Zzzz-4indx24524 Indx

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Allergy, protective effect of bifidobacteria 87
protective effect of galacto-
oligosaccharides 39
protective effect of raffinose 68
Anti-diabetic activity, of galacto-fructose 56
Antibiotic-associated diarrhoea, effect of
bifidobacteria 84
Atherosclerotic plaque formation, use of inulin
and oligofructose 21
Atopic eczema, in infants – use of
bifidobacteria in management 87
Australia, legislation 139

Baked goods and breads, use of inulin and
oligofructose (Table) 8 9
Bifidobacteria 79
ability to temporarily colonise the gut 83
acid and bile tolerance 82
effect on antibiotic-associated diarrhoea 84
effect on atopic eczema in infants 87
effect on cancer 89
effect on cholesterol 88
effect on constipation 86

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Bifidobacteria (Cont.)
effect on diarrhoea in infants and children 85
effect on enteropathogens 84
effect on Helicobacter pylori 85
effect on host health 83
effect on human gastrointestinal tract 81
effect on immune system 87
effect on immunity and allergy 87
effect on infant allergy 87
effect on lactose intolerance 90
effect on traveller’s diarrhoea 86
health benefits 83
physiological properties 81
physiology 80
safety 91
taxonomy 79
use in infant formula market 81
Blood vitamin D levels, increased by use of
galacto-fructose 56
Bone mineralisation, impact of inulin 18
impact of oligofructose 18
Breakfast cereals, use of inulin and
oligofructose (Table) 8 9

Calcium absorption, improved by use of
galacto-fructose 56
improved by use of inulin 16
improved by use of oligofructose 16

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Cancer, effect of bifidobacteria 89

effect of synbiotics 121
Chicory inulin, bifidus stimulation in humans
(Fig) 14
human studies on prebiotic effect 11
physico chemical characteristics (Table) 6
Chicory roots, inulin content 4
Chocolate, use of inulin and oligofructose
(Table) 8 9
Cholesterol, effect of bifidobacteria 88
effect of isomalto-oligosaccharides 67
reduction through probioticcontaining
fermented dairy products 88
Codex Alimentarius, discussion on health
claims 141
Colon cancer, effect of galacto-
oligosaccharides 41
effect of inulin 21
effect of oligofructose 21
effect of synbiotics 122
Constipation, effect of bifidobacteria 87
effect of galacto-oligosaccharides 40 55
effect of inulin 11
effect of isomalto-oligosaccharides 67
effect of oligofructose 11
effect of synbiotics 118 119
Cultura 87

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Daily dosage, for prebiotic effect 117
Dairy products, incorporation of inulin and
oligofructose (Table) 8 9
incorporation of lactobacilli 1
Diarrhoea, in infants and children - effect of
bifidobacteria 85
use of synbiotics 118
Dietetic products, use of inulin and
oligofructose (Table) 8 9
D-tagatose 132

Eczema, protective effect of galacto-
oligosaccharides 39
Emerging prebiotics, human trials 66
Emerging probiotics 65
Europeau Community legislation 131

FAO/WHO Guidelines on Probiotics in Food 138
Fat replacement, use of inulin 6 7 9
Fermented dairy products, containing
probiotic bacteria - to reduce serum
cholesterol 89
Fillings, use of inulin and oligofructose
(Table) 8 9
Foam and emulsion stability, effect of inulin 7
France, legislation 136

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Freeze-thaw stability, by use of inulin 9

Frozen desserts, use of inulin and
oligofructose (Table) 8 9
Fructan method, for the quantitative
determination of inulin and oligofructose 22
Fructo-oligosaccharides, production of 5
Fruit preparations, use of inulin and
oligofructose (Table) 8 9
Functional oligosaccharides 65

Galacto-fructose 49
analytical methods 59
anti-diabetic activity 56
anti-endotoxin effect 58
applications 51
chemical and physical properties (Table) 51
DNA-protective effect 58
effect in increasing blood vitamin D
levels 56
effect in increasing calcium levels 56
effect in increasing population levels of
bifidobacteria 53
effect in maintaining mineral balance 56
effect in managing weight loss 57
effect in relief from constipation 55
effect on intestinal health 53
flavour cnhancing propcrtics 51
heat resistance 52
immunological effects 57

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Galacto-fructose (Cont.)
physiological properties 52
possible prebiotic effects (Table) 55
prebiotic effect 53
preventive use in inflammatory bowel
disease 58
principal composition (Table) 51
principal mechanism of action in
digestion system (Fig) 54
protective effects 58
safety and tolerance 59
structural formula (Fig) 50
transit effect 55
use in clinical nutrition 52
use in infant nutrition 52
Galacto-oligosaccharides 31
analytical methods 41
applications 34
bifidogenic activity 37
caloric value 34
digestibility (Fig) 36
effect on gut health 35
effect on immune system 36
general properties 33
heat and acid stability 33
immune-modulating effects 38
in alleviation of constipation 40
inhibition of pathogens 37
manufacture 31
physiological properties 35

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Galacto-oligosaccharides (Cont.)
protective effect against allergy and
eczema 39
role in retardation of development of
colon cancer 41
stimulation of mineral absorption 40
support of natural defences 37
tolerance 33
use in clinical nutrition 35
use in functional foods 35
use in infant nutrition 35
Gentio-oligosaccharides 72
Gluco-oligosaccharides 71
fermentation properties 71

Health claims, on labels (EU legislation) 135
Helicobacter pylori, effect of bifidobacteria 85

Immunity, effect of bifidobacteria 87
Inflammatory bowel disease, preventive use of
galacto-fructose 58
preventive use of synbiotics 118
Inulin 3
analytical methods 22
applications 7
bulking effect (Table) 11
(chicory), bifidus stimulation in humans
(Fig) 14

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Inulin (Cont.)
(chicory), human studics on prcbiotic
effect 11
(chicory), physio–chemical
characteristics (Table) 6
content in plants used for human
nutrition (Table) 3
dietary fibre effects 10
effect in inhibition of atherosclerotic
plaque formation 21
effect in relief of constipation 11
effect on lipid metabolism 20
first production 4
giving better-balanced nutrition
composition 7
giving enhanced resistance to infections
and inflammation 14
impact on bone mineralisation 18
in improving calcium absorption 16
in prevention of osteoporosis 16
in reduction of colon cancer risk 21
modlation of the gut microflora 11
nutritional properties (Table) 22
physical properties 6
physiological and nutritional properties 10
prebiotic effect (Table) 13
providing good freeze-thaw stability 9
role in modulation of appetite, food
intake and body weight gain 18
structure of (Fig.) 5

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Inulin (Cont.)
supplementation to increase
bifidobacterial counts 15
use as fibre ingredient 8
use for fat replacement 6 7 9
use for foam and emulsion stability 7
use for freeze-thaw stability 9
use for organoleptic quality improvement 7
use for taste and texture improvement 6 8
use in frozen desserts 8 9
use in fruit preparations 8 9
use in low-fat foods 9
use in meal replacers 8 9
use in meat products 8 9
Irritable bowel syndrome, use of synbiotics 119
Isomalt 69
fermentation properties 70
Isomalto-oligosaccharides 66
effect in lowering cholesterol and
triglycerides 67
fermentation properties 66
in relief of constipation 67

Japan, legislation 138

Labelling (EU legislation) 134
Lactobacilli 101
analytical methods 107

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Lactobacilli (Cont.)
applications 103
habitats in human body 102
health effects 104
physiological properties 104
safety 106
Lactose, structural formula (Fig) 50
Lactose intolerance, effect of bifidobacteria 90
Lactosucrose 70
fermentation properties 70
Lactulose 49
Legislation 131
in Australia 139
in France 136
in Japan 138
in Sweden 137
in the UK 137
in the USA 140
Low-fat foods, use of inulin 9

Meal replacers, use of inulin and oligofructose
(Table) 8 9
Meat products, use of inulin and oligofructose
(Table) 8 9
Mineral absorption, stimulation by galacto-
oligosaccharides 40
Mouthfeel, contribution of oligofructose 7
Muller’s Activa 119
Muller’s Vitality 124

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Novel foods, placement on market (EU
legislation) 132
Novel foods categories, under EU legislation 132
Novel foods regulation (EU) 131
Novel ingedients, labelling (EU legislation) 134
Nutrition and Health Claims Regulation (UK) 137
Nutrition claims, on labels (EU legislation) 135

Oligofructose 3
analytical methods 224
applications 7
bifidus stimulation in humans (Fig) 12
bulking effect (Table) 11
content in plants used for human
nutrition (Table) 3
contribution to body and mouthfeel 7
dietary fibre effects 10
effect in inhibition of atherosclerotic
plaque formation 21
effect in relief of constipation 11
effect on lipid metabolism 20
giving better-balanced nutrition
composition 7
giving enhanced resistance to infections
and inflammation 14
giving good binding characteristics in
ccrcal bars 10
human studies on prebiotic effect 11

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Oligofructose (Cont.)
humectant properties 7
impact on bone mineralisation 18
in improving calcium absorption 16
in improving organoleptic quality 7
in prevention of osteoporosis 16
in reduction of colon cancer risk 21
in reduction of water activity 7
modulation of the gut microflora 11
nutritional properties (Table) 22
physic chemical characteristics (Table) 6
physiological and nutritional properties 10
prebiotic effect (Table) 13
production of 5
role in modulation of appetite, food
intake and body weight gain 18
structure of (Fig) 5
supplementation to increase
bifidobacterial counts 15
use as fibre ingredient 8
use in diet yoghurt 10
use in meal replacers 8 9
use in meat products 8 9
OraftiSynergy l 14 16
21 22
Osteoporosis, use of inulin in prevention 16
use of oligofructose in prevention 16

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Pectic oligosaccharides 71
Prebiotics 78
defining criteria 117
properties of 116
suppliers 143
Probiotic organisms, dosage used in trials 91
Probiotics 1
health benefits (Table) 105 118
properties 116
suppliers 146

Raffinose, related to allergy prevention 68
Raftilose 89

Salad dressings, use of inulin and
oligofructose (Table) 8 9
Salatrim 132
Second-generation prebiotics 14
Serum cholesterol, reduction through
probiotic containing fermented dairy
products 89
Soybean oligosaccharides 67
bifidogenic effect 68
fermentation properties 67
Suppliers, of prebiotics 143
of probiotics 146
Sweden, legislation 137

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Synbiotic yoghurt drink 119

Synbiotics 115
addition to chocolate mousse 126
anti-carcinogenic effects 121
applications 123
benefit on human digestive health 118
definition 115
effect on colon cancer 122
for nutritional supplementation 126
general properties 116
modulation of the immune system 119
physiological properties 117
product examples (Table) 125
properties 117
results of human trials (Table) 123
to relieve constipation 118 119
to relieve diarrhoea 118 119
to relieve inflammatory bowel disease 118
to relieve irritable bowel syndrome 119
to relieve ulcerative colitis 119
use in infant formula 118

Table spreads, use of inulin and oligofructose
(Table) 8 9
Tablets, use of inulin and oligofructose (Table) 8 9
Taste and texture improvement, by inulin 6 8
Traveller’s diarrhoea, effect of bifidobacteria 86

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UK legislation 137
USA, legislation 140

Vitamin D levels, in blood – increased by use
of galacto-fructose 56
Vivinal GOS 35 40

Water activity reduction, by use of
oligofructose 7

Xylo-oligosaccharides 68
bifidogenic effect 69
fermentation properties 69

Yoghurt (diet), use of oligofructose in
production 10
Yo-plus 124

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