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Progress Test Unit 8 Test 8B

Progress Test 8B
Name: ___________________________________________

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the modals below and the verbs in
brackets. You will use some of the modals more than once.
be able to have to might must need would
1 Karen is recovering very fast from her illness so she __________________ (go) out soon.
2 I personally ___________________ (want) to work for a big corporation. I don’t like the idea.
3 It __________________ (be) difficult living on such a small income for all those years!
4 A little boy fell into a river, but fortunately we __________________ (rescue) him.
5 Thank goodness we __________________ (hand) in this work until Monday afternoon!
6 She __________________ (be) about seven when she acted in a film for the first time.
7 I kept asking Jill what she had got me for my birthday but she __________________ (tell) me
8 Mrs Robinson ___________ always ___________ (bake) apple pie when she knew her
grandson was coming round.
9 It __________________ (cost) a lot to stay in that hotel so I would look for somewhere more
reasonably priced.
10 We __________________ (hurry). When we got to the gym it turned out that the dance class
had been cancelled.

Mark: ___/10

2 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the words in capitals. The word given cannot be altered in any way.
1 Why don’t we order the stuff online? I have no time to go to the shop. RATHER
I ____________________________________________________________________
2 I’m sure you didn’t return the book. HAVE
You __________________________________________________________________
3 When Sally was a child she always went to bed at 8 p.m. GO
Sally ________________________________________________________________
4 You really should help your mother more. She looks exhausted. OUGHT
You __________________________________________________________________
5 I’m certain he is working in a bank. BE
He ___________________________________________________________________

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Progress Test Unit 8 Test 8B

6 It’s possible he didn’t receive your email. NOT

He ___________________________________________________________________

Mark: ___/6

3 Choose the correct answer.

1 I forgot to tell you that Sharon doesn’t eat meat, so you _____ bought all this steak.
A didn’t have to bought B don’t need to buy C needn’t have bought D mustn’t have bought
2 His face looks familiar. I _____ him before but I can’t truly remember.
A can have met B could meet C might meet D may have met
3 Dad’s company is going through a crisis and they _____ workforce by 40%. I have no idea what
Dad and his colleagues will do if it really happens.
A could have reduced B may have to reduce C ought to have reduced D might have reduced
4 Although it had 500 pages, I _____ the book in one sitting. The plot was so gripping – I couldn’t
wait to get back to it!
A might be reading B could read C was able to read D could have read

Mark: ___/4

4 Complete the sentences with the correct item of clothing.
1 The referee’s decision about the penalty shot was really below the _________.
2 I wouldn’t like to be in your _________ if Dad finds out what you’ve done!
3 I haven’t prepared a speech but I don’t mind speaking off-the-_________.
4 It’s time to pull your _________ up and start studying if you are seriously considering a career in
5 Robert got rather too big for his own _________ when he became the supervisor of our team.

Mark: ___/5

5 Complete the sentences with the words below. There are two more words than you need.
light plain raw rich rotten stale tough
1 The audience used to throw _________ fruit and vegetables at any actor they did not like.
2 A generous portion of roast meat served with a _________ sauce gave Grandpa severe
stomach pains.
3 I don’t really fancy _________ yoghurt – I prefer it with fruit and cereal.
4 This bread is really hard. It must be _____
5 Some people find it disgusting that _________ fish is one of the ingredients of sushi.

Mark: ___/5

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Progress Test Unit 8 Test 8B

6 Choose the correct answers.

1 Can I have a _____ of this delicious pizza?
A sprig B clove C slice
2 _____-toed sandals are the best shoes for hot summer.
A open B closed C fastened

3 Little girls often wear their hair in _____.

A plaits B a bob C extensions
4 Rastafarians are known to wear their hair in _____.
A stubble B goatee C dreadlocks
5 It was cold inside, so he was wearing a _____-up cardigan.
A down B skin C zip
6 Before her wedding the bride decided to have hair _____.
A a chain B plaits C extensions
7 The homeless man looked _____ in his worn-out suit.
A scrawny B shabby C dishevelled
8 Grandpa was wearing a leather belt with a brass _____.
A cravat B bandana C buckle
9 Your _____ are undone. Watch you do not trip over.
A buttons B buckles C laces
10 You need a few _____of garlic to make this dish.
A cloves B pinches C sprigs

Mark: ___/10

Use of English
7 Rewrite the sentences using the most appropriate word in the correct form or phrase.
1 There were huge queues outside the cinema last week, but since then interest seems to have
gradually reduced. (SLUMP/TAIL)
2 I don’t have much money at the moment, so eating out is a special thing. (MENU/TREAT)
3 These phones used to be really expensive, but the price dropped sharply when the new model
was launched. (PLUMMET/TAIL)

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Progress Test Unit 8 Test 8B

4 I’ll always have a chocolate bar or a biscuit or something after a meal, - I love sugary treats.
5 I’m trying to lose weight, so I’m avoiding fatty and sugary foods. (MENU/FUEL)
6 Walking past the baker’s, I had an intense desire to eat cinnamon rolls. (GORGE/CRAVE)
7 Approximately 2000 people took part in the marathon on Sunday. (REGION/MULTIPLY)
8 Everyone’s complaining because the price of fuel has increased sharply this winter.
9 I thought I was getting faster and faster, but my running time seems to have stayed the same for
weeks now. (CREEP/PLATEAU)
10 A very large proportion of people shop in supermarkets these days. (VAST /EQUAL)

Mark: ___ /10

8 [] Listen to four people talking about different celebrity chefs. Are the sentences true or
1 Speaker 1 observes that Heston Blumenthal prefers to stick to traditional flavour combinations. T
2 Speaker 1 claims that Heston Blumenthal appears on TV less often than other chefs. T / F
3 Speaker 2 admires Jamie Oliver’s efforts to change people’s eating habits. T / F
4 Speaker 3 says that Gordon Ramsay’s behaviour doesn’t appeal to all viewers T / F
5 Speaker 4 criticises Delia Smith’s recipes for their simplicity. T / F

Mark: ___/5

9 Read the text. Choose the best answers.
The height of fashion
If, like myself, you have recently suspected that women are growing taller these days, and wondered which
dietary supplements are contributing to this spurt in growth, then be assured – this is no magical twist in
evolutionary development, it is simply the current obsession with high-heeled shoes. This trend, like many

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Progress Test Unit 8 Test 8B

before it, shows that some people are willing to suffer any amount of pain or discomfort, and even jeopardise
their health, in the name of fashion.
It may be a cliché, but women especially are quite happy to admit that they are ‘slaves to fashion’. If we look a
long way back in time, there was a period when tiny waists were to die for – and many women nearly did!
They wore corsets so tight that they displaced internal organs and even cracked their ribs. Men were not
immune to paying the price for vanity either. In seventeenth-century Europe, the popular male practice of
using white face powder to give the pale, interesting look could be rather dangerous, as the early powders
contained arsenic!
One of more recent major fashion health hazards is the six-inch heels made popular by celebrities and catwalk
models the world over, despite various public tumbles. It’s certainly true that the extra height is slimming and
glamorous, and the high heels make even the dumpiest person’s feet look quite stunning. What is a problem,
however, is when the wearers of such footwear attempt to actually move! Apart from the likelihood of falling
over and twisting an ankle, the possible damage to the body is significant. It goes without saying that the feet
can be badly affected – resulting later in life in distorted toes and bunions – but the problems can also extend
to the whole skeleton, as the posture the wearer has to adopt to stay upright can cause severe back problems.
Add to this the fact that the wearer may also be carrying a fashionably big bag over one shoulder, and it’s clear
that the poor vertebrae don’t really stand a chance.
There is one advantage to the fashion for such high heels. Social interaction is obviously restricted, as most
wearers can do little more than stand in the same place or sit. This allows the shorter, flatter-footed amongst us
to run rings round them at parties!

1 In the first paragraph the writer explains

A how to increase our growth.
B how to be healthy and look good.
C that external appearance can be the most important thing.
D that women have more health problems than men because they follow fashion.
2 Unhealthy fashion trends
A usually involve using toxic substances.
B are a relatively recent phenomenon.

C can influence both genders.

D cost an excessive amount of money.
3 Very high shoes
A can make us look elegant.
B can make people look dumpy.
C can make people’s feet look ridiculous.

D can make some of us look fatter.

4 Wearing high shoes
A has an immediate effect on our feet.
B may improve your muscle strength.

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Progress Test Unit 8 Test 8B

C can be dangerous for others.

D alters our posture dramatically.
5 What happens at parties?
A The higher the shoes, the better you can dance.
B High shoes make a good topic of conversation.
C Other people have the chance to enjoy the occasion.
D More people approach you to start a conversation.

Mark: ___/5

10 Write a report of 200–250 words about a restaurant that you think is worth a visit.
 Paragraph 1: Introduce the restaurant and give a brief overview.
 Paragraph 2: Describe the menu and service.
 Paragraph 3: Describe the style and atmosphere of the restaurant.
 Paragraph 4: Summarize your report and say why you would recommend this restaurant
Make sure your report contains all the points listed and is written in an appropriate style for a
restaurant review.

Mark: ___/10
Total: ___/70

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