Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects

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Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng.

Aspects 436 (2013) 1069–1075

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Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and

Engineering Aspects
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Synthesis and characterization of hollow gold nanoparticles using

silica spheres as templates
S. Narjes Abdollahi a,∗ , Malek Naderi a , Ghassem Amoabediny b,c
Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Department of Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Research Center for New Technologies in Life Science Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

• Using optimum amount of

Na3 C6 H5 O7 prevents agglomeration
of hollow spheres.
• The morphology of gold shell
depends on the concentration of the
• The SPR peak shows the red shift to
near IR region upon etching of the
• Hollow gold particles show optical
response to NIR range rather than vis-

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this paper, we report preparation and characterization of monodispersed hollow gold nanoparticles
Received 3 June 2013 with the average thickness of about 25 nm through the template method. The formation of these hollow
Received in revised form 4 August 2013 nanostructures involves three subsequent steps: preparation and functionalization of silica nanospheres,
Accepted 6 August 2013
formation of a thick gold shell around the templates and following selective etching of silica particles
Available online 26 August 2013
by HF solution. In order to obtain monodispersed hollow particles, the optimum amount of trisodium
citrate was used as stabilizing agent. The results show that although for both concentrated and diluted
HF solution, pure gold nanoparticles were obtained, but the 10 volume percent HF solution destroys the
Silica-gold nanoshells
Hollow gold nanoparticles
hollow structures and just agglomerated gold particles were generated. Furthermore, by investigation
Selective etching the optical response of the synthesized metallic nanoparticles consisting gold nanoparticles, silica-gold
nanoshells and hollow gold nanoparticles, it can be inferred that the hollow structures are capable to
absorb wavelengths mainly within near infrared region. Hence, this paper introduces a new strategy to
produce the metallic nanostructures with optical response within NIR range which may provide new
opportunities for their applications in variety of fields such as photoelectronics, catalysis and cancer
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction oscillation of the conduction electrons in response to the opti-

cal excitation. Their unique optical properties depend on their
In the past decade, considerable efforts have been devoted to shape and size. Hence, controlling the optical properties of metallic
design and synthesis of plasmonic metal nanostructures because nanostructures through manipulating their shape and size accord-
of their attractive optical properties originating from the collective ing to the desire applications is possible [1,2]. For example, the
surface plasmon resonance (SPR) band of spherical monodispersed
gold nanocolloids can only be tuned around 520 nm as much
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 21 64542978. as ∼50 nm by changing their average diameter [3]. Halas and
E-mail address: (S.N. Abdollahi). coworkers have demonstrated that the SPR band of gold nanoshells

0927-7757/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1070 S.N. Abdollahi et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 436 (2013) 1069–1075

containing silica cores are capable to absorb or emit different wave- 2. Experimental
lengths from the visible region to the near infrared by varying their
core diameter to shell thickness ratio [4]. 2.1. Materials
One of the most important issues for biomedical researchers
is to introduce the best treatments for cancer therapy. Although, Ammonium hydroxide (25%), ethanol absolute, hydrochloric
surgery, chemotherapy, high intensity ultrasound are some of the acid (37%), hydrofluoric acid (40%), potassium carbonate, tetraethy-
common treatments, but often there is a high risk for damaging lorthosilicate (TEOS) (99%) and trisodium citrate dihydrate were
the surrounding tissues [5]. Photothermal ablation therapy (PTA) purchased from Merck. 3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane and nitric
has been investigated for cancer treatment in recent years. Pho- acid (65%) were purchased from Sigma–Aldrich. Sodium borohy-
tothermal ablation therapy is a therapeutic strategy in which the dride (98%) and formaldehyde solution (37%) were purchased from
radiated light converts into heat to damage and destroy cancer cells Acros and Applichem, respectively. All chemicals were used as
[2,5]. The near infrared range extending from 700 nm to 1400 nm received.
also known as “tissue optical window” or “therapeutic window”
can penetrate relatively deep into biological soft tissues while 2.2. Synthesis of silica-gold nanoshells
the wavelengths in the visible region are greatly absorbed by tis-
sue pigments such as hemoglobin, melanin and tissue water [6]. Silica-gold nanoshells were synthesized by seed growth method
Therefore, using near IR region for PTA is more preferable than as described in our previous work [13]. Briefly, monodis-
visible due to deeper penetrating of the light [5]. Using metallic persed silica spheres were prepared by stirring 100 ml ethanol,
nanoparticles as a photothermal agent helps to generate localized 5 ml deionized water, 8.5 ml ammonium hydroxide and 1.5 ml
heat in the target tissue increasing efficiently of the treatment tetraethylorthosilicate at 40 ◦ C for 3 h. Then, silica spheres
[7]. Ideal metallic nanostructures for PTA should be capable to were functionalized by APTES and the modified particles were
absorb wavelengths in the near IR region [2]. The SPR band of separated by centrifugation and were dispersed in deionized
gold nanoparticles and gold nanoshells can be tuned in the vis- water.
ible and from the visible to NIR, respectively. Hence, using gold In order to synthesize gold nanoparticles, 1 ml of 1% HAuCl4
nanoshells for PTA gained more attention than gold nanoparti- solution, 2 ml of 1% trisodium citrate and 1 ml of fresh 0.075% NaBH4
cles because of relatively better optical response of nanoshells to in 1% trisodium citrate were added into 100 ml room temperature
NIR wavelengths [8]. However, researchers are still looking for the deionized water and the mixture was stirred for about 10 min. Here,
nanostructures with the more appropriate optical properties in NIR sodium borohydride and trisodium citrate dihydrate were used as
range for PTA leading to introducing new metallic nanoparticles reducing agent and capping agent, respectively. The red colored
[2,7]. solution containing gold nanospheres was kept at 4 ◦ C for further
Recently, monodisperse hollow metallic spheres have attracted use.
considerable interest due to their unique structural and opti- At the seeding step, 10 ml functionalized silica spheres and
cal properties, including high surface area, low density, tunable 100 ml gold nanocolloids were mixed together. The solution con-
SPR features and wide range of potential applications such as taining gold decorated silica particles was centrifuged and the
encapsulation of products (for the controlled release of drugs, deposited pellet was redispersed in deionized water.
cosmetics, inks, enzymes and proteins), biomedical diagnostics Finally, at the shell growth step, 1 ml of gold seeded silica
and hyperthermia [9–11]. Their SPR band strongly depends on solution and 80 ␮l formaldehyde were added into 20 ml of gold
the particles size, the shell thickness, the interior void and the hydroxide solution which was obtained from mixing 1.5 ml of 1%
dielectric constant of the surrounding environment [11]. Two HAuCl4 solution and 100 ml of 2 mM potassium carbonate aqueous
main methods known as the galvanic replacement and the hard solution. The obtained dark blue solution was centrifuged and the
template method have been employed to prepare metallic hol- deposited solid was redispersed in deionized water.
low spheres. Simplicity in preparation, narrow size distribution
and availability in a wide range of particles size are the most 2.3. Synthesis of hollow gold nanoparticles
important benefits to use the hard template method for synthe-
sizing metallic hollow nanostructures [10]. The most commonly Hollow gold nanoparticles were prepared based on chemical
employed hard templates include metal colloids (silver and cobalt etching of the silica templates. First, the solution containing gold
nanocolloids), silica nanoparticles, polystyrene particles and car- nanoshells was sonicated for 3 min. 14 ml of 5 vol% HF solution was
bon spheres [12]. added into 20 ml of sonicated solution and the mixture was stirred
In this paper, we investigate the fabrication and characteriza- magnetically for 5 min in presence of trisodium citrate (about
tion of hollow gold nanoparticles using hard template method and 0.01–0.015 g) in a plastic beaker. Gradually, the color of solution
the effect of the etchant solution concentration on morphology of changed to light blue which is a characteristic of selective etching
obtained nanostructures. First, silica spheres were synthesized and of silica spheres. Finally, the solution was centrifuged and the pel-
were modified with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES). The sil- let was redispersed in deionized water. In order to investigate the
ica spheres were coated with gold through two subsequent steps: influence of HF concentration, the same procedure was repeated
seeding gold nanocolloids on the cores and shell growth. At the last for a 10 vol% HF solution.
step, hollow spheres were produced via chemically etching of silica
spheres with hydrofluoric acid solution. Field emission scanning 2.4. Characterization
electron microscopy (FE-SEM), transmission electron microscopy
(TEM), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM) The UV–vis absorption spectra were obtained using a T80+ dou-
and UV–vis spectroscopy were further used to characterize synthe- ble beam spectrophotometer (PG Instrument). The X-ray diffraction
sized nanoparticles. Our results indicate the tunability of hollow patterns of the samples were recorded in an X’pert Pro diffrac-
gold nanoparticles to near IR region. According to our results as tometer (PANalytical) using Cu K␣ radiation ( = 1.5418 A◦ ). The
well as considering low toxicity and biocompatibility of the gold surface morphology and the components of the synthesized
nanoparticles [2], monodispersed hollow gold nanoparticles can be nanostructures were characterized using S-4160 field emission
considered as one of the most promising candidates for the medical scanning electron microscope (Hitachi) and energy dispersive X-
applications. ray spectrometer (Oxford Instrument) coupled with the S-4160,
S.N. Abdollahi et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 436 (2013) 1069–1075 1071

Fig. 1. (a) TEM image of bare silica particles, (b and c) FE-SEM and TEM images of gold seeded silica spheres, (d and e) FE-SEM and TEM images of silica-gold nanoshells.

respectively. Samples were dropped on a cylinder, were dried in an 3. Results and discussion
oven at 30 ◦ C, and were covered with a thin gold layer. TEM images
were taken through EM 208 electron microscope (Philips) operat- Fig. 1a presents TEM image of the monodispersed silica spheres
ing at a bias voltage of 100 kV. HR-TEM images and the selected area with an average diameter of 130 nm which were synthesized
electron diffraction (SAED) pattern were obtained using CM 30 elec- according to Stöber method [14].
tron microscope (Philips) working at 150 kV. Samples for TEM and In order to increase the affinity between silica particles and
HR-TEM were obtained by dropping a small droplet of the synthe- negatively charged gold colloids, the cores were functionalized
sized nanostructures onto a carbon-coated copper grid and drying with APTES resulting positively charged modified silica spheres.
at ambient atmosphere. The particle size measurements were done When modified silica particles were mixed with citrate-capped
using Digimizer image analysis software (version, MedCalc gold nanospheres, the nanosized gold particles were immobilized
Software, Belgium). onto the surface of the silica spheres. FE-SEM and TEM images
1072 S.N. Abdollahi et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 436 (2013) 1069–1075

Fig. 2. (a and b) FE-SEM images of hollow gold nanoparticles obtained using the 5 vol% HF solution. (c) EDS pattern of the hollow nanostructures.

of gold decorated silica particles are shown in Fig. 1b and c. The centrifugation. Therefore, an optimum amount of stabilizing agent
images demonstrate that the gold nanoparticles were deposited should be used. Furthermore, the dissolution step mixing time
onto substrate separately due to repulsive interparticle Coulomb should not be less than 3 min nor more than 5 min. A short mixing
interactions between gold colloids inhibiting attachment of further time does not provide enough time to complete dissolution reac-
particles. Hence, in order to increase the degree of silica surface tion. On the other hand, if the mixing time exceed more than 5 min,
coverage with gold or in fact to obtain a complete shell, a subse- the hollow particles tend to agglomerate even in the presence of
quent reduction step of gold hydroxide on surface of immobilized trisodium citrate. So, the mixing time is an important parameter to
gold colloids was applied. Fig. 1d and e demonstrate that a uniform prevent agglomeration of hollow nanostructures.
and complete crystalline gold shell about 25 nm was obtained after Fig. 2a and b presents FE-SEM images of products obtained from
shell growth step (the XRD pattern of gold nanoshells which is an mixing gold nanoshells with the 5 vol% HF solution. The images
evidence for crystalline structure of gold shell was presented in our show that the obtained nanostructures are hollow spherical gold
previous paper [13]). shells with the average thickness of 25 nm. Hence, it can be inferred
During etching step, the silica spheres were dissolved by treat- that the gold shell was permeable to the acid and the silica spheres
ment with HF dilute solution according to following reaction [15]: were dissolved selectively with HF solution without collapsing the
gold shell. EDS pattern of hollow gold particles (Fig. 2c) shown in
Fig. 2b indicates that hollow gold nanoparticles are pure gold and
SiO2 + 4HF = SiF4 + 2H2 O
the silica spheres were etched completely.
Our experimental observations reveal that the hollow gold HR-TEM images of hollow gold nanoparticles obtained from this
nanoparticles were agglomerated gradually during etching step procedure are shown in Fig. 3a and b. In these images, the con-
may be due to decreasing surface charge of these particles. Hence, trast between the dark edge and the light center indicates the
we used trisodium citrate as a stabilizing agent [16] during selective selective etching of silica particles and formation of hollow gold
etching of silica cores to prevent hollow particles from aggrega- nanospheres.
tion as much as possible. Although, using trisodium citrate prevents The SAED pattern of hollow gold particles is presented in Fig. 3c.
agglomeration, but excessive amount of trisodium citrate prevents The SAED pattern shows the diffraction rings corresponding to the
the separation and the collection of obtained particles through (1 1 1), (2 0 0), (2 2 0), (3 1 1) and (2 2 2) planes of the face centered
S.N. Abdollahi et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 436 (2013) 1069–1075 1073

Fig. 3. (a and b) HR-TEM images of hollow gold nanoparticles. (c) SAED pattern of hollow gold nanoparticles.

cubic structure of gold [17]. The pattern demonstrates the poly- consequence of an interaction between plasmon response from a
crystalline nature of the hollow nanoparticles. Furthermore, the nanosphere and a nanocavity. The interaction between these two
ring-type dotted pattern may be due to irregular attachment of gold plasmons leads to hybridization of plasmon resonance into anti-
nanoparticles onto the surface of silica nanospheres or irregular symmetric mode and symmetric mode. The strength of plasmon
gold shell growth [18]. coupling determines the position of the SPR for nanoshells [20,21].
Upon increasing the HF concentration to 10 vol%, the structure of Hence, the red shift of SPR band observed for synthesized gold
obtained products was completely different. As shown in FE-SEM nanoshells can be described by hybridization model.
and HR-TEM images (Fig. 4a–d), during etching step, the hollow In case of gold nanoshells, as the shell growth proceeds, the
structure was destroyed and the particles were broken into smaller higher order multipole mode (i.e. quadrupolar plasmon resonance)
pieces, producing large aggregates of irregular shapes. The EDS becomes more dominant for the advent of SPR band which was
pattern of obtained nanostructures is presented in Fig. 4e. The pat- initially due to dipolar plasmon resonance. The higher order mul-
tern demonstrates that the nanoparticles are pure gold same as tipole mode resonance gives rise to a secondary peak to the left of
the hollow gold particles and there is no impurity in it. So, it can the SPR band [22]. This justifies the appearance of the second peak
be concluded that although the concentrated solution of HF does observed at curve c, at 385 nm. Moreover, increasing interparticle
not change the components of products compared to the diluted interactions leads to the broadening of absorption spectrum of gold
solution, but the morphology of products depends on the HF con- nanoshells [23] which is observed in curve c.
centration. According to UV–vis spectrum of obtained hollow gold nanopar-
Fig. 5 shows UV–vis absorption spectra of synthesized nanopar- ticles shown in Fig. 5, curve d, it can be understood that by removing
ticles consisting gold nanoparticles, gold decorated silica particles, silica spheres, the SPR peak showed a red shift into the near-IR
gold nanoshells and hollow gold nanoparticles which were nor- region and the plasmon bandwidth was increased.
malized at their maximum absorption for comparison. As shown in In this research, upon selective etching of silica particles, the
Fig. 5, curve a, the surface plasmon resonance of synthesized gold produced central void of the hollow nanostructures was fulfilled
nanospheres is about 525 nm. with water (the embedding medium). Hence, the dielectric con-
As shown in Fig. 5, in the case of gold nanoshells, it can stant of the core was decreased from ∼2.04 for silica particles to
be inferred that the SPR peak of core–shell nanostructures is ∼1.77 for water, while the dielectric constant of the surround-
shifted from about 540 nm for gold seeded silica particles (curve ing medium is still ∼1.77 (the surrounding medium for both
b) to longer wavelengths (about 650 nm) for silica-gold nanoshells silica-gold nanoshells and hollow gold nanoparticles is water). Liu
(curve c). Furthermore, a second peak at shorter wavelengths et al. investigated the effect of the dielectric core and embed-
(about 385 nm) is shown up. The red shift of SPR peak to 650 nm is ding medium on optical properties of core–shell nanostructures.
due to stronger plasmon coupling between gold particles aggre- They theoretically demonstrated that the SPR band of the silica-
gated on silica spheres [19]. Besides, according to hybridization gold nanoshells (shell thickness = 10 nm, total diameter = 60 nm)
model presented by Halas et al., the SPR band of nanoshells is the shows a redshift to longer wavelengths by increasing the dielectric
1074 S.N. Abdollahi et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 436 (2013) 1069–1075

Fig. 4. (a and b) FE-SEM and (c and d) HR-TEM images of the nanoparticles produced using the 10 vol% HF solution. (e) EDS pattern of aggregated nanoparticles.

constant of core and medium due to polarizability of the dielec- between the metallic nanoparticles was decreased. Decreasing the
tric material. However, the sensitivity of the SPR band position to distances leads to stronger plasmon coupling between neighboring
changing the dielectric core is less than dielectric medium [24]. gold nanoparticles, hence, a red shift to longer wavelengths is the
But, as in our work, the SPR band was shifted to longer wave- consequence [25,26]. Furthermore, the position of SPR band of the
lengths upon etching silica particles and decreasing the dielectric hollow nanoparticles depends on their aspect ratio (outer diame-
constant, our result is in contrast to what Liu et al. theoret- ter to shell thickness ratio). Increasing the particle size of hollow
ically illustrated. This difference may be due to the following nanoparticles at a constant shell thickness leads to the red shift
reasons. of SPR band [26,27]. Therefore, in this research, the observed red
It is mentioned before in the manuscript that selective etching shift of SPR upon removing silica spheres may be due to aggrega-
of the cores enhanced aggregation of the products, so the distance tion of gold nanoparticles and strong plasmon coupling between
S.N. Abdollahi et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 436 (2013) 1069–1075 1075

of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering of Amirkabir University of

Technology (Tehran Polytechnic) for supporting this research.


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for New Technologies in Life Science Engineering and Department

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