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© 2015 IJIRT | Volume 1 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2349-6002


Vijit Mangla,Parshant Sharma,Sahil Kapoor
Electronics and Communication Engineering.
Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon.

Abstract: - With the advent of portable and high- Depending upon the component and function,
density microelectronic devices, the power different optimization approaches can be
dissipation of very large scale integrated (VLSI) adopted.With various levels of designs there comes a
circuits is becoming a critical concern. Accurate number of techniques to save the power in VLSI
power estimation during the design phase is designs. The following chart explain the power
required in order to meet the power. Space, power consumption rises as we move on from layout level to
consumption and speed are major design issues in system level.
VLSI circuit. The design component has conflicting
effect on overallperformance of circuits. An
optimization of power dissipation can be achieved
by compromising various components.Here we
present various techniques evolved to utilize the
power without the compromise in overall

Index Terms— Very Large Scale Inegration(VLSI)

 Introduction

The continuing decrease in feature size and the

corresponding increase in chip density and operating
frequency have made power consumption a major
concern in VLSI design. Mod-

ern microprocessors are indeed hot: the PowerPC chip

from Motorola consumes 8.5 Watts,the Pentium chip
from Intel consumes 16 Watts, and DEC's alpha chip
consumes 30 Watts. Fig 1: Power Optimization at different levels

In CMOS and BiCMOS technologies, the chip

components (gates, cells) draw power supply current
only during a logic transition (if we ignore the small  ALGORITHMIC LEVEL REDUCTION
leakage current). Whilethis is considered an attractive
low-power feature of these technologies, it makes the Power consumption at algorithm level related to
power-dissipation highly dependent on the switching properties of those particular algorithm techniques.
activity inside these circuits. Simply put, a more active Soit should carefully select for lowering the power
circuit will consume more power. This complicates the consumption. For lowering the power, algorithm
power estimation problembecause the power becomes should be such that it have minimum number of
a moving target - it is input pattern-dependent. switching requirements. That algorithm is more useful
which have minimum number of operation because it
 TECHNIQUES OF POWER SAVING will require less hardware. By increasing concurrency
we can increase efficiency of that device.


© 2015 IJIRT | Volume 1 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2349-6002


The basic building block at this level are registers, For providing synchronization of the digital system
busses multipliers, memories, state machine etc. Each one or more reference clocks are used. Fully
block perform high level function. at architectural synchronization is done by using common clock. By a
level it is important to power analysis because now a single clock all parts of digital system is clocked for
days chips become complex & it is not easy to analyses different operations. Clock tree used for globally
each and every gate. The architectural level is the distribution the clock signal to all modules. There are
design entry point for the large majority of digital two types of clock schemes: Single driver clock
designs and design decisions at this level can have scheme and Distributed buffers clock scheme.
dramatic impact on the power budget design. Dynamic power dissipation by switching of clock is
given by:
We all know that the power is a function of the
frequency also. Pclk = V2dd.f.(CL +CD)……………(1)

 GATE LEVEL REDUCTION Where CL is Total load capacitance on clock.

Local restructing: In this technique we modified the There are two problems in clock generation
group of gates based on different operation such as
Combine Gates, Decomposition of gate, Delete wire, conclusion
Add wire, Duplicate a gate etc.
We have seen the power optimizations applicable

at various levels of abstraction, namely the circuit,

Signal gating: By using the controller we can avoid logic,
extra switching activity which directly impact on
architecture and system level. This survey is not all-
power dissipation.
inclusive; rather we have focused a few typical
optimizations at each level of abstraction. Further,
device level and layout-level optimizations to reduce
power have not been presented. Lowering power
dissipation at all abstraction levels is a focus of intense
academic and industrial research.


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Proceedings of the 1994 International
Workshop on Low Power Design, pages 45-
50, April 1994.
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advancing as more number of gate are employed in the


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