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It is an approach or method which integrates the teaching

of content from a subject with the teaching of a non-native


Thinking and learning skills.

Content, Communication, Culture, Cognition

-Improve overall and specific language competence.

-Prepare for future studies and / or working life.
-Increase learner motivation.

A progression of knowledge that meets the goals of the

curriculum, a combination of all four language skills, a
communicative environment and connections to multiple

Children bring knowledge to the classroom and feel

comfortable dealing with familiar subject matters. So,
teaching them to think, give reasoning and build on
existing knowledge builds confidence in the content and
the language.
Children feel that they can share and work as part of a
group, and they have something in common with others in
their class. This will build their respect for others and their
own self- confidence.

Children learn through experiential activities and linking new

information to existing knowledge inside and outside the

Children come to class to participate in a positive way,

which increases their ownership of their learning, and helps
make language more memorable in all subjects.
Cognition Cognition Cognition

Culture Culture Culture

Communication Communication Communication

CLIL integrates… CLIL integrates…

CLIL integrates…

CLIL helps to… CLIL helps to… CLIL helps to…

Content Content Content


The 4 C’s are… The 4 C’s are… The 4 C’s are…

A CLIL lesson has A CLIL lesson has A CLIL lesson has

these ingredients: these ingredients: these ingredients:

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