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Tuguegarao City


First Semester
A.Y. 2020-2021



Prepared by:



Reviewed by:


Social Sciences and General Education Program Chair

Recommended by:


Academic Dean

Approved by:


Vice President for Academics

CONW 1013 – Contemporary World | 1

School of Education, Arts and Sciences
Social Sciences and General Education Department
Curriculum 2019-2020


CONW 1013 – (Contemporary World)


WELCOME TO THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR 2020-2021! You are enrolled in the Correspondence Learning
Modality. I am Miss Stella Marie R. Lumaban, your instructor in Contemporary World and I’m prepared to
oblige your inquiries as far as our subject is concerned. You may call me Ma’am Ella and I’m glad to help you.

Stay Connected

For queries, please feel free to contact me through the following:

 Facebook account/ name: Ella Lumaban
 E-mail :
 Phone: 09169162909
 Online hours: 8:30AM – 12:00PM
1:00pm – 4:00pm

Get Involved. USL expects you to do the following:

(For Modular)

 Let your parents pick up your module on the first day of the week.
 Send back your accomplished lessons/learning tasks as your parent will pick up the next.
 Contact me through messenger for any query that you want to make about your lessons or procedures
in school.
 Comply with all requirements (written outputs, projects/performance tasks examinations and the like.)

(For LMS)
 Learning materials like handouts, powerpoint, scanned books, photos or videos and worksheets will be
uploaded in the Neo-LMS. You are expected to read the lessons before working on the activities or
 You are expected to interact by asking questions or sharing insights through the Discussion Forum.
That is also my way of following up on your progress and of helping you with your difficulties.
 In each lesson, you will be given a worksheet or activity to complete. It is important therefore, that you
read well the materials given before working on any activity.
 Synchronous quiz will be given every week. Low MB usage will be utilized to ensure easy access.
Failure to submit on time requires you to provide written explanation. Allowing you to take another exam
is within the discretion of your instructor. You will be notified of the schedule for quizzes

CONW 1013 – Contemporary World | 2

Be Alert

 Lessons will be uploaded every Monday, and submission will be every Thursday of the week.
 For submission purposes, please upload ALL outputs in the LMS or send them to my e-mail.
 Turn in learning tasks on time to avoid backlogs.
 Remember to log in your LMS regularly as that will be the basis of your attendance.
 Be guided by the grading system


Expect to do a lot of reading and writing. Varied assessments or activities will be given. At the outset, I am
strictly warning you against plagiarism specially for essay type activities. Plagscan is used to verify authenticity
of your work. Any plagiarized material will be automatically given zero. (this includes copy paste from internet
and from your classmates)

Academic Intellectual Property Rights: Materials posted over NEO-LMS are the properties of USL and the
Facilitators. Students are not allowed to share it to any third-party individuals not part of the class without any
permission from the owners.

I hope you find this flexible approach helpful. Continue to learn amidst this pandemic. Stay safe while learning.

Included in this 1st week module are the following:

1. Course Outline (Read from your books, internet sources in advance)

2. Grading System
3. The USL Vision-Mission and Values, Program Outcomes, Course Learning Outcomes
4. Weekly Study and Assessment Guide
5. Worksheets to be submitted to your teacher

This Week’s Time Table: (August 17-21, 2020)

For this week, the following shall be your guide for the different lessons and tasks that you need to accomplish.
Be patient, read them carefully before proceeding to the tasks expected of you.

Date Topics Activities or Tasks

August 17 Orientation/Setting of Expectations Read the General Introduction part
The USL-Vision-Mission-Values
August 18-19 Define Globalization Read Lessons
Nature of Globalization Answer a question in the Participation Part
Signs of Globalization
The Merits and Demerits of Globalization
August 20 Submission of learning tasks Accomplish the worksheet in the Activities
Portion of this module
August 21 Synchronous Quiz (for LMS) Prepare for a Quiz (Synchronous-for the
CONW 1013 – Contemporary World | 3
Online Mode) Actual Quiz for the modular
English 1013 (Purposive Communication)
AY 2020-2021

Lesson 1: Introduction to the Study of Globalization

Topic: Defining Globalization and its Nature

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Distinguish different interpretations and approaches of globalization;

2. Describe the emergence of global economy, political, social and cultural system;
3. Share the personal definition of globalization;
4. Describe the nature of globalization;
5. Differentiate merits and demerits of globalization;
6. Agree on a working definition for the course.



The most significant difficulties confronting the world in the 21st century is related with globalization,
the developing disconnectedness of individuals and places through merging procedures of monetary, political,
and social change. Once distant regions are now increasingly linked together through commerce,
communication, and travel. Studying the outside world is a cure to parochialism or an outlook that is limited to
one’s immediate community. You need to study the world because it can teach you more about yourself;
because you will be interacting with it.

This subject presents the different meanings of globalization, comprehend its keys features, and
acquaint you to an assortment of variables which have added to the procedure of globalization, its advantages
and disadvantages, and its history and theories. The course also introduces students to the contemporary
world by examining the multifaceted phenomenon of globalization. Using these various disciplines of the social
sciences, it examines the economic, social, political, technological, and other transformations that have created
an increasing awareness of the interconnectedness of peoples and places around the globe.

To this end, the course provides an overview of the various debates in global governance, development
and sustainability. Beyond exposing the student to the world outside the Philippines, it seeks to inculcate a
sense of global citizenship and global ethical responsibility.

CONW 1013 – Contemporary World | 4

Lesson Proper:

Globalization is derived from the word “globalize” which refers to the emergence of an international network of
economic systems. This is also a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and
government of different nations.

Manfred Steger described the process of globalization as “the expansion and intensification of the social
relations and consciousness across the world time and across world – space.”

Bauman 2003 states that much has change during time immemorial. Human being has encountered many
changes over the last century especially in their social relationships and social structures of these changes,
one can say that globalization is very important change, if not, the most important. Swedish journalist Thomas
Larsson saw the globalization as the process of world shrinkage, of distance getting shorter, things moving
closer; it pertains to the increasing ease with which somebody on one side of the world interact, to mutual
benefit with somebody on the other side of the world. On the mid-1990s, Martin Khor once regarded
globalization as colonization.

There are 3 types of Globalization

1. Economic Globalization – refers to interconnectedness of economies through trade and exchange of

resources. It also refers to the widespread international movements of goods, services, capital,
technology and information. Economic globalization primarily comprises the globalization of product,
finance, markets, technology, organizational regimes, institutions, corporations, and labour.
2. Social Globalization – it pertains to human interaction within cultural communities, encompassing
topics like family, religion, work and education. It is a global interconnectedness between the people. It
is also a measure of how easily information and ideas pass before people in their own country and
between different countries (includes access to internet and social media networks.)
3. Political Globalization – refers to the amount of political co-operation that exist between different
countries. Political Globalization refers to the growth of the worldwide political system, both in size and
complexity. It also refers to the organization of different countries intro trade blocs.

So why we need to study Globalization?

How will you be connected to other country? How will you be able to understand the standard of living in other
country and improve the development of politics, technology, sciences, culture, education and economy? That
is because of the Globalization.

For instance, researching is much easier because there is the internet, where you can find the information that
you need to satisfy your curiosity. Moreover, besides books, the internet provides you with necessary facts and
trivia on different concerns and trends in the field of early childhood education, which serve as guides for you
to become a better and competent early childhood educator in the near future. Furthermore, because of the
modern technology, you get to experience a comfortable lifestyle. On the other hand, globalization has taught
you how to save and budget your allowance because of the continuous price increase in basic needs such as
food, clothing, and even transportation in our country.

It is very important to study globalization because understanding the contemporary international political
economy is an essential part of being an informed citizen. Understanding globalization is a very important part
of learning about our human involvement with the environment and society. Our daily experiences at school,
CONW 1013 – Contemporary World | 5
work, and home are an integral part of the globalization process. We live in an independent global political
economy. The concept of understanding globalization provides us with the tools necessary to be productive
members of our local and global communities. The purpose of studying globalization to understand the
differences and similarities of different cultures and to understand how we are connected and at the same time
separated from the world.

Your Thoughts 1:

In not more than 10 sentences, share your insights on this question.

What do you think is the importance of defining globalization?

 For the LMS, proceed to the discussion forum and post your response.
 For the modular, proceed to the Participation Section of this module


Since its first appearance in the Websters

Dictionary in 1961, many opinions about
globalization have flourished.

There are two classifications on defining

1. Broad and Inclusive;
2. Narrow and Exclusive.

Broad and inclusive definition according to

Ohmae 1992 – “globalization means the onset
of the borderless world.” It can include a variety
of issues that deal with overcoming traditional
boundaries. This definition of globalization can
see from a more perspective point of reference
when it comes to how we all become connected Figure 1 Globalization
to each other. It can distinguish all the benefits
and has the advantage of seeing further ahead to avoid future problems. It does have a potential to neglect its
own constituents at certain times because of the tendency to look outward.

Robert Cox define narrow and exclusive as “the characteristics of the globalization trend include the
internationalizing of production, the new international division of labor, new migratory movements from South
to North, the new competitive environment that accelerates these processes, and the internationalizing of the
state… making the states into agencies of the globalizing world”. This definition of globalization focuses on the
one spot, particularly its own. It has a very limited point of view because of the lack of reference. It fails to
recognize the role of other parties as a potential partner. In global trade, a nation that takes narrow point of

CONW 1013 – Contemporary World | 6

view usually starts the trade wars because it excludes others. It usually has the support of its own constituents
and is commended for taking a protectionist stand.

In a comprehensive study of 114 definitions, 67 of them entails about economic dimension.

A more definition was given by Ritzer that globalization is a transplanetary process involving increasing liquidity
and the growing multidirectional flows of people, objects, places, and information as well as the structure they
encounter and create that are barriers to, or expedite those flows.

How can we appreciate these definitions?

First, the perspective of the person who defines globalization shapes the definition. Second, to paraphrase the
sociologist Cesare Poppi – globalization is the debate and the debate is the globalization. One became part
and parcel of the other. And third, globalization is reality; it is changing as human society develops.

No matter how one classifies a definition of globalization, the concept is not easy to define because in reality,
globalization has a shifting nature. It is complex, multifaceted, and can be influenced by the people who define

Nature of Globalization

1. Liberalization: It stands for the freedom of the entrepreneurs to establish any industry or trade or business
venture, within their own countries or abroad.
2. Free trade: It stands for free flow of trade relations among all the nations. Each state grants MFN (most
favored nation) status to other states and keeps its business and trade away from excessive and hard
regulatory and protective regimes.
3. Globalization of Economic Activity: Economic activities are be governed both by the domestic market and
also the world market. It stands for the process of integrating the domestic economy with world economies.
4. Liberalization of Import-Export System: It stands for liberating the import- export activity and securing a free
flow of goods and services across borders.
5. Privatization: Keeping the state away from ownership of means of production and distribution and letting the
free flow of industrial, trade and economic activity across borders.
6. Increased Collaborations: Encouraging the process of collaborations among the entrepreneurs with a view
to secure rapid modernization, development and technological advancement.
7. Economic Reforms: Encouraging fiscal and financial reforms with a view to give strength to free world trade,
free enterprise, and market forces.
Globalization accepts and advocates the value of free world trade, freedom of access to world markets and a
free flow of investments across borders. It stands for integration and democratization of the world’s culture,
economy and infrastructure through global investments.

1. Increase in international trade at a faster rate than the growth in the world economy.
2. Increase in international flow of capital including foreign direct investment.
3. Greater trans-border data flow, using such technologies such as the Internet, communication satellites and

CONW 1013 – Contemporary World | 7

4. Greater international cultural exchange, for example through the export of Holly wood and Bollywood
movies. 5. Some argue that even terrorism has undergone globalization. Terrorists now have attacked places
all over the world.
6. Spreading of multiculturalism and better individual access to cultural diversity, with on the other hand, some
reduction in diversity through assimilation, hybridization, Westernization, Americanization or Sinosization of
7. Erosion of national sovereignty and national borders through international agreements leading to
organizations like the WTO and OPEC.
8. Greater international travel and tourism.
9. Greater immigration, including illegal immigration.
10.Development of global telecommunications infrastructure.
11.Development of a global financial systems.
12.Increase in the share of the world economy controlled by multinational corporations.
13.Increased role of international organizations such as WTO, WIPO, IMF that deal with international
14.Increase in the number of standards applied globally; e.g. copyright laws.


 Many anti-globalism activists see globalization as the

promotion of a Corporatist agenda, which is intent on
constricting the freedoms of individuals in the name of
profit. They also claim that increasing autonomy and
strength of corporate entities increasingly shape the
political policy of nation-states.

 Globalization imposes credit-based economics,

resulting in unsustainable growth of debt and debt

Figure 2Anti-Globalization


 Supporters of free trade point out that economic

theories such as comparative advantage suggests that
free trade leads to a more efficient allocation of
resources, with all those involved in the trade
benefitting. In general, they claim that this leads to
lower prices, more employment and better allocation of

CONW 1013 – Contemporary World | 8

Figure 3Pro-globalization
Globalization in The Philippines

The country is taking part in the process of globalization ever since the country signed agreements with World
Trade Organization in 1995.

Now, globalization is very effective in the Philippines, it has allowed major changes in the nation like more
labor, and more Filipino and foreign companies has emerged in the nation in order to help the country’s
developing economy.

Globalization can make the Philippines into a better nation if the Philippine leaders to make their economy
more advance through global trading and allowing more foreign investors to the help boost the economy. And
by accomplishing those goals, the Philippines should be able to reduce the poverty level as well as increase
labor force for job opportunities for those that are in need for a living. However, since the poverty level is still
increasing, most Filipinos has managed to find work overseas and they have managed to seek better living
than in the Philippines. The most effective factor in the Philippines is education. The society’s mentality is to be
educated and it’s with education that people in the nation see their opportunity for a better life in the future.


Globalization is one of the most controversial issues of

our times. Others generally believe that it brings greater
economic efficiency that will eventually result in bring
prosperity for the world. Critics think that it will largely
benefit those who are already rich, leaving most of the
world poorer than before. Economic globalization is
generally applauded by corporate leaders and
economics. But opposition to economic globalization is
widespread in the labor and environmental movements
for it has promoted exploitation of workers, children,
farmers, and the environment.

The Merits (Advantages) of the Globalization

1. Peaceful Relations – most of the countries have resorted to trade relations with each other in order to
boost their economy, leaving behind any bitter past experiences if any.
2. Employment – considered as one of the most crucial advantages, globalization has led to the
generation of numerous employment opportunities. Companies are moving towards the developing
countries to acquire labor force.

CONW 1013 – Contemporary World | 9

3. Education – a very critical advantage that has aided the population is the spread od education. With
numerous educational institutions around the globe, one can move out from the home country for better
opportunities elsewhere.
4. Product Quality – the product quality has been enhanced so as to retain the customers. Today the
customers may compromise with the price range but not with the quality of the product. Low or poor
quality can adversely affect customer satisfaction.
5. Cheaper Price – globalization has brought in fierce competition in the markets.
6. Communication – every single information is easily accessible from almost every corner of the world
circulation of information is no longer a tedious task, and can happen a second. The internet has
significantly affected the global economy, thereby providing direct access to information and products.
7. Transportation – considered as the wheel of every business organization, connectivity to various parts
of the world is no more a serious problem. Today with various modes of transportation available, one
can conveniently deliver the products to a customer located at any part of the world.
8. GDP Increase - Gross Domestic Product, commonly known as GDP, is the money value of the final
goods and services produced within the domestic territory of the country during an accounting year.
9. Free Trade – free trade is a policy in which a country does not levy taxes, duties, subsidies, or quota on
the import/export of goods and services from other countries. There are countries which have resolved
to free trade in specific regions. This allows consumers to buy goods and services, comparatively at a
lower cost.
10. Travel and Tourism – globalization has promoted tourism to great heights. International trade among
different countries also helps in increasing the number of tourists that visit different places around the
11. External Borrowing – with the help of globalization, there is opportunity for corporate, national, and sub-
national borrowers to have better access to external finance, with facilities such as external commercial
borrowing and syndicated loans.

The Demerits (Disadvantages) of the Globalization

1. Health Issues - Globalization has given rise to more health risks and presents new threats and
challenges for epidemics. The dawn of HIV/AIDS. Having its origin in the wilderness of Africa, the virus
has spread like wildfire throughout the globe in no time. Food items are also transported to various
countries, and this is a matter of concern, especially in case of perishable items.
2. Loss of Culture - With large number of people moving into and out of a country, the culture takes a
backseat. People may adapt to the culture of the resident country. They tend to follow the foreign
culture more, forgetting their own roots. This can give rise to cultural conflicts.
3. Uneven Wealth Distribution - It is said that the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer.
In the real sense, globalization has not been able to reduce poverty.
4. Environment Degradation - The industrial revolution has changed the outlook of the economy.
Industries are using natural resources by means of mining, drilling, etc. which puts a burden on the
5. Disparity - Though globalization has opened new avenues like wider markets and employment, there
still exists a disparity in the development of the economies. Structural unemployment owes to the
disparity created. Developed countries are moving their factories to foreign countries where labor is
cheaply available.
6. Conflicts - It has given rise to terrorism and other forms of violence. Such acts not only cause loss of
human life but also huge economic losses.

CONW 1013 – Contemporary World | 10

7. Cut-throat Competition - Opening the doors of international trade has given birth to intense competition.
This has affected the local markets dramatically. The local players thereby suffer huge losses as they
lack the potential to advertise or export their products on a large scale. Therefore, the domestic markets

Your Thoughts 2:

What are the merits and demerits of using broad and inclusive definition and narrow and exclusive definition
in Globalization?

 For the LMS, proceed to the discussion forum and post your response.
 For the modular, proceed to the Participation Section of this module


Figure 4 The six blind men and the elephant

What can we learn about globalization through the story of “The Six Blind Men and The Elephant”?


For Modular, a separate worksheet is attached, to be submitted/ given back to the teacher.
For LMS, this part shall be answered in the Assessment.

The Six Blind Men and The Elephant

CONW 1013 – Contemporary World | 11
Long ago six old men lived in a village in India. Each was born blind. The other villagers loved the old men and
kept them away from harm. Since the blind men could not see the world for themselves, they had to imagine
many of its wonders. They listened carefully to the stories told by travelers to learn what they could about life
outside the village.

The men were curious about many of the stories they heard, but they were most curious about elephants. They
were told that elephants could trample forests, carry huge burdens, and frighten young and old with their loud
trumpet calls. But they also knew that the Rajah's daughter rode an elephant when she traveled in her father's
kingdom. Would the Rajah let his daughter get near such a dangerous creature?

The old men argued day and night about elephants. "An elephant must be a powerful giant," claimed the first
blind man. He had heard stories about elephants being used to clear forests and build roads.

"No, you must be wrong," argued the second blind man. "An elephant must be graceful and gentle if a princess
is to ride on its back."

"You're wrong! I have heard that an elephant can pierce a man's heart with its terrible horn," said the third blind

"Please," said the fourth blind man. "You are all mistaken. An elephant is nothing more than a large sort of
cow. You know how people exaggerate."

"I am sure that an elephant is something magical," said the fifth blind man. "That would explain why the Rajah's
daughter can travel safely throughout the kingdom."

"I don't believe elephants exist at all," declared the sixth blind man. "I think we are the victims of a cruel joke."

Finally, the villagers grew tired of all the arguments, and they arranged for the curious men to visit the palace
of the Rajah to learn the truth about elephants. A young boy from their village was selected to guide the blind
men on their journey. The smallest man put his hand on the boy's shoulder. The second blind man put his
hand on his friend's shoulder, and so on until all six men were ready to walk safely behind the boy who would
lead them to the Rajah's magnificent palace.

When the blind men reached the palace, they were greeted by an old friend from their village who worked as a
gardener on the palace grounds. Their friend led them to the courtyard. There stood an elephant. The blind
men stepped forward to touch the creature that was the subject of so many arguments.

The first blind man reached out and touched the side of the huge animal. "An elephant is smooth and solid like
a wall!" he declared. "It must be very powerful."

The second blind man put his hand on the elephant's limber trunk. "An elephant is like a giant snake," he

The third blind man felt the elephant's pointed tusk. "I was right," he decided. "This creature is as sharp and
deadly as a spear."

The fourth blind man touched one of the elephant's four legs. "What we have here," he said, "is an extremely
large cow."

The fifth blind man felt the elephant's giant ear. "I believe an elephant is like a huge fan or maybe a magic
carpet that can fly over mountains and treetops," he said.

CONW 1013 – Contemporary World | 12

The sixth blind man gave a tug on the elephant's coarse tail. "Why, this is nothing more than a piece of old
rope. Dangerous, indeed," he scoffed.

The gardener led his friends to the shade of a tree. "Sit here and rest for the long journey home," he said. "I will
bring you some water to drink."

While they waited, the six blind men talked about the elephant.

"An elephant is like a wall," said the first blind man. "Surely we can finally agree on that."

"A wall? An elephant is a giant snake!" answered the second blind man.

"It's a spear, I tell you," insisted the third blind man.

"I'm certain it's a giant cow," said the fourth blind man.

"Magic carpet. There's no doubt," said the fifth blind man.

"Don't you see?" pleaded the sixth blind man. "Someone used a rope to trick us."

Their argument continued and their shouts grew louder and louder.

"Wall!" "Snake!" "Spear!" "Cow!" "Carpet!" "Rope!"

"Stop shouting!" called a very angry voice.

It was the Rajah, awakened from his nap by the noisy argument.

"How can each of you be so certain you are right?" asked the ruler.

The six blind men considered the question. And then, knowing the Rajah to be a very wise man, they decided
to say nothing at all.

"The elephant is a very large animal," said the Rajah kindly. "Each man touched only one part. Perhaps if you
put the parts together, you will see the truth. Now, let me finish my nap in peace."

When their friend returned to the garden with the cool water, the six men rested quietly in the shade, thinking
about the Rajah's advice.

"He is right," said the first blind man. "To learn the truth, we must put all the parts together. Let's discuss this
on the journey home."

The first blind man put his hand on the shoulder of the young boy who would guide them home. The second
blind man put a hand on his friend's shoulder, and so on until all six men were ready to travel together.



Aldama, P. K. (2018). The Contemporary World. Rex Book Store, Inc.

CONW 1013 – Contemporary World | 13

Dacles, Darwin Don M. & Maslang, Kenneth L.(2018), The Contemporary World. Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya:
SMU Publishing House

Online Resources
The Levin Institute . (2019). Retrieved from

Education, C. o. (n.d.). THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD . Retrieved from Sample or Suggested Syllabi for the
New General Education (GEC) Core Courses:

Bartelson, J. (2000). Three Concepts of Globalization. Retrieved from Semantic Scholar:

PhD, S. C. (n.d.). Globalization: Definition, Processes and Concepts . Retrieved from

Das, N. (2018, January 30). I learn lot. Retrieved from



Task in defining globalization



The Merits and Demerits Of Globalization


The six blind men and the elephant


Learning Materials

1. Work Sheet (teacher-made)

CONW 1013 – Contemporary World | 14

School of Education, Arts and Sciences
Social Sciences and General Education Department
CONW 1013 – (Contemporary World)
Worksheet 1

NAME: ___________________________________________ DATE: _______________________

COURSE/YEAR: ____________________________________ SCORE: _____________________


1. What do you think is the importance of defining globalization? (In not more than 10 sentences)


2. What are the merits and demerits of using broad and inclusive definition and narrow and exclusive definition
in Globalization?


CONW 1013 – Contemporary World | 15
3. What can we learn about globalization through the story of “The Six Blind Men and The Elephant”?


CONW 1013 – Contemporary World | 16

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