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Anti-Monopoly Counselors and Competition Academy

Rasuna Office Park ZO 08, Rasuna Episentrum.

Jalan H.R. Rasuna Said, Kuningan. Jakarta Selatan 12960, Indonesia
Telephone: +62 21 9390 4028. - Fax: +62 21 837 86257.
Dear Sir or Madame,

We feel honored in this beloved opportunity to introduce our firm.

The information provided herein is solely intended to provide general
introduction about our services and our professional people. We would
be pleased to present ourselves at anytime you consider answering any
questions you may have about the firm or any cases in particular.


The long history of competition law or also well known as anti-trust law
suggests a need of research and investigation either in economic or legal
context as part of competition analysis. Developing such studies require
specific skill and knowledge in order to understand and analyze important
aspects in competition such as those related to concept and definition of
relevant market, oligopoly, oligopsony, monopoly, monopsony, price fixing,
division of territory, boycott, cartel, vertical integration, exclusive agreements,
conspiracy, dominant position and many other prohibited agreements or
conducts under the law.

In Indonesia, the Law No. 5 of 1999 concerning Prohibition of Monopolistic

Practices and Unfair Business Competition mandates the establishment of the
Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU). This Commission
authorizes to conduct investigations and/or examinations on presumed case of
monopolistic practices and/or unfair business competition reported by the
public or by business actors or discovered by the Commission as a result of
investigation. The establishment significantly affects business practices and
conducts in Indonesia. Learning from advance economies, many business
entities have suffered aconsiderable losses in term of financial or business
position because of action taken by competition authority.

Therefore, we established Iwant & Co, Antitrust Counselors and Competition

Academy to assist business people in Indonesia to avoid any possible problems
or losses arising out from the enforcement of competition law. Thus, we hope
that this firm can be a solution to the need of qualified and competent legal
and economic counselor on competition law as well as consumer protection
About Us

Iwant & Co., established in 2008, is an antitrust and business competition

boutique practice that provides services of legal advice particularly on antitrust
and business competition in Indonesia.

We also provide legal advocacy including the provision of information,

researches, and commercial investigation in the area of business competition /
antimonopoly / antitrust law (as well as international competition issues such
as international mergers and acquisitions).

Our professional people have very strong background expertise in providing

consultancy to ensure your company complies with Indonesian Business
Competition Law that is Law No. 5 of 1999 concerning Prohibition of
Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition.

In our one year running, we have successfully served several Indonesian local
companies comply with Indonesian Business Competition Law. We are
currently also assisting our clients from overseas countries such as from
Singapore and Japan.

In addition to that, our office that located in the strategic place of central
business district of Jakarta will ensure that communication with our clients
can be undergone efficiently.
Our Services

We understand that clients always expect results. Therefore, to deliver

expected results and to maintain our professionalism, we are focusing our
expertise on antitrust law and business competition area. The scope provided
herein shall be related with antitrust law and fair competition issues. We
structure our services into three major activities, including but not limited to:
A. Legal Advice, Legal Opinion and Business analysis on:
 Antitrust/Antimonopoly
 Unfair Business Practices
 Consumer Protection
 Foreign Investment/Joint Venture
 International Trade
 Merger & Acquisitions
 Employment
B. Business Competition Compliance Review on:
 General Corporate Review
 Business Policy
 Business Agreements
 Business Strategy & Plans
 Business Initial Public Offering
C. Organizing Seminar, Training & Workshop
Iwant & Co may also serve client by providing and organizing forums
such as Workshop, Seminar and Training either individually or in
cooperation with other institutions.
Our People

DR. Ir. Sutrisno Iwantono, M.A.

Founding Partner

 Major in Agricultural
Economics - Okayama
University, Japan (MA,
 Political Economic -
Graduate School of
Natural Science and
Technology, Okayama
University, Japan (DR,

Indonesian (Native), English (Fluent), Japanese (fluent).

Working Experiences:
Mr. Sutrisno Iwantono is involved in the drafting process for the Law No. 5 of
1999 concerning Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business
Competition. He holds several essential positions in governmental related to
business competition including Chairman of Commission for Supervision of
Business Competition – KPPU (2000 – 2005), Deputy Minister and Director
General on the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small Business Development
(2002 – 2005), and Member of House of Representatives (1999). His
experiences on Business Competition issues may be seen from several cases
that he handled such as the case on retail business competition by PT
Indomaret (2000), tendering process of shares transaction by PT Indomobil
(2002), cartel suspicion on shipping industries (2003), cartel suspicion on
sugar importing (2003), and tanker tender sales transaction by PT Pertamina

Before he joined with KPPU, he involved in several international trainings on

Business Competition including that held by Bundes Kartelamt (Germany),
Japan Trade Commision (Japan), and Federal Trade Commission (US).
Currently, he is also active as business consultant for several local and foreign
companies in Indonesia.
Dr. Pande Raja Silalahi

 Faculty of Economics,
Parahyangan University
(SE, 1973)
 Faculty of Economics &
Political Science,
University of Hiroshima,
Japan (1975 – 1976)
 Faculty of Economics,
Kobe University of
Commerce, Kobe,
Japan (1976 – 1980)
 Kobe University of Commerce major in Public
Finance (Ph.D, 1980)

Indonesian (native), Japan (fluent), English (fluent)

Working Experiences:
Mr. Pande Silalahi, who is widely known as an expert in economics, works for
Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) since 1973 until present.
He is a member and executive board of work group Commission for the
Supervision of Business Competition – KPPU since 2000 and elected as a vice
chairman during 2002 – 2003. During his membership, Dr. Silalahi involved in
several cases such as BPPN Indomobil’s ShareTender, and Unfair Competition
in Financial Auditors and Tender of Pertamina’s Vessels. In the academic
sector, he is a President of Parahyangan University (1990 – 1993) and now is
currently active as a lecturer for post-graduate level in several universities in
Indonesia. Mr. Silalahi is also a member of LP3E of Indonesian Chambers of
Commerce and Industry (KADIN).
DR. Susanti Adi Nugroho, S.H., M.H.
Off Counsel

 Bachelor Degree of
 Master Degree of
Business Law
 Doctor of Business

Indonesian (native), English (fluent)

Working Experiences:

DR. Susanti Adi Nugroho is the former Supreme Court Judge of Indonesia. Her
dissertation regarding the Application of Competition Law in Indonesia has
made become one of the expert judges in competition area. Many of her
published books and articles in competition law now are commonly used as
references in academic. Not only expert in competition law, DR. Susanti is also
capable in several law matters such as corruption, money laundering, child
protection environment, consumer protection, intellectual property,
industrial/labor relations, bankruptcy and arbitration.
Prof. DR. Ningrum Natasya Sirait, S.H., M.H.
Off Counsel

 Bachelor Degree of
Law at University of
North Sumatera
 Magister at University
of North Sumatera
(Thesis: Dispute
Resolution in
 Doctor at University
of North Sumatera
(Dissertation: Trade Association and the
Analysis of its behavior in Accord to the General
Principles on Competition Law

Indonesian (native), English (fluent)

Working Experiences:
Mrs. Ningrum Sirait is a lecturer for post graduate program at University of
North Sumatera. She teaches several subjects on Economic and Competition
Law and has written many articles in Competition issues such as the
Exemptions under Indonesian Competition Law, Predatory Pricing Analysis in
Law No. 5/1999, Indonesia’s Experience with its Competition Law and the
Challenges, the Enforcement of Law No. 5/1999 and its Certainty in Business,
Trade Association and its Behavior, and etc. During her career, she also has
published several books on competition with her latest book on 2004 titled
“Several Aspects on Competition Law”. Mrs. Ningrum Sirait now is known as
one of Indonesian expert on competition law.
Ir. Murman Budianto M.T., MIDEc.
Senior Associate

 Industrial Engineer
from Faculty of
Engineering, Bogor
Agricultural Institute
(Ir, 1987)
 Magister of Industrial
Engineering and
Bandung Institute of
Technology (MT,
 Master on International and Development
Economics from Crawford School of Economics
and Government, The Australian National
University (MIDEc, 2008)

Indonesian (native), English (fluent)

Working Experiences:
Mr. Murman Budijanto often involved in a numerous international scale
seminars and training programs on Competition Law held in Germany, South
Korea, and ASEAN countries. He joined the Commission for the Supervision of
Business Competition – KPPU in 2001. He has been holding several different
positions on the Commission such as Director for Communication (2001 -
2005), member of Economic Working Group (2008), and now as an expert or
resource person for some projects on the Commission (2009). He is also
actively making paper on Competition Law area such as ‘The Impact of
Competition Law Enforcement to the Indonesian Cement Industry’ (2009) and
‘The impact of KPPU decisions in Indonesia’s mobile telecommunication industry’
Satria Mujadid S.H., L.L.M.
Junior Associate

Satria Mujadid is a graduate of the Faculty of Law,

University of Padjadjaran (SH, 2006) and Monash
University, Melbourne (LLM, 2009). He attended
various legal courses and seminars including the
Indonesian Bussiness Competition Lawyers Course in
Jakarta. He had worked in prominent law firms in
Jakarta (Adnan Buyung Nasution & Partners and
Irawati Hermawan & Partners) before he joined this
firm. Apart from antitrust and unfair competition
issues, he also experienced in employment and labor

Indonesian (native), English (fluent)
Wulandari Risnamanitis Dewi S.H., L.L.M.
Junior Associate

Wulandari Risnamanitis Dewi is graduated from the

Faculty of Law, Pelita Harapan University (SH, 2007,
cum laude). He had worked in a prominent law firm in
Jakarta namely Makes & Partners before she joined
this firm. Her scope of works involves in depth legal
research, memorandum and contract drafting, advisory
works and legal due diligences. She also finished her
Master from La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
(LLM, 2009).

Indonesian (native), English (fluent)
Muhammad Iqbal Al-Mudatsir S.E.
Junior Associate

Muhammad Iqbal Al-Mudatsir is graduated from Faculty

of Economics and Management, Bogor Agricultural
University (IPB) in 2009. He attended various economic
course and seminars in competition law and has been
involved in several KPPU cases. He is also actives as a
member of HIPOTESA and other organization dealing
with economic. Apart from Anti-monopoly area, he also
experience in other issues such as syariah economic and
agricultural economics.

Indonesian (native), English (fluent)

 Pasadena Ltd. Singapore.

 Profit Era Ltd. Hongkong.
 CNOOC Ltd. China.
 Another Lane Co. Ltd, Japan
 PT. Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk.
 PT. Indosat Tbk.
 PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk.
 Semen Gresik Group
 PT. Japfa Comfeed Indonesia
 PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia
 PT. SMART Tbk.
 PT. Salim Ivomas Pratama
 PT. Indomarco Prismatama (Indomaret)
 Para Group
 PT. Carrefour Indonesia
 Mitsubishi Corporation
 PT. Pfizer Indonesia
 PT. Nisia Interlinkage
 Etc.
Professional Fee

A. Retainer Fee
With our retainer fee model, client will have to provide payment to Iwant &
Co trust account in monthly basis as a credit against services that we
performs and expenses to be incurred on behalf of Client. This model will
ensure that Iwant & Co will prioritize and readily available to work for
Client’s particular case.

B. Project Bassist Fee (lump sum)

The amount will be vary depend on the project that our client asks for. 50%
(fifty percent) of the total fee shall be paid in advance before Iwant & Co
performs its duties, and the rest of payment shall be paid when the duties
are finished done completely.

C. Hourly Fee
This kind of fee is suitable for the client who rarely needs consultancy in
certain matters and the concerned client does not fall within the two
methods mentioned above. Legal fee will be billed after client has done
consultation with Iwant & Co or every two weeks if the concerned agree that
their case is resolved on the basis of hourly fee.
Briefly, Iwant & Co., Antitrust Counselors and Competition Academy, would be
honored to participate in our clients’ important projects. Should you have any
further queries please do not hesitate to contact us.

Sincerely yours,
Iwant & Co., Antitrust Counselors and Competition Academy

DR. Ir. Sutrisno Iwantono, M.A.
Founding Partner
Contact us:
Rasuna Office Park ZO 08, Rasuna Epicentrum.
Jalan H.R. Rasuna Said, Kuningan.
Jakarta Selatan 12960, Indonesia
Telephone: +62 21 – 9390 4028 Fax: +62 21 – 8378 6257

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