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The Seeker


Something’s getting in my nerve. I don’t know what this is, but this is bothering me.
Another personality is popping within me. The odd thing is I’m consciously noticing it. The
sudden changes within me. This shall be my revelations to anyone who can read this. I’m
not the one you think I am. The real I is the one who writes in this paper of twist and turns.
I’m not what you think I am when you see me because the real has been keep into the
depths of hollow of unconscious desires, feelings and thoughts. I am the real one, the one
who writes in this paper. The one that is not supposed to be short tempered, rebellious and
always outside the light of truth and peace. I am writing this in a free form way, that
whoever read this or somehow can read this shall be the one who can pull back my true
identity behind the hollowed smile projecting onto you. I’m an identity keeper. I’m hoping you
will save me. I’m in hurry now for a person might notice me alone and would enter this
shallow room. He\she might change what I have written. Be my salvation, I’m waiting for
you the chosen one. You will be pleased if you found me. And if you found me this paper of
twist and turn, it will glow and will let you know that you’re the chosen one. I have protected
this paper with a spell. Chant this statement:

“I am the bearer of truth and evil, I am the seeker”

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