Shaka Zulu Interview

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1. Why did you choose to serve in your tribe’s military?

I chose to serve in the military since that is where I got the most satisfaction and
enjoyment in life.

2. Why do you think you were so successful in fighting and battles?

I think I was successful because my troubled childhood forced me to grow up
and learn from the times when I was bullied and humiliated by other boys.

3. How were you able to gain control of your first chiefdom?

I was able to become leader of my first chiefdom by waiting until my mentor was
captured by his enemies. I came in with my army and won the battle easily from

4. As a new leader how did you defeat your rivals of other chiefdoms?
For example, one time I retreated when I was being attacked. I retreated so far
that it wore out the enemy. When they were tired, I attacked and won the battle

5. What was a war cry that you used when in battle?

The war cry we used was “Victory or death!”

6. How did you toughen up the men in your army?

It is common for soldiers to wear sandals. My soldiers fight barefoot and
toughen up their feet by walking on thorny ground. This provides my soldiers
with greater mobility.

Shaka Zulu - EcuRed. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Shaka Zulu. (2018, February 7). Retrieved


Shaka | Zulu chief. (n.d.). Retrieved


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