WebSeries For Students

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A Web Series for Students

Before you dive into the text below, please be rest assured that this series is a Free of Cost Series !! So,
don’t worry about any charges and payment methods and just read and register for the series to learn
and have some fun !!

With growing economy, India is also witnessing the growth of education sector. However, Indian
industry is not so convinced about the job-readiness of the graduates. There is an urgent need that
Indian Industries and Academia come together and address some of the underlying challenges.
Academia and Industry are two different worlds which operate on different pedestals. Both have
different purposes and different ideologies. However, the rapid pace of change in the outside
environment is compelling these two different worlds to come together to address and solve some of
the real-world challenges. As per the recent statistics, the education sector in India is poised to witness
major growth in the years to come as India will have world’s largest tertiary-age population and second
largest graduate talent pipeline globally by the end of 2020. India’s economy is also expected to grow
at a fast pace; rapid industrialization would require a gross incremental workforce of ~250 million by
2030; India could potentially emerge as a global supplier of skilled manpower.

We are a group of individuals with (avg.) 10yrs experience and are passionate about helping students
BRIDGE the gap between the Academic & the Industry and then thinking BEYOND. While
brainstorming, we came up with an idea to have a short series of lectures for students on various
topics that would be really helpful for them. The series of lectures would be both technical and non-
technical and would be completely free of cost. The first of such series is to be conducted soon. The
average duration of each talk is about 60 mins.


1. Accounts & Finance Session for Students

Looking forward to be in employment or to become an entrepreneur, accounting knowledge and
basics of finance is an absolute necessity. This topic covered will be with respect to what is accounts,
basics of accounting techniques, basics of finance and investments. As engineers or science students,
we have never paid attention to Accounts & Finance and thus, we suddenly feel the pinch when we
are lost in a sea of numbers, forms, declarations, investment formalities, loans etc. It’s time to learn
how to survive this sea !!

2. Legal session - Basics of law every budding Entrepreneur/Professional

Engineering and law may not seem to have much in common, but laws affect every profession in some
way. This session will cover some laws that students should be familiar with in order to avoid problems
during their careers. Topics covered include general information on contract laws, intellectual
property laws and laws affecting the workplace. Thus, next time you as a student have to sign a rent
agreement or a contract letter at your first job or are caught for drunken driving ( ) or need to have
stamp papers ready for loans, you will be prepared !!

3. Getting things done: Persuasion

Strategic communication lies at the core of business leadership and helps organizations run smoothly
and effectively. Join this session to unravel the basics of this misunderstood art and its power of
applicability at different levels of hierarchy and across situations with a mix of tact, reasoning,
discussion and ingratiation.

4. Startup session - Startup Basics: Master the Fundamentals #VocalForLocal

Do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? Turn your startup idea into something concrete!
This session will focus on providing important tips and best practices to budding entrepreneurs looking
to venture in the startup world. Learn the fundamentals of starting a business, making a pitch deck,
building a customer base, funding and support provided by the govt. to startups in various sectors

5. How Agile projects are run?

Have you wondered how working on a college project with your friends translates to projects in the
industry where there are client stakeholders? What are the typical team sizes, how are teams
organized, what kind of practices help teams be more effective and deliver software faster? Join this
session to learn more about Agile Model which is a generation ahead of the Waterfall Model.

6. Subjects you thought weren’t industry relevant (A data scientist’s perspective)

“Why are we studying this?” This was a question many of us faced in our college days. Not sure how
much it has changed now. In this talk, I want to discuss some of the topics and subjects taught in
college that have direct use in the industry. Simply paying attention in them will put you ahead in the
industry. Figure out the subjects that are not important.

7. Vaccination
You read it right but this talk is a non-medical talk !! Right from birth we have been given vaccination
polio, BCG, DTP, etc. and hopefully, we all will be given a shot for Covid-19 sometime soon !! This talk
acts like a Vaccine which hopefully creates a stronger immune system for you to survive in the
Industry. Th talk will talk about Office Politics, Balancing, Project Manager’s expectation, 360 degree
feedback. And believe me you – this one doesn’t prick like a needle !!

8. Server-Side Rendering with NextJS and React

In most of the applications the loading time of the first page should be minimum. SSR is another way
to handle this. With SSR we can make API calls from the UI server to the backend server, get a quick
reply, create the entire html page with the response and send it to the browser which reduces time in
loading assets & javascript on the client side. Every page is independent of each other and
bundles assets only for that page which reduces the build time. NextJS fits well with the rest of the
JavaScript, Node, and React ecosystem. CSS in JS is another concept which comes inherited with
NextJS which deals with CSS for that particular page and components built within it. You can import
JavaScript modules and React Components dynamically to avoid asset loading on page load. Majority
of projects have switched from client-side rendering to SSR to get a stable ecosystem and
performance of the application. This talk will upskill you to latest industry trend !!

Click here to REGISTER or copy paste the link

"https://forms.gle/9gY9bZcRfvwUGcCE9" in your browser or click the below
button to register.

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