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R M E52D24



By R. R. Hibbard and R. L. Schalla

Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory

Cleveland, Ohio


July 10, 1952
1s W A F?M E52D24

By R. R . Hibbard and X. L. S c h U

A study of the l f t e r a t u r e data on the s o l u b i l i t y of water i n hydro-

carbons has shown that (a) the log of t h e s o l u b i l i t y i s inversely pro-
p o r t i o n a l t o the r e c i p r o c a of t h e absolute temperature, (b) there is
an apparent critical solution “ p e r a t w e a t about 352’ C indicated both
by extrapolation of the l i t e r a t u r e data and by Henry’s law, and (c) the
solubility increases with decreasing hydrogen-to-carbon r a t i o H/C.
The following equation i s proposed for the prediction of t h e s o h i b i l i t y
of water a t any terqerature in nonolefinic hydrocarbons and petroleum
fractions :

log X = -(4200 E/C + lOSO)(l/T - O.OOl.6) + 2-00

x of water in hydrocarbon, mol percent


H/C hydrogen-to-cabon m i g h t r a t i o for hydrocarbon

T absolute
temperature, OK

This equation has been applied t o R f e w petroleum fractions ranging

f r o m gasoline to lubricating o l l , and a campariaon of the calculated
and experbentally determfned s o l f i i l i t i e s shows 821 agreement which i s
believed to be adeqpate f o r most engineering purposes.

The s o l u b i l i t y of water in hydrocarbon fuels i s of i n t e r e s t in

that mst fuels sre substantially saturated with mter at some stage
during t h e i r processing and storage. This water cazl betroublesome in
applications where a vehicle o r afrcraft is exposed t o temperatures
below the refueling tengperature and *re thewater w i l l separate out
a t the reduced temperatures. This is especially true in aircraft opera-
t i o n where the separated water is likely t o f r e e z e and block filters,

A literature search was therefore conducted at the NACA Lewis laboratory

f o r data on the s o l u b i l i t y of water i n pure hydrocarbons and in hydro-
oarbon fuels, and an attempt was made to correlate these data i n such a
way that a reasonably accurate prediction could be made of the solubility
of water i n any hydrocarbon fuel st any temperature. Presented herein
i s an analysis of the literature data and an eqwtion which appears
useful f o r the estimation of the. solubility of water i n hydrocarbon
fuels of low olefin content.


-Lfsted in table I are the 22 pure hydrocarbons, t h e t e q e r a t u r e

ranges, and the references from which solxibiuty data were compiled
together with the number of determinations reported i n each reference.
In the search some data may have been o m l o o k e d but certainly a major
portion of that available i n the l i t e r a t u r e was covered; a t o t a l of
227 data points i s presented. Ln cases where the solubility of m t e r
i n a single hydrocarbon was determinea at the same tenperature by
several investigators, considerable disagreement i n results was often
noted.For -le, v d u e s for the solubility of water i n benzene a t
20' C have been reported ranging from 0.185 mole percent (reference 1 2 )
t o 0.264 mole percent (reference 8). I n spite of such inconsistencies
as these, an attempt was made t o develop an eqmtion for predicting the
solubility of m t e r i n hydrocarbons which would s a t i s f y t h e experimental
observations within reasonable limits.

I n a study of the SolIibilIty of wster i n a naphtha, a kerosene,

and a lubricating oil at elevated temperaturssJ. . - p i m o l d and Kasch
(reference 20) presented a plot of the Henry s Sax const&nt. f o r the ..

naphtha as a function .of temperature. The equation used x88


K, Henry'6 law constant

px pressure of water v q o r Over two phase mixtures

+ water i n naphtha, m
ol fraction

Since the.figure presented by Griswold and-Xaech wae f o r naphtha alone,

Henry's law constants were calculated for all three petroleum fractions d

by use of the data of. reference 20, and the value8 for these constants
w e plotted against t h e t e q e r a t u r e i n figure 1. Although the scatter
lyACA Rpll E52D24 3
of p0int.s i s f a i r l y g r e a t , t h e r e appears t o be an increase i n the values
- of these constants with increasing teqerature, probably because the
s o l u b i l i t y of water i n the hydrocarbons becomes q d t e appreciable (of
the order of 40 percent) a t higher teqeratures and the p a r t i a l p r e s s u r e
s of water i s no longer approxlmately equal t ot h e vapor pressure of pure
% water. The line f a i r e d through the Henry's constants i s s*stantially
the same as that drawn f o r naphtha in reference 20 but is extrapolated
to higherterqperatures. The vapor-pressure curve f o r pure water, also
shown i n figure 1, intercepts the line through the Henry's l a w constants
a t a pressure of about 2450 pounds per s q w e I n c h absolute and a tem-
perature of 352' C. If equation (1) i s assumed t o hold a t high t q e r -
atures, then this teqerature of intercept (352' C ) i s Ellso the c r i t i -
cal solution temperature of mter-hydrocarbon systems since & =
and xw nust be 1.O a t t h i s temperature. The fairing of the curve
through the Henryls l a w constat points is arbitrary; other curves
could be drawn which would field intercepts ranging from 2100 to
2700 pounds per square Fnch absolute. However, the water-vapor-
pressure curve i s s f l i c i e n t l y s t e e p i n this reglon that the c r i t i c &
solution temperature would o n l y range between 340° and S O o C.

The data from the references (table I> were tabulated and the solu-
b i l i t y of water, i n terms of l o g mole percent, was plotted against the
reciprocal of the absolute temperature.- It was found that straight
lines could be drawn through the data obtained from any single investi-
gation and that t h e s c a t t e r from the line usually was within the expec-
ted lFmits of exgerhental measurement. This linear r e l a t i o n between
the l o g of the s o l u b i l i t y of water and the reciprocal of the absolute
temperature agrees with the results presented in reference 4 where the
heat of solution of wter i n benzene was determined by use of the equa-
t ion
A H = R T2 (d IdTn N )

AJ3 molar heat of solution

R gas constant

T teqperature, 4c
N solute i n solvent at saturation, m
ol fraction

and which by rearranging and integrating becames


l o g N =kF + c

where k and C axe constanta f o r a given hydrocarbon. It was also

fauna that mostof the data justified a straight l i n e passlitlg through
100 mole percent solubility of water a t temperatures close t o the
352O C that w&s estimated from -figure 1 as being the critical solution
temperature f o r water-hydrocarbon systems. A few i l l u s t r a t i v e examples
of the solubility data referred t o in table I are p l o t t e d a s log con-
centration against the reciprocal of absolute t-eratke i n figure 2.
Figures 2(a) and 2(b), which are for toluene and xylene, respectively,
show that a considerable number of data points f a l l approximetely on a
straight Use passingthrough 3520 C where I/T % = 0.0016. The data
f o r benzene showed about the same degree of scatter as did those f o r
m y of the other hydrocarbons, although i n most cases the range of
temperatures covered was small. Figure 2( c) is a similar p l o t f o r
cyclohexane. Figure Z(d) f o r hwadiene 1,5 and diisobutene i s typical
of the plots obtained where only a very limited mount of data was
a v a i m l e . Methylcyclohexane and propane were t h e only compoundswhich
gave l o g solubility against 1/T plots i n w hi
ch the best straight line
d i d not clearly indicate a c r i t i c a l s o l u t i o n temperature of near 350° C .
The methylcyclohexane data are plotted i n figure Z(e), which shows the
correlation line that w a s forced f o r t h i s hydrocarbon. %'he propane
data are plotted i n figure Z ( f ) . It i s not known why these w t o com-
pounds do not follow the trends shown by other'hydrocarbonsj the data
f o r propane were not used i n adsequent correlations.

The equEttion f o r straight lines passing through the 3520 c: c r i t i -

cal solution tenperatwe on log concentrationagainst I/T sc-8 is

log X = M (1/T - 0.0016) + 2.00 (5)

where - - - . . . ." ..
- "
... -
- _.

x s o l u b i l i t y of water in hydrocarbon, mol percent

M slope of line, constant for -

each hydrocarbon

T temperature, OK

For most of the data, equation (5) can be used t o estimate the solubil-
ity of water i n a hyfkocarbon at any temperature once M has been
evaluated from a bw n s o l u b i l i t y a t a single temperature.

Since it i s also desirable t o be able t o estlnaate the s o l ~ i l i t y

of water i n hydrocarbons i n the absence of any such data, a relation
was sought between M and so= other hydrocarbon property. The
NACA RM E52D24 5

slope M i s always negative and in general it w-as observed that M

had a lower value (solubility of water i s higher) f o r o l e f i n s and w o -
matics than for paraffins and cyclqparaffFns and, with the exception of
the olefins, there appears t o be a trend of increasing value f o r M
with increasing E/C r a t i o . EI table I1 are Usted the H/C ratios,
the d u e s f o r M, and the number of data points obtained from the
l i t e r a t u r e for each hydrocarbon. These data are plotted i n figure 3;
. the straight l i n e w-as faired through the aromatic, cyclopmaffin, and
paraffin points; the n-er of determinations represented by each
point was taken into account but the o l e f i n and d i o l e f i n data were
neglected. The points which U e f a r t h e s t from the l i n e a r e olefin and
diolefin points representing relatively few .determinations, This cor-
relation i s admittedly poor but ahould serve to permit a rough estfmate
of M and of the solubility of water i n hydrocarbon fuels, especially
if their olefin content is low.
The equation f o r t h e Une dram in figure 3 r e l a t i n g M t o the
H/C r a t i o is

M = -(4200 E/C + 1050) (61

and the equation r e l a t a the solubility of water in nonolefinic hydro-
carbons a t m v tenrperature then becomes

log X = -(4200 H/C + 1050) (UT - O.OOl.6) + 2.00 (77)


x s o l u b i l i t y of water, m
ol percent

H/C hydrogen-to-carbon weight r a t i o of hydrocarbon

T absolute teraperatuxe, %

The literature revealed a considerable amount of data on the solu-

b i l i t y of water in petroleum fractions. However, o n l y four sources were
found where measurements were made over a range of t q e r a t u r e s , and
these data are s h a m i n figure 4 on log concentration a g d n s t l/T scales.
Cmcentratione are s h a m i n the terms used i n tlie literature sources
(either w e i g h t or molar percent). The data presented i n reference I f o r
a kerosene and a paraffin oil-show a good linear r e l a t i o n between log con-
centration and reciprocal tezqperature.(fig. 4(a)). A similar plot of
Griswold and Kasch's data (reference 20) is presented i n figure 4(b) f o r
naphtha, kerosene, and lubricating o i l and similarly the data show excel-
lent agrement w i t h a straight line. Figure 4(c) is f o r four of t h e f i v e
6 NACA RM E52D24

gasolines investigated i n reference 2 1 wlth the f i f t h fuel omitted f o r

the sake of c l a r i t y . Although curved lines have been drawn for three
of these fuels, the s c a t t e r of data i s sufficient in the cases where
multiple determinations were made t o suggest that the deviation from
l i n e a r i t y might be due t o experimental inaccuracies. Figure 4 ( d ) pre-
sents data from reference 15 f o r a safety fuel (probably a high-boil-
alkylate) and again the deviation from a straight l i n e -isprobably
within the Umlts of experimental measurement.

Most of t h e l i t e r a t u r e data on the solub3lity of wateS i n petroleum

fractians i s i n weight percent terms; before these data can be compeed
with the values predicted by use of equation (7),both the mlecular
weight and the E/C r a t i o of the petroleum fractions m u s t be known.
Both of these properties can be estimated f r o m d i s t i l l a t i o n and gravity
by-we of the correlations presented in references 22 and 23. For most
of t h e l i t e r a t u r e on the solribility of water in petroleum fractions,
however, i n s u f f i c i e n t d i s t i l l a t i o n data are presented t o a l l o w these
correlations to be used. O n l y the petroleum fractions used in refer-
ence 2 1 and by Grimold andKasch i n reference 20 are sufficiently
w e l l described t o allow a comparison t o be made between the experimen-
t a l l y determined s o l u b i l i t i e s and thosecalculated by m e of equation (7) . I)

This comparison i s given i n table 111, along with the average boiling
points, gravities, and estimated moiecular irdghts &nd H/C r a t i o s for
the fractions. . ..

Listed at the bottom o f table Iu:axe the average differences

between calculated and experimental solubilities for various portions
of the data given i n the table. The average dlfference for all the
data i s 56 percent; for the data presented in reference 20, 19 percent;
and f o r the data presented i n reference 21, 136 percent. The largest
differences me found with the fuels reported in reference 2 1 at the
higher temperatures and the experimental values show a much smaller
increase in solubility with increasing temperature than that predicted
by equation (7) 3 there i s a p o s s i b i l i t y that these data may be in error
as suggested by the f a c t that the solzibility of water in fuels 10 and
19 i s quite d i f f e r e n t even though the fuels have. quite similar physi-
CELL properties. ~f the five values determined at 5 0 ~c in reference 21
are omitted from the 47 values considered, -the'aiierage difference is
then o n l y 30 percent.

The c r i t i c a l s o l u t i o n temperature of 352' C proposed herein i e

above t h e c r i t i c a l temperature of lpasy of the hydrocarbons studied and #

has no real physical significance. It is a l s o very close t o the 374O C

c r i t i c a l temperature of water and the value 374O C (l/T OK = O.oOl.55)
HACA RM E52D24 7

could have been used in equation (4) without any appreciable change in
. the predicted sol&ilities of water in hydrocarbons. However, the
assumed miscibility a t either of these temperatures i s not believed to
be of any fundamental significance and the proposed value of 352O C has
been used only as an empirical focal point to aid i n t h e f a k i n g of
straight lines through a considerable amount of s a n e w h a t scattered data.

The v a l i d i t y of using a straight-line relation between l o g concen-

t r a t i o n snd S/T through Oo C may be I n doubt. The Henry's law
approach suggests that a s t r a i g h t l i n e should be used only over the
temperature range where there i s a linear r e l a t i o n between the log of
the vapor presssure of water and the reciprocal of the absolute tem-
perature. In the steam-water-icesystem t h i s r e l a t i o n does hold down
t o Oo C, but there i s a change of slqpe a t the freezing point. However,
in the very d i l u t e solutions present a t this Etnd lower temperatures,
the great dilution of water m l e c u l e s i n the hydrocarbon environment
may yield a condition where the water vapor pressure against t m e r a -
ture curve follows that of supercooled water t o tenperatures w e l l below
the normal freezing point of water. Under this c o n a t i o n t h e log con-
centration would be l i n e a r wdth 1/T across the Oo C n or
m al freezing
point. As indicated, for example, by the w at
e r - in toluene data plotted
i n figure 2(a), the determination of t h e s o l ~ i b i l i t yof water a t . l o w
temperatures i s not sufficiently precise to support t h i s p o u t . How-
ever, it i s of minor p r a c t i c a l importance since the concentrations of
water i n hy&cocarbons are extremely low below '0 C in any case.
The comparison between calculated and experimentally determined
s o l u b i l i t i e s which i s presented in table 111 shows the calculated solu-
b i l i t i e s t o be generally higher than those determined by e x p e r a n t .
The constants in equation (7) were derived from pure hydrocarbon data
and a b e t t e r agreement would have been obtained for the predicted solu-
b i l i t i e s f o r the petroleum fractions If a somewhEtt larger Value had
been used f o r t h e f i r s t constant of t h i s equation. However, it was
f e l t that there were insufficient data available on the s o l u b i l i t y of
water i n w e l l defined petroleum fractions to j u s t i f y a change in t h i s
constent, which was based on a considerably larger amount of pure com-
pound data.

A study of the d ak found in the l i t e r a t u r e , on the solubility of

wat& i n hydrocerbons has sham that:

1. For a given hydrocarbon, there is a l i n e a r e l a t i o n between

the log of concentration and the reciprocal of the absolute tempera-
ture, and the solribility increases with increasing teqerature.
a HACA RM E52D24

2. For most hydrocarbons, t h i s linear relation predicts a c r i t i c a l

solution temgerature of about 352O C . -
3. I n general the solubility of water i n hydrocarbons increases
with decreasing hydrogen-to-carbon weight r a t i o of the hydrocarbon.

4 . The solubility of water any nanolefinic hydrocarbon a t any

, i n
temperature can be predicted with falr accuracy by use of the equation

log X e: -(4200 H/C + 1050)(1/T - O.OOl6) + 2.00

. .

x s o l u b i l i t y of water i n hydrocarbon, m
ol percent

H/C hydrogen-to-carbon weight.r a t i o i n hydrocarbon

T absolute temperature, OH

5. The foregoing equation may be used t o predict the solubility-of

water i n those petroleum fractions for which there axe sufficient data
i n t h e l i t e r a t u r e . t o permit estimates t o be made of t h e H/C ratio.
For these fractions the average difference between predicted and exper-
imentally determined s o l u b i l i t i e s was 56 percent of the amount-found by
experiment. However, the la;rgest differences were all founda l the
comgarison of the results of one investLgator, a t one temperature. If
these cases &re omitted (5 out of 47 cases), the average difference
between calculated and experhentally determined solribilities becomes
only 30 percent of the amount found by experiment.Accuracies of this
order axe believed t o be adequate f o r mst engineering purposes and
are, i n any case, coqarable with the accuracies w hih have often been
encountered experimentally.

Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory

National Advisory Committee f o r Aeronautics
Cleveland, Ohio

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Reference Determinations Temp”

reported ture range
” 1
w Benzene 7 3 - 72
cu 2 9 5 - 73
3 6 25 - 71
4 14 23 - 73
5 5 20- 55
6 6 10 - 60
7 1 X)
8 7 5 - 70
9 1 20
10 5 10 -50
ll 10 0 - 80
12 3 10 -26
13 5 4 - K)
Stxrene l4 5 6 - 51
Toluene 2 l2 - 9 - 93
6 6 0 - 50
ll 6 - l o - 40
15 4 - 3 4 - 43
Xylene 2 1 20
7 2
10 -25
15 - 3 4 - 43
Cyclohexane 2 6 14 -53
10 2 20- 50
l2 1 20
l5 5 - 3 4 - 43
16 8 27 -91
17 I 38
n-Butane l2
5 - 21
38 -

Iaobutane 12 4 7 - 21
Butene-1 I2 5 6 - 22
Butene-2 l2 5 7 - 21
Isobutene 7 6 - 21
Butadiene -1.3 6 7 - 21
n-Pentane 5 6 - 25
Isopentane I2 10 6 - 22
n-Hexane 12 1 20
19 1 Il
Hexadiene-1, 5 2 14- 20
-n-Heptane 4 l0 -
19 1 Il
Heptene-1 l2 4 lo -
n-0ctm.e l2
1 ll

2,2,4-llfrimethylpentane lo 4 - 2 - 40
15 5 - 3 4 - 43
Diisobutene 15 2 - 34,43
12 NACA BM E52D24

corqpouna H/C
ratio r Nmiber

Investi- Data
T Slope
gators pointe

Benzene :. . 0.083 65 -1420

Styrene .083 5 -1370
Toluene .092 28 -1450
Xylene .lo4 8 -1450
Cyclohexane .168 9 -1850
Methyl cyclohexane .168 5 -1710
n-Butane .209 16
Isobutane .209 4 L9ao
Butene -1 .168 5 r
Butene-2 .X8 5
.Bobutene .168 7 tl=O
Butadiene -1,3 .126 6 -1460
n-Pentane .201 5
Isopentme .201 10 1-1880
n-Hexane .197 2
n-Hexadiene-lY5 .140 2 -1310
-n-Heptane .192 5 -1720
-n-Heptene-1 .168 4 -1220
-n-0ctane .188 2 -1910
2y2,4-Trimethyl .I88 9 -la20
Diisobutene .168 2 -1770

NACA RM E52D24 l3



T S o l u b i l i t y of water
Experl- calcu- D i f f erenc
nental lated percent o
(mol (mol Dxperimen
2ercent.j percent) tal value
10 0.058 0.029 -50
30 .073 .078 7
50 -088 -185 110
10 0.027 0.030 11
30 .035 -080 128
50 -039 .188 382

21 I 187 10
0 -030'
0 -035
30 -095' .091 -4
50 .114€ .211 85
10 0.017 0.030 76
30 .028E -080 184
50 -030 -188 527

159 4.97 5.48 10
186 8.96 9.53 7
203 11.91 13.1 10
2o 342 222 16 18
I 18.1 12
112 1.24 1.95 57
135 2.18 3 -48 60
169 4.98 7.33 47
177 5.89 8.59 46
185 7.39 10 .o 35
19I 7.98 11.2 40
203 9 .oo 13.9 54
207 12.14 14.9 23
216 14.94 17.3 16
228 19.06 21.0 10
251 23.04 29.6 29
- 34.97 35.5 2
124. 2.52 2.83 12
137 3.19 3.86 21
151 5 -38 5.28 -2
189 9 -53 11:2 17
226 16.21 20 - 9 29
208 16.29 15.6. -4
215 17.34 17.5 1
215 18.29 17.5 -4
250 28.86 29 .8 3
259 30 - 4 0 33.8 , 11
267 33.42 37.7 13
272 35.68 40.2 13
269 37.48 38.7 3
273 37.77 40.7 8
274 40.42 91.3 2
281 43.44 45 -2 4
- Average of 'multiple determlnations.
differencen I a l l aata, 56 percent
. Average
d i f f e r e n c e i n r e f e r e n c e 20 data, 19 percent
a f f e r e n c e i n r e f e r e n c e 21 Uata, 136 percent
d i f f e r e n c e I n r e f e r e n c e 21 10' C data, 31 percent
Average dlfferencen I reference 21 30a C data, 99 percent
Average d i f f e r e n c e i n r e f e r e n c e 2 1 50° C data, 279 percent
Average differencen I a l l data except reference 21 a t 50a C, 30 percent
14 NACA RM E52D24


Temperature, OC

I I I I I I I I I - "

240 220 200 190 180 175 170 165160 l 5 5 d.cji ---

Reciprocal of absolute temperature, ID, %

Figure 1. - Hemy8 law conetaut and vapor preesuru of water a8 functions of

(b) xylene.

Figure 2. - Continued. Solubility of water i n pure hydrocarboas a8

function of temperature.
3s NACA RM E52D24 17

Reciprocal of absolute tenrperature, 1/T, %

( c ) cyclohexane.

Figure 7. - C o n tas
i n u e d . Solubility of ua€er in hydrocarbons
function of temperature..



15 20 25 30 35 40 -lo4
Reciprocal of absolute temperature, 1/T, %
(a) Ekxadieue 1,5 and diisobutbne.

Figure 2. - Contlwsd. Bclubillty of water in pure hgdracerbma 8 B

function of tamperatun.
NACA RM E52D24 19


Reciprocal of a b s o l u t e t e q e r s t u r e , 1/T, ?I

(e) Methylcyclohe8lne.

Figure 2. - Continued. Solubility of water in pure hydrocarbons 8s

function of temperature.
20 NACA RM E523324

. . ..
t& 1

(PI Propane.
Figure 2. - ConcluBed. Solubility of vater in pure hydrocarbane
e a function of ternperttture.
NACA RE.4 E52D24 21

I@drogen-to-carbm r a t i o , H/C

Figure 3. -Humbere
Slope of solubility correlation line as funation of hydrocarbon H/C
i n a c a t e nuntbur of d
lerepresented by each point.
22 NACA RM E52D24

I -%

0 Kerosene
0 Paraffin oil

26 28 90
Reciprocal of absolute temperature, L/T, %
( a ) Kerosene and paraffin oil, reference 1.

Figure 4 . - Solubility of uater in petroleum fractions as function of temperature.

NACA RM E52D24 23

Reciprocal of absolute temperature, 1/T, "K
(b) Naphtha, kerosene, and lubricating oil, reference 20.

Figure 4. - Continued. Solubility of xater in petroleum fractions as function

of temperature.
24 NACA RM Em24

30 31 32 33 51 35 56
.S NACA RM E52D24 25

Reciprocal of absolute temperature, l/!e, %

(a) safety fuel, reference IS.

Figure 4. - Conclu&ed. Solubility of water in petroleum fractions ns function of

NACh-LmglW - 7-10-62 - roOa

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