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August 10th, 1809

First Cry of Independence of Ecuador

On the night of August 9th ,1809 several intellectuals, Creoles, Marquises, among whom
were the hostess, her sister María, Juan de Dios Morales, Manuel Quiroga, Juan Salinas,
Juan Pablo Arenas, Pedro Montú far, met at the Manuela Cañ izares house. (Juan Pío's
brother), José Riofrío, Antonio Ante, Francisco Javier Ascá zubi, José Correa, Nicolá s Vélez
and many more.
Several historians say that there was a moment when some present doubted the cause and
that it was Cañ izares's mettle that kept it firm and pronounced the phrase: "Cowards! Men
born for servitudef... What are you afraid of? time to lose. "
Salinas enlisted the support of several soldiers and removed them from the barracks,
placing them in the main square. "Then she highlighted several parties to apprehend some
of the authorities and other suspects and issued the appropriate measures to the
circumstances. No outrage of any kind was committed," says Cevallos in her work.
That night it had also been decided to form a Sovereign Board that would be integrated as
president by Juan Pío Montú far, who was sent to call as soon as the supreme moments of
the movement began; Bishop José Cuero y Caicedo was appointed vice president; Morales;
secretary in the office of the Interior; Quiroga, of Grace and Justice; and Juan Larrea, from
the Treasury.
At dawn on August 10st, Antonio Ante presented himself to the officer on duty at the palace
and presented a letter to be delivered to the count, but the count refused. After insisting,
Urriés awoke and after reading the letter that stopped him from his duties, he was seized
by the sentry who was waiting for him.
"At six o'clock in the morning it was seen that a great gathering of men was forming in the
main square, in front of the Government Palace and very soon he heard a prolonged
discharge of artillery, bell tolls and joyous bustle of live music and martial music" ,
Cevallos says.
The general advisor, the merchant judge, the collector of decimal rents and more were also
arrested; while at ten in the morning the members of the board were appointed.
In October of that year, after the blockade and the lack of support, the Junta returned
power to the count and it was negotiated that there would be no reprisals. However, this
was not fulfilled, and the heroes were imprisoned and sentenced to death.
After an attempt at liberation, on August 2 nd, 1810 the patriots and several citizens who
fought against the troops were massacred.
August 10th, 1809 is a memorable date for Ecuadorians when they remember the First
Cry of Independence. This Declaration marked a milestone in the history of American
freedom. Today, we pay tribute to the courage and dedication of those who founded that
nation and celebrate the values of freedom and equality that strengthen that country.
August 10th, 1809 is considered the beginning of the independence of what is now Ecuador.
In Quito, when the Creoles rebelled against President Ruiz de Castilla, they declared the
government of the Audiencia unsubstantiated, and created a Governing Board. The
neighborhood deputies who participated in the events of August 10 th, 1809 signed an act
in which they confirmed the rebellion and organized the administration in a different way.
This document also hints at an invitation to other cities to join forces voluntarily in order
to form an Interim Supreme Government that represents Fernando VII, while his freedom
is recovered.
Things I like and things I don't like about Esmeraldas
I don’t like it…

 The administration of the mayor's office.

 The service provided by taxi drivers.
 The infrastructure in public education.
 The care provided in public hospitals.
 Attention that they offer in the public companies.
 Non-compliance by people with traffic regulations.
 The breach of the people to the norms established by the police.
 The bad behavior of the people in the suburban neighborhoods.
 Not finding what I need in different stores in the city.

I like it..

 The weather.
 The Beaches.
 The gastronomy.
 The charisma of its people.
 Folklore.
 How easy it is to get everywhere.
 Despite the problems, its inhabitants are always smiling.
 The perseverance of people to want to imp rove themselves.

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