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1 The mean mark for a group of students taking a statistics test is 70.6. The mean
marks for male and female students are 68.5 and 72.0 respectively. Find the ratio of the
number of male to female students.
[4 marks]

2 On the average, 4% of the insects sprayed with a certain type of pesticide

Using the suitable approximation, find the probability that in a sample of 60 insects
sprayed with the pesticide, the number of insects still alive is

(a) Two [2 marks]

(b) At most two [3 marks]
(c) At least three [3

3 1 1
3 Two events A and B are such that P ( A ) = ,P(B)= and P ( A|B ) = .
8 4 6
(a) Show that the events A and B are neither independent nor mutually
exclusive. [2
(b) Find the probability that at least one of the events A and B occurs. [3
(c) Find the probability that either one of the events A and B occurs. [4

4 Given that X has normal distribution with a mean of 20 and variance 52. Calculate the
probability of

(a) P( X > 25) [2

(b) P(15 < X < 24) [3
(c) P( X > 30 | X > 25) [3

5 The probability that Siti will go to KUSTEM is , the probability that she will go to
1 1
other college is . The probability that Nik go to KUSTEM is . Calculate the
5 6
probability that

(a) Siti and Nik both go to KUSTEM [2 marks]

(b) Siti will not go to any college [3 marks]
(c) Either Siti or Nik (but not both) will go to KUSTEM [3 marks]

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6 (a) A random variable X has the probability distribution given in the following table:

x 2 3 4 5

P(X=x) p 2 3 q
10 10

(i). Given that E(X) = 4, find p and q .

(ii). Show that Var (X) = 1. [5 marks]

(b) The discrete random variable X has the probability function

k ( 4 − x ) 2 , x = 1,2,3,
P ( X = x) = 
 0, otherwise .
where k is constant.

(i). Determine the value of k and tabulate the probability distribution of X.

[3 marks]
(ii). Find E ( 7X – 1) and Var (7X –1). [6 marks]

7) The variable X has a function f defined as:

 x, 0 ≤ x <1

f ( x ) = 2 − x, 1 ≤ x ≤2
 0, otherwise

(a) Find the probability of the event P( 1 11

2≤X< 2 ). [3
(b) Calculate E(X). [3

8. The table below shows the cumulative frequency of the monthly expenditure in ringgit
100 university students.

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Expenditure Number of students

x < 100 0
x < 150 15 (a) Draw
x < 200 25 a
x < 275 70 histogram
x <300 92 to illustrate
x < 400 100 the
information. [4 marks]
(b) Use your histogram to find the mode. [2 marks]

9 A hundred years ago the occupational disease in an industry was such that the
workmen had 0.25 chance of suffering from it

(a) If five workmen were selected at random , what is the probability that two or more
of them contracted the disease. [2 marks]

(b) How many workmen could be selected at random before the probability that
at least one of them contracted disease become greater than 0.85 [3

(c) If there are 250 workers in the industry, calculate the probability less than 70
workers were suffering from the disease [4 marks]

10. There are eight parking bays in a row at a taxi stand. If

one blue taxi, two red taxis and
five yellow taxis are parked there, find the probability that two red taxis are parked next
to each other.
[Assume that a taxi may be parked at any of the parking bays] [3

11. The continuous random variable X take value in the interval 0 until 4.
If P(X > x) = a + bx 2 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 4. Find
(a) The value of constants a and b [3
(b) The cumulative distribution function F(x) and sketch the graph of F(x)
[4 marks]
(c) P( x −3 ≤ 1) [2

12) The masses ( in thousands of kg) of solid waste collected from a town for 25
consecutive days are as follows:

41 53 44 55 48

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57 50 38 53 50
43 56 51 48 33
46 55 49 50 52
47 39 51 49 52

(a). Construct a stemplot to represent the data. [2

(b). Find the median and interquartile range. [4
(c). Calculate the mean and standard deviation. [5
(d). Draw a boxplot to represent the data. [3
(e). Comment on the shape of the distribution and give a reason for your
answer. [2

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