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International trade deals with the business transaction between citizens of different nations. The

exchange of goods and services among citizens of independent countries or states is characterised as

international trade.

la ventaja de costos comparativos entre las dos naciones.

Thus a country capable of producing low cost goods in plenty, has an obvious motivation to export
the same and import the commodities which are scarce in that country.

It is a catalyst not only to raise the per capita productivity during early stage of industrialisation of
backward countries but also to maintain high productivity levels in industrial countries. Foreign

trade is needed to allow access to world's resources to all nations in terms of equality.

The measures taken by a country to regulate its exports and imports affect the interests of the

exporters and importers as well as producers and consumers abroad

International trade makes the people realise that they live in a world of mutual interdependence.

Evolución del comercio

In the fifteenth and sixteenth century trade was the mainspring of great travels and the colonial

expansion which followed the discovery of the new world. In the beginning trade was in the form of

barter system, that is, the exchange of goods (or services) against goods or


there are international labour and capital flows which result in multilateral money flow between the

countries of the world.


Very early traders discovered that long-distance trade was the most profitable and that they could

cover great distance with the primitive means of transportation at their disposal.

Western Europe completely dominated world trade in the nineteenth century. In the 1820's, Great

Britain alone accounted for more than 40 per cent of all exports. International trade consisted

largely of the exchange of Great Britain and continental European countries among themselves and

with overseas area, especially the tropics


The history of European commerce in the sixteenth century is the history of the slave trade.

The development of new forms of foreign trade was accelerated after the steam engine and new

textile machines had opened undreamed perspectives to the British textile industry.

Growth of the world trade in the nineteenth century was stimulated by technological progress.

London was the centre of world trade. The mainspring of international exchange of commodities

was Britain's demand for foodstuff and raw materials and its ability to pay for them with coal,

machines and fabrics.

Fricciones politicas

After victory of United States over France in 1871, unified Germany entered the political scene as

the strongest military power of Europe y the end of the nineteenth century, Germany had become a

first - rate sea power. After having established commercial relations with South America, China and



echnological developments created disparities among the nations of the world. The mechanised

economy was a monopoly of a few nations in the world during nineteenth century, it was at the cost

of hundreds of millions of poverty -

The gap between have and have-not nations was the most characteristic feature of this period.
The benefits through international trade was largely received by developed countries. This led to

create inequalities in the levels of income, standards of living, growth rate, trade and economic


Developed countries introduced a tariffs or quota system to promote their economic growth.


The mechanised economy brought in its wake the rise of industry. Output grew in volume as a

result of industrialisation.


Trade was the road which led to wealth and power, and wealth was identified with the procuring of

gold and silver. The purpose of trading with foreign countries was to export as much domestic

produce as was feasible to import the necessary quantities of precious metal to keep the domestic

economy functioning.

Period of World War First and World War Second

As discussed earlier that before World War First various countries followed liberal trade policy. But

after the World War 1st, a series of revolutions in the map of Europe and the Near East had taken


In all parts of the world, nations suffered by economic and financial difficulties. This was

the most dangerous period when millions of peoples were unemployed, became resourceless,

suffered hunger, haunted by diseases and died.

After 1945, there was slight improvement in the international situation. The

disequilibrium in trade was narrowed, customs duties had been reduced, customs procedures

simplified, quantitative trade restrictions eliminated or liberalised and obstacles to international

trade were eliminated to a great extent.


For international trade, the ultimate objective of this policy has been restoration of a freer, more

competitive world market.


Protection refers to any policy that raises the price received by domestic producers of any important

importable commodity


-Aranceles o derechos de aduana


-Control de cambio: El tipo de cambio es el precio al que una moneda compra otra moneda o

cambia por otra moneda ^ se conoce como tipo de cambio

-Comercio de estado: El comercio de Estado se refiere a la participación del gobierno en el

comercio exterior.

-Dumping es la venta de bienes en el exterior a un precio inferior al precio de venta de los mismos

bienes en el mismo momento en el país, teniendo en cuenta la diferencia de costo de transporte.

objetivo capturar el mercado externo y destruir su industria nacional en el corto plazo y una vez

destruida la industria nacional, explotar el mercado en el largo plazo.

-Subvenciones/ recompensas a la exportación: por el gobierno al productor

-Prohibición legislativa: narcóticos

Niveles arancelarios antes de la Primera Guerra Mundial

In 1913 - 14 (before first World War) some tariffs were higher and other were lower than those at

the beginning of the century.

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