Utilization of Cacao Shell As An Alternative Charcoal

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Earlier the ancient man ate only raw food, once accidently a piece of meat

fell into the fire and it got roasted the man ate the piece and liked it (Rebecca,

2015). Thus the process of cooking began and started evolving. Our ancestors

cooked meal over an open fire and that is the only way they cooked it. Cooking

has been practiced since ages and as the time pass by, the revolution of cooking

has evolved massively so has the methods and materials used for cooking like

coals and charcoals.

As mentioned by Joe Schwarcz, 2017, no one is registered discoverer for

charcoal but a Chinese alchemist discovered and popularized that blending

charcoal with potassium nitrate and sulphur resulted in a mixture that would

combust readily. It is a solid fuel used for heating and cooking that is created

through the process of carbonisation, which is a process where

complex carbon substances such as wood or other biomass are broken down

through a slow heating process into carbon and other chemical compounds.

Good charcoal is mostly pure carbon, called char, made by cooking wood in a

low oxygen environment, a process that can take days and burns off volatile

compounds such as water, methane, hydrogen, and tar.

Another alternative for coals and charcoals is the Charcoal Briquette. The

charcoal briquette was first invented and patented by Ellsworth B. A. Zwoyer of


Pennsylvania in 1897 and was produced by the Zwoyer Fuel Company (Dashka

Slater, 2014). A briquette is a block of flammable matter used as fuel to start and

maintain a fire. It is different from charcoal because they do not possess large

concentration of carbonaceous substances. It is useful and can be used as an

alternative substitute to expensive cost of kerosene, liquefied petroleum gas and

electricity. The briquettes are mostly composed of organic waste and other

materials that are biodegradable, and are commonly used as heat and cooking

fuel. In comparison to fossil fuels, the briquettes produce low net total

greenhouse gas emissions because the materials used are already part of the

carbon cycle. (Grace, 2017)

Nowadays, charcoal and biomass briquettes have been used for a large

range of purposes including art. The use of charcoal in art is also very prominent

as it can be used for drawing and painting. The most common charcoal that is

used all around the world is compressed charcoal in pencils. There is also the

vine charcoal that is created by burning sticks of wood into soft, medium or hard

consistencies to be used in artworks. But by far its most important use has been

as a metallurgical fuel. It can be used for industrial production purposes and a

good alternative for stove-cooking. (The Green Book, 2012)

Hence, the researchers want to assess what are the differences between

commercialized charcoal and cacao shell as alternative fuel in terms of its color,

effectiveness and efficiency.


Statement of the Problem

The general problem of the researchers in conducting this study was to

determine the differences between commercialized charcoal and cacao shell as

alternative fuel. The study answers the following questions:

1. What is the significant difference between Commercialized Charcoal and

Cacao (Theobroma cacao) Shell as Alternative Fuel in terms of its color


2. How long do Commercialized Charcoal and Cacao (Theobroma cacao)

shell will combust?

3. Which of the four (4) set up is more viable alternative fuel in terms of



The objectives of the researchers in conducting this study are to identify

the differences between Commercial Charcoal and Cacao (Theobroma cacao)

Shell as Alternative Fuel.

1. To determine the significant difference between Commercialized

Charcoal and Cacao (Theobroma cacao) Shell as Alternative Fuel in

terms of its color of flame.

2. To determine the duration time of Commercialized Charcoal and Cacao

(Theobroma cacao) shell will combust.

3. To determine the most viable alternative fuel among the four (4) set up in

terms of effectiveness.

Hypothesis of the Study

This study is based on the following hypothesis.

1. There is significant difference between Commercialized Charcoal and

Cacao (Theobroma cacao) Shell as Alternative Fuel in terms of its color


2. The duration time of combustion in Commercialized Charcoal is higher

than Cacao (Theobroma cacao) Shell.

3. Set up number three (3) is the most viable alternative fuel among the

four (4) set up in terms of effectiveness.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focused on the utilization of Commercialized Charcoal and

Cacao (Theobroma cacao) Shell. Only Cacao (Theobroma cacao) Shells shall be

used in this experiment, other parts of Cacao (Theobroma cacao) fruit are not

included. The study will include testing and determining the differences between

Commercialized Charcoal and Cacao (Theobroma cacao) Shell as Alternative

Fuel in terms to its effectiveness and efficiency on a certain parameters.


Significance of the Study

The findings of the study may benefit the following:


The study may help the consumers to know the effective and efficient

charcoal to use as a main material for metallurgical purposes and specially for


Cacao Farmers

This study may help the cacao farmers to know that cacao shell can be

turn into a charcoal and also can be used as alternative fuel.

Charcoal Business Enterprise

The study may benefit the charcoal makers to be more knowledgeable in

making charcoals in terms of its effectiveness and efficiency. It will also help

them to be resourceful and to know that they can make alternative fuel out of

cacao shell.

Future Researchers

The future researchers may no longer have trouble looking for related

studies. This will be a great start for them to elaborate and expand more the past

study that was conducted.




This chapter presents and discussed related literatures and studies

relevant to the study. The collection of various materials provides the researchers

better insights to conduct the study.

Color of Flame

Different flame colors have different meaning but it’s not just the efficiency

at which a flame burns carbon that determines its color, the temperature of a

flame will also affect it. Orange is the most common color for flames which

ranges its temperatures of 1,100 to 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit. Wood, charcoal,

paper, gas, etc. are the traditional fuel sources contain carbon, which is apparent

from their orange flame but not all carbon-containing fuel sources will produce an

orange or yellow flame. Orange or yellow-colored flames are perfect for grilling

and smoking meats because of its savory and flavorful smoke and shouldn’t

cause any reason for concern. Blue flames burn hotter than orange flames, with

temperatures reaching up to 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Typically gas-burning

fires have blue flame because of the complete burning of carbon

(CuttingEdgeFirewood, 2018).

In order to cook efficiently the color of flame must be blue. A healthy gas

flame will burn steadily and be blue in colour but if that flame isn’t getting enough

oxygen it will appear yellow or orange. Essentially, if the flame is not blue, the

gas isn’t burning correctly, which can cause a range of problems. A soot build-up

can occur, leaving black marks or staining on and around the cooktop and, in the

worst case scenario, you could fall victim to Carbon Monoxide poisoning (Mosby,


Although induction cooktops are gaining popularity, but traditional old gas

stoves are still the most used cooking appliance in households. At Bijli Bachao,

we profess saving energy, and although our name gives a feeling of saving

electricity, but saving other sources of energy are as dear to us. LPG and PNG

are the most common fuel used for cooking on gas stoves in India, and saving

them is as important as saving electricity. Although there are several things that

can be done to save gas, but one of the early indicators of gas being used

inefficiently is the color of the flame when it is burnt. The color of the flame from a

gas stove can be blue, yellow or orange, but it is important to note that blue color

is the indicator that the gas is burning efficiently. Color of the flame is the first

indicator of inefficient burning. A yellow or orange colored flame should be

tackled immediately. Occasional yellow or orange may appear in the flame due to

impurities in the gas, but a persistent yellow or orange color is an indicator of

inefficient burning. Another indicator of this is that you start seeing black colored

soot getting deposited on the cookware or burner (Jain, 2016).

Duration Time of Combustion

The combustion of the babassu nutshell occurred in three phases and it

was observed that this lignocellulose material is suitable for the direct generation

of heat. The increase in the final carbonization temperature caused an increase


in the ignition temperature, as well as in the burnout temperature, the ignition

time and the time corresponding to the maximum combustion rate. The results

indicate that the increase in the carbonization temperature causes a decrease in

combustion reactivity and, consequently, the charcoals produced at lower

temperatures are easier to ignite and exhibit better performance in ignition.

(Protásio, 2017)

Using biomass for partial or complete replacement of coke breeze in iron

ore sintering process is an attractive technique for reducing emissions of

greenhouse gas and gaseous pollutants. But one drawback of this technique is

that low or medium grade charcoal may lead to the failure in achieving proper

sintering performance. The result of thermal profile and exhaust gas composition

indicated high charcoal proportion. Lacking heat release in melting zone and the

excessively high combustion rate were the reason to weak sinters. The

equivalent fixed carbon substitution approach was more effective to produce

sufficient heat melting zone at medium grade charcoal combustion. Increasing

charcoal particles size. (Cheng, 2016)

Biomass briquettes are a biofuel substitute to coal and charcoal. They are

often used to heat industrial boilers in order to produce electricity from steam.

There has been a move to use of briquettes in the development world through

the use of the coffering, when the briquettes are combined coal in order to create

the heat supplied to the boiler. Study results show that the energy output of bio

briquettes compressed from biomass waste is nearly equivalent to that of

common fuel sources when burned in an oxygen-rich environment comparable to


unmodified wood and wood pellet stoves, fireplaces, patio heaters and charcoal

grills. There are many clear advantages of bio briquettes, including the simplicity

by which they can be produced and the availability and affordability of materials

used in their production. (Kharleeeyo, 2014).

Complete combustion occurs when 100% of the energy in the fuel is

extracted. It is important to strive for complete combustion to preserve fuel and

improve the cost efficiency of the combustion process. In complete combustion,

the reactant burns in oxygen, and produces a limited number of products. When

a hydrocarbon burns in oxygen, the reaction will primarily yield carbon dioxide

and water. When elements are burned, the products are primarily the most

common oxides. Carbon will yield carbon dioxide, sulfur will yield sulfur dioxide,

and iron will yield iron oxide. Nitrogen is not considered to be a combustible

substance when oxygen is the oxidant, but small amounts of various nitrogen

oxides (Leite, 2012).

Pulverized coal combustion in an oxygen-enriched atmosphere with

CO2/O2 mixtures is expected to be effective for improving combustion efficiency

and for CO2 recovery from flue gas without the process of concentration. The air

separation/flue gas recycling process with CO2 recovery including oxygen

generator and flue gas treatment. The findings of studies so far conducted

indicate that this process is more economical than other CO2 recovery

techniques and is expected to offer, among others, satisfactory burnout efficiency

through the use of an oxygen-enriched atmosphere (Nakayama, 2012).


Research Paradigm

Comparative Study of Commercialized Charcoal and Cacao

(Theobroma cacao) Shell as Alternative Fuel

Color of Flame
Commercialized Charcoal
Duration Time of
Cacao (Theobroma cacao) Combustion

(Independent Variable)
(Dependent Variable)

 Moisture Content
 Temperature
 Type of binders
 Weather

(Extraneous Variable)

Figure1. Paradigm of the Study


Definition of Terms

For better clarification and understanding of the terms related to this study,

the following terms are defined conceptually and operationally.

Biomass - organic matter used as fuel, especially in a power station for

the generation of electricity.

Biomass Briquettes - are bio fuel substitute to coal and charcoal, mostly

made of green waste and other organic materials and are commonly used for

electricity generation, heat, and cooking fuel.

Binders – a substance that made from the mixture of water and corn

starch and used as a material to hold the charcoal briquettes together.

Combustion - the process of burning something.

Cacao Shell - bricks that are made of cacao plants that can be used as

alternative fuel used in cooking.

Charcoal - black carbon and ash residue hydrocarbon produced by

removing water and other volatile constituents from vegetable substances.

Coal Ash - referred to as coal combustion residuals or CCRs. It is

produced primarily from the burning of coal in coal-fired power plants.

Fuel - any material that can make to react with other substance so that it

releases energy as heat energy or to be used for work.



Methods and Procedure

This chapter shows the methods and procedure for the research, it consist

of research design, elements of the study, instrument use that were utilized in

conducting the study that allow the researchers to obtain the necessary data and

goals of the study.

Research Design

This research study will utilize a Post-Test Only Control Group Design. A

Post-Test Only Control Group Design is a research design in which there are at

least two groups, one of which does not receive a treatment or intervention, and

data are collected on the outcome measure after the treatment or intervention

(Frey, 2018). The researchers will use the Observational Method which involves

measurements or numbers and by monitoring specific characteristics to gather

necessary data. This design enables to formulate the result.


Research Design

Comparative Study of Commercialized Charcoal and Cacao

(Theobroma cacao) as Alternative Fuel

Control Experimental

T0 T1 T2 T3

¼ kg of ½ kg of ¾ kg of
Cacao Cacao Cacao
1 kg of
Commercializ (Theobroma (Theobroma (Theobroma
ed Charcoal cacao) shell, cacao) shell, cacao) shell,
and ¼ kg of ¾ kg of ½ kg of ¼ kg of
corn starch Commercializ Commercializ Commercializ
binder ed Charcoal ed Charcoal ed Charcoal
and ¼ kg of and ¼ kg of and ¼ kg of
corn starch corn starch corn starch
binder binder binder

R1 R1 R1 R1

R2 R2 R2

R3 R3 R3

R4 R4 R4

R5 R5 R5

Figure2. Research Design


Elements of the Study

The researchers aimed to obtain data through the means of identifying the

differences of commercialized charcoal and cacao (Theobroma cacao) shell as

alternative fuel. The said commercialized charcoal are made by the charcoal

makers and the cacao (Theobroma cacao) shell as alternative fuel that was

made by the researchers will serve and be utilized as the elements of the study.

Using the Purposive Sampling, the researchers prepared charcoal and an

unripe cacao shell in order to obtain and observe the samples needed for the


Experimental Procedure

Charcoaling the cacao (Theobroma cacao) shell

The researchers made charcoal from cacao (Theobroma cacao) shell and

prepared commercialized charcoal that was made by the charcoal makers. In

order to make charcoal from cacao (Theobroma cacao) shell, the researchers

obtained cacao (Theobroma cacao) and separate its seeds from the shell and set

it under the sun for three (3) days (depending on the weather) to decrease its

moisture. After three (3) days, the researchers put the cacao (Theobroma cacao)

shell into a can container and covered it with another can in order to avoid

burning of cacao (Theobroma cacao) shell inside the container after it is being

set on fire.

Mixing the charcoals and the binder

The researchers made one (1) control and three (3) trials which contains

five (5) replicates in each in order to improve the reliability of the result. In Setup

1, ¼ kg of cacao (Theobroma cacao) shell and ¾ kg of commercialized charcoal

are mixed up with ¼ kg of corn starch binder. In Setup 2, ½ kg of cacao

(Theobroma cacao) shell and ½ kg of commercialized charcoal are mixed up with

¼ kg of corn starch binder. In Setup 3, ¾ kg of cacao (Theobroma cacao) shell

and ¼ kg of commercialized charcoal are mixed up with ¼ kg of corn starch


Briquetting the mixtures

In order to have five (5) replicates in each setup, the researchers divided

each setup into five (5); therefore each replicates is weighing ¼ kg of mixture.

After dividing each setup into five (5), the researchers put the mixture into the

improvised briquette compressor one-by-one. After which, the researchers put

the briquettes under the sun for three (3) days (depending on the weather) to

decrease its moisture.

Testing the briquettes

The researchers prepared three (3) cups of top water and pour it into the

kittle and wait until it boils. During the boiling process, the researchers observed

the color of flame and the duration time of combustion.

Materials Used:


Instrument of the Study

The gathering of data is done through the process of observation done by

the researchers. In conducting the observation there are five (5) replicates in

each test in order to make sure that the observation is correct.

Statistical Tool

To answer the statement of the problem no. 1, the One-way ANOVA and

Dunnett T-test are employed to compare the Experimental Group and the Control


One-way ANOVA Dunnett T-test

Data Organization and Analysis

The data collected, especially the differences between commercial

charcoal and cacao shell as alternative fuel in terms of its effectiveness and

efficiency were arranged in tables. This will help the researchers to analyse the

result and form a better conclusion to the problem being addressed.


Table1. Significant Differences of Commercialized Charcoal and Cacao

(Theobroma cacao) Shell in terms of its color of flame

Color of Flame
Experimental Group Control
Replicate Group
s Trial1 Trial2 Trial3
½ kg of Cacao
¼ kg of Cacao (Theobroma ¾ kg of Cacao 1 kg of
(Theobroma cacao) shell, ½ (Theobroma Commercialize
cacao) shell, ¾ kg of cacao) shell, ¼ d Charcoal
kg of Commercialize kg of
Commercialize d Charcoal Commercialize
d Charcoal d Charcoal



Color Orange  2,200C

Color Blue  3,000C


Table2. Duration Time of Combustion of mixed Commercialized Charcoal

and Cacao (Theobroma cacao) Shell

½ kg of Cacao
¼ kg of Cacao (Theobroma ¾ kg of Cacao 1 kg of
(Theobroma cacao) shell, ½ (Theobroma Commercialize
cacao) shell, ¾ kg of cacao) shell, ¼ d Charcoal
kg of Commercialize kg of
Commercialize d Charcoal Commercialize
d Charcoal d Charcoal


Duration Time before water boils (mins.)

Experimental Group Control
Replicate Group
s Trial1 Trial2 Trial3
½ kg of Cacao
¼ kg of Cacao (Theobroma ¾ kg of Cacao 1 kg of
(Theobroma cacao) shell, ½ (Theobroma Commercialize
cacao) shell, ¾ kg of cacao) shell, ¼ d Charcoal
kg of Commercialize kg of
Commercialize d Charcoal Commercialize
d Charcoal d Charcoal


Table3. Duration Time before water boils using mixed Commercialized

Charcoal and Cacao (Theobroma cacao) Shell



Results and Discussion

This presents the organized data gathered during the experimental process.

Table4. Significant Differences between Commercialized Charcoal and Cacao

(Theobroma cacao) Shell as Alternative Fuel in terms of its color of flame

F P-value Interpretation
Temperature 7.867 0.01 Not Significant
Multiple Comparisons
T1 vs. Control 0.635 Not Significant
T2 vs. Control 0.635 Not Significant
T3 vs. Control 0.000 Significant
Legend: P-value <0.01 is significant

Table 4 shows the result during the conducted test. Using the One-way

ANOVA with 1 level of significance, the data shows that there is no significant

difference with P-value of 0.01 between Experimental Group and Control Group

in terms of its color of flame. This means that the three (3) Experimental Group

namely Trial 1, Trial 2, and Trial 3 did not differ in Control Group in terms of its

color of flame. Using the Dunnett T-test, the data shows that between Trial 1 and

Control Group there is no significant difference with P-value of 0.635 in terms of

its color of flame. Also between Trial 2 and Control Group there is no significant

dqifference with P-value of 0.635 in terms of its color of flame. Between Trial 3

and Control Group there is significant difference with P-value of 0.000 in terms of

its color of flame. The color of flames are converted to its equivalent temperature;

orange flame has an equivalent temperature of 2,200C and blue flame has an

equivalent temperature of 3,000C.

Figure3. Duration Time of Combustion of mixed commercialized charcoal and

cacao (Theobroma cacao) Shell

Duration Time of Combustion


20 19.35
Time (mins.)


t1 t2 t3 control


Figure 3 shows the result during the conducted test (Duration Time of

Combustion) in all Experimental Group and Control Group where in the duration

time of combustion is measured. The data shows that there is a recorded

duration time of combustion in each experimental group and control group. Trial

1 has the highest duration time of combustion 19.35 minutes. Trial 2 has duration

time of combustion 17.89 minutes. Trial 3 has duration time of combustion 16.74

minutes. And the Control Group has the lowest duration time of combustion with

13.38 minutes.

Figure4. Duration Time Before Water Boils using mixed Commercialized

Charcoal and Cacao (Theobroma cacao) Shell

Duration Time Before Water Boils

14 14.18
Time (mins.)

10 10.12
8 8.1
t1 t2 t3 control


Figure 4 shows the result during the conducted test (Duration Time

Before Water Boils) in all Experimental Group and Control Group where in the

duration time before water boil is measured. The data shows that there is a

recorded duration time before water boils in each experimental group and control

group. Trial 1 has duration time before water boils of 12.78 minutes. Trial 2 has

duration time before water boils of 10.12. Trial 3 has the lowest duration time

before water boils with 8.1 minutes. And the Control Group has the highest

duration time before water boils with 14.18 minutes.


Summary, Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendations

This presents the summary of the concepts in the study as well as

the findings during the experimentation, the conclusion for each problem

presented, and the recommendations of the researchers for further improvement

of the result of the study.


The result clearly shows that there is no significant difference

between Commercialized Charcoal and Cacao (Theobroma cacao) Shell in terms

of color of flame. This is supported by the data gathered with P-value of 0.01,

therefore it is concluded that there is no significant difference. Among the other

treatments, Trial 1 has the highest duration time of combustion with 19.35

minutes and the Control Group has the lowest duration time with 13.38 minutes.

Therefore, it is concluded that in terms of efficiency, Trial 1 is the most efficient

among the other treatments and the Control Group is the least efficient.

Moreover, among the treatments, Trial 3 has the lowest duration time before

water boils with 8.1 minutes and the Control Group has the highest duration time

before water boils with 14.18 minutes. Therefore, it is concluded that in terms of

effectiveness, Trial 3 is the most effective among the other treatments and the

Control Group is the least effective.

Statement of the Problem No. 1: What is the significant difference between

Commercialized Charcoal and Cacao (Theobroma cacao) Shell as Alternative

Fuel in terms of its color flame?

Findings and Conclusion: The findings clearly show that there is no significant

difference between Commercialized Charcoal and Cacao (Theobroma cacao)


Shell in terms of color of flame. This is supported by the data gathered with P-

value of 0.01, therefore it is concluded that there is no significant difference.

Statement of the Problem No. 2: How long do Commercialized Charcoal and

Cacao (Theobroma cacao) shell will combust?

Findings and Conclusion: Trial 1 has the highest duration time of combustion

with 19.35 minutes and the Control Group has the lowest duration time with

13.38 minutes. Therefore, it is concluded that in terms of efficiency, Trial 1 is the

most efficient among the other treatments and the Control Group is the least


Statement of the Problem No. 3: Which of the four (4) set up is more viable

alternative fuel in terms of effectiveness?

Findings and Conclusion: Trial 3 has the lowest duration time before water

boils with 8.1 minutes and the Control Group has the highest duration time before

water boils with 14.18 minutes. Therefore, it is concluded that in terms of

effectiveness, Trial 3 is the most effective among the other treatments and the

Control Group is the least effective.


To further improve the results of the study, the researcher suggests

measuring the heat of combustion of Commercialized Charcoal and Cacao

(Theobroma cacao) Shell; also using it to cook with different types of food. Using

this study as reference in order for the future researchers to improve the study

with reliable results



Cheng, Z. (2016). Characteristics of charcoal combustion and its effects on

iron-ore sintering performance. Retrieved from


CuttingEdgeFirewood. (2018). What Does the Color of a Flame Mean?.

Retrieved from https://www.cuttingedgefirewood.com/news/what-does-the-


Jain, A. (2016). Save LPG used by cook stoves: Make sure your gas burners burn

blue for higher fuel efficiency. Retrieved from



Kharleeeyo. (2014). Fuel Briquettes. Retrieved from


Leite, O. (2012). Flare Combustion Efficiency. Retrieved from


Mosby, C. (2017). Is it safe to cook with orange flame?. Retrieved from


Nakayama, Y. (2000). Pulverized coal combustion in O2/CO2mixtures on a power

plant for CO2 recovery. Retrieved from


Protásio, T. (2017). Combustion Of Biomass and Charcoal made from Babassu

Nutshell. Retrieved from http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?

script=sci_arttext&pid=S0104- 77602017000100001


Appendix A

Results of the Experiment using One-way ANOVA and Dunnet T-test with

SPSS Application

Appendix B

Significant Difference of Commercialized Charcoal and Cacao (Theobroma

cacao) Shell in terms of its color of flame

Color of Flame
Experimental Group Control
Replicate Group
s Trial1 Trial2 Trial3
½ kg of Cacao
¼ kg of Cacao (Theobroma ¾ kg of Cacao 1 kg of
(Theobroma cacao) shell, ½ (Theobroma Commercialize
cacao) shell, ¾ kg of cacao) shell, ¼ d Charcoal
kg of Commercialize kg of
Commercialize d Charcoal Commercialize
d Charcoal d Charcoal
1 2,200C 2,200C 3,000C 2,200C

2 3,000C 3,000C 3,000C 2,200C

3 2,200C 3,000C 3,000C 2,200C

4 2,200C 2,200C 3,000C 2,200C

5 2,200C 3,000C 3,000C 2,200C

Mean 2,360C 2,680C 15,000C 11,000C


Color Orange  2,200C

Color Blue  3,000C


Duration Time of Combustion of mixed Commercialized Charcoal and

Cacao (Theobroma cacao) Shell

Experimental Group Control

Replicate Group
s Trial1 Trial2 Trial3
½ kg of Cacao
¼ kg of Cacao (Theobroma ¾ kg of Cacao 1 kg of
(Theobroma cacao) shell, ½ (Theobroma Commercialize
cacao) shell, ¾ kg of cacao) shell, ¼ d Charcoal
kg of Commercialize kg of
Commercialize d Charcoal Commercialize
d Charcoal d Charcoal
1 19.25 mins. 18.48 mins. 16.71 mins. 13.38 mins.

2 18.61 mins. 17.68 mins. 16.78 mins. 13.38 mins.

3 19.65 mins. 17.76 mins. 16.65 mins. 13.38 mins.

4 19.88 mins. 18.28 mins. 16.85 mins. 13.38 mins.

5 19.35 mins. 17.25 mins. 16.73 mins. 13.38 mins.

Mean 19.35 mins. 17.89 mins. 16.74 mins. 13.38 mins.


Duration Time before water boils using mixed Commercialized Charcoal

and Cacao (Theobroma cacao) Shell

Duration Time before water boils (mins.)

Experimental Group Control
Replicate Group
s Trial1 Trial2 Trial3
½ kg of Cacao
¼ kg of Cacao (Theobroma ¾ kg of Cacao 1 kg of
(Theobroma cacao) shell, ½ (Theobroma Commercialize
cacao) shell, ¾ kg of cacao) shell, ¼ d Charcoal
kg of Commercialize kg of
Commercialize d Charcoal Commercialize
d Charcoal d Charcoal
1 13.03 mins. 10.4 mins. 8.05 mins. 14.18 mins.

2 12.56 mins. 9.95 mins. 8.2 mins. 14.18 mins.

3 12.76 mins. 10.03 mins. 8.13 mins. 14.18 mins.

4 12.96 mins. 10.31 mins. 8.18 mins. 14.18 mins.

5 12.60 mins. 9.91 mins. 7.96 mins. 14.18 mins.

Mean 12.78 mins. 10.12 mins. 8.10 mins. 14.18 mins.


Appendix C


Experimental Procedure: Charcoaling of Cacao Shell


Before the process During the process

After the process

Experimental Procedure: Powdering the

Charcoaled Cacao Shell


Experimental Procedure: Mixing the Charcoals with binder

Before the process of Before the process of

Trial 1 (¾ kg of Trial 1 (¼ kg of charcoaled
commercialized charcoal) cacao shell)

Before the process of Before the process of

Trial 2 (½ kg of Trial 2 (½ kg of charcoaled
commercialized charcoal) cacao shell)

Before the process of Before the process of

Trial 3 (¼ kg of Trial 3 (¾ kg of charcoaled
commercialized charcoal) cacao shell)

Experimental Procedure: Mixing and Briquetting the Charcoal

During the process of


During the process of


After the process of


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