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Republic of the Philippines

Region 02
District of Diffun I


Bannawag Integrated School Drum,

Lyre and Melodion Group



Teacher I
Bannawag Integrated School
District of Diffun I
Division of Quirino


One of the vital roles of every educator is to provide the students ample
means of learning resources such as inventive programs and activities which
could be used as enhancement and enrichment intervention to augment learning
gaps behind regular class sessions in school. Furthermore, the proponent began
with a thought that an article written by a students may inspire others to view
English language as something necessary in their lives and not just a school
Bannawag Integrated School Drum, Lyre and Melodion Group 2017-2018

The Journalism program of the Department of Education, though it is only

assimilated into as other disciplines, is a dynamic opportunity to improve and
advance the communication skills of students.

As such, the school should continuously provide Journalism-related

activities for students in order for them to appreciate the significance of the
program in relation to their studies and learning process indeed, to support and
appreciate Project SONIA of Diffun I District which focused on improving the
academic instruction and on the sustainability of novel intervening activities that
would enhance pupils’ multiple intelligences.

Bannawag Integrated School is looking forward to sustain a program that

could relate in the implementation of the Journalism-related activities. The school

Bannawag I/S
paper, which is an effective instrument in the improvement of students’ writing
skills and in the broadcasting of school programs and activities, actively
advocates the department’s thrust for the development of journalistic skilled

Furthermore, the students must undergo basic preparation and training in

order to deepen their writing expertise and be able to compete with other

student-writers not only in the division but also in the regional and national as

well. Hence, this project “NAP-AID for Campus Journalists” shall be

conducted from 4:00 o’clock to 4:30 PM during school days which could also be

an approach for application of what the students learned from their academic

subjects and nevertheless to prepare and qualify student writers for School Level

Bannawag Integrated School Drum,

Press Conference and Lyre
Higherand Melodion
Level Group
Press Conferences. 2017-2018

The proponent therefore recommends this project to be implemented and

institutionalized as a vital program intervention to advocate and to improve

Campus Journalism.



minutes stagered activity which will be carried out during Mondays, Wednesdays

and Thursdays of the week at 4:00 to 4:30 PM and to be attended in by

interested student writers and all members of the School Publication after their

class hours in the afternoon. Lectures shall be done with the aid of slide

presentations, video lessons, reading variety of journals and other related

Bannawag I/S
references by the speakers and lecturers which simultaneously followed by a

workshop from which the participants shall base their outputs thereafter. Regular

output shall be recorded and classified in each category to monitor the

improvement and progress of the students. Topics include importance of

journalism, news writing, feature writing, editorial writing, sports writing,

copy reading and headline writing, editorial cartooning, photojournalism

and radio broadcasting.

The English and Filipino mentors shall compose the pool of lecturers

during the session. The results of the student’s record from the workshops done

in each category shall be used in choosing the top five qualifiers whom shall be

given final test during the School Based-Confab and to select the best writers
Bannawag Integrated School Drum, Lyre and Melodion Group 2017-2018
prior to the conduct of Higher Level Press Conferences. The first place winner in

each category shall represent the school in the forthcoming DSPC. The

participants shall be given merits such as certificates of participation and

certificate of recognition for the winners and shall be awarded during Closing

Programs of the current S.Y. The project shall be conducted year round upon

approval of the School Principal and Head of the District.


1. Institutionalization of an intervening program that continuously provide

Journalism-related activities for students in order for them to

Bannawag I/S
appreciate and internalize the significance of the program in

relation to their studies and learning process.


The students shall be able to:

1. Attain journalistic skills in writing and broadcasting through the Journalism

Augmentation Program

2. Develop the value of responsible journalism

3. Provide students more profitable reasons to appreciate the need to

learn the English language

Bannawag Integrated4.School Drum, Lyre and Melodion Group
Compete in the DSPC and higher level Confab

5. Publish/reproduce Campus Paper “The Dawn”


All interested pupils and students who are willing to devote their 30 minutes after
class hours’ time in stagered three days weekly in the afternoon and those who are eager
to enhance their writing skills and wanting to become responsible student journalist.


1. Consultation with the school head, School Paper Advisers and teachers

handling English and Filipino subjects both Elementary and Secondary

2. Seeking approval and permission to conduct the project.

3. Networking with shareholders particularly the parents and students for


Bannawag I/S
4. Provision of needed materials in the implementation of the project.

5. Conduct orientation to target clients and shareholders about the project

through a Forum.

6. Implementation of the program.

7. Monitoring and Evaluation.

8. Submission of results of the project in the District Office


A. Phase I: Pre – Implementation – June 10 to July 31, 2017

1. Consultation on the proposed project

2. Preparation of the write-ups and action plans of the intervening activity

3. Provision of needed materials in the implementation of the project

Bannawag Integrated School Drum,ofLyre

3.1 Source and Melodion Group
funds/Materials/Equipment 2017-2018

A. Expected Source of Funds

1. Sliced amount from the School Paper Fund

2. School MOOE
3. Donations

B. Expected Expenditures

a. Laptop- 20,000.00
b. Printer /CIS- 5,000.00
c. Projector- 25,000.00
d. Camera- 8,000.00
e. Bond paper- 2,000.00
f. Refill inks- 5,000.00
g. Miscellaneous- 1,000.00
TOTAL: 66,000.00

4. Conduct orientation on the implementation of “PROJECT NAP-AID FOR


Bannawag I/S
5. Interacting with shareholders for support.

B. Phase II: Implementation – SY 2017 – 2018 – P 61,000.00

1. Conduct of the program every after classes in the afternoon as scheduled in

the Task’s Matrix.

2. Establishment of needed materials/equipment

3. Monitoring and evaluation

4. Quarterly progress reporting by the teacher in-charge of the program


C. Phase III: Project Evaluation – April 2018

1. Organization and orientation of research team

2. Data gathering

Bannawag Integrated School

3. Data Drum, Lyre
collation, and and
analysis Melodion Group
interpretation 2017-2018

4. Report writing and dissemination

D. Phase IV: Institutionalization – 2018 – 2019

Total Project Cost: P 66, 000.00


(Please See attached Sheet)

Prepared by:

Teacher I- School Paper Adviser

Bannawag I/S
Bannawag Integrated School Drum, Lyre and Melodion Group 2017-2018


I - The Project
Project Title :

Bannawag I/S
Fund Raising Activity
Purchase of Musical Instrument

Project Proponent
Mr. Noel R. Dauran
Master Teacher - I

Baya Elementary School
Ragay District, Div. of Camarines Sur

Time Frame
Planning: June 2012
Drafting of proposal June 2012
Launching Date August 2012
Implementation Musical Instrument/(tangible)

II - Background and Rationale:

For several years now, Baya Elementary School doesn't hear the
lively music played by the school children who are member of the drum and Lyre
corps. The campus used to be a picture of young and talented musicians
alongside with charming young pretty majorettes.
Bannawag Integrated School Drum, Lyre and Melodion Group 2017-2018
We hope to bring back that same mood. This project, have the skills
of our pupils who are inclined in playing some musical instrument. If organized,
our school will once have a group that we can see whenever we have school
convocations. Our street parade will definitely be an event to look forward to by
the community because of our DLC.
Acquiring these instruments requires a big amount of fund. It will be
a burden of parents if we asks them to purchase a particular child wants to use or
play. Collaborative support and effort of the whole school community specifically
by the community is greatly needed through a fund raising activity that the
proponent has thought of. The instruments that this endeavor will be able to
acquire shall become school property and shall continue to be of service to the
school children as long as they're apt to use.

III - Description of the Project

"Search for Lakan/Mutya ng Wika 2012"

IV - Project Objectives:
1.To develop pupils talent and self-confidence.
2.Gain good rapport to the parents and community.
3.Accumulate funds
4.Show wholesome interpersonal relationship among each other
5.Appreciate the service offered by others.

Bannawag I/S
V - Plan of Activities

Activities Date Resources Needed

Expected Outcomes

A. Planning
consult the school head March 2012
coordinate the peers
call for General PTA meetings March 16, 2o12
hired a skilled trainor for DLC skilled trainor with high with

B. Organizing:
Selection of pupils either male March 19, 2012 pupils/parents
& female for the Drum & lyre
and majorette corps

selection of candidates for June 2012 pupils/parents

Bannawag Integrated School Drum, Lyre and Melodion Group 2017-2018
Mutya at Lakan from Grades
1 to Grade VI

a. Orientation to the selected March 19, 2012 skilled trainor,

majorette, Drum and Lyrel teacher or
corps. organizer

b. Scheduled daily practice co-organizer

of majorette and DLC from lakan/mutya 2011
1.Summer Schedule of practice
April 24 - May 27, 2012
MWFS - 8:00 A. M-11:A.M
2. During School Hours Daily
6:00 - 7:00 A.M
4:00 - 5:00 P.M

c. Distributing the envelopes to the June 22, 2012 candidate for lakan
well distributed
candidates. at mutya ng wika

Bannawag I/S
d. First and last canvassing Aug. 24, 2012
raised the targeted


III - Post Implementation

a. parade around the vicinity of May 29, 2012 majorette&DLC
poblacion Ragay(town fiesta)

b. parade around the vicinity of

Banga(parish fiesta) Aug. 13, 2012 majorette&DLC

c. parade around the barangay Aug. 14, 2012 majorette&DLC

(senior Citezens Day)

d. culminating activities Buwan Aug. 31, 2012 majorette &DLC

well attended
ng Wika 2012
Bannawag Integrated School Drum, Lyre and Melodion Group 2017-2018
e. parade around the barangay Aug. 31, 2012 parents

VI - Budgetary Requirements

ample Action Research Proposal


I - Proponent:
                         Noel R. Dauran
                         Master Teacher - I

Bannawag I/S
                         Baya Elementary School
                         Ragay, Camarines Sur

II - Background of the Study:

               The area of focus for my project is improving Reading Comprehension
Through the Use of Higher Order Thinking Skill Activities. Without the solid
foundation of reading skill the researcher feels the children will be struggle hard
throughout their schooling and adult life. By learning the best comprehension
strategies and how to best teach  these strategies to the pupils, the researcher
hopes to provide the solid foundation needed to succeed . Although the school's
NAT result has meet or exceed its expectation, still the researcher has a thought
of a way to improve it. In reading class, the grade three pupils scored84%, but
the scores dropped in the 4th grade. So the researcher concludes that the pupils
score decreases because of the pupils have very poor higher - order thinking
skills to increase reading test scores and develop meaningful reading experience
to the pupils.

III - Statement of the Problem:

               As the researcher of this research, I have found out that many of my
pupils in grade III are able to read fluently, but still have difficulty in answering the
"how" and "why" questions. I am hoping that by incorporating higher order
thinking skills my pupils would be able to transfer and make connections to
Bannawag Integrated School Drum, Lyre and Melodion Group 2017-2018
reading. This is important in order for a child to be successful. I feel that
incorporating reading strategies and showing students how to reflect about what
they have read, would improve their reading comprehension and to become life-
long learners. I am looking forward to working on this area of concern, and
sharing my findings with my co-teachers.

IV- Significance of the Study:

       The study will be deemed important for the proper recognition of the
improving Reading Comprehension Through the use of higher - order thinking
activities on the academic Performance of the grade III pupils, Likewise, the
findings of this research may prove useful to the following, to wit;

                        Pupils. Having a clearer view and firsthand experience of the

teacher's performance, this will further enhance pupil's knowledge of the
importance of mastering the basic skills of their competencies so they will make
an effort to do best. This may lead to better enthusiasm and develop good study

                         Teachers. This study may heighten their awareness in identifying

the learning tasks that are well developed as well as the least. This may further
be a motivating factor to adapt measures and new strategies for the improvement
of instructions in reading.

Bannawag I/S
                         Parents. The result of this study will serve as bird's eye view of
the parent to know the needs of their children with regards to improving their
reading comprehension.

             School Administrator and Supervisors. Results of this investigation

may encourage administrators and supervisors help their teachers upgrade their
teaching performance in improving  reading comprehension  through closer
supervision and faculty development  and training programs.

                        Department of Education Camarines Sur Specially Ragay

District. With the use of the results of the study, any educational upliftment will
benefit  the municipality of Ragay as it may improve the quality of working force
of the municipality or the quality of life of their respective constituents.

                   Curriculum Planners. The findings of this study may assists the

planners in the proper selection  of methods, techniques, and strategies that
need to be reinforced.

                           Community.The result of this study  may benefit the community

in as much they know that the teachers of their children are equipped with the
necessary tools and competence  in teaching them.
Bannawag Integrated School Drum, Lyre and Melodion Group 2017-2018
                            Researcher Himself. This may serve as inspiration in teaching
his pupils above and beyond his capacity.

                          Future Researcher. The information and insights that will be

gained from this study may serve as guide for other researcher in framing their
conceptual framework and design and at the same time encourage them to
conduct lateral studies within their area of preferences.

V- Scope of the Study

                   The general focus of the present study was on the Improving

Reading Comprehension Through the use of Higher Order Thinking Skills
Activities of the grade III pupils in Baya Elementary School, District of Ragay,
Division Of Camarines Sur.The study covered the PHIL-IRI  assessment result of
the school year 2011-2012 utilizing the post -test. The aspect s in Improving
Reading Comprehension that the present study will look into the different reading
strategies. Predicting, making connections, visualizing, Inferring, questioning,
and summarizing are shown on this research to improve reading comprehension.

VI - Research Design
                   A. Methodology
                                 This study employ the pre-Experimental one shot case
study. According to De Jesus 

Bannawag I/S
                   the pre experimental one shot case study is a design in which a
single group is only studied 
                   once, subsequent to a treatment is the instruction of reading
strategies . It is important to teach 
                   the strategies  by naming the strategy and how it should be used,
modelling trough  think aloud
                   process, group practice, partner practice and independent  use of the
                                  The second tool used was the Phil-Iri test administered to
the pupils in the grade III
                   pupils in the first week of July, 2011. This tool used to determine
student growth in reading 
                                   The teacher observation checklist was used by the
researcher to gather data 
                   throughout the intervention. This tool provides information of changes
on how well his pupils
                   understand and use reading comprehension strategies over time.

                   B. Sampling Design

                                     Purposive sampling was employed in selecting pupils -
respondent of the study. The 
Bannawag Integrated School Drum, Lyre and Melodion Group 2017-2018
                   pupils who were selected were enrolled in the third grade class for
the school year 2011-2012.

C. Description of Instrument Data and Gathering Form.

                   The Metacomprehension Strategy Index had a total of 25 questions
divided into three parts that asked about the strategies pupils used to help them
better understand the story. Part I of MSI is consist of statement about the
strategies used prior to reading a story, Part II of the MSI consist of statement
about the strategies used while reading a story, and the part III of the MSI consist
of statement about the strategies used after reading the story.

VI - Work Plan
                                Pre - Implementation

Date                                                                   Activities
 _______________                               _________________
 _______________                               _________________

                              During Implimentation
_______________                               _________________
_______________                               _________________                                 

Bannawag I/S
                                Post - Implementation
_______________                                ________________
_______________                                ________________

Proposed Budget:

                                     Expected Expenses                                         Proposed

                                      * Computer's Ink                                             Php. 1,
                                      * Bond paper                                                   Php.

                                                                                                      Prepared by:
                                                                                                             Teacher- I
Bannawag Integrated School Drum, Lyre and Melodion Group 2017-2018
                               School Head

    Recommending Approval:
                          ______________________              ___________________
                    Public Schools District Supervisor                   ES - I English

                                                                 Asst. Schools Division Superintendent

Bannawag I/S
Bannawag Integrated School Drum, Lyre and Melodion Group 2017-2018

Bannawag I/S

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