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The Module 1 Action Guide

from the highly acclaimed course

Six Steps to Sustainable Success
Start 2014 with clarity,
confidence and purpose.

Discover how you can save $200 on the entire

Six Steps to Sustainable Success course.
Check out my New Year’s message below or email us at | |

© 2014 All Rights Reserved. Jane Deuber International

Let’s get you ready for your best year yet!
If you are reading this New Year message it means that you are
among the remarkable, vision-driven entrepreneurs who make up my
online community and whom I am committed to serve and inspire.

It also means you are a person who is looking to create a

breakthrough in your business in 2014 and is willing to take the steps
necessary to make that happen. I love that about you already!

What follows is my New Year’s gift to you – the Module 1 Action

Guide from one of my favorite courses, Six Steps to Sustainable
Success. This is the first of six essential steps every business owner
must take to have a massively profitable and highly leveraged business for years to come.

When it comes to succeeding in business, these 3 things ring true for every entrepreneur....
1. Your success is driven by four foundational elements… 1) the mission that drives you,
2) the market you are here to serve, 3) the messages you use to attract your ideal
clients and 4) your revenue model that outlines where the money will come from.

2. Each year, no matter where you are on your path, you have to re-examine all four
elements in order to breathe new life into your business and attract the clients, team
members and opportunities that will get you to your goal.

3. You don’t need to go it alone. There is power and wisdom in following a proven process
and getting the support you need to take your business to the next level of success.

Don’t wait another minute… start 2014 off right by completing this Module 1 Action Guide.

Better yet, say yes to the complete Six Steps Course experience. Each module includes
powerful videos, step-by-step exercises and live coaching calls where you can get support as
you complete each of the six essential steps. Be among the first 25 people to enroll in the Six
Steps Course and save $200 by using the discount code “2014” on the checkout page.

With love and excitement for what 2014 can hold for you!

PS. Save $200 on my favorite course designed to transform your business success!

© 2014 All Rights Reserved. Jane Deuber International

Module 1: Strengthen Your
Business Foundations
By Jane Deuber

In this Module, you will access a deeper understanding of the key components that will transform
your marketing message from average to irresistible. You will create a clear and compelling method
to express how your gifts, talents and experience come together to impact powerful change in the
lives of your ideal clients. And finally, you will begin the incredibly important work of defining how
the revenue will flow into your business over the next 6 months.

Armed with this deeper understanding of the value you deliver, you will be able to create powerful
marketing messages that can be used in networking, sales conversations, email marketing and
launch campaigns… just to name a few!

Module 1 Outcomes…
 An ability to strategically think through and define the four foundations of your business
 An understanding of how your talents, experience and personal triumphs translate into your
 A greater sense of clarity, confidence and purpose with regard to what makes you unique
 A crystal clear picture of the ideal client you can’t wait to serve and who wants to work with you
 A clear offer progression that will serve as the basis of your marketing model
 A first pass at your marketing message… how you communicate the value you bring to clients
 A strategy for moving beyond self-doubt and “how dare you” when completing these four steps

The Four Foundations of a Masterful Business

“One of the biggest mistakes business owners make is failing to clarify the four foundations of a
successful business. It’s the equivalent to building the second floor of a building before the first floor is
complete! The foundation isn’t strong enough to support it.” Jane Deuber

The Four Fabulous Foundations are…

© 2014 All Rights Reserved. Jane Deuber International

Mission - What work are you here to do?
Markets - Who are you here to serve?
Message - What pain do you heal or what dream do you fulfill?
Model - Where will the revenues come from?

The Power of Strategic Thinking

The process of defining the four foundations of your business is your first invitation to embrace the
power of strategic thinking for your business. Not only will it result in clear, compelling, marketing
messages, it also ushers you in to a new way of seeing your business and your role as a business

Strategic Thinking is Defined as…The ability to come up with effective plans in line with an
organization's objectives within a particular economic situation. Strategic thinking helps business
managers review policy issues, perform short and long range planning, set goals and determine
priorities, and work more effectively for greater results.

When you hone the skill of strategic thinking, you step powerfully into your role of business owner
and have a powerful market position that impacts your success. So let the games begin!

Four Steps to a Stronger Marketing Message

Step 1: Fully Express Your Mission
Step 2: Define Your Ideal Tribe
Step 3: Craft Compelling Messages
Step 4: Diversify Your Revenues

Step 1: Fully Express Your Mission


 Is a MOVEMENT… a positive change you want to bring to a larger audience

 Is born out of a pain you have personally experienced or have witnessed in those you love
 Is an expression of your inborn talents, past triumphs, knowledge and experience
 Represents something other people also desire for themselves
 Is forever changing and expanding
 Evolves at the rate of your own personal and professional evolution
 Is often fueled by disempowering emotions that are rooted in your past
 Always has the aim of impacting positive change

The Power of Mission

When you are connected to your mission – everything changes. You are more committed,
determined, courageous, willing and fulfilled.
 It gives your life meaning and significance
 It inspires you to do the things you wouldn’t otherwise do
© 2014 All Rights Reserved. Jane Deuber International
 It leaves a legacy that lasts beyond your work in the world
 It connects you with the bigger version of yourself
 It attracts people and opportunities to you

Blocks to Finding Your Mission

 Low “Deserve” Level (feelings of unworthiness)

 Fear of Failure or Success
 The “Who am I to…” Voice
 Other People’s Fears or Jealousies
 Not Knowing How to Access

How to Find Your Mission

Your mission is often born out of a personal experience you’ve had or from witnessing an injustice
experienced by others. So to further your mission or perhaps discover it for the first time, you must
be willing to look closely at your own life path to connect with your mission.

Here are some examples of how one’s life path gave birth to their work in the world.

The Pain The Desire The Movement The Biz The Person
Quiet desperation - loss To experience a life with Entrepreneurial Business Me
of self, balance, health, meaning, space, fun, Empowerment – so Mastery &
joy and relationships in fulfillment and loving others don’t The
the process of growing relationships, while having a experience the pain I Archetypes
a business wildly successful business felt.
“Waking up” in his life To learn to love himself and Love of Self Changing John
only to discover that it to create a life that was a the way Dulworth
didn’t look the way he reflection of his passions and people
wanted it to and when gifts. experience
he looked into the themselves
mirror, didn’t like the and their
guy he saw. lives.
Fear of becoming a bag To be able to take care of Financial Financial Rachel
lady in her older years herself financially Empowerment - so Wellness Landphere
others don’t have to
live with debilitating
financial fears
Years of hiding the To love herself enough to Self-esteem for Estimable Francine
mental and physical break free of the abuse and women – so women Acts Ward
abuse in her marriage oppression take control of their
Never feeling liked, To be seen, loved and The art of creating Fascinate Sally
accepted and worthy as admired by others meaningful Hogshead
a child connections

© 2014 All Rights Reserved. Jane Deuber International

Now it’s your Turn!

An Intuitive Exploration
Move through the following questions as quickly as you can, writing the first few responses that
come to mind when it comes to your work in the world. Move quickly and don’t overthink it. ;-)

1. What pisses you off or breaks your heart?

2. What MUST change?

3. What do the people you serve desperately need?

After reviewing your responses above, answer the following questions as thoughtfully as you can.
1. Where in your past have you personally experienced this?

2. How did that feel at the time you were experiencing it?

3. How did that provide you with empathy for this group?

Now let’s look at how you are qualified to lead the movement.
1. What did you do to overcome this issue for yourself?

2. What insight and skills have you developed to cope with this plight?

3. What do others need to know in order to overcome this obstacle?

4. How are you uniquely qualified to lead this movement?

Now bring it home into a first pass expression of YOUR mission.

© 2014 All Rights Reserved. Jane Deuber International

Step 2: Define Your Ideal Tribe
“When we finally have the courage to define in detail the individuals we are most passionate about
serving and who are ready and waiting for what we offer, the Universe clears a path for them to find
us.” Jane Deuber

Who are you being called to serve through your business?

Your Ideal Target Market…

 Wants you as much as you want them
 Has a problem they are aware of that you can solve
 Has money to invest in your talent
 Urgently needs the help you provide
 Are individuals you love working with
 Has a network they can refer you to

Primary and Secondary Target Market

You’ve got to commit! Your business must have only one primary target market that represents
the individual you are most committed to serving. While a second target market is possible, they
take a back seat to your primary market when it comes to your message and the time you invest
in acquiring them.

Choosing your tribe…

Saves you time – you know where they are
Saves you money – can focus on a smaller group
Saves your breath – fewer words are needed to communicate your value
Saves you from appearing salesy – they need what you have

Create a “Target Market Avatar”

To assist you in finding and attracting the perfect client, let’s create a client avatar that gives you
a picture you can see in your mind’s eye. Now fill out the detail by picturing their gender,
appearance, dress, demeanor and personality. Cool… now give them a name!

© 2014 All Rights Reserved. Jane Deuber International

Now it’s your Turn!

Describe your tribe

1. _________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________

Let’s go on a “Right Brain” Exploration of Your Ideal Client

Grab some colored markers and in the space below, draw pictures, symbols, words and images
that remind you of the person you are here to serve.

© 2014 All Rights Reserved. Jane Deuber International

A “Left Brain” Exploration of Who Are Here To Serve
As you picture an avatar of your ideal client, answer the following questions as best you can.

Psychographic (psychological characteristics)

Personality Style:

Demographic (physical characteristics)

Marital status:
Geographic location:

Describe your SECONDARY Target Market.

Psychographic (psychological characteristics)
Personality Style:

Demographic (physical characteristics)

Marital status:
Geographic location:

© 2014 All Rights Reserved. Jane Deuber International

Step 3: Craft Compelling Messages
“To find your compelling message you must give voice to your own story – that big, juicy and often
messy thing you are here to work through. Find it and you will become a magnet to those you are here
to serve. And PS… it’s a never ending journey!” Jane Deuber

Your message is an expression of the unique and powerful solution you provide your clients.

Your Message…
 Is infused with hints of your mission
 Turns your life experience into your expertise
 Expresses the solution you offer in a compelling way
 Offers hints of your unique process that produces the results they want
 Paints a picture of how it will feel to experience the benefit
 Must be defined from the client’s perspective not yours
 Includes an element of “confession” of something you might not otherwise share

For example… my story of losing myself in my first business brings to life WHY I am so driven to
empower entrepreneurs to have a kick-ass business and plenty of room for a deeply fun and
fulfilling personal life.

Infuse Your Message with a Deliberate Voice

Your voice is the tone, personality and vibe built into your message. It must be aligned with the
look and feel of your brand.

Examples of deliberate voice…

 Spiritual (Deepak Chopra)
 Conservative (Bill O’Reilly)
 Friendly & Fun (Kelly Rippa)
 Trustworthy (Matt Laur)
 Creative & Fun (John D)
 In your face (Suzanne Evans)
 Intimate & Enlightened (Mike Dooley – Notes from the Universe)
 Experienced and Inspirational (Me!)

The Big Paradigm Shift…

People do not want what you do - they want the outcome or benefit of what you do.

For example… people don’t want strategic planning, they want the feelings of clarity, confidence
and courage and the improved results that having a clear, written plan will give them.

© 2014 All Rights Reserved. Jane Deuber International

Now it’s your Turn!

What has been an AHA moment in your life or a full out Wake-Up Call?

As quickly as you can, write out four “problems, benefits, and solutions” for your primary target

Problem Benefits Solution

Lack of profitability More sales Clear message, offer and sales

List five words that describe the voice you want to infuse into your message?

1. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________

Imagine you are sitting with a new acquaintance in a coffee shop or bar and they ask… so tell me
about what you do? What are a few ways you could answer that question?

© 2014 All Rights Reserved. Jane Deuber International

Step 4: Diversify Your Revenues
“Having multiple ways to create revenue is essential because not only does it expand your opportunities
for sales, it allows you to detach from the outcome of each sales conversation or campaign, knowing
there is money flowing in from multiple sources.” Jane Deuber

Having multiple streams of revenue…

 Makes you less susceptible to outside risk
 Allows you to leverage your base overhead
 Helps you ride seasonal dips in revenues
 Keeps your business interesting
 Gives you peace of mind
 Can lead to the birth of a division or company

Types of revenue streams

1. Service Based Revenues – Selling your time for money – it’s limited!
2. Product Based Revenue - Limited by inventory & distribution but requires less of you
3. Event Based Revenue – Sporadic and more of a marketing avenue
4. 3rd Party Revenue - Referral fees and affiliate commissions
5. Automated Revenue - Automated virtual sales and licensed content

Revenue Build Out

One to one
One to few
One to many

Prioritize the Possibilities

Time Commitment
Do you have the time to invest?
Capital Requirement
Do you have the money to invest?
Phase of Business Growth (Timing)
Is this the right time to implement this?
Non-monetary Benefit
Is there a secondary reason to do this?
The Joy Factor
How much do you love doing this?

Examples of Revenue Streams for Experts

Speaking & Training
 Keynotes
 Workshops
 Half-day Sessions
© 2014 All Rights Reserved. Jane Deuber International
Live Events
 Showcase Events
 Half Day Workshops
 Workshop w/ Partner
 Weekend Retreats
 Multi-speaker events

 One-time Session
 Group Coaching Package
 Group Masterminds
 Immersion

 Project Based Consulting
 Retainer (on call)
 Interim Expert

Products & Programs

 Books
 Audios Programs
 Home Study Courses
 Tele-courses
 Virtual Courses
 Train the Trainer
 Subscriptions
 Memberships
 Licensing

Affiliate Sales
 Referral fee on product or services you recommend to others

Professional Services
 Unique to your industry (example, facials, teeth whitening, massage, etc.)

Step 1: Place a checkmark () next to the ways you currently bring in revenue.

Step 2: Place a star () after the revenue streams you would most like to add to your Money
Model in the next three months

© 2014 All Rights Reserved. Jane Deuber International

Step 3: List a revenue stream you will put into place over the next month.

Step 4: Make a comprehensive list of the steps you need to take to put this revenue stream to work
in your business.

Don’t Go It Alone… Get Support!

This is just the first of 6 powerful steps you need to take in order to take your business to
the next level. If you want to quicken the process and get access to all six steps, valuable-
training videos and bonus content, consider investing in the Six Steps to Sustainable Success
course. For a limited time, you can save $200 off your course investment by putting the
code “2014” in the discount field when you check out.

Click here to get the full picture of this powerful course:

Have questions? Email us at or call 831-375-6856. | |

© 2014 All Rights Reserved. Jane Deuber International

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