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s1 Exercises
A. SIMPLE PAST TENSE: Write d, ed, ied or C+ed

Answered listened cooked worked checked carried

circled traveled finished married repeated talked

asked walked typed passed moved looked

B. stayed danced chated steped watched decided

baked ended discussed received recorded transmited

tried saved burned selected studied loved

Answer the questions.

How was your life at the age of 15?
1. Did you study in the morning?
Yes, I did .I studied class at 7:45 every morning.
2. Did you listen to music all day?
No, I didn´t .I had to practice math exercises.
3. Did you wash your clothes by yourself?
Yes, I did .I washed in the afternoom
4. Did you cook?
Yes, I did. I cooked rice with chicken.
5. Did you watch TV after school?
Yes, I did .I watched tv after school.
6. Did you go to the disco with friends?
No, I didn´t .I danced festejo.
What about these?
1. How many messages did you receive a day?
I received ten messages a day.
2. Where did you travel on your vacation?
I did traveled to Machu Picchu.
3. What did you want to study after finishing school?
I wanted study to food ingineering.
4. When did you finish high school?
I finished high school 2009.

5. Who did you ask for advice when you had a problem?
I asked my mom when I’m in problem.

Let’s talk about food!!!

1. Did you like vegetables when you were 10?
Yes,I did .I like vegetables lettuce and tomato.
2. Did you like fruit when you were 10?
Yes,I did .I like banana.
3. Did you like junk food when you were 10?
No, I didn´t .I like chicken.
4. Did you like meat when you were 10?
Yes, I did like meat.
5. Did you like soup when you were 10?

No, I didn´t .I still don´t like soup .

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