Quiz 3

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Muhammad Usman
Open Aspen Hysys V10, start new simulation and add given composnents.
After selecting the Peng-Robinson as fluid package, move to simulation environment and add material
stream from Model Pallet to Main Flow sheet and add give composition.

Specify inlet condition to given stream.

Add cooler from model pallet to main flowsheet, connect it inlet, outlet and energy stream.

Specify the pressure drop of 5psi in parameters tab.

For 1st part, to get outlet temperature for saturated vapors, put vapor fraction of 1 in outlet stream. The
outlet temperature comes out to be 125.3°C.

For 2nd part, to get outlet temperature for saturated liquid, put vapor fraction of 0. The temperature
comes out to be 105.7°C.
Now for the 3rd part, remove vapor fraction form thee outlet stream and specify outlet temperature of

The exchanger duty comes out to be 3.291x106 kJ/hr.

Now to check the dependency of outlet temperature to the exchanger duty, start a new case study.

Add new case and specify outlet temperature as independent variable.

And specify heat flow of energy stream as dependent variable.

In case study setup tab, specify starting point, end point and step size as given for the outlet stream
temperature. And run the case study.

The result graph is now visible in plots tab. It is visible from the graph, during condensation/vaporization
a large amount of heat flow does not increase the outlet steam temperature significantly but utilize it
for phase change.

Phase Change

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