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Dasmariñas City, Campus

2nd Semester, Academic Year 2020 – 2021


Physical Education & Health REQUISITE: GRADE 12

February 1-5

Physical Education and Health offers experiential learning for learners to adopt an
active life for fitness and lifelong health. The knowledge, skills and understanding
COURSE DESCRIPTION: which include physical and health literacy competencies support them in accessing,
synthesizing and evaluating information; making informed decisions; enhancing and
advocating their own as well as others’ fitness and health.

The learner…
Demonstrates understanding of recreation in optimizing one’s health as a habit; as requisite for
PA performance, and as a career opportunity
LEARNING The learner…
COMPETENCIES Sets FITT goals based on training principles to achieve and/or maintain HRF


Involvement into physical exercise is important for maintaining one’s fitness and can contribute to maintaining a
healthy physique, promoting physiological well-being and strengthening the immune system. People who participate in
moderate to high levels of physical exercise have a lower mortality rate compared to high levels of exercise have been
correlated with preventing aging by reducing inflammatory potential. A lack of physical activity causes bunch of premature
mortality worldwide.
Filipinos are considered as hard workers and diligent followers in any aspect of one’s life but due to lack of time
some busy individuals tend not to have a healthy lifestyle and well-being. In this lesson we will find out the appropriate
exercise programs that will cater all different body types. Let’s start this lesson through answering the Agree or Disagree

Activity: Thumbs up!

Description: let’s find out your prior knowledge regarding the different elements of fitness/ elements of an Exercise Program
by writing tour response for each statement in the Before Lesson Column only. Write A if you agree with the statement and
write D if you disagree with the statement.


Agree/disagree Before the Lesson Agree/disagree After the lesson

1. Drinking energy drink will enhance
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ones fitness level.
2. All slim individuals are considered as
3. all fat individuals are categorized as
4. Individuals with 6 pack abs are
physically fit.
5. Running on treadmills is safer than
6. Taking upstairs is better pick up than
7. Doing stretching before any exercise
is not a must.
8. Aerobic exercise boosts one’s
9. Lifting weights will make you bulky.
10. If you’re not sweating, you’re not

Answer the following questions:

1. What do you know about exercise?

2. What is the importance in engaging into exercise program? Explain.

3. As a teenager why is it necessary for you to be engaged into different exercise program.

4. Based from
your prior knowledge how you will encourage others to engage themselves into exercise program.

5. How does exercise affects one’s daily living?

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Activity: Chart

Description: Based on your given prior knowledge let’s discover the importance/pattern/structure of exercise program
through watching the video. Click the following link.

(Video about different skill and health related fitness exercises) after this, answer the 3-2-1 Chart below.

3 things you’ve learned from the video.




2 desirable things you’ve learned in the video.



1 misconception from the video.


Now that you discovered the importance of fitness, we will conduct a survey for you to determine your interest towards
physical fitness.

Activity: Let’s Have a Survey

1. On how many occasions do you participate in sport or physical activity a week?

2. How many hours do you participate on sports or physical activities?

3. Please state what sport or physical activity you do at present rime

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4. Do you represent your school in any competitive sport?
_____ Yes
_____ No

5. If answered is ‘yes’ please state which sport or physical activity?

6. If answered ‘no’, are there any sports you would like to participate or represent the school at?
_____ Athletics _____ Table Tennis
_____ Badminton _____ Volleyball
_____ Basketball
_____ Cycling
_____ Dance
_____ Fitness
_____ Football
_____ Gymnastics
_____ Martial Arts
_____ Swimming
_____ Tennis

7. If you would like to participate or represent the school at any other sports please state here.

8. If you would like to do activities at school, when would you like to do them? (Please check as appropriate)
_____ Free Periods
_____ Tutorials
_____ After College
_____ Before College
_____ Evening
_____ Weekends
_____ Holidays
_____ During Term Time
_____ other please state _______________________________________________________________

9. Do you participate in any ‘intra school sport? (Intra sport means competing against other students from the school)
_____ Yes
_____ No

10. If answered is ‘yes’ please state sport.

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11. Are you involved with a sports club in the community?

12. What is your role at the club? (i.e. coach, umpire, referee, admin assistant, event’s organizer etc.)

13. Are you currently involved in any sports leadership? (i.e you hold a formal coaching, leadership qualification and are
actively involved in leading?)
_____ Yes
_____ No

14. If answered is ‘yes’ where does the leadership take place and what qualifications have you gained?

15. Do you volunteer at sport?

_____ Yes
_____ No

16. If answered ‘yes’ where?

17. What is your volunteer role? (coaching, officiating, umpiring, website manager, finance, administrator)

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18. Is there anything that you do not enjoy about sport and physical activity? Please list reasons

Effective training takes time and patience. If one adheres to the proper principles of training, results will definitely be
seen. Performance will be improved, and physiological changes will occur as well definitely be seen. Performance will be
improved, and physiological changes will occur as well. A proper program of exercise keeps in mind several principles of
training: overload, progression, recovery, reversibility, specificity, variation, individualization, and maintenance.

Overload Principle
Simply put, the overload principle relies on the premise that to improve, the muscle must produce work at a level
that is higher than its regular workload. With the need to cope with the new level of work, the body adjusts accordingly. With
the overload principle, the FITT goals are adjusted. FITT stands for the Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type. Frequency
refers to how hard the activity or exercise is. Time refers to the duration or how long the exercise will take. Type refers to the
kind of activity or exercise to engage in. it is prescribed that a person engages in exercise at least five times a week
(frequency), in moderate heart rate of around 50% to 69% of maximum heart rate (intensity) performed around 30 minutes
or two sets of 15 minutes (time) using an activity that is not impede by personal deterrents (type).

Progression Principle
For a program to achieve more gains, it must be progressive. This means that as the body adapts to the initial
overload, the overload must be adjusted and increased gradually.

Recovery Principle
An athlete needs rest and recuperation for the body to adjust properly. Adaptation to physical activity occurs
gradually and naturally, but time must be allowed for the body to regenerate and build.

Reversibility Principle
All gains due to exercise will be lost if one does not continue the exercise. The body will not be able to maintain
levels of fitness without maintaining exercise. Muscular atrophy of the shrinking of muscle occur.

Specificity Principle
The specificity principles states that each form of activity would produce different results. This means that if one has
specific gains in mind, one must aptly plan and execute activities that would target those goals. Therefore, if one is to target
all the components of HRF, then one must include in the program of exercise activities that would address all these
components. For example, there must be a jogging portion to address weight control. There must be stretching program to
increase flexibility, and so on.

Variation Principle
Adaptation can be maximize by varying physical activity. An athlete may hit plateau with a constant, unchanging
routine. Sometimes, repetitive stress injuries might develop out of the same routine performed over and over again.

Individualization Principle

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No two people are truly alike. Each individual has a certain unique set of physical characteristics. Therefore, some
training or exercise programs are tailor-made for certain individuals, especially for those with specific needs, strengths, or
limitations and conditions.

Maintenance Principle
Exercise must be regular to stay fit and healthy. By following all the other principles above, taking into consideration
the principles of FITT, one can maintain a healthy level of fitness.

Health-related components focus on factors that promote optimum health and prevent the onset of disease and
problems associated with an activity. The four components are describe as follows:

Body composition (also known as body fat percent) refers to the ratio between lean body mass and fat body mass.
The traditional methods of measuring body fat is through the skinfold measurements. A caliper is used to measure skinfolds
in these areas: chest (diagonal skinfold); midaxilla (vertical skinfold); triceps (vertical skinfold); sub scapula (diagonal
skinfold); abdomen (vertical skinfold); suprailium (diagonal skinfold); thigh (vertical skinfold); and medical calf (vertical
skinfold). The values from the various skinfold areas are then computed and compared using table. In the absence of a
caliper, simple girth measurements may also be made. Using a measuring tape, the circumference of the abdominal area,
hip, iliac, and the waist is measured. A waist-to-hip ratio is then generated to determine lower, moderately high, to high risk

Muscular endurance tests also measure muscular strength. In these tests, the weights are lower and therefore the
repetitions are higher (compared muscular strengths tests) these tests are better suited for people with health conditions, or
those who are coming from sedentary lifestyle. The push-up test and the half sit-up are examples of this type of testing.

Cardiorespiratory endurance is tested indirectly using estimation. Response to submaximal workload heart rate is
used to estimate maximal oxygen uptake. This means that using a less than a hundred percent effort. The heart rate
produced is then taken and a formula is used to compute the full uptake of oxygen in exercise. There are sacral methods to
perform this: the YMCA submaximal step Test, the McArdle Step Test, the Rockport Fitness Walking Test, and the BYU Jog

Muscular strength refers to the greatest amount of force that can be generated from a single maximal effort. A
popular test of strength is the 1 RM (or the 1 repetition maximum effort). Using weights, the person is tested on how heavy
he or she can lift. However, this is not advisable for beginners as it may cause injury. Therefore, what is safer to measure is
what a person can lift with 10 repetitions. This represents 75 percent of what he can lift in one repetition.

Flexibility refers to range of motion of a joint. It is a part of fitness, since a lot of moves are affected by the flexibility
of a person. The movements assessed for flexibility of joints are trunk flexion (using the sit and reach test); trunk extension
(measuring the backward bend); hip flexion (testing the range of motion of the hips and hamstring); and shoulder flexibility
(looking at the multi-rational components of the shoulder joints).

A fitness plan is somewhat like a recipe. In a recipe, you need the right type and amount of ingredients. You also
need to cook the recipe for the right amount of ingredients. You also need to cook the recipe for the right amount of time for
best results. In exercise, the FITT Principle is used to ensure the best chance of success in gaining health benefits. The
four key parts of an effective exercise program to improve fitness can be summarized by the FITT Principle, which is
frequency, intensity, time, and type of exercise.

FIIT goals vary per individual. The best wat to first know your thresholds, or the limits of what you can do per type of
activity. Check for personal limits in frequency, intensity, time, and type of activity. From there, one can set targets or
increase in performance.

Follow the FITT Principle for implementing, improving, and maintaining fitness.

F Frequency of
How often Refers to the number of times a week a person engages in physical activity. If a
person does not exercise often enough, they do not receive as many health
benefits. If a person exercises too often, they can increase the possibility of injury.

I Intensity of How hard Refers to the intensity of a given period.


T Time of How long Refers to the duration of a single workout or the number of repetitions.

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T Type of Which Refers to the particular type of exercise performed.


How to Set FITT Goals?

FIIT goals vary per individual. The best wat to first know your thresholds, or the limits of what you can do per type of
activity. Check for personal limits in frequency, intensity, time, and type of activity. From there, one can set targets or
increase in performance.

The following are guidelines that can help in determining fitness goals:

1. Write short-term and long-term performance goals . A short-term goal is something that can be achieve in 6 to 8
weeks while a long-term goal is something that can be achieved in 6 months or more. A long-term goal is usually
made of several short-term goals that build on each other.
2. Set realistic goals. It is important that goals are attainable in the given period. Review your current fitness level
and decide on modest gains. You can also ask your teacher or friends who exercise for a possible goal. This will
keep you from being frustrated.
3. Write specific goals. Write a goal for each fitness component instead of writing a general one (e.g., climb four
flights of stairs without getting tired instead of improve fitness level). A specific goal helps you focus on what has to
be done.
4. Write a fitness contract. A fitness contract is a concrete commitment. It is a visual reminder of the goals you have
identified and it strengthens your resolve to keep your exercise program. It makes you accountable from the
consequences of your actions.

A very important aspect of designing your personalized fitness plan is to set fitness goals. The goals that you
establish should take into account your current fitness levels as well as where you want your fitness levels to be. Well
written goals will drive your activity selection and FITT formula.

You can also use the SMARTER objectives in setting your fitness goals.


What, Why, Who, When, and How? You should have a I will exercise for 30
S Specific definite direct target objective. minutes at least 3 times a
Objectives should be measurable to truthfully gauge I will be able to run for 30
M Measurable
your goal minutes without stopping.
Attainable/Achievabl Goals should be stimulating, neither to comfortable nor I will finish the 5K fun run
e too difficult. in 30 minutes or less.
Goals should be attainable given the resources, effort, I will compete in a 10K
R Realistic
and time. event in 6 months.
Goals must be timely, helpful, and attainable in a I will lose at least 5 kg. in
T Time
period of time. 3 months.
Goals must be motivational and encouraging to level I will learn how to swim
E Exciting up and improve. and ride a bike so I can
join the triathlon club.
Evaluate the workout you have done, its regularity, I will increase the distance
R Recorded moderation, time given, and the progress made with I can run by 10% every 2
the type of training. weeks.

1. Identify a fitness goal for ALL of the Healthy Fitness Components you would like to achieve by the end of the year.
a. Body Composition: ____________________________
b. Flexibility: ___________________________________
c. Muscular Strength: ____________________________
d. Muscular Endurance: __________________________
e. Aerobic Capacity: _____________________________
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2. Using the “SMART” criteria, explain how you plan to meet these fitness goals. Please be specific and detailed with your

3. Quiz– to be uploaded in Edmodo

Designing Personalized Fitness Program

Description: In groups of three (endomorph, ectomorph, mesomorph), design a personalized fitness program focusing on
the tree body types. Explain why we design such individualized fitness program Refer to the format below.


NAME: _______________________________________ BLOOD TYPE:

BMI: _________________________________________ FITNESS GOAL:

Day Fitness Category Exercise Frequency Intensity Type Time



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Gialogo, R. C. (2016). Fit for life. Phoenix Publishing House

Sources (Web-based):
Training Guidelines Pertaining to Body Type
Nature and Background of Physical Fitness
FITT Principles and Guidelines

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