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Answer the follow questions:

What were you doing ten minutes ago?

Ten minutes ago, I watched videos of Dota 2

What were you doing half an hour ago?

Half an hour ago I was driving

What were you doing five hours ago?

Five hours ago, I had breakfast with my friend

What were you doing at seven o’clock this morning?

At that time, I was awake lying in my bed, talking on Whatsapp with

my friends.

What were you thinking about few minutes ago?

I was thinking about irregular verbs and their grammar change in the

Were you watching TV last night? 

Yes, i was watching a movie.

Was is raining a few hours ago?  Was it snowing?

No, the day was quite sunny by my house

Were we studying English an hour ago?

No , I was doing my math

What were you doing at midnight last night?

I was sleeping, because yesterday was a tired day for me.

What were you doing at noon yesterday?

I prepared the food, I cook every Saturday

Who were you talking to a few minutes ago?

i was talking about what i want for lunch

What was our teacher doing a few minutes ago?

My teacher was evaluating the oral participations of my classmates

What were you doing at seven o’clock last night?

Last night at seven, I was spend time whit my friends in my house

What were you doing at ten o’clock yesterday morning?

Yesterday on morning, I did exercises

What do you think I was doing three hours ago?

Three hours ago, I was having breakfast with my friend

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