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By: Devin Thedford

The Wrath of Grendel

Hrothgar- Danish king whose hall is attacked by Grendel.
Grendel- Monster of evil, violent killer of the people in the Herot.

1.The story begins explaining the king and his happy people.
2. Grendel, seeing all of the happiness, sneaks in the Herot and begins to kill the
3. The men fled the Herot to escape Grendel, and those who remained were
4. The king prays to many gods, and still no help is sent. He fears the kingdom
is doomed.

Anglo-Saxon values- They believed in the supernatural and

evil monsters that attack and terrorize cities.
The Coming of Beowulf
Beowulf- mighty Geat with special super human strength on his way to help the
Hrothgars Lieutenant- meets Beowulf as their boat lands, and escorts Beowulf to
the Herot.

1.Beowulf hears of Hrothgars distress, and decides to help
2. Hrothgars lieutenant meets Beowulf the at the shore and questions why they
came here.
3. Beowulf proves he is here to help and the lieutenant decides to take him to
the Herot.
4. Beowulf meets the king and explains why he is here to help. The king is
grateful for the help

Anglo-Saxon values- A great hero arrives to destroy the evil.

The Battle with Grendal
Beowulf- The strongest of men, fights Grendel
Grendel- The evil man killing monster.

1.Grendal begins his usual night of killing by sneaking into the Herot, and notices the
extra new warriors.
2. Before Grendel can attack the pretend sleeping Beowulf, Beowulf jumps up and
grabs grendel.
3. The warriors wake up and began to attack grendel
4. Grendel becomes scared after noticing Beowulf is as powerful as him, and
eventually Beowulf rips his arm off and he flees to the swamp.
5. That night Grendels mom comes in and kills the kings best friend as he slept as

Anglo-Saxon values- The super humans victory over evil.

The Monsters Lair
Hrothgars- Explains the home of grendel

1.The king explains the stories of the monsters lair. Its was in the bottom of a
swamp filled with monsters.

Anglo-Saxon values- Certain areas of the world are filled with

evil and should not be ventured to.
The Battle with Grendel’s
Beowulf- the brave warrior who ventures into the swamp
Grendel’s mother- Strongest monster of the swamp, angry at Beowulf.

1.Beowulf gives his final words, and jumps in the swamp.
2. Grendels Mother spots him, and drags him to her lair to begin the fight.
3. Both combatants are having a hard time hurting each other, and Beowulf's
sword cant hurt her.
4. Beowulf notices the ancient sword on the wall and uses it to kill grendel

Anglo-Saxon values- The will of the warrior to fight, even

though the possibility of death is great.
The Last battle

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