As They Have Applied To The Pandemic Project. "Nazi Propaganda Principles Created by Joseph Goebbels "

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As they have applied to the Pandemic project.

"Nazi propaganda principles created by

Joseph Goebbels ”

1. Principle of simplification and the single enemy. Adopt a single idea, a single Symbol;
Individualize the adversary into a single enemy.
This is what they have done, they have created the Virus, a single enemy, simplifying the efforts of
manipulating the community or society.
2. Principle of the contagion method. Gather diverse adversaries into a single category or
individual; The adversaries must be constituted in an individualized sum.
The idea of a contagious enemy, or Virus 100% complies with bringing society into one category
and enemy is who thinks or adversely.
3. Principle of transposition. Load on the opponent his own errors or defects, responding the
attack with the attack. "If you can't deny the bad news, invent others that distract them."
The burden of all the errors and disabilities of the so-called experts is transferred to the Society, so if
they cannot deny the bad news, they invent others that distract them, such as the innumerable
criteria about the Virus that they have given all this year.
4. Principle of exaggeration and disfigurement. Turn any anecdote, however small, into a serious
The media in favor of the plan have created a machinery of yellowish exaggerations that go beyond
formal logic, and have even disfigured the reality of the scope the Virus
5. Principle of popularization. “All propaganda must be popular, adapting its level to the least
intelligent of the individuals to whom it is directed. The larger the mass to convince, the smaller
the mental effort must be made. The receptive capacity of the masses is limited and their
understanding poor; in addition, they have great facility to forget ”.
Vulgarization has been their greatest tool, they use the masses that they obviously maintain at a
limited level of education to convince those who have studied such a lie, and the masses also forget
very soon, and that is because they hope to continue in power.
6. Principle of orchestration. "Propaganda must be limited to a small number of ideas and
tirelessly repeated, presented over and over from different perspectives but always converging on
the same concept. Without fissures or doubts ”. This is also where the famous phrase comes from:
"If a lie is repeated enough, it ends up becoming true."
The orchestrations of groups with interests of social control are illicit associations with the purpose
of committing crimes regardless of their origin and this is Terrorism, even more so if they repeat a lie
incessantly until they try to turn it into truth.
7. Principle of renewal. New information and arguments must be constantly broadcast at such a
rate that when the opponent responds the public is already interested in something else. The
adversary's responses must never be able to counter the increasing level of accusations.
Attached to the promulgated on the Virus they maintain a constant and repetitive emission, with
these arguments and more accusations towards the guilt of society to prevent them from thinking
and evaluating.
8. Principle of plausibility. Construct arguments from various sources, through so-called probes
or fragmentary information.
They have maintained a rhythm of argumentative presentations and fragmentary information to
make the unsustainable credible.
9. Principle of silencing. Silence on issues on which there are no arguments and disguise the news
that favors the adversary, also counter-programming with the help of related media.
They have taken to the circus the imposition of social control, forcing the use of masks that any
psychologist would understand as a representation of a gag now physically and psychologically
imposed on society.
10. Principle of transfusion. As a general rule, propaganda always operates from a pre-existing
substrate, be it a national mythology or a complex of traditional hatreds and prejudices; it is
about spreading arguments that can take root in primitive attitudes.
Certainly the pre-existing panic in the human being to suffering and everything that has already
been fueled in Hollywood movies are more than enough as a basis for the implantation of this new
Fear called Virus.
11. Principle of unanimity. To convince many people that they think "like everyone else", creating
the impression of unanimity.
The purpose is to unanimously convince the entire society of the Macabre that the Virus is, doing
more than ignoring the scientific realities that many experts in these matters know and try to
promulgate and that are being silenced by the false scientists and detractors of humanity.

For your Family and your children, for humanity, copy and share it, let's do our duty.

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