b. Affinity c. Consanguinity d. Divorce
46. A  married couple shifts periodically from residence with husband’s groups to residence with wife’s
a.Avuncolocal b. Matrilocal c. Ambilocal d. Neolocal
47. Human construction to insure the continuity of the family and the eventual perpetuation of the human
a. Marriage b. Planning c. Norm d. Premarital
48.Refers to the legal process of filing a petition in the appropriate court seeking a judicial declaration of
making a marriage null and void
a. Divorce b. Annulment c. Separation d. Levirate
49. Process by which responsible and mature couples, if they wish, determine by themselves the timing,
proper spacing and number of the children born to them.
a. Family c. Family planning
a. Unions d. Vasectomy
50. System by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy
a. Caste c. Segregation
b. Stratification d. Socialization

Course Title Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Rosalia S. Pre
SOCIO – CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY Alex S. Sanchez, Cluster Head Dr. Rommel DC. Mallari
MAED, MAT Dean, College of Education

Pamantasan ng Cabuyao
Kapatan Village Banay – Banay
City of Cabuyao


1. A
2. D
3. C
4. D
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. B
11. C
12. B
13. B
14. A
15. C
16. D
17. C
18. B
19. D
20. B
21. C
22. D
23. B
24. B
25. B
26. A
27. D
28. A
29. C
30. D
31. D
32. D
33. D
34. D
35. B

Pamantasan Ng Cabuyao
College of Education
S.Y. 2019-2020
Urban Geography
Pre Final Examination
Name: Scores: Student’s Signature
Course: Dates: Professor: Alex S. Sanchez

Test I. Directions: Read and analyze each item carefully. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives A,
B, C, and D. Encircle the letter of your choice.

1. According to studies people who lived in metropolitan areas have higher income than those living elsewhere.

A. Maybe C. True

B. Slightly D. False

2. This is associated with racial groups, places, and income status which are tangible in the Philippines.

A. Spatial place C. Spatial segregation

B. Spatial links D. Spatial divisions

3. Income disparity is very prevalent in Philippine setting so if you are living in the city like Metro Manila you have.

A. Low income C. High income

B. Moderate income D. Steady income

4. Affluent people in the Philippines prepared to stayed in cities because of,

A. Traffic free C. Accessibility of goods and services

B. Commerce D. Good ambiance

5. People in the city like Philippines prefer to hire employee in the rural areas because of,

A. Soft Skills C. Hard skills

B. Income segregation D. They could pay less

6. Used to describe a product or service that is developed and distributed globally but is also adjusted to
accommodate the user or consumer in a local market.

A. Globalization C. Localization

B. Glocalization D. Multi National

7. In the global and local market why is it very important to have a competition among businesses?

A. Because of supply C. Because of monopoly

B. To ensure services at lower price D. To deliver Oligopoly

8. The following are considered as advantages of Glocalization EXCEPT,

A. Attracts more consumers in the market C. It is flexible

B. Higher profits D. Lengthy process

9. A permanent agglomeration of buildings and people

A. City C. Urban

B. Settlement D. Social space

10. The System in which people are divided by their skills and have one job that they have , the division of labor that
aids the development of skills in a particular type of work. There is more time and people to complete other tasks.

A. Specialization C. Verticalization

B. Horizontalization D. Mcdonaldization

11. Agricultural production that exceeds the needs of the society for which it is being produced, and may be
exported or stored for future times.

A. Agricultural product C. Agricultural probation

B. Agricultural surplus D. Agricultural system

12. A system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy.

A. Stratified social system A. Strattos system

B. Social arrangement D. Social sampling

13. Industrial revolution began in what particular place in Europe?

A. France C. Netherlands

B. England D. Germany

14. An urban area that results from cities getting so big that they reach out other, create one massive urban area, like
Metro Manila.

A. Acropolis C. Megapolis

B. Micropolis D. Halopolis

15. The following are considered the “ World’s Most Populous Metropolitan Areas” EXCEPT

A. Tokyo C. South Korea


16. The outward growth of urban development which may engulf surrounding villages and urban areas .

A. Urbanization C. Suburbanization

B. Urban D. Rural

17. People in the Philippines would rather stayed in the rural areas because of,

A. Less crime C. Less Congestion

B. Sense of community D. All of the above

18. The idea that the urban condition replaces industrialization as driving issue of historical change.

A. Urban Involution C. Urban class

B. Urban system D. Urban Revolution

19. Specific sites shaped by lives of humans. Much more emotional and sentimental

A. Places C. Spaces

B. Symbolism D. Settlement

20. This is called public place and market in Greek city-state.

A. Agora C. Acropolis

B. Ziggurat D. Babel

21. An advanced society that is characterized by having writing, a government, large structures, specialization of
labor, and cities.

A. Contribution C. Expertise

B. Society D. Civilization

22. The first urban settlements are thought to have started around 3500BC in lower ___ around the Tigris and

A. Mesoamerica C. Mesopotamia

B. Egypt D. India

23. An act of operating locally in terms of employees, product, supply of raw materials.

A. Localization C. Glocalization

B. Globalization D. Modernization

24. A process of changing the character of a neighborhood through the influx of more affluent residents and

A. Gentrification C. Ethnic cleansing

B. Inequality D. Generalization

25. Refers to the unrestricted growth in many urban areas of housing, commercial development, and roads over large
expanses of land, with little concern for urban planning.

A. Urban planning C. Urban Involution

B. Urban Sprawl D. Urban gentrification

26. A process of expansion of cities in term of size (area and population), growing importance of cities as central
places and cities ability to attract more people from other places into their domains.
A. Urban C. Cities

B. Rural D. Planning

27. A country that is at a relatively early stage in the process of economic development and technological advances.

A. First world country C. Second world country

B. Third world country D. Fourth world country

28. Quantitative & qualitative study of towns & cities around the world, their development, spatial form, attributes,
dynamism and interdependencies with other places.

A. Urban Geography C. Urban Planning

B. Urban History D. Urban Ecology

29. Diffusion of urbanization: changes in balance between people and their resources could promote or hinder _____
______ urban growth

A. Urban Planning C. Urban Geography

B. Urban History D. Urban Ecology

30. A conglomeration of people and buildings clustered together to serve as center of politics, culture, and

A. Urbanism C. City

B. Rural D. Spatial

31. Population-the total number of people inhabiting a particular geographic area at a specified time

A. Demography C. Morbidity

B. Population D. Fertility

32. The study of the size, distribution, composition and changes in population.

A. Demography C. Geography

B. Morphology D. Salpinjectomy

33. Asia is the world’s largest and most populous continent with a population of ___ billion people today.

A. 4.3b C. 3.9b

B. 4.8b D. 4.6b

34. A demographic phenomenon greatly responsible for setting population change means a woman has actually
given birth to a live child actual reproduction

A. Fecundity C.Mortality

B. Fertility D. Crude rate

35. Biological capacity of a woman to have a children at a future time, begins at menarche, and potential

A.Fecundity C. Mortality

B. Fertility D. Crude rate

36. It is negative component of population change and also means death

A. Morbidity C. Mortality

B. Fertility D. Fecundity

37. The movement of people from one area to another to settle permanently.

A. Migration C. Emigration

B. Immigration D. Emmigration

38. The coming into the country of which the person is not a citizen for permanent residence
A. Migration C. Emigration
B. Immigration D. Emmigration
39. It refers to the differences in sex-make up which is determined by sex ratio, that is, the proportion of males over
A. Age difference C. Age Ration
B. Sex density D. Sex Composition
40. Descriptive model of resource allocation in a city that was designed to explain precisely such phenomema.
A. Polycentric city C. Monocentric city
B. Disperse city D. Linear city
41. Urban plan for an elongated urban formation
A. Polycentric city C. Monocentric city
B. Disperse city D. Linear city

42. Metropolitan Area is an urban area that is organized around multiple cities.
A. Polycentric city C. Monocentric city
B. Disperse city D. Linear city
43. A survey of the entire population of a country or region counting the number of people and their characteristics
A. Population C. Demography
B. Census D. Fertility
44. The average number of years people are expected to live
A. Mortality C. Life expectancy
B. Crude rate D. Fecundity
45. The following are considered the “ World’s Most Populous Metropolitan Areas” EXCEPT
A. Tokyo C. South Korea
46. The outward growth of urban development which may engulf surrounding villages and urban areas .
A. Urbanization C. Suburbanization
B. Urban D. Rural
47. People in the Philippines would rather stayed in the rural areas because of,
A. Less crime C. Less Congestion
B. Sense of community D. All of the above
48. The idea that the urban condition replaces industrialization as driving issue of historical change.
A. Urban Involution C. Urban class
B. Urban system D. Urban Revolution
49. A state in which the population size is expected to change little or none over time
A. Zero population growth C. Population explosion
B. Population control D. Population decline
50. A densely populated area containing two or more metropolitan areas that have grown until they overlap one
A. Metropolitan C. Acropolis
B. Micropolitan D. Megalopolis

Course Title Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Rosalia S. Pre
Urban Geography Alex S. Sanchez, Cluster Head Dr. Rommel DC. Mallari
MAED, MAT Dean, College of Education

Pamantasan ng Cabuyao
Kapatan Village Banay – Banay
City of Cabuyao


1. A
2. D
3. C
4. D
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. B
11. C
12. B
13. B
14. A
15. C
16. D
17. C
18. B
19. D
20. B
21. C
22. D
23. B
24. B
25. B
26. A
27. D
28. A
29. C
30. D
31. D
32. D
33. D
34. D
35. B

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