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Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Technology in the Classroom

The contemporary world provides us with the astonishing technology which contributes to that the
environment around us becomes more and more digitized. There is no exception when it comes to discussing
educational establishments. Most of them are full of gadgets and various electrical appliances but even so, is it
worth using technology in the classroom.
Before any conclusions, let us consider the most important advantages of technology usage. First
of all, the main intrinsic merit of using various devices at school is that in such a way it is much easier to
influence and motivate schoolchildren to study. The younger generation is obsessed with technologies,
therefore usually it is very simple to attract children attention. Also, another advantage is that using it
amazingly expands both the teacher’s and the students’ abilities. Today teachers may check attendance, test
results and share them with parents instantly, whereas children may easily find or check facts, alternative
On the other hand, using technologies in the classroom sometimes causes a negative impact on
children’s education. Firstly, an important drawback is that technology usage stifles relationships and
interaction with the society, inhibits communication and speaking skills development. Schoolchildren are
immersed in the gadgets, forgetting about the environment where they study, their friends and necessity about
various experience gaining. Also, a high cost of technology should be taken into account, because technology
is rather expensive, therefore it may be very costly to provide all classrooms with it.
Overall, technology usage should tip the balance that all education system could succeed but still
despite strong arguments in favour of technology in the classroom there are some convincing facets against it.
274 words

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