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Actividad de aprendizaje 11

Evidencia 2: Comparing my product

Conocer un producto es importante a la hora de distribuirlo y para describirlo, en

inglés, se necesita tener el conocimiento sobre el uso de los adjetivos y
comparativos. Por lo anterior para esta evidencia se debe realizar la descripción
de los productos de una empresa para clientes internacionales de habla inglesa.

Para esto, elabore un documento con un listado de once (11) oraciones sobre
características para un producto, utilizando la información presentada en la
siguiente tabla y haciendo uso de adjetivos en inglés. Finalmente piense en un
producto de su preferencia, diligencie la tabla de evaluación del producto y realice
el respectivo listado de características.

Product evaluation: Camera

Does it meet the specifications? 1 2 3 4 5

1. Functions *
2. Size *
3. Quality *
4. Weight *
5. Products *
6. Colors *
Is it within target?
7. Production cost *
8. Selling price *
9. Price *
Does it compete in the market?
10. Quality *
11. Unique features *

1. Table chocolate is increases the nitric oxide in the blood

2. quality by size and quality of the benefit process

3. A good pure chocolate is not only measured by the percentage of cocoa,

but by the sum of cocoa mass and cocoa butter
4. table chocolate, gives physical stability and in particular separates two
phases, which contain low molecular weight species that have different

5. One of the main values of this desired product lies in its richness in
antioxidants, natural, and serves for all occasions

6. Chocolate is a traditional drink throughout the state, this product is an

essential part of the diet, with its natural color from the collection to its

7. The process flow analysis of the different production lines helps the
development of the study of times, movements and standardization and
this helps the most accurate determination of labor in the study of costs
of the three lines

8. The price of table chocolate has price changes, for various reasons, of
course, its price is very affordable to any type of socioeconomic

9. The chocolate market in Colombia is transforming and it is easy to

identify these changes thanks to the supply of products, specialization,
diversification, prices, imports and above all consumption

10. The modern consumer is now demanding products that have a specific
characteristic, and he knows that there are unique chocolates on the
market, as well as others from specialized producers that only select the
best origins

Product evaluation: _____________________

Does it meet the specifications? 1 2 3 4 5

1. Functions x
2. Size x
3. Quality x
4. Weight x
5. Products x
6. Colors x
Is it within target?
7. Production cost x
8. Selling price x
9. Price x
Does it compete in the market?
10. Quality x
11. Unique features x

1. Very energetic food

2. Contains minerals, such as calcium

3. It is an antioxidant, being very beneficial vitamins for our health

4. Intensifies the libido, especially the sexual desire in women, giving it as

an aphrodisiac essence only for women.

5. Table chocolate is a product that can not be lacking in the table, and its
consumption does not make exceptions

6. The color of traditional table chocolate does not change because it is a

naturally prepared product

7. The cost of production varies with the prices of inputs for planting cocoa

8. In recent years the sale price has risen due to the large amount of

9. Chocolate for its antioxidants minimizes the appearance of aging signs

such as wrinkles.

10. Cocoa has varied tastes and aromas acquired from the soil and the way of
cultivation. By being manufactured under this concept you can better
appreciate its qualities and it is considered a high quality chocolate

11. Chocolate is the enemy of high temperatures. Between 55 and 60 ° C the cocoa
butter begins to burn and leaves an earthy texture and the product becomes
more bitter and stale.
Nota: para el desarrollo de esta evidencia se deben tener en cuenta el material de
formación “Describing my product with adjectives” y los materiales
complementarios pertenecientes a esta actividad de aprendizaje.

Elabore la evidencia en la herramienta de su preferencia y envíe el archivo al

instructor a través de la plataforma virtual de aprendizaje.

Pasos para enviar la evidencia:

1. Clic en el título de la evidencia.

2. Clic en Examinar mi equipo y buscar el archivo previamente guardado.
3. Dejar un comentario al instructor (opcional).
4. Clic en Enviar.

Nota: esta evidencia es de carácter individual. Recuerde revisar la guía de

aprendizaje con el fin de verificar que ha realizado todas las evidencias
propuestas, saber cómo desarrollarlas y entregarlas correctamente.

Criterios de evaluación
Estructura adecuadamente una opinión sobre un tema conocido de su

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