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1. When performing an abdominal assessment, what is the correct sequence?

A. Inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation
B. Palpation, percussion, inspection, auscultation
C. Inspection, auscultation, percussion, palpation
D. Auscultation, inspection, palpation, percussion

2. A patient reports changes in bowel pattern. Which is the best question to determine normal
bowel habits?
A. How often do you have a bowel movement?
B. What was your bowel pattern before you noticed the change?
C. Is there a family history of irritable bowel syndrome?
D. Have any of your parents or siblings had cancer of the colon?

3. When percussing the abdomen, the nurse notices a dullness at the anterior right costal
margin at the right midclavicular line. Which organ is most likely involved?
A. Liver
B. Spleen
C. Sigmoid colon
D. Kidney

4. What percussion sound is heard over most of the abdomen?

A. Resonance
B. Hyperresonance
C. Dullness
D. Tympany

5. A patient with a history of kidney stones presents with complaints of pain, haematuria, and
nausea with vomiting. What assessment technique will elicit kidney pain?
A. Inspection with indirect lighting
B. Iliopsoas muscle sign
C. Indirect percussion for CVA tenderness
D. Blumberg sign
6. When auscultating the abdomen, the nurse hears a bruit to the right of the midline slightly
below the umbilicus. The nurse documents this finding as a bruit of which of the following?
A. Right renal artery
B. Right femoral artery
C. Right iliac artery
D. Abdominal aorta

7. A patient with a history of cirrhosis tells the nurse that his abdomen seems to be getting
larger and that he has gained 9.7 kg (20 lb) in the past 6 months. How will the nurse
determine whether the abdominal enlargement is from accumulation of fluid or fat from the
weight gain?
A. Listen for a fluid wave
B. Percuss the abdomen for shifting dullness
C. Auscultate for lymph nodes
D. Stroke the abdomen to elicit the abdominal reflex

8. A patient with a tympanic abdomen complains of pain in the RUQ. Which sign would the
nurse expect to be positive?
A. Murphy sign
B. Psoas sign
C. Rovsing sign
D. Obturator sign

9. Which assessment technique best confirms splenic enlargement?

A. Deep palpation under the left costal margin
B. Fist percussion of the spleen with the patient in a sitting position
C. Deep palpation over the RUQ with the patient lying on the right side
D. Percussion along the left MAL spleen and gentle palpation
10. When documenting a finding over the stomach, the nurse most accurately identifies the
region as
A. epigastric.
B. hypogastric.

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