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Online School Classes: What to Do

1. Motivate your child to attend the classes in the same spirit as he/she
attends school.
2. Ensure that your child has taken the bath, had breakfast and is ‘ready
for school’.
3. Provide a dedicated place for the child to attend to his/her online
classes without disturbance. Also provide that the child should have the
required technical bandwidth.
4. If you do not have a spare computer, then share your phone with
your child so as to help him connect with his/her teachers in the session.
5. Explain to your child why this is important, talk about the Coronavirus
epidemic and basic safety measures.
6. Ensure that there is no disturbance when your ward is attending his
‘school’. For every practical purpose, the child should be made to
understand the importance of the class and how he/she must pay attention.
7. Follow the time table shared by the schools diligently and assist the
teachers for they too are trying hard and face similar concerns as you do
during this period of Lockdown.
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Online School Classes: What Not to Do
1. Do Not ‘listen in’ your child’s classes. Just like in schools, the
intervention of the parents is not required while the teacher is conducting
the class. It may make your child overtly conscious of asking queries from
his/her teacher. If it is absolutely impossible for you to be in another room 
while your child is attending his online classes then make absolute
conscious effort to be as silent and inconspicuous as possible.
2. Don’t let your child ‘skip’ the online classes or suggest that everything
would be repeated once the school reopens. It is important that your child
pays attention to the lectures.
3. Do Not criticise or mock the online classes or schools efforts. Please
remember that for children, especially young kids, these are troubling
times. They would not understand the seriousness of the situation.
Criticizing the online lectures may demotivate them.
4. Don’t keep the phone busy. It would be best if you tell all that your
phone would be unavailable during the scheduled times. There are Do Not
Disturb features that are also available on your devices. Ensure that the
feature is active during the time the class is on.
5. The do’s for online learning
6. 1. Be punctual, log in on time
7. As a student enrolled in online classes, attendance still matters. You’ll
want to log into whatever online platform your professor is using. Make
sure your computer is charged and be ready to appear on screen in a
timely fashion. Being late is not acceptable, especially as your commute
is (probably) from your bedroom to the couch in your living room!
2. Read the syllabus
This might sound silly, but read the syllabus ahead of time. Make sure
you’ve read the required reading, or are prepared to participate based
on the syllabus provided by your instructor. The syllabus is still your
road map to successfully passing and excelling in the courses you’re
enrolled in so don’t forget to look at it beforehand.
3. Introduce yourself and respect your peers
Make sure you introduce yourself and talk slowly. Sound quality will
differ depending on each student’s home office set up. You’ll want to
make sure people can hear you and that you can hear them. Discussion
sessions -- even in person -- can become contentious if you strongly
disagree with one of your peer’s opinions. However, make sure you
respect your fellow students and allow them the microphone floor when
they are speaking.
4. Set up your space, make sure it’s quiet and uninterrupted
Logistically, to make sure you can participate fully as an online student,
you will want to set up a space that is, as much as possible, free of
distractions as possible and that will be uninterrupted for the full
duration of your class session. It’s also recommended that you set up a
clear background behind you -- cover up your favorite band poster,
don’t let them see your dirty laundry all over the floor. Lock your door for
privacy and to be sure your roommate won’t walk in, and if you have
family members politely ask them not to disturb you during the
call/meeting, lest you face a situation like this...
5. Test your tech
Glitches in your technology mean you could miss some vital part of your
professor’s lecture. Make sure the camera is stable and that your audio
or microphone works. Use headphones to make sure you can hear
everyone. Plug in your computer and make sure it’s charged ahead of
6. Embrace being flexible
As an online learner, you’ll likely be familiar with the appeal of this type
of learning -- setting your own schedule, working from home, and more.
Being flexible is essential to being a successful online learner. It’s
important that you manage your time effectively, make sure you allow
enough time and space in your day to log on.  

The don’ts for online learning

1. Don’t be a wallflower, don't be afraid to speak up
Even in-person classes require students to be active participants -- so
don’t be a wallflower. Professors will be expecting you to participate
even in an online class. Lean into the microphone and make sure you
offer your opinions and thoughts in a discussion session. Don’t be afraid
to speak up. In some ways there is less stress associated with talking
into a microphone than in-person.
2. No excuses for bad tech
As a student enrolled in an online class the professor will expect you to
be able to set up your technology accordingly to log in on time and to
participate fully. And just like you can’t blame your dog for eating your
homework, you can’t really blame your performance in your online class
on technical problems. 
3. Ignore additional online resources
Don’t get distracted by other online resources or websites while you’re
participating in your online class or lecture. It’s easy to always be
continually surfing the internet, but you’ll want to pay attention and not
stray from the content your professor or instructor is providing you.
Block pop-ups and make sure you turn off notifications while you’re
logged on and “in class.”
4. Don’t think you’re doing it all alone
Online learning can feel very isolated and lonely at times. Change this
feeling by collaborating with a classmate. Set up an in-person meeting
and study date. Your professor might also assign group projects which
will make you feel more connected to your fellow students. Don’t think
you’re in it all alone. In fact, there’s an entire group of other students in
the same boat as you. Connect with them in our online forum
5. Don’t get discouraged
A positive attitude will help get you through your online classes. Make
sure you give yourself breaks. Take walks, have a cup of coffee or tea
break, commiserate with a friend who is also taking an online class,
take a yoga break, and schedule some time in your day, every day, that
is screen-free. Most of all, if you feel discouraged, honor that for 10
minutes. Then get back to work.
Hopefully those who are new to online learning find it is, at the very
least, a workable temporary solution -- and possibly even something
you want and personally preferable to on-campus learning. It’s a fast-
paced and dynamic way to accelerate your learning and it will help you
achieve your goals, both academically and personally. Online learning
gets you closer to degree completion and can give you the skills and
knowledge needed to excel in your career. So log on today!

Teachers to have liberty.

Time duration of 8 minutes.

Use of resources during zoom classes like personal notes, textbooks.

Purpose of google classroom & zoom.

Difference in approach in 9 10 and 6 7 8.

To give material one day in advance on google classroom.

Teachers can use different methods for recording.

School is preferred only because of resources.

Teachers can take their online classes from home.

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