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Mathematics: Analysis

and approaches (DP

Workshop Category 1
And 2), Category 3

Bangkok Patana School, Thailand

1 - 3 March 2019

Language of delivery: English

Facilitator/s: Paul Jackson
Intellectual property disclaimer
This workbook is intended for use by a participant at an IB-approved workshop. It
contains several types of material: material that was created and published by the
IB, material that was prepared by the workshop leader and third-party copyright

Following the workshop, participants who wish to provide information or non-

commercial in-school training to teachers in their school may use the IB-copyright
material (including student work) and material identified as the work of the
workshop leader unless this is specifically prohibited.
The IB is committed to fostering academic honesty and respecting others’
intellectual property. To this end, the organization must comply with international
copyright laws and therefore has obtained permission to reproduce and/or translate
any materials used in this publication for which a third party owns the intellectual
property. Acknowledgments are included where appropriate. Workshop
participants may not use any of the material in this workbook that is identified as
being the intellectual property of a third party for any purpose unless expressly
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Permission must be sought from the IB by emailing for any use
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Permission granted to any supplier or publisher to exhibit at an IB-approved
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Mission statement

The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and

caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through
intercultural understanding and respect.
To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international
organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and
rigorous assessment.
These programmes encourage students across the world to become active,
compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their
differences, can also be right.
Workbook Contents
Introduction and Background Reading.......................................................................................6
DP Mathematics curriculum review—Frequently Asked Questions...........................................7
Impact on Schools of the IB Diploma.........................................................................................9
Mission + LP + Hexagon..........................................................................................................11
Academic Honesty...................................................................................................................13
Diploma requirements and failing conditions...........................................................................23
Standards & Practices and ATL...............................................................................................29
Cognitive Matters.....................................................................................................................34
Learner Profile and Maths Aims...............................................................................................35
Cognitive Approaches to Language Proficiency......................................................................36
05_CALP graphs_e_DRAFT (1)...............................................................................................41
Concept-based teaching and learning_Erickson, HL 2012......................................................51
Unit Planners...........................................................................................................................64
Wiggins - DP pilot unit planner.................................................................................................65
Unit Planning............................................................................................................................71
Specimen Paper Markschemes...............................................................................................72
Analysis - HL - Paper 1 markscheme......................................................................................73
Analysis - HL - Paper 2 markscheme......................................................................................86
Analysis - HL - Paper 3 markscheme......................................................................................99
Analysis - SL - Paper 1 markscheme.....................................................................................105
Analysis - SL - Paper 2 markscheme.....................................................................................113
Introduction and Background Reading

DP Mathematics curriculum review – Frequently Asked Questions
Why are the changes being made? alongside exploring mathematical models and enjoy
All DP curriculums are reviewed on a seven-year teaching the more practical side of mathematics. Mathematics:
cycle. This ensures that each is fit for purpose and Applications and interpretation SL will be developed from
incorporate the latest educational research and lessons Mathematical studies SL. The HL course will be new content
learned from a thorough evaluation of the existing including elements of the current HL statistics and discrete
curriculum. We want to develop courses that allow enough content.
flexibility to address the needs of all students in the modern 30%
world. We believe the new DP mathematics subjects will Both Mathematics: Analysis and approaches and
offer more choice for a greater number of students as well Mathematics: Applications and interpretation will be offered
as offer schools greater flexibility in the way that they group at HL and SL, and within each subject the
22%SL course will be a
students, schedule lessons and teach the content. complete subset of the HL course.

When is first teaching and first examination of the What does SL as a subset of HL mean?
new subjects? As in most other subjects within the diploma programme
First teaching will take place in 2019 with first assessment the SL course is a subset of the HL course; mathematics has
in 2021. New guides will come out to schools in early 2019 always been a little different in this respect with the two
and subject specific seminars to launch the new subjects, SL and the two HL courses being separate subjects. When
will also take place around this time, to give teachers and SL becomes a subset of HL this means that HL students
schools time to prepare for the new subjects. will complete the 150 hours of the SL course as part of
the total 240 hours of the HL course. This will increase the
What are the plans for the new subjects? accessibility of the HL courses by encouraging strong SL
There will be two new subjects in mathematics replacing students to consider taking mathematics at HL.
the current four subjects. The subjects will be called
Mathematics: Analysis and approaches and Mathematics: Are schools and universities consulted about
Applications and interpretation changes during a review?
Yes, and consultation with schools and universities is on-
Both subjects are being designed to appeal to students with going throughout the seven-year review process. There are
varying levels of ability and motivation in mathematics, but many ways in which consultation takes place including
will be developing their mathematics fluency, their ability surveys to schools and universities, we gather reports from
to think mathematically, to recognise mathematics around our senior examinations teams, we conduct expert panel
them and to be able to use their mathematics in either discussions, we carry out literature reviews to consider
abstract or contextual settings. current trends in mathematics education, we compare
our syllabi to other syllabi worldwide, we commission
Mathematics: Analysis and approaches is intended for universities to conduct research on the direction of
students who wish to pursue studies in mathematics mathematics education, as well as gathering feedback from
at university or subjects that have a large mathematical our educator network through workshops, conferences and
content; it is for students who enjoy developing school visits.
mathematical arguments, problem solving and exploring
real and abstract applications, with and without Will there still be an internal assessment (IA)?
technology. Mathematics: Analysis and approaches will be Yes, IA is going to be based on the current HL and SL
a development from the current Mathematics HL and SL exploration model for both subjects. The exploration has
subjects. proved to be a popular, robust and reliable assessment tool.
A trial was conducted in September 2016 which showed
Mathematics: Applications and interpretation is being that students who produce a Mathematical studies SL type
designed for students who enjoy describing the real world project would not be at a disadvantage if this is changed to
and solving practical problems using mathematics; those the exploration model.
who are interested in harnessing the power of technology

©International Baccalaureate Organization 2017

International Baccalaureate® | Baccalauréat International® | Bachillerato Internacional®
What is the purpose of the 30 hours for What’s happening with Further mathematics HL?
investigation, modelling, inquiry and the IA? Further mathematics HL will cease to exist following the
As the name suggests this will be in-class time devoted to current review. The last assessment of Further mathematics
carrying out investigations, modelling and inquiry activities, HL will be May 2020.
as well as completing the IA. This will allow students more
time to engage with and understand the ideas, concepts Is Mathematical studies SL going?
and applications they are studying, as well as learning The name Mathematical studies SL will cease to exist but
important investigational and modelling techniques. This the new Mathematics: Applications and interpretation SL
will also allow teachers flexibility to decide where and when course is being designed to appeal to those students who
they use these 30 hours. would previously have taken Mathematical studies SL, as
well as students with an interest in using technology to
How will the courses be assessed? solve mathematical problems in practical contexts. There
SL students will complete two externally assessed written will be a few new developments suggested from our
papers and the internal assessment, HL students will research in order to make the course more fit for purpose in
complete three externally assessed written papers and the the modern world.
internal assessment.

Will there be any HL options?

There will not be any HL options as there are currently,
however much of the current calculus option will appear in
the Mathematics: Analysis and approaches HL and some of
the current statistics and discrete options will appear in the
Mathematics: Applications and interpretation HL course.

DP curriculum review and development is an in-depth and inclusive process, drawing on the information
and expertise from a wide range of resources. Download this guide to learn more:

Key findings from research on the impact of
the IB Diploma Programme
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Global Research department collaborates with universities and independent research
organizations worldwide to produce rigorous studies examining the impact and outcomes of the IB’s four programmes: the Primary
Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme (DP) and the Career-related Certificate (IBCC).
Areas of inquiry include, but are not limited to: standards alignment, programme implementation, student performance and
the learner profile. The findings below come from internal IB, IB-commissioned and independent research relating to the DP.

Investigating the implementation and impact of the IB A case study investigated the enrollment, progression
Diploma Programme on state schools in Ecuador, a mixed and achievement of IB Diploma Programme graduates at
methods study examined governmental and other support two universities in Australia. The study tracked cohorts
for schools, changes in school practice and student outcomes. of students at the two universities (n=135 and n=19) over
The findings suggest that: the Ministry of Education is actively a five-year period, following enrollment in 2007; one of
supporting the DP in Ecuador by leading school selection and the universities also offered longitudinal data for a control
providing financial resources; generally DP students enjoy sample of non-IB graduates. The results indicate that
well-organized, interactive and imaginative lessons; and the generally IB students were more likely than their non-IB
DP has a noticeable effect on teacher pedagogy. Although, counterparts to be offered admission and to graduate within
students in DP state schools seem to be benefiting from five years, although students’ GPA rates and plans for future
the programme in terms of academic and non-academic education were similar (Edwards, Underwood 2012).
outcomes, students in Ecuador’s DP private schools generally
In the 1990s Chicago Public Schools (CPS) introduced
performed better in most subject areas (Barnett 2013).
the DP into 12 high schools throughout the city, mostly
Using data from the IB student data system (IBIS) and the serving low income, racially diverse students with little or no
National Student Clearinghouse (NSC), the IB Global Research history of college-going. Part of the Chicago Postsecondary
department explored the university enrollment, retention Transition Project, this study sought to examine the impact
and graduation rates of 2005 Diploma Programme graduates of Chicago’s IB programmes on postsecondary outcomes
in the United States (n=9,654). DP college graduation rates and experiences of CPS graduates, comparing DP and
were consistently higher than institutional university rates. matched non-DP graduates. The sample included 18,075
92% of DP candidates enrolled in college and 74% graduated CPS graduates between 2003 and 2007. Compared to
within four years (Halic 2013). similar non-DP graduates, DP graduates were more likely
to enroll in college, to enroll in selective colleges, to stay
A study by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)
enrolled and to perform better once there. Generally, DP
in the UK examined the characteristics and trends of IB
students reported that they felt well-prepared to succeed in
students (n=6,390), compared to A-level and other student
college coursework and described writing and mathematics
groups with similar qualifications, at Higher Education
preparation, motivation and time management as strengths
Institutions (HEIs). Data from the academic year 2008–2009,
(Coca, Johnson, Kelley-Kemple, Roderick, Moeller, Williams,
with comparisons from 2007–2008, offers evidence that IB
Moragne 2012).
students were more likely to: enroll in a top 20 HEI; receive
honours degrees or awards, in most subject areas; continue
on to further studies; and be employed in graduate level Attending a 77.2%
four-year college
positions and higher paid occupations (HESA 2011). 53.3%

90.0% 80.0% Attending a more 57.0% IB Diploma

IB entrants selective college 38.1% Students
70.0% 55.8%
44.2% A-level Group
entrants Persisting at a 80.3%
30.0% 20.0% college for two 71.0%
0.0% 0% 50% 100%
Top 20 HEIs Other HEIs
Figure 2: This figure compares former DP students and a comparison group
on postsecondary outcomes.
Figure 1: IB entrants were more likely to enroll in one of the UK’s top HEIs.

To read summaries or complete reports of research projects conducted

or commissioned by the IB Research department, please visit, or contact
©International Baccalaureate Organization 2013
International Baccalaureate® | Baccalauréat International® | Bachillerato Internacional®
Key findings from research on the impact of the IB Diploma Programme

In a separate working paper, Anna Rosefsky Saavedra of The impact of the extended essay (EE) on preparation for
RAND explored whether participation in the DP had an university studies was also examined through interviews
impact on ACT scores, high school graduation rates with 43 students and 14 tutors at two universities in the
and college enrollment for 20,422 CPS students from UK. Comparing A-level students’ research experiences with
2002–2008. The findings suggest that participation in the those of former DP students, DP students were more positive
DP may boost ACT scores by up to 0.5 standard deviations, about the value of the EE and their pre-university education.
and increase both the likelihood of graduating from high Overall, DP students reported that the EE strengthened their
school (by up to 17%) and enrolling in college (by up to 22%) critical thinking skills and capacity for independent research.
(Saavedra 2011). Some DP students, however, indicated that there were few
opportunities at their universities to use the skills they had
The relationship between students’ enrollment in the DP
developed through the EE (Wray 2013).
and their college preparedness was further examined
at four case study schools in Mexico. The results of the
study suggest that DP students do indeed enroll in
top-ranking universities in Mexico. DP students, teachers
and administrators reported a high level of preparedness for
college coursework although respondents did not believe
the DP offered an admissions advantage to DP students in
the Mexican tertiary system. The study also suggests that
academically stronger students tended to enroll in the DP,
reportedly due to a lack of satisfaction with other high
school options (Saavedra, Lavore and Flores 2013).
To better understand how the extended essay (EE) prepares
students for university-level research and academic success,
a study was conducted at the University of Virginia (UVA).
Examining former IB students’ (n=1,045) and former AP
students’ (n=1,046) perceptions of their high school research
experience, a survey found that IB students were more likely
to indicate they: felt prepared for college-level research;
were proud of their research; intended to conduct future
research; and believed research skills were important to
their continued success. After controlling for background
characteristics, the study also found a statistically significant
relationship between the EE score and college grade point
averages (GPAs) (Inkelas, Swan, Pretlow, Jones 2013).

This sheet aims to provide a brief sample of findings from recent research. It does not attempt to represent all research
on the DP available in the field. As with all research, findings must be placed within the particular contexts in which the
studies took place.

Barnett, E. 2013. Research on the implementation of the Diploma Programme in Ecuador’s state schools. New York, NY, USA. Inkelas, KK, Swan, A, Pretlow, J and Jones, J. 2013. Exploring the benefits of the International Baccalaureate extended essay for
National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools, and Teaching, Teachers College, Columbia University. university study at the University of Virginia. Charlottesville, VA, USA. Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning in
Coca, V, Johnson, D, Kelley-Kemple, T, Roderick, M, Moeller, E, Williams, N, and Moragne, K. 2012. Working to my potential: Higher Education, University of Virginia.
Experiences of CPS students in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. Chicago, IL, USA. The Consortium on Saavedra, AR. 2011. The academic impact of enrollment in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programs: A case study of
Chicago School Research. Chicago Public Schools. Santa Monica, CA, USA. RAND.
Edwards, D and Underwood, C. 2012. IB graduates in Australian universities: Entry and outcomes. A case study of two institutions. Saavedra, AR, Lavore E, and Flores G. 2013. The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in Mexico as preparation for
Melbourne, Australia. Australian Council for Education Research. higher education. Santa Monica, CA, USA. RAND Education.
Halic, O. 2013. Postsecondary educational attainment of IB Diploma Programme candidates from US high schools. Geneva, Wray, D. 2013. Student perceptions of the value of the International Baccalaureate extended essay in
Switzerland. International Baccalaureate Organization. preparing for university studies. Coventry, UK. University of Warwick.
Higher Education Statistics Agency. 2011. International Baccalaureate students studying at UK higher education institutions:
How do they fare? UK: HESA.

To read summaries or complete reports of research projects conducted

or commissioned by the IB Research department, please visit, or contact
©International Baccalaureate Organization 2013
For the full studies or for more information, please visit:, or contact
International Baccalaureate® | Baccalauréat International® | Bachillerato Internacional®
IB mission statement
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to
create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging
programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.

These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who
understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

IB learner profile
The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity
and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.

IB learners strive to be:

Inquirers They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry
and research and show independence in learning. They actively enjoy learning and this love
of learning will be sustained throughout their lives.

Knowledgeable They explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance. In so doing,
they acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and balanced
range of disciplines.

Thinkers They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize
and approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions.

Communicators They understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more
than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. They work effectively and
willingly in collaboration with others.

Principled They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for
the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They take responsibility for their
own actions and the consequences that accompany them.

Open-minded They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and are open
to the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals and communities. They are
accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points of view, and are willing to grow
from the experience.

Caring They show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others.
They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the
lives of others and to the environment.

Risk-takers They approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought, and
have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies. They are brave
and articulate in defending their beliefs.

Balanced They understand the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance to achieve
personal well-being for themselves and others.

Reflective They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. They are able to
assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning and
personal development.

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2007


The Diploma Programme

The Diploma Programme is a rigorous pre-university course of study designed for students in the 16 to 19
age range. It is a broad-based two-year course that aims to encourage students to be knowledgeable and
inquiring, but also caring and compassionate. There is a strong emphasis on encouraging students to develop
intercultural understanding, open-mindedness, and the attitudes necessary for them to respect and evaluate a
range of points of view.

The Diploma Programme hexagon

The course is presented as six academic areas enclosing a central core (see figure 1). It encourages the concurrent
study of a broad range of academic areas. Students study: two modern languages (or a modern language and
a classical language); a humanities or social science subject; an experimental science; mathematics; one of
the creative arts. It is this comprehensive range of subjects that makes the Diploma Programme a demanding
course of study designed to prepare students effectively for university entrance. In each of the academic areas
students have flexibility in making their choices, which means they can choose subjects that particularly
interest them and that they may wish to study further at university.

Studies in language
and literature

Group 1
Language Individuals
acquisition and societies
Group 2 dge ext Group 3
owle e








tivi ice
Experimental Group 4 ty, action, serv Group 5 Mathematics

Group 6

The arts

Figure 1
Diploma Programme model

2 Mathematics HL guide
Academic honesty in the IB
educational context

IB mission statement
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to
create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop
challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.

These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners
who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

IB learner profile
The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common
humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.

IB learners strive to be:

Inquirers They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry
and research and show independence in learning. They actively enjoy learning and this
love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives.

Knowledgeable They explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance. In so
doing, they acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and
balanced range of disciplines.

Thinkers They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize and
approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions.

Communicators They understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more
than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. They work effectively
and willingly in collaboration with others.

Principled They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect
for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They take responsibility for
their own actions and the consequences that accompany them.

Open-minded They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and are open
to the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals and communities. They are
accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points of view, and are willing to grow
from the experience.

Caring They show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others.
They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the
lives of others and to the environment.

Risk-takers They approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought, and
have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies. They are brave
and articulate in defending their beliefs.

Balanced They understand the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance to
achieve personal well-being for themselves and others.

Reflective They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. They are able
to assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning
and personal development.


Making academic honesty a school priority:

Developing, implementing and reviewing an academic
honesty policy

Academic honesty is embedded in the Programme standards and practices (2014).

Standard C3 in all four programmes states:

4. Teaching and learning promotes the understanding and practice of academic

Standard B1 for the Middle Years Programme (MYP), Diploma Programme (DP) and Career-related
Programme (CP) schools includes the following requirement.

5. The school develops and implements policies and procedures that support
the programme(s).

The school has developed and implements an academic honesty policy that is
consistent with IB expectations.

Why does the IB require IB World Schools to have a

written academic honesty policy?
An academic honesty policy ensures that a school’s procedures for this practice are transparent, fair and
consistent. It describes the rights and responsibilities of all members of the school community so that
everyone understands what constitutes good practice, and misconduct, and what actions are to be taken if
there are transgressions. The policy should be dynamic and ensure that students are taught good practice
in all aspects of their work.

Developing and reviewing a policy on academic honesty

An academic honesty audit is the first stage in devising or revising an academic honesty policy. The school’s
philosophy should be made clear and should, of course, be aligned with the IB position. Practices already
in place should be considered in the light of this philosophy. Librarians have an overview of the curriculum
and its delivery, and should be included in the team compiling an academic honesty policy. If such an audit
reveals lack of consensus, or one at variance with IB and/or school requirements, then an action plan must
be devised to address the issues as part of the policy in action.

The following questions can serve to stimulate initial discussions that will provide information about general
understanding within the school about academic honesty.

The academic honesty policy: Initial considerations

• Does your school have an academic honesty policy?
• How is it publicized? How do/where can members of the community find the policy?
• When was the policy last reviewed?
• Who was involved in compiling or reviewing your current academic honesty policy?

4 Academic honesty in the IB educational context

Making academic honesty a school priority

• When problems arise, is the policy adhered to?

• Do teachers think the policy is adhered to?
• Who decides whether the academic honesty policy has been breached?

The academic honesty policy: Using other people’s work, referencing and citation
• When is it taught?
• How is it taught? Who teaches it? Is this the case in all subjects?
• What reinforcement is given?
• What opportunities for practice do students get?
• What about professional development for staff awareness?

What kind of assessments are used for the following?

• List of works cited
• In-text citation
• Quality of sources used
• How the sources are used
• Formative assessment
Subsequent to the audit, the following outline should be followed in composing an academic honesty
policy. The academic policy should be clearly communicated to the whole school community as well as
informing teaching and learning practices across the curriculum.

Academic honesty in the IB educational context 5

Making academic honesty a school priority

An introduction that explains why there is a policy;

it may include reference to the school’s mission
Rationale/statement of purpose for the policy
statement, to the learner profile, to the essential
elements of honesty in a social setting.

A recognition of expectations and responsibilities

Details and advice on student responsibilities
with regard to producing authentic work.

Providing opportunities for students to practice and

to learn how to use other people’s work in support
Details and advice on teacher responsibilities
of their own, including the responsibility to teach
awareness of misconduct and procedures.

Including responsibility for maintaining fairness and

consistency, providing a safe environment, providing
Details and advice on school responsibilities
professional development for teachers, promoting
parent awareness, assisting student learning.

How parents can help students; what is helpful and

Details and advice on parent responsibilities
what is not helpful to the student.

This may spell out the support and teaching that

students are entitled to receive; it is also important
Measures taken to provide education and support
that students be given the opportunity to make
mistakes, and to learn from their mistakes, in safety.

Examples of support that might be included in the

policy; it is important that the policy is presented in
Age-appropriate guidance on expected behaviours/
age-appropriate language, and that the examples
examples of good referencing/good exam practice
and other support material are typical of the age
counterbalanced with examples of poor referencing/
group; contributions may be invited from teachers,
unacceptable practice
and from students, thus (further) garnering an
element of ownership.

Again, age-appropriate situations should be

Scenarios and/or frequently asked questions (FAQs) provided, to which students can relate and which
they can understand.

To ensure consistency and fairness when mistakes are

made, it is important that the school keeps central
records of each situation and the consequences; while
each incident may be treated on a case-by-case basis
Procedures—reporting, recording and monitoring
by the teachers themselves, or by a senior administrator
or panel if serious enough, central records will help
ensure consistency, and may also highlight general
trends or problems with particular students.

Again, to ensure consistency and fairness, the policy

should detail students’ rights—perhaps to have a
The rights of the student, if suspected of a breach of
parent, peer or teacher present in any discussion of a
academic honesty
problem or incident, particularly if the consequences
are especially heavy.

Possible consequences may be spelled out, especially

if the consequences may be different depending
Consequences of academic misconduct/remedial
on a student’s background, character history and
action/penalty tariff/follow up/consequences of
history in terms of academic honesty, age and level
misconduct in external assessments
of awareness (previous teaching), severity of the
incident, intent or non-intent, or other factors.

There should be a policy review in place to make

A policy on review of the policy sure the policy is up-to-date, and to increase
opportunities for general awareness and ownership.

6 Academic honesty in the IB educational context

Academic honesty in the IB educational context

Academic honesty—Diploma Programme

As young adults preparing for university studies or entry into the workforce, Diploma Programme students
both enjoy the freedom and bear the responsibility of studying a course that emphasizes independence
and self-reliance. DP students are, appropriately, less dependent than their PYP and MYP counterparts
on the steady intervention of teachers and parents checking to make sure that lessons are understood
and assignments are completed on time. On the other hand, DP students experience a set of emotional
pressures—the pressure to perform on summative assessments, the stress of the university admission
process and time pressures—exerted by a system that can be seen to reward the individual’s end result
over the work (individual or collective) required to get there. For academic honesty, this can mean that
the idea of shared responsibility in the PYP and MYP for ensuring a piece of work is the student’s own risks
becoming the sole responsibility of the DP student, should a case of academic misconduct arise (Carroll
2012). Thus, teaching and learning in the DP must develop the positive behaviours that students will need to
demonstrate clearly that they complete their work carefully, honestly and authentically.

In their academic work, DP students develop research skills and study habits that are needed to demonstrate
academic honesty in more formal ways than would be appropriate to expect of younger learners. DP
students investigate and evaluate the usefulness of a greater variety of resources, and incorporate and
reference them within oral and written presentations of increasingly complex formats. This level of rigour
can present a challenge to students who certainly know right from wrong, but who may not possess the
organizational and self-management skills to demonstrate clearly that their work meets a formal standard
of academic honesty. All IB students understand the importance of acknowledging others because it is a
central feature of the constructivist, inquiry-based approach promoted in all IB programmes; yet, in the DP,
this requires the explicit teaching and learning of specific conventions accepted in a community of learners
for being transparent about the use of ideas and work of others—note making, in-text citation and the
preparation of a bibliography, to name but a few examples (Carroll 2012: 5–6).

This chapter will present case studies of academic honesty in a variety of DP courses.

16 Academic honesty in the IB educational context

Academic honesty—Diploma Programme

Diploma Programme

Approaches to teaching and

Self-management, social, communication, thinking and research skills

Activity Culminating project Group work

English A Psychology
DP assessment task
Extended essay Internal assessment

Scenario A DP student is writing his English A A DP student has been working in

extended essay. He has a scheduled a group on her psychology internal
meeting with his supervisor on assessment. A domineering member
Monday, where he is meant to of the group is putting pressure
submit a draft. Having missed his last on the student to write the reports
meeting because he was off school of the experimental study for
ill, he is behind schedule and submits everyone in the group. The student
a draft consisting mainly of quotes being pressurized understands this
hastily chosen from internet sites. is inappropriate but wants to be
popular with the group.
The supervisor reminds the DP
student of the importance of The teacher notices the group is
formulating his own ideas on the being dominated by one member
topic and a plan for the essay before and has a quiet talk with the student,
consulting other sources. Without reminding her that, although the
this preparation, the extended essay data collection was done as a group,
risks being simply a collection of each member must write up an
other people’s ideas on the topic, individual report. The teacher offers
which increases the temptation for support in communicating this
the student to pass off others’ ideas message back to the group.
as his own.

18 Academic honesty in the IB educational context

Academic honesty—Diploma Programme

Diploma Programme

Self-management, social, communication, thinking and research skills

Oral presentation Creative work Independent work

Visual arts ITGS

TOK presentation
Studio work Internal assessment

A DP student is planning his TOK A visual arts student is trying to work A DP student is completing her ITGS
presentation. In researching the out if it is acceptable to do a variation internal assessment. The task requires
presentation he uses a variety of on a famous painting as one of her her to conduct an interview with a
sources, including books, websites pieces. She is not sure if that would client and to submit a written record
and newspaper articles. He is not sure be considered “copying”. She asks her of it. When she begins writing her
how to reference these sources in an visual arts teacher for advice. analysis, she realizes that she forgot
oral presentation, or even if he needs to ask some questions that would
The teacher advises the student that
to do so since it is not a written task. have been helpful. She is tempted to
this is acceptable, as it is common
He asks his teacher for advice. fabricate some responses to these
practice for artists to be inspired
questions, as she feels it would make
The teacher advises the student that by, or to adapt, other artists’ ideas.
her analysis and solution stronger,
it is just as crucial to acknowledge However, the teacher emphasizes
and help her achieve a better mark.
sources in an oral presentation as that she must explicitly acknowledge
it is in any other piece of work. The the original painting. The teacher As the deadline for submitting
teacher suggests several ways in suggests titling the piece, “After ... ”, internal assessments approaches, the
which the student may wish to do so that it is very clearly attributed. teacher initiates discussion with the
this, including verbal or written class on the importance of reporting
acknowledgments throughout the data accurately, and stresses that
presentation, or with a bibliography each student will be required to
on the last slide of the PowerPoint®. sign a coversheet confirming the
authenticity of the work. The student
realizes that fabricating her client’s
responses could have far-reaching
consequences as a case of academic

Academic honesty in the IB educational context 19

Academic honesty in the IB educational context


Students may sometimes be tempted to plagiarize work because they are unable to cope with the task that
has been set for them. They may recognize content that is relevant but may not be able to paraphrase or
summarize, for example. To promote the development of conceptual understanding in students, teachers
must take responsibility to set meaningful tasks that can be completed either independently or with the
appropriate amount of scaffolding. Making the process of inquiry visible should be integral to all teaching
and learning in IB programmes.

The IB wishes to thank the educators for generously contributing time and resources to the production of
this document.

24 Academic honesty in the IB educational context



Carroll, J. July 2012. Academic honesty in the IB. IB Position Paper.

Stephens, JM and Wangaard, DB. 2001. Teaching for Integrity: Steps to Prevent Cheating in Your Classroom.
The School for Ethical Education. Accessed
10 August 2013.

IB publications
IB learner profile in review: Report and recommendation (April 2013).July 2013.

Middle Years Programme. MYP: From principles into practice. May 2014.

Primary Years Programme, Middle Years Programme, Diploma Programme and Career-related Programme.
Programme standards and practices. January 2014.

Academic honesty in the IB educational context 25

IB Diploma Programme
Simplifying the diploma requirements and failing

February 2014


Owing to continual refinements in the regulations that apply to the Diploma Programme it is necessary to
regularly update the General regulations: Diploma Programme. The current general regulations governing
the Diploma Programme were published in March 2011, and a new set of general regulations will be
published early 2014 that will be effective from the May 2015 session. One significant change will be a
revision of article 13 that lists the requirements for achieving the IB diploma. Because the new regulations
will not be available for several months to come, this document has been produced to bring to the attention
of schools what changes are being implemented to the requirements and associated failing conditions.
The changes do not make the diploma harder to achieve; the changes are a simplification of the
existing requirements.

Diploma Programme coordinators are encouraged to communicate the changes described in the document
(and subsequently all changes in the next general regulations) to candidates and their legal guardians, and
other stakeholders, such as teachers, who need to know this information.

What are diploma “requirements” and “failing conditions”?

In order to achieve the IB Diploma a candidate must fulfil certain requirements; at its most basic a candidate
must achieve at least 24 points from their combined grades in six subjects, together with their grades for
theory of knowledge and the extended essay, and also complete the Creativity, Action, Service (CAS)
element. However, to ensure a diploma reflects sufficient breadth in achievement across subjects and the
core there are particular requirements stated in articles of the General regulations: Diploma Programme.
These are the “requirements” and are phrased positively. The “failing conditions” are an interpretation of
these requirements intended to indicate why a candidate has failed to achieve the diploma. The “failing
conditions” are listed in the Handbook of procedures for the Diploma Programme and are shown for a
candidate’s results on the IB information system (IBIS), if of course a (diploma or retake) candidate has not
achieved the diploma.

Here is an example of one requirement for the diploma and its equivalent failing condition.
Article 13.3g Overall, there are no more than three grades 3 or below.

Equivalent failing condition

Failing code 7 Grade 3 or below has been awarded four or more times.

Why change the requirements/failing conditions?

The requirements listed in the current General regulations: Diploma Programme (published March 2011) are
complicated and could be seen as unfair to some candidates. The general regulations list twenty
requirements and it is not always easy to determine which requirement(s) a candidate has not met if a
candidate fails to achieve the diploma. In fact, more than one failing condition may apply, which is not always
obvious to coordinators and candidates when they interpret results.
Some issues include:
 Candidates who register for four HL subjects must achieve at least 16 points in their HL subjects
(unless they have a total of 28 points or more then it becomes 14 points). Achieving the diploma is
therefore arguably more demanding for these candidates.


 The hurdle of 28 points creates confusion and possible unfairness. For example: it is a failing
condition for a candidate with 24 to 27 points to have a grade E in either the extended essay or
theory of knowledge. However, a candidate with 28 points or more who has a grade E in say the
extended essay and an A for theory of knowledge may pass the diploma and be awarded an
additional point.

 Codes 14, 15, 17, 18 and 19 very rarely cause candidates to fail their diploma.

The aim of changing the requirements and associated codes for the failing conditions is to achieve greater
transparency and fairness while ensuring that we do not:
 significantly alter the diploma pass rate

 jeopardize a significant number of candidates who would potentially have achieved the diploma
under the current requirements
 accidentally encourage or allow candidate behaviour that is undesirable, such as reducing the
amount of effort put into the extended essay or theory of knowledge requirements.

The current failing conditions and codes

As mentioned above, when the results are issued for an examination session, for any diploma or retake
candidate who does not achieve the diploma a failing condition is indicated on the IB information system
(IBIS). The current failing conditions and codes are as follows:

These codes apply to all diploma (and retake) candidates.

1. Candidate’s total points are fewer than 24.
2. An N has been given for one or more subjects, theory of knowledge or the extended essay.
3. A grade E has been awarded for both theory of knowledge and the extended essay.
4. There is a grade 1 awarded in any subject and level.
5. CAS requirements have not been completed.
6. Candidate is guilty of academic misconduct.
7. Grade 3 or below has been awarded four or more times.

These codes apply to diploma (and retake) candidates with 24 to 27 points inclusive.
8. There is one or more grade 2 awarded at higher level.
9. Grade 2 at standard level awarded two or more times.
10. Candidate has registered for three higher level subjects, and gained fewer than 12 points on these.
11. Candidate has registered for three standard level subjects, and gained fewer than 9 points on these.
12. Candidate has registered for four higher level subjects, and gained fewer than 16 points on these.
13. Candidate has registered for two standard level subjects, and gained fewer than 6 points on these.
20. Candidate has a grade E in either the extended essay or theory of knowledge.

These codes apply to diploma (and retake) candidates with 28 points or more.
14. Grade 2 at higher level awarded two or more times.
15. Grade 2 at standard level has been awarded three times.
16. Candidate has registered for three higher level subjects, and gained fewer than 11 points on these.


17. Candidate has registered for three standard level subjects, and gained fewer than 8 points on these.
18. Candidate has registered for four higher level subjects, and gained fewer than 14 points on these.
19. Candidate has registered for two standard level subjects, and gained fewer than 5 points on these.

From the May 2015 examination session

From the May 2015 session the following failing conditions and associated codes will replace those in current
1. CAS requirements have not been met.
2. Candidate’s total points are fewer than 24.
3. An N has been given for theory of knowledge, extended essay or for a contributing subject.
4. A grade E has been awarded for one or both of theory of knowledge and the extended essay.
5. There is a grade 1 awarded in a subject/level.
6. Grade 2 has been awarded three or more times (HL or SL).
7. Grade 3 or below has been awarded four or more times (HL or SL).
8. Candidate has gained fewer than 12 points on HL subjects (for candidates who register for four HL
subjects, the three highest grades count).

9. Candidate has gained fewer than 9 points on SL subjects (candidates who register for two SL
subjects must gain at least 5 points at SL).

What has changed?

The following has been removed (which applies to all diploma and retake candidates):
6. Candidate is guilty of academic misconduct. (This is not required because of the new code 3.)

The following have been removed or changed (which apply to diploma and retake candidates with 24 to 27
points inclusive):
9. Grade 2 at SL awarded two or more times. (Removed, but covered by codes 6 and 9 above.)
12. Candidate has registered for four HL subjects, and gained fewer than 16 points on these. (Changed,
but covered by code 8 above.)
13. Candidate has registered for two SL subjects, and gained fewer than 6 points on these. (Changed,
see code 9 above, must gain at least 5 points at SL.)

20. Candidate has a grade E in either the extended essay or theory of knowledge. (Changed, see code
4 above. The 28 point hurdle has been removed.)

The following have been removed or changed (which apply to diploma and retake candidates with 28 points
or more):
14. Grade 2 at HL awarded two or more times. (Removed)

15. Grade 2 at SL has been awarded three times. (Removed)

16. Candidate has registered for three HL subjects, and gained fewer than 11 points on these.
(Changed, see code 8 above.)


17. Candidate has registered for three SL subjects, and gained fewer than 8 points on these. (Removed)

18. Candidate has registered for four HL subjects, and gained fewer than 14 points on these. (Removed)

19. Candidate has registered for two SL subjects, and gained fewer than 5 points on these. (Removed)

Changes to the theory of knowledge/extended essay matrix

In addition to simplifying the list of requirements and failing conditions, the theory of knowledge/extended
essay matrix will change from May 2015.

There is currently 1 additional point if a candidate obtains an A and an E, regardless of the fact that the
candidate may fail the diploma if they have 24 to 27 points. If the matrix remains the same and is combined
with the simplified requirements/failing conditions, such candidates would still gain an additional point and
not achieve the diploma if they had an A+E combination. However, this would apply to all candidates not just
those with 24 to 27 points. Gaining an additional point and then not being eligible for the diploma is
considered inappropriate.

The current matrix is:

Theory of knowledge

Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade No grade


Grade Failing
3 3 2 2 Failing
A condition

Grade Failing
3 2 1 1 Failing
B condition
Extended essay

Grade Failing
2 1 1 0 Failing
C condition

Grade Failing
2 1 0 0 Failing
D condition

1 0 0 0
Grade Failing Failing
Failing Failing Failing Failing
E condition* condition
condition* condition* condition* condition*

No grade Failing Failing Failing Failing Failing Failing

N condition condition condition condition condition condition


* Since the May 2010 session 28 points overall are required to be eligible for the diploma if a student attains
an “E” grade in either the extended essay or theory of knowledge. As previously, a grade “A” in one of the
requirements earns an extra point even if the other is a grade “E”. Attaining a grade “E” in both the extended
essay and theory of knowledge continues to represent an automatic failure.
The following new matrix will be adopted from the May 2015 session.


A 3 3 2 2

Failing condition
B 3 2 2 1

C 2 2 1 0

D 2 1 0 0

E Failing condition

Changes from the current matrix

B + C combination now results in 2 additional points (previously 1 point)

A + E combination now results in zero points and a failing condition (previously 1 point)

What are the consequences?

Results data has been used from the November 2012, May 2012 and May 2013 session to simulate the
consequences of changing the requirement codes. There was no significant difference to the pass rate for
any of these sessions when using the new requirement codes.


Cognitive Matters

Structuring the courses and making connections

Incorporating the IB learner profile

DP mathematics courses at SL and HL are closely linked to and aim to engage students with the attributes
of the IB learner profile. For example, the requirements of the internal assessment provide opportunities for
students to develop every aspect of the profile. For each aim suggested, learner profile attributes are
referenced below. Teachers are encouraged to discuss the interrelationship of the IB learner profile
attributes and the aims of the mathematics course with their students. Some of the 10 learner profile
attributes sit very easily with mathematics and students should be encouraged to think about those that do
not immediately spring to mind when thinking about what it is to be a mathematician.
A discussion or activity related to this at the beginning and at points during the course can be a useful
exercise for students to reflect upon their own development in terms of the learner profile attributes and as


Link to mathematics aims Learner profile attributes

Develop a curiosity and enjoyment of mathematics, and appreciate its Inquirer
elegance and power
Develop an understanding of the concepts, principles and nature of Knowledgeable
Communicate mathematics clearly, concisely and confidently in a variety Communicator
of contexts
Develop logical and creative thinking, and patience and persistence in Thinker, balanced
problem solving to instil confidence in using mathematics
Employ and refine their powers of abstraction and generalization Reflective
Take action to apply and transfer skills to alternative situations, to other Open-minded, risk-takers
areas of knowledge and to future developments in their local and global
Appreciate how developments in technology and mathematics influence Knowledgeable, reflective
each other

Appreciate the moral, social and ethical questions arising from the work of Principled, caring
mathematicians and the applications of mathematics
Appreciate the universality of mathematics and its multicultural, Open-minded
international and historical perspectives
Appreciate the contribution of mathematics to other disciplines, and as a Knowledgeable, balanced
particular “area of knowledge” in the TOK course
Develop the ability to reflect critically upon their own work and the work Reflective, communicator
of others
Independently and collaboratively extend their understanding of Inquirer

Mathematics: applications and interpretation teacher support material 1535/120

Introduction and general guidance

Cognitive approaches to language proficiency and


A framework for the use of cognitive academic

language proficiency
IB students must become fluent in the academic language associated with each of the subjects they study
so that they can fully engage and demonstrate their proficiency. Mathematics teachers are no exception.
Mathematics has its own language in which many everyday words have a different, and often much more
precise, meaning. This language also incorporates mathematical symbols and depictions that need to be
understood and interpreted. The precision is what allows mathematics to be a powerful way of knowing

and forms the basis of thinking in mathematics. The agreed understanding of meanings among
mathematicians globally allows them to communicate and collaborate and to make progress in their
mathematical endeavours. In developing their mathematical understandings, students are developing their
cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP).
The grid below is a framework to help teachers plan strategies for student CALP development as part of
learning within mathematics.

10 Mathematics: applications and interpretation teacher support material 36/120

Cognitive approaches to language proficiency and mathematics

Figure 1
A framework for planning CALP development


Understanding the framework for planning

cognitive academic language proficiency
This framework is organized as a grid. The component skills of CALP (including thinking skills, which
support academic language proficiency) are set out horizontally and the pedagogy is set out in vertical

Mathematics: applications and interpretation teacher support material 1137/120

Cognitive approaches to language proficiency and mathematics

Activating background knowledge

Background knowledge is the existing knowledge a student has in terms of the language of the subject.
This may be from a previous course and could be in a different language altogether. When this is activated
it provides a base for new learning.
Scaffolding and practice
Scaffolding is a strategy that enables learners to build on their background knowledge to extend their
learning so they can accomplish more difficult tasks. Scaffolding activities allow for contextualization so
new learning input is meaningful. New learning is fully acquired through practice.
Demonstrating cognitive academic language proficiency
Independently demonstrating and applying new CALP in novel and varied situations is a sign of successful
learning. This new learning will become part of a student’s background knowledge upon which more new
and extended learning can be built during the next cycle.

Using the framework for planning cognitive

academic language proficiency development

It is not expected that every single box on the framework will be completed in detail in each case. A lesson
is often likely to focus on only some skills and aspects of pedagogy. However, over a period of time or a
series of lessons, it would be sound practice to ensure that all the dimensions have been adequately
Additional pedagogy: Affirming identity
Affirming student identity is a central underpinning pedagogical principle for successful learning in which
the activities for developing CALP are embedded. Affirming identity includes explicitly valuing students’
skills and knowledge in all their languages and recognizing these as resources for teaching and learning
new ways of thinking and knowing.
The following activities have been designed to develop CALP in mathematics.

Working with numbers written in the form a × 10k where 1 ≤ a < 10 and k is an integer
The analysis of graphs
Working with vectors and equations of straight lines

12 Mathematics: applications and interpretation teacher support material 38/120

Getting a feel for data

Teacher notes
This task provides suggestions on how to start teaching statistics in a way that allows students to engage in
some guided inquiry and offers opportunities for collaboration and discussion.

Activity 1 requires students to use patterns and logic to get the answer and it requires them to think about
what mean, median and mode represent in a data set.

For activity 2 students should realize that using measures of central tendency alone is not enough to make
inferences about data. Measures of dispersion are also important.

Connection to previous learning

In statistics we study concepts such as quantity, representation and modelling (ask students to think, discuss
and give an example of each).

But how does statistics work in practice? For example:

- If the mean weight of newborn babies is 3.3 kilograms, can we consider a newborn of 2.9 kilograms to
be healthy? What other information would we need?
- Is the average length of a team of basketball players a good indicator of the team’s success?

Essential questions
This task is about getting a feel for data. The first thing a statistician/scientist/economist/researcher does
after collecting data is to try to get a sense or feel for that data. What does it look like? Can we graph it?
What’s the mean? What’s the lowest value? What is the mode? Only after we have a feel for the data we
work with, can we start making inferences and predictions.

What do we need to know about our data and what techniques can we use to successfully interpret the
information it gives us?

Mean, median and mode
There are several sets of five positive whole
numbers with the following properties:

Mean = 4

Median = 3

Mode = 3

Ask students whether they can you

find all the different sets of five positive
whole numbers that satisfy these conditions.

Which is which?
The six lists A to F are samples taken from
two sets of data. Students should be asked
to figure out which is which.

One set of data represents weights and the

other set of data represents temperature.
Given that list A represents temperature and
list B represents weights, what do the other
lists represent, temperature or weights?

Reflect and/or
Students can reflect upon the following.

• What can we tell about our data by comparing its mean and median?

• Why do we want to have an indication of dispersion for our data? Isn’t knowing the mean enough?

• If a sample of a very large population with a range of x was taken, what could you say about the range
of that sample?

• If all the values in our set of data were doubled, how would that change the mean and the range?

Developing the cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP) required for
the analysis of graphs
Graphs are used extensively in mathematics as a representation of a function, data or a context and therefore
the ability to read and describe them accurately is important for learner success. DP and CP students may
begin their mathematics course with differences in background knowledge of graphs. For example, data
analysis emphasizes accuracy and objectivity. Some students may be familiar with reading graphs in a more
subjective manner that employs adjectives and adverbs such as “spread out” or “dramatically fell”. Students
have to learn the appropriate language so that they can be accurate and objective in decoding and
constructing both accurately-drawn and sketched graphs.

The following teaching and learning activities follow the structure of the framework for developing CALP and
aim to:

 activate previous knowledge of language used in the description of graphs

 build up and refine academic language used in the description of graphs

 provide opportunities for practising and processing the academic language

 consolidate and apply knowledge of the academic language.

Depending on the student cohort and their previous knowledge, some of the activities may be more
appropriate than others. They may, however, be useful for differentiation and used in collaboration with a
specialist language support teacher in certain contexts.

Activity 1
• to activate background knowledge of academic language and understandings of concepts related to
analysis of graphs
• to build up academic language and understandings of concepts related to the description of graphs.
• students will activate previous background knowledge and understandings and where necessary
develop this to the level required for further learning.
• student notebooks and two or three different coloured pens/pencils
• sticky notes (one or two per student).
• introduce the topic of graphs by asking students to think about and record in their notebooks any
ideas, knowledge or vocabulary they associate with graphing functions. Explain that they can use
any or all of their languages if they are multilingual. There is no need to share their outcomes but if
any student needs help with the activity then peers can be encouraged to do so. Their outcomes
will be referred to again at the end of the lesson
• At the end of the lesson or period of time devoted to activating and building up background
knowledge, ask the students to look back at the notes they made at the beginning of the lesson and
circle, in a different colour, all the terms and ideas that have been covered in the lesson. Have them
use another colour to add any new learning. Finally, ask them to write on a sticky note any ideas or
vocabulary that were not covered in the lesson and hand it to the teacher
• The sticky note information may be useful for informing further teaching. For example, students may
be used to using subjective adjectives and adverbs for describing graphs. These are not suitable for
mathematical analysis. The sticky notes may also provide information about student language
profiles and understandings that they have in other languages.

Activity 2
• to reinforce knowledge of academic language and understandings of concepts related to analysis of
• to scaffold for new learning of academic language and understandings of concepts related to
analysis of graphs.
• students will consolidate necessary knowledge of academic language related to analysis of graphs.
• a range of large graphs of functions displayed in the room
• two different-coloured sets of cards; in one set each card displays a single vocabulary item, and in
the other each card displays a corresponding meaning of one of the vocabulary items (see card set
• display the large graphs so that they are visible to all members of the class
• mix both sets of cards together and give each member of the group one card. Each member must
find their partner so that the single vocabulary item and definition match
• alternatively, divide the class into groups and give each group a set of both cards to sort into pairs
of vocabulary items with their definitions
• ask each pair to read out the vocabulary item and the definition. Refer to the displayed graphs to
demonstrate the meaning in context
• ask those with the definitions to hide their cards and then find out who is able to provide the
definitions for the vocabulary items. Ask those with the vocabulary items to hide their cards and
then find out who is able to provide the vocabulary items for the definitions
• provide each student with a cloze exercise handout where some definitions and some vocabulary
items are missing, as shown below.

Card set 1 Card set 2
Vocabulary item Associated meaning
The vocabulary can be varied to suit the cohort These are not intended as definitions and may be
substituted with alternative working explanations
x-axis The horizontal axis of a graph
y-axis The vertical axis of a graph
Quadrant Areas between the x and y axes
Variable A letter representing an unknown or changeable
Constant A fixed value
Intercept The point where a graph crosses an axis
Gradient The steepness of a graph
Intersection The point where lines cross
Positive correlation When an increase in one variable is accompanied
by an increase in the other
Negative correlation When an increase in one variable is accompanied
by a decrease in the other
Increasing Becomes bigger
Decreasing Becomes smaller
Maximum A point on a graph where the y value is greater
than that of surrounding points
Minimum A point on a graph where the y value is smaller
than that of surrounding points
Symmetry The line which reflects one side of the graph on to
the other
Vertex A point where the graph changes direction
Zero The point at which the graph crosses the x axis
Root The point at which the graph crosses the x axis
Vertical In an up and down direction
Horizontal Parallel to the horizon
Asymptote A straight line that a curve approaches but never
Accurate graph Graph with points plotted exactly, lines drawn with
ruler or points joined with smooth curve, all
important points are labelled
Sketch Graph that gives a general idea of the shape or
relationship, includes relevant points

Students fill in missing vocabulary or associated meaning.

Card set 1 Card set 2

Vocabulary item Associated meaning
The vocabulary can be varied to suit the cohort These are not intended as definitions and may be
substituted with alternative working explanations
Quadrant Areas between the x and y axes
A letter representing an unknown or changeable
Constant A fixed value
Gradient The steepness of a graph
The point where lines cross
Positive correlation When an increase in one variable is accompanied
by an increase in the other
Negative correlation
Increasing Becomes bigger
Maximum A point on a graph where the y value is greater
than that of surrounding points
A point on a graph where the y value is smaller
than that of surrounding points
Symmetry The line which reflects one side of the graph on to
the other
A point where the graph changes direction
Zero The point at which the graph crosses the x axis
Root The point at which the graph crosses the x axis
Horizontal Parallel to the horizon
Graph with points plotted exactly, lines drawn with
ruler or points joined with smooth curve, all
important points are labelled
Sketch Graph that gives a general idea of the shape or
relationship, includes relevant points

Activity 3
• to practise applying precise academic language related to describing graphs.
• students will practise and begin to consolidate knowledge of precise academic language related to
the description of graphs.
• copy of worksheet below for each student
• a variety of coloured pens/pencils
• large teacher version of the graphs visible to all students
• vocabulary list from activity 2
• organize students into small working groups. Consider the distribution of students for whom the
language of instruction may be challenging so that they can learn from their peers.
• distribute a handout and vocabulary list to each student and explain the collaborative task, which is
- to match the vocabulary with the graphs. Individual words can be used more than once
- to add other suitable vocabulary using a different coloured pen/pencil
- to circle any vocabulary that has not been included.
• using the large teacher version, debrief with the whole class for:
- accuracy
- additional synonymous vocabulary
- an understanding of the unsuitability of subjective vocabulary in mathematics.







Analysis of graphs

Background Scaffolding for: Extended
knowledge (BK)
Activating New Processing of new input Demonstrating and
I and comprehensible input

building up BK New comprehensible

L output

Listening Activity 2 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3

Activity 3

Speaking Activity 2 Activity 3

Interacting Activity 2 Activity 2 Activity 3

Reading Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 2 Activity 3

Activity 3

Writing Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 2 Activity 3

Thinking Activity 1
Activity 2

Activity 3

IB position paper

Physical and health

Concept-based education
teaching guide
and learning
H Lynn Erickson
For use from September 2014 or January 2015

© Concept-based teaching andOrganization

International Baccalaureate learning 2012 1
Introduction to IB position papers
This paper is part of a series of papers, written by IB practitioners and endorsed by the IB. Each paper
addresses a topic or issue related to the IB’s philosophy or its educational practices.

Other papers in the series

Allan, M. May 2011. Thought, word and deed: The roles of cognition, language and culture in teaching
and learning in IB World Schools.

Davy, I. July 2011. Learners without borders: A curriculum for global citizenship.

Hare, J. July 2010. Holistic education: An interpretation for teachers in the IB programmes.

Marshman, R. July 2010. Concurrency of learning in the IB Diploma Programme and Middle Years

Walker, G. October 2010. East is East and West is West.

Concept-based teaching and learning 2

This paper examines the characteristics of concept-based curriculum and instruction models and
identifies the International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes as a three-dimensional, concept-based
model. A discussion of the benefits of concept-based instruction supports the majority of attributes in
the IB learner profile. Concept-based instruction requires an understanding of synergistic thinking,
transfer of knowledge and social construction of knowledge. This paper addresses these areas and
discusses them in the context of the required IB pedagogy. It concludes with a review of the challenges
in implementing a concept-based model and a summary of the rewards.

The International Baccalaureate programmes offer a design for curriculum and instruction that is more
challenging than traditional models, but which can produce deeper intellectual and emotional
engagement in learning. The concept-based design is fully supported by cognitive and learning
research. When information today is a click away on a computer keyboard, the use of classroom time
must shift focus from covering and memorizing information to thinking with and applying knowledge at
both the factual and conceptual levels. Thinking deeply with factual knowledge and concepts to
communicate ideas and solve problems, transferring knowledge across distinct global contexts and
situations, and seeing patterns and connections between concepts, ideas and situations are at the heart
of concept-based teaching and learning. Less factual coverage can open the door to deeper thinking
and understanding.

What is concept-based curriculum and

Concept-based curriculum and instruction is a three-dimensional design model that frames factual
content and skills with disciplinary concepts, generalizations and principles. Concept-based curriculum
is contrasted with the traditional two-dimensional model of topic-based curriculum which focuses on
factual content and skills with assumed rather than deliberate attention to the development of
conceptual understanding and the transfer of knowledge (see Figure 1).

Concept-based teaching and learning 3

Figure 1. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional curriculum and instruction (taken from
Erickson 2008).
Two-dimensional curriculum models focus on facts and skills with the goals of content coverage,
analysis and the memorization of information. Three-dimensional models focus on concepts, principles
and generalizations, using related facts and skills as tools to gain deeper understanding of disciplinary
content, transdisciplinary themes and interdisciplinary issues, and to facilitate conceptual transfer
through time, across cultures and across situations. Three-dimensional models value a solid base of
critical factual knowledge across the disciplines, but they raise the bar for curriculum and instruction by
shifting the design focus to the conceptual level of understanding. This focus necessarily requires a
supporting role for factual knowledge.

A corollary goal of concept-based instruction that is seldom stated overtly is development of the
intellect. In a concept-based instruction model teachers use the facts in concert with concepts and
generalizations to effect higher order, synergistic thinking. Facts provide the foundation and support for
deeper, conceptual thinking and understanding. Three-dimensional concept-based curriculum models
value student inquiry and constructivist learning to support personal meaning-making.

The research and agreement on the importance of conceptual understanding is undeniable. From the
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) (2009) we hear the call:

Any national mathematics curriculum must emphasize depth over breadth and must focus
on the essential ideas and processes of mathematics (p 1).

…research on the learning of complex subjects such as mathematics has

solidly established the important role of conceptual understanding in the
knowledge and activity of persons who are proficient (p 2).
One of the strongest research summaries supporting the importance of conceptual understanding can
be found in How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience and School (Bransford et al 2000), published
by the National Academy of Sciences and the National Research Council.

Experts’ knowledge is connected and organized around important concepts

(eg, Newton’s second law of motion) (p 9).

To develop competence in an area of inquiry, students must: a) have a deep

foundation of factual knowledge, b) understand facts and ideas in the
context of a conceptual framework, and c) organize knowledge in ways that
facilitate retrieval and application (p 16).

Concept-based teaching and learning 4

… organizing information into a conceptual framework allows for greater
transfer; that is, it allows the student to apply what was learned in new
situations and to learn related information more quickly (p 17).
Anderson and Krathwohl’s book (2001) updated Benjamin Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational
Objectives (1956), and further supports the need to teach for deeper conceptual understanding.

By separating factual knowledge from conceptual knowledge, we highlight

the need for educators to teach for deep understanding of conceptual
knowledge, not just for remembering isolated and small bits of factual
knowledge (p 42).

Students understand when they build connections between the “new”

knowledge to be gained and their prior knowledge. More specifically, the
incoming knowledge is integrated with existing schemas and cognitive
frameworks. Since concepts are the building blocks for these schemas and
frameworks, conceptual knowledge provides a basis for understanding
(p 70).
Beyond the research, the importance of conceptual structures for disciplinary content just makes logical

In what ways are IB programmes concept-

The Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP) and Diploma Programme (DP)
are three-dimensional and concept-based because, by deliberate design, they require students to
process factual knowledge through the conceptual level of thinking.

The DP values deeper critical thinking and conceptual understanding. The required theory of knowledge
course examines different ways of knowing and challenges students to think beyond the facts as they
analyse complex questions and issues in interdisciplinary inquiries. The extended essay and a variety
of internal assessment tasks also engage the critical thinking of students as they independently plan,
research, write and defend a significant question drawn from one of the subject areas (IB 2009b).

DP teachers ensure that students know the attributes and meaning of the subject area concepts. At
times, however, teachers express a concern over the tension between a heavy curriculum load and the
time to teach for deeper conceptual understanding and the transfer of knowledge. This tension can
sometimes result in implicit rather than explicit demonstrations of understanding. As the DP continues
to develop, this tension might ease if key concepts and disciplinary related concepts were used to
explicitly state the important conceptual relationships to guide instruction. This would focus the teaching
and learning on the most significant conceptual understandings, and strengthen the bridge between the
PYP, MYP and DP. I am sensitive to the curricular demands for university recognition but I also feel
strongly that less is more when the student synergistically processes factual information through the
conceptual level of thinking. Building the conceptual structures for deep understanding and the transfer
of knowledge supports autonomous learners who maximize their learning by seeing patterns and
connections between new knowledge and prior learning. New courses based on conceptual frameworks
such as global politics will continue to emerge that will support teachers in helping students learn to do
meta-analyses of complex systems, but traditional discipline-based courses also need a concept-based
curriculum and instruction design for deep understanding.

The DP, like the PYP and MYP, supports international-mindedness and understanding of other cultures.
Identifying key and related concepts and framing critical subject area content with a central idea and
additional “supporting ideas” (which will be introduced later in this paper) can strengthen the transfer of
knowledge across global contexts as new examples of previously learned concepts arise. Concept-
based curriculums can support teachers in moving deliberately to idea-centred instruction. I know that
DP teachers value deeper conceptual thinking and understanding. An idea-centred curriculum of
important conceptual understandings supported by relevant content would help teachers meet these

Concept-based teaching and learning 5

The PYP is transdisciplinary in nature. The identification of transdisciplinary themes (for example, who
we are, how the world works) frame the concepts, skills, attitudes and actions linked to what is real and
relevant in the world through the design of programmes of inquiry. The transdisciplinary themes ensure
that curriculum and instruction move beyond factual coverage in discrete subject areas to an integrative
synthesis of knowledge and conceptual understandings to better understand our world and our place
within the world (IB 2010). The MYP is developing a set of “global contexts” to use in their unit designs
that will facilitate transcendent thinking, similar to that driven by the transdisciplinary themes of the PYP
(IB 2012).

In the PYP and MYP the key concepts draw thinking beyond the facts. This is significant for three main

1. The use of key concepts prevents an overreliance on memorization of facts as the end goal. In a
concept-based model students must process the facts through their personal intellect—the
conceptual mind. The key concept provides focus to the topic under study, acting as a conceptual
draw for personal engagement and mental processing. The focus shifts from memorization—or a
lower form of mental engagement—to deeper, personal inquiry as students consider connections
between the facts and the key concept(s). Key concepts are macro-concepts that transcend
disciplines such as change, interdependence, system and relationships. The PYP has identified
eight macro-concepts as key concepts to use for the programme. The choice of just one or two
key concepts for a unit planner can prevent the conceptual focus from becoming too diffuse. The
MYP is also working to identify a set of key concepts. Key concepts integrate thinking at the
conceptual level.

2. Key concepts facilitate the transfer of knowledge through time, across cultures and across
situations. The IB position paper Thought, word and deed: The role of cognition, language and
culture in teaching and learning in IB World Schools (Allan 2011) cites research undertaken in
schools in the United States, Australia and Germany that found when students are exposed to
abstract concepts apart from context, learning is difficult.

3. Intercultural understanding depends on the ability to see the commonalities and differences in
terms of concepts and their expressions across global contexts, whether they be social, political,
economic or geographical/environmental. When students develop understanding of key concepts
and central ideas (statements of conceptual relationship) they become aware that these concepts
and ideas can be applied across cultures.

I believe it is critical that all IB programmes attend to both the key concepts and the more discipline-
specific related concepts to ensure that students develop breadth and depth of conceptual
understanding. The transferability of key concepts such as system, change and order help students
recognize the many permutations of each concept from body systems, to economic systems, to
environmental systems. The related concepts, however, ensure that instruction builds depth of
understanding by attending to, and adding to, the language of each subject area—the discipline-specific
concepts and their important relationships from year to year. In the PYP, these related concepts can be
taught in the context of the transdisciplinary units of instruction developed for the programmes of
inquiry. Identifying the related concepts in these units ensures that disciplinary depth is included in the
inquiry. When I use the term “related concepts” in my work with concept-based curriculum design, I am
referring to the concepts related to specific disciplines within the unit, rather than specific concepts
related to various key concepts. The reason for this is I want to identify the more specific concepts to
build disciplinary depth.

At this time the PYP and the MYP ask teachers to use a key concept and a more discipline-specific
related concept to state a central idea and concept statement respectively. To reinforce idea-centred
teaching and conceptual thinking I recommend consideration of additional conceptual understandings
crafted with the more discipline-specific related concepts to be added to each unit. I will call these
understandings “supporting ideas” for the purposes of this discussion. In the MYP and PYP if a year-
long course of instruction was framed under five or six units of instruction, I would think five to eight
supporting ideas per unit—in addition to the central idea/concept statement—would be reasonable to
guide the formative work.

Another reason I suggest that the PYP and MYP use the more specific related concepts to write
additional supporting ideas for their unit planners is to continually build disciplinary schemata in the
brain, so students are prepared for the conceptual rigour of the DP, as well as for lifelong learning and

Concept-based teaching and learning 6

work. It is through the conceptual structures of knowledge that the PYP, MYP and DP can be further
aligned and articulated on the IB programme continuum.

Aligning the terminology through the different levels of the IB programmes and articulating central and
supporting ideas using key and related concepts at all three levels of the IB would provide the structure
for a continuous and coherent concept-based scheme of instruction. A concept-based curriculum is
idea-centred. Central and supporting ideas facilitate a pedagogy requiring synergistic thinking which
means guiding students, through inquiry, to realize the deeper conceptual understandings supported by
factual content. In the PYP, a suggestion could be to write more specific disciplinary supporting ideas to
serve as the lines of inquiry. Developing critical central and supporting ideas for the different subject
areas (referred to as “subject groups” in the MYP) across all levels of the IB continuum would provide
clear understanding of targets for the teachers, and would facilitate a truly idea-centred pedagogy. This
would also allow the breadth of curriculum content to be compacted and focused.

How is a concept-based curriculum beneficial to

student learning?
Concept-based curriculum and instruction is essential to the IB educational paradigm. The critical
elements that require a concept-based model are intercultural understanding and international-
mindedness, the ability to transfer knowledge and a rigorous intellectual model that is emotionally
engaging and motivating.

There are many benefits to a concept-based model.

• Thinking—It requires thinking students who draw on critical, creative, reflective and conceptual
thinking abilities.

– Facilitates “synergistic thinking”—the cognitive interplay between the factual and conceptual
levels of thinking.

– Requires deeper intellectual processing as students relate the facts to key concepts and

– Develops conceptual structures in the brain (brain schemata) to relate new knowledge to
prior knowledge, and to illuminate the patterns and connections of knowledge.

– Facilitates the transfer of knowledge at the conceptual level.

– Provides opportunities for personal meaning-making through processes of thinking, creating

and reflecting.

• Intercultural understanding—It develops intercultural understanding and international-mindedness

through conceptual transfer.

– Facilitates the transfer of learning across global contexts as students engage with concepts
and conceptual understandings as reflected across unique and varied cultures.

– Encourages inquiry into global issues of concern that draw out the multiple perspectives and
situations of different cultures and nations.

• Motivation for learning—It recognizes that intellectual and emotional engagement are essential to
the motivation for learning.

– Increases motivation for learning by inviting students to think about the facts through a
relevant and personally engaging key concept. The unit topic and the key concept have an
iterative relationship—each reinforces the other, for example, considering the facts about
“Global conflicts in the 21st century” through the conceptual lens of perspectives, or
considering facts about “Our land and people” through the lens of identity.

Concept-based teaching and learning 7

– Values and respects the thinking of the individual by “drawing understandings from” rather
than “telling understandings to”.

– Encourages constructivist learning experiences that are relevant and important.

– Values collaborative thinking, discussions, and problem-solving with the belief that the social
construction of meaning not only leads to a quality product, but is motivating to participants
as well.

• Fluency with language—It increases fluency with the languages of cultures and the disciplines.

– Illuminates the conceptual structures of “meta-language” to facilitate multilingual learning and

communication across cultures.

– Builds increasing fluency with disciplinary language as students explain and support their
conceptual understanding with relevant factual knowledge.

– Reinforces a common conceptual vocabulary and set of critical conceptual understandings in

the different disciplines which can help alleviate language barriers in global labour contexts
when students enter the workforce.

These benefits are inherently supportive of the majority of the characteristics outlined in the IB learner
profile (IB 2009a, p 5):

• inquirers

• knowledgeable

• thinkers

• communicators

• open-minded

• reflective.

What are the required pedagogical shifts?

Synergistic thinking
I believe that synergistic thinking (Erickson 2007; 2009b) is essential for intellectual development.
Synergistic thinking is a cognitive interplay between the factual and conceptual levels of mental
processing. Synergy can be defined as two interacting agents providing a greater effect than either
agent acting alone. Thinking without this factual/conceptual interaction can be shallow. Without a
deliberate curriculum design that mandates this intellectual interplay, we may confuse memorized
knowledge with deeper understanding. Just knowing the definitions of concepts is not sufficient. Just
knowing facts is not sufficient.

Transfer of knowledge and skills

Facts do not transfer. They are locked in time, place or situation. Knowledge transfers at the conceptual
level as concepts, generalizations and principles are applied across global contexts and situations. The
ability to use the conceptual level of thinking to relate new knowledge to prior knowledge, to see
patterns and connections between different examples of the same concept or conceptual
understanding, and to pattern and sort the expanding information base is a critical skill for the 21st
century. The transfer of processes and skills across multiple disciplines and contexts to deepen
understanding and enhance performance is another mandatory facet of IB programmes. The
approaches to learning (ATL) in the MYP continue to be developed along with the transdisciplinary skills
in the PYP. Work is underway to organize ATL skills across all levels of the IB related to five skill
clusters: social, research, thinking, communication and self-management.

Concept-based teaching and learning 8

Social construction of meaning
Quality thinking is hard work. Concept-based models encourage collaborative group work to enhance
thinking and problem-solving. Different minds working together scaffold each other and generate new
ideas and solutions. The social construction of meaning and collaborative groups work is a significant
aspect of all IB programmes. School days filled with teacher-dominated lectures to passive students,
locked into parallel rows of desks, are hopefully a relic of past pedagogies.

Effective concept-based teachers in IB programmes understand the principles of synergistic thinking,

the transfer of knowledge and socially constructed meaning-making. They have at some point made the
following pedagogical shifts in their instruction if they began their teaching career in a traditional two-
dimensional model. (Please also see the appendix for an example.)

From two-dimensional instruction* To three-dimensional instruction

The goal is increased factual knowledge and skill The goal is increased conceptual understanding
development. supported by factual knowledge and skills, and the
transfer of understanding across global contexts.
Teacher relies heavily on lecture to disseminate Teacher facilitates student inquiry into important
factual knowledge. interdisciplinary and disciplinary topics and issues
using one or two key concepts as the conceptual
Instruction and learning experiences focus on Instruction and learning experiences utilize
factual examples and definitions of concepts with concepts along with factual content to ensure
assumed conceptual understanding. synergistic thinking. Teacher deliberately uses
concepts to help students transcend the facts.
Teacher posts objectives for each lesson as Teacher posts questions of different kinds (factual,
required. conceptual, debatable) to engage interest and to
facilitate synergistic thinking.
Students face the teacher in straight rows to Students often work in groups to facilitate shared
ensure order and attention to the teacher’s social inquiry, collaboration, synergistic thinking
instruction. and problem-solving. Students may work
independently, in pairs or groups, or across global
contexts using the internet or other communication
Teacher verbally summarizes the learning related Teacher uses inductive teaching to draw the
to the objectives at the close of the lesson. statement of conceptual understanding from
students near the end of a lesson and posts the
central or suggested supporting ideas for later
connections to future topics in the curriculum.
Students support their understanding with
accurate facts as evidence of quality synergistic
Assessments measure factual knowledge and Assessments of conceptual understanding tie
skills. back to a central (or supporting idea) by
incorporating specific language from the idea in
the task expectations.
Teacher focuses on covering the required Teacher focuses on student thinking and
curriculum. understanding. He/she is cognizant of each
student’s ability to think synergistically.
*The two dimensional model is exaggerated in this paper to provide a clear contrast with the three-
dimensional model.

Challenges and summary

There are challenges to the development and implementation of a concept-based, three-dimensional
curriculum. But challenges indicate opportunities. The IB has the opportunity to meet the challenges to

Concept-based teaching and learning 9

refine the IB programmes so they are truly the most effective and engaging in the world. The greatest
challenges centre around curriculum development and programme articulation, teacher training and

Fundamental to success in meeting each of these challenges is a solid understanding of concept-

based, three-dimensional curriculum and instruction.

1. Curriculum development. Quality teaching is supported by quality curriculums. The curriculum

must be concept-based to meet the goals of transfer of knowledge, deep conceptual
understanding, synergistic thinking, intercultural understanding and personal intellectual
engagement. The IB continuum can be articulated and coordinated through the development of
common terminology and a common curricular framework of key concepts, related concepts, and
central and discipline-based supporting conceptual understandings. Unit planners can help ensure
that a concept-based teaching plan will be developed.

2. Teacher training. This challenge is critical to the success of a concept-based model. If teachers do
not understand the concept-based model and required shifts in pedagogy they will fall back on
traditional teaching methods and fail to effect transfer of knowledge and deep understanding. As
new schools and teachers are continually joining the IB family, creative ways of delivering the
teacher training need to be developed. Regional training centres around the world that certify IB
trainers after a rigorous training programme of one or two weeks with materials that teach the
concept-based model along with the other facets of the IB programmes could be part of the
solution. The critical point is that anyone training teachers on the concept-based model must
understand the model completely and be able to convey that understanding to others effectively.
(Administrators also need to be well trained on the meaning of a concept-based curriculum, what
to look for in instruction and how to support teachers in the implementation of the IB model.)

3. Assessment—The challenge here is to assess to the conceptual level of understanding, rather

than just to the factual level. The design of the classroom assessments must be part of the
teacher training programme. The IB external assessments also need to assess to the conceptual
level of understanding, while allowing schools to use local content to support the understandings.

Many nations lament the academic progress of their students year after year. Government officials
institute “solutions” and throw money at the problem but the “solutions” usually centre around increased
objectives to ensure topics are covered fully and more testing to make certain the curriculum is taught
as defined. However, the focus is on the content rather than on the development of the whole child—
social, emotional, intellectual and physical—a terrible mistake.

The IB is on the correct path to prepare citizens of the future for living, learning and working in global
environments, and for addressing the complex problems and issues that will undoubtedly arise. The IB
community is a family of passionate educators who will continue to develop common understandings in
curriculum and pedagogy to keep the ship on course. This journey could not be more important.

About the author

H Lynn Erickson is the author of three bestselling books: Stirring the Head, Heart and Soul:
Redefining Curriculum and Instruction, 3rd edition January 2008; Concept-based Curriculum and
Instruction: Teaching Beyond the Facts, 2002; and Concept-based Curriculum and Instruction for the
Thinking Classroom, 2007, all published by Corwin Press. Erickson is a recognized presenter at
national conferences in the areas of concept-based curriculum design, teaching for deep
understanding and standards alignment.

Erickson was born and raised in Fairbanks, Alaska. She graduated from the University of Alaska in
1968 and taught at North Pole, Alaska before moving south. She taught various grade levels in
California and moved to Missoula, Montana in 1976, earning master’s and doctorate degrees in
curriculum and instruction and school administration. She has worked as a teacher, principal,
curriculum director, adjunct professor and educational consultant over a 42-year career.

Concept-based teaching and learning 10

Allan, M. 2011. Thought, word and deed: The role of cognition, language and culture in teaching and
learning in IB World Schools. Cardiff, UK. International Baccalaureate.

Anderson, LW and Krathwohl, DR. 2001. A Taxonomy for Teaching, Learning and Assessing: A
Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. New York, USA. Addison Wesley Longman.

Bloom, BS. 1956. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Allyn and Bacon.

Bransford, JD, Brown, A and Cocking, R. 2000. How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience and
School. Washington, DC, USA. National Academy of Sciences and the National Research Council.

Erickson, HL. 2007. Concept-based Curriculum and Instruction for the Thinking Classroom. Thousand
Oaks, California, USA. Corwin Press.

Erickson, HL. 2008. Stirring the Head, Heart and Soul: Redefining Curriculum and Instruction. 3rd
edition. Thousand Oaks, California, USA. Corwin Press.

Erickson, HL. 2009a. Concept-based Curriculum and Instruction for the Thinking Classroom Multimedia
Kit. Thousand Oaks, California, USA. Corwin Press.

Erickson, HL. 2009b. Stirring the Head, Heart and Soul: Redefining Curriculum and Instruction,
Facilitator’s Guide. Thousand Oaks, California, USA. Corwin Press.

IB. 2007. Making the PYP happen: A curriculum framework for international primary education. Cardiff,
UK. International Baccalaureate.

IB. 2008. MYP: From principles into practice. Cardiff, UK. International Baccalaureate.

IB. 2009a. The IB learner profile booklet. Cardiff, UK. International Baccalaureate.

IB. 2009b. Diploma Programme: From principles into practice. Cardiff, UK. International Baccalaureate.

IB. 2010. The Primary Years Programme as a model of transdisciplinary learning. Cardiff, UK.
International Baccalaureate.

IB. 2012. MYP coordinator’s notes, May. Cardiff, UK. International Baccalaureate.

NCTM. 2009. Guiding Principles for Mathematics Curriculum and Assessment. Reston, Virginia, USA.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Nevine Safire teaches the MYP. She has developed a concept-based unit around the central question
“When does population growth become ‘overpopulation’?” To focus this unit she has chosen the key
concepts of interactions and change from the MYP subject group guides. She is facilitating inquiry into
the central idea “human/environmental interactions can become unbalanced, leading to changes with
unintended consequences”.

Ms Safire has identified related concepts from science and the humanities to use in developing some
supporting ideas to facilitate greater conceptual depth and understanding throughout the inquiry. Some
of these concepts she found in the MYP subject group guides; others she extrapolated from the content
she will be teaching:

Migration Environments Overpopulation

Location Scarcity Climate change

Concept-based teaching and learning 11

Population Equilibrium Conflict

Population density Endangered Adaptation

Natural resources Trade Sustainability

Ms Safire developed five or six supporting ideas to guide the formative unit work. One of her supporting
ideas for this unit was “overpopulation can lead to conflict over scarce natural resources”. Within the
lesson Ms Safire asks students to analyse both local and global contexts for population density. We will
identify aspects of concept-based pedagogy as we follow some of Ms Safire’s thoughts during a
concept-based lesson related to this supporting idea.

Classroom actions Ms Safire’s thoughts

Ms Safire: We have been learning about population growth in our I want to check students’ prior
unit. In this lesson we are going to think about the effects of conceptions of the term and draw
overpopulation. What does the term “overpopulation” mean to out a clear definition that we can
you? build on.
Students view the video “World Population” by Population This world map, adding the points
Connection. of light representing increasing
population growth over time, is an
unforgettable visual of the growing
Students work in table groups using a graphic organizer to predict I wonder if students can foresee
the possible effects of rapidly increasing population density on the the potential problems that may be
following: land, animal populations, plants, natural resources. caused by rapidly increasing
Analyse the graphic organizer and discuss the question “At what This provocative question requires
point might population growth be considered ‘overpopulation’?’” students to articulate the
destructive effects of an imbalance
between the human and natural
View and discuss the video “Overpopulation and Its Effects on This video supports, and further
Our World”. extends students’ understanding
of the effects of overpopulation.
Teacher questions: I will ask students to bring their
questions to the inquiry, but I also
Factual: Does our state (country, region) have areas of dense
developed some factual,
population? What issues in our region would suggest the danger
conceptual and provocative,
of overpopulation? What areas of the world have very dense
debate questions for the lesson. I
population centres?
want to move students’ thinking
(Note: Ms Safire engages students with a research activity on beyond the local examples to the
overpopulation in different parts of the world and uses guiding global perspective so that students
questions to develop understanding.) can see the parallelism between
local and global issues of concern.
I want students to know which
Conceptual: Why do nations develop concentrated “population areas of the world have the
centres”? What would indicate that a population centre is greatest and least availability of
“overpopulated”? How do increasing human/environmental natural resources; and to
interactions change the environment? How might these understand that scarcity of natural
interactions lead to scarce natural resources? How do resources can lead to conflict.
communities with scarce natural resources meet their survival
needs? How can scarce natural resources lead to conflict
between groups of people or nations?

• How can governments ensure that their citizens have the

Concept-based teaching and learning 12

necessary natural resources for survival?
• Should nations with plentiful natural resources be required to
share with nations who have scarce natural resources?
Be prepared to defend your position.
We have been inquiring into the idea of overpopulation. The I know that students will
following concepts have entered into our discussion. In your table necessarily use synergistic
groups see how many concept statements you can develop by thinking in this learning experience
showing relationships between the concepts below. Remember as they use the factual examples
that these concept statements must transfer through time and to support the construction of their
across situations. conceptual understandings. I will
be interested in seeing the
• Environment relationships they find.
• Interactions
• Change
• Overpopulation
• Natural resources
• Conflict
• Cooperation
• Scarcity
Be ready to cite specific factual examples to support your

Assessment task: This authentic performance task

will help students learn to
You are the leader of a task force that has been commissioned by
collaboratively problem solve
the city council to propose solutions to the problem of scarce
using a local issue that has global
water supplies caused by severe droughts in your area. A
implications. The task connects
neighbouring area, which has also been affected by the drought,
back to the supporting idea that
has blocked the downstream flow of water from a major source to
scarce natural resources can lead
ensure that all of their agricultural and industrial uses of water can
to conflict and supports the IB aim
be met. This blockage of water to your area has led to a heated
of taking principled action to solve
conflict. You are to make a presentation to the city council that
a community problem.
describes the water problem, and suggests creative and viable
solutions—including a way to work with the neighbouring area to
collaboratively develop a win-win solution. You can choose your
mode of presentation.

As we read Ms Safire’s thoughts during the lesson we can see her attention to concept-based
pedagogy through the following:

• checking for prior understanding of concepts

• encouraging predictions

• using different kinds of questions (factual, conceptual, debatable) to move thinking beyond the

• engaging synergistic thinking

• assessing for conceptual understanding as well as facts and skills.

Concept-based teaching and learning 13

Unit Planners

DP pilot unit planner 3
Teacher(s) Subject group and course

Course part SL or HL/Year 1 or 2 Dates

and topic

Unit description and texts DP assessment(s) for unit

INQUIRY: establishing purpose of the unit

Transfer goals
List here one to three big, overarching, long-term goals for this unit. Transfer goals are the major goals that ask students to “transfer”, or apply, their
knowledge, skills, and concepts at the end of the unit under new/different circumstances, and on their own without scaffolding from the teacher.

DP pilot unit planner 3 1

Essential understandings
List here the key content/skills/concepts that students will know/develop by the end of the unit.

Students will know the following content:

Students will develop the following skills:

Students will grasp the following concepts:

DP pilot unit planner 3 2

Missed concepts/misunderstandings
List here likely misunderstandings students may have during the unit with relation to skills, content and concepts.




Inquiry questions
List here the understandings above written in question form, preferably as ones that inspire students to answer them. Feel free to create additional questions
that help inspire further inquiry in the unit but may not directly connect to an above essential understanding.




DP pilot unit planner 3 3

ACTION: teaching and learning through inquiry

Essential understanding goals Assessment of essential understanding goals Learning process

Copy and paste the essential understanding goals from above Write a 1:1 matching assessment for all goals. Assessments Check the boxes for any
“Inquiry” section. should be labelled formative (F) or summative (S). pedagogical approaches used
during the unit. Aim for a
variety of approaches to help
facilitate learning.

Students will know the following content: Content-based: Lecture

Socratic seminar
Small group/pair work
Powerpoint lecture/notes
Individual presentations
Group presentations
Student lecture/leading
Interdisciplinary learning
Students will develop the following skills: Skills-based: Details:

Students will grasp the following concepts: Concept-based:

DP pilot unit planner 3 4


Approaches to learning (ATL) Metacognition Differentiation:

Check the boxes for any explicit approaches to Check the boxes for any metacognitive approaches For more information on the IB’s approach to
learning connections made during the unit. For used that ask students to reflect on unit content, differentiation, please see (add hyperlink to
more information on ATL, please see (add their own skills, or unit concepts. For more guide):
hyperlink to guide): information on the IB’s approach to
metacognition, please see the ATL guide (add
hyperlink to guide):

Thinking Reflection on content Affirm identity—build self-esteem

Social Reflection on skills Value prior knowledge
Communication Reflection on concepts Scaffold learning
Self-management Details: Extend learning
Research Details:

Language and learning TOK connections CAS connections

Check the boxes for any explicit language and Check the boxes for any explicit TOK connections Check the boxes for any explicit CAS connections.
learning connections made during the unit. For made during the unit. If you check any of the boxes, provide a brief note
more information on the IB’s approach to in the “details” section explaining how students
language and learning, please see (add hyperlink engaged in CAS for this unit.
to guide):

Activating background knowledge Personal and shared knowledge Creativity

DP pilot unit planner 3 5

Scaffolding for new learning Ways of knowing Activity
Acquisition of new learning through practice Areas of knowledge Service
Demonstrating proficiency The knowledge framework Details:
Details: Details:

REFLECTION: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

What worked well What didn’t work well Notes/changes/suggestions:

Transfer goals
List the transfer goals from the beginning of this unit planner.

Transfer reflection
How successful were the students in achieving the transfer goals by the end of the unit?

DP pilot unit planner 3 6

How does the unit chosen measure up against these questions?

 Does the unit fulfill the intended learning goals?

 Does the unit involve situations that require the students
to use their prior knowledge creatively to extract new
 How are the students involved in the learning process?
 Is the unit an engaging learning experience?
 Does the unit address the cognitive maturity of the
 Does the unit involve students using ATL, technology and
procedures that are relevant to the topic?
 How can the unit be linked to TOK or CAS?
 Does the unit include differentiated learning?
 Are there clear criteria for students on how the unit will be
 Is there a provision made for continuous formative
assessment and feedback to enhance learning?

Specimen Paper Markschemes



N or
O ft f
Specimen paper

ng ra
illi n d
sk tio

analysis and approaches

up uc
in d
e ro

Higher level
us e-p

Paper 1

13 pages


Section A

1. attempt to substitute into P  A  B   P  A   P  B   P  A  B  (M1)

Note: Accept use of Venn diagram or other valid method.

0.6  0.5  0.4  P( A  B) (A1)
P  A  B   0.3 (seen anywhere) A1
P  A  B
attempt to substitute into P  A | B   (M1)
P  B

N or
 3
P  A | B   0.75    A1

O ft f
 4

Total [5 marks]

2. (a)
ng ra
attempting to expand the LHS
LHS   4n  4n  1   4n  4n  1
illi n d
2 2
 8n 2  2   RHS  AG
sk tio

[2 marks]

(b) METHOD 1
up uc

recognition that 2n  1 and 2n  1 represent two consecutive odd

integers (for n   ) R1
8n  2  2  4n  1
in d

2 2
e ro

valid reason eg divisible by 2 (2 is a factor) R1

so the sum of the squares of any two consecutive odd integers is even AG
[3 marks]
us e-p

recognition, eg, that n and n  2 represent two consecutive odd integers for

odd integers n R1
n 2   n  2   2  n 2  2n  2 
valid reason eg divisible by 2 (2 is a factor) R1
so the sum of the squares of any two consecutive numbers odd integers
is even AG
[3 marks]

Total [5 marks]


3. attempt to integrate (M1)

u  2x2  1   4x
8x 2
 2x 1
dx  
du (A1)


 4 u  C  A1


N or
 4 2 x 2  1  C  A1

O ft f

correct substitution into their integrated function (must have C ) (M1)

ng ra
5  4 C  C 1
f  x   4 2 x2  1  1
illi n d A1
Total [5 marks]
sk tio
up uc
in d
e ro
us e-p



N or
O ft f
ng ra
illi n d
no y values below 1 A1
sk tio

horizontal asymptote at y  2 with curve approaching from below as x   A1

 1,1 local minima A1
up uc

 0,5 local maximum A1

smooth curve and smooth stationary points A1
in d

Total [5 marks]
e ro

5. (a) attempt to form composition M1

us e-p

 x3  x3
correct substitution g    8 5 A1
 4   4 
 g  f   x   2 x  11

[2 marks]

(b) attempt to substitute 4 (seen anywhere) (M1)

correct equation a  2  4  11 (A1)
a  19 A1
[3 marks]

Total [5 marks]


6. (a) attempting to use the change of base rule M1

log 3 (cos 2 x  2)
log 9 (cos 2 x  2)  A1
log 3 9
 log 3 (cos 2 x  2) A1
 log 3 cos 2 x  2 AG
[3 marks]

(b) log3 (2sin x)  log9 (cos 2 x  2)

log 3 (2sin x)  log 3 cos 2 x  2

N or
2sin x  cos 2 x  2 M1
4sin 2 x  cos 2 x  2 (or equivalent) A1

O ft f
use of cos 2 x  1  2sin 2 x (M1)

6sin 2 x  3

ng ra
sin x     A1
illi n d
x A1
sk tio

Note: Award A0 if solutions other than x  are included.

[5 marks]
up uc

Total [8 marks]
in d
e ro
us e-p


7. attempting integration by parts, eg

πx π  πx  6  πx 
u , du  dx, dv  sin   dx, v   cos   (M1)
36 36  6  π  6 
π   6x  πx  
3 3
 πx   6
P  0  X  3     cos      cos   dx  (or equivalent) A1A1
36   π  6  0 π 0  6  

Note: Award A1 for a correct uv and A1 for a correct  v du .

attempting to substitute limits M1
π  6x  πx  
  cos     0 (A1)
36  π  6  0

N or
1   πx  
so P  0  X  3  sin   (or equivalent)
π   6   0

O ft f
 A1

ng ra
Total [7 marks]
illi n d
8. recognition that the angle between the normal and the line is 60 ( seen anywhere) R1
attempt to use the formula for the scalar product M1
sk tio

 2  1 
  
 1  2 
up uc

 2  p 
  
cos 60  A1
9  1  4  p2
in d

1 2p

e ro

2 3 5  p2
us e-p

3 5  p2  4 p
attempt to square both sides M1
9 5  p 2
  16 p 2
 7 p  45

p  3 (or equivalent) A1A1
Total [7 marks]


9. (a) attempt to differentiate and set equal to zero M1

f ( x)  2e  6e  2e (e  3)  0
2x x x x
minimum at x  ln 3
a  ln 3 A1
[3 marks]

(b) Note: Interchanging x and y can be done at any stage.

y   e x  3  4
ex  3   y  4 A1
as x  ln 3 , x  ln 3   y4  R1

N or

so f 1  x   ln 3  x  4  A1

O ft f
domain of f is x  , x  4 A1

[5 marks]

ng ra
illi n d Total [7 marks]
sk tio
up uc
in d
e ro
us e-p


Section B
10. (a) attempt to use quotient rule (M1)
correct substitution into quotient rule
 1 
5kx    k ln 5 x
f  x   5x  (or equivalent) A1
 kx 

k  k ln 5 x
 2 2
,  k    A1
k x
1  ln 5 x
 AG

N or
kx 2
[3 marks]

O ft f
(b) f  x  0 M1

1  ln 5 x

ng ra
kx 2
ln 5 x  1 (A1)
illi n d
x A1
[3 marks]
sk tio

(c) f   x   0 M1
2 ln 5 x  3
up uc

in d

ln 5 x  A1
e ro

5x  e 2 A1
us e-p

so the point of inflexion occurs at x  e 2
[3 marks]



Question 10 continued

(d) attempt to integrate (M1)

du 1
u  ln 5 x  
dx x
ln 5 x 1
 kx dx  k  u du (A1)


 A1

N or
3 3
1  u2  2

O ft f
so  u du    A1
k1  2 k 1

ng ra

 ln 5 x 
illi n d
 A1
1 2 3
5   ln 5 x  2
 2
sk tio

ln 5 x
so 
e kx
dx  
 2k

up uc

in d

1 9 
   1
e ro

2k  4 
 A1
us e-p

setting their expression for area equal to 3 M1

k A1
[7 marks]

Total [16 marks]


11. (a) attempt to find modulus (M1)

r  2 3  12   A1
attempt to find argument in the correct quadrant (M1)
 3
  arctan    A1
 3 

 A1
 5πi

3  3i  12e 6   2 3e 6 
 

N or
[5 marks]

(b) attempt to find a root using de Moivre’s theorem

O ft f
1 5πi

12 e6 18

ng ra
attempt to find further two roots by adding and subtracting to
the argument
illi n d M1
1 7πi

12 e6 18
1 17πi
12 e6 18
sk tio

Note: Ignore labels for u , v and w at this stage.
up uc

[5 marks]
in d

e ro
us e-p


Question 11 continued

(c) METHOD 1
attempting to find the total area of (congruent) triangles UOV, VOW
and UOW M1
 1    1 1

Area  3   12 12  sin
6 6
 2    3

 1
 1
 2π
Note:Award A1 for 12 6 12 6  and A1 for sin .
   3

N or
3 3 1
 12  (or equivalent)
4  

O ft f
[4 marks]


ng ra
2 2
 1  1  1  1  2π
illi n d
UV   12 6    12 6   2 12 6  12 6  cos (or equivalent) A1
       3
 16 
UV  3 12  (or equivalent) A1
sk tio

 
attempting to find the area of UVW using Area   UV  VW  sin 
up uc

for example M1
1  
π 1
in d

Area   3 12  3 12  sin

6 6
2   3
e ro

3 3  13 
 12  (or equivalent) A1
us e-p

4  
[4 marks]

(d) uvw0 R1
  7π   7π  5π 5π 17π 17π 
12 6  cos     i sin     cos  i sin  cos  i sin 0
18 
  18   18  18 18 18
consideration of real parts M1
  7π  5π 17π 
12  cos     cos  cos
  18  18 18 
 7π  7π
cos     cos explicitly stated A1
 18  18
5π 7π 17π
cos  cos  cos 0 AG
18 18 18
[4 marks]

Total [18 marks]


12. (a) attempting to use the chain rule to find the first derivative M1
f   x    cos x  e sin x
attempting to use the product rule to find the second derivative M1
f   x   e sin x
 cos 2
x  sin x  (or equivalent) A1
attempting to find f  0  , f   0  and f   0  M1
f  0   1 ; f   0    cos 0  esin 0  1 ; f   0   esin 0  cos 2 0  sin 0   1 A1
substitution into the Maclaurin formula f ( x)  f (0)  xf (0)  f (0)  ... M1
so the Maclaurin series for f  x  up to and including the x term is 1  x  2

N or
[8 marks]

O ft f
(b) METHOD 1

attempting to differentiate f ( x)

ng ra
f   x    cos x  e
illi n d sin x
 cos 2
x  sin x    cos x  e sin x
 2sin x  1 (or equivalent) A2
substituting x  0 into their f   x  M1
f   0   11  0   1 0  1  0
so the coefficient of x3 in the Maclaurin series for f  x  is zero
sk tio


up uc

substituting sin x into the Maclaurin series for e x (M1)

2 3
sin x sin x
in d

esin x  1  sin x    ...

2! 3!
e ro

substituting Maclaurin series for sin x M1

2 3
 x3   x3 
us e-p

 x   ...   x   ... 
 3
 3! 3!
 1   x   ...        ...
esin x A1
 3!  2! 3!

1 1
coefficient of x3 is   0 A1
3! 3!
so the coefficient of x3 in the Maclaurin series for f  x  is zero AG
[4 marks]



Question 12 continued

(c) substituting 3x into the Maclaurin series for e x M1

 3x   3x 
2 3

e3 x  1  3 x   ... A1
2! 3!
substituting  e3 x  1 into the Maclaurin series for arctan x M1

e  1 e  1
3x 3 3x 5

arctan  e  1   e  1 
3x 3x
  ...
3 5
  3x   3x  
2 3

 3x   

N or
  3 x   3 x    3! 
2 3
  3x     ... A1
 2! 3!  3

O ft f
 

selecting correct terms from above M1
  3x    3x    3x 
2 3 3

ng ra
  3x  
 2! 3!  3
 
illi n d
9 x 2 9 x3
 3x   A1
2 2
[6 marks]
sk tio

(d) METHOD 1
up uc

substitution of their series M1

x  ...
in d

lim A1
x 0 9 x2
3x   ...
e ro

1   ...
us e-p

lim 2
x 0 9x
3   ...

 A1

use of l’Hôpital’s rule M1

 cos x  e sin x
(or equivalent) A1
x 0 3e3 x
1   e3 x  1

 A1
[3 marks]

Total [21 marks]



N or
O ft f
Specimen paper

ng ra
illi n d
sk tio

analysis and approaches

up uc
in d
e ro

Higher level
us e-p

Paper 2

13 pages


Section A
1. (a) METHOD 1
attempt to use the cosine rule (M1)
4  4 5
2 2 2
cos   (or equivalent) A1
2 4 4
  1.35 A1
[3 marks]

attempt to split triangle AOB into two congruent right triangles (M1)

N or
   2.5
sin    A1
2 4

O ft f
  1.35 A1

[3 marks]

ng ra
(b) attempt to find the area of the shaded region (M1)
illi n d
 4  4  (2  A1
 39.5 (cm2 ) A1
[3 marks]
sk tio

Total [6 marks]
up uc

 5.5 
2. (a) 1  
in d

 4  100 
e ro

1.056 (A1)
[3 marks]
us e-p



Question 2 continued

4n m
 5.5   their ( a ) 
2 P  P  1   OR 2 P  P   1   (M1)(A1)
 100  4   100 
Note: Award (M1) for substitution into loan payment formula. Award (A1) for correct substitution.

PV  1
FV  2

N or
I%  5.5
P/Y  4

O ft f
C/Y  4 (M1)(A1)

ng ra
PV  1
illi n d
FV  2
I%  their ( a )
P/Y  1
sk tio

C/Y  1 (M1)(A1)
up uc

n  50.756...  12.7 years
Laurie will have double the amount she invested during 2032
in d

[3 marks]
e ro

Total [6 marks]
us e-p

3. (a) recognition of binomial (M1)

X ~ B  5, 0.7 

attempt to find P  X  3  M1
 0.472   0.47178 A1
[3 marks]

(b) recognition of 2 sixes in 4 tosses (M1)

 4  2
P  3rd six on the 5th toss       0.7    0.3   0.7( 0.2646  0.7)
 2  
 0.185   0.18522  A1
[3 marks]

Total[6 marks]


4. (a) a  1.29 and b  10.4 A1A1

[2 marks]

(b) recognising both lines pass through the mean point (M1)
p  28.7, q  30.3 A2
[3 marks]

(c) substitution into their x on y equation (M1)

x  1.29082(29)  10.3793
x  27.1 A1
Note: Accept 27.

N or
[2 marks]

O ft f
Total [7 marks]

5. (a) use of a graph to find the coordinates of the local minimum

ng ra
s  16.513... (A1)
maximum distance is 16.5 cm (to the left of O) A1
illi n d
[3 marks]

(b) attempt to find time when particle changes direction eg considering the
first maximum on the graph of s or the first t – intercept on the graph of s
sk tio

t  1.51986... (A1)
attempt to find the gradient of s for their value of t, s 1.51986... (M1)
up uc

 8.92 (cm/s2) A1
[4 marks]
in d

Total [7 marks]
e ro
us e-p


6. (a) METHOD 1
attempting to use the expected value formula (M1)
E  X   1 0.60    2  0.30    3  0.03   4  0.05   5  0.02 
E  X   1.59  $  (A1)
use of E 1.20 X  2.40   1.20E  X   2.40 (M1)
E T   1.20 1.59   2.40
 4.31 $  A1


N or
attempting to find the probability distribution for T (M1)

O ft f
t 3.60 4.80 6.00 7.20 8.40

P T  t  0.60 0.30 0.03 0.05 0.02

ng ra
attempting to use the expected value formula (M1)
E T    3.60  0.60    4.80  0.30    6.00  0.03   7.20  0.05   8.40  0.02 
illi n d
 4.31 $  A1
[4 marks]
sk tio

(b) METHOD 1
up uc

using Var 1.20 X  2.40   1.20  Var  X  with Var  X   0.8419

Var T   1.21 A1
in d
e ro

finding the standard deviation for their probability distribution found
us e-p

in part (a) (M1)

Var T   1.101...

 1.21 A1

Note: Award M1A1 for Var T   1.093...  1.20 .


[2 marks]

Total [6 marks]


7. attempting to find rB  rA for example (M1)

 3   5 
rB  rA     t  
 6   4 
attempting to find rB  rA M1

distance d (t )   3  5t    4t  6
2 2
 41t 2  78t  45  A1

using a graph to find the d  coordinate of the local minimum M1

 11 41 
the minimum distance between the ships is 2.81  km     km   A1
 41
 

N or
Total [5 marks]

O ft f
8. substituting w  2iz into z   3w  5  5i M1


z  6iz  5  5i A1

ng ra
let z  x  yi
comparing real and imaginary parts of  x  yi   6i  x  yi   5  5i M1
illi n d
to obtain x  6 y  5 and 6 x  y  5 A1
attempting to solve for x and y M1
x  1 and y  1 and so z  1  i A1
sk tio

hence w  2  2i A1
up uc
in d
e ro
us e-p



x2 9
sketching the graph of y  ( y  x 3 ) M1
x 3 x 3
the (oblique) asymptote has a gradient equal to 1
and so the maximum value of m is 1 R1
consideration of a straight line steeper than the horizontal line joining
 3,0  and  0, 0  M1
so m  0 R1
hence 0  m  1 A1


N or
attempting to eliminate y to form a quadratic equation in x M1
x  m  x  9

O ft f
2 2

  m  1 x 2  9m  0 A1

ng ra
illi n d
attempting to solve 4  m  1 9m   0 for m M1
sk tio

attempting to solve x 2  0 ie 0  m  1 for m M1
up uc

m 1
in d

e ro

 0  m 1 A1
a valid reason to explain why m  1 gives no solutions eg if m  1,
 m  1 x 2  9m  0  9  0 and so 0  m  1
us e-p


Total [5 marks]


Section B
10. (a) attempt to use the symmetry of the normal curve (M1)
eg diagram, 0.5  0.1446
P  24.15  X  25  0.3554 A1
[2 marks]

(b) (i) use of inverse normal to find z score (M1)

z  1.0598
24.15  25
correct substitution  1.0598 (A1)

N or
  0.802 A1

P  X  26   0.106

O ft f
(ii) (M1)A1

[5 marks]

ng ra
(c) recognizing binomial probability (M1)
E(Y )  10  0.10621 (A1)
illi n d
 1.06 A1
[3 marks]

P Y  3 
sk tio

(d) (M1)
 0.0655 A1
up uc

[2 marks]

(e) recognizing conditional probability (M1)

in d

correct substitution A1
e ro

1 0.10621
 0.398 A1
us e-p

[3 marks]

Total [15 marks]



11. (a) METHOD 1

using I  t   e 
P  t dt
 dt
e t 1
e  
ln t1
 t 1 AG

attempting product rule differentiation on
 x  t  1  M1

N or
d dx
 x  t  1    t  1  x

O ft f
 dx x 
  t  1  

 A1
 dt t  1 

ng ra
so t  1 is an integrating factor for this differential equation AG
[2 marks]
illi n d
sk tio
up uc
in d
e ro
us e-p


Question 11 continued

(b) attempting to multiply through by  t  1 and rearrange to give (M1)

dx 

 t  1  x  10  t  1 e 4
d t

 x  t  1   10  t  1 e 4


x  t  1   10  t  1 e 4
dt A1
attempting to integrate the RHS by parts M1

N or
t t
 
 40  t  1 e 4
 40 e 4

O ft f
t t
 
 40  t  1 e 4
 160e 4
C A1A1

ng ra
t t
 
Note: Award A1 for 40  t  1 e
illi n d 4
(or equivalent) and A1 for 160e 4 . Condone the absence of C .

substituting t  0, x  0  C  200 M1
sk tio

t t
 
40  t  1 e 4
 160e 4
 200
x A1
t 1
up uc

t t t
  
using 40e 4
as the highest common factor of 40  t  1 e 4
and 160e 4
in d

e ro

t t t
  
using 40e 4
as the highest common factor of 40  t  1 e 4
and 160e 4 giving
us e-p


x  t  1  40e 4
 t  5  C (or equivalent) M1A1
substituting t  0, x  0  C  200 M1


x t  
200  40e 4
t  5 AG
t 1
[8 marks]



Question 11 continued


N or
O ft f
graph starts at the origin and has a local maximum (coordinates not required) A1

ng ra
sketched for 0  t  60 A1
correct concavity for 0  t  60 A1
illi n d
maximum amount of salt is 14.6 (grams) at t  6.60 (minutes) A1A1
[5 marks]

(d) using an appropriate graph or equation (first or second derivative) M1

sk tio

amount of salt is decreasing most rapidly at t  12.9 (minutes) A1

[2 marks]
up uc

attempting to form an integral representing the amount of salt that left
in d

the tank M1
e ro

x (t )
0 t  1 dt
us e-p


200  40e 4
 t  5  dt

0  t  1

attempting to form an integral representing the amount of salt that entered the
tank minus the amount of salt in the tank at t  60 (minutes) M1
60 t

amount of salt that left the tank is  10e 4
dt  x  60  A1

 36.7 (grams) A2
[4 marks]

Total [21 marks]


12. (a) stating the relationship between cot and tan and stating the identity
for tan 2 M1
1 2 tan 
cot 2  and tan 2 
tan 2 1  tan 2 
1  tan 2 
 cot 2  AG
2 tan 
[1 mark]

(b) METHOD 1
attempting to substitute tan  for x and using the result from (a) M1
 1  tan  

N or
LHS  tan 2   2 tan    1 A1
 2 tan  

O ft f
tan 2   1  tan 2   1  0   RHS  A1

so x  tan  satisfies the equation AG

ng ra
attempting to substitute  cot  for x and using the result from (a) M1
 1  tan 2  
LHS  cot 2   2cot    1
illi n d A1
 2 tan  
1  1  tan 2  
    1 A1
tan 2   tan 2  
sk tio

1 1
  1  1  0   RHS A1
tan  tan 2 
up uc

so x   cot  satisfies the equation AG

in d

e ro

let   tan  and    cot 

attempting to find the sum of roots M1
us e-p

    tan  
tan 
tan   1
 A1

tan 
 2cot 2 (from part (a)) A1
attempting to find the product of roots M1
  tan     cot   A1
 1 A1
the coefficient of x and the constant term in the quadratic are 2cot 2 and
1 respectively R1
hence the two roots are   tan  and    cot  AG
[7 marks]



Question 12 continued

(c) METHOD 1
π π  π
x  tan and x   cot are roots of x 2   2 cot  x  1  0 R1
12 12  6
π  π
Note: Award R1 if only x  tan is stated as a root of x 2   2 cot  x  1  0 .
12  6
x 2  2 3x  1  0 A1
attempting to solve their quadratic equation M1
x   32

N or
π π
tan  0 (  cot  0 ) R1

O ft f
12 12

so tan  2 3 AG

ng ra
illi n d
attempting to substitute   into the identity for tan 2 M1
sk tio

2 tan
π 12
tan 
6 1  tan 2 π
up uc

π π
tan 2  2 3 tan  1  0 A1
in d

12 12
attempting to solve their quadratic equation
e ro

tan  32 A1
us e-p

tan  0 R1

so tan  2 3 AG
[5 marks]

π π  π
(d) tan  cot is the sum of the roots of x 2   2 cot  x  1  0 R1
24 24  12 
π π π
tan  cot  2cot A1
24 24 12
 A1
2 3
attempting to rationalise their denominator (M1)
 4  2 3 A1A1
[6 marks]

Total [19 marks]



N or
O ft f
Specimen paper

ng ra
illi n d
sk tio

analysis and approaches

up uc
in d
e ro

Higher level
us e-p

Paper 3

6 pages


1. (a) METHOD 1
consider right-angled triangle OCX where CX 
sin  2 M1A1
3 1
x 3
  x 3 A1
2 2
Pi  3  x  3 3 AG

N or

O ft f

eg, use of the cosine rule x  1  1  2 11 cos
2 2 2

x 3

ng ra
Pi  3  x  3 3 AG
illi n d
Note: Accept use of sine rule.
[3 marks]
sk tio

π 1
(b) sin  where x = side of square M1
4 x
x 2
up uc

Pi  4 2 A1
in d

[3 marks]
e ro

(c) 6 equilateral triangles  x  1 A1

Pi  6 A1
us e-p

[2 marks]

 

(d) in right-angled triangle sin    2 M1

n 1
 x  2sin   A1
Pi  n  x
Pi  n  2sin   M1
    Pi  2n sin     AG
[3 marks]



Question 1 continued

(e) consider lim 2n sin  
n 
x3 x5
use of sin x  x    M1
3! 5!
π  π π3 π5 
2n sin    2n   3  5
 (A1)
n  n 6n 120n 
 π3 π5 
 2 π  2  4
   A1
 6n 120n 

N or
 lim 2n sin    2π A1

O ft f
n 
as n   polygon becomes a circle of radius 1 and Pi  2π


ng ra
[5 marks]

(f) consider an n-sided polygon of side length x

illi n d
2π π
2n right-angled triangles with angle  at centre M1A1
2n n
x π π
opposite side  tan    x  2 tan  
sk tio

2 n n
Perimeter Pc  2n tan  
up uc

[4 marks]
in d

 π
e ro

 2 tan   
π n
(g) consider lim 2n tan    lim 
 n  n  1 
us e-p

n 
 
 n 
 π
 2 tan  n   0

 lim     R1
n 
 1  0
 
 n 
attempt to use L’Hopital’s rule M1
 2π 2  π  
  n 2 sec  n  
 lim    A1A1
n 
 1 
  2 
 n 
 2π A1
[5 marks]



Question 1 continued

(h) Pi  2π  Pc
π π
2n sin    2π  2n tan   M1
n n
π π
n sin    π  n tan   A1
n n
[2 marks]

(i) attempt to find the lower bound and upper bound approximations within
0.005 of π   (M1)

N or
    n  46   A2
[3 marks]

O ft f
Total [30 marks]

ng ra
2. (a) correct graph of y  f1 ( x) A1
illi n d
correct graph of y  f3 ( x) A1
sk tio
up uc
in d
e ro
us e-p

[2 marks]

(b) (i) graphical or tabular evidence that n has been systematically varied M1
n  3 , 1 local maximum point and 1 local minimum point
n  5 , 2 local maximum points and 2 local minimum points
n  7 , 3 local maximum points and 3 local minimum points (A1)
n 1
local maximum points A1

n 1
(ii) local minimum points A1
Note: Allow follow through from an incorrect local maximum formula expression.
[4 marks]



Question 2 continued

(c) correct graph of y  f 2 ( x) A1

correct graph of y  f 4 ( x) A1

N or
O ft f
ng ra
[2 marks]

(d) (i) graphical or tabular evidence that n has been systematically varied
illi n d M1
n  2 , 0 local maximum point and 1 local minimum point
n  4 , 1 local maximum points and 2 local minimum points
sk tio

n  6 , 2 local maximum points and 3 local minimum points (A1)

local maximum points A1
up uc

in d

(ii) local minimum points A1

e ro

[4 marks]

f n  x   cos  n arccos  x  
us e-p

n sin  n arccos  x  
f n  x   M1A1
1  x2

Note: Award M1 for attempting to use the chain rule.

f n  x   0  n sin  n arccos  x    0 M1
n arccos  x   kπ ( k  ) A1
leading to
kπ 
x  cos ( k  and 0  k  n ) AG
[4 marks]



Question 2 continued

(f) f 2  x   cos  2arccos x 

 2  cos  arccos x    1

stating that cos  arccos x   x  A1
so f 2  x   2 x  1
[2 marks]

(g) f n 1  x   cos   n  1 arccos x 

 cos  n arccos x  arccos x 

N or
use of cos  A  B   cos A cos B  sin A sin B leading to M1

O ft f
 cos  n arccos x  cos  arccos x   sin  n arccos x  sin  arccos x  AG

[2 marks]

(h) (i)
ng ra
f n 1  x   cos   n  1 arccos x  A1
illi n d
 cos  n arccos x  cos  arccos x   sin  n arccos x  sin  arccos x  M1
f n 1  x   f n 1  x   2cos  n arccos x  cos  arccos x  A1
sk tio

 2 xf n  x  AG

f 3  x   2 xf 2  x   f1  x 
up uc

(ii) (M1)
 2 x  2 x 2  1  x
in d

 4 x3  3x A1
e ro

[5 marks]
us e-p

Total [25 marks]




N or
O ft f
Specimen paper

ng ra
illi n d
sk tio

analysis and approaches

up uc
in d
e ro

Standard level
us e-p

Paper 1

8 pages


Section A
1. (a) valid approach using Pythagorean identity (M1)
sin 2 A +    1 (or equivalent) (A1)
sin A = A1
[3 marks]

1 11
(b) 8 6 (or equivalent) (A1)

N or
2 6
area = 4 11 A1

O ft f
[2 marks]

Total [5 marks]

ng ra
attempt to substitute into P  A  B   P  A   P  B   P  A  B 
illi n d (M1)

Note: Accept use of Venn diagram or other valid method.

0.6  0.5  0.4  P( A  B) (A1)
sk tio

P  A  B   0.3 (seen anywhere) A1

P  A  B
attempt to substitute into P  A | B  
up uc

P  B
in d

e ro

 3
P  A | B   0.75    A1
 4
us e-p

Total [5 marks]


3. (a) attempting to expand the LHS (M1)

LHS   4n  4n  1   4n  4n  1
2 2
 8n 2  2   RHS  AG
[2 marks]

(b) METHOD 1
recognition that 2n  1 and 2n  1 represent two consecutive odd
integers (for n   ) R1
8n  2  2  4n  1
2 2
valid reason eg divisible by 2 (2 is a factor) R1

N or
so the sum of the squares of any two consecutive odd integers is even AG
[3 marks]

O ft f

recognition, eg, that n and n  2 represent two consecutive odd integers for

ng ra
odd integers n R1
n   n  2   2  n  2n  2 
2 2 2
illi n d A1
valid reason eg divisible by 2 (2 is a factor) R1
so the sum of the squares of any two consecutive numbers odd integers
is even AG
sk tio

[3 marks]

Total [5 marks]
up uc

4. attempt to integrate
in d

u  2x2  1   4x
e ro

8x 2
 2 x 2  1 dx   u du
us e-p



 4 u  C  A1


 4 2 x 2  1  C  A1

correct substitution into their integrated function (must have C ) (M1)
5  4 C  C 1
f  x   4 2 x2  1  1 A1
Total [5 marks]


5. (a) attempt to form composition M1

 x3  x3
correct substitution g    8 5 A1
 4   4 
g  f 
 x   2 x  11 AG
[2 marks]

(b) attempt to substitute 4 (seen anywhere) (M1)

correct equation a  2  4  11 (A1)
a  19 A1
[3 marks]

N or
Total [5 marks]

O ft f
6. (a) attempting to use the change of base rule M1

log 3 (cos 2 x  2)
log 9 (cos 2 x  2)  A1

ng ra
log 3 9
 log 3 (cos 2 x  2)
illi n d A1
 log 3 cos 2 x  2 AG
[3 marks]
sk tio

(b) log3 (2sin x)  log9 (cos 2 x  2)

up uc

log 3 (2sin x)  log 3 cos 2 x  2

2sin x  cos 2 x  2 M1
in d

4sin 2 x  cos 2 x  2 (or equivalent) A1

e ro

use of cos 2 x  1  2sin 2 x (M1)

6sin 2 x  3
us e-p

sin x     A1
x A1

Note: Award A0 if solutions other than x  are included.
[5 marks]

Total [8 marks]


Section B
7. (a) evidence of median position (M1)
80th employee
40 minutes A1
[2 marks]

(b) valid attempt to find interval (25 - 55) (M1)

18 (employees), 142 (employees) A1
124 A1
[3 marks]

N or
(c) recognising that there are 16 employees in the top 10% (M1)
144 employees travelled more than k minutes (A1)

O ft f
k  56 A1

[3 marks]

ng ra
(d) b  70 A1
[1 mark]
illi n d
(e) (i) recognizing a is first quartile value (M1)
40 employees
a  33 A1
sk tio

(ii) 47  33 (M1)
IQR  14
up uc

[4 marks]
in d

(f) attempt to find 1.5  their IQR (M1)

e ro

33  21
12 (A1)
us e-p

[2 marks]

[Total 15 marks]

8. (a) f ( x)  x 2  2 x  15 (M1)A1
[2 marks]

(b) correct reasoning that f ( x)  0 (seen anywhere) (M1)

x  2 x  15  0

valid approach to solve quadratic M1

( x  3)( x  5) , quadratic formula
correct values for x
3,  5
correct values for a and b
a  5 and b  3 A1
[3 marks]



Question 8 continued

(c) (i)

N or
O ft f
ng ra
illi n d
sk tio


(ii) first derivative changes from positive to negative at x  a

up uc


so local maximum at x  a AG
in d

[2 marks]
e ro

(d) (i) f ( x)  2 x  2 A1

us e-p

substituting their b into their second derivative (M1)

f (3)  2  3  2
f (b)  8 (A1)

(ii) f (b) is positive so graph is concave up R1

so local minimum at x  b AG
[4 marks]

(e) normal to f at x  a is x  5 (seen anywhere) (A1)

attempt to find y-coordinate at their value of b (M1)
f (3)  10 (A1)
tangent at x  b has equation y  10 (seen anywhere) A1
intersection at  5,  10 
p  5 and q  10 A1
[5 marks]

[Total 16 marks]


9. (a) attempt to use quotient rule (M1)

correct substitution into quotient rule
 1 
5kx    k ln 5 x
f  x   5x  (or equivalent) A1
 kx 

k  k ln 5 x
 2 2
,  k    A1
k x
1  ln 5x
 AG
kx 2
[3 marks]

N or
(b) f  x  0 M1

O ft f
1  ln 5 x

kx 2
ln 5 x  1 (A1)

ng ra
x A1
illi n d
[3 marks]

(c) f   x   0 M1
sk tio

2 ln 5 x  3
up uc

ln 5 x  A1
in d

5x  e 2
e ro

so the point of inflexion occurs at x  e 2
us e-p

[3 marks]



Question 9 continued

(d) attempt to integrate (M1)

du 1
u  ln 5 x  
dx x
ln 5 x 1
 kx dx  k  u du (A1)

 A1

N or
3 3
1 2
u  2 2

O ft f
k1 u du   
 2k 1

ng ra

 ln 5 x 
illi n d
 A1
1 2 3
ln 5 x   ln 5 x 2  2
sk tio

so 
e kx
dx  
 2k 1
 A1
up uc

in d

1 9 
   1
e ro

2k  4 
 A1
us e-p

setting their expression for area equal to 3 M1

k A1
[7 marks]

Total [16 marks]



N or
O ft f
Specimen paper

ng ra
illi n d
sk tio

analysis and approaches

up uc
in d
e ro

Standard level
us e-p

Paper 2

7 pages


Section A

π 12.7  (or equivalent)
1. (a) A1
8580.24 (A1)
V  8.58 10 3
[3 marks]

(b) recognising volume of the cone is same as volume of their sphere (M1)
1 2
πr 14.8   8580.24 (or equivalent) A1

N or
r  23.529
r  24 (cm) correct to 2 significant figures A1

O ft f
[3 marks]

Total [6 marks]

2. (a) METHOD 1
ng ra
illi n d
attempt to use the cosine rule (M1)
4  4 5
2 2 2
cos   (or equivalent) A1
2 4 4
sk tio

  1.35 A1
[3 marks]
up uc

attempt to split triangle AOB into two congruent right triangles
in d

   2.5
e ro

sin    A1
2 4
  1.35 A1
us e-p

[3 marks]

(b) attempt to find the area of the shaded region (M1)


 4  4  (2  A1
 39.5 (cm2 ) A1
[3 marks]

Total [6 marks]

 5.5 
3. (a) 1   (M1)(A1)
 4  100 
1.056 (A1)
[3 marks]



Question 3 continued

4n m
 5.5   their ( a ) 
2 P  P  1   OR 2 P  P   1   (M1)(A1)
 100  4   100 
Note: Award (M1) for substitution into loan payment formula. Award (A1) for correct substitution.

PV  1
FV  2

N or
I%  5.5
P/Y  4

O ft f
C/Y  4 (M1)(A1)

ng ra
PV  1
illi n d
FV  2
I%  their ( a )
P/Y  1
sk tio

C/Y  1 (M1)(A1)
up uc

n  50.756...  12.7 years
Laurie will have double the amount she invested during 2032
in d

[3 marks]
e ro

Total [6 marks]
us e-p

4. (a) recognition of binomial (M1)

X ~ B  5, 0.7 

attempt to find P  X  3  M1
 0.472   0.47178 A1
[3 marks]

(b) recognition of 2 sixes in 4 tosses (M1)

 4  2
P  3rd six on the 5th toss       0.7    0.3   0.7( 0.2646  0.7)
 2  
 0.185   0.18522  A1
[3 marks]

Total[6 marks]


5. (a) a  1.29 and b  10.4 A1A1

[2 marks]

(b) recognising both lines pass through the mean point (M1)
p  28.7, q  30.3 A2
[3 marks]

Total [5 marks]

6. (a) use of a graph to find the coordinates of the local minimum (M1)
s  16.513... (A1)

N or
maximum distance is 16.5 cm (to the left of O) A1
[3 marks]

O ft f
(b) attempt to find time when particle changes direction eg considering the

first maximum on the graph of s or the first t – intercept on the graph of s (M1)
t  1.51986...

ng ra
attempt to find the gradient of s for their value of t, s 1.51986... (M1)
illi n d
 8.92 (cm/s2) A1
[4 marks]
sk tio

Total [7 marks]
up uc
in d
e ro
us e-p


Section B

7. (a)  45 A1
AB  3.15 (km) A1
[2 marks]

(b) (i) 
or 180 114  A1
35  66 A1
ˆ  101

N or
(ii) attempt to use cosine rule (M1)
AC  3.15  4.6  2  3.15  4.6cos101 (or equivalent)
2 2 2

O ft f
AC  6.05 (km) A1

[5 marks]

ng ra
(c) valid approach to find angle BCA (M1)
eg sine rule
illi n d
correct substitution into sine rule A1


sin BĈA  sin101
3.15 6.0507...
sk tio

BĈA  30.7 A1
[3 marks]
up uc

(d) BÂC  48.267 (seen anywhere) A1

valid approach to find correct bearing
in d

eg 48.267  35
e ro

bearing  83.3 (accept 083 ) A1

[3 marks]
us e-p

(e) attempt to use time  M1

or 0.065768 km/min (A1)
t  93 (minutes) A1
[3 marks]

Total [16 marks]


8. (a) attempt to use the symmetry of the normal curve (M1)

eg diagram, 0.5  0.1446
P  24.15  X  25  0.3554 A1
[2 marks]

(b) (i) use of inverse normal to find z score (M1)

z  1.0598
24.15  25
correct substitution  1.0598 (A1)

  0.802 A1

N or
(ii) P  X  26   0.106 (M1)A1
[5 marks]

O ft f
(c) recognizing binomial probability (M1)
E(Y )  10  0.10621 (A1)

ng ra
 1.06 A1
[3 marks]
illi n d
(d) P Y  3  (M1)
 0.0655 A1
sk tio

[2 marks]

(e) recognizing conditional probability (M1)

up uc

correct substitution A1
in d

1 0.10621
 0.398
e ro

[3 marks]
us e-p

Total[15 marks]

9. (a) correct approach


 2
eg  (or equivalent)
6 period
period  12 A1
[2 marks]

(b) (i) valid approach (M1)

max + min
eg b  max  amplitude
21.8  10.2
, or equivalent
b  16 A1



Question 9 continued

(ii) attempt to substitute into their function (M1)

π 
5.8sin   6  1   16
6 
f (6)  13.1 A1
[4 marks]

(c) valid attempt to set up a system of equations (M1)

two correct equations A1
 2π   2π 
p sin   3  3.75    q  2.5 , p sin   6  3.75    q  15.1

N or
 9   9 
valid attempt to solve system (M1)
p  8.4; q  6.7

O ft f

[5 marks]

ng ra
(d) attempt to use f ( x)  g ( x) to find maximum difference (M1)
x  1.64 A1
illi n d
[2 marks]

Total [13 marks]

sk tio
up uc
in d
e ro
us e-p


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