Audible - Listen and Learn: Lesson 13 - Health

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Audible - Listen and learn: Lesson 13 - Health (1)

Conversation 1

Colin: Oh, my back is killing me!

Willy: Really? You should go and see a doctor.

Colin: I have. It’s an old problem. I just need to get some rest.

Willy: I’ve got a bad shoulder, actually.

Colin: Oh, dear. What’s wrong with it?

Willy: I can’t lift my arm very high. I’ve got a problem with the muscles.

Colin: You know what? I think we both need some therapy.

Willy: What do you mean?

Colin: Well, some hydrotherapy at a spa would be good. Or maybe a massage.

Willy: Yes, that’s a good idea, actually.

Colin: I think I’ll do an internet search. I’m sure we can find a good place for a spa holiday.

Willy: Yeah, I think we need it. You know what, mate?

Colin: What?

Willy: I think we’re getting old.

Colin: Huh. You speak for yourself!

Conversation 2

Fiona: Come on! It’s time to get up! You’ve gotta go to work.

Dylan: Oh, I can’t. I feel terrible!

Fiona: What’s the matter?

Dylan: It’s my stomach. I’ve got a really bad tummy ache.

Fiona: Oh, dear. Do you want to take something for it?

Dylan: No, I think I’ll just stay in bed. I’ve got a headache as well.

Fiona: Oh, it sounds like you’re really under the weather.

Dylan: I am. I think I’ll have to call in sick.

Fiona: Do you want me to call for you?

Dylan: Hm. Would you? Tell them I’m feeling really bad and I’ll be in tomorrow.
Fiona: OK, I will. You just stay in bed. Get some sleep. OK?

Dylan: OK, I will. Oooooh!

Fiona: You sound really bad.

Dylan: Yeah, I am. I really hate being ill.

Fiona: I know. It’s horrible, isn’t it? OK. Get some rest and I’ll call your office.

Dylan: Thanks, love. You’re an angel. Ooooh.


mp3 25, dialogue starts: 05:29

Mike is at the doctor’s

Doctor: So, what seems to be the trouble, then?

Mike: I don’t know. It’s my back. It’s my neck. It’s my whole body – and my legs hurt.

Doctor: I see. And how long have you had the pain?

Mike: Well, it comes and goes, but it started about a week ago.

Doctor: I see. And have you had any other symptoms?

Mike: Well, I find it a bit difficult to breathe sometimes, you know, for example if I’m climbing the
stairs or running for a bus. What do you think it is?

Doctor: I’m not sure. I need to do some tests. Have you had anything like this before?

Mike: Not really. It just started quite recently.

Doctor: Do you smoke?

Mike: Yes. I know I shouldn’t. But I can’t stop.

Doctor: How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?

Mike: I don’t know. About a packet.

Doctor: So, 20 cigarettes a day. And do you do any exercise?

Mike: Not really. I know I should go to the gym, but I’m usually quite tired after work.

Doctor: Well, you could definitely cut down on the amount you smoke. And some gentle exercise
would be good. You don’t need to go the gym, actually. Just walking for about 20 minutes a day
would be good.

Mike: OK, well, that’s good advice. Thanks. Are you going to give me any medicine?

Doctor: Not yet. Let’s see what the results of the tests are first.

Mike: OK, doctor. Thanks.


mp3 25, dialogue starts: 13:10

Amanda and Saul are chatting.

Amanda: I read a really interesting article in Life and Health magazine last week.

Saul: Oh, yes, what did it say?

Amanda: It said that if you stop eating meat and cut down on processed food you can live for a lot

Saul: Really?

Amanda: Yep, it says that eating red meat and a lot of processed food, like crisps and burgers, is one
of the biggest health risks.

Saul: Well, I try and eat healthy food. You know, I usually buy organic fruit and veg because it’s

Amanda: So do I. I also do quite a lot of keep fit and yoga.

Saul: Yeah, it’s really important to exercise.

Amanda: I think if you have a balanced diet and exercise regularly you can stay healthier.

Saul: Yeah, definitely. I’ve also stopped smoking and I drink less these days.

Amanda: That’s good. You really need to look after yourself.

Saul: Yes. You’re right. Another thing I do is eat oily fish and take vitamin supplements.

Amanda: Well, you definitely need to keep your joints working! I use herbal remedies as well rather
than taking pills.

Saul: Oh, yeah. That’s a good idea.

Amanda: I find if I drink camomile tea in the evening, it helps relax me.

Saul: That sounds good. I think I’ll try that.


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