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- COMBUSTION... PROBLEMS... a ond ‘PROBLEM de : Aceat img amalysis on the dh ash fis (dia Ff) bas: ea ogy, WgduepenesZ, Ni 215%, Sul =0.9 23-4 Neogene ty ash! and . amd 77 trade enlslglaatle ‘ofthe « d. a 4. coals 1650 Btu /Ib wae Ra cpt 2 hic fei osmeburction of roti poe feud. pen the Combuctin « : a hails a fp ee Cree st UE) esing pom mel Thaleur 8 ine the Chine a (20°C iB cal as Pa ps Casing a co tae aOhe-oo fuid aol takont Rec ay ~ ating cat. Beng, . SOLUTION: If Baws: lookg cool as ti Mh = Ske 4 {ee met = 7 Sued eats fsx cool €Laf) = (00 — (S = 85 kg ---9n thy OS ke ef —(e-849x88) = 6.325 Igemd. conpedtinay di a ous osya = &laskg-met Gaol ism ont 4 + (0.018 x Bs)/29 = 0.046 Kg-mat |Hagtamvatnact page. t a (0.008 X 85) /32. =.6+ 021 kg-anal dn : O. + (0.034 xes\/a2 = 0-09 bg-mel dj at inga ACTIONS: noes a C¢+O —~ @ - Was haute Ate the Cont H+Lo.— Ho fadecpintin OF Hg: oh. SS + “Oo, OnE : : Therketccally Agusta O-« 6.325 4(2. 1RS-x05) +0. Oz} = 04 = F317 hp | Thesrebicel aun = THY le Se asrigemel ~ On the carlin larses ure house Aegd L gem | & go at’ NTP (STP) Contours = 2241 aA themen ” tm @A-4 Xiomy L nw - = 2.4 xigovL {4m “ = 24a? lore Thus eprntical au = 34.852 X22.4 = 790.08m° , = 78.08/ 2780 = Veo kg coal & BALANCES: ; Ct 6.325 = Ney yp 12: yoo. Hs 2 as+7, = yo,p Ss cor = "gp + 7 ; N,: 0-046 +(0-19)( 34.925) = My, SP q Q: ee eceeaee | 5 oY, ea Gi 04-3. 6, . As © Lectwlg =P. SO. Nie 1S beaqg] AS FIRED Cont FLUE GASES Ho Si: 6.8 | coat | ASFigeD 2 2 O: 3+ Cont a [AR Ne - oh: 8 e paeces ma factin No 0, 0 mo moitun:7 eal oo . a owe comb» Flam balawcss; vin Ps © | late Combiuskion. | Co = 6.825 kg-mat a : H,0.2 214 kg-omat. $0 = 0.02) kg- med. N= | 27.858 ba aml. Total fost gases = 6.325 -+ 2514+ 0.021 + 27-558 = 36-418. kg-omed . . : ComposiTION ON WET BASIS: By} co, = $325 xm 2 17-40, i * 36.418 ae . 4 Hoe 2Sl4 =~ 640%, \ » Beate * 1 / i o-o2| 36-418 N, =.(27- ssa )/36-418 Xlov.= 75:67 7 COMPOSITION OF THE DRY.FLUE.GAS2 0 Total diy fuie gas.(da-f) = 36: 4ig—2sia = 33. 404 kg- ama = 6 -325)/(33-904) Xloo =. 18-66 7 = (O0UlY, Xoo = 0-062 7 33: Io4 Noe 22558 /.. qoq X00 = 81-28 J Xl00 = 0-0577 f mes H,0 aoe We kmow (e\it) «(e)(z) where, Sula = Flux gaa ab daucard condition, where Latm, Te 273ISK._ £ Subteript Re Flux gon ak He hanpsind-tonditions 2a. 4 ! RIBAS [20°C = 120 1273-15 an com © BIB-1S , V,.. a ae - ar R=P, mo - pursure changes Vi = 104.4? = N74 9 fap = UT Tg cal ly We kmow - -NCV. = Gev— a . where, Am 2 _.OKS Og Che. UWIdEK Vin th flue Calg sat oisaly » 2 latont Be heak Catia ao Mey nko = 24 ig (giuen ) G.cV = 36a LY/pp o dea. fecal. Bat . nhs Lg coal a bid = 0-85 kg d-af coal i Gusis calerifce cualus sy or rk coal &§ } Gcre Shoo 0. 8S = 3O6¢e0 Teg conta faite! ip & NCV= 30600 — (0- 0453) (2454) > 30488: 83 17 kg Cond as fed. 9 AM.NECESSARY To eA the pertam 1 le Come aOe4s: differen Ges dig prt da wD 2 Weare a da$ Con ti lon (ie Lage). ee eee ae d-a-f- ree ae eee om fe OG Oral. olen oar leat near, we howe te Grune the daft cork 7, BS pathuthan lava, avh + meee = IS 9, ET+8). (a) for the calowlatin a thuretitad oni we AubtrasP aw armounl 0-09. fags $0, aliody fur ou thu. .srwet fo be pub*ack. _3) oes NTP Atomda Nema Com wud _ Mahe fe patna panes NTP amd come ne eB = 1 abi peasant and OC temperature Goses behaue heals aff MBE high tures aud low pressure. Waal at cog a po te idedl _ rok whim P— a ig- onl. 6 ge a NTP (STP) centavns 22.4 Lities. “1 kg~ ml ak NTP = 22-40n? toe. = tml tones = 1 Lite loo Xlop GC = 1x lon Lie “1m? = lov Ubrts. tal = |.000028cem? (wee) __a~ ; 7 Ss al 4) Resutl oy asta ore ta ocak ge “ombete. , ond those ipa amd one. Bens ey FO : oe S) - The. “ladda § ackusally mA 7, rey 2, ond bal ad iui iv of Te h form Usd be im WP 7, Qand | hae ane fo ty fuck ov (ov [b, alee see oe ak © eke, Bub n org gid Oa tl Se fa Aaltlan tok. et kel)» ty Them fe Vol % = MOL 7, TAS § key. (ab dary, % ane £0, vo pty -mil, y tatat then Pas mo 7 ¥* — xl00 = he 6) : AY, = MRT and RV RE or _ Re PM ond Ris Pe - Ch) : 17) ---~C) oe “nh - Cou faoing ar RE shay U5 Quote i) yee AM Lg ate 4) > “eb r 4) ) n) ake. 7) "geen Se at eet Net. hikns Smo ence att, & On the fl . beunlaa, the, er dimwedatiin f Caer Hap ame nite 0, AE fist gos whan themeecaf ai ky Combudion Mo CO $ thas mw whim cartirn bums. Seger bs é On. met our mt the gases at (Ino ret lthe Caeser eared oct nt 1 afm a> (air) bund fomebins ab Nip Comsat 7 Bo uke Ue our Caleutatm the bbw ileal _PVenRT. huh os ovdlcneall ypatn ee oe eee on re base oy Theewtical. aur § Fee Gee tla a3 Ho S+ 0 > $0, ete. e41Q Co. ee. Comburbin dite bad Loker wir wily Are vabbr latent peak, colecdee values, PROBLEM NO. 2: fut Whim only Chesreédea! ws baal Be vm hereto Pa oalgenct ’ a Ooh #3 enews aur. (120 £N,) =E 6) thin total d-f-g = 33.904 +E Guren C= InY vm flus gas, thus Kj-mBl CO, 33-904 +E kq-mol @ = 6. BS kg ams (At p-3 lene 29). x loo = IR a 6.325 33-904 +E Iz. (33-904 +E) = 632-5 [RE = 632-5- 406-8 = RAS°7 E-= 18-9) gon X loo = 1% © Gultem : - let exces a = Total d. f- aurhom npecers cur = 83-404 kg-l ond uth excew ait = 33-Jo4+& then ages O° kg-mi 0, go. x [oo = 8 B3-oa+ © 33-904 +é __ ee 0-08. (33-904 +€).= 0-16 Oe - 0:09 6 Fe AID ia R086 » diy we x00 = 59.057 LY. 3+. 962 h ne doin out plating, | amy aspig tre flue gas amalyus 4 exeem O.. Qn nett oe. ~ peeblems: dacern boc Lon _§ mst happened 6. co, Kp dese, ah!” tha i . © wlth Conbuictiion army. O v ow the psd jada ees one? wd “re 7 are CL OU fp XiUs WW 2 —__ XI Chenebrcat ai | thunieal 6 dome OA Asspurtd., ho PROBLEM. .NO. 3: Bases . loo kg -omat furl gas WM. _ Hg 2S Qe M48, —____-4 po Ne _ - 0,33 FELGAS Oxf whom Sofexces) Co tO may, HO A Onn-ay-% - otk — N79 we Hy rl _ AR. : Nols —— REACTIONS : CHa +20, —+ ¢, + 2H,0.. H+ LO.—..H,0. Co + “%O.—,.Co,. CrHy + 30, 2.00, + 2H,0 AB VOY, = mY. Foe ganas » thus ee (sx) a(4s.x0 S) + (tox0-S) + (1.x3)- - (1) = 79 Skensl Thus, #0 = Ee = 378-57 kg-mal Loe 378-57 x 22-41 = 8483: 72rd i) = 84 BOTS oi rife & (an - . = 848375 3.7957 ork Pa a \ . aa ‘om “lee BALANCES: - Os Bt lon 25+ OKI). = my, iP Hs 4S + CL X25). +.(2 KI) = ~iy0,P - we IN I caaae S17) = =n, a re Conon arg ae ee - : oy 2 dolnd Te IN, = 81407 kg mot , hoe 99. kgm Total dl fq = 404 314.07 = 354.07kg-anel oe BCG X10) +1 + (0.21% 567.96) = Np pt Nea, p's co, :, 4/354.97 xlo0 =. Ih h. 1 Bld '07 = 9879 Ny As dn x 160 7 hb . whim 5» LMU, then Excess on 2 379-57 XO-S5 = 189.29. kg- ms Enbenmg air = 378+ S7-+ (89-24 = 567. 06 kg-mol - BALANCES: . a Oi 3 +10 + 254 (2X!) = Meo. ph~~ — Hii 4S + (2x29) + (2X1) = H0 p! ? Nei IS (0:79)( $67.86) = Wy, p 1 Tyop! CO, = 4okg- mil, Hos akg ms. Ny = 463-61hg 4. Q = 89-7 kg-mat. Total af-g =. 40.4+463-61.4.39-75. $43.3] kg-mit -COMPOSITION: . a as ee Aan a) X00. 2236 J ~-Ny = Ab 361/543. 1- X100.= BS: 33_% - Os 397 X00 = 7.34 _ aan Iea3:31 a ; ay CeMPOSITION. AND -MASS OF WET ELUE.GAS.WITH. So [EXCESS AIR: Toto wee = 40+463-6( 439-7 +97 = 640-3 kgm ~~ Os 4%, 3) Xl = 6.25% s Thus, (- --~—H,0-24 Vea -3) UO IS: ff —— _ ee 49.3) X( “pt — 3. Yep 6. 3) X100..=..6:20. - Moxs oy the. wel fre gers = (40 x 44)4 (463-61 £29+0947%32) +(97 X18) = 1T7S7.48 Le Maus oy ful gs = (2SKI6) + (4SX2) + (3X44) + Clox28). : t a CU X32). 4+. (1X28) + (15x28) = Bork ae an ay tt flue gas . 17757. ey = [Ras Veputyes 1178748 | ta a = = (77- $748 9 __ Fe = 110-5748/ 93-4 27.93 stale ol 4): Tre arabs w fama otaimed whom S04, aus pagel fe be the fuel pr thes a al agp UR a} kg-mad.. (obeady calculated} — ab lak age, brie) = $4081 kg-mty) tg mi flees =. S483 % RAF 5433." kg ixaa4 im furl qa Tal omnan 5b f-9- = es 61X28) +( 3% 7x32) = I6oll- 48 kg = léal.49/, 0 = Ul. s06 fo alg Thal ay te ft fon 7-93 "T/ontfustge, ene) ai a ca lee eeees Oak m- a oth . . Tal dey flue tuitheul exces cui= 354.07 kmail “Composit a-00, = 735 4, - - (Aee past 28). —— 40 x fo0_= 7.38. 3S4.07+E : (0.0735) (354.07 +E) = = 40 .0:073S E.= 40 = 26.62. = 13-99. woe Ee 190.2 ge mal _— “Thus KO OUR =190- 2 kg-mit. 4. 199. 1). actual ai = Bil 9182514. 190.2 - = $68-77 kg- -mat__ So, CHUM OU = [900 ma 2 [M2 : ioe gmap! oe actual att = SBT, fn fu) gos * CHECRING: : te cee plone. a, about be. 0%. _ 4, ents ath « tou __PROBLEM.NO..4:_ x leo. = 80-244/ 2% 4 2189937 OST I ayes es woh —coal contains pense S422 a DY C =. 97:3 “He S-43 N= 1-63 S= 0.98 amd Ox ee, he I iv -G.CV2? CFOR.UCTIMATE. ANALYSIS” OF D.AF BASIS) + Usmg Duting formula, + GeV 338-20 + 1442-8 [H- 2] 4428. eg = (338-2 x 87-3) + 1442-8 (s: 43-28 =a )t (eax. 98) = 36609.35_ Tg das f bas” 245 G.C-V-= (838: 2. x80-4) +1442: 8 (S80 - 18?) (94.2.0 4) = 33714. 6 fig on beats on paid oot. Gicy mag athe be OLoutated wimg Grunt & Dawrizs| * G.GVe Cis mbsasye & tHe a) ky re n x53) +95} (523-454 43. ad wegen 34738 LTi/kg on dof bas « G.C:V=? (FOR PROKIMATE ANALYSIS) +. Fixed carom 2F:C2 65:1 x10 17h *VWobile matte VM BT - 2 BEAK J00 2 22 en — 1 . oe : he Hemce. usin GOUTAL Gove 4igrfarec+aV.M| ty (d.a-foml) =. 4.187 [8220-7 + 18-SX29-2) - a = 96316: Se POC. we see table RS. 30. 35 103 98 94 V-M a Value ak YM =29.2 Sout gin, vin BE, # abso cabled Vilabile Compmeme maskin, an V-CoM — nega Sopp 1. CALORIFIC VALUE: a Colerifve value 6 defined om the quermbily O% heak Uberated by the Combuction oF the Unik iby 6 ful. Combucisry § Complete. Combudion.. . 845 demoted. by CVemnetd Marsiabans ann - - Fuels are buumed. to produce - ty Chk fom b heak and. CVS Ameonnr oF thi, base property 0 th ful: “=~ a GROSS. CALORIFIC: VALUE (GCV): HS alsocatted we hus 9 value! founds hous hyduegin and. when ck caleritco value ¢ dakewme. coned, ore Combudiim in. Callemimebr. , hydrogen, Comuented vito cheam, now. whon produce (0) one. ff Git Up Ub latembheak oe team together uuthtre Keak. -Wbaated an oadting from tl Cend.erotion, pow to the: % - calorimetry ( datemimation) "The tatal Auch, aleutated valued cated GROSS or. UIGHER HEATING VALUE. 9.4 Ge. i oe 5 depined ar ttolomeunk .. » heat. Wbtiaked. whim ore unit 6, the-fusl § Lunt compietaly aond. the.combuciory plodiuch are Cocked to hoo temperature _ (60°F). Thy wokumropours areso Cndimsed - . NET_ CALORIFIC. VALUE. CNCV) OR LOWER HEATING VALUE: - een cd ume epee ee On. ackual bol wok the aoken. a buch, (net crdemsed ) along wth the hat gases, thus energy cubed due to cremation § nat. oh Aaising the fama tim. oy burning gares.ot in $ called NET CHLORIFIC VALUE, ov New. — 4s defined do theamountsy heat | (buatd hon one unik oy the fuel § bene amd the L comburtiery poducly are allmued to sxope. © Mettheonabecratly, 2" Nev =. Ga- mA whos, Wi the cmbuchiow ecluch. Atorndand. = (60°F). QMPORTANT: | . Fox the furl ov ot ete: the Hamdard heak 8 combuction § the _ eek oe nee hgh Heat Vatu 6 Maaeiat Refuse (te aiken oman A Rent ee | Rai creat 19,320 | a RR Mall a jules "18.710, Cara Case f me - Maman dy teal cok (foumed + Az lakimb heat! 5, emdensation ab the a Dry éalvered basis = 20,050 14,150, | 14,820 171260. 18;550 "| 20,610 * 43;210 anaes ped) why INTHE SAMPLE UNDER: CONSIDERATION * (Not oF wer Ale ) ee. oe eT: = ee eas “12,730 on a itil ot in = hee etegeaeidnn ae hop one tee ee mee 26,680 33,110 38/370 +) ‘21,790 ' ws : 123,330.00, 17,290 15.220 11,960 10,040 ; 7440 16 ten pie oh onl tothe ctomdard buk water. Atmoins tw the take. oan ' vapour, ape : Fev quid oved bic - ef, . m_ Cas . ce Le, tn. $I —-- Bay 4 LPS. 4 reo —— = 9. Bin e : “%4 46 3 MEASUREMENT OF CN: — - - — Fer Who exack Solus or sxpeimentaly. __-datuanioned canlue 6. Cvs mot there, the OM. boasts 6 the ebermenbry Cankiuints amd per. othe. et a uaa cobb i cnt 4 For sueenemene Wee eemenromee te Orit TO) Cet bet. konouer: poumula. 5. thotk DULONG, Actenduiy bth, amtecant ~ GOV= 4, [B0806.+34500{H - (o*n-t/p}-+ 22205] % _ ae i etl pgs Ss Conn Cnt forte ulldngaty SO egemecaiie Comn Sienna othe in. thal. LB P= fon? 4 Koad = 0-077. Ban fps Cher. rt ehiirmoke “Fer Caos. omd oils th the cv or fe Pte COALS. AND_LIQUIDS =. —G.OVe 339-26 +1442: 0 (4 ea le ac. +6203 (4-2 2) 4 40.58. - O-S) Bu r Gove (6.543 H + 403)($ +H Ab G-CVe (3:63sH+238.9) (S HP) oy, aera + ax) (£ +H 2) “i impute wing wales. pom * GOVe hen + VM Yo WAAL ole a depending ne dan Tell. de Gurdon catetnte) mb oe ViM= Vilatile amatter (aloe teed yeu. Vilakite Combrrene omakker ) _ VM 5S. lo IS. 26 25 30 35. 38 do ” a 14S 130. U7. (07 (03. 98 94. OF 90 VM.= fr d-a-f C= Fes fereal conborv pecintange . Abo Gi CV= 147-66 + av. MY, Vo£4 10 IS 2d 2s 30S FO WB R10 Ab Rlo-6 196-2 1854 1764 I 144 hE VeVM and aad . - G-0¥.< 4.187 [@xFe + aM] Tg Vy. . wu eke, Sore 0 fete. g i PROXIMATE ANALYSIS: - Prottmate oasis § the detecancnatim % Faxed Cachn (Fc), meiturc, wttatile conpmramb matty. (V:0-M) and ash." 1) Maidure= The lors mr usec on heatuig tg fomple an cusre at (04° tollo *t fram. 2) VCM = The (osm UaeaAe oa 4 Gramps heaked tv ov cousred Crucible at aor fon’ auth ana dade 7 3) Mh: Tht dendue form item ie ee emma aee| - $$ __$_— the embuctille matewal § bumed aut iw a anufite fumace at 1m te 180"C- = 4). FC + Stems [=4 all axe expressed Oo perconbage amd the ed carb § the did bw [soaud ttems UO +2)+(). # ; ULTIMATE ANALYSIS: . Usersey large quantities 6 cor! desine & my oul + Thss the choca | analysts Utth the age 9 the Chomatal elemonta, Carton, hydrogen, , nititgen y amd. ath. eat nae on sen best 0% SHAFQAT SAHIB’S NOTES, RRR CE TIER me GeV = Zy: (Gev), whet, _ = onde VOturne fraction Ormburkcble fetné ea cne . * . Py Gov = calouipe vulue Sp anvdituenk present Avavrasa ano Hearing Vanes of Trmcay Fosia 9 [Bin/scr] "PROBLEM 5: A diesel has a damit 5 37 °APL, clas the Ababa donot amd ertumake the rie aclu o Che fast. _ SOLUTION: - Relative denri = Ape 6 gry = d=? API- puuity 37 °APL d Dorn = T= 288K ue kmew. ° (4). 5 Absa eres) 1S 4 jl LAS ppt + 131.5 dad dz 14h 145° - = 0.84 WL +iars 37 +1305 GOV? 7 - GeVe S16 —9-792. 00 (mMT fg) = Sl. U6 — 8792 (0-8) ! 2 45-7) "ig — - Aso . - G-CV. = 22320 — 3780 xd~ (+4 Bax / Io) = 22320._ 3780 x(0-84) =. 22320 bi /Ib - . _—— CAPT... armas fer degaces APL...whiere API tans Amuucan PebrBleum Sratitute . “On absuc te 4 208K 2 60°F, _ketually qpauity 9 Wapcds cn dagrees APL. 5 dekeimimed. by. tf density ak 60°F omd's ondepondont 5 Eompuokur % APL. higdaermektra ab Cm peraburtio, other. than.60°Fanudt be. connected for Aoas te gine Cherolue at 60°F Fr. cletai 5 oben di damcty ales , det, Ria, genes. a WI = 141 — (3K HHOUIEN-O. ARE aLs CHEMICAL flexess bed ler Ss _ a Water had a fovea ea dani nla eho 28h _.|*To, Lp he Vos cology Holbeck, ied. en — Matha. Aimple afpaath i feune the fotlauing Nonogiam. aS 2 ee “ 3 & x iene SEs 2 $ =~ fy = jap os on Boesewas Pp q sales eae Fra. B. Gravity conversions : | ~—|-—-—-— Fi fe 23 “Tay mad ig OXY MOTI) #12 S0X204— oO, seiBop 0 EH (qavepriog)— Tay Srevace ot oxtaxoeesntag waLiLavat) 2Ust024g 4X NOTIYD NAL SCO —NMOS, al 24 Gt esnanovenme ssi) ounoREG GAY MOTI HK S020 — RO, o | s8ehedaded 25 PROBLEM 6: Adetid fual containing lew than ap mitvegen S buimed. to the olla ai “F wn sy og: Aoife ih ee How mucky excess ain SOLUTION: Basis: (ookg- mst fas goad) F Pe FIEGAS(dy) ©, ca ie Ng2Y, Sou FUEL” [= took-msl Ny Bho AIR Jom A IN: 79% As Wid fac conkaums Lux Bram 2 Ny Ao aaa As thas § Complete Aeartion mo CO formed, 40 Om the fue goaes § ences Oy thus exces Q 2 45 kg_-amat Ow exuey A = 45 = 2643 ky-mot Beoloulate enkeung any 7-21 g thi, Nu: 0 + (0-79)(A) = Glo be a Az (02-53k-mi , 4o id ait 2 Enturimgaur — exces air ped ea “a = 102-53 4B es B11 kg mal, excess an hegpided aur S a X100 = 2642 7S fag eKCLS OU PROBLEM NO. 7: fm oil fut, coding culm ond yen 7 8 bund shen flue gas¢ basis wd Cg No.7, ©, Ao Bee Indy. “4 M Entimale the growtimatce. anc othe fuck Ad the evens 26 SOLUTION : Basi: (ovk-mil 4-9 He? fp. bas ©, a ns = OIL FUEL -aF-9 2 fe Cree = (ao k- OLs 2 Not pe AR ee \ af S200 M79 A 02) Watex (1007, ) Reachionr: C+ 0, — © Hy.+ 050, —, HO CG: Top + 0 = 105 +0 eeera)) Me,p = 10.5 kg-mat Har. We =o ci) OQ: (021A) =2( myo) + 10S TS on cli) Ni» (0.79)(A) = (0-82)(lo0) A= 103.797 g- ma Firm (iit) ! M0 = TIT my My Oe 7-594 kg- mat fem (i) MN, = STF Kg-met cournsion of Fs 4 kg lt Comporints kg-msl MW Carb 10.5 R126 PY xt = 89.24 Hydogen 7594 2 (Sd (0-76 14.2 tL Ae Le Combuctiion om encers @ = 7Shg-met Regan LLORAS CUR = TH, = 35-7ikg-mat 7 Entering cui < A = (03-797 kg- mot 4 : exe Lene UW = X (00 ° he a ek cnkuong — noi oriek, Jocersait = 387 xX too = saa 7 ° (03:797- 35°71 PROBLEM NO. 8: Heel contac 8+ 7c, Os buuned te pratace one Hh Che Cony (duy basis); cota yoo, SZ Qs Sy Nie 790-57. Eikirmake the amass amas Of Corben censusiked. te carb 'omensecde kg cook burned Absa akimot th vat ad Bf Che trcem| ane Combudzon, dure to the foumation oy Catagtontee am & 33-96 MI /kg od cals vou Coz 1238 LUTION: Gots + Lhe Coal 4 ay is P44 cops Oss AIR li N, 180-5 ho loo %) wih C. Bt Fe come tov kg Reactions (Relatdch) : C+Q _,{ @ ci) | aa ; ~ C+iQ — co meee ic))| Carbor vm Cools 0.94 kg C: ot =) (o+l25)(P) + (o-o1s CP) hae . = 2. Ska amet New on P; a C0, = (0:125)(0-5) = 0-0625hg- mal Co = (0-015) (0-5) = 0-0075 kg-mat From (te) kg. amat Cos Lkg- mi ¢ thu, 0.0075 kg mal Co = 0-0075 kg- msl © or cathn crusted to CO = 0-0075X)2 = 0-07kg a 2 Eig cel x ke. Cmbukion C score, thon Co, § onl cod wd acto Cay 5 mot there, Ao og fate fatal heal Uibucked = 0-84 33-96 = 2OSOMT iro. cond Where 33-96 5 Cv Canbo (given). ° New cabm cmunted to Co's 0. 09k9 , thuty heat Let dur & Co makin = 0.09 x33-%b = 3.0564 Mg cect Hea aucwabe ts thin = 28-53- 3.0564 = 85:47 M7/kp coed « Gn the abouc we anume thak © cmunted & co giu, C+LoS — Co Sam endhumic agaclin amd 26416 Ae paduced. . CRU ation a Bes “ COL anh Ms 29 Fa this Heat a foumation 8; Co : REAIG Caf | loovgema | thj-mCo| 4.977 | IMT gem | tkg-ma | aatg co | (ad | loss = BAS MY, a cee may co Heab euslued duc bo CO generabion = (0.0075 X28) x3.95 = 0.8295 M/k coal Thus tata! heek ackuotly euroilabe, = (0°84~0-09) X 33-96 +.(0-00 15X18 X3.95) = 26-3 MO /eg cock Thun heal lot due te nos combuctiim = 20-53-2635 = RRB HT eg -ca [eg heat lot = EAB hu X(om = 7 82 (on Cowbm bass) “ oe x (oD = Te] Where 3145 CVA Cool. ALTER NATE Casing THE GIVEN DATA): Toto Aeak weg Complete combudtin = 28-53 MI(ig cont Heablet = Heat vn Co (mat auowlabe) = (0-0075 X28 x [0-23) = &.148 MT/eg cond Kent SE en AQMAIGL LOM AW LOR 9 , 3-(48 jf oge hesk lek = aa? = 6-84 Deperamee. 5 duct crunsin aud data values, 30 PROBLEM NO. 9: Bass = lev kg-anak fuck acs m7, mi, 4,1 2. Hy le O,: 1 — F2PURE GAS Pe Aus ese took -met : Nyt 12 my, Ny 63 co: 7 Ale Nut 79 Co, 3 th: 46 A OF H,0:6 CHa: 30 CrHg: 2 REACTIONS: 7 co+tQ—, Co, H+ 40, Ho CHy + 20, —, Co + 2H,0 LQHe +70 —+ 4¢0,'+6H,0 BALANCES: Cr AFT+30+ 22) = Co-I)CP) + (0.03)CP) 43 = (0+13)(P) Bo, P = 330.77 kg-mel > Lg anBl of c.gaa ak NTP cokoums = 22-4? ° P =(330-77x22-4) & ook faal rs 330.77x 224 _ 3-Blan} Gd lov x 22-4 on fat gar” Now theoretical O, = (7x0-S) + (46x 0-5) +(30 x2) + Oxy) -1L = Rsk-md Thesekicof out = Rep = 440-49 ko mat. . 0-2] N, - balames : N,: [2+ (0-79)(A) = (0-63)(330-77) 079A = 196-395 31 As 248-59 gmat Ad deficceney = 440-49- 240.59 thenchloal—enkeing) = 141-89 kg met ee en defocemk aus. ag h ye uk de pecienery alana (U-89 yoo = 43.6, LO 44048 PROBLEM NO. 10: ee: Bases: lookg- coal Bb C: 84 FE. k Ahilo zeke —_—— COAL 2N O,: 2 sh A S/he Ni?74 C 757,04) AR BALANCES: Mh: lo = C0.7S(P) ot P= 333g ‘ cab ty P= (0.25)( 18-33) So = 3-33kg Cle Ch : “g-cok ea = 20599 7 aad a Totel C = Stkg lot = 333 This Ve 94-333 = 80-67kg 3 . 80-67 a u) Hoogp © bamed = BEE xian = 96.0367, c. Ck pg cad = 0533 by bac due BS C = 0.0333 X 33-96 = [-13(M7 heak tok C-¥R Coad = EBL x (00 = 367 on coal bows Bre ° “Petal hea dus C2 0:94X 33-16 = 28:S3MT. heak Cot = (131 MT X (oo % heat let = Yh haat ot 2 BI Koo = 3-96 7, or Cater basis 28-3 PROBLEM I: Boris s (60 kg of ea So= STEAM FOR ATOMIZATION & _ 451K, IIT0 KN ag y SISK FEED WATER (8-F-W) WASTE HEAT BOILER ) ~~ = (0-0%3S5)(F,) P= 15°76 kg-mat y . He IS = 2 oR Iz x - Ho = 7-5 kg-mar Maat 0-3 kg ye = BGO quay 2 ale Bi Bo)! He IS + 2x(Fr) = RH 0,6, : ho Hos %I7kg-anel a Total = Pa+Pr ae P= PS*76+9.17 : aoe me ge a 94.93 kg-znat 33 Ackually wus. want to calefake sear ced, for wShuch Haak aan by the fas gpa = Hea grime by te ei Heat guitm by tre fut gpacs = ann We use VOAT, whith Fo thy wr haus b Ace Oume the fle gate. Sackually amGAT, Fut. gas sntoung the boiler ab (oS0k, [bub Anne win are in heal to he B-FN amd leave | Gite with Ch vm at SISK, thus we Ute Aume af mean Ring pur om? uncb terioporat ue wnstiek nubs = Close +5752 = BIS K a aoe Vlas unch onsterd . Re 10 + amas uv so Bye (MS) (Ts) P| wt haue te wreV fe w= (% Sg | wctead an. 33-4 ! 223 F = (Saas )( ons (co f= B = Yabm) oy Ve = ume & flue gases = S662.-m> f % g = $6629 p94 Thus, Hea ges by the fut gases = S6-62.X tem 7 294156 rk, : . ‘get Cp given Pour 4 ary, efferent thus Heab gpimed by water = 0-97X 3456-02 = RIS TARY, = R96 MY agit As dkearm & Bakenated erat suberhaated,, thus heal omtimk vn Mea = Somsitle heakin unt + lakent heat 3976 = = SCp AT + SA \ \ Guu house azad anger) B _ 3 where a produced = Az " ekent ha com ab A5tK = 4A. Cp Op. heak entails of Contant pasuns = dirk, 4.197 x18 “eh Thus, - Ie \ age = Sx 4197x152 (asq-33ay) 4 86-99) 29.716 = S(0-50244 4 1-99) “ Sz WG git Now S= tata! Loom produced ye (orm gumasolad (vat) = S- Ream for okeonwaphion 1-92-0-32 Iher ky, Basi, tans taken (oo ha oi for nloabine RO a aa thus Wee "195d Mgott tks bass 2:88 ks 7 looos . l/s S% Alsom gencraked = Il 62x 6-455 = TS: 01 si 9 AM NECESSARY TO READ* vn) Shturatecl wx psur thas we Wilf Conder, Aerie heat 6, Uayucd wake flo the. cakwation nk 454 Cond then the latimé heat depuird to once cafirated unter te the rokurated “enpsur- As Sokuration herr & a mat ak 373K (100°C) Lecouae pressure oo ‘ (Shuoted & mat (03 KNiy* (Salm) due presure Soe Bo mencaned 1170 KIN /an’, thus ooku - * ena atin pores mevand. 459 K- reari oma | Sea Tren Par fr detoik og ratarated var puperhanted ata four, Aub. cavliol tiyutel, rateraked a 454 TK) 3s. Qnguuy SATURATED , SUPERSREATED , SUBCOOLED WATER? Conseder, a liquid cat, at Yat e, amd 20%. Upto the mt Wha the boing “ES puck Asached the Uquec wists ety ito fleas Cp ie Ta water a a faster to bepore powit o; brilng § called SUBCOOLED , OR COMPRESSED WATER AND’ OFTEN LIQUID WATER: On 4g thi, water a cE Acached. uchere boluig E § Agached liquid water bo bocl. The water. § called SATURATED WATER: Saturation means # malurakim ay iS Aormuchy amegy apbnaked Chak ow ommueke. Oc heaf wt make tf vapeur. Now ig ak Covtank 1 abr Aba Co Chis poturated Uquud wr get a. tuo i muita wot ened Cooturoted woku) and pete ce Auch Ov we need 5 to fron deine ‘a. tum by (x) Cotted dyes fraction . BS packin or yraker Vee tS ‘ftu oro Pee ge Ctad man omd $ Ywo— 1. Furthur ‘ cauremg the alt quad be hecome » Such vi $ Saturated” STEAM. the deep: net 5 Bare Sm Little @ Atri, decrease rw heaP itl coune ck 0 become Lame § Che to + th Uta the boclung (ookwuake rik) whine roturaled Cogan arcade on additioveyheak , Auch heat s"cotled SENSIBLE HEAT. A eoturated Wound afte rakuated vapour heat § mat ared trv Uri, tase Suk used & chow 4e y t mow Ao pase pine: se nt pe em ee % » hol CReab tinfuich § ured mv - tramifeumatim 5 4 latent Reat. Nowas its used coma Capa to vapor, ts LATENT HEAT OF VAPORIZATION? Nowarthe dtage % Aakuated Vapour further heat at covtant Akl] comre the ipo became tt $ Called SUPER HEATED 1M STEAM: Bom nakurated Vapour to Che panck of aurperhont again] 36 ure marcases and heats SENSIBLE HEAT. Tre Beak Aegune cenank catanated com te experheated hea § called degre aaasarabn Asa awnse the pussure, aay) Yt alm t 2 iw and heak the Waqued, we Unll peo at casas fn whi fs he te Lab) loo°e oriergared « Aetualiy (iho Passe rrorzored more rAGY 5 AL col wnat te 4 Renn G ia i enue wet ca Fuuthu Y we! rroreare the enlke pane, | d.'Now te Ki at sk a a Oe he i eee Pace tutes Ahoum dh mony difprone bstures. SHADED LEGION 1S SATURATED s REGION OF BOTH (MIXTUL SATURATED LIQUID AND SATURATED VAPOR mickeone Onety flex @ pon mh Oat a volar aon SURE — “tl es hou mw _ Entropy — encthadlby $ Gen iguiee DIAGRAM AlL these dhinoms O44 ahed aly ‘Stan hore FOR PROPERTIES OF WATER-(H20): AL ths mjoematiov aay alto be med ithe form Fytalles caited aaestAl thitercey acc tobls ra When Water Uy Che Comfort, tut hawt to have here thee toler . ; 1) TABLE FoR PROPERTIES OF LIQUID WATER , Sex pages S4. r diggewont pussuren cuter vorsoble Sometimes ure are mat Cy mit) Quin Witth, the table o% a Udpud unker far ov pascicular » We may Use Che chatk 5 the fro-pucees Qeatunated unt. aa Cal z Oa HAL Change letele if) TABLE Fok PROPERTIES OF SATURATED WATER: See pages 43-SI- bromy ome natuablor pumure , rors ont cokurctted 0 fe dijgarunt GURL Chas me ‘ut we. wa po iil) TABLES OF PROPEE-TIES OF SUPERHEATED WATER: Sex pages S4.A, ComPUTER AIDS: 38 CHARACTERISTICS OF SATURATED STEAM TABLE: (p -): a units & Irmerccan, Engg” dalum (base) Grmperature 82°F prsssuce & wr absolute unit, (pHa). Fld colurmry Aepesemls Comp. tv °F sect aeediea Od Clune Ahouus pessue inv If olbstlute (bsia) » Fer cath eatuation pou chu’s only one rbd clu shout akuabion re ou Th Chun ohous (mthal haturaked Ugurd . 98th. Chlumen, Ahouss enthalpy § Aatiuaked ra pour q” donates eakuraked a pout, ty Chlumn Ahow dy bfe0 cnturaked vapour enthalpy and caturated cays enthatty called latent peak. Cth this Blumms' ath, Sth amd 6th phow Apeiicnalrne 8 ii cbucated Liu, witease ume. upor vnituaduowg latent hestt oma Apretpiadumery saturated L Dy. Tis? . “pe Th Ole howe only ture 25, neumnod Ie (A) aud embedpiy axe also wdnitle ery some toes. inert - . We degine théte. bepeabies conntd.sdim q & eam Now the aaturakion (omtigg natwakion) ccaurs ok boluig 4 uk, Jo Makunakinn peink § bila at ak’ that ee at tabm rer i the volue akoueilons bine should be 21°F Oo Aci ov the bt amd amarld Site which Sthe mnéumak boiling 5} water. Aecomty eqpal to chimal pressute, Crus nolaucction puemurt, axe alto rva-pour pressures. 34. / ination an» Vapouk, promure at that . oe bel . natn Ot att At ie mnt ome page from aaeete 27 35° and 49-60 Oo, REF. 4 amd 5 WAYS OF DETERMINIGG ENTHALPY DIFFERENCES: i) Use of heat capnciey pation ii) Ure 4, tales (Kobutated data) Ti) Ue oy dai C4 ny a fpeoach) WV) Use 5 Computer detal be. Te etoun we cnridr’ an . EXAMPLES: onan Caloulake the emt} tw the ted choam at Sook and to60 kW) > tum the Wgped wnkir ¥ heated from 400K amd (a0v EN |g. The : eokuvaion tampoatune ok (050 EN Ion & 483-06 K- The mans 6, wake G lo kg: il) USE OF TABLES Ge the drm table & Apheated 54 ims p38 Fey Sm K amd [ore LN fy “apecpc omehatpy hy fi 2940-2 LY. . . As dakurm fer ream table § 0. of 273-16 K= Biple pret 6, wat) ,Sothe abue values emthally dsleromce, b/w T= R73-16K ond Tz Sok. Bub Lgury wakes at took (mot 27316 K) , 50 CE gud unter ak 400K ang [OBEN | ae usin tase foie bate poe ( 4 hye A= Sax), . % howeucr lewd wales tole | ne ae fo ig fa toa am toloulare ce wry coturoked take p-BRA Oo Uttle Affect * ental Made mais 40. ave aa 4 unkn, thus Ururg rotuobed » Ae He S32- ee (by seem tooturated Wyuuif Blume). &, Oh = b,—h, = 2990-2 $33-1% = 2387-09 KIfeg. Sb 2387-08 LY, heat § tobe & thi Uke Gitr_on Buf, 9 m= lok, 50 AH = m (Ah) = (0X 2357-08 = 23S570-8kT. Tha R3S7o- a ey 23-5708 MJ one Assuunid to Aut - * a he Ut pv y unhere Us Ap. enkiumad emiigy bon ovet be ameowured , Hur hi cam mot be mecwued, ure Cam mmeanurr difpusncine Ah, - Be The abour show h, and hy me nko aaqatl oy bv at 2I3-15K (datum § 3410), b0 Ah = hy- biggie = hy 0 = hy - Rrularty hy (i) USE OF DIAGRAMS: sige farisapt wf astute pussy A pte bapeaut Sot, ye He 2400 Tg @ At P= 1oe0kN ng ramd 4ook, Castualty de% zavakh, Ae Sto. tg Meo ped Just ot cantly vdoule) & abe H- He ‘tons S40 = 2360 Ky AH = om AR = (012360= 23600 KT =% 23-6MT~ ( USE OF COMPUTER DATA BASES: Aoi ane thre or whack usher} eo two urliurs Sf pressure amd (x a joo aa ali pontine ou Use OF oe ned Ci EQUATIONS : Whim mo « i dlaka.| 4i 5 quits to ou, Use heal capacty equates where Cp values Semaihe heat § the inthatpy dliffrince Yo Brame hefreree Salat & he tom puntuce of euoluakiion. Q= atte mfep ar Tt me mass Q waker For our nor i OH = Sesh heak om (iquad toate + latent heal + Meebap ey Simsctle heab on wae Be fRER befor ate my [ey AT + OMA + ™/ YY AT. 339 45306 % woluake the nvkeg Uae haus to haue Valiutr 8 Cp Os a ‘ RT 0 oP valiuts are atu is pC = at bT + cT*+dT3, ete. , whae a, b,c aud ol OAL Contant , Whose valuus Ort giintm re (ceurakure ‘ Here for on, Ut arse Cp On Covtomt, ouer.the eee mbuuals. Tass uwweg 5 ky 4 Bu Cy = 187 Tg (o ¢) Gy, = a0 Ly (004) For Apt 453-06 ,wee Ace aaturated -ateam table, or we Com etemae Uk using fecemb techrnqiees Auch a, Chauscun Cla-peyum apatum - Nass.06 = Reiss hg ep as. A> {0 x4-187K (459-06 33%) + 0X 2011+ [0X 3 -094x (Stn49™™) = 21299-9KT = 2IaMT SuPERHEATED SoD STEAM SATURATED LIQUID T 4S, (kK) Constant PLESURE LINE (000 KM) doo QMPOLTANT: On the Aupuheated Dreyaat flop ‘diye Autcegled deytns wut Uae ont fer otthsugh on de 2 hata el on, ak, Vhs u,s “fe t tually Fe C- Pte (Prose wuke) Now Fe ogee ec) Now wv nubeotled aud Aespechanted » Cues only ne Pe ty C= onby warkuat, io Fe .t- oa te a Fey cabuaked Fe 4- Rite to way lye py con defor yn. Steam For ATOMIZATION: _ Heaus act, are eget wk t Buca and hence to bun. We thet ony, Chama, Te-amalie taba whch thon gut ean cet eatad auad caty [ — sia . — dite featin = 35-5 x 84-40 = 2996.2 MT ” UN, = (64,23X S2-0] = 8541.6 MT \ thOe BRS X6EIS = 1492-9 MT nn Oe 87 XS4.93 = 148-041 MT 1 Total heat rn flute gue = 13)78-74 MJ = 139474 MT Tig uel ps CV: fuel gas ( prctuce. 3) = 619 MT fel g Were ReaD We Ba thal augilalls rn famous 138-656 ~ 131-7934. tose = 6-97.MT * Heat auculote capested. as Page the ev & the Pq. : 6.872. ° 4 = SS Xx loo S07. . 138-656 i i) PRE HEATING AIR To 1300 Ke a A [300 Kain. enthalpy = 3127 MI/e. nfs At 130016 H,O wmthalby 2 39-0MT/,_ Nao ia /-met | | (day AU, mnbeaduced = [41 43 k- ma | also wat uth wd = 9.0 k-ma i & i a total enthalpy = (14 43x3h27 +2:0 x38 (wat) Pa 2 Sea - ) \ i} = 44.9952 WT /jaM furl gas (ery ) ah Total heal = VK fe. + heakow uch au \ = 138656 4+ 44.9952 183-6412. MT /kg-rmSL fuel gar (dry) Heat availabe = 183-6 4/2 — [3{-7974 “i = ~ | St 9538 MT fig. mn jfuclgrs (dy fay Hawes for pede gra h heal auailae = S'9538 loo = 37-4 138-656 Gi) PRE- HEAFING THE FUELGAS ( PRODUCER GAS; PG) TO [360 K « Weccl Conkiomt Vn PG. = Heck iv dag PG + Heal m wotw Come with PG, Meal wi dytePG = Lxghe = Liles 6, each qux pete onthaSy al aK Weal ui Pg = [asx 49. 93) + (30 X31-32) + (3.x 54.63) + QV43K12) + (52-5x30-17)) (0-35 x38) > 331, 45MI = 3314s MI Total heal vr = 139-666 + 33°19 Zig oy lp = 17/77 Tig me dt pucl gs . | U age heal cuailade = 1-70 = 131-1874 x gp | = ay 138-656 iv) iy At [300 K, Total heat = heabrr wel arr + heat vw met Pa + CVE Po = Bia 44.9952. 4 33.1145 4 139-656 a {tg = 216 76MI/, kg-msv fuel gas(diy) foge heok aucilable 2 216:76 — 131-7874 XI 139-656 _ 60 DALTON’S LAW: : Fa a pe muntirnc tre tar prssseere 5 cqpod to the dur of the indducdual publ pocises & | the Comtmamlin se rian. Ath tht --~ + Pane Protas oa Rurtiat prsseace (usinrg deal i lows ex nt Als a Pav = RT ET. PA Cas pve ner) af fey tool posses a ay Al | pV= WRT 7 mow RT = a sees ch) | Vv Cora faring MO BCH), wre here =D &o?P hy K—~ mide frackin b= (*)p Humibity: Absuke hunk Waker in! av Unit amass OY ale « Thuy mass walk — _ MIho, amass % cht uk b the waaay We (omesi) 5 OM bd-age OES ery ca tyccutle & measete the abrduke values humicdilips as its cleterminod taking & Wuume air and thon exticling alt mature pon and weg ng No thon uatifumg dy bone -~duy- aur (dda). Thus cw tem atlatuw anxkurckion (humidity § dofimed. Ackuclty the tnd arturatcon gprual Lut fumickity apes G Gh Agitim. Cortina vonker Quad OL + Relatiae Humidity 5 tre tween Aatio the mectue bo the a to Hic rangi omodinurm mectue WAC the air Could held al that tom puative A asloktns Rirmidt onan that the ali colarns exactly on haifa A tefuch Cf coutd cokoun at thak Compeature. 3 the air Unt Con flatly enturated , Relature hasrvichitg toad be loo %. Ona Genligd uy oe Be Relative Sobnation § the satio’ op the condunvalle con Csdlate) ud Che MM - Cndirsalle alee (Adeunk) “be a mantionumy amuunt | cordemable me urbuch the mn Cordonsitle Ca could hold at that Gm buature. Gaeatur Cre temperature geal. be the abelety By non - Condimsolle, Component to hatel Cmeonsable| Com . a mas OF (e patabin Sehaabins BSn ‘eft ‘man. MOMs OF tha Caw be my ty xmn om, Pf had ff ms my XMW oa, Pier % R whe « dinate the marimum omdibon,!e- mastmum mas 6 vo uc Chak axe hedogm* )y maximum andor om, aad mmanionum pumsure Udiidy yrcan onl ak thal Grmpuokiure. “4 li RS = Pym vo Now the martimuuny pusare exunted) Meeps wlth a munture aie § called pure - ‘t re lf et cnn / i Rezarges Relate humidity= AH = fos, Pon WW premure Cam be caleutaced Wing, Cox. aps ose chat, Usui Artove Lien ey Wing Conrrlaktims, fERWHRY Ace Reg.” Fox wanker rhea baie “for onkuurated conditions (orturated sear tbe) may be wired & caleulake ge Vopr ya Che akawy fomperature). GR MOLAL SATURATION: Ratio the ondur % vapour te Che anbes BE ee pr ee (bone dig > Ao Me anéusation = TPA 5 Taw Now pe feat 2 my. Pi/pr - by - Ye xVdume ganitmac ante Vy nn E/p, B 7, x Yume unatandvaentr vy, Naw : My MM) TL Abstucte, Sularation. Mw, ™, Sameer DEW POINT AND BUBBLE POINTS: Rupose thak a wxum day Q Rjene, cmactinr rite the air bo thab RH S$ 907% At ought When Aun gtr deur and abmes phase cools, tarp. cleatliey ard Che RH Ataches [oo {> Furthar Cooling ute crise the meiture bo Crdonse . The pour ap while feck carte 6 deep y wanker 5 condensed § calked dew paunk Further Covtuiy Causes [pegpunt daw on the ground Which § vircde tn the moni or Ucindow lane, Y aus and ax ete. Ram has BL the Aamt frumomeron, 4 cloGids orkurated uultivwrrtee are. ouddenly cooled Chey cose, Aouins has dzed outlet LL . o a Seppe that a wen cay 6% Tune has vaporized, a lat rnoituce inte the ake Ao hak RH S 80%. Rend At the tome the sor § (a tompuakus § thaw oh bressire (do Aupecheaked woken Moxa Areal = pap as can held aku meiture. At ¢ Vapour pemure dectecie, due te Cowling (Leto Kom perrtuse) aad Ut decteass Cordaubly , @ “and a time vs Aeothed whe Os ef pessase becomes £9 dopak be Presto aia (45 Che same a, Y tary ot Acccause mo: YMA ade ont lot). Tht When parker prone become, erpour LULL, wt ony eur § rakuLaked wcll water (Rie too)» amd ie wv hur § called raturoted vu a laeacencate pred om Sak pectis The bony perature here § catted maturatihn ent , Condemnation me ature pede print, aucd poxtd proswae here catled BURL. Not beclis Fw Aecouse tata | pocssune oto a fies cal puss * Wn, Aust dome, cap autd A wi daou thot ter ecrated Arar und aaturated mands for emg catiuation oa Rie Ceeuag aL cage ct Crdonse. ma bath op conker, when tut heaP wate oes 5 Agached where vunrter$ caburated Speed (bel sag Pa Jo Now when on fra heal ap the fee buttie appeaas bo make raturated input to ope wu sey OM, pork do rose Boia i pote vpoa poe laa date pk frat dian sb age 7 _ G4 * PROBLEM [3+ 1.46 MNfmi- BaE-W aa K———__ 60SK wy, 470K 7’ BtSK 320K oy, C73 Fsteoky i pepspg (a:8° st cont fier O65 O83 (295K) Ny? B06 NubS e Sil AIR, H,0(100% aah: tS Sire Econom * 408 a ned BOWER HEATER IRER AIR HEATER. ISY, Beis too kg. coal as fared dued Coal = loo 1S = 8skg (ass 7 Ho) BALANCES : C: (0-73)(85) (9.13) P Im oy d-f-ge P= 39.79 kg-met Ha: dilo-os x sy, } aA Ov We HO ln W = 296 kg amet brtf(o- oIs XS Vy F + 0-79 A = (0-805) (39.78) A = Eniung ar = 40-5 k-mel oc: Sogo Gprsumg So, a MUD Aonatl gptamtity THERMAL EFFICIENCIES: a) BeILER: heat cut pt aad Theumal effcelenag) - heat output (agen, ie “Y ha * Heat weput Heat geumed by BFW = - x 160 Heak aualabe wr col Coat fuid = 29 M (Mg-mcga gam) Scan genaakd = 9 229 Mg OP a duration & tual. 3ks hss kelo pec) Akcon generated. pe ka col =? » BF We BOILER. FEED WATER aagag | loookg ; Sheam gerwated ths My Iggy RaMg toon kg 24 kaceat kgeosl Hl aks 14g anpaid || ig Ateam table (drtwaled aunt table an Ateam (yism | G daltvated Jat &46MN/m2 amd 470K). In the giuen Atecvm Fable (attached) theres me value aucilable ot [MN fog aud 470K, so ur haw fe use Wincor tion: | 1 Pom Aaturated water table ; <0. ; as af tp 195"¢ = enthatpy tha) eg Yu ” Ree'C = ” 4% 4 RIMS 4 Thus y= 195°C 5 Y= 2709.4 Veg Kye root , Y= 2tasly, quem % = 470—213.1S = 19€-85'C , iy 2? ad d- Uy Hm aah . (%-%) ni d Gas d)+ dy (196-85 — (95) (8792-5 - 2789.4) +279 9.4 (Ree — 195) = 2790-547 he = 479 eg \ oy prteam Heat Gounod by BFW total heal conaccleniie iil goed, to be Ahoarmed — heat vw B.F-W Meak already present tn BEW = onaas of canter x Cp x AT = 7-9 4.197 x (4¢0— 273) i = 4200. 92 LI, = 44M, | Tease = 9 te . ‘Tht ameyy erther be calculated Ung psp sh lequid water (table o es ve coturated, walt. takes atface But when ww aitmet gun buck tabs we hawety > Se AG Otol heal ba Akcam = 277 = 2R-Oh Ye col af . te Thus heat merded vn Aang Atcom = dy 4.2 ; | = 17-94 MI Ag hed |: fed, Heal cwcrilatle vr Calas fudd = Cvoy dued cal x o.95 = 24.6 X 0-852 2S-16 MI, ‘hava {fe - kg Cond ed (28F 60 = 20-9 e/ aged RS Me b) SUPER. HEATER (SH) ; Hea Cramsfeared te Atcam 44 SH - — X [co Gh heat ww Cork a Fae beak Ceamigemed by SH = TTX 2.094 x (605-470) = R233 kf, aie = RA33MIp Ag cca RRB 5 arqned = aa x loo = 84 “Ue 25-18 h ¢) AIR, HEATER: au ATER Heat Ciam4eried to cembuttion cui Ce, 7 : X leo heat tw coal Heat t dl on Combustion cur = mass avr xp x AT Bs aut 4o. oe = 0 10H all nyo = 0:4046 x84 = [h73 ‘gh igeceal 03 rid Heal transferred = 11-73 x boos x (3898- 3a0) = TH ol "Ny, = (738 AEB ws 23046 of d) ECONOMIZER: Heat tramsgemedl & Wale = 7-9%4.187 x (400-345) = 181T kT gg cote 1-84 MT Maid ‘kgcatoyiy mp = 8 x00 2 7a e+ ASAE Be i Overnu EEFICrECY: Unit heat used (MF) AGCv A cot or fred Bele [7-98 70-4 wuceuatiyp Pb 0 Aut te Sipe heat. 2 2B3 9-4 aia heater 0. 766 3.04 Ecnemiges 1919 Ty But beiler exferioncy & tr facl thad o botln + ait heater a (is heated or vikecduced to the boiler. etal cases Acwy that 7 & only that o heat Comes bon coal oa kad contaimed in hat air G mat considered , so . Re Boclin. Ty, = LEB 0-766, Klee = 61-86% also ay Mp Costu je To. 9- 304 = 67.86% —/ Hence curmott Syfecemey = 6796+ 8743044722 87%. + Sm oader to pond heal los rr flue gares ama Katdiatin owed cthix Lewes (um accounted) we pesceed a HEAT Loss IN FLUE GASES: @ aie peat Coss in func gases = SonsHe heakin. flue + SSanvie, heat in woken separ -"Sonsitie heat “ (ary) ae a latint J duc to nen -Condoniation O Larker + Aonsills Acak dn liquid Wate. ; Fer latent heak wie ford thé rekuration Geucpeanecn ow fr this posteot possess UN rs) m wack flue qu = ? Using Dostin’s lawoy petal puswuae (he gy we na frac prrtcal pemarop contr Soe = Gs wa ol 3 Se 9-78-43: ) AE dw AS FLUE GASES CEAUING rt ee ee jee To ATMOSPHERE Thus Ae pour, SUAL = TOL EN User Aaksnaked axtpour table, lm WAU colculate the caluratin tata (dew ) ate kN [mnt amd lateak heat. We are jum tends ey Lure 0s uallay tatemb Agal » so uae “unter, porate bjw Joud BEN fom" a uch (702-7) 314.69 32-18) + 312-18 qd (8-7-0) ¢ ) Ye duo pooct at TOLkN an’ = = 3/2-23K Fry tatent heat yo Ge a) (24232.2607.2) + a400.2 (8-7-0) = lakeul heat ab dl povnt = 2407-08 Ye Now oe x a4 b giaen in/kg Je ue calculate thee Kas aan } onw “ = (0:13X39-78 X44) = 227.S4k 9 HyO= 2-9 X18 OL = (0-065 39-7898) = 9-74 k = Soa8kg N, = (0.#80S5 x 39.78 x29) = 896 oakg . = [206-92 kg Pole hous Comp. or dakum mee 295K Total heat. low mv a (E1206. 92 x 005 x (405-295) + [53 38X2.094x (405 — 312-23) + (S329 x 2409.09] + [53-28 xa 10 7x: 23 ay 278974.71 kJ = = 2759-7471 KT, = 2959747) MI/egcenlas oid Zrgezlospnd /age hast’ Lass tn fg. BUTE XJoo= I Y i AS 1 A { ‘Thus Radiation ud other Lorses (um- accounted ) = [e~ (874M) = 2%. SUMMARY? uur, Th: ) Boek 67.86 a A heater 8-40 3) inte 3.04 4) Economizer 7.20 S$) & oulgauig fusgoses én tl - 00 6) Radiation A athir losses (un-accamnted ) sce (@0 9AM NESESSARY To READ: BOILERS: See p- 314, Suargar Saw’s noves. ECoNoMIZERS; See p- 311, Stmeqnt Shite's noves. PROBLEM [43 oF} ur % ‘ Coa cad Fst few lg esse p ca: Peover. uh: Iz coke oy Hip OAS Cty 4 A N, + S4 A ‘aye 87M Barts: 1 kg Coke Om Coke + C= 084kg and ashe oR kg Ask bulawe: on = (0: 87)(R) Re (0-2)/o.97 _ 6: 1379 kg So Carbm im R= (0-13)(0- 1379) = 0- 01793 ky Thus Wt. cab garcyed = 0-84 6.01793 = 0-82a/ fy Yo ece t: 0-84 (001793) = + (0-254 0-05 + 0-04)(P) Pa 12 0:0685 = 0.34P or ae 0+ ROIS ky mt or Pe 0.2015 x 2&4 = +510 coke lie Heat aucilal= tetal poduca gas x CY LB 4 = eeIMY A - +5i9f x SAW = 26-6) Thy ce PROBLEM IS: o ee 46 P aa my Coe Cos 14.5 Fe 0-0"%s 7] ON eee “oe IN p G ht 493 ) Oy: 14.5 105 CrHm + 6-5 Ni: 27 dbited ede tt Posi: 1 ks Gel = 013m? Production 9 Ges= Revm? ov . RO, . m, = Reductun A gprs "7%, = 15397" Gor Used fer heatuig catalyse. 4.6% % 1539 £ (0.046 x 1539) = 70-7947 et Net ou pul & gases r oa 1S39— 70.794 = lasom/ seth om Calorixce mle gps = Sys eV; OM adel ad Lo eq cack go) = (0-145 K 92) + (0-493 & 1-92) + (0-145X 37-05) + (0-005 x63:2) +(0-065x 952) Cv enty those = [B-83MT say 6s & psi | F icoelceeeare MI . Pueld= 1468mr>x 18-93 C0, 0, cmd N,(snat) Thermal eld (368m * Tan wit rat contaibule. = 27642 MT frm 3 oth Dy oh . thumal yeokd (heat auawlakle) x loo 4. output totad heak rv oc? wopet GOV QO = 42.5MT/ but of 6 guitn mM m3, bo tamecg camsctiy wee court tE mite mais ( tg). pecipee grown els 0-97 dlomsicty water = [oar D3 Ao damstly etl 2 0.97 x (eco = VO Goch Gieeve : = 25 M pC Ve 42-5 xX W720 = 41ARS Veit — - BD Theaameck a ffecconcyy = Con * R164R xlov2 67. ox ff &y ‘ 42s PROBLEM 16: FOR COAL GAS: CO: carat p ° , of To concas | Cor B27 Coby O4Y ty: 67, . J Hs 46.47 + Oo Ns 14.0% any: Calan value o the Goal gar = Zyy Ove = (0-182 x 12-71) + (0-216 X 39.75) + (0-CO4X 62-4) a 464x [2-78) = is Rate heat production = ITSKW = [tS KY. InSMT From hint wee Canw cool gassed: ks 16. “4 My 7 it tl fw coed fps ie 75 MI, , . al 16 ae : “e on ef, REACTIONS: Bass: jor k-ma cont ges Co + 0-5Q — CO Oz Hy +3Q —» 20, +2H,0 H+ 0.50 — H,0 CHa +2Q —> Co, +20 Tuerrbecal 0» (13.4 4 O-4X3 + AEH XOS — 10 +ALEx2) = 13K kg-mel. Tuctital ast « 775 ay = 349-57 kyemal = 3-49 g- mY We a “Y = ! | Exc Uk = 3-49%0.75 = 26 ©, eos | But faen pus IS {amare ask, ho — J a BTR Total at = 3-49+2-6) 2 6 I Pent ges tal a= Blt (O1SxEI)= Pals miau/. kcal | | &, acual aik with cal Go = DlS x tatt cool ; = 1 x L064 = 2 denarii. 2 TMS is the maximum tie Cee thal can be © deluncd 6 the Manutimuim “or capactty = 7. 464 i / Eg - FoR NATURAL GAS: . We mew wan b handawr the the mabunol gus irtead coal 9 ad, tohete ue uit aan the cur mecded for NG. gir’ auth om eal ae fox thar we Uriel met a iauane fow, he thy homme WLU te WOK. Ouran alegoeo ony Cy 189-5 Co 5.3 f~ [Pp , CQ 20.2 NG Nt So p | AIR Tt GY ey matural gus = (0.895 X397s)= 35° 57 MT lq? Gnsun pts NG = IPS, = 04pm open BING 4557 ks Foss. Jor kg-moOng Therkcal 2 (89.5X2) = 0-2 = 179-9 kp mal * oui. = (79-9) = 851 k cant “= 8.5) ew = Om 4 M m3 NG Z F274. Exess a = OS) X0.75 = 6-39 kycseceeh am’/ Tatel ar mecded Yon a = 8S) +6302 14.89 mf a Aetuc ont Ng = [4.9] %0-492 = 7.33mi Ya S tata NG Now a8 maik f, & the yucremmont » Puub fon pr ~ cee (Jom ‘capacity, Ae Same Foam wu work ankinrfackouly. —/ WCBBE No. WOBRE No. = Caloric vile Speeegei Pimmety (nebatuie tani) Mean (Aue-) Molecular H Coal Ms = Ze MINe = Dm pawtcon & gos x wd e . = (0-026444) + (0.0/ X32) + (0-132. 29) + (0.004 X RB) RAMCERAAOY +. (0-216 x 16) + (0- 4642) 4(0. 148428) = 13-9 ‘Vig mil Ausreege Medecular wucighkoy aie 2 % a Scie gpeuacty (telakive te att) 2 a = O46 Fe COAL GAS, WoBBE No. = 44 = 23.92 MI fny3 6-476 POR NG: Authage MW. = (0-895K16) + (0.053x 44) + (0-0OLX32) + (065 X28) - 16-Il kg ig- mat Sp qrasetly = ey = 0625 35°57 WoBBE Noe = 45MI/m?. = ‘ js BIS Coleryce values met a pater} choy icc clawipeatrinrn % Jricour feel. TRemal ecb og feet buiuness debimdla ith the WoBBE No. whe one 2 cefimed as cy, (sp ft PROBLEM NO-I7: . SOLUTION: Ore this prebhemy use all Compare, ‘the tuo cccls Aand Band Are which lo cheaper. FOR. COAL A: ° Basis : tec kg coc A aspired (as purchased) Meta Lest ov alr ~ duping = lo Thus, Rs imimg coal = (Co-lo = Gokg (atr.—duced coal) Meicure associated with cir-dued cal = (401) x Fo = BIL Moh tn air duced coal = (007)(I0) = 8-1K: Tital meiturr and ash in eal A = 10+ 8143-1 = 26.Bk9 Thus d-a-f cal = lov- 26-2= 73-9 GOV nate % ait-duid coal = 27¢00 ta/kg 76 Grom colerigi, anfiue a coat as fered = ATovo x 0-9 = 24300 kI/tg Now ur calglate NEV, which § NCV = GCV-mrA ad) For fh om = tetal oneiture me on the gps when the cool itt eburmt, so cur colertate tal try viet ‘ Hydeeain (H,) om coal = 537 onda £ cat. Thus, if ¢ A f Wh wot Az (S2)x 73-8 = 3.40 le = SA, = 1.956 bg-met tp + Lo 4,0 > 2G — Tal unter foomed on combuction, Witt be x 2 1956 Kemble | O05 b-m HO 1-956 kg-m. thg-rmt He Lygsexig = 35-208 ky ome tetal meicture tn cect as fad after Combuckion(uilt be) = [BI 435-208 = $3.309k9 = 0-533 'Begceat A = Heak s emdentation & Lanter = 2454 hg (quem) 3S, fm (1) NCV = 24300— 0-533 x 2464 = 22992 Tig ocak anpied RAM DK ICD 22492. MT. food tim coal Ferceol A: 4 Gn cets Seu Re. , Ao [Seo Rs ade required for Asak = 22992 MT ‘ Lon on ” 4g 229 2 I§.329MT & uting cook A’, me eho a IS 228MT heck fer 1 Rupee. —_/ FOR Coal B: Bases leeks cal Bas (ed (as purchased ) ‘ 77 Mocaturr let on air-duying = 3k Thus, Remacning Coal(cui—dued) = (60-3297 k : Mertue atoccated with ati - cud coal = (0.05 )x97 i . = 4 8s kg Ue Abh tn ain- duu coal = (0-05)(97) = 4.95 kg Tetal anette and ash tr cecal B= 34+ 4.85+4.952 iaTkg i Tuas haf Coats (ov —12-72 873 . GOV wY Ur- duid ccaf = Bosco /eg Gov coal os fret = 3e5e0 x 6-97 = 29585 k/xg Hy im cel B (dat) = 53h ‘This, Hm teal B = (3) FEY es GOS = 46Y 2 2.315 kg-rael H+lo _, Ho ~ Teta! cater would formed on combuin = 2SISK mH | tkg-mbtho _ 9. 21s kg-mdl ~ yO ¢ dkg-m@ He 2 2.318 x 19 = 41.67 k om = total mecture om carl as pod om Combuction = 3+4.954+ 4.67 = 49-s2k9 = 06-4952 kK - d Wp coal A = teak 4 concimsaction y mecturr = 2454 KI /kg Asm), NOV = 29585 — 0.4952 ¥ 2454 = 29367.8 kIT /tgceet Oo gerect . _ 293€F- 8x loco . 293E9. 9 MT wl loco ten card For Col B > 4 tm Coda I7S50R8., 40 1750 Rs gore Aeak = 28369.9 MT Ion “a o 28369. 8/ = 16.2/MT & uring Cool By"uue ottarn N50 16.21 MI heat for 1 Ruper ¢_/ . - ‘ - 78 PRERUEDALAR. (0% COMPARISON: ; : ! pm Ai cent B gies omere heart pe Reset | coat BS C . + — Conk B contains mere sulfthur than A Auk tts with i Che pevmisslle Unit 26 7 for amet indi: “al wok. —— Guettuiig moc bathe coals shaw theg din, be hue useng grate: i & demotion the enching epaity Ae at | 8 pom 1-90 at ommtmal gf 0.5). bphes Baselines orurmbeur, the better cakuog and Aasetlivsy coals peepertees. PROBLEM 8: Solution: 7 wee 5 /Aweuonen. ays - C:88:3 Os er Hs $3 : Napy FESCRLAS Fikeo d-f-g=P Core Seno = looky ~ No: 90.5 0,537 A|Q: a Ho (tors) O: 6.49 9% ash Ne 79 8 Mouture i Bases; jew kg depo col ar oud thal ash = kg Mecture = 8 Thu dia f Goal = lo (948) = 93k9 Neglecking SO, as urry Amal yp, =0-03) 2 {6 9851(88) = Meng + (0-1l2\(P) + (0-014)(P) ‘ 6-lo7# = M9, + (0-126 )(P) i Ms Loren 83) + (0-79KA) 2 (0.65)CP) : -039(93 1 Qs (o ae ) (2)G) + (O2IMA) = 7% ow £(0-IPXP) 3 +(d:01F )(p) + (0.069)(P) Hy: (0-083)(83) = (ee = Vow L ew = den , Pom N,~ cabmeey 9: OF OF =t0-79(A) = (0.85)(P) fem 0, - bolebuce y a Cl) (0- 31810 = 2-644) +0.21A= 0-188 P ¢ (10088). + %.21A = (0-188) CP) .-.-- (th) - ; Cuung (1) aud (li) bemuttamou amuhky CO wrth Ly o-ay = 0. R6SB , uae get yy tata 0-79 . © 0-0/3396 Femi) —> our 4 0.4/A = 0-213969 (P) Pon) 4 [0038 +O AIA = 0-199 (CP) a _t = (017196 0-025967 (P) = P= 39-1696 by mt From Se - balance » 6-0lt = Nog + (0 .126)(39-1696) “Con Ameke =A 19644 6 6-1074 = LI72 =I: ew 14 064kg 9, AONE BR + en Ye Ley cated. (788 “983x893 +(% SARL) + (228) 2 2%, 32 (3 = 7.137 kg- mou ae an Reactisns are @+0, — Co, H+L0 _, ho S+ é — SO, Theoetical ai 2 7. 1377 6 33-986 kg-mel A= Entaing aut = Eeretikg. 7 hom (hb, O-79(A) = 3/-461128 Az 39. 85 kg- mi Ay exces UL = X (co 33-996 = 1737, ALTERNATE» “ = HS Bo | 39.85 — 33-496 | -_ | Exams = Om fie gases — im Coum flee gases ; — met witiliged wut 1696 um- buumco Carb = Be (0-067)(39-89) — (0:04 x 39.1696 )xL — (1172) @ = BXPRD BIRTES oe res 0, = CMB ice OY, = £98 pM Said 5 cil) X16 = 17-6 aaqee * , GiCV % coal= 36600 kT, be) hg cag coat GOVE Col asfucds 600 x 0-93 = 29990kT/ % pe a NeV= G-C:V- md aafued me amasy coater im fins gas = 2-644 X19 = 47. Saka Ae 245+ KUhy Ho = ovarste ky mA 2 2454 x0-47592 = 1167-9) Te wot a ay Cont aafiek 4h NCV = 29990 — 1167.91 = 28212 -04 Ygccat a prt Mkat ox un-bumed 6 'soldyo64 x VAC” 0014064 X 33600 = A612 by : Conf J heat lows (qnev)= AEP x 060 ails RBTUZ-OF " 16.16 7. & "PROBLEM (9: FOR, B. COAL: i . . wih Fe lookgee p__ $50 i So. no as A TSB COAL tho thesutical ak : . mi) fc. a . i eas OC (0200, Na, Jd pptced and Les A | co7ayin, Com tte comb. Ny hs AR S: fo Uh: BS Bard , tookg cork HO: SS 1 7S . 5 2s kg-mle 2 Cp = Nee p 5 CO tm Pe 6.25 kgemle 275g Hh: 454 $8 = Yop 5 HOmPs RSSK-m1s 45-919 Me Ee $0704) = ry, p lL io MW = 6 Si 33 = N50,p 5 SQ tn P= 0-03 1ZK-MN = I-06 ky 7. My + xb 4 (0-20) + £ (RSS) + (625)40.05)2) Ae 34.9) kg-mn Ts Nm P= arnss kgm = 771.4kg +O Cc, 84+ Q 4% So H,+0-50 ho 4 aK id = 19 \ 45 1-3 =73)25 k-mad 6 equred %. + Yo + “aSx Ay 7.3)2! bi Az tei Ateqnunid = TIRSY 9) = 34.92 k-mo ksame) ANo EXC Total mars K wel fuse ge = US$ US 942+ 7-4 = 1094.3 kg = 10.943 ky d VYrgcent Tota! heal (848 vn fue gas = Senile heat los rn Wek flue gas +lakenk heak dus tonon-condeniation, ne _ eI. $ = (10-943) (I. 06)( 550-0) +(8 = TOES KT. cant ) (2454) beat ww cel = 30950 eg ( ev) Heat Rantpaell (xr meE quaclable)= 30950 — 7506. Is5 = 23443-8645 kT Uy, = 83443-84559 IS-7S 7. ky oak 30980 ” Heat auailole = 23443.045 bY kgcoal = 23443845 x (600 23443945 MT 1x 1600 7 tor Coal Cot, 2Aem Rs / ton. ; 23443845 MI heat § acheued m Rez RReo ¥ 4 R200 - Iie, O IMT heal cot = 93-8 Ry Reimar 244 hun FOR FUEL Ol: + e ut Z. C: 8s Ha: po f= too kg $13 Fuel ol A AIR Basis (ook fuel cf AY Acqusked =? O,- Acquied= 85, yd yd 19 ky- ,- Aequiied Tete toe = lola kg-ma A= ud ~Aaguured = (018 fo) = 49-40 kg-ms PROBLEM 21: ~ 0-5 Ib Ho, Cr 90 Mocol Hig. — F=loote Cos S204 COAL TAR & : oy an ie O:al ho, . AIR. REACTIONS: C+O0 _, CO : - S+Q —~%&, 1S Actckeol oat kg +l — Ho aa ou, bytkom units { - om - Fax: (00 |b Cool tan Gin B Amerioan Bugg, Theoretrcal © : . qo 59, OF OF ay xt Pe et Rn hes Excess Qc ..8:9X 02) 2 178 lb-mel © a -. ~~ Entering On = 84 41-78 = 10-68 1b-mat { - + Az Entuingai = (0-69 = 50-86 [b- mal Py COMPOSITION OF P: . t G: y "ate *. CO, vn P= 7S [b-ma W = O51b Hof Solb iS So, Ibcoot ~ oo |bCoal + hag a( 7s) *7 oa Oop iy = HO ww P = 5-73 [b-omeok 4 = My 3, | : ~ ” $0, ww Ps 0: 0125 |b-mel Ne My + 2(0-79)(50: 86) = 2%, p Ny Pe 4 22 Ibe rel ee ee ° ay ons O- + 1, oe ve = $73 + R(T: S)+ 2m, p+ 2(o.0rs). _ fh 7. FRloainico-92) & _.. 9 Ps . Fron Atom Fmt Q. ad Poa CO = 15x 359 = 2693 3 at NTP . HLO.= $73. x 359 = 20597 at NTP. _ N, = 40-22X357 = 14439.99 &fPat NTP” ‘87 Lk, Hi, wee derst howe , Oo Cp S Mast OL mom SO, = 0 OSA SSI = 444 GP aL NTP | Vaumes are caleutoted OQ = (176K 357 = 638. *0 U3 at wrP ee (n7?). We Conuent viv (Fat we are guren Op values Ge ae Weknos - Specitge peak = omvep aT Whar me man, Aust Cp when are mw ff? rickoad per onan umib, st ia ae i - Specigie haat = Vcp a7 Whar Ve volume . - Total heat Len We the : Soniite. hak lets tn ak «fe pean + alin Kaa de mor codon sectcor & ccaker Latent heak = A = mat gine ford; - - we caleutote dus cotati aan poet meaner Fo thise O ma fa = Walp Dan Lae (fy « ia ey eines S73 7 bat pom unter = pe % (5 S+ S7T34 40+ 2240+ sacar) a _ = (0-104) (14-7) gael, _ = 1.53 prea, - . [ is ee ie dian toatl ociaatne At dts port. Skepta wtabiholion “pease a Crh eae by Ak 5F wanker =. pss Ho. wn = Aabupabainy, pee ee eee he attacked “clean table vetue af |-53.6 Lie gt 5 . uaueg imkupitakion boo (S12 aud 1:60 pur gee = (bS3= SIL) i Gracia (1- 60— }-5)2) 027-3 Bow (10064-0275) + for. oe sits co cet ahah ' ga Mass 6% Waker s $-73x 18 = [03 141b -. —- Soe Total heat Lon =-[(.2§93)(.0288) + (2057x0023 1). +(4438-98)(0-02) + (449 X0-0288) + (638 X0-0104)}* (560 — 32) 4 (03-/4X 1027-3 = 222R086-94 + 1059S 72 ‘ : = 329042.66 Plu : = 3280. 43 Body csaktor. ra PROBLEM 22: - at 7, (mrp) may, C: 82. “oe S - Coes 12 A: ¢ Felookg porter P co: | Q: 5 Cov (230°) O37 a ' — Tani” Nyt 0 Hoe = = (St) Nu74 \W. (DEG) Mh. ue eee H20 (100%) - - Bax8.:. (00 kg Cao : - : REACTIONS: . oe Z — te flue - Abo ay te lade tn 0, . .- PL auoilabe ow tukichs we Can dabeumurre SO, compsvikion, Qn ambrt costs . $0.5, dy BO . C2 Eo te (0-12)(P) + (0-01)¢P)- Hat (+e = ™% ow = + BS pe Qe ‘oe (a) +(0-210(A) = (0-12)(P)-+ (2AP) « (oard) woe +L, +2 4, 0,W- i Nar fy + (O-7AA) = (0-096) From. C— balances. - eel 52-56 kg mat . - - How We dll kg- mob =. BXI9 = 37.98kg - fem. Nya - balonce: Sp & ce nnn av = (0. boy¢S2.56)— 0: O38 2 .. . BW Aaye gs S318 kg-moe om bs - - : - Component omé-fastion kamal Mw wt (kg) Co, O12 O-12X S256 =6-3] 4 AIM64 co 0-0}. -OO1X. 7 208256 28. 14.72 Q - 007 . 0-07X 4. 23-679. 32 17-73 NL. O80 -. O-BOX 4 = 4R05. 28 U77.4 Totod wr. 1987- Skg : : IsoLe - os. (S288. Eg gay: - 8 = Excens our = A‘ thearebccal ac os os 19.-36-7 = ae UF Q encaxs oui '6:49X29 2.477.920 : UE. ences Oh = 479K Pg BY © (89 = che. % Segeas an) / Hea hye gs =m Cp AT ye) : ee Peco « 1.005 x (Q30— JS) =. 343-274 Te 0-994 - «Wee es ences. au = “4-70x bao x (230-15 ) z = ROIS. (022 ET/, + oe (4) _— Meat tors. ri. Atak » —_ fgr cond : Meat los ni Akock= hak tors dus to de fag + haat tou -.duete water = heaton dave to fg + heat Con (aumsctle yii,Qinte + latent 5 2O% - heatoywnka + . sensible heat vr. water Aes - Aturmung Ap. Asc thy Oy Uuek flue gos a 1. 005. KF, cattheup hd fa ges) bie 160 onal 230%, ve Tha Sides. bo. Aimy the Caleulakens. — heat loss. rh Atak = heat m wick fase geu.( erate) + - Munung heok f vepsrs Clatent heat.) 5 uke. Vapouxs Hat IPC, WAKE crow 15°C, peferred oo. Aatucatin. ompuatuae Cor dew past ) ay contin, whuch.6 omumed. Th, Gok to howe. Aormbipced coleutations.. ALIS. lakenb! heal y Wak 22465: LkI/kg - (Sasetyy dead fptlauing ing IANTR). Toto hook. we ack : - coos . 7 = C187. 6 + 37-98). [2005)(230 = IS) 4.37.98 X2465- |. ce ee a 444 O50.) KT = 4448-5 Hep cool a aay _ B8000KTy oY Coo = 39M fog end oad Hg cook a # ag heak lon - 4448-5 x top : MTT. gant meg 38000 he “~*~ _|.-9,AM.NEBESS ARY Tp READ (TANTR):. oe aL os 7 at ~~ -Where cooker vapan & Mahl decpaheated, ~ -]0 te fle gare EG gern “ ts gig 06 elidatin ~~] byamuenting thot the. Hehe unku 5 eyo & |. 4 muon k-th heal 6}, \aforsiaabisn (Laleme). ak. Eom -| ti. tht ambient. tamepuiabiine (15% viv abou . ) pus. the. = 2] Aerie, hal} - 8G the vapour Acferred Co thar IS%C - an eget, 7 (A. astumulng ov abun titrw 1S forthe. ae tyherr the parkic Premurcay the, wast ve ¢ Amal, 6... Ae oda ne orl. . eeeeee snap MOBLEM 23: — why 0: cary oe i J LP ga He lz FUEL OIL 2 On bE ee Si as - AT AR, mo, Ho ; O12) - - - 1 Net TP oe . - Baws . 100 Kg fet ait ee REACTIONS: ae —— 0+ 0, — Co, - oa “he LO H,0 bio #0) : aan. 8 tO — 0. ag RS - tol tneutale, s &F aR = Hes - = 0. 031 kg onal wt Total thuerstical oui = l0- 031) a , Yoin) = 47:77 Kgemat 2A 4 = L070. : gait ok NTP. ae _ Exuenauk = 4.72x0- 5 2387.4 -mel, Ae Entaing ait: 4.7 983-09 ~The mal - BALANCES + orate Adee 5 = Meo, sf 3 Ca, ri Pe 7kg- ee Fema Hye ye = ™H.0,p 2 momPs 6 kgm. St BS, = Msq,p 2 SOP = Nut (OTN 71-66) =p, yp Nhe Pe $6.6 kg-mot OL P= 93-89. x 0-21 ‘= SoRkg- -mel_ “ 10248 Oi (prertuk we P) ie) + (0-2) (@-71-66).= 7+ 0-078 +L(6) +, p - O, wie P= S02 kg-mof . - Total fluc G8 = (146 +0-078 + Sé6-+S-02)(22-4), ae = 1673.24 kg-mbl= 16.73 get OeNTP - Gonnille eae ws foc gases = 16-79 x /-476x(530-8) E92. We denet Commk Vue _= (R94! gat _. . - | ab Anta temp. da Cf ona § at “NC = Gb V- amy a+ |NTE. a - me ma WR faut ed = 6xI8= loo kg - a = only, =p fn 040.2454 hg AbIE%G, ‘ats ts Sno . _ NCCE. 4acc0— (108 (A454). .obout 20% bub. __ Why ae Is *¢ feep- Jo 3 = 8934968. O/pgser phanice RL a) [a 99384968 ae Lo es om _ PROBLEM 241). ‘gf tet) — wtZ, maj, ~ C679 Fetolg T oan SY Tew aN aa N 116 A eee w Ong. LN H,0Ctoor/) oe Oh AIR Oe ed 5 — _ Bats: lookgcat _- cee + balaucrs 819. (0.14 5)CD) a . ee FE pe 99.023 tg-mel 2 IN te -+ R(O14)(A)..= .(- 808 )(34-023). oaenoes . A= 39:04. kg- mol a IS - = (6) a = B94 Ha cant LY kal di fle sn Pt bpm. $0,520. _ . 4. So, ont etd con BF eae . S-balomas 2:9 = 9G (9.50 tm Ge __. Tate af-ge 39.0234 0.025,39.048hj-mat 7 “th: L(t) Bt = 39.048 .x22-4 = 874.675? = 975 hg cnt Qnschle heat (ow = B-7SK 1341 x. (S4S=15) i. _ = 6818-9 KI, cea . at Gey 28o0 tg 7g - i “he ow Hy Orn Ws 2-92. k-mi come hogne 4D X18 = seb gn 08H a NWV.=.-GW- avd | ay ~ =. 28000 — 0-526 X( RASA). ~ Why see Repidhemn- = 26109- 2k T/b9 con - - 1 Sinsithe heck ton (qynov) = 8218-7 y 100 . 26 709-2 a BARB Taree cambucion. H,, =. beet ‘Senyible heabow oP ae pou + satan hes ab Busan Fom/penatisse te Sonicble hoak- im. d water. a Now “to fucd taEusation. “uae reed & te collate. partial bessure Senator bend Us eatunation bomb ond r. oe ea ak 1520, be We . Uttle eran ,ucan ule he folowing UDiy, Aee.-p--dend_amention the re palm el pages Hea (ous due ts. crnsiitune = Sorat peak sunt poe + lakome Aeak at.ts*C = (0-826)(1- any(s4s— is) + (0.526Xx 2454) - =. 1826.4 Teg cant - oases A “ — p94. PROBLEM 25: stem 2 "Foal cunyoit _ wt. % it ores” r Co, «lo. —OOSF Be po0lb P So, He fpr OIL [| —————> * Si 364 Pa cama ~O, 22) BIR > a H:0 Nv77.A 5 a Bay : (60 [both a Spree, qos Of Of =.0-95 dedqmnster - Ping = 095% 62a 2 = S928 Phys Viur 9 it = 100» — = 607 we C1S'S°%C, =60°F) al 6.23. = l0-46 Gal oi : 16s ae Sam. for atenigation = 3 xlo46= a4 c: fo. 8549100) /, =. ep, oe ‘ , Oth Pe 71167 Ibemol 8: BAY, .= Ngo, -p So, 7h Pa a106 Ib- mot ney, nent: Yo+Rx al a 2 0p . ER EHH Appa eee) _- Me (0:79)CA)..= My, ? ——— oi) a: (5 Pe) (« 2A) =. foaon ten) 7: 167+ (0- 108). =a + +134 a. et paca st N67 =. o. +105)(P) 2. 67.78 Kbhamot . Now , wt ba es Ma p +54, p+ Ma p+ MH p+ Tha pe ——— ~ Ng sp-t Mp, p= 67-78. = (7-167 +0 106+ 7.34) S3-R | NY = Re ame a MN Pe SIR Mo, op - patos m , me (0-790) = $3.2— Na,p vom (it). . Riem..CW). _ _— : (0-872). +.0- LIA = 10-9 ae Wi) - SBusng (di) ond Civ) Seeruaktomesedli, we hau OA. = $3-2— (p oe 6-872 4.0:21A = 10-94, ,P- 0-872 +:A = 64-1 A 263-23 Ib-m& Truss. from (iL : O, m P= 32S lb-mhL . Frm (195 Nr Pe 49. 9S Ib- mse Gorm. 0 P: Ib-mv. TRY. EMA) 2 Op 7-67 10.5 Na 49.95 13:7 On _ 32S. 4:8 SO, - 07106. 0-156 H,.0 7.34 [0-83 6T63 ona _ Car) a0 gs geen ona fs Urdt ~~ Shite peak taxs abst 606 = NV CPA... AWE Cowvety Ve Teal edict fe Gass = _61-163.X 379.4. YOLUNE AT a 3 GF AS CPS — nan et of MOE ; = RST ft esis ee “‘Sumville heat l64.= se RE2LXO:OR X(B$R—EO) nn SS 401T-S By gg GOV. Q ocf_= 1820 Box /|b a 4019-5” ° _ — Iban (Q ICV) = pase Ra, a Bi PROBLEM 26. gy ~via - (20°F) Cy C3He: 36. — - No As QI FLUEGAS. — fe ont TO REGAL = 40°F gp ~My : eee eee 4 Ay SQ ce coco IN 7 Roveee. |b/p,. = CHa 16 2 AIR... 480° Fy RSolb/ pyr. CHE 15. . Gian came apeany yp a 2 M4 Calonige volute tg Ae pinay gasin 2 Lye Vp : ~ CV. &. define fee Le (0:A1X340)+ (0-01x340) + (o" 15 x:(000) (0: ISX -x 1930) +-(.0-56 X2300) + (0. 02.%703) = 1356:4. Bax pp . _— teat oben panne ed st C08) thy GOT a (hake) . v= R00000.K.1+0 x (lz0—32)... = (76x lot Bay. whee 6p tate 0 Bla cette Yeat ~prsene ow As = Roooen x {230m 246 2.106 an ett ap id by busing fusl : a a but a T6K = RR oan a Eval ine ft. eh _ esa Le mote: heok fromaguied by 2 ppofel gps OBER. ve gps =. 0-95 K1356+.4 — we S294 Behe. . — S29 Bh {anid by = malt) sft gan = - 5 2-2 Sisy. 44 of ~ RR. 84X10 . a = 22. lo’ 3 iy ne a 198 wor Ae thea fino dake usually donded ao G. i 2.97 peactions, _. A’ Wee mB he bimany Go (avrg) Co+tg , co, . Hh + YO —> 0 CHy +20; —, CQ +2H,0 thS + %0, + H.0 +0, - 5 ae G.He + YO, 5 2@ + 3thO C3 Hy 18%.» 300, + 40 Theoretccal-O, = (AIX. 0:5)4+ CIx0S) +(2x%)+ (1Sx2) A CISXZ) +. 6X Ye) = RBS Ib- mol Themebital of 2 258:5/, 9, = 123) Ib-omat Exes cub. = (0.2.x 1241) =. 246-2 Ib-an . aie 1231+ 246 R= 1477-2 lb-met . Cr (3623) + (1) + (1) + CIS) + CISX2) = Meo, p C0, ow PISS Lb-maol. ae Hy: (3X36) +@l) +) + (2x15) +(3.XIS)= 0,P- HzO ww. P=.206 1b-mot. Net (1407.2 20:79). + 4 = INP _ . . Na P= TS: V4 Ibe ref. Pane 5 O.: goths £ (206) +1SS +o. p+ Ngo, p +0242) St Rs MGy- 0 P 7 co 80, tw P= % Ib-m6L - Ow P =. S17 Ib-mol.. we J. Tita fu = 1541 Lb-mQ 2 1841. Ib- mln : Qe e - . eee a fudge (NOW, ge : oe “Basti 198102 Oy. fuel gu ae Wh ful Chow fs es 1891.6 /pu a= NSU ea . = 31x08 OP ab NTP aon ww SISK IO, = $2800}¢ Jamin ct NTP Nao fu goss ane ak 4on°F (400+ 460.= 960°R) » ho t any MH Ti (FUER) Sepa “dasgmakes flucgn of NtPamd 2” ecg oar ( =) ~ (ey- @ NTP ceed eae) \ Ve 860 , 0g hah (gous taba) Ce (4ame goa) . Vo = 4768-3 anim at 40°F. Se capity vidluced fom = 91168-3 famine pRauGn't: The pessune Angssrid, to dutty a toa faunas -omd_to kermoue athe Pest. gases. ham from the quunaces $ cautked draugre NATURAL DRAUGHT: . Sts Charney « vcs CNet bucko the weurcats vl ARTIFICIAL DRAUGHT: For ') ONDucéo DRAUGHT: AAueeian. faa 5 sfinnd, 0 (i) Foecen DeAUGHT:.. Lah ros AIR Net RS (No eters adi) _ Tanetical fom. mpuatin « Y. (ie aberhich gasen ~ ebie) 2 =? : . ~ For he ext to caleutate,, we hau. _trcaloutate. oe uch espa hank ouput . “ #299 - _ si refi ges rab Pahantads bo Raat vipat § dag be NO. Leena nt Ns 3M satNTe = &, - " hist api n sem s 35005 fn? ce Ueat cutput. = heat. esuine ris combo Goats andy a. = - Aensdtle.crat akon 00 NOMynomr. —- Heol ri fas ga = vbL. x amean Cp x AT a Feat pa _ = coe: Os BSG > SN2)-4 (X15) RAR RM Pon Co, Yn Pe. 100-5 .K-mot_ bee ee nn Het Ut AROS AS KSSH. 4x1-SH 2 = My 9p _ Hy Otw Pz 189,5k-mok - a Ngo,

.thew.— aS ni aS bes too BSom. =. (0-186 x. 1.543 x CT =0) we ~ Ye R2PT'C. 1800 °C. a Assuming fide tumpirature = 000°C, then Gye 610 ~- BSapp-= 10:196x [-6(0x( Ty —0) . 7 . _ - gs 2134 °C. 4 Row20 _ - oo - Moerman Signe fom. = Rloo' © 5 ther Cp = 1.6425 “ST ood. = 10-196 Xl6425%.(Ty-0) a a Te ROWR C_£ Rl60"C Thon ou apiotinaay eps, to = je = 2096 % - z Ai is cheaked, a 200°C. - . frat = heak énNG_-+ Aensible heat bv hat ain, wo ow Sancbe. peak inv het ain =. aie AT a -— pel TK an “Mites cu © a 417. 85 keamal,_» 1785 k- A ce MGR, YATES. XM We _ /kemtn! D oe BITES X 29 = REGITES — REE NE hy uae (80 KE hy nnn . am NG . La Sensible hea ti ath, = M88 XL: (R00 = 2). os = RBS I. fin NG a 35000 - + 2951. Re. oe 378S1- AI fois erento _— Aitunrunig flame bron-parakure, = IBee'C, “Cpe 1543. -378S/).2.-= (0-126. X)-S43_xX.CTp=0)_ a Ths 2408°C__p 190°C eee eee ee Ming flame. Ler = 2900.°C5.Cpe.1-610 = BTOSER =. 10-196 X. 1 6L0X. CTy ~ 0) oe ee ne ct Te 2308 °C pb. R0C0"C i Cusurming flarec taperatune =RR00°C., Cp= 1679. 37962 =.l 0-1 86. X1678 x CTF —0). Ups 2214..6'¢ 2 aR00%¢ Tuso values CAR Opp. dame , So B= BAIA a R200» RR07*C | / s 54 Ge 8 inated then Co, dinaccaked = (o. mes - = /S:075 k-me ae = olSOTS no / fn3NG~ “Co. Ca fend by , " dtrmectatim = IS-O7S ke mat - wasnt = ISOS 7. S37Sk-ma, — 7 a c, , w+Lho, = ce % h Hy 0 iclinooecated, thin tho dinecated » (0. 0s)(109.5) _ ae aoe BAIS ema. oe | =O: aus ae Hh = foumed. by Ho dienetiation = 9.495 k-mh _ i -O~ formed. ta we in 4.731Sk-ma — — Eragy Wig ri cimecotg 00, = =O: ISOS * 12660 IMNOKIAF NG _ 0: 097510160. = 163 KT? ne Heak. auailobe = 378S2- 1910-463 = 34979 oie 3 NG Tita voluone og. the flue 4 after, dirreciatiy - ea = (He foumed +. Q- pom Ht,0-+ (Co_fovimed + 0, kevmed) npn. CO Hp Auaained off. diioaiatiine. £0, Atonaised.. Ofer dumectation + $0, +N,» ~ = Heat Bavences = Lor LAS + A TSTS + 1S:P1S+ 7.S31S + (19% S= 4-475) peg I Ise o7S) sa 727. 6 =lo3t_k-m& = lo-3pk- 7 aml NG = 10. a a bce Asus = [800° re 1.543 --B4979 = (0. 31.21543 XCTf =0) -“Tp= RI99.°C. of 1900%C tom. pe BLUR = R2OWC _ ,Cp2J-610... "Oe lo:.3 X [-610.xCTp=0).— & Se a 107°C ¢ Ao00°C. = . Assuming flamstamb. = B100°C. .» Cpa. 16425 “B4I77. = (0-31 X.1-64RE x CIp-0) Ye RO6S-6 °C aa “2066 6+alo0 a Tn BOSS EFA @ RoR 9 16. _2 z GRAPH: Graf cam.alte. be used to calculale ae Fo thf unk. fac orty the Lock cate: (°C) TURE Y by cnemeD - ¢ TEMPERA Rate Se [go ASSUMED FLAME (°C) “TEMP? rs — (900 om = leo OP ‘|. DAMNECESSARY To. READCIANTR):.. _ 9m Pele 27, ue donot Use. the . latont hea wont. tthe uel we Now. (out ay J fang = ans. Wael 6%. orey tare ~ Une A fr. for heat (oF po - ~ (hus. 1 -fakt om momsfit oe OO th es Fe (eokgconl . P ML MG frmocctuse of ma: a a/c ce aan EC Tg Ne : Sega Naa 4 Dip 20% : a AR 60f cakurated, a uth, the Ocoay 15Kg 49. e ee Inthe outlae Chee are tase Lt. fa _ oe _——-—}4 > CLAM BIQSHATTHRAR u CAP 2 Sear al irs 34x nk heal he tonter oe : NW oo - _ Titol heat las SontDbe het al fac + 1S xLagendt | — heab ey wcaken- — PROBLEM Baz 28: Seeeere een oo, as (eo Ibamacfal a = LSS ~. Co -t- a Co, 393 _F= iaolbomd Pr = fale 4 fF. pg a Cod FOB AS - Le ee Hi sig 9 nae - . ~ — Nea gy [A 2. _ Saas Clo 7, excess ) REACTIONS» 38:3X0-S5+0-FXL4+S2: 9X05 —0.] - - 46:25 Ib-mel (Am6)7=107) Cxct_Q.= 46.25 X 0.) 4.625 Iba... brgies ” Total Oo. 4625+ 4.625 = $0:.875 [be msl 4 242.3 |b-ms__ ibs : 0:4 = Nép., Hoa. 2(0.4)-452:-9 = ny p Nyt. 229 st (0-29)(242:3) Bo My, O... SABE 4 OF + (0200 D « ap E aap Map Gn P ~ . 4 - 44: 2 [b-mi& woe -- - aa H0.2. 53-6 lb-m& = z eee N, = 194, 32 |b ie saseeannnsnenenoc een a G24. 633 Ibe mba - - Tel ts = 44.2.4 S64 194.32 + 4.633 . - - — = 296.752 lb- ms ConsPosiTIOn : qa . Co = Xlo0 = 14:9 5 Naz sage (ee - = Es PETS Oy = HO Tey X (00 = 1563 Oe BB: bLay 96, x 1D = te “AR. wed = 242. 3. [b-mbL. foal Gad « (60 1b-m8.__. oe “Rakin = “24253 2. 43 lb-maan (00 [b- Ib-may frlgas — = 2-423 Mati (a V0. vatco ombpealgas = mantis) w (Eve es) * bie) (Es) Mfue =, [ 896-752) | 750+460 \ L47\ Vt: (Fe IE wz) 77) f = 95 co di Se as a 0, -tiont asi ae BON i Na (0. 21 . Ho meen eg AYR ann C8SY thst ai) — . REARTIONS:. - _ se S69 ee soya 1¢-©2,.. IBM Oe _ Thesutieal 0. < “1 bmi CoHig| 25]d-ma 0, * 2 [bm Co He = IRS Ib- ml O, thepetieel AW = Bey a) 7 51824 Ib-mot As Enttingai= (9: 95)(51.524) - 50-545 Ibm Nas 857, Othe Ghabreporal ° =. FE 106 BALANCES: G:. 8 = eae * "op Hys 8679. TY 9, p Nur’. (0-79) (50.595) = My, O,: (0.21) (S0-S95) = eo, .p +1 ey p + es THO, P HO = Vb-mv Ni = 39.90 |b-mer Frem.0, — balauce: ; (0.625 = Mp p + +r, p +4 MeasP + Lng p = ERS em Fam C~ balamce No,p = -8— Nea Py puttuig rin 19, use howe Neo, P +KB- ep, p) = 6125 -~-Rogynsbis Neo, p- OS px ESF en, P(1-0-5) = alas apes ha, fo BAe Bo, . - Co, = 4.25 |b-mb Fro ¢— balauces 00. =. 8= 4.25 = 3-75 lb-mal Canard. nfs 7, QA.) Co, - 4.257 om Co 3a 7.8 N, 39-970 83-3 41.910 PROBLEM 30: may, . H.o(tooy) CO: 38-0 ‘ w ma J, Hs 4a-0 Fz 100 1b «mo Co, 16.5 pbeslicoUe.cret | exe) ys 60 | WATER GAS P OL: 4.26 CHa: 2-0 (70°F, Bomb) On3i” Co: 0.20 Q: 05 Dos N79 Mae T0594 Nt OS AIR ( 450°F, 147 psa) (TF, Somby) Bax: foo Ib- ama ful go Gr (0-38 (lov) + (0-06)(l00) + (0-02)C100) = (.18S5)CP) + (0.02) CP) 3846 +2= (15540002) P P= R699 293 [b-mol P= 293 bmi ma, ful ge H,: 48+4¢ = yo, Pw HOmMW = S2lb-msu - ci, oma Beal flue gos = 293 40.512 345M. 3.46 Wy J-nafutgas putas #4 Bae) EE wt7) ee (s8.J~ ay a REACTIONS: h+tQ —» ho = fu gp am gp / Oy + 20 ©, + 2hO co 4,40 — ©, _HFIOR Thesretical O, = (48x0-5)+ (3x2) + (89X05) - 05 =. 46.50 lb-ms& Theotctccal Um = 5 s RAI 43 [b-mi Nar SS. + (0-79)(A) = (0.7954) (293). A = 288 [b-m5L Sy CNS OWN 2 2BB— 2Al-43 = 66.57 [b-anot fencers cui « 6°57 __ x 002 G07. . QAhL4Z OO heh tes Oe a “~V aot nn n nah ALTERNATE: - - Oxygen. Potent tow the 2 (0-0476 x20 tage Ib gerlbomnte tw flus is mot QU the a out all & the comburtion § paskin, dont CoS ‘alyo puszat Now a, md. Col cortouns. Lon Oy Aang s Aegplirce] Ihe Lomb § Avgyusred bo burr ot bo am \ . Bo O, tywinaleuk te ads, & Co i also f om & O, ve the flue gos, try omar. be subtacrceed to actual enc, a ; i te CO+ 0.50, —> Co, Vata Colao 0-5 mA 0, O, wi the CO = (293 x: oor) x L = 0-293 lb-man Exess OQ, = (3-947 0-293 = 13.654 [b-mot 13-654 6 ———— _ Xl00 = 249. ore 14%. / femeus Wi = CHEUNG : ug O,r balance: . ae q: 384 640.54 (0.21) (299) = CSN 748) +4. + (0476)0%B)+(-002) FOC Eu) 86:99 £ asés PROBLEM . 31: vay, i“ Co, + 6.07, K< Petookeme O: 0.27 Bs nee ENGINE —— C FUETAS C0: I3.47 ma it ; A Jo.3 Mie y NAT, Clg: O57 (AIR) Ne Udy we Gand. too kg mat. fluc ans do Comfasitin P can couidued. on hes eh * * Nos (0-79)¢A) = (0-10 (P) = (0:719)Ct00) : pp lo As 013 kg-mat u ee = tls. + +o.5 219-49 kgm 4 Qs (0.21) (4.013) = 6ro.r+ SF es + ow onW;. Ho= 6.a13 yma H: = AxX6-213 + AXIO + 4xOS Hie F = 30-43 bg mi ye. 3048S 1 og Mena 19-9 kg 6G Noo tkg- aka eam Tus > H 6.022x10o? H-okers } te ae G0wx 13> ala Total fale 19.9 XIR+ S0-42% | = 269. 2 ig od = Wor x29=. 2639-20KG Ad, 639-27 | Ig Hil = Soe “apa PROBLEM 32: E : Basti : “a coal VeM’s.udtimake amalyna =? “atten Covtauins. Herr, some VOM § the Ustabde Cemfmint Ke, ar Se ia abt Samal alt Rete na VOM. Cum VOM= al kg, . Cath ve VOM st F€ = Total Cn coal Caxbm yn VOM 2 Tetal Gm col — FC = 14-9 69.3 = 10-69 Stn VOM = 6-69 (as.ath mYCM) LN wo woe 4, r Him VOM ct Himomottue =. total Ho. Hun VOM =. totah H- Himmorine __ i 5 : - 32 : Him Ven = 485-8 (72) x(x) x (I) MW oH omdur % Ho Him ViM= 4.49 kg % Ho has 2H Orn VOM + Oty moitunr. total O : Omvem= total O— Ovn movturr = 6 — (FN (1) x6 Om VeM = 3-92. ky CamposiTION OF VCM: 0 B42 Sf, Xl@ = 19-7 § O69 - O68 Xa = 3.24 2 N 130 bse Xlo = CAD LI c (0-6 logy, X love $0-99 4 4.49 F4Y/ x love 21.38 Al-o PROBLEM 33: wy, a You » 1B Ex taokg P Fe: 67 ASH? 9 Coat : Mocture: 6 ; ex? R oo NIT VOM: (AIR) Fe:a3 (REFUSE) Mh: 62. Ravi: look coal as jaa BALANCE. OF ASH AS TIE (ok KEY) COMPONENT: Ath: (0-09)( 100) = (0-62)(R) R= [482 kg VM mR = (0.05)(14.52).= 0-726 FO mRe (4-23) (14.82) = 3:34 ath mR= (0-62) (14.52) = Ko Weatiuig entus 6 Cool = 8926017 Fa coal 0 fas Only Fe ond. VeM wilt eobribute to hea tug nalie CH-Y) Ao Hey bY 7 HV aqeat ) a aire) + ("vem 33260 kT 67 [33 840KT ya[ HY (fs (agear ) A igen) “a ve" Thu 7 haabucg abu 8 YOM = lose720 = $9917.9 + 18 gv Heat lot vw Refuse CR) = Hea ue FC. + Hea vn voy = 3°34 x 33840 + 0-726 x $8917. 8 = : s ; k. 1$S727-3[ kT = 1857-273} Vgcood peg 6, heabwig walue 8 cea} tat = SSB nay X [6d 33260 mano = 4.68 PROBLEM 34: ; uv tho (100% ) Wiel 7, FE fone Fy > 309 Neos, Rega Pelco ky-mét” 9.9) 9, ato 9339 N, gz | A FLUE GAS Nap ( ae AIR - BASIS: Joo kg- andl. FLUEGAS (DRY) Ni: (0-79)(A) =. 93-39 A = (05-6 kg-mot a) Motesoy diy ol = 108-6 kgemeu 1 . Hassle 7 at - 4B O, + (o2(ose) = Loy yy, + 4.6.4 1(3.08) +8-41 mW; has [4.212 ka-mbv he 0: mols a Hy ~ burned = no. Fr amples'ey woken, Pouce Moles 8 Hh- buamed = 14.2/2 ka-met 1422p ayy Ke-ml Moles oy. Hy ~ fumed] djg “a Q (00 ia, Thus, J, 2000 Oth 2? ane = 8-4 be wad by. Coe soy, ao ts 0, = 8.9/- 1.54 = 7.37 kg-met Entuing © = 10-6 x0.2| = 22-176 kg-mot Je KLM OUR 2 ee x loo E 0, - and, «77 xip0 = 49.8 £507. &Y 98-196 - 7.37 C: Neyp = £62 +308 Nop = 1:7 Kg- ms Hh: mE = (4.212 kg- mat & ”Tital fol= (17x12) + (t4.212-x2) =. (20.924 ow are gk _ Lay Pa widgg eld see eg cH Bl cee aed) Hs Mee TIM aye p= MARIE or C) U4 From 5 Hy > 2g From (pk A(17-a% aH, 6) +3™% y= (4.2.2 . Neste, = (So 4- 142 - Ne He E 1-188 "Ge 88 gms Frm (1) . Noy, * T-1- 2 (1198) = $324 * CH4 ra Fe $324 kg-mdl Components kg ema framb . : CH 5: 324 9-8 } e/ CoH (198 19-2 6.512 [00 Cm A Mew spat (05-6 X29 Aw wuaght = fut by (024 x16) + (11B0%38) he = 25.35% 7hy fu — alls Total heat bars = Sense heat bors on + Sonvitle Arak tn one + tn dy fa dur tooren- cordensabion o' water + Sensible heak te booker + os Co mot ed: Naot & H H,0 $ quai b/w 0-300, oot bate water de ne safe Wau dixloromb ovale, Sha hat Uns in df + Sib an bea ho + latint heal om water. duc tomm- Concentration 6 woaker + heatin Comet butmed. (4-62 %42-5)(3m-0) + 3-08 ¥29.9 x(300—0) +95 18 30. 5 X (300-0) + 93-39.x 29-7 x (Boo — | + ((4- 22 X34.9x (300-1 2) + [14212 x 44370] ee KABATST] = RS66823.9R2KT : k (2, RS668-24 Vega ag a PROBLEM 35: H Uh PROBLEM..35: Ce Meat -: yas . c 60" Fe dg” py / Holt Vem -4] mr iy © 16. pyoutere q-. 2 A | boo . No TIN Sg Oh tom ae Fos 1f2 id eee Baad VOM» 4. ~ ashy (0 ! (00. kg coat 43 i : eae Bh 2 79.5 og Hn - (eeFuse) | Wel. ain, Aapptd, = L = Som? a Totat rukilpaine = 750 ann Hy a aes fom mv tig Gis TS0—lo= 74ommiy \ . ee 289K No. ayia we Ok = Wy =? : CF et) . (dG) ie : (48¢)( re") = (a = \ zs ) e t } \ abe \, . : Mp = NO: HanbeA wel a =. 46-563 L-mot Ying Dolten’s law - ! fais = daa br (dei « nage : : 5 Nga ky ba (2) 4 m, = (740). x 46-5632. 45-942 kgemi.. i Cee a i ‘a : , . = _ Ny = MH Nay = 46 563 - as: 4a, t we My 2 MO: ables imater = 0-621 Agemot x g ~~ REACTIONS + : t+ 0. 4. CtosQ—> Co H+ 050 + Ho HZ. Sty 0. 50. . Gs aed ' C= ie : . — but F:C2..40 kG, bo Cre. YOM a. 60-40 = 2okg Rarmatiing VOM 41— 2o= kg ,. tye Fw xo as Caan Hw wat = Yo) = o-stgemet 18 = O.SK2 = Lh Ho 14 = A +H. VOM iz » Huw vem = ii bey ~— = Qin thbin ex 0.25 kg. abl . % 0.5K 32= Oh Ot (16 = 8+ Dm vo On We Ie 8 2.8 kg NEM. tw F oma Ress" bg. wt foc fiit. Mee 1B. OF 3IT 2 BET Our 2. 2019S INS C8 20. 0.4078 48-78 Ber 42 pph balance 4» caloulate rtpuse Ah: (ent ue ) = (arms )(8). Re. 12.58 kg ee RR: 3 : Aon Caen $8) = pal kg co eM (6.095) (2-58) = 117 Ath = (ore cnseie Ae _ Post rans as — aoe “Aisa on : oe 45-942. — 38-] , , ° XD" = Ro.58.%. 38-) ) A Sa - - () Gua malas. fi ges Com dey bain) C: & to, P - + Ney p fl a Ree. P +My p= 4895 Iori ob Me (0 TANEG TA) «My p g o e My pe 8 2 lpm Seen ot Mee 0.621 = 9p p -CanXum, nD : weit

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