A Report On Site Analysis For Private Housing Project: Author

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A Report on Site

Sourav Bhadra
Analysis for
Roll: 1017019
Private Housing
Submitted To:
Muhammad Salaha Uddin
Lecturer, Department of URP
Saima Rahman
Lecturer, Department of URP


Table of Content
Chapters Page
Chapter 1: Introduction 2
Chapter 2: History of Site 3
Chapter 3: General Topography 3
Chapter 4: Site Access 5
Chapter 5: Vehicular Movement 7
Chapter 6: Pedestrian Movement 9
Chapter 7: Site & Surrounding Activities 11
Chapter 8: Microclimate 12
Chapter 9: Existing Structures 13
Chapter 10: Existing Infrastructure 14
Chapter 11: Existing Natural Resources 15
Chapter 12: Surrounding Landuse 17
Chapter 13: SWOT Analysis 19

A Report on Site analysis of Private Housing Project 1

1. Introduction:
Site analysis is more than just collecting information about the site. The site analysis
should identify issues that will influence the design of a development in order to
make a considered respond to both side opportunities and constraints, to provide a
good quality living environment and improve the character of the area.

1.1. Objectives:
The main objectives of this project-
 To analyze the selected site.
 To plan the area for the better future.
 To minimize the weakness and maximize the strength.
 To create the opportunity for the inhabitants.

1.2. Scope:
By exploring the area we found some scopes, these are-
 Opportunity for creating zoning for having large open area.
 Surrounding land characteristics also favorable for development.

1.3. Site Location:

The first step to inspect a site is location of the site.
 The selected site is 3km East from ZERO POINT.
 Located at the southern-east Position from Khulna University.
 The main By-pass road besides the area is run to the Rupsha Bridge.

A Report on Site analysis of Private Housing Project 2

2. History of Site:
This proposed site is far away from main Khulna city and an
undeveloped area. A canal named SURIKHAL gone through from north to south.
There was no development before 1990. About 20 years ago the main By-pass road
was built. There some place of abode developed about 10 years ago. A family called
“Talukdar” rules/look after the area.
 Buildings: Most of these buildings are Tin shade and bamboo made.
 Population: About 40-60 peoples live there.
 Environment: Balanced ecology, original vegetation, salty soil & water.
 Natural disasters: Water logging, flood, tornado.

3. General Topography:
Topography is the
configuration of a
surface and the
relations among its
man-made and natural
features. It is about the
study of Earth's surface
shape and features.
Topography is
concerned with local
detail in general,
including not only Figure: Land slopes of site
relief but also vegetative and artificial features and even local history and culture. It is
the three-dimensional quality of the surface, and the identification of specific
landforms and geomorphometry. It is often considered to include the graphic of the
landform on a map by a variety of techniques, including contour lines, hypsometric
tints, and relief shading.

It is in triangular in shape and surrounded by water body .Most of the area is plane
and fertile. Triangular water body makes the area wetted. One side of that area is
parallel with the bypass high way. West side of the road is low slope area and east
side is high slope area. The west side of the property is high sloped and east side is
low sloped area. The middle point of the project is high infiltrated.

A Report on Site analysis of Private Housing Project 3

Figure: Topographical conditions of land of the site

The east side of the area is low

infiltrated area. Water is flowed
from west to east. Very few area
of the property at the middle area
is slightly high than east side. Salty
water is founded at the east side
of the site that’s why soil is also

Figure: Topographical conditions of land of the site

A Report on Site analysis of Private Housing Project 4

4. Site Access:
4.1 Access location:
Access roads are located at every point where construction traffic enters or leaves a
site with disturbed soils. Avoid placing access roads in wetlands, flood plains, rivers,
streams, or drains. If such placement is unavoidable, a permit from the KDA may be
required prior to construction.

Figure: Accesses of the Site

4.2 Access characteristics:
 Compacted roadway with an open graded (limited fines) aggregate
 Flared entrance adjacent to roadways
 Optional improvements: Tire washing station, adjacent to roadway,
turn-around or widened areas for passing.

A Report on Site analysis of Private Housing Project 5

4.3 Access of the Surikhal Private Residential area:
The site should be designed with respect for the safety and convenience of users. The
site access is important for safety and convenience. There are many types of site
access in Surikhal private residential area. There are some primary or major,
secondary and tertiary access-
 The primary highway access use to communicate to other city.
 The secondary access uses to entry the major area.
 The tertiary access uses for connecting in front of the plots.

4.4 Materials:
2-3 inch diameter open-graded or washed - aggregate (stone or crushed concrete).
Angular or crushed aggregate will increase effectiveness of sediment removal,
increase road stability, and increase the service life of the Access Road by providing
pore space for sediment storage. An increase in aggregate size and depth is
necessary for heavier equipment. Avoid aggregate sizes that may wedge between
dual tires if such traffic is expected. These are the applicable for the major road
Bricks, clay, sand etc are used for the secondary and tertiary access.

4.5.1. Primary access:

 There have a major highway road named Khulna-
Bagerhat Road. The end of the road is connected to
the Rupsha bridge.
 This road is 45 feet wide.
 This is divided into two ways. The vehicles come
from the one side and go by the other side.
 There have a 5’ empty place (divider) in the
midpoint of these two sides which is covered by the
 The major road has a barrier in the midpoint for
avoiding collision at the turning point.

A Report on Site analysis of Private Housing Project 6

4.5.2. Secondary Access:
The secondary access is an important network which connects to the major area. The
Surikhal private residential area has some secondary access. These are connecting to
the important part.

Figure: Secondary access

4.5.3. Tertiary Access:
The tertiary accesses are connected in front of
the different plots. This access can be made of
concrete or soil or others.

Figure: Tertiary access

5. Vehicular Movement:
By-pass road is the western entry/exit road to the Rupsha Bridge, most vehicles turn
off in the Zero point.
The main vehicular movement is in By-pass road. Vehicular movement consists
primarily of private vehicles, buses and trucks. As it is the connecting road with other
districts vehicular movement is almost similar at day and night. Even at weekends it
does not decrease much.
Besides the By-pass road there are some other roads that are used for vehicular
movement especially for the movement of human powered vehicles. Two sub
vehicular road exist there-
 One is the entry road for a proposed madrasa named “ULAMA

A Report on Site analysis of Private Housing Project 7

 The other is the entrance to the “SURIKHAL ABASIK PROKOLPO”.
Only human powered vehicles like van, cycle are allowed on these road as these are
the semi pacca and kacca roads. The area of the vehicular access is 29338.7335 sq ft.




Figure: By-pass road Figure: Private and human powered vehicles at

By-pass road

A Report on Site analysis of Private Housing Project 8

Figure: Entrance to Ulama Nagar Abashik Prokolpo

Figure: Entrance to Surikhal Residential Area

6. Pedestrian Movement:
Communication easiness and professional need is the primary reason for the
pedestrian movement in the selected site. Pedestrian movement is predominantly on
the side walk. The pace of the pedestrian movement is fast, as people move from one
place to the next. There is a very little infrastructure where it is possible to pause and

Some pedestrian movements are seen to connect with the By-pass road are some are

A Report on Site analysis of Private Housing Project 9

inside the “SURIKHAL ABASIK PROKOLPO” which connects the various plots of the
project. Three pedestrian walk ways are connecting By-pass road and they are-
 Pedestrian walkways connecting “ULAMA NAGOR ABASIK PROKOLPO” and the
By-pass road;
 Connecting roads through proposed plots of “DESTINI MEDICAL COLLEGE AND
 The By-pass road and the connecting roads through some agricultural land and
the By-pass road.

Figure: Pedestrian and small tea stall beside the entrance of “ULAMA NAGOR ABASIK
There are some other pedestrian ways that are connecting different plots of the
proposed housing project with the By-pass road. Among them-
 The others are for the movement to the agricultural land and to the others
houses of the area.
The total area of pedestrian ways of the site is 15857.5779 sq ft.

A Report on Site analysis of Private Housing Project 10

7. Site and Surrounding Activities:
Surrounding the study area, there are cultivate lands. So, inhabitant’s primary
occupation is agriculture. Some work in their own land and some work as a day labor
in others land. The picture of the study area is given below:

Beside agriculture, some inhabitants work as a day labor in the surrounding

industries. Some are engaged with informal or temporary commercial activities. They
also work in the small shops and others.

Figure: A small tea stall in Figure: A local nursery in the

the study area area

A Report on Site analysis of Private Housing Project 11

8. Microclimate:
Micro climate of an area means the temperature, rainfall of the year, humidity, wind
direction in summer, winter and rainy season. We discuss the wind direction and sun
direction of the study area.

8.1. Wind & Sun Direction:

There are variations of wind direction in the study area with the change of monsoon
as a part of Khulna city. Wind starts from south-west to north-east from the middle
of March to the end of September. Then winds blow from the south to north up to
October. Wind blows from the north and northeast to south and south-west from
November to February. Very recently from last few days, wind is blowing from north-
east to south-west.

A Report on Site analysis of Private Housing Project 12

9. Existing Structure:
Most houses are made by tin and buildings are not built in planned way. Mill is
situated near the end of the site and pump station is beside the main road. Mosque
is situated at the end of the brick road. Proposed area for Destiny Medical college is
just beside the main road.

Figure: Existing structures and infrastructures of site

Building Tin Shed Mosque

A Report on Site analysis of Private Housing Project 13

10. Existing Infrastructure:
Two lane main roads is situated on •Primary Road
this site. A brick road is situated just •Brick Road
beside the Suri Khal.4 culverts are Utilities •Culvart
seen this site. Almost every house has
a tube well and the mosque and
pump station has also a tube well. •Surikhal

Major Road Brick Road

Culvart Surikhal

A Report on Site analysis of Private Housing Project 14

11. Existing Natural Resources:
The existing site has a large amount of natural resources, especially vegetation. The
total natural resources of “Surikhal Residential Area” is figured out in the chart

Natural Resource
Water Body

Figure: Natural resources of site

11.1. Vegetation:
Vegetation is the most prominent natural resource of the site. They are divided into
two categories- Trees & Firmlands.
11.1.1. Trees:

A Report on Site analysis of Private Housing Project 15

There are various kinds of trees existing in this site. The common trees are
Coconut trees, Mahoganies, Shrubs etc. Approximately 162570 square feet
area is covered by large trees. These trees provide shadows to the By-pass
Road as well as the northern side of the site.

11.1.2. Firm lands:

Mainly paddy fields are the firm lands in this site. These fields are located by
the side of the By-pass road and also by the side of some pedestrian ways. The
total area of the firm lands are 1415253.843 sq ft.

11.2. Water body:

Water body is one of the most important features of any site. Water bodies of this
site can be divided into two parts – Canal & Ditches.

11.2.1. Canal:
A canal named as SURI KHAL is running just beside
this site. It is a known canal of this area. The area of
this canal is 209567.7209 sq ft. Area of this canal
was greater before but with development of the
area this is on the way to be dead and the area of
the canal is lowing.

11.2.2. Ditch:
Some small ditches are seen here in front of the firm
lands. These can also be considered as low lands.
The area of these ditches is 75530.0089 sq ft.

A Report on Site analysis of Private Housing Project 16

12. Surrounding Landuse:

 A large mosque is located at the north

side of the site.

Figure: Mosque.
 Along with the by-pass road a huge open space covered by agricultural land, a
parcel of boundary land and rest of the large trees.

Figure: Large trees Figure: Agricultural land

 Besides the Suri canal a clustered habitat has developed and an open space of
agricultural land behind this.

Figure: Agricultural land behind habitat

A Report on Site analysis of Private Housing Project 17

Figure: Surrounding landuse for site

A Report on Site analysis of Private Housing Project 18

13. SWOT Analysis:
SWOT analysis means strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. The SWOT
analysis of the site is given below-

1. Very close to the By-pass Opportunities:
road. 1. Vacant land for market place.
2. Near to the town centre (Zero 2. Vacant land for residential
point). area.
3. Easy entry to Mongla port. 3. Increasing street activities.
4. Lots of natural resources. 4. Establishing new
5. Monsoon weather. infrastructure.
5. Increasing utilities and
Weakness: services.
1. Topography of the area is not 6. Establishing new structures
so fine. and commercial zone.
2. Low land area. 7. Making low lands as water
3. Salty soil. bodies.
4. Limited residential unit.
5. Undeveloped roads and Threat:
walkways. 1. Long distance from utility
6. Some Access roads are authorities.
unstable. 2. Salty soil affects to build
7. Lack of utility services like structures.
gas, water supply. 3. Scarcity of safety and
8. No direct access to site from security.
the By-pass road, it is
restricted by a barrier.

A Report on Site analysis of Private Housing Project 19


Po int
N Site Border STRENGTH:
1. Very close to the By-pass road.
Surikhal 2. Near to the town center (Zero
Ditch Point, Khulna).
3. Easy entrance to the Mongla
W E Buildings
4. Lots of natural resources.

North to South
5. Monsoon weather.


Tinshed Buildings


S Tube-Well

1. Topography of the site is not so

Water Pump

2. Low land area.


Station 3. Salty soil.

st t o N

4. Limited residential unit.

5 . Un d e v e l o p ed ro ad s &

Primary Road


Proposed Place of

6. Some access roads are

“Soudia Housing Project” Secondary Road


Proposed Place of

“Destiny Medical College & Hosppital”
or t h

Tertiary Road 7. Lack of utility services like gas,


t water etc.

“Ulamanagar Abashik Prokol

2 Culvarts

Proposed Place of
8. No direct access to site from
Site access

the By-Pass road, it is restricted

st Wind Direction
by a barrier.


3 Sun Path

Water Flow 1. Vacant land for market place.
Direction 2. Vacant land for residential
South to North

Shishu Trees 3. Increasing street activities.
Debadru Trees 4. Establishing new
4 Firmlands 5. Increasing utilities and
Bicycle services.
6. Establishing new structures
and commercial zone.

LAND SLOPES 7. Making low lands as water


1. Long distance from utility

SUN PATH Medium Slope

High Slope

Low Slope Area

2. Salty soil affects to build
3. Scarity of safety and security.
RF= 1:1230 High Slope
Area RF= 1:4000
102.5 0 51.25 102.5 205 feet 333 0 166.5 333 666 feet


o o
1 22 46'58.10” N 89 32’50.95” E
Total site area is 2
22 46'52.10” N o
89 32'19.07” E Sourav Bhadra
42.24 acre 3
22 46'50.62” N o
89 32'16.91” E Department of Urban & Regional Planning
22 46'45.46” N o
89 32'54.24” E

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