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TOPIC Legacy—Institutions and People

Korbinian Brodmann (1868-1918) and His

Contributions to Mapping the Cerebral Cortex
Marios Loukas, MD, PhD* Korbinian Brodmann is best remembered for his classification of cortical areas based on
Christopher Pennell, MSc* cytoarchitechture. He was influenced by such greats as Alzheimer, Vogt, Edinger, Nissl,
Christopher Groat, MSc* and Weigert. Although first presented in 1903, Brodmann’s ‘‘mapping’’ continues to be
the lingua franca of cortical localization and his writings on this topic have become
R. Shane Tubbs, MS, PA-C, PhD†
neurological classics. Many of his areas have gone on to be associated with various
Aaron A. Cohen-Gadol, MD, MSc‡
nervous functions such as hearing (areas 41 and 42) and vision (areas 17 and 18). Few
*Department of Anatomical Sciences, textbooks of neurology, neuroanatomy, or neurosurgery fail to mention the important
School of Medicine, St George’s Univer- maps produced by Brodmann that are still used today. The present article discusses the
sity, Grenada, West Indies; †Children’s life and influence of Korbinian Brodmann on our understanding of the human brain.
Hospital, Pediatric Neurosurgery, Bir-
mingham, Alabama; ‡Clarian Neurosci- KEY WORDS: Cortex, Function, History, Neuroanatomy, Neuroscience
ence Institute, Goodman Campbell Brain
and Spine, and Indiana University Neurosurgery 68:6–11, 2011 DOI: 10.1227/NEU.0b013e3181fc5cac
Department of Neurological Surgery,
Indianapolis, Indiana

Germany.1,3,4 His initial intentions were to

Correspondence: n 1909, Korbinian Brodmann (Figure 1)
R. Shane Tubbs, PhD, published a monograph that continues to establish a general practice in the Schwarzwald
Pediatric Neurosurgery, guide the study of neuroscience even today. (Black Forest), but in the year after his licensing,
Children’s Hospital,
1600 7th Ave S,
Few physicians are unfamiliar with many of he decided to specialize by studying psychiatry at
ACC 400, the areas of the cerebral cortex as defined the universities of Lausanne in Switzerland and
Birmingham, AL 35233. by Brodmann in the early 20th century. Munich. While in Munich, he also worked in
E-mail: Many researchers have built on his ideas, but the Universitats-Kinderklinik und Poliklinik
Brodmann’s original work has yet to be replaced. (University Pediatric Clinic and Polyclinic) in
Received, February 11, 2010.
Accepted, May 3, 2010. His influential life not only was relatively short psychiatry under Dr Hubert von Grashey.5
but also was marred by underappreciation. Personally, Brodmann was described as ‘‘an
Copyright ª 2010 by the He struggled his entire career to find a secure intense and earnest man, reserved to the point of
Congress of Neurological Surgeons position suitable for a researcher of his stature. timidity, but could flare, on occasion, into
Despite these obstacles, he managed to con- a temper.’’6,7
tribute research so significant that it has become Brodmann spent the summer of 1896 re-
an integral part of today’s medical education cuperating from a bout of diphtheria and
and neuroscience research. However, there is working as an assistant at the private Neuro-
very little in the English literature regarding biologische Zentralstation (Neurological Clinic)
the life of this man whose expertise spanned focused on nervous diseases in Alexanderbad im
neurology, psychiatry, physiology, zoology, and Fichtelgebirge (northern Bavaria).7 The clinic
anthropology.1 was directed by Oskar Vogt, who described
Brodmann was born to Josef and Sophie Brodmann as having ‘‘broad scientific interests,
Brodmann in Liggersdorf, Hohenzollern, on a good gift of observation, and great diligence
November 17, 1868. He was educated in his in widening his knowledge’’ (Figure 2).8 After
hometown until the age of 12, when he studied Brodmann’s recovery, he set out to prepare
the humanities in Überlingen. He attended himself for a career in research by studying
Gymnasium in Sigmaringen and ultimately pathology in Leipzig. He received his Promotion
graduated from Gymnasium in Konstanz. He in 1898 after the successful defense of his thesis
began his medical career in 1889 by studying regarding chronic ependymal sclerosis.4,8 After
medicine at the universities of Munich, Wurz- receiving this degree, he worked under Otto
burg, Berlin, and Freiburg.2 On February 21, Binswager in Jena at the Grossherzogliche
1895, he received his Approbation (medical Sächsische Landes-Irren-Heilanstalt (University
degree), allowing him to practice medicine across Psychiatric Clinic).

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FIGURE 2. Photograph of Brodmann and several colleagues. From left to right,

Brodmann, Cécile Vogt, Louise Bosse, Oskar Vogt, Max Lewandowski, and Max

techniques developed by Weigert (1845-1904) and Nissl (1860-

1919) to organize the cerebral cortex topographically.8 Weigert
had recently developed staining methods for neuroglial cells that
aided Nissl in his neurohistological studies. Nissl would go on to
FIGURE 1. Signed photograph of Korbinian Brodmann. work with Brodmann, and his experiences with neurohistology
and staining techniques, influenced by Weigert, would propel
Brodmann’s research. Before Brodmann’s research, Berlin, who
was Meynert’s pupil, had described the 6 layers of the human
In 1900, Brodmann transferred to Frankfurt to work at the cortex based on cell shape and size.
Städtische Irrenanstalt at Frankfurt-am-Main (Municipal Mental While at the Neurobiological Institute, Brodmann began
Asylum). During his brief stint in Frankfurt, he met Alois Alz- editing the Journal für Psychologie und Neurologie. The journal
heimer, and this relationship proved crucial in sparking Brod- lived on as the Journal für Hirnforschung and in 1994 became the
mann’s interest in the neuroanatomical foundations of neurology Journal of Brain Research. Between 1903 and 1908, he published
and psychiatry.7 He was also influenced by such notable figures as a series of 7 communications on comparative mammalian (over
Karl Weigert and Franz Nissl, who were recognized for their 64 different species) cytoarchitectonics.6 Brodmann defined
cellular staining techniques, as well as Ludwig Edinger, who cytoarchitectonics as ‘‘the localization of the individual histo-
identified the oculomotor parasympathetic nucleus. He remained logical elements, their layering, and their parcellation in the adult
in Frankfurt only until 1901, but this period proved essential in brain.’’6 The sixth and most well known of these was published in
shaping his future successes. The same year that Brodmann 1908 and contained the famous map in which he organized the
received his Promotion in Leipzig, Oskar Vogt began creating his unique histological regions of the human cortex.10 These works
multidisciplinary brain research institute, the Kaiser-Wilhelm- formed the basis for the publication of his 1909 monograph
Institut fur Hirnforschung in Berlin-Buch (Neurobiologisches Vergleichende Lokalisationslehre der Grosshirnrinde in ihren Prin-
Institut), with divisions for neuroanatomy, neurohistology, zipien dargestellt auf Grund des Zellenbaues (The Principles of
neurophysiology, neurochemistry, and genetics.9 Remembering Comparative Localization in the Cerebral Cortex Based on Cy-
Brodmann’s gift for keen observation from their relationship in toarchitectonics; Figure 3). Oskar and Cécile Vogt performed
Alexanderbad, Vogt (1870-1950) called on Brodmann to join research in myeloarchitectonics, a field focused on the parcella-
him and his wife, Cécile (1875-1962), in Berlin.3 When Brod- tion and layering of nerve fibers, and their work complemented
mann arrived, Vogt suggested that he undertake a methodical Brodmann’s. In April 1903, Brodmann made a joint presentation
comparative study of the cells of the cerebral cortex. The rela- with them at the meeting of the German Psychiatric Society in
tionships he formed in Frankfurt proved useful at the Neuro- Jena (Figure 4).3 With his presentation, Brodmann stated that
biological Institute in that he used new histological staining ‘‘functional localization without the lead of anatomy is utterly


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as a physician. In his free time, he set up his own brain anatomy

research laboratory (Figure 5).4 In 1913, he was appointed as
a professor to the Faculty of Medicine in Tübingen on the
recommendation of Robert Gaupp and was warmly welcomed by
its faculty, including the famed anatomist August von Froriep.3,11
The outbreak of World War I interrupted the research of
Brodmann, who volunteered in a mental hospital in Tübingen.
For his service, was awarded the William Cross with swords in
February 1916 by His Majesty the King of Wurttemberg.
Despite his warm welcome in Tübingen by Gaupp and others,
Brodmann was still unable to obtain a position with the economic
security that allowed the opportunity for research. It was not until
May 1, 1916, that he was able to do so when Berthold Pfeiffer
offered him the Prosectorship at the Irrenanstalt Nietleben
(Mental Asylum) near Halle an der Saale. Walther Spielmeyer
applauded Pfieffer for recognizing Brodmann’s abilities and need
for security: ‘‘[Pfieffer] is in the honorable position of besides
having a clear mind about Brodmann’s extraordinary presence as
he also has the capability of taking care of him and offering him
an independent, carefree position.’’4 With this newfound secu-
rity, Brodmann met Margarete Francke and married her on April
3, 1917. Their first child, Isle, was born in 1918.4
In 1918, Brodmann moved to Munich to take charge of the
Department of Topographical Anatomy at the prestigious
Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Psychiatrie (Psychiatric Research
Institute) run by Emil Kraepelin. Kraepelin had formed a pow-
erful collaboration by inviting both Brodmann and Nissl because
he saw the importance of neurohistology and cytoarchitectonics
in the future of neuroanatomical research (Figure 6).2
Unfortunately, just as this group came together, Brodmann died
of sepsis on August 22, 1918, only 5 days after falling ill.3 Oskar
Vogt said of Brodmann,
FIGURE 3. Title page of Brodmann’s 1909 Vergleichende Lokalisationslehre
Just at the moment when he had begun to live a very happy family
der Grosshirnrinde in ihren Prinzipien dargestellt auf Grund des Zellenbaues.
life and when, after years of interruption because of war work, he
was able to take up his research activities again in independent
and distinguished circumstances, just at the moment when his
impossible.’’5 Brodmann’s publication gave a glimpse into the friends were looking forward to a new era of successful research
neurobiological thinking of the time.8 from him, a devastating infection snatched him away after a short
While working with the Vogts, Brodmann submitted a habil- illness, on 22 August 1918.
itation regarding the cytoarchitectural division of the prosimian
cortex to the medical faculty in Berlin at the suggestion of Emil An intense worker, Brodmann was noted to be making writing
Kraepelin. Habilitation is the academic qualification conferred on motions with his finger before dying.8
individuals who have received a doctoral degree and submitted an Even though Brodmann died before the age of 50, most
additional thesis that then allowed them to become a Privatdo- physicians are familiar with his work that created a topographical
zent (Private Docent), which was requisite for becoming a ten- map of the human cortex. In humans, he identified 47 histo-
ured university professor. Brodmann’s habilitation was logically distinct regions using novel staining techniques
inexplicably rejected by Berlin’s faculty, which prevented him introduced by Nissl, and in primates, he described 52 different
from acquiring a secure professorship. Vogt described his frus- regions. At the time, there were 3 schools of thought for mapping
tration with this rejection by stating that ‘‘every effort to provide the brain contributed to by such men as Meynert, Betz, Ferrier,
[Brodmann] with a modest, but secure living has failed, mainly Kaes, Bechterew, Edinger, Flechsig, Lewis, Clarke, and Ham-
due to non-understanding. The Medical Faculty in Berlin thereby marberg.12 Some sought to localize function on the basis of the
carry great guilt on their shoulders.’’4 presence of individual histological elements; others believed each
In 1910, frustrated by his rejection and still in search of more cortical layer was associated with a specific function. Brodmann
stable work, Brodmann traveled to Tübingen, where he worked believed there was little evidence for cell type determining

8 | VOLUME 68 | NUMBER 1 | JANUARY 2011

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FIGURE 4. Cerebral hemispheres of the human with Brodmann’s ‘‘areas’’ applied. From Vergleichende Lokalisationslehre der
Grosshirnrinde in ihren Prinzipien dargestellt auf Grund des Zellenbaues.


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FIGURE 5. Microtome used by Brodmann in making sections through the

cerebral cortexes of animals and humans.

function and was even more adamantly opposed to assigning

functions to specific layers. He said, "These [associations of
individual layers with specific functions], and all similar ex- FIGURE 6. Brodmann at work at his microscope.
pressions that one encounters repeatedly today, especially in the
psychiatric and neurological literature, are utterly devoid of any
factual basis; they are purely arbitrary fictions and only destined
to cause confusion in uncertain minds.3,10 Despite the strictly anatomic nature of his work, Brodmann
The third school of thought, of which Brodmann was a sup- did value function and hoped a topographical map like his would
porter, was somewhat of a hybrid of the first two. It claimed that lay the foundation for an understanding of brain functionality.
regions of the brain that contained similar structures in both He wrote, ‘‘Although my studies of localization are based on
layering and cell type could produce specific functions: purely anatomic considerations and were initially conceived to
‘‘Cytoarchitectonics in particular is linked to the cellular lamina- resolve only anatomic problems, from the outset, my ultimate
tion, that is to say the fact that the cellular elements making up the goal was the advancement of a theory of function and its path-
cortex reveal a pattern of layers one above the other in section taken ological deviations.’’3,10
perpendicular to the cortical surface, with a different composition The significantly larger number of areas defined by Brodmann
according to the site.’’3,10 Brodmann’s work sought to provide data compared with Campbell may be evidence for an appreciation of
that would undermine those that attributed functionality to cortical exquisite complexity of the human brain and the subsequent
layers. Moreover, he was keen to relate neurohistology to stimu- decision to initially focus solely on cytoarchitectural work. Fur-
lation studies of other researchers of his day. Lastly, Brodmann thermore, criticism of Brodmann’s supposed lack of interest in
wished to develop mapping of the cortex that went beyond such functional neuroanatomy seems unjust because his career was cut
oversimplified maps that included, for example, only the ‘‘temporal short after his initial publications. Whatever the case may be,
lobe’’ and desired to specify areas such the ‘‘auditory cortex.’’ evidence for the realization of his ultimate goal is given by the
Critics have claimed that too much credit is given to Brod- regular associations of several areas with discrete functions.
mann’s work because it lacked a focus on functionality.13 The Specifically, areas 4 and 17 are associated with the primary motor
works of Alfred Walter Campbell (1868-1937) are little known to and visual cortexes, respectively. Such discoveries by Brodmann
most physicians because Brodmann’s work all but erased them would be used as references for continued study of cytoarchi-
from history. Some scholars, however, believe his 1905 mono- tecture such as those made by Constantin Von Economo (1876-
graph, Histological Studies on the Localization of Cerebral Function, 1931) and his subsequent publication on this topic in 1925.
to be the first monumental work on cytoarchitectonics.5 An underappreciation of Brodmann’s talents made laying the
Campbell’s monograph preceded Brodmann’s main article on the foundation for this functional localization difficult. Walther
human cortex by 3 years and more heavily emphasized function. Spielmeyer, who worked with Brodmann at the Psychiatric Re-
The work described 17 regions of the cortex, each tied to specific search Institute, indicated Brodmann’s marginalization in 1924,
functions such as vision, sensation, and olfaction.5,13 claiming,

10 | VOLUME 68 | NUMBER 1 | JANUARY 2011

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If we look at [Brodmann’s] career, we are painfully aware that 11. Holdorff B. Founding years of clinical neurology in Berlin until 1933. J Hist
little provision was made in German universities for a researcher Neurosci. 2004;13(3):223-238.
12. Finger S. Origins of Neuroscience.: A History of Explorations Into Brain Function.
of Brodmann’s stature. . .Until his 48th year Brodmann had to
Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; 1994.
be content with subordinate posts that in no way corresponded to 13. Ffytche DH, Catani M. Beyond localization: from hodology to function. Philos
his importance, and he watched with some bitterness as officious Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2005;360(1456):767-779.
mediocrity led to the most distinguished posts while he, the
successful and recognized researcher, in spite of all his lack of
pretension, could never attain the most modest permanent uni-
versity position.3 Acknowledgment
The rejection of Brodmann’s habilitation by the medical faculty We are very thankful to the staff at the Korbinian Brodmann
in Berlin was just one example of how he was marginalized in his museum in Hohenfels, Lake Constance County, Germany, for
field, making funding for his research scarce. With his persistence, their kindness in providing us images of Professor Brodmann and
however, his goal was realized; the data he produced made it his laboratory.
possible for today’s researchers to associate specific functions with
many of his described cortical areas. Brodmann’s ‘‘areas’’ thus
provide the modern researcher/clinician with the ability to apply
more discrete terminology to lobes of the brain, and continues to COMMENT
be the lingua franca of modern cortical localization.
The authors have no personal financial or institutional interest in any of the
L oukas et al outline the contributions of Korbinian Brodmann to the
modern understanding of the structure and function of the brain.
This nicely written work describes the life and times of a man whose
drugs, materials, or devices described in this article. name is now intimately associated with the organization of the brain. It is
interesting to note that, although we now refer to Dr Brodmann s areas
REFERENCES on a routine basis when discussing brain function, during his lifetime
1. Haymaker W, Rose, JE.Korbinian Brodmann (1868-1918): The Founders of Neurology:
Dr Brodmann was grossly underappreciated and his contributions
One Hundred and Thirty-Three Biographical Sketches Prepared for the Fourth In- denigrated. This article sheds some light on how Dr Brodmann thought
ternational Neurological Congress in Paris. Springfield, MO: C.C. Thomas; 1953. and what motivated him to parcel brain regions on the basis of subtle
2. Danek A, Rettig J. Korbinian Brodmann (1868-1918) [in German]. Schweiz Arch cytoarchitectural differences. One of the more interesting facets of this
Neurol Psychiatr. 1989;140(6):555-566. paper is precisely why he was repeatedly ignored and belittled by con-
3. Garey LJ. Brodmann’s ‘‘Localization in the Cerebral Cortex.’’ London, UK: Imperial temporary German academia. Unfortunately, the reader is left to ponder
College Press; 1999.
4. Vogt O. Korbinian Brodmann, Lebenslauf. In Grosse Nervenärzte, Vol. 2, Stuttgart,
that point: Was it simply because he did not believe in self-promotion?
Germany: Thieme; 1959;40-44. Was it because his ideas were so radically different from the conventional
5. Campbell A. Histological Studies on the Localisation of Cerebral Function. Cam- wisdom of the day? Was it due to personal differences with influential
bridge, UK: Cambridge University Press; 1905. academics? Or were there other factors not mentioned in the article? It is
6. Pearce JM. Historical note: Brodmann’s cortical maps. J Neurol Neurosurg Psy- interesting that in a life hampered by such a lack of support and cut short
chiatry. 2005;76:259. by an untimely death, Dr Brodmann could still make such an enduring
7. Rose JE. Korbinian Brodmann. Springfield, MO: Charles C. Thomas; 1970.
8. Garey LJ. Prof. Dr. Korbinian Brodmann.
contribution to science.
Accessed: February 8, 2010. All in all, this is a clearly written and beautifully illustrated summary of
9. Bentivoglio M. Cortical structure and mental skills: Oskar Vogt and the legacy of Korbinian Brodmann s life and work. The authors are to be commended
Lenin’s brain. Brain Res Bull. 1998;47(4):291-296. for it.
10. Brodmann K. Beiträge zur histologischen Lokalisation der Grosshirnrinde, VI:
Mitteilung: Die Cortexgliederung des Menschen. J Psychologie Neurologie. Oren Sagher
1908;10:231-246. Ann Arbor, Michigan


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