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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in
English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty
State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga






Education is about learning your life by your own style

(Eddie Vedder)

There’s a big thing in this world that everyone had, it’s hope


Do what you like and do it honestly

(Tom Delonge)


The paper is dedicated to:

My beloved mother (Sujiyah, almh) and my father (Mukh.Khanati, alm)

My beloved sister, Liesnawati

My cute brother, TeduhWidya Adidharma



In the name of Allah, the most gracious and merciful, the king of universe

and space. Thanks to Allah because the writer could complete this study as one of

requirement to finished study in English and Education Department of States

Institute for Islamic Studies.

This graduating paper would not have been completed without support,

guidance and guidance from individual and institution. Therefore, I would like to

express special thanks to:

1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M. Pd. as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic

Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Suwardi, M.Pd as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

3. Noor Malihah, Ph. D. as the Head of English Education Department of

States Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. Thank you for all your

suggestions, recommendations and supports for this graduating paper from

the beginning until the end.

4. Dr. Rifqi Aulia Erlangga, M.Hum as counselor who has educated,

supported, directed and given the writer advice, suggestion and

recommendation for this graduating paper from beginning until the end.

Thanks for your patience and care.



SEMARANG IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2016 / 2017, A Graduating
Paper, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, English Education Department,
State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. Counselor: Dr. Rifqi Aulia
Erlangga, M.Hum.
Keywords :Group, group work, group investigation technique,speaking
skill, classroom action research.

The researcher and the teacher used group investigation technique to

improve the students’ speaking skill. The objectives of this research were
(1) to describe the implementation of using group investigation to improve
the students’ speaking skill in seventh grade of MTs Sudirman Jambu
Semarang in the academic year of 2016/2017, (2) to identify the
improvement of the students’ speaking skill after being taught by using
group investigation technique. This research is Classroom Action Research
(CAR). It was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of four steps.
They were planning, acting, observing, and reflecting, and it was done
systematically and collaboratively. The researcher took role as an observer
who observed everything that happened in the class while the teacher
performed CAR for the students. The result showed that (1) The
implementation of group investigation to improve the students’ speaking
skill was really successful. The passing grade was 70. In the pre test of the
cycle 1, 0% of the students passed the passing grade. In the post test of the
cycle 1, 30% of the students successfully passed the passing grade. Then, in
the pre test of the cycle 2, 50% of the students passed the passing grade. In
the post test of the cycle 2, 80% of the students successfully passed the
passing grade, (2) The improvement of the students’ speaking skill in
seventh grade of Mts Sudirman Jambu Semarang was really significant. In
the cycle 1, the t-test was 3,342, and the t-table was 2,262. It used
significant level as many as 5%. In the cycle 2, the t-test was 4.The
researcher took it into T-test analysis provided score t= cycle 2 (4) – cycle
1 (3,342) =(0,658) which is (t >0,05. H0 is accepted=significant). So, from
that statistical result, the researcher concluded the use of group
investigation technique improved students’ speaking skill.


PAGE OF CERTIFICATION ................................................................ iv
A. Background of the Research .......................................................... 1
B. Problem Statements........................................................................ 6
C. Objectives of the Research ............................................................. 7
D. Limitation of the Research ............................................................. 7
E. Significance of the Research .......................................................... 9
F. Definition of the Key Terms 10
G. Research Paper Organization 13
A. Previous Research .......................................................................... 15
B. Concept of Speaking ...................................................................... 16
1. Definition of Speaking ............................................................ 16
2. Importance of Speaking .......................................................... 17
3. Types of Spoken Language ..................................................... 18
4. Problem in Speaking ............................................................... 19
5. Classroom Speaking Performance .......................................... 22
6. Criteria of Good Speaking Performance ................................. 22
7. Evaluation of Speaking ........................................................... 26
C. Concept of Group Investigation .................................................... 29
1. Definition of Group Investigation ............................................ 29
2. Purpose of Group Investigation ............................................... 31

3. Procedures of Group Investigation........................................... 32
4. Advantage and The Disadvantage of GI .................................. 33
D. Procedure of the Research .............................................................. 34
A. Research Report ............................................................................. 37
1. Identity of MTs Sudirman Jambu Semarang ........................... 37
2. Vision and Mision of MTs Sudirman Jambu Semarang .......... 37
3. Teacher Condition .................................................................... 38
4. Condition of Students............................................................... 39
B. Research Methodology................................................................... 39
1. Subject of the Research ............................................................ 39
2. Types of the Research .............................................................. 40
3. Procedure of the Research ........................................................ 41
4. Techniques of Collecting Data ................................................. 43
5. Technique of Analyzing Data .................................................. 44
A. Implementation of the Research..................................................... 47
1. Cycle I ...................................................................................... 47
2. Cycle II ..................................................................................... 49
B. Data Analysis ................................................................................. 51
1. Cycle I ................................................................................ 51
2. Cycle II ............................................................................... 56
A. Conclusion ..................................................................................... 63
B. Suggestion ...................................................................................... 64



A. Background of the Research

Language is an important role in maintaining relationship in human

beings. It is the way people use to communicate with other. It becomes an

effective medium communication which helps people share with the others.

Language is important in human life, as David Kilgour (1999) claimed that

language is obviously a vital tool. Not only is it a means of communicating

thoughts and ideas, but it forges friendships, cultural ties, and economic


David Crystal (2003) stated that language is an immensely democratizing

institution. To havelearned a language is immediately to have rights in it. You

may add to it, modify it, play with it, create in it, ignore bits of it, as you will. And

it is just as likely that the course of the English language is going to be influenced

by those who speak it as a second or foreign language as by those who speak it as

a mother-tongue.

English has become the one of dominant language in many fields of

activity such as industry, military, business, tourism, transportation, sports,

international relation etc.English is adopted as the foreign language in Indonesia.

It involves into national education curriculum that every formal school runs. It

becomes an obligatory subject in Junior and Senior High School and a

complementary subject of the higher education and institution.

Many factors contribute to the market for Teaching English as a Foreign

Language The historical factor offers the legacy of the old British Empire
thattook the language around the world. The political factor gives the
currentdominance of the USA. Science and technology have developed
with Englishat the forefront. In addition, there’s a need for a global
language to makeinternational communications smoother, and tools such
as the worldwideweb truly accessible around the planet. (Maxom, 2009)
In learning of English as a foreign language, each student has their own

problem.For some foreign learners in Indonesia, English is difficult enough to

learn. It can be understood, because English is so different with the learner’s

national language, especially in the country that so far from native speakers of

British and American. The Indonesian student as the one of learner who is far

from the natives faced it so. They confused on learning the different pronunciation

in each area whose differ on pronounce the words.

English was chosen over Dutch despite the fact that the Dutch had
colonized Indonesia for three and a half centuries. As is very well recorded
in our history, the official status of English in the country has been "the
first foreign language" and the political stance of Indonesia's government
is quite firm: "English is not and will never be a social language nor the
second official language in Indonesia"(Sadtono in Bachrudin, 1997)

As English was stated as the first foreign language in Indonesia,

Indonesian learners are included to the active students in learning English.

Generally, the learners did so, but there are some students who couldn’t act as

their friend.

Mastery English language has many advantages to face the world. It is

benefit for many people to communicate or to share information and so on.

Language is very important in social life. All people know about the benefit of

mastery English, but little of them unconscious to learn English. Because, they

think that English is very difficult for them.It has been taught in some levels

ofeducation in Indonesia, such as elementary school, junior high school, and

seniorhigh school in order to make young generations ready to face the

globalizationera. As a global language, English is used in many things we find in

our daily lifeand in many kinds of modern technology, such as mobile phones,

computers,social media/networks, electronic machines, transportation, banking,


English is acknowledged passport to better education and employment

opportunities. English language plays a crucial role to weave the world
into a single thread. English has a status of a second language in almost all
the countries where it is not the first language. To acquire simple language
for day to day communication is main aim of learning any language.
(Riyaz, 2016)
From the statement above, we can conclude that in order to get better

education and employment opportunities,everyone has to be able to communicate

with English languagein this global era.Learning English is important for the

students. It is important for students to face the world. The successful in learning

English of teaching on school are the students can communicate with oral and


There are four components of learning English. There are, reading,

listening, writing, and speaking. By seeing the phenomena of Mute English how

the millions of learners can read but not speak, (Jason, 1988) we know that

speaking skill is one of difficult skill to learn for the students. To be a good

speaker, they must masterypronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. Without

mastery pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar, students cannot suggest their

own idea.

According to Nunan(2003)many people feel that speaking in a new

language is harder than reading, writing, or listening for two reasons. First, unlike

reading or writing, speaking happens in real time, usually the person you are

talking to is waiting for you tospeak right then. Second, when you speak, you

cannot edit and revise what you wish to say, as you can if you are writing. In

class, students spent a great deal of time in copying models rather than expressing

their own ideas creatively. Speaking was used to express that students had

mastered vocabulary they have learnt, rather than had a good idea about the

subject matter.

Teacher is the leader on choosing a learning method that using in class.

From some experiences, teachers’ centered has weakness. Usually, teacher just

give structure pattern and ask their students to make sentences in class, it is full of

theories and make them boring. In other hand, students have less interaction with

other students in learning process that will make students more passive in class.

The teacher just uses the same methods. He feels that it has been effective when

teacher uses that method in class, and they don’t understand to change the

methods in order to make students more active and enjoy in classroom. The

teacher should know about new method that can be used in class to improve

students’ interest and speaking skill.There are a lot of methods that can be used in

class to increase students’ attention in learning process.

Teacher has to find new method in teaching learning process that can

make students easy to understand about the materials, effectively.Communicative

language teaching approach provides various communicative activities in English

language teaching.In formal education, listening and speaking as the important of

language skills get less proportion in the English teaching and learning. There is

rarely speaking test or oral production test. Consequently the students assume that

listening and speaking are not very important to study.Speaking is productive skill

of language learning. It involvescommunicative performance, and other important

elements, such as pronunciation, intonation, grammar, and vocabulary.

Bennett(1991) claimed that cooperative groupwork is the one key of good

teambuilding in class. The statement shows that group has important position in

learning process. As Slavin(1985) stated that applying cooperative learning

methods to multiethnic classroomsas a means of promoting ethnic integration was

one of the initial goals ofcooperative learning theory and investigation.

Based on the things mentioned above, the researcher tried to make

speaking activities more fun and effective for students in learning English by

determining thetechniques which are appropriate and effective to teach speaking.

Sharan (1989) said that in group investigation, students take an active part

in planning what they will study and how. They form cooperative group according

to common interest in topic. All group members help plan how to research their

topic. The ‘active’ in that statement refers how speaking has central position in

group sharing of group investigation teaching model. The researcher tried to use

group investigation as a kind of techniques in teaching speaking. In addition,

group investigation can help students to be more active and express their idea

through their partner in classroom's group. So, the writer takes using of Group

Investigation method as a topic of this research. That is the reason why the writer

chooses the title for this paper “IMPROVING THE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING



IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2016 / 2017”.

B. Problem Statements

When the teacher gave the students speaking activity, the students did not

want to speak or to express their ideas in their mind.Then, the problem of study

can identify as follow:

1. How is the use of group investigation technique in the seventh grade

students of MTs SudirmanJambu in the academic year 2016/2017?

2. How far is the use of group investigation technique to improve the

students’ speaking skill inthe seventh grade students ofMTs

SudirmanJambuin the academic year 2016/2017?

C. Objectives of the Research

Based on the problems of research above, the writer can conclude of the

purpose/objectives of this research are:

1. To find out the use ofgroup investigation technique in seventh grade of

MTs SudirmanJambuin the academic year 2016/2017.

2. To find out how far is group investigation improve students’ speaking

skill in seventh grade of MTs SudirmanJambuin the academic year


D. Limitation of the Research

This study is focused in a cooperative learning model that is based on the

need for interaction that creates a positive interdependence relationship in the

classroom. As Dr. Lam Bick Har (2005-2013) defined that

Cooperative learning is a student-centered, instructor-facilitated

instructional strategy in which a small group of students is responsible for
its own learning and the learning of all group members. Students interact
with each other in the same group to acquire and practice the elements of a
subject matter in order to solve a problem, complete a task or achieve a
goal.(Dr. Lam Bick Har, 2005-2013)
From that statement, we know that cooperative learning method requires a

group of students, as Robert E. Slavin (1985) stated that cooperative learning

methods are structured, systematic instructional strategies capable of being used at

any grade level and in most school subjects. All of the methods involve having the

teacher assign the students to four- to six-member learning groups composed of

high-average, and low-achieving students, boys and girls, black, Anglo, and

Hispanic students, and mainstreamed academically handicapped students as well

as their non-handicapped classmates. In other words, each group is a microcosm

of the class in academic achievement level, sex, and ethnicity.

Cooperative learning is a method in which students are assigned to small

groups in the classroom, as well as other environments, where the students
help each other to learn together. Students achieve more and increase their
self-confidence as individuals, develop communication skills and
participate actively in this method (Doymuş, Şimşek&Şimşek, 2005). This
method is applied with different techniques. The forefronts of these
techniques are: Learning Together, Student Teams, Group Investigation,
Let’s Ask and Learn Together, Jigsaw, and the Reading-Writing-
Presentation technique. (Nilüfer, 2012)

Theexplanation above shows that group investigation is one form of

cooperative learning. Group investigation as one form of cooperative learning

model emphasizes student participation and activity to find the information of

lessons to be learned by their selves through available materials. In learning

process, students are involved since planning stage and determining the topic to

learn it through investigation. Group investigation is a learning model that trains

the students to participate in the development of social systems through


In order to avoid any misinterpretation of the problem, the writer limits the

study on the using of group investigation in learning process. The writer usedthis

techniqueon focusing to improve speaking skill for the students in MTs

SudirmanJambu Semarang.

E. Significance of the Research

This research is hoped that it will be useful for the teachers, students and

for the school of MTs SudirmanJambuas the statements is below:

1. For the writer

This research can give teaching experience for the researcher to do

classroom action research in order to train teaching ability and be the

graduating paper to get bachelor grade. The successful of this research will be

used in teaching in class after the writer can be teacher in the future.

2. For the students

Using group investigation to increase the students’ speaking skill, motivate

the students speaking skill in learning process and giving more enjoy and

active in learning English.

3. For the teachers

This research gives contribution for English teachers to choose the

learning methods that are distribute in speaking class and other class. The

teacher should use these methods to improve the students’ achievement in

class. Group Investigationcan help the teacher to improve the students’ ability

in speaking. These methods can be applied in the classroom and givevariety

methods for teacher in learning process. English teacher must have many

methods to teach English to create the effective atmosphere in class. The

students will have more interest joining in English learning. It is the good

point for teacher to get enthusiastic from all students.

F. Definition of Key Terms

1. Group

As it is mentioned in Oxford Dictionary (2011) that group is number of

people or things together, we can conclude that group contains by some people

in togetherness.The situation inside classroom is like great society. The

classroom has its own social order and classroom culture. The students as

member of classroom keep themselves focus on their way of life that develops

there. Each classroom’s standards and expectations are the things that become

established and maintained by the teacher.

2. Investigation

According to Oxford Dictionary (2011), investigate is examine the facts in

order to discover the truth.From that statement, we see that investigation refers

to the process of inquiring about a chosen topic that groups focus on. The

general role of teacher is carrying out the investigation to make the students

aware on resources finding that may be helpful. In this case, the teacher's role

is to follow the investigative process, offering help when required: suggesting

resources, and ensuring a variety of skills is being used.

3. Group Investigation

Group Investigation is the teaching model which tries to combine in one

teaching strategy form that shows dynamics democratic process with the

process of learning inquiry.

We knew the meaning of group investigation by the statement below:

Group Investigation (Sharan&Sharan, 1992), developed by Shlomo and

Yael Sharan and their colleagues in Israel, is a general classroom
organization plan in which students work in small groups, using
cooperative inquiry, group discussion, and cooperative planning and
projects. In this method, students form their own two- to six member
groups. The groups choose subtopics from a unit being studied by the
entire class, further break their subtopic into individual tasks, and carry out
the activities necessary to prepare a group report. The group thenmakes a
representation or display to communicate its findings to the entire class,
and is evaluated based on the quality of this report. (Slavin, et al, 1999)
4. Improving

Improving is about adding the ability on doing something. Improving

makes better progress in learning process. Improving shows the changing of

people skill to be better in material which is given. As it is mentioned in

Oxford Dictionary (2011) that improving is the process of becoming or

making to be better, so the teacher's task is increasing the student’s ability and

activeness in class.

5. Speaking

Speaking is described as an interactive process of constructing meaning by

the shared information. It depends on the situation or context, includes the

physical environment and collective experiences. Speaking is not only express

how to produce specific points of language such as pronunciation, vocabulary,

or grammar. It shows how people understand when, why, where, and in what

ways to produce voice as speaking action.

In language teaching, the four skills are described in terms of their

direction. Language generated by the learner (in speech or writing) is referred

to as productive. Language directed at the learner (in reading or listening) is

called receptive. Another important idea is the channel, which refers to the

medium of the message (aural/oral or written). Thus, speaking is the

productive aural/oral skill. It consists of producing systematic verbal

utterances to convey meaning. As it is mentioned by Nunan (2003) that:

Teaching speaking is sometimes considered a simple process. Commercial

language schools around the world hire people with no training to teach
conversation. Although speaking is totally natural, speaking in a language
other than our own is anything but simple. (Nunan, 2003)
The statement shows the simplicity of teaching speaking. Teaching

speaking has been the one of human needs by looking the usage in the daily

life through conversation to other human being.

6. Skill

“Skill usually requires certain environmental stimuli and situations to

assess the level of skill being shown and used.”
From the statement above, we know that a skill is the ability to carry out a

task with pre-determined results often within a given amount of time, energy,

or both. Skills can often be divided into domain general and domain-specific

skills. For example, in the domain of work, some general skills would include

time management, teamwork and leadership.

G. Research Paper Organization

The graduating paper consists of five chapters.

Chapter one presents the background of the study, statements of the

problem, objective of study, limitation of the study, significance of research,

definition of key terms,and research paper organization.

Chapter two is literature review. Firstly, it consists of underlying theories

that include definition of speaking, the importance of speaking skill, types of

spoken language, problem in speaking, classroom speaking performance, criteria

of good speaking performanceand evaluation of speaking. Secondly, present about

the definition of group investigation,the purpose of group investigation,

procedures of group investigation, advantages and disadvantages of using group

investigation teaching model, and then procedure of the research.

Chapter three present about the research methodology. It is explain about

general description of MTs Sudirman, setting of the research, subject of the study,

method of the research, types of the research, technique of collecting data, and

technique of analyzing data.

Chapter four is the implementation of the research and data analysis. This

chapter explains about the score of achievement test, the score of pre-test and

post-test, the analysis and the statistical score of whole research.

Chapter five is closure which consist of conclusion, and suggestion on the

basis of research finding.

For the last part arereferences and appendices.



A. Previous Research

In order to improve the understanding about this research, the researcher

presents three relevant studies. The first research has been done by Yunita

Haffidianti (2011). The objective of this research was to improve the learning

result in mathematic class of MTs N 1 Semarang. The participants of this

research were 38 students. After the conducting the research, the researcher

found that in the result indicated that there was the significant improvement of

using group investigation to the standard of learning index.

The second research has been done by Fariyah (2013). The objectiveof

this research was to improve the activeness and the learning result of students.

This research applied true experimental design. The participants of this research

were 30 students studying inflation learning in economy class at tenth grade of

SMA 1 Candiroto Temanggung which were divided into experimental group.

After conducting the pre-test and post-test, the result of this research showed that

group investigation (GI) has positive effect on the learning of economy class. It

encouraged the students to be more responsible for the learning process.

The third research has been done by Ona OStarika (2014) who was did

the research in class V of SDN 50 Bengkulu which was consisted by 30 students.

The researcher found that the use of group investigation improved the activity

and the result of learning of social study. The improvement also improved the

students’ ability in communication and their activeness. The researcher stated

that there was a significant difference before and after the treatment by using

group investigation in class. The researcher concluded that the group

investigation (GI) technique was improved students’ ability in cognitive,

affective, and psychomotor aspect.

Based on the researches above, the research of this paper found that the

use of group investigation showed a significant improvement in some kind of

education materials. So, the researcher concluded to take the research in English

that was about using group investigation technique to improve students’

speaking skill.

B. Concept of Speaking

1. Definition of Speaking

There are four skills in English: listening, reading, writing, and speaking.

Speaking is an expression of human being through conversation. Speaking is a

skill which is simply needed more than one person as speaker and listener. This is

concluded by the statement by Brown (2004).

Brown (2004) defined speaking as a productive skill that can be directly

and empirically observed, those observations are invariably colored by the

accuracy and effectiveness of a test-taker listening skill, which necessarily

compromises the reliability and validity of an oral production test. From those

statements above, the writer can conclude that speaking is an activityinvolving

two or more people in which the participants are both the listeners and the

speakers having to act what they listen and make their contribution at high speed.

Lado (1977) says also that either four or five components are generally
recognized in analysis of speech process. They are: a) Pronunciation
(Including the segmental features-vowels and consonant and the stress and
intonation/ pattern), b) Grammar, c) Vocabulary, d) Fluency (the case and
the speech of the flow of speech), and e) Comprehension. (Lado in
Kusmaryati, 2009).
The explanation from Lado, shows that speaking needs process. The result of

speaking can be marked in many appraisals, such as pronunciation, grammar,

vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.

2. Importance of Speaking

Speaking ability in English is useful in many situations and places in this era.

Such as in the school education, apply to get a job, or when someone goes to the

other country, because English is international language. The importance of

speaking was mentioned bellow:

Speaking skill is the most important thing to be mastered when people

learn English because speaking is a process of constructing meaning; it
covers almost all of language components. Through speaking someone can
express their minds, ideas, and thought freely and spontaneously. In
addition purpose of teaching speaking is to guide both the teachers and
students to use the target language as a common language in teaching
learning process even in their daily life. The importance of the ability to
speak or write English has recently increased significantly because English
has become the de facto standard. Learning the English language has
become popular for business, commerce and cultural reasons and
especially for internet communications throughout the world. English is a
language that has become standard not because it is widely used by many
information and technology industries and recognized as being standard.
The call centre phenomenon has stimulated a huge expansion of internet-
related activity establishing the future of India a cyber-technological
super-power. Modern communications, videos, journals and newspapers

on the internet use English and have made knowing Englishindispensable.
(Shaik, 2016)

Guoqiang (2009) stated that: to be a good speaker the English learners have to

master all of the components. However, besides those linguistic components

above there are many factors that influence speaking ability. Although speaking

has been included in the educational plan for English teaching in colleges and

universities in the past years, the percentage of time devoted to activities in which

students can communicate with each other in English remains small in the whole

class. Speaking is the skill that the students will be judged upon most in real-life

situation .It is an important part of everyday interaction and most often the first

impression of a person is based on his/her ability to speak fluently and


3. Types of Spoken Language

Nunan(1991) suggested types of spoken language in this figure:

Figure 1: Types of Spoken Language

Nunan (1991) explained that: in monologues, when one speaker uses

spoken language for any length of time, as in speeches, lectures, readings, news

broadcasts, and the like, the hearer must process long stretches of speech without

interruption. Planned monologues (such as speeches and other prewritten

material) usually manifest little redundancy and are therefore relatively difficult to

comprehend. Unplanned monologues (impromptu lectures and long stories in

conversations). Dialogues involve two or more speakers and can be subdivided

into those exchanges that promote social relationships (interpersonal) and those

whose purpose is to convey propositional or factual information (transactional).In

conversations between or among participants who are unfamiliar with each other,

references and meanings have to be made more explicit to assure effective

comprehension. In conversations between or among participants who are

unfamiliar with each other, references and meanings have to be made more

explicit to assure effective comprehension.

4. Problem in Speaking

Speaking is not as easy as it may seem. In fact, it is a complex skill which

involves both intrinsic and extrinsic aspects. Speaking shows how the speaker

uses the vocabulary in the right way bravely. So, according to different type of

person, there are some problems in speaking.

Brown (2001) suggested some causes that make speaking difficult as


1. Clustering

Fluent speech is phrasal, not word by word. Learners can organize

their output both cognitively and physically (in breath groups) through

such clustering

2. Redundancy

The speaker has an opportunity to make meaning clearer through the

redundancy of language. Learners can capitalize on this feature of spoken


3. Reduced Forms

Contractions, elisions, reduced vowels, etc., all form special problems

teaching spoken English. Students who don’t learn colloquial contractions

can sometimes develop a stilted, bookish quality of speaking that in turn

stigmatize them.

4. Performance Variables

One of the advantages of spoken language is that the process of

thinking as you speak allows you to manifest a certain number of

performance hesitation, pauses, backtracking, and corrections. Learners

can actually be taught how to pause and hesitate. For example, in English

our thinking time is not silent; we insert certain fillerssuch as ub, um, well,

you know, I mean, like, etc. one of the most salient differences between

native and nonnative speakers of a language is in their hesitation


5. Colloquial Language

Make sure your students are reasonably well acquainted with the

words, idioms, and phrases of colloquial language and that they get

practice in producing these forms.

6. Rate of Delivery

Another salient characteristic of fluency is rate of delivery. One of

your tasks in teaching spoken English is to help learners achieve an

acceptable speed along with other attributes of fluency.

7. Stress, Rhythm, and Intonation

This is the most important characteristic of English pronunciation. The

stress-timed rhythm of spoken English and its intonation patterns convey

important messages.

8. Interaction

Learning to produce waves of language in a vacuum without

interlocutorswould rob speaking skill of its richest component: the

creativity of conversational negotiation.

5. Classroom Speaking Performance

Speaking is one of skill that students should study in the classroom because

speaking is not a simple skill in learning English. It can be used to express ideas

or other purposes in having relation in the world. There are some definitions of

speaking according to experts.

According to Cameron (2001), speaking is the active of language to use

express the meanings in order to get the response from listener. It can be
assumed that speaking as the activity of a person to express his or her
ideas, feeling or something in her/his mind to get response from other
person by spoken language. (Cameron in Herianto, 2010)

Richards (2008) stated that the mastery of speaking skills in English is a priority

for many second language or foreign language learners. Consequently learners

often evaluate their success in language learning as well as the effectiveness of

their English course based on how much they feel they have improved in their

spoken language proficiency.

6. Criteria of Good Speaking Performance

Speaking is not just expressing something orally. However, the students need to

acquire some speaking aspects to have a good speaking skill. Speaking becomes

important because speaking is a skill that can make people easily understand to

what things explained. Speaking assess the speaker to be able to transfer their idea

through speech.

There are the aspects of speaking performance:

1. Fluency

In a Sulistya’s thesis (2013), A speaking skill is the ability to express

oneself in life situation (Lado,1961:240), to cooperate in the management

of speaking turns (Thornbury,2005:14), use knowledge in the action

(Bygate, 1991:4), use a language expressing one-self in words (Hornby,

2000:826), and use the language to express meaning so that other people

can make sense of them (Cameron,2001:12).

Foster and Skehan in Nunan (2004) propose a model in assessing

speaking in which fluency is measured by considering the total number of

seconds of silence and time spent saying and by subjects as they complete

a task.

2. Pronunciation

Thornbury (2005) Pronunciation refers to the student ability to produce

comprehensible utterances to fulfill the task requirements. Harmer (2001)

provided more issues related to pronunciation. He suggested pitch,

intonation, individual sounds, sounds and spelling, and stress.

Pronunciation becomes important because it gives meaning to what is

being said. Wrong pronunciation may cause misunderstanding or people

involved in a conversation are offended.

3. Grammar

Brown (2001) stated that grammar is the system of rules governing the

conventional arrangement and relationship of words in a sentence.

From that statement, we know that grammar is used to arrange the

words into appropriate sentence by considering all the use of each word

and it’s tense. Grammar makes well arranged group of words that will be

delivered to be known well.

Tabel 1 The Differences of Grammar (Brown, 2001)

Written Grammar Spoken Grammar

• Sentence is the • Clause is the basic unit of
basic unit of construction
construction • Clauses are usually added (co-
• Clauses are often ordination)
embedded • Head + Body + Tail
(subordination) Construction
• Subject + Verb + • Direct speech favored
Object • Vagueness tolerated
Construction • A lot of ellipsis
• Reported speech • Many question tags
favored • Performance effects, including
• Precision favored
• Little ellipsis ü Hesitations
• No question tags ü Repeats

4. Vocabulary

Thornbury (2005) suggested three usual things used by speakers in

what they are being said:

a. When people speaking, they are involving high proportion of

words and expressions that express their attitude (stance) to what is

being said.

b. Speakers usually employ words and expressions that express

positive and negative appraisal because a lot of speech has an

interpersonal function, and by identifying what people like and

dislike, they are able to express solidarity.

c. A speech also usually employs deictic language, i.e. words and

expressions that point to the place, time, and participants in the

intermediate or a more distant context.

5. Interactive Communication

According to Thornbury (2005), Interactive communication refers to

the ability of a candidate to interact with the interlocutor and the other

candidates by initiating and responding appropriately and at the required

speed and rhythm to fulfill the task requirements.The statement above

explained that the meaning in conversation as the way of communication

should deliver well to get an appropriate interpretation from the speaker to


6. Appropriateness

Appropriateness should consider the subject matter and its influence

through the conversation process. We can see it from the statement bellow:

Harmer (2001) stated the term of appropriateness is related to some

variables. When people are communicating they have to see what effects

to achieve the communicative purpose. Those variables are: Setting,

participants, gender, channel, topic, complexity.

7. Complexity

Brown, Anderson, Shilock, and Yule in Nunan (2004) provided what

made speaking difficult were related to the type of information that had to

be conveyed and were concerned the scale of the task and

interrelationships among the different elements involved.

The spoken language is complex in a different way. The complexity of

written language is static and dense, while spoken is dynamic and intricate.

7. Evaluation of Speaking

During speaking activities, the teachers need to play a number of different

roles to gain optimal objective in class. Harmer (2007) pointed out three roles of

teachers in teaching speaking.

Harmer (2007) provided the three roles of teachers in teaching speaking:

1. Prompter

Students are sometimes confused, cannot think of what to say next

which make lose the fluency we expect of them. The teacher as a prompter

has a rule to help them by offering discrete suggestions. It can be done

supportively (withoutdisrupting the discussion) or ask them to go out of

their roles.

2. Participant

Teachers should be a good animator when asking students to

producelanguage. Sometimes this can be achieved by setting up an activity

clearly andwith enthusiasm. The teachers also may participate in

discussions or role-playsthemselves to help the activity along, ensure

continuing studentsengagement ormaintain creative atmosphere.

3. Feedback Provider

It is vital that the teacher allows the students to assess what they have

done. However, it is important to think about possibility that

overcorrection may inhibit the students in the middle of a speaking


Then, there are the way to assess the speaking performance as it is

mentioned by Brown (2003). He suggested assessment tasks for interactive

speaking (interpersonal and transactional):

1. Interview

When oral production assessmentis mentioned, the first thing that

comes to mind is an oral interview: a test administrator and a test-taker sit

down in a direct face-to-face exchange and proceed through a protocol of

questions and directives. Interview can vary in length from perhaps five to

forty five minutes, depending on their purpose and context.

2. Role Play

Role playing is a popular pedagogical activity in communicative

language teaching classes. In some version, role play allows some

rehearsal time so that students can map out what they are going to say. As

an assessment device, role play opens some windows of opportunity for

test takers to use discourse that might otherwise be difficult to elicit.

3. Discussion and Conversation

As formal assessment devices, discussions and conversations with and

among students are difficult to specify and even more difficult to score.

But as informal techniques to assess learners, they offer a level of

authenticity andspontaneity thatothers assessments techniques may not


C. Concept of Group Investigation

1. Definition of Group Investigation

Learning strategy is about designing a lesson which is conducive to gain the

optimal achievement of educational goals. In addition, the learning strategy

should consider the internal and external circumstances of students inside and

outside the class. Group investigation is the one of learning strategy which is

taking from class experience.

Investigation learning methods Group or Group investigation taking the

model of society, especially the social mechanisms that exist in society is

usually done by mutual agreement. Through this agreement the students

learn the knowledge and they get involved in solving social problems

(Winataputra at, 2001)

Slavin (1985) told the history over the past decade, alternatives to the traditional

competitive classroom have emerged. They are instructional methods called

cooperative learning (see Sharan, 1980; Slavin, 1983a). Cooperative learning

methods are structured, systematic instructional strategies capable of being used at

any grade level and in most school subjects. All of the methods involve having the

teacher assign the students to four- to six-member learning groups composed of

high-, average-, and low-achieving students, boys and girls, black, Anglo, and

Hispanic students, and mainstreamed academically handicapped students as well

as their non-handicapped classmates. In other words, each group is a microcosm

of the class in academic achievement level, sex, and ethnicity.

Cooperative learning is an integrated learning method which the role of teacher

and student is needed here. The cooperation between all role in class indicates

how maximal the objective which is gained.

Cooperative learning is more than having students work in groups: it is a

fundamental shift from teacher as information provider and sole source of
truth, to teacher as facilitator (Ivy Geok-Chin Tan, ShlomoSharan, and
Christine Kim-Eng Lee., 2006).
It involves the use of tasks whose completion requires the combined efforts and

skills of the individual group members and the one of Cooperative Learning (CL)

form is group investigation teaching model.

Group investigation is cooperative learning strategy which divides

students into group to investigate a topic. In GI, students form interest
groups within which to plan and implement investigation, and synthesize
the findings into a group presentation for the class (Ivy Geok-Chin Tan,
ShlomoSharan, and Christine Kim-Eng Lee., 2006). GI includes four
important components: investigation, interaction, interpretation and
intrinsic motivation. Investigation refers to the fact that groups focus on
the process of inquiring about a chosen topic. Interaction is a hallmark of
all cooperative learning methods, required for students to explore ideas
and help one another learn. Interpretation occurs when the group
synthesizes and elaborates on the findings of each member in order to
enhance understanding and clarity of ideas. Finally, intrinsic motivation is
kindled in students by granting them autonomy in the investigative
process.(Zingaro, 2008)
The students learn material not because they want to, but because it leads to

attainment of grades and other awards. By contrast, the goal of GI is to have

students learn because they are genuinely interested in the material. It has been

shown to improve achievement, increase motivation, and foster inter-ethnic

friendships and respect across an array of age groups and subject areas.

2. Purpose of Group Investigation

According to Zingaro (2008) For Dewey, the goal of education is to

develop socially responsible citizens who understand how to work together to

solve problems and construct knowledge. Thus, educational environments should

mirror real-world democracies in that the students have the opportunity to make

choices and discuss ideas and thoughts. These criteria were present in Dewey's

classrooms of the early 20th century and continue on in today's GI: students get to

choose the subtopic of study. They are free to explore their own ideas and the

ideas of their group mates in order to arrive at consensus. This is to be contrasted

with traditional teaching in which this horizontal flow of information is replaced

by a vertical command and control philosophy that runs against the core of what

Dewey believed. For example, as part of his pedagogic creed, Dewey stated the

teacher is not in the school to impose certain ideas or to form certain habits in the

child, but is there as a member of the community to select the influences which

shall affect the child and to assist him in properly responding to these influences.

The size of groups must also be governed by the teacher. Group sizes from

two to six have been recommended, but teachers must also decide what to do if

students are not dispersed equally among the subtopics. Certainly, arbitrarily

moving people between groups is to be discouraged. However, some students may

have two equally appealing interests, and this is a choice the teacher can make

based on group formation criteria. Further, groups should be ethnically and

academically heterogeneous, but this may interact with the chosen topic or

available subtopics. For example, if one subtopic is more challenging than others,

perhaps an academically homogenous group will result. In this case, the teacher

could try to deliver the message that all subtopics require varying skills in order

for a group to successfully investigate the issue.

3. Procedures of Group Investigation

Steps of Group Investigation (GI) implementation in class, as Kiranawati

(2007) provided in brief: topic selection, planning cooperation, implementation,

analysis and synthetic, providing the final result, and evaluation.

According to Jacobs (1997) A school of psychology often seen as on the

other end of the spectrum from the motivational theory is humanistic psychology

(Dewey, 1966; Rogers, 1979). Humanists are known for valuing affective goals in

addition to cognitive ones, and for seeing students as capable people who should

have the freedom to take initiative and to develop learning objectives that they see

as relevant to their own needs and interests. Cooperative learning fits particularly

well with this perspective, as it provides students an alternative to the teacher-

fronted classroom.

According to Sharan &Sharan(1992) group investigation has student groups

choose their own topics and decide how to research them in preparation for

sharing what they learn with the entire class.

According to Sharan&Sharan(1992), the procedure is as follows:

1. Teacher introduces a challenging, many-sided problem. Alternatively,

the class can help to formulate the problem.

2. The class organizes itself into groups with each investigating a

different aspect of the problem.

3. Each group plans the what and the how of its investigation.

4. The groups implement their plans.

5. Groups do presentations to the rest of the class based on their work.

6. The teacher, class and groups evaluate the work of each group and

group member.

4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Group Investigation

The implementation of group investigation teaching model has some

advantages and disadvantages, as the statement said that:

Group Investigation is an effective organizational medium for encouraging

and guiding students' involvement in learning. Students actively share
influencing the nature of events in their classroom. Also, by
communicating freely and cooperating in planning and carrying out their
chosen topic of investigation, they can achieve more than they would as
individuals. The final result of the group's work reflects each member's
contribution, but it is intellectually richer than work done individually by
the same students. (Sharan&Sharan, 1989)
From the statement of Yael Sharan and ShlomoSharan (1989), there are some

advantages and disadvantages of using group investigation:

1. Advantages of Group Investigation

a. Not needed many tools because can doing by oral.

b. Easy to do it if there is any students.

c. Can expressing all self-experiences with extensive and deepen.

d. The students feel happy because their identity inform to other, not

their self.

e. Rising relation atmosphere that intimate between students although

the students first time meet with other.

2. Disadvantages of Group Investigation

a. Need a place to the students can interact and report the result for

the group

b. Need a brave to express things based main question.

c. To easier remember, it needed a note about the answer to inform

their partner in group or others.

d. The interview can be extensive aspect in another life is not include

in the main questions.

e. The activity time is inclined pass of the limits that be certain,

especially when the interest experiences.

D. Procedure of the Research

Classroom action research is the method which is used in this research.

Classroom action research (CAR) is a way for instructors or teacher to discover

what works best in their own classroom situation, thus allowing informed decision

about teaching.

Action research is not what usually comes to mind when we hear the word
research. Action research is not a library project where we learn more
about a topic that interests us. It is not problem-solving in the sense of
trying to find out what is wrong, but rather a quest for knowledge about
how to improve. Action research is not about doing research on or about
people, or finding all available information on a topic looking for the
correct answers. It involves people working to improve their skills,

techniques, and strategies. Action research is not about learning why we
do certain things, but rather how we can do things better. It is about how
we can change our instruction to impact students. (Ferrance, 2000)

According to NSW Department of Education and Training (2010) Action

research is the term which describes the integration of action (implementing a

plan) with research (developing an understanding of the effectiveness of this

implementation). The original concept is sometimes attributed to Kurt Lewin

(1947). Research often conjures a picture in people minds of academics working

in isolation for years proving theories. As distinct from academic research, those

involved in action research participate in an ongoing testing and monitoring of

improvements in their practice. They work in a collaborative way to identify

issues in their organization and develop processes for improvement. In education,

action research is also known as teacher research. It is one method teacher use for

improvement in both their practice and their students learning outcomes. The

central goal of action research is positive educational change. This change impacts

significantly on the teachers involved and how they teach. In a school setting,

participants could include teachers, students, parents and community members. As

in all forms of research, records are kept of the process and findings are published

or presented to a wider audience.

John Elliott (1991) defined action research as:

“Action research is the process through which teachers collaborate in

evaluating their practice jointly; raise awareness of their personal theory;
articulate a shared conception of values; try out new strategies to render
the values expressed in their practice more consistent with educational
values they espouse; record their work in a form which is readily available
to and understandable by other teachers; and thus develop a shared theory
of teaching by research practice.”(Mark R. Young, et al, 2008)

The term action research first appeared almost 60 years ago when social

psychologist Kurt Levin (Levin, 1946) proposed that it could be used to solve the

problems that can surface in groups that rely on successful communication and

positive social interaction in order to reach their goals. Teachers of English to

Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) began to take interest in action research in

the late 1970s and since then, a number of books have been published to help

language teachers understand its nature and purpose (Kemmis&;McTaggart, 1988;

Nunan, 1991; Griffee and Nunan, 1997, Wallace, 1998).

Kemmis and McTaggart (1988) also understand action research as a

collaborative practice. While not every institution and working
environment will allow for language teachers to work together, by
publishing their work they can still enter a larger community of shared
professional concerns. (Hadley, 2003)
Kemmis in Hopkins (1985) the model follows the cycle of: planning,

action, observation and reflection.Planning involves the determination of the

question that needs answering and the strategy to be used in answering it. During

the action stage, the practitioner tries out the strategy. The observation stage

includes recording data on the result of the strategy and also keeping a journal on

the practitioner thoughts and reactions to the entire experience. Finally, during the

reflection stage, the researcher makes conclusions so that a new cycle can begin.



A. Research Report

1. Identity of MTs Sudirman Jambu Semarang

Name of school : MTs Sudirman Jambu Semarang

Address : Jl. Sutoyo No.59, Bedono Jambu Semarang

Village : Bedono

Sub district : Jambu

Regency : Semarang

Pos code : 50663

E-mail :

Telephone : (0298) 7103119

Phone : 08122765274

School statistic number : 20364437

Headmaster : Drs. Miftah

2. Vision and Mission of MTs Sudirman Jambu Semarang

a. Vision of MTs Sudirman Jambu Semarang

The visions of MTs Sudirman Jambu Semarang are as follows:

Become an institution that produce qualified graduates with character,

spirited effort and be good in religion and be able to compete in the global


b. Mission of MTs Sudirman Jambu Semarang

The missions of MTs Sudirman Jambu Semarang are as follows:

Teaching and practice the students to be:

1. Character and noble

2. Religious

3. Intelligent, skilled, and independent

4. Dedication, creativity, and insight

5. The students can be able to adapt, develop themselves, and

compete in the global era

3. Teacher Condition

Teacher is the important role in teaching and learning process. The

teacher is helps the students to get knowledge and give materials for them.

There are 10 teachers andDrs. Miftah as the chief in MTs Sudirman Jambu


Table 2

Number of the teacher of MTs Sudirman Jambu Semarang

No Name Position
1. Drs. Miftah Headmaster
2. Harsih Widayati, S.Pd.I Teacher of Bahasa
3. Ahmad Muhaimin, S.Ag Teacher of Islamic Religion
4. Nur Sahid Teacher of IslamicTarikh
5. Hariyani, S.Pd Teacher of Science
6. Rupinaningsih, S.Pd Teacher of Social Science
7. Khoirul Mawahib, S.Pd.I Teacher of Islamic Fiqh

8. Doni Fatah, S.Pd Teacher of English
9. Nurul Robikah Teacher of Javanese
10. Laela Husnul Himmah Teacher of Math

4. Condition of Students

Totally MTs Sudirman Jambu Semarang has 48 students in 2017.The

distribution of the class of MTs Sudirman Jambu Semarang could be seen in

the table below:

Table 2.1

Number of the students of MTs Sudirman Jambu Semarang

Grade Number of class Number of students

VII 1 10

VIII 1 16

IX 1 22

TOTAL 3 48

B. Research Methodology

1. Subject of the Research

a. Population

The population is the whole subject where the sample of research will

be taken. It is larger than sample, cause the population contains the sample

which is needed.

The researcher took population in the seventh grade students of Mts

Sudirman Jambu Semarang in the academic year of 2016/2017. The total

numbers of students of seventh grade of Mts Sudirman Jambu Semarang

are 10 studentsas the sample of research.

b. Sample

In statistics, a sample is a subset of a population that is used to

represent the entire group as a whole.When doing research, it is often
impractical to survey every member of a particular population because
the sheer number of people is simply too large. To make inferences
about characteristics of a population, researchers can use a random
sampleas subject of research. (
c. Technique sampling

The researcher took simple random sampling. It is a randomly chosen

sampling technique of subject on population. Each element of the

population must have equal opportunity to be selected to be sample.

2. Types of the Research

This research is a type of classroom action research. According to

Kurt Lewin in Kunandar (2011) action research is a step which consists of four

steps, they are: planning, action, observe and reflection. Burns (1999) in

Kunandar (2011) stated that action research is find a fact in the problems

solving in social situation with opinion to increase action quality that is done

and involve collaboration and cooperation the researcher.

According to David Hopkins in Kunandar (2011), classroom action

research is a form of self-reflective inquiry undertaken by participants in a

social (including educational) situation in order to improve the rationality and

justice of: (a) their own social or educational practices: (b) their understanding

of these practices: and (c) the situations in which practices are carried out.

Arikunto (2006) said that action research is a research that is done in

the class and coming from three words they are: Research, Action and Class.

Research is an activity to find out accuracy or information using methodology

which are interest and important for the writer. Action is some activities that

intentional for the purpose. Class is a group of students in the same time got

same lesson from teacher.

According to Arikunto (2008) there are principles of action research as


1. The real activities in routine situation

2. SWOT as based foundation. SWOT is summary of Strength,

Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat.

3. Following SMART principles in planning. The meaning of


S = Specific

M = Manageable

A = Acceptable or Achievable

R = Realistic

T = Time-bound

3. Procedure of the Research

In this research, a classroom based action research has conducted at the

seventh grade of MTs Sudirman Jambu in the academic year of 2016/2017.

The researcher chooses this Junior High School because of the student in

Junior High School is on prime stage of learning process. Although the school

has limited facilities in learning, the students have enough enthusiasm spirit on

learning English especially on improving their speaking skill.

Seeing the academic condition on MTs Sudirman Jambu Semarang, the

writer conducted this research on 10th March 2017 until 31th March 2017.

This study uses classroom action research, so in this case the writer use

some steps as Kemmis stated. There is one cycle in this action research.

There are four cycles in this action research, the procedure are as

follows (Kemmis, 1985):

1. Planning

The activities the planning is:

a. Preparing materials, making lesson plan, and designing the step

in doing action.

b. Preparing list of student’s name and scoring.

c. Preparing teaching aids.

d. Preparing shells for classroom observation (to know the

situation of teaching learning process when the method or

technique or mode is applied).

e. Preparing a test (to know whether students’ writing skill

improve or not).

2. Acting

a. Giving pretest

b. Teaching speaking by group investigation

c. Giving post test

3. Observing

Observation is one of instruments used in collecting the data.

Observation can be systematically used to observe and note the

phenomena investigated like the students’ feeling, thinking, and

something they do in teaching learning process. He plans this

observation fixable and writes something that happened in the


4. Reflecting

The result of the observation is analyzed. It is to remember what

happened that has been written in observation. Reflection seeks to

make sense of process, problems and real issues in strategy action. It

tool: account of the comprehension, the issues and circumstance in

which they arose. Reflection has an evaluative aspect, it asks the

writer to weigh the experience, to judge whether effects were

desirable, and suggest ways of proceeding. The writer's reflection is

done by discussing with collaborator.

4. Techniques of Collecting Data

1. Observation

Observation is done by researcher to get information about the

students in class during teaching and learning is going on.

2. Test

According to Linn and Gronlund (1995) in Sudaryono (2013) test is

an instrument of systematic procedure for measuring a sample of

behavior by posing a set of questions in a uniform manner. Because a test

a form of assessment, test also answers the questions how well does the

individual perform either in comparison with others or in comparison

with a domain of performance task.

Speaking test is done each meeting to get the data. The researcher is

done pre-test and post-test. Pre-test is used to get the data before using

group investigation. Post-test is done to get the data after using group


3. Documentation

The researcher needs documentation to know about the situation of

teaching and learning process.

4. Field Notes

Field notes are used to make a note the activities in class during the

teaching learning is going on.

5. Technique of Analyzing Data

After collecting the data, the next step of this studyis analyzing the

data. Analyzing the data is the step where all the data has been the score to

get the changing before and after the treatment of the research.

There are two ways to analyzing data, they are:

a. Descriptive qualitative technique

A descriptive qualitative technique is used to know the students

behavior during the teaching learning process. This technique

describes the detailed note about lesson situation inside the classroom.

b. Statistical technique

This research is calculated by t-test analysis;

a) Mean

𝑀𝐷 = 𝑁


𝑀𝐷 :Mean of difference

∑𝐷 : The total difference between pre-test and post-test

𝑁 : The total number of students

b) Standard Deviation

∑ 𝐷2 ∑𝐷 2
𝑆𝐷 = √ −( 𝑁 )


SD : Deviation Standard

D : Different between pre-test post-test

N : Number of observation in sample

c) To calculate the standard error for the mean difference, the

researcher used this formula:



SEMD = The standard error for the meandifference.

SDD = StandardDeviation.

N = The total number of thestudents.

d.f =N-1

d) T-test

After calculating the SEMD the researcher calculates t-test to

know is there any significant differences or not between pre-test

and post-test

To find the significance difference, the key is:



To = T –test.

MD = Mean ofdifference.

SEMD = The standard error for the mean difference



A. Implementation of the Research

1. Cycle I

a. Planning

In the planning stage, the researcherintroduced himself to every

student in class. Then, the researcher provided a material to the teacher

and explained the generaldescription inapplying group investigation


b. Implementation

This activity has already conducted on March, 10th2017. In this

cycle, the researcher observed to find how far students’ speaking skills in

classroom. At the beginning stage of research, the researcher made

chemistry of the teacher and the students by playing game of guess the

picture. Then,the researcher as a teacher taught general description about

descriptive text and gave an example of descriptive text. Teacher

explained the material by giving a description text about the thing that

usually easy to finding students’ daily life. Then, the researcher as a

teacher explained the generic structure of the descriptive text and teacher

gave picture for each student.

The teacher pointed the volunteer of students to describe the picture which

was given in front of class. This activity aimed to stimulate every student

on trying to make simple example of descriptive text. As the students were

doing that activity, the researcher filled the speaking rubric as it was used

as pre-test score. After the teacher gave the test, the researcher discussed

the answer of each student in group which wasthe class conclusion.

Then, the researcher decided to make simple game of speaking.

The teacher asked the student to join in front of class one by one. The

student in front of class was the performer of profession that has been

provided in Bahasa Indonesia written text by the researcher. Then, the

researcher pointed a volunteer from the other students to answer

whatprofession was the performer did. Student with the right answer is

free to point the other students to translate the profession into English.

Student with the right translation was able to point the other students to

make a sentence from that word.

c. Observation

When the learning process is ongoing, the researcher took some

observation sheets to find how the ability of students in speaking.The

researcher found that there is only one student in class who was

categorized as the active learner in performing speaking. The other

students keep in silent when the researcher asked them to speak in English.

This is the serious problem of speaking which the researcher found in that

class.There were so many aspects of the teacher activities which were

observed by the researcher such as greeting the students and leading them

to pray together before beginning the teaching and learning process,

checking the students attendance list, asking the students to prepare their

English book, centering the students’ learning, explaining the material of

factual report, giving opportunity for the students to ask.The lesson plan

and students’ activities were also observed.

d. Reflection

After all the performers have done the activity, the researcher took

one sentence which was made by student to lead the class on making some

paragraphs as a simple example of descriptive text. The process is by

arranging what student said about the profession into sentence and develop

it into paragraphs and text. This activity aimed to memorize about

descriptive text and its general classification. When the learning on the

process, the researcher scored the activity which is used to fill the post test

score incycle I.

2. Cycle II

a. Planning

This activity was done on March, 31st 2017.Based on the result of

pre-test, the researcher decided to use group investigation teaching model

with essay as a media in speaking comprehension.

b. Implementation

The researcher led the class to fix the problem of speaking in class.

In this meeting, almost of the students found it hard to pronounce some

vocabularies in English. So, the researcher led the class to learn about

how to pronounce of each letter, then how to pronounce of each word in


Then, the researcher explained about the rules of group

investigation learning technique. Firstly, the whole class did not know

about this method and then the researcher explained it simply. After they

have got the general description of this method, the teacher divided the

students into two groups. One group of student is contained by five

members. Then, the researcher gave a descriptive text with its questions

into each group. The descriptive text is about the things on students’ daily

life from the work book of class VII.

c. Observation

The researcher pointed the leader on the group discussion to

prepare the planning for member and their own duty to figure out the

problems by group. In this process, the researcher scored the rubric of

each student’s speaking performance in group as pre-test score.

d. Reflection

After the discussion in group was finished, the researcher asked

each student to answer the question on text by speaking in front of their

friends in group and the other group. In this process, the researcher also

marked the rubric.Then, after all the students have finished answer the

question, the researcher led the class to analyze of each answer and

explain the right ones and how to get the answer. The rubric of this

session is used as the post-test scoring in cycle II.

B. Data Analysis

The researcher and the teacher gave score to the students based on

evaluation criteria. Each answer of a question was given point. The highest point

was 3 point and the lowest point was 0 point. The researcher and the teacher

summed those points and calculated it to produce final score. After collecting the

students’ score in each cycle, the researcher and the teacher processed those

scores mathematically and statistically to ensure whether the use of group

investigation improved the students’ speaking skill or not. Those scores were

presented as follows:

1. Cycle I

a. Pre-Test

Table 3.1 Students’ Score in the Pre Test of the Cycle 1

No Name Sex ∑P Score

1 Agnes Ardita F 22 45
2 Fitriyani F 23 50
3 HikmalAbror M 18 30
4 IsmawatiIndiyana F 23 55
5 RifkyAmeylia Maharani F 24 60
6 Muhammad Jalaludin M 20 50
7 Sofro M 23 60
8 NurLaela F 22 55
9 Sri Wahyuni F 24 65
10 Yusuf Affandi M 24 65

From the students’ score in the pre-test of the cycle 1, the

researcher and the teacher could calculate the number of students

who passed the passing grade.

Table 3.2 Count of Passing Grade of the Pre Test in the

Cycle 1

Criteria Grade Presentation

>70 0 0%
70 0 0%
<70 10 100 %
Total 10 100,00 %

From the data above, the researcher and the teacher knew that

there were 0% of the students who got score higher than the passing

grade. The passing grade of English lesson in MTs SudirmanJambu

Semarang was 70. The teacher and the researcher expected that there

were at least 75 % of the students who passed the passing grade.

Therefore, the presentation of passing grade in the pre-test of the

cycle 1 was not achieved.

b. Post-Test

Table 3.3 Students’ Score in the Post Test of the Cycle 1

No Name Sex ∑P Score

1 Agnes Ardita F 23 45
2 Fitriyani F 23 50
3 HikmalAbror M 20 30

4 IsmawatiIndiyana F 23 60
5 RifkyAmeylia Maharani F 24 75
6 Muhammad Jalaludin M 22 50
7 Sofro M 23 70
8 NurLaela F 22 65
9 Sri Wahyuni F 26 75
10 Yusuf Affandi M 26 75
From the students’ score in the post test of the cycle 1 above,

the researcher and the teacher could calculate the number of students

who passed the passing grade.

Table 3.4 Count of Passing Grade of the Post Test in the

Cycle 1

Criteria Grade Presentation

>70 3 30 %
70 1 10 %
<70 6 60 %
Total 10 100 %
From the data above, it could be concluded that there were

improvement from the pre-test. The students who passed the passing

grade in the pre-test of the cycle 1 were 0%. In the post test, 30% of

the students passed the passing grade. There was the improvement as

many as 30%. However, the teacher and the researcher expected that

there were at least 75% of the students passed the passing grade.

Then, the teacher and the researcher conducted the cycleII.

c. Calculation ofMean

Table 3.5 Difference square of Pre and Post test Score in

Cycle I

Pre Post
No Nama Test Test D D2
1 Agnes Ardita 45
(Y1) 0 0
2 Fitriyani 50 50 0 0
3 HikmalAbror 30 30 0 0
4 IsmawatiIndiyana 55 60 5 25
5 RifkyAmeylia M. 60 75 15 225
6 Muhammad Jalaludin 50 50 0 0
7 Sofro 60 70 10 100
8 NurLaela 55 65 10 100
9 Sri Wahyuni 65 75 10 100
10 Yusuf Affandi 65 75 10 100
Total ∑X1 ∑Y1 ∑D ∑ D2
N=10 535 595 60 650
d. Mean of the Pre-Test
M= 𝑁

= 10

= 53,500

e. Mean of the Post-Test

M= 𝑁

= 10

= 59,500

In the cycle 1, the mean of the pre-test was 53,500 and the

mean of the post test was 59,500. It means that the mean of the post

test was bigger than the mean of the pre-test. It could be concluded

that there was significant improvement in using group investigation

technique for improving the students’ speaking skill.

f. Calculation of the Mean Difference

MD = 𝑁

= 10

= 6

g. Calculation of Standard Deviation

∑ 𝐷2 ∑𝐷 2
𝑆𝐷 =√ −( 𝑁 )

650 60 2
= √ 10 − (10)

= √65 − (6)2

√65 − 36


= 5,385

h. Standard Error for the Mean Difference




= 3

= 1,795

i. Calculation of T-Test

To = 𝑆𝐸 𝐷

= 1,795

= 3,342

From the data of the cycle 1 above, the researcher and the teacher

found that the T-test was 3,342, and the T-table with N-1 was 2,262. The

significant level was 5%. The value of the T-test was bigger than the T-

table. Therefore, the researcher and the teacher could conclude that the

result of the cycle 1 was really significant. However, the teacher and the

researcher conducted the cycle 2 because the number of the students who

passed the passing grade was less than75%.

2. Cycle II

a. Pre-Test

Table 3.6 Students’ Score in the Pre Test of the Cycle II

No Name Sex ∑P Score

1 Agnes Ardita F 22 50
2 Fitriyani F 23 65
3 HikmalAbror M 18 50
4 IsmawatiIndiyana F 23 70

5 RifkyAmeylia Maharani F 24 75
6 Muhammad Jalaludin M 20 70
7 Sofro M 23 75
8 NurLaela F 22 75
9 Sri Wahyuni F 24 80
10 Yusuf Affandi M 24 75
From the students’ score in the pre-test of the cycle 1 above,

the researcher and the teacher could calculate the number of students

who passed the passing grade.

Table 3.7 Count of Passing Grade of the Pre Test in the

Cycle II

Criteria Grade Presentation

>70 5 50 %
70 2 20 %
<70 3 30 %
Total 10 100 %
From the data above, the researcher and the teacher knew

that there were 50% of the students who got score higher than the

passing grade. The passing grade of English lesson in MTs

SudirmanJambu Semarang was 70. The teacher and the researcher

expected that there were at least 75 % of the students who passed the

passing grade. Therefore, the presentation of passing grade in the

pre-test of the cycle II was not achieved.

b. Post-Test

Table 3.8 Students’ Score in the Post Test of the Cycle II

No Name Sex ∑P Score

1 Agnes Ardita F 24 70
2 Fitriyani F 24 75
3 HikmalAbror M 20 55
4 IsmawatiIndiyana F 26 85
5 RifkyAmeylia Maharani F 26 85
6 Muhammad Jalaludin M 22 75
7 Sofro M 25 80
8 NurLaela F 23 75
9 Sri Wahyuni F 27 80
10 Yusuf Affandi M 27 85
From the students’ score in the post test of the cycle II above,

the researcher and the teacher could calculate the number of students

who passed the passing grade.

Table 3.9 Count of Passing Grade of the Post Test in the

Cycle II

Criteria Grade Presentation

>70 8 80 %
70 1 10 %
<70 1 10 %
Total 10 100
Before conducting the action for the cycle II, the teacher and

the researcher expected that 75% of the students could pass the

passing grade. From the data above, the presentation for the pre-test

of the cycle 2 was 50% and the presentation for the post test of the

cycle 2 was 80%. It meant that the expectation was successfully

achieved. Therefore, the teacher and the researcher did not need to

conduct the nextcycle.

c. Calculation ofMean

Table 3.10 Difference square of Pre and Post test Score in

Cycle II

Pre Post
No Nama Test Test D D2
1 Agnes Ardita 50
(Y1) 20 400
2 Fitriyani 65 75 10 100
3 HikmalAbror 50 55 5 25
4 IsmawatiIndiyana 70 85 15 225
5 RifkyAmeylia M. 75 85 10 100
6 Muhammad Jalaludin 70 75 5 25
7 Sofro 75 80 5 25
8 NurLaela 75 75 0 0
9 Sri Wahyuni 80 80 0 0
10 Yusuf Affandi 75 85 10 100
Total ∑X1 ∑Y1 ∑D ∑ D2
N=10 685 765 80 1000

d. Mean of the Pre-Test

M= 𝑁

= 10

= 68,500

e. Mean of the Post-Test

M= 𝑁

= 10

= 76,500

In the cycle II, the mean of the pre-test was 68,500 and the

mean of the post test was 76,500. It means that the mean of the post

test was bigger than the mean of the pre-test. It could be concluded

that there was significant improvement in using group investigation

technique for improving the students’ speaking skill.

f. Calculation of the Mean Difference

MD = 𝑁


= 8

g. Calculation of Standard Deviation

∑ 𝐷2 ∑𝐷 2
𝑆𝐷𝐷 =√ −( )

1000 80 2
=√ − (10)

= √100 − (8)2

√100 − 64



h. Standard Error for the Mean Difference






i. Calculation of T-Test

To = 𝑆𝐷 𝐷

=2 =4

From the data of the cycle 2, the researcher and the teacher found that the

T-test was 4, and the T-table with N-1 was 2,262. The significant level was

5%. The value of T-test was bigger than T-table. Therefore, the researcher

and the teacher could conclude that the result of the cycle II was really

significant. The significant difference of the cycle 2 was 4.

Then, the researcher took the data into T-test analysis provided score that

score t-test of cycle II – the score t-test of cycle II(4 – 3,342 = 0,658) which is

showing positive result (t >0,05 = H0 is accepted). From the statistical data above,

the researcher knew that the use of group investigation teaching model has

improved the students’ speaking skill as the research in MtsSudirmanJambu,

Semarang has been conducted. So, the researcher concluded that the use of group

investigation teaching model can improve students’ speaking skill.

Finally, the teacherand the researcher successfully conducted this

research. It meant also that the use of group investigation improved the students’

speaking skill in seventh grade students of MTs SudirmanJambu Semarang in the

academic year 2016/2017.



A. Conclusion

This chapter served and presented the conclusion of the usage of group

investigation teaching method to improve the students’ speaking skill. Based

on thedata analysis about the usage of group investigation to improve

students’ speaking skill on MTs Sudirman Jambu Semarang can be concluded


1. By leading the speaking lesson in frame of group investigation, the

researcher found each of students’ speaking performance. The

researcher saw how was the atmosphere of the class affected the

students’ lesson. It can be seen by analyzing the difference between

the personal speech in class and in group. They did not feel comfort to

share their own answer to the class straight. It was difference where

they shared their own finding in group first. Then they feel brave

enough to share it to other member, group, and class. From this

situation, we can see the good point of using group work in class. The

application of group investigation teaching model to

improvestudents’speaking skill by the media of descriptive text was

done in two cycles.In the cycle I, the researcher used the descriptive

text from the equipment in class to keep the students understand

better. Then in the cycle II the researcher used text of daily life.

2. This research aims to show and prove that the usage of group teaching

modelcan help students to improve theirspeaking skill. The researcher

observed how the studentsinterested in steps of group work. By

leading the lesson in group, the students can shared their finding of

text in identifying generic structure of descriptive text. They shared

their own answer of the task given better in group than telling it in

front of class.The improvement of students’ achievement in speaking

performance by the media of descriptive text after being taught by

using group investigation can beseen from the average score of

students before and after the treatment. The teaching modelimproved

the students’ speaking skill in two cycles until almost ofstudents’

score achieved in KKM (70).

B. Suggestion

From the conclusion above, there are some suggestions:

1. Choosing the right method and designing a lesson according to the

observation of the needs and ability of whole class.

2. Concluding the material from the students experience is needed to

gain the objectives.

3. Using the appropriate media as an optimal way to get the best score of

students in the process of learning.

4. Decide the effective and efficient way to get an optimal result.

5. Keep the student focus on material by leading and transferring it



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Curriculum Vitae

Full Name : Imam Arifin

Nick Name : Imam

Place & Date of Birth : Salatiga July 24th, 1992

Address : Sraten 02/01 Tuntang, Kabupaten Semarang

Faculty : English Department

Email / Phone : / 089677667887

Education History :

1. SD N Sidorejo Lor 03 Salatiga Graduated in 2004

2. SMP N 02 Salatiga Graduated in 2007

3. SMA N 02 Salatiga Graduated in 2010

4. IAIN Salatiga Graduated in 2017


Teacher : Doni Fatah

Researcher : Imam Arifin
Class : VII & VIII of MTs Sudirman Jambu, Semarang.
No Activities Date
1 Contact the Headmaster 23rd February 2017
2 Preliminary visit (Meet curiculum teacher ) 23rd February 2017
Meet the English teacher to ask if the reasearch 23rd February 2017
is macth with curiculum
Meet the headmaster to give research 24th February 2017
4 permission letter

Meet the English teacher to make sure the start 25th February 2017
of the research
6 Cycle I 10th March 2017
7 Class Sharing 17th March 2017
8 Cycle II 31st March 2017
Meet the English teacher to give the result of 4thApril 2017
the action research.

Nama : Imam Arifin

NIM : 113-10-087

Fakultas : Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan

Jurusan : Tadris Bahasa Inggris (TBI)

Dosen PA : Benny Ridwan, M. Hum


Orientasi Pengenalan Akademik Dan
Kemahasiswaan (OPAK), dengan
tema ”Optimalisasi Nalar Kritis 25 - 27 Agustus
1. Peserta
Mahasiswa: Upaya Mengawal 2010
Perubahan Bangsa ke Arah yang
Lebih Baik”
Praktikum User Education oleh UPT 20 - 25 September
2. Peserta
Perpustakaan STAIN Salatiga 2010
Ibtida’ Lembaga Dakwah Kampus
3. 10 Oktober 2010 Peserta
(LDK) IAIN Salatiga
Praktikum Intensive Course &
4. Pronunciation Practice STAIN 1 Maret 2011 Peserta
Konser Perdana Zealous STAIN
5. 20 Maret 2011 Panitia
Music Club (SMC) Salatiga
Music Competition “Save Our Culture
6. 15 -17 Juli 2011 Panitia
By Music” SMC
Praktikum Kepramukaan Jurusan
7. 22 - 27 Juli 2011 Peserta
Tarbiyah STAIN Salatiga
Praktikum Magazine Writing & Public 21 September
8. Peserta
Speaking STAIN Salatiga 2011
Music in Campus "Beat Your Music
9. 22 Oktober 2011 Panitia
Soul" SMC
Pedas Musik XII & Workshop PSM 13-26 Desember
10. Panitia
VI SMC 2011
11. Konser Perdana Cambioso SMC 20 Maret 2012 Panitia
12. Praktikum Book Resume STAIN 28 April 2012 Peserta
Workshop Enterpreneurship
“Mencetak Mahasiswa Enterpreneur
13. 7 – 8 Juli 2012 Peserta
Perubahan Ekonomi Kerakyatan Di
14. Festival Rebana SMC 8 Juli 2012 Panitia
Lomba Menulis Artikel LPM 29 September
15. Peserta
Dinamika STAIN Salatiga 2012
Music in Campus "A Day With
16. 13 Oktober 2012 Panitia
Music" SMC
17. English Friendship Camp CEC 13 Oktober 2012 Peserta
Pelatihan Ustadz – Ustadzah Badko
TPQ Kabupaten Semarang Wilayah
18. 14 Oktober 2012 Peserta
Pokja III Kec. Tuntang, Pabelan,
Bringin & Bancak
Pedas Musik XIII & Workshop PSM 30 November - 2
19. Panitia
VII SMC Desember 2012
Pendidikan Pers Mahasiswa Tingkat
20. 7 Desember 2012 Peserta
Dasar (PPMTD) “Peran Jurnalis di
Kalangan Mahasiswa Dulu, Sekarang,
dan Yang Akan Datang” LPM
Dinamika STAIN Salatiga
21. Music Tribute to Iwan Fals SMC 27 Desember 2012 Panitia
22. Ulang Tahun & Launching Band SMC 13 Februari 2013 Panitia
23. Konser Perdana Extender SMC 20 Maret 2013 Panitia
Teacher Training Workshop on
24. Communicative Language Teaching 2 Mei 2013 Peserta
Seminar “EPST, It’s Your Chance to
25. Express and Show Up Your Skill” 11 Mei 2013 Peserta
CEC STAIN Salatiga
Parade Band Komunitas se-Salatiga
26. 6 Juli 2013 Panitia
SMC "Togetherness With Music"
Konser Produksi PSM SMC
27. 19 Oktober 2013 Panitia
"Senandung Nada DalamWarna"
Seminar Nasional dan Workshop ESQ
28. “Membangun Generasi Mahasiswa 22 November 2013 Peserta
Terbaik” CEC STAIN Salatiga
(RPP) Cycle I
Satuan Pendidikan : MTs

Kelas/Semester : VII/2

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Topik : The Profession

Pertemuan Ke- :1

Alokasi Waktu : 45 menit

Kompetensi Inti
3. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)
berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,
teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata

Kompetensi Dasar
3.10 Memahami tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks
deskriptif lisan dan tulis tentang orang, binatang, dan benda, sangat
pendek dan sederhana.

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.10.1 Menyebutkan informasi seperti nama orang, binatang, dan benda
dan informasi yang menyertainya

3.10.2 Menemukan beberapa kosa kata baru di dalam teks

3.10.3 Memerkirakan arti dari kosa kata baru yang didapat dari teks

3.10.4 Menunjukkan struktur teks deskriptif di teks

3.10.5 Menghubungkan informasi yang ada di dalam teks ke dalam

kegiatan permainan
Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Siswa dapat menyebutkan informasi seperti nama orang, binatang,
dan benda dan informasi yang menyertainya Siswa dapat
menemukan beberapa kosa kata baru di dalam teks
2. Siswa dapat memerkirakan arti dari kosa kata baru yang didapat
dari teks
3. Siswa dapat menunjukkan struktur teks deskriptif di teks
4. Siswa dapat menghubungkan informasi yang ada di dala teks ke
dalam kegiatan permainan

Materi Pembelajaran
Descriptive text
Peter Parker

Peter Parker is the man behind Spiderman actor whose profession

as the pizza delivery person in Spiderman movie. He is the worker of
pizza that we know from the uniform of pizza restaurant. Then, he
used trucker cap which is written “Pizza” in front of his cap head.

In Spiderman movie, as Peter Parker acted as pizza delivery

person usually act like nice boy with full of smile in order to be a
friendly person cause he is the good representative man for customer
as he faces the consumer. As simple nick name in street, the people
usually call him as a pizza boy. We can see in the city street where he
usually uses bicycle with box in front of it or motorcycle with box
behind in order to save the pizza.

New vocabulary from the text

• In order to
• Friendly
• Nick name
Generic structure of the text

Identification : Peter Parker is the man behind Spiderman

actor whose profession as the pizza delivery
person in Spiderman movie. He is the
worker of pizza that we know from the
uniform of pizza restaurant. Then, he used
trucker cap which is written “Pizza” in front
of his cap head.

Description : In Spiderman movie, as Peter Parker acted as

pizza delivery person usually act like nice
boy with full of smile in order to be a
friendly person cause he is the good
representative man for customer as he faces
the consumer. As simple nick name in
street, the people usually call him as a pizza
boy. We can see in the city street where he
usually uses bicycle with box in front of it
or motorcycle with box behind in order to
save the pizza.

Model/Metode Pembelajaran
Pendekatan: Scientific
Strategi: Observing – Questioning – Associating.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi

Pendahuluan • Guru masuk ke kelas dan langsung 2 menit
menyapa menggunakan bahasa Inggris
agar English Environment tercipta.
• Guru mengingatkan siswa tentang
pembahasan descriptive text di
pertemuan beberapa waktu

Inti Observing 10 menit

• Guru melakukan ice breaking dengan
cara menyanyi bersama
• Guru membagikan kuestioner kepada
siswa untuk mengetahui tingkatan
tekhnik membaca para siswa
• Guru menanyakan beberapa hal
tentang teks deskriptif kepada siswa
• Guru membagikan sebuah lirik lagu
kepada siswa dan mengajaknya
bernyanyi bersama.
• Guru memberikan soal berupa test
untuk para siswa.

Exploring – Questioning 10 menit

• Guru meminta siswa untuk membaca
• Guru meminta salah satu siswa untuk
membaca teks dengan suara lantang.
• Guru memberikan kesempatan pada
siswa untuk menemukan kosakata baru
dan menanyakan dan mencoba
menemukan artinya.

Guru menjelaskan arti kosakata baru dengan

lebih rinci saat dibutuhkan.
Associating 20 menit
• Guru membagi kelas menjadi dua
• Guru memberikan dua lembar kertas
berisi nama – nama profesi pekerjaan.
• Guru menjelaskan langkah-langkah
dan peraturan permainan.
• Guru memastikan setiap siswa dapat
melakukan permainan.
• Guru mengeja profesi dalam text
tersebut dan menyuruh siswa membuat
deskripsi tentang profesi itu.
• Guru mendiskusikan hasil permainan
dengan siswa.
• Guru menunjukkan kembali teks yang
telah dibahas.
• Guru meminta siswa untuk
menunjukkan bagian-bagian struktur
teks deskriptif dari teks tersebut.

Penutup • Guru mendiskusikan beberapa 3 menit

kesalahan ataupun kesulitan yang
mungkin ditemui selama proses
• Guru memberikan ringkasan dari
pelajaran kali ini.
• Siswa diberi tugas membuat daftar
barang yang ada di kelas untuk
pembelajaran minggu depan.

Sumber/Media Pembelajaran
Sumber: Internet
Media: Text Print Out, White board, board marker
– Kognitif

– Keaktifan dan sikap siswa selama proses pembelajaran

Rubrik Penilaian Kelas

Aspek yang dinilai

Pengetahuan Keaktifan Sikap

No Nama Total




Nama Kegiatan :

Tanggal Pelaksanaan :

Kelas :
Perhitungan nilai: X 100 =

Rincian aspek penilaian

Kosa kata
1 = terlalu banyak kesalahan hingga sulit memahami dan dipahami
2 = banyak kesalahan dan mengganggu pemahaman makna
3 = ada kesalahan dan mengganggu pemahaman makna
4 = ada kesalahan tapi tidak mengganggu pemahaman makna
5 = hampir tidak ada kesalahan dan makna mudah tersampaikan
1 = tidak mampu menemukan kesalahan sama sekali
2 = kurang mampu menemukan kesalahan
3 = mampu menemukan beberapa kesalahan
4 = mampu menemukan sebagian besar kesalahan
5 = mampu menemukan semua kesalahan
1 = tidak menunjukkan pemahaman terhadap materi sama sekali
2 = menunjukkan sedikit pemahaman terhadap materi dengan mampu
menjawab satu-dua pertanyaan dengan tepat dan benar
3 = menunjukkan cukup pemahaman terhadap materi dengan mampu
menjawab sebagian pertanyaan dengan tepat dan benar
4 = memahami materi dan mampu menjawab hampir semua pertanyaan
dengan tepat
5 = memahami materi dan mampu menjawab semua pertanyaan dengan
tepat dan benar
Kerja sama
1 = tidak pernah bekerja sama saat proses permainan kelompok
2 = sering tidak mau bekerja sama saat proses permainan kelompok
3 = beberapa kali menolak untuk melakukan kerja sama dengan kelompok
4 = sesekali menolak kerja sama dengan kelompok
5 = selalu bekerja sama dalam permainan kelompok
1 = tidak bersikap jujur saat proses pembelajaran
2 = sering kali tidak bersikap jujur saat proses pembelajaran
3 = beberapa kali tidak bersikap jujur saat proses pembelajaran
4 = sering bersikap jujur saat proses pembelajaran
5 = selalu bersikap jujur saat proses pembelajaran
1 = tidak pernah berlaku hormat kepada guru dan teman
2 = sering kali menunjukkan sikap tidak hormat terhadap guru dan teman
3 = beberapa kali menunjukkan sikap tidak hormat terhadap guru dan
4 = sesekali menunjukkan sikap tidak hormat terhadap guru dan teman
5 = tidak pernah bersikap tidak hormat kepada guru dan teman
1 = tidak pernah bersedia maju atau mau ditunjuk
2 = sering mengelak saat ditunjuk maupun diminta maju
3 = beberapa kali mengelak saat ditunjuk maupun diminta maju
4 = sesekali masih mengelak saat ditunjuk maupun diminta maju
5 = selalu bersedia maju dan mau ditunjuk
(RPP) Class Sharing
Satuan Pendidikan : MTs

Kelas/Semester : VII/2

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Topik : My Class

Pertemuan Ke- :2

Alokasi Waktu : 45 menit

Kompetensi Inti
3. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)
berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,
teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata

Kompetensi Dasar
3.10 Memahami tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks
deskriptif lisan dan tulis tentang orang, binatang, dan benda, sangat
pendek dan sederhana.

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.10.1 Menyebutkan informasi seperti nama dan sifat binatang yang
didapat dari teks

3.10.2 Menemukan beberapa kosa kata baru di dalam teks

3.10.3 Memerkirakan arti dari kosa kata baru yang didapat dari teks

3.10.4 Menunjukkan struktur teks deskriptif di teks

3.10.5 Menghubungkan informasi yang ada di dalam teks ke dalam

kegiatan permainan
Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Siswa dapat menyebutkan informasi seperti nama dan sifat binatang
yang didapat dari teks
2. Siswa dapat menemukan beberapa kosa kata baru di dalam teks
3. Siswa dapat memerkirakan arti dari kosa kata baru yang didapat dari
4. Siswa dapat menunjukkan struktur teks deskriptif di teks
5. Siswa dapat menghubungkan informasi yang ada di dala teks ke
dalam kegiatan permainan
Materi Pembelajaran
Descriptive text
My Class

My class in school is near my house. It is only about five-minutes

from my house. My class is quiet class as it is located in the corner of

My class is one of big room in school. It is clean and a place with

full of lamp and decoration. In front of it, we can see one white board
and some photograph of Indonesian heroes a side. It has four windows
in the right that show good landscape of rice field scenery. We really
enjoy spend the time for our lesson in this class. It is conducive to add
our motivation on learning in this cozy room.

New vocabulary from the text

• quiet
• conducive
• cozy
Generic structure of the text

Identification :My class in school is near my house. It is only

about five-minutes from my house. My class is
quiet class as it is located in the corner of

Description :My class is one of big room in school. It is

clean and a place with full of lamp and
decoration. In front of it, we can see one white
board and some photograph of Indonesian
heroes a side. It has four windows in the right
that show good landscape of rice field scenery.
We really enjoy spend the time for our lesson
in this class. It is conducive to add our
motivation on learning in this cozy room.
Model/Metode Pembelajaran
Pendekatan: Group Investigation
Strategi: Observing – Questioning – Associating.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi

Pendahuluan • Guru masuk ke kelas dan langsung 2 menit
menyapa menggunakan bahasa Inggris
agar English Environment tercipta.
• Guru mengingatkan siswa tentang
pembahasan descriptive text di
pertemuan beberapa waktu

Inti Observing 10 menit

• Guru menanyakan beberapa
pertanyaan yang berhubungan teks
• Guru membagikan sebuah contoh
tentang teks deskripsi kepada siswa.
• Guru menanyakan apa fungsi gambar
pada sebuah teks.
• Guru memberikan waktu kepada siswa
untuk menuliskan jawaban mereka
dalam selembar kertas.
• Guru menjelaskan sedikit hal tentang
bagaimana cara membaca dan strategi
membaca yang benar.
• Guru memberikan waktu kepada siswa
untuk mendiskusikan apa yang ada
dalam teks yang telah diberikan di
awal tadi.
• Guru meminta siswa untuk menuliskan
apa yang mereka pahami tentang teks
yang mereka baca tadi.

Exploring – Questioning 10 menit

• Guru meminta siswa untuk membaca
• Guru meminta salah satu siswa untuk
membaca teks dengan suara lantang.
• Guru memberikan kesempatan pada
siswa untuk menemukan kosakata baru
dan menanyakan dan mencoba
menemukan artinya.
Guru menjelaskan arti kosakata baru dengan
lebih rinci saat dibutuhkan.
Associating 20 menit
• Guru membagi kelas menjadi dua
• Guru memberikan dua lembar kertas
tentang daftar barang –barang yang
ada di kelas kepada tiap kelompok.
• Guru menjelaskan langkah-langkah
dan peraturan diskusi dalam Group
• Guru memastikan setiap siswa dapat
melakukan Group Work tersebut.
• Guru membacakan kalimat dalam tiap
• Guru mendiskusikanvocabulary yang
ada di tiap teks yang dibuat masing –
masing kelompok.
• Guru menunjukkan kembali teks yang
telah dibahas.
• Guru meminta siswa untuk
menunjukkan bagian-bagian struktur
teks deskriptif dari teks tersebut.

Penutup • Guru mendiskusikan beberapa 3 menit

kesalahan ataupun kesulitan yang
mungkin ditemui selama proses
• Guru memberikan ringkasan dari
pelajaran kali ini.
• Siswa diberi tugas membuat teks
deskriptif tentang rumah mereka.

Sumber/Media Pembelajaran
Sumber: Internet
Media: Text Print Out, Pictures, White board, board marker.
– Kognitif

– Keaktifan dan sikap siswa selama proses pembelajaran

Rubrik Penilaian Kelas

Aspek yang dinilai

Pengetahuan Keaktifan Sikap

No Nama Total




Nama Kegiatan :

Tanggal Pelaksanaan :

Kelas :
Perhitungan nilai: X 100 =

Rincian aspek penilaian

Kosa kata
1 = terlalu banyak kesalahan hingga sulit memahami dan dipahami
2 = banyak kesalahan dan mengganggu pemahaman makna
3 = ada kesalahan dan mengganggu pemahaman makna
4 = ada kesalahan tapi tidak mengganggu pemahaman makna
5 = hampir tidak ada kesalahan dan makna mudah tersampaikan
1 = tidak mampu menemukan kesalahan sama sekali
2 = kurang mampu menemukan kesalahan
3 = mampu menemukan beberapa kesalahan
4 = mampu menemukan sebagian besar kesalahan
5 = mampu menemukan semua kesalahan
1 = tidak menunjukkan pemahaman terhadap materi sama sekali
2 = menunjukkan sedikit pemahaman terhadap materi dengan mampu
menjawab satu-dua pertanyaan dengan tepat dan benar
3 = menunjukkan cukup pemahaman terhadap materi dengan mampu
menjawab sebagian pertanyaan dengan tepat dan benar
4 = memahami materi dan mampu menjawab hampir semua pertanyaan
dengan tepat
5 = memahami materi dan mampu menjawab semua pertanyaan dengan
tepat dan benar
Kerja sama
1 = tidak pernah bekerja sama saat proses permainan kelompok
2 = sering tidak mau bekerja sama saat proses permainan kelompok
3 = beberapa kali menolak untuk melakukan kerja sama dengan kelompok
4 = sesekali menolak kerja sama dengan kelompok
5 = selalu bekerja sama dalam permainan kelompok
1 = tidak bersikap jujur saat proses pembelajaran
2 = sering kali tidak bersikap jujur saat proses pembelajaran
3 = beberapa kali tidak bersikap jujur saat proses pembelajaran
4 = sering bersikap jujur saat proses pembelajaran
5 = selalu bersikap jujur saat proses pembelajaran
1 = tidak pernah berlaku hormat kepada guru dan teman
2 = sering kali menunjukkan sikap tidak hormat terhadap guru dan teman
3 = beberapa kali menunjukkan sikap tidak hormat terhadap guru dan
4 = sesekali menunjukkan sikap tidak hormat terhadap guru dan teman
5 = tidak pernah bersikap tidak hormat kepada guru dan teman
1 = tidak pernah bersedia maju atau mau ditunjuk
2 = sering mengelak saat ditunjuk maupun diminta maju
3 = beberapa kali mengelak saat ditunjuk maupun diminta maju
4 = sesekali masih mengelak saat ditunjuk maupun diminta maju
5 = selalu bersedia maju dan mau ditunjuk
(RPP) Cycle II
Satuan Pendidikan : SMP

Kelas/Semester : VII/2

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Topik : My House

Pertemuan Ke- :3

Alokasi Waktu : 45 menit

Kompetensi Inti
3. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)
berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,
teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata

Kompetensi Dasar
3.10 Memahami tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks
deskriptif lisan dan tulis tentang orang, binatang, dan benda, sangat
pendek dan sederhana.

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.10.1 Menyebutkan informasi seperti nama dan sifat binatang yang
didapat dari teks

3.10.2 Menemukan beberapa kosa kata baru di dalam teks

3.10.3 Memerkirakan arti dari kosa kata baru yang didapat dari teks

3.10.4 Menunjukkan struktur teks deskriptif di teks

3.10.5 Menghubungkan informasi yang ada di dalam teks ke dalam

kegiatan permainan
Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Siswa dapat menyebutkan informasi seperti nama dan sifat
binatang yang didapat dari teks
2. Siswa dapat menemukan beberapa kosa kata baru di dalam teks
3. Siswa dapat memerkirakan arti dari kosa kata baru yang didapat
dari teks
4. Siswa dapat menunjukkan struktur teks deskriptif di teks
5. Siswa dapat menghubungkan informasi yang ada di dala teks ke
dalam kegiatan permainan
Materi Pembelajaran
Descriptive text (terlampir)
Model/Metode Pembelajaran
Pendekatan: Scientific
Strategi: Observing – Questioning – Associating.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi

Pendahuluan • Guru masuk ke kelas dan langsung 2 menit
menyapa menggunakan bahasa Inggris
agar English Environment tercipta.
• Guru mengingatkan siswa tentang
pembahasan descriptive text di
pertemuan beberapa waktu

Inti Observing 10 menit

• Guru menanyakan beberapa
pertanyaan yang berhubungan teks

• Guru membagi siswa dalam 2

• Guru menjelaskan peraturan dan
langkah-langkah dari diskusi serta
memberikan contoh jika diperlukan.
• Guru membagikansoal dan
permasalahan pada tiap kelompok
untuk dipecahkan.
• Guru memberikan waktu kepada siswa
untuk mendiskusikan apa yang ada
dalam teks yang mereka dapat.
• Guru meminta satu kelompok untuk
menjawab pertanyaan dari kelompok
• Guru meminta kelompok lain untuk
menjawab benar atau salah.

Exploring – Questioning 10 menit

• Guru meminta siswa untuk membaca
• Guru meminta salah satu siswa untuk
membaca teks dengan suara lantang.
• Guru memberikan kesempatan pada
siswa untuk menemukan kosakata baru
dan menanyakan dan mencoba
menemukan artinya.

Guru menjelaskan arti kosakata baru dengan

lebih rinci saat dibutuhkan.
Associating 10 menit
• Guru membagi kelas menjadi dua
• Guru memberikan sebuah penutup
mata kepada tiap kelompok.
• Guru menjelaskan langkah-langkah
dan peraturan dalam diskusi Group
• Guru memastikan setiap siswa dapat
melakukan diskusi.
• Guru membacakan kalimat dalam teks
di Lembar Kerja Siswa.
• Guru mendiskusikanpertanyaan
dengan siswa.
• Guru menunjukkan kembali teks dan
daftar kata – kata baru dalam teks yang
telah dibahas.
• Guru meminta siswa untuk
menunjukkan bagian-bagian struktur
teks deskriptif dari teks tersebut.

Penutup • Guru mendiskusikan beberapa 3 menit

kesalahan ataupun kesulitan yang
mungkin ditemui selama proses
• Guru memberikan ringkasan dari
pelajaran kali ini.

Sumber/Media Pembelajaran
Sumber: Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS)
Media: White board, and board marker
– Kognitif

– Keaktifan dan sikap siswa selama proses pembelajaran

Rubrik Penilaian Kelas

Aspek yang dinilai

Pengetahuan Keaktifan Sikap


No Nama Total




Nama Kegiatan :

Tanggal Pelaksanaan :

Kelas :
Perhitungan nilai: X 100 =

Rincian aspek penilaian

Kosa kata
1 = terlalu banyak kesalahan hingga sulit memahami dan dipahami
2 = banyak kesalahan dan mengganggu pemahaman makna
3 = ada kesalahan dan mengganggu pemahaman makna
4 = ada kesalahan tapi tidak mengganggu pemahaman makna
5 = hampir tidak ada kesalahan dan makna mudah tersampaikan
1 = tidak mampu menemukan kesalahan sama sekali
2 = kurang mampu menemukan kesalahan
3 = mampu menemukan beberapa kesalahan
4 = mampu menemukan sebagian besar kesalahan
5 = mampu menemukan semua kesalahan
1 = tidak menunjukkan pemahaman terhadap materi sama sekali
2 = menunjukkan sedikit pemahaman terhadap materi dengan mampu
menjawab satu-dua pertanyaan dengan tepat dan benar
3 = menunjukkan cukup pemahaman terhadap materi dengan mampu
menjawab sebagian pertanyaan dengan tepat dan benar
4 = memahami materi dan mampu menjawab hampir semua pertanyaan
dengan tepat
5 = memahami materi dan mampu menjawab semua pertanyaan dengan
tepat dan benar
Kerja sama
1 = tidak pernah bekerja sama saat proses permainan kelompok
2 = sering tidak mau bekerja sama saat proses permainan kelompok
3 = beberapa kali menolak untuk melakukan kerja sama dengan kelompok
4 = sesekali menolak kerja sama dengan kelompok
5 = selalu bekerja sama dalam permainan kelompok
1 = tidak bersikap jujur saat proses pembelajaran
2 = sering kali tidak bersikap jujur saat proses pembelajaran
3 = beberapa kali tidak bersikap jujur saat proses pembelajaran
4 = sering bersikap jujur saat proses pembelajaran
5 = selalu bersikap jujur saat proses pembelajaran
1 = tidak pernah berlaku hormat kepada guru dan teman
2 = sering kali menunjukkan sikap tidak hormat terhadap guru dan teman
3 = beberapa kali menunjukkan sikap tidak hormat terhadap guru dan
4 = sesekali menunjukkan sikap tidak hormat terhadap guru dan teman
5 = tidak pernah bersikap tidak hormat kepada guru dan teman
1 = tidak pernah bersedia maju atau mau ditunjuk
2 = sering mengelak saat ditunjuk maupun diminta maju
3 = beberapa kali mengelak saat ditunjuk maupun diminta maju
4 = sesekali masih mengelak saat ditunjuk maupun diminta maju
5 = selalu bersedia maju dan mau ditunjuk
A Research Process in MTs Sudiran Jambu, Semarang

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