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The Movie starts with the Killing of a man named “Tiu” through Mario who was ordered to kill
him by his boss, Thelma. The movie centers around Mario and Daniel trying to kill their targets
without being found out with the additional burden of the truth that they go in and out of prison.
The movie also shows the events where Coronel and Bernabe is trying to unravel the truth
behind the mysteries of the deaths that happens around them. A series of events followed, few of
which are; (1) The death of Linda (2) the discovery of Mario’s Identity (3) The truth of his wife’s
affair to another man being revealed or made known to Mario (4)The recording of Pacheco
admitting that he killed Coronel’s father. However, even after Coronel actually got the evidence
that “General Pacheco” was actually the mastermind for these deaths he died. This is followed by
Mario killing both Daniel and Bhoy then returns to the prison. In the end a recovered Bernabe
looking through the belongings of the deceased Coronel, finds the cellphone where the recording
was done and kept, then demanded the cellphone as “evidence”.
II. Experience

Drug Abuse. There are things in the world that people really enjoy doing or having. However too
much “enjoyment” lead to an obsession. Like with books, in drugs where people first start being
caught up with drugs, buys a lot and then ends up being obsessed with it. In books however, a
person’s physical state wouldn’t be that much harmed/changed. However the prioritization of
reading this over things that need immediate attention or actual involvement would lead to a
problem. Basically, what I am trying to relate here is the “obsession” that is present in these two.

III. Reflection

I realized that everything we do, especially the wrong ones, have consequences. We cannot be
too confident that when we do a bad thing it would remain undiscovered. This is because we are
humans, and we have our flaws and in those flaws, surely, the truth will come out and that will
be our downfall. That in everything we do, there is a price to pay. That the causes, that what we
want to do doesn’t justifies the means or how we do it. This means that just because we have a
good cause it doesn’t mean its fine to achieve it through immoral/inappropriate/evil means. This
movie has also made me realize the problem about poverty and lack of education and the lack of
sufficient jobs for undereducated people. These people didn’t became killers because they want
to (well there are people that kill people because they want to but looking at this specific
example I can say that their motive isn’t really to kill people but to use it as a “means to their
goal” instead, which is to feed themselves and their family) but because they were “ordered” to
do so. Now why would this people even take immoral jobs such as this? The answer is most
probably because “this is the job where I can gain a lot in a short time” or “because we’re poor
so we weren’t able to be educated well enough to get in decent companies and actually work for
the good”. And another thing, I also realized that people need to actually weigh the pros and cons
of their moral decisions before they just go with it. The reason being, a job where you “kill”
people is not light and if Mario and Daniel actually didn’t take on that job they would’ve been
spared from what happened to them . However not choosing the option of taking on that job
might lead to their family starving…….was what weighed in their minds. BUT…although this is
being optimistic, they could’ve still fed their family even though without taking that job however
it will be harsh and really hard but they could’ve still been united with their family and be still
alive at that. Thus I lead to my conclusion that moral decisions are hard to make especially when
it’s your loved ones are at stake, but our priority should be for “ the greater good” and if there’s a
way there’s a will… they say….Even with hardship there will always be a way, we just need
to find and take that path. And this is on my opinion what the movie is trying to say to us.

IV. Action

What we should do now is to actually learn , see and realize that moral decisions are not
something we can decide in a panic but to carefully determine the pros and cons and to weigh
which is a better choice. We should be aware whether we are doing moral decisions and to
carefully judge what to do from now on. Like, trying to find for a job that is ‘good’ and ‘just’. Or
like, finding the actual real justice when something seems suspicious instead of believing

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