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Organizational Chart


VP - Internal VP - External


2nd Year Representatives 3rd Year Representatives 4th Year Representatives

Accounting Management Accounting Management Accounting Management

Finance Finance Finance

Physical Environment
Business Administration Society (BAS) is the biggest organization in St. Louis College Valenzuela because it is composed of three
courses; BA Accounting, BA Banking and Finance, BA Management. As of the moment, BAS do not have its own office. They only
put their files in the locker and conduct their meetings in the faculty room of professors. Since it is the biggest organization of the
school, it must have its own office. If given a chance, the school should provide an office to BAS.

Rites and Tradition

Yearly, BAS has its tradition of having a general assembly wherein all of its members are gathered together to be informed of the
policies and the events proposed that will happen within the year. New set of officers are introduced and projects from past
administration were discussed. BAS always participate in the college week wherein they have their own booth to provide an activity
for the students. They also have seminars and tours. And they always have projects to be accomplished within the organization. Once
the administration is done, members have the right to participate to choose for the next batch of officers.


Since BAS is the biggest organization, it has a problem with communicating with the members. But the organizations always do its
best to improve the communication within the organization. They do this by the activities organized by the organization to socialize
with its co-members. Our goal is not to be an organization but a family.

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