Sunrise 12: (English Sound

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*Choose the correct option:

1-The letter (s) in (measurement) is……………

a-/ 3 / b-/ s / c-/ z / d-/ ʃ /

2-The sound / 3 / is not pronounced in…………..

a-treasure b-vision c-mission d-(a and b)

3-The sound / d3 / is found in……………

a-just b-change c-bridge d-all of them

4-The letter (w) isn’t silent in…………..

a-who b-weather c-sword d-Wright

5-The letter (l) is silent in…………..

a-half b-talk c-calm d-all of them

6-Which word has a silent (l)?

a-solution b-calm c-shoulder d-artificial

7-Choose the correct phonetic symbol of (s) in the word (decision):

a-/ 3 / b-/ s / c-/ z / d-/ ʃ /

8-The letter (g) is silent in……………

a-sledge b-foreign c-change d-(a and b)

9-The silent letter in (designed).

a-(d) b-(s) c-(g) d-(n)

10- The letters "GH" are silent in…………..but pronounced in………….

a-high/enough b-cough/though c-right/thought d-draught/borough

11-The sound………… found in (easily).

a-/ s / b-/ iz / c-/ 3 / d-/ z /

12-The letter (w) is silent in…………..

a-who b-while c-which d-why

13-The letter (b) is silent in………….

a-debt b-assemble c-remember d-symbol

14-The letters "gh" is silent in…………..

a-enough b-cough c-right d-draught

15-The letter (s) in "busy" is found as………

a-/ s / b-/ z / c-/ iz / d-/ 3 /

16-The letters "th" are pronounced as / Ө / in……………

a-smooth b-with c-rather d-through

17-The underlined in the word (luggage) sound is pronounced as…………..

a-/ 3 / b-/ g / c-/ d3 / d-/ tʃ/

18-The / j / sound is found in…………….

a-year b-us c-white d-some

19-The sound………….is found in (song).

a-/ n / b-/ g / c-/ ὴ / d-(b and c)

20-The letters (ch) in (kitchen) is pronounced as…………..

a-/ d3 / b-/ tʃ/ c-/ ʃ/ d-/ t /

21-The letter (ch) in (machine) is pronounced as……………

a-/ d3 / b-/ tʃ/ c-/ ʃ/ d-/ t /

22-The letters (ch) as pronounced as / tʃ/ in……………

a-chemist b-stomach c-ache d-charity

23-The letter (ch) is pronounced as / ʃ / in………..but pronounced as / k / in………….

a-channel/ache b-mission/school c-chemist/technique d-(a and b)

24-The suffix "ed" is not pronounced as / t / in……………

a-loved b-pushed c-looked d-watched

25-The suffix (ed) is pronounced as / d / in……………

a-started b-managed c-watched d-added

26-The sound / iz / is found in…………….

a-faces b-doubts c-maps d-takes

27-The suffix (s) is pronounced as / z / in…………..

a-faces b-maps c-works d-views

Choose the correct answer :

1. Suffix (-ed) is pronounced / id / in…………..

A) Passed B) Suggested C) Stayed D) Changed

2. The suffix (- es) is pronounced / s / in ……..……

A) Closes B) Causes C) watches D) hopes

3. The Letter (x) in (Exhaust) is pronounced:

A) / ð / B) / z / C) /s / D) / Ʒ /

4. You can find sound / ∫ / in ……….…..

A) Tissue B) Measure C) Treasure D) Culture

5. The letter ( o ) in the word (Honey) is pronounced

A) / o / B) / o: / C) / a / D) / ʌ /

6. The letter ( a ) is pronounced / a: / in:

A) Warn B) Reward C) Garden D) Want

7. The letters ( su ) is pronounced / ∫ / in:

A) Suggestion B) Measure C) Tissue D) Result

8. The word ( Gradually) has the same sound with:

A) Individual B) Actually C) Introduction D) Treasure

9. The letter (g) is pronounced / ʤ / in………….….

A) Forgive B) Huge C) anger D) Give

10. The letter (o) is pronounced / ou / in……………….

A) Lose B) Love C) Noisy D) Hole

11. The letters (ch) in the word (anchor) has the same sound with ……………

A) Machine B) achieve C) branch D) ache

12. The letters (tu) in the word (Culture) has the same sound with ……………

A) Furniture B) turn C) turtle D) truth

13. The letters (au) in the word (fault) has the same sound with ……………

A) Because B) Australia C) taught D) cauliflower

14. The letters (er) in the word (Sergeant) has the same sound with ……………

A) Mercy B) Person C) Perfume D) clerk

15. The letter (a) in the word (park) is sounded as ……..……

A) /e/ B) / 3:/ C) /ʌ/ D) /a:/

16. There is /a:/ sound in the word …………..……...

A) and B) art n C) park D) (b and c)

17.There is no /a:/ sound in the word ……………….

A) alert B) art C) park D) (a and c)

18. The underlined letter in the word (landing card) is sounded as:

A) /a/ B) /a:/ C)/3:/ D) /o:/

19.The phonetic symbol of the underlined letter in (RETURN) is:

A) /o:/ B) /3:/ C) /ʌ/ D) /u/

20. The letter (u) is sounded as /3:/ in the word………….…..

A)burn B) munity C) united D) usually

21. The vowel letter (u) in FURTHER is sounded as ……….…….

A) /3:/ B) /a/ C) /a:/ D) /ʌ /

22.The word that carries the /3:/ sound is:

A) certain B) archaeology C) turn D) (a and c)

23. The letter (o) in the word (corn) is sounded as ………….…....

A) / ʌ/ B) /o:/ C) /3:/ D) /a:/

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