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We can say truly that an individual human life begins at fertilization. All human life
begins at conception—that is—when an egg cell from a woman unites with a man’s sperm cell.
Each component—an egg cell is roughly the diameter of a human hair, and the microscopic
sperm cell is, by volume, the smallest in the human body—carries just half of each parent’s
genetic material, or DNA. But these two cells unite and become one single cell; the two genetic
halves come together to complete a full set of DNA and create a brand new human being.
Biologically the human embryo is undoubtedly human; it has human chromosomes
derived from human gametes. It is also undoubtedly alive – a new active individual human
organism from the moment of fertilization exhibiting respiration, growth, reproduction, excretion
and nutrition. Human development is a continuous process beginning with fertilization;
essentially the only differences between zygote and full-term baby being nutrition and time
A biblical defense of the human embryo is based on the idea that human beings are made
in the image of God and belong to God. God's image is endowed by grace; conferred from
outside, and therefore not contingent on any intrinsic properties the embryo may or may not
A human child in the womb does not truly resemble the parents at first and grows to do
so day-by-day in the womb. So, too, does a child of God grow and develop in the womb of
God’s Church, growing in grace and in knowledge (2 Peter 3:18) and through God’s Spirit
developing the mind of Christ (Philippians 2:5). Christians learn to grow toward perfection, just
as their Father in heaven is perfect (Matthew 5:48).
It is a beautiful and amazing process to consider, and one should take an account virtually
by every married couple during the days of pregnancy. God’s wonders are truly demonstrated in
such things. God’s creation is not amazing only for its wondrous features of design and use, but
also because He uses it to paint such beautiful pictures of His marvelous plan.

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