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Mock Final Exam

(CS-303 Software Engineering – Spring-2020)

Time Slot: June 13, 2020 (10:45 am – 11:45 am) Weight: 5%

Attempt time slot: 10:45 am – 11:25 am

Submission (on Google Classroom and through email) time slot: 11:25 am – 11:45 am


1) You are required to attempt the remote mock final exam in your own handwriting.
2) You are required to use A4 size blank white sheets to attempt the exam (portrait format unless a
diagram or table requires landscape). Each sheet of the A4 size paper MUST have the Roll Number,
Name, the course code, name of the course, and Signature of the student at the top of EACH sheet.
3) You can use cam-scanner, MS lens, or an equivalent application to scan and convert your hand-written
answer sheets into a SINGLE pdf file (keeping the correct order of pages and question numbers), which
you will submit on LMS, and MUST also, email to the course instructor in a response email to the
instructor (through which the question paper was sent). You will be given 15 minutes for this purpose.
4) You should carry a clean scanning, free from any marks/stains etc.
5) You must use the standard file name format (Full course code - Roll number e.g. CS-319-20i-0790).
6) You must CC the email to yourself for verification of correct submission of the exam.
7) Plagiarism of any type will result in zero marks in the mock final exam and may result in F grade in the
course. Instructors will conduct vivas of randomly selected students or in case of doubt (significantly
different attempt as compared to past performance in the course). Plagiarism includes sharing an
attempt to other students (copy provider). Students who are not able to satisfactorily answer
instructor’s questions (based on the exam as well as slightly lateral but related concepts) during viva
will also be considered as plagiarism cases.

Please read the following scenario carefully:

As a customer of a famous METRO store, you can avail different types of discounts. If you are a new store
customer and register as the credit card holder, you can get a 10% discount on all your first purchases. In
the second scenario, if you are already register but regular customer, you get a special discount card which
earns you a 15% discount. In the third scenario, if you have a discount voucher and you are a new customer,
you can get 20% discount (credit card discount is not available in this case).
For the above scenario please answer the following questions:
1. Identify equivalence class partitioning for the above scenario
2. Identify the minimum number of test cases to ensure the validity of the above scenario
3. Write one detailed test case for any scenario of your choice.

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