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S/N ITEMS Requirements Comments

it includes raised floor, power equipments, cooling system,

1 Data Center Preparation security system, fire system, Battery backup,
cabling,shipment, civil work, generator
equipment and interfaces required for integration. Also
power requirement from rectifier

LIG equipment from third party & interfaces from Huawei

3 Lawful Interception core. Also need to consider power requirement. Location
in data center is required to be confirmed

equipment and interfaces required for integration + power

4 MSC, MGW, BSC, U2000
requriement. Installation location to be confirmed

5 Billing and VAS Solution Required from Plintron and Installation Location

equipment and interfaces required for integration, power

6 Routers
requirement. Installation location to be confirmed

equipment and power requirement. Installation location

7 Mux
to be confirmed
8 Core Rectifier rectifier equipment and cables required
equipment & interfaces required for connectivity to core
9 Core Switches
nodes & power requirement
installation materials that cannot be reused after A list of materials has
10 Relocation equipment
relocation to be prepared
11 Equipment Storage warehouse space availability
equipment, interfaces required for integration & power
12 MW Transmission Equipment(500 sites)
router equipment required & interfaces required for
13 Fiber Transmission Connection(195 sites)
complete site power system including
14 Site Power System(695 sites)
rectifier+batteries+cabinet & civil works
tower material, grounding, fencing, contrators to install
15 BTS Sites Readiness
21 Engineering drawing 600 required to submit to local council
22 Approvals and connections NEMA and Local Council Approvals and Ummeme
S/N ITEMS Description Huawei Tangerine

it includes raised floor, power equipments, cooling system,

1 Data Center Preparation security system, fire system, Battery backup, S R
cabling,shipment, civil work
2 SBC session border controller for sip interconnection S R
3 Lawful Intercept to fulfill govt requirement S R
4 Routers for ip core network S R
5 Billing and VAS Solution Required from Plintron S R
6 Mux for voice interconnection with tdm operator R
7 Generator For data center R
8 Core Rectifier to supply power to new DC Rack & existing R R
9 Core Switches for aggregation core equipments R
10 Engineering Services for Rectifier and Switches installation, integration and configuration R
11 Services for Core Switches installation, integration and configuration R
12 Shipment of core rectifier, switches Shipment of core rectifier and switches by air R
13 MW Transmission Equipment(500 sites) is used for redundancy and where no fiber situation R
14 Fiber Transmission Connection(195 sites) is used mostly in kampala site where fiber is easily avaible R
and for major cities main sites
15 Site Power System(695 sites) for supplying dc power to bts on site R
15 BTS Sites Readiness tower material, fencing, contrators to install site R
21 Engineering drawing 600 required to submit to local council R
22 Approvals and connections NEMA and Local Council Approvals and Ummeme R
Roll out schedule planning and progress control R R
Project organization R R
Resource planning R R
Cost Management R R
Quality control R R
23 Project Management Quality standard definition (Functionality & Site Look) R R
Project Documentation and Reporting R R
Management of personnel and office facilities R R
Change order management and agreement process R R
Rollout Management of implementation works R R
He alth, Safety, Envi ro nme ntal and Qua lity (H SEQ)
req uire ments R R
RF engineering parameter collection and update S R
Collect Original Network Information S R
Provision of Design Software R
27 Network Design Provision of Site Survey Tools (GPS, Rules, Digital camera) R
Cars for DT R
SIM Card for Testing R
Site Access Process S R
Site survey R S
28 RF Survey
Site survey report generation R
Define Cluster and Make Rollout Proposal R R
Define DT Route and Test Case R R
Make Acceptance Criteria Proposal I R
GL New Cell Power Design R
Power Design Result Review R
29 GL New Site Solution Design Verify Power Mapping Result for Typical Scenario R S 
Desi gn BSC and LAC Bor der R R 
GL Parameter Design R
GL Parameter Result Review R
Neighbour Relationship Migration R S
Neighbour Design On Non-Huawei Equipment S R
GL Radio Network Performance Evaluation and Data collection and process(DT, CQT and OSS Statistics)
30 Benchmark Generate Evaluation Report After On air R S 
Generate DT and Statistic Acceptance Report R S 
Single Site test, data process and troubleshooting R S
Cluster level test data process and tuning suggestion R S
RF tuning action implementation and verification R S
Be fo re DT , To En sur e th at s ite hard ware is ru nni ng n ormal S R
and backhaul i s stab le
To co ndu ct Drive Test , Whi le Huaw ei wil l su ppor t u s w ith to ol S R
For 6 m onth
31 GL Radio Network Initial Tuning
To collect Drive Test data in server S R
To do Primary Analysis of Data, also share results with Huawei
Implement the Suggestion made by Tangerine RF Expert S R
If Pro ble ms(rel ated to Parameter ) sti ll p ersi st, Th en Hu awei S R
sh oul d sup port Tanger ine to so lve th e i ss ues .
Field Implementation of Huawei Recommendation S R
Issuance of Purchase Order. R
To o btain Imp ort Li cense s an d Pe rmi ts in a ccorda nce with
Co untry Law , a s re qui red.  S R
SGS certificate R
Type approval S R
To ob ta in the ne cessa ry e xport lice nses from the
ap prop riate gove rnmen ta l a gen cies, w ithin th e ru les &
reg ula ti ons re qui red by the a utho rities of th e cou ntries
con cerne d. R
To obta in al l requ ired g overn mental a pp roval for rel evan t
Equ ipme nt to be impo rte d to the co untry, Cli ent sha ll
pro vide a ll rel eva nt d ocume ntation re qu ired for the
ap pli cation of su ch app roval . R
Issued the PSI n umbe r fo r ea ch con sig nmen t i n 5 worki ng
da ys a fter rece ived the p reformed Invo ice from Hua wei i f
ne cessary. R

Preparation of documents for clearance and importation. R  I

soft copi es of comme rci al i nvoi ce an d pa cking list fo r every
shi pmen t for tra de co mpli ance ch eck R I
Sche dul e eq uip ment shi pmen t a ccordi ng to the p roje ct
imp leme ntation prio ri ties an d optimi zation . R I
App roval of co mmercia l ship pin g do cumen ts (in voice &
pa cking l ist) w ithin 1 da y R
32 Logistics and Customs Clearance
Shi pmen t to Ug an da Port of all new h ardw are, software ,
spa res p arts, too ls a nd te st e qui pmen t and do cumen ta ti on
after don e pa yment. R
Ha ndl ing wo rk: offloa din g a nd pa yment o f goo ds han dli ng
at th e de sti natio n port. R
Ca rrying ou t impo rta ti on fo rmali ti es a nd Customs
Cl eara nce forma litie s o f al l ne w Hard ware , Softwa re, Sp are
Parts, Re ple nish ment, Tool s an d Test Eq uip ment a nd
Do cumen ta ti on U nde r the PO.  I R
Payme nt of Impo rta ti on formal ity, C ustoms clea rance ,
Cu sto ms ta riffs, du ti es an d VAT, Customs h and lin g cha rge
(sho re ha ndl ing a nd ai rpo rt ha ndi ng cha rge ), customs store
cha rge, con ta ine r d epo sit, cl eara nce ag ency fee a nd
rel ative cha rges co ncern ing Impo rta ti on. R
De live r cu stoms-cle ared sh ipme nts to w areh ouse fro m Po rt
of entry. R
POD issuing and Equipment Joint inspection R R
Warehouse and Management R
Transp ortation of Eq uip ment to b e in sta lle d by Hua wei from
wa reho use to site. R
Assura nce of se curity for del ivere d materia ls a nd
eq uip ment on si te . R
De live ry to Po rt o f any repl aceme nt of d amag e e qui pmen t
cau sed by H uaw ei. R
On-site facil ities an d civi l infrastructure s a s p er equ ipme nt
en viron menta l re qu ireme nts(incl udi ng bu t no t li mited to
spa ce, temp era tu re, d ust, hu midi ty) R
Power Supply System (AC Power ) R
DC Power Distribution Frame (PDF) R

The existing DDF/ODF/LAN Switch/Routers(if applicable) R

Battery bank (s) for DC power backup R
Rectif ier f or A C-DC power output provisioning (-48V ) (E xi st ing
rectif ier need expansion) R
Cable Ladder (Indoor) R
Grounding Plate (Indoor) R
Earthling System R
Digital Trunk Cables
Division of Installation Materials for Core network Di gital trun k ca ble s (i nclu di ng op ti cal fibe rs) b etwee n
33 (MSC/MGW/HSS/USN/UGW/U2000) exi sti ng eq ui pmen t R
Digital trunk cables between new Huawei Equipment R
Co nne cto rs o n the sid e of the e xistin g Equi pmen t (if
ap pli cabl e) R
Connectors on the side of the new Huawei Equipment R
Power Cable
DC p owe r ca ble b etwe en the DC p owe r d istribu ti on ca bin et
(PDF) and H uaw ei Eq uip ment R
DC p owe r ca ble b etwe en the DC p owe r d istribu ti on ca bin et
(PDF) and R ectifier R
Protective Grounding Cable
Protective g rou ndi ng cab le be tw een Hua wei Eq uip ment
an d th e exi sti ng gro und ing p late s R
Third Party Equipment

All installation and dismantle of any Third Party Equipment R

Site survey R
Provide Site Data R
Network Planning(location capacity) S R
Network Parameter R S
Engineering Design – HLD & LLD R S
Equipment Supply R
Equipment Transportation R
Installation Environment Preparation R
Hardware Installation R
Hardware Installation Supervision R
34 Division of Project Implementation for Core network
(MSC/MGW/HSS/USN/UGW/U2000) Software Installation and Commissioning R
Software Installation and Commissioning Supervision R
System Integration R
System Integration Supervision R
Additional acceptance test S R
Acceptance Tests R
Acceptance Tests Assistance R
Successful execution of acceptance tests R S

Hardware expansion and software upgrade in existing EPC R S

All IP network R S
END TO END feature testing R
Provide preferred site locations for BSC R
Appr oval of the flo or layo ut pl an for the B SC (T ANGER INE
Co re & PM Team ) R
BSC design R I
BSC Interface Dimensioning R
35 Division of the BSC Overall Provide Transmission Design Physical Layer R
Provide Transmission Design Higher Layer R
Provide Peer CN NE’s for BSC (USN & MSC) R 
Pre pare Low l evel Des ign (LLD) & High Level Des ign (HLD)
do cu ments R I
Approval of the LLD & HLD documents R
BSC Equipment R
DC Power Distribution Cabinet R
DC Power Equipment R
AC Power Equipment R
AC Power Distribution Plate R
Inverter R
Generator R
Air Conditioner R
Digital Trunk Cables
Connectors on the side of the BSC R
Jum pers & connec tors betw een BSC ODFs and MSC ODFs /
36 Division of Installation Materials (BSC) between OD F to MSC  R
Power Cable
D C pow er cable between the D C power dis tri buti on c abi net and
MCBs for the equipments I R
Protective Grounding Cable
Protectiv e grounding cable between the BSC equipm ent and the
grounding plate (i f applic able) R
Grounding Bar R
OMC Cables
Internal cables between the BSC and OMC R
Internal cables between the BSC racks R
Connectors on the side of the BSC and the OMC R
Preparations before installation R R
Provide detailed existing site design drawings R
Conduct site survey and provide site preparation reports R I
Issue notification of site ready for implementation R
Prov ide acc es s to the s ite when required (acc ess l etters, site k ey s
etc) R
Es tabli sh a sc hedule for i mplem entation works (i nstallation,
c omm iss ioning and i ntegration) R S
Approval of a project implementation schedule R
Prov ide equi pment and tools for impl ementati on (i nstallation,
c omm iss ioning and i ntegration) R

Deliver BSC Equipment and installation materials to the sites R

Visual inspection of equipment, cable and accessories R
Quality c ontrol and tes ti ng of al l i nstallation materi als especi al ly
for the swapping equipm ent R R
New Huawei BSC Installation and Commissioning R
37 Division of Installation Responsibilities (BSC)
New Huawei BSC acceptance S R
Digital Trunk Cables
Connectors on the side of BSC R
Power Cable
D C pow er cable between the D C power dis tri buti on c abi net and
MCBs for the equipments R
Termination of Power Cable in DC Board R
Protective Grounding Cable
Protectiv e grounding cable between the BSC equipm ent and the
grounding plate(if appli cable) R
Grounding Bar R
OMC Cables
Internal cables between the BSC and OMC R
Internal cables between the BSC racks R
Connectors on the side of the BSC and the OMC R

BTS equipment R
Feeder and Antenna R 

DC Power Supply System(-48V DC power distribution cabinet) R

AC Power Provision(AC distribution plate) R
Battery for existing power cabinet R
Digital Trunk Cables

BTS connectors for DDF & Connectors for Jumpers in BTS site R
Connectors & Jumpers at other Hops in transmission path R
Environmental alarm Box R
Env ironm ental alarm Sens ors and interfac e to N MC and power
s erv ic e rac k R

Multi-mode (or Single-mode) optical fiber between BBU and RRU R

Power Cable
D C power cable between the D C power distribution pl ate and the
BT S equipm ent R
D C power c abl e between the D C power dis tri buti on BOX and the
DC Circuit Breakers at the DC power source I R
Protective Grounding Cable
Protectiv e grounding cable between the BT S equipm en t and the
grounding plate R
Feeders & Antennas
38 Division of Installation Materials (BTS Applicable To
the10 Demo Sites) Feeder between the BTS equipment and the antenna R
Connectors, Grounding Kits, EMP Kit, Hangers R 
Antennas R
Jumpers from BTS to Antenna system R
RCU and Down tilt Kits, Clamps (if applicable) R
Antenna Booms & Brackets R
Spares R
Feeder ladder R
Antenna support R
Lightning rod R
Grounding Bar R
38 Division of Installation Materials (BTS Applicable To
the10 Demo Sites)

Lightning Protection Rods R

Stub towers & mounting poles R
Cable Tray
Outdoor cable tray R
Indoor cable tray R
Air Conditioner
AC socket close-by the air conditioner R
Air conditioner Conditioning R
Transmission Equipment
IF cable (where applicable) R
Power cable (where applicable) R
Network Parameter
Network Parameter for 695 sites R S

Rollout progress/update Implementation Meeting R R
Prov ide si te ac ces s and i nstallation k eys for all i nstallation teams
when requi red I R
Assign places to fix the BTS equipment racks I R
Install New Huawei BTS equipment R
Adapter brackets R
Terminate DC power cable to the source R
AC distribution plate R
Generator R
Tower R
Trans fer Transm iss ion Equipm ent i n RBS to Huawei c abinet (if
appli cable) R
End to end transmission connectivity R
Division of Installation (BTS Applicable To the10 Demo AC/DC CB R
39 Sites) DDF/ODF(if applicable) R
Air conditioner R
Lifted floor R
Grounding Plate (indoor) R
Grounding Plate (outdoor) R
Digital Trunk Cables
Connec tors on the side of the BT S equi pment & Jum per to D D F
on site R
Mul ti -mode (or Single-m ode) optic al fiber between BBU and RRU ,
Cl amps R
Power Cable
D C power cable between the D C power distribution pl ate and the
BT S equipm ent R
D C power c abl e between the D C power dis tri buti on BOX and the
Protective Grounding Cable
Protectiv e grounding cable between the BT S equipm en t and the
grounding plate R

Provide HLD document and test document R S

Commissioning and Integration (Core Network and 10 Connection of equipment with OMC R S
40 Demo Sites) Commissioning of equipment R S
Network Integration and Integration Tests R S
Integra ti on a ccess and co nne cti vity from 3 rd systems that
con nect to proj ect n ew systems S R
Provi de test SIM ca rds th at ma ke te sti ng po ssibl e for the
ne wly b uil d in frastructure i nclu din g roa ming SIM cards a nd
hu man resou rce, pre pa id SIM, rech arge Air ti me a nd
Postpa id SIM cards an d te st ph on es.. R
Prod uct docu ments shou ld b e provi de d PDF a nd i n Engl ish
41 Miscellaneous la ngu ag e ,h and over an d as bui lt d ocume nts for core a nd
10 de mo sites mu st b e p rovid ed b y Hua wei an d rema ini ng
sites by Tang eri ne R

Provi de O&M to ols tha t come s w ith pro ducts and do the
AFP a t le ast one time for 1 yea r ( excl ude drive test) R
Provide tool(assistant & probe) for SSV for 6 months R
Prop ose Pre limin ary Accep ta nce Test for ha rdwa re an d
ba sic fu nctio nal o f di ffere nt type s o f n etwork el emen ts in
scop e and Te st Stand ard ou tp ut
Prel imin ary Acceptan ce Test for ha rdwa re and o ffe red
functio nal itie s o f the ne tw ork ele ments pro vide d in this
Acceptance and Testing (Core network and 10 Demo scop e I R
42 Sites) Acceptance Testing Execution R R
Cl ear ob served snag s w ithin a gree d ti me befo re Fi nal
Accep ta nce C ertificate R I
Sub mit the Preli mi na ry a nd Fina l Acceptan ce Re port /
App lica ti on R I
App rove / Issu e th e Preli mina ry a nd Fina l Accep ta nce
Re port / Ce rti fi cate I R
D efin itio n Ch an ge Man ag eme nt Po lic y & P roce du re
C ha ng e App rov al Gri d R S
Planning and controlling changes R R
Change and release scheduling R I
Communications R R
Change decision making and change authorization R R
43 Change Management Measurement and control of change R S
Management reporting R I
Analysis of impact of change R I
Continual improvement of change management R S,I

L oss of a ny i mpl em enta ti on de la y o r sco pe of w ork

ch an ge c aus ed b y Thir d Par ty o f TAN GERIN E Part R
44 Division of Relocation Materials Material that cannot be reused R S
Feasibility study and site survey (old and new DC) R S
Pre-shutdown health check R S
Backup of Nodes (vario us sto rage me dia ) R S
Migrate current service to backup EPC Network S R
Power off equipment R S
Power and signalling cable disconnection R S
45 Division of Relocation Activity Dis mantl e, hand li ng, packing and sh ipp ing of e xi sti ng Huaw ei
Equ ipme nts to new Data cen tre R S
Hardware installation at new DC R S
Laying power and signalling cable at new DC R S
Reconnection to peer devices (routers and switches) S R
Power On Equipment R S
Equipment Health Check and issue clearance R R
Acceptance Tests S R
No. Item Desription Timeline
1 PO issuance Full scope 695 sites + Core 1/19/2018
2 Invoiving & downpayment
3 Manufacture & Shipment
4 Equipment delivery at site Core + 2 sites by air 15/02/2018
5 Equipment delivery at site 148 sites by sea 15/03/2018
6 Data center preparation 11/2/2018
7 Third party Core HSS & EPC readiness & testing 10/2/2018

Use existing extra router & dark

fiber from Citi cable, redundant
New Core router & establish microwave link conencting to
8 connectivity with existing core router current core 10/2/2018
9 Existing Core Migration Migration of existing service 11/2/2018

shutdown, packing, transport to

new site & reinstallation & node
10 Equipment Relocation & Installation upgrades & service migration 18/2/2018

first 100 sites has to be acquired by

11 Site acquisition 15/02/2018. 15/02/2018
radio network planning for 100
12 Radio Network Planning sites 18/02/2018

13 Installation of BSC & CS Core BSC, MSC, MGW, U2000, Routers 25/2/2018

14 Billing and VAS Plintron Solution Deployment 25/2/2018

14 Commissioning BSC, MSC, MGW, U2000, Routers 4/3/2018

15 Intregration BSC, MSC, MGW, U2000, Routers 4/4/2018

16 2 sites ready for installation 15/02/2018

17 First 10 new sites 16/03/2018

18 Acceptance testing 11/4/2018
Site readiness plan for remaining
19 sites 26/01/2018
Dependancy Comment

only exisitng 42 sites are ready

for installation. Negootiations
are concluded in 15 sites and
rates have been areed in
another 30 sites but surveys to
be done
Confirmation of site locations by
Tangerine site location confirmation

Arrival of router equipment

Including SCP, PCRF, POI, SMSC,

SBC, LI. Need full co-operation
from Tangerine side

dependancy in transmission,
routers & power

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