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Digitone OS 1.10 Release Information

Elektron Music Machines

December 11, 2018

How to upgrade:

Upgrading from within the OS

• Select SYSTEM in the SETTINGS menu, and then select OS UPGRADE.

• Send the SysEx firmware file to the Digitone either using the MIDI In Port or the USB MIDI In
When the update is done the unit will restart by itself.
After some OS upgrades the bootstrap is also upgraded. This operation must not be aborted, so
never turn the power off until the Digitone tells you to reboot.

Upgrading from the Early Startup Menu

• Hold down the [FUNCTION] button while powering on. This takes you to the Digitone boot
• Enter the OS UPGRADE mode by pressing the [TRIG 4] key.
• Send the SysEx firmware file to the Digitone using the MIDI In Port.
During the transfer a bar in the display shows the progress.
When the update is done the unit will restart by itself, booting the new OS.
After some upgrades the bootstrap is also upgraded, this upgrade is performed right after the first
restart of the Digitone, do not turn the power off during the upgrade.
To transfer the SysEx file, Elektron recommend using either Elektron Transfer application or The
Elektron C6 Tool.
Downgrading the Digitone OS is not supported, and is performed at own risk. User content may be
Should you experience any problems or find any bugs, please report to Elektron support:

The Elektron development team

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List of changes from OS 1.02 to 1.10


Overbridge support added.

Increased the number of LFO speed snap values.
Adjusted size of icons in the SETTINGS menu.
It is now possible to perform copy, paste and clear operations on the MIDI parameter pages.

Bug fixes

When externally synced, the tempo was sometimes indicated as "X.-Y". For example, 85.-2.
The [TRACK] keys flashed trigs from the audio tracks even in MIDI mode.
In the display, lists such as the modulation destination list or the sample select list were flickering
when turning multiple encoders.
In the SCALE menu, MIDI tracks were not named correctly.
Sound locks were not moved when trigs were moved with [FUNC]+[LEFT]/[RIGHT].
The Digitone could under some circumstances freeze during live recording.
FX CONTROL CH in the MIDI channels settings was only used for output of FX parameter changes.
Digitone now handles FX parameters CCs only on the set FX control channel.
Voice stealing mode LOW and HIGH did not work correctly together with unison.
MIDI tracks MIDI channels set to channel 10-16 were changed to default MIDI channels when a
project was reloaded.
After a pattern had played one loop, it was no longer possible to undo the track clear command.
Releasing the [(SYN1, SYN2, FLTR, AMP] key after a clear command made it impossible to undo
the clear command.
Parameter locks copied (and then pasted) with the Copy Track/Page command were not restored
after the pattern was reloaded.
The sequencer switched to the new pattern when the user aborted the pattern paste/clear

List of changes from OS 1.01 to 1.02


Show tag selector when exporting a sound.

Added SYSEX DUMP menu.

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Adjusted text input screen so that the input field is not hidden by the character matrix.
Added 'insert char' functionality to name editor using [FUNC]+[YES].
Show sequencer in paused state with lit [PLAY] and [STOP] keys.
[PAGE] button LED is now lit when in scale setup.

Bug fixes

MIDI notes were not sent when triggering from the Digitone keyboard in chromatic mode, or via an
external device on the Auto Channel.
Under some circumstances the MIDI tracks would stop sending CC values.
Ext. Input level >0 (and arpeggiator on one track) in pattern caused periodic clicking.
NRPN functionality was not available.
Sequencer position PATTERN PAGE LEDs were not lit in play-mode.
Copy/paste/clear/undo functionality on key repeat did not work as intended.
CC values on MIDI tracks stopped sending data.
USB MIDI name reported as Digitakt due to that it used the same USB product ID.
When using USB Midi sysex, the first exported Sound was always broken.
Use of the arpeggiator caused unwanted clicking noise.
Display refresh did not work when ticking a project in the Project Manager.
Tempo presentation glitch could be seen on screen when syncing from external device.
Device would unintentionally respond to CC93 (Solo) MIDI messages.
The function to copy, clear and paste one or several patterns at the same time without leaving the
active pattern did not work.
Pattern change occurred one pattern length to late after receiving a Program Change message
from other Elektron device.
Add Notes feature removed note trigs on other tracks than the active track.
The parameter settings on the VOICE menu were not applied correctly on the first trig of the new
pattern after changing patterns.
The MIDI tracks did not react to MIDI messages received on the track's set MIDI channel.

List of changes from OS 1.00 to 1.01


Added possibility to change the keyboard octave while the sound browser is open, using

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Incoming MIDI notes (sent on the Digitone auto channel) are filtered so that notes outside the
selected scale are discarded.
Help text is hidden when pattern transpose is changed, so that the new value is visible.

Bug fixes

Pattern transpose was not applied until sequencer was restarted.

AENR parameter was difficult to dial.
Unit could, under some circumstances, crash when sequencing arpeggiated sounds on multiple
Manually triggered (not by the sequencer) arpeggios would not play correctly on muted tracks.
Pattern selection LEDs 1,2,9, and 10 would sometimes not have the correct state.
Changing track while playing on the Digitone auto channel could result in hangning notes.
MIDI sequencer would crash under certain circumstances.

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