Jazz Review 1 (Dian Kurniasari)

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Concert Review

Jazz im Advent

University of Innsbruck Big Band


Dian Kurniasari

Early Jazz Class

UIBK/ UNO-AYA WS 2010-2011


Last Monday, I attended the Jazz concert in the University of Innsbruck. That was the
concert from University of Innsbruck Big Band. I have never been to a jazz concert before and,
thus, was tremendously excited about visiting the concert. The program was entitled Jazz im
Advent not only standards. That night the Uni.Innsbruck big band was featuring Helga
Plankensteiner who is an incredible saxophone player and also Michael Losch who is a brilliant
pianist. There was also an incredible Alois Eberl who is a trombone player.

The concert was begin at 08.00 pm in the Kathologisch-Theologisch Fakultaet of

University of Innsbruck. A lot of people come to the concert that night. I was kind of late, so I
could not get the best place to sat, that is why I was in the very back row. Even I was in the back
row, I still could enjoy the concert. I could hear the sounds clearly but I could not see the
performer clearly. Their performance was really good. Especially when each of the soloists
started to showed their talent.

There was one piece that I really loved, but unfortunately I could not know the title. The
piece was really good. It was started with the walking bass and drum in the intro. Then the
trumpets and saxes played before Helga Plankensteiner start her sax solo. She played really
good; it is just like she played from her heart. But I think she played too close to the microphone,
so it makes her sax too much loud.

The next solo performance was from the pianist and organist, Michael Losch. He moved
his finger very beautiful. He really took my attention that time. But I think when he did his solo,
he did not show all of his skill. It was just like half of his skill that he showed to us. But still for
me he is very amazing. Then it continued by the leader of the big band Martin Ohrwalder, to
show off his skill in playing trumpet. But when Alois Eberl start to play his trombone, it was just
like different from others. He played really well and skillful. But It’s kind of disappointed for
me. Not about his skill, but it was just about the sound that he produced. I think it was just
because of the technical problem thet he was too far from the microphone.
So that his trombone has no clear sound as the other and could not get much attention from the
audience and it made his sound was just like under the rhythm section. After that, the piece was
closed with the solo of the drummer.

On the other piece, there was also the beautiful singer with wonderfull voice who was
doing the scat singing. Her voice is very soft but not weak. That is kind of the jazz singer voice

I think for all of the performers, should be aware more about the technical thing, so they
can really give the audience the perfect performance. Overall the concert was really spectacular.
They are really swing. I saw some of the audience really enjoy the perfomance by moving their
feet, their head or even just their finger. I really enjoy the concert. It was amazing experience for
me to listen the jazz concert live.

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