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Correlation between Stress and Extraversion

The research aims to uncover the correlation between stress and extraversion. A qualitative
research would focus on the behavior of the target population while recording the stress
levels in this group. A suitable qualitative research method would be through the use of case
studies. The researcher has to define the target population, whether it is by age, physical
region or even economic classification[ CITATION Uwe09 \l 1033 ]. Whatever the choice among
the three, the target population should be able to represent the characteristics/behavior of the
whole population. Once I have defined the target population, I would identify the markers
used to measure stress levels, and even extraversion. Stress levels can be measured using a
scale, based on the reply of the respondents to behavioral questions. After this, the
respondents’ behavior and social interactions will be closely monitored. This aspect aims to
measure the extraversion levels or existent of extraversion in the respondents’ social
behavior. The data will be collected by use of hidden video camera, or even first-hand
interaction with the respondents in their daily activities.
The strengths of this research method include the high quality and reliability of the data
collected. The data collected provides a better representation of the target population, unlike
quantitative research methods which rely on questionnaires to provide the data. Human
behavior is dynamic, and one is liable to behave differently when they know their life is
monitored and would want to portray success to the outside world[ CITATION Ami11 \l 1033 ].
Quantitative research methods do not accommodate such dynamics.
However, the weaknesses of this research method include the large amounts of time,
equipment, and documentation involved during the collecting of the data. Quantitative
research methods rely solely on questionnaires and are easy to design, unlike the qualitative
research methods. The behavioral questions have to be designed in a way to measure the
stress levels and even extraversion. This may take time in the trial stage, and is dependent on
the skill level of the researcher. Also the equipment involved, like video cameras (if non-
existent in the set environment) is quite costly[ CITATION Ing10 \l 1033 ]. The researcher has to
ensure they have legal access to these footages, or authority to take such in the set
Flick, U. (2009). Designing Qualitative Research. Sage Publications.
Inge Hutler, A. B. (2010). Qualitative Research Methods.
Marvasti, A. (2011). Qualitative Research in Sociology.

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