Factor Analysis To Evaluate Hospital Resilience

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Factor Analysis to Evaluate Hospital Resilience

G. P. Cimellaro, A.M.ASCE 1; M. Malavisi 2; and S. Mahin 3

Abstract: Health care facilities should be able to quickly adapt to catastrophic events such as natural and human-made disasters. One way to
reduce the impacts of extreme events is to enhance a hospital’s resilience. Resilience is defined as the ability to absorb and recover from
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hazardous events, containing the effects of disasters when they occur. The goal of this paper is to propose a fast methodology for quantifying
disaster resilience of health care facilities. An evaluation of disaster resilience was conducted on empirical data from tertiary hospitals in the
San Francisco Bay area. A survey was conducted during a 4-month period using an ad hoc questionnaire, and the collected data were analyzed
using factor analysis. A combination of variables was used to describe the characteristics of the hidden factors. Three factors were identified
as most representative of hospital disaster resilience: (1) cooperation and training management; (2) resources and equipment capability; and
(3) structural and organizational operating procedures. Together they cover 83% of the total variance. The overall level of hospital disaster
resilience (R) was calculated by linearly combining the three extracted factors. This methodology provides a relatively simple way to evaluate
a hospital’s ability to manage extreme events. DOI: 10.1061/AJRUA6.0000952. © 2018 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Resilience evaluation; Factor analysis; Emergency; Disaster; Hospital; Performance.

Introduction by combining the resilience of each individual variable to take into

account the hospital’s response ability at all levels of the system
Natural and human-made disasters worldwide have continually (Zhong et al. 2014).
increased, becoming more frequent and more intense in the last de- Recently, several methods were proposed to measure the hospi-
cade. They also have a greater social and economic impact than tal’s ability to provide emergency care to all the injured in an ex-
before owing to increased urbanization level, environmental deg- treme situation (Cimellaro et al. 2017). In this study, a framework
radation, and climate changes (e.g., higher temperatures or extreme for hospital resilience was developed, using empirical data from
precipitations). Generally, health care facilities and emergency hospitals in the San Francisco Bay area of California.
services must manage a sudden inflow of patients from major disas- To achieve this goal, data from a questionnaire (Supplemental
ters that can bring the entire system to collapse. Hospitals are differ- Data) were analyzed to determine the key factors to be used to mea-
ent from other health care organizations because they play an sure hospital resilience. In this work, factor analysis was used to
important role in the aftermath of an emergency by providing con- extract the main components, because it is a type of analysis that
tinued access to care; therefore, they belong to that group of infra- is used to describe a characteristic that is not directly observable
structures called lifelines. For hospitals to perform as expected based on a set of observable variables. Lately, factor analysis was
during the emergencies, it is necessary to have developed internal extensively used to analyze and measure latent factors in different
concepts and methods that allow this complexity of management. fields as well (Li et al. 2013).
Hospital disaster resilience provides this capacity because its The main reason why factor analysis (FA) was selected is be-
focus is on a system’s overall ability to prepare and plan for, absorb cause it is easy to use and accurate, both objective and subjective
and recover from catastrophic events, and sustain required opera- attributes can be used, and because it is characterized by flexibility
tions under both expected and unexpected conditions. However, a in nomenclature and use dimensions. However, it is important to
hospital’s adaptive behaviors depend on several variables related emphasize that the final result of factor analytical investigation
with the complexity of the system. In fact, hospital disaster resil- depends, in part, on the decisions and interpretations of the
ience must be measured separately, using multiple concepts such researchers.
as hospital safety, cooperation, recovery, emergency plans, business On the other hand, other methods such as machine learning
continuity, critical care capacity, and other specific abilities. techniques can also be adopted to analyze the problem at hand,
Thus, the overall resilience level of a hospital can be obtained but it will require selecting the proper algorithm because there is
no guarantee it will always work in every case.
Associate Professor, Dept. of Structural, Geotechnical and Building In detail, eight variables were selected as those most representative
Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, 10129 Turin, Italy (corresponding to describe the hospital’s performance during an emergency. Three
author). E-mail: gianpaolo.cimellaro@polito.it factors explaining more than 80% of variance were found, includ-
Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Structural, Geotechnical and ing (1) cooperation and training management; (2) resources and
Building Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, 10129 Turin, Italy. equipment capability; and (3) structural and organizational oper-
Byron and Elvira Nishkian Professor of Structural Engineering, Dept. ating procedures. Each of these factors can be analyzed separately
of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of California, Davis Hall, to understand which part of the hospital’s internal system needs to
Berkeley, CA 94720-1710.
be improved. Then, score models were established to measure the
Note. This manuscript was submitted on July 22, 2016; approved on
September 7, 2017; published online on January 16, 2018. Discussion level of hospital disaster resilience. The model provides an ana-
period open until June 16, 2018; separate discussions must be submitted lytical expression for hospital resilience (R), combining linearly
for individual papers. This paper is part of the ASCE-ASME Journal the three extracted factors. The weight for each factor was ob-
of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engi- tained and the overall resilience for the considered hospitals was
neering, © ASCE, ISSN 2376-7642. estimated.

© ASCE 04018002-1 ASCE-ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Eng. Syst., Part A: Civ. Eng.

ASCE-ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Eng. Syst., Part A: Civ. Eng., 2018, 4(1): 04018002
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Fig. 1. Tertiary hospitals in the San Francisco’s Bay Area (map data ©2017 Google)

State of the Art efficiency using factor analysis. They also provided indexes to
evaluate hospital financial status and make a comparison in terms
Factor analysis is a multivariate statistical approach commonly of stability between the outcomes from factor analysis and the date
used to investigate how many latent variables underlie a set of envelopment analysis (DEA), a traditional method to evaluate the
items. Historically, factor analysis was used primarily in psychol- efficiency of public sectors.
ogy and education; however, its use within the health science sector In this paper, a fast and simple methodology is proposed to
has become much more common during the last two decades evaluate a hospital’s ability to manage extreme events. In particular,
(Williams et al. 2010). Reducing the data to a smaller set of var- the method identifies the main factors that define hospital resilience
iables could help in understanding some aspects of hospitals’ during an emergency to take actions to increase the overall level of
behavior during an emergency. Indeed, the primary aim of hospital resilience of the hospital system.
planners during a crisis should not be trying to create plans for even
more contingencies, since contingencies are numerous, but rather
to create capabilities for resilience (Stemberg 2003). Bruneau et al. Methodology
(2003) define a resilient system as a system that reduces failure
probabilities, limits consequences from failures and decreases time In this research, a study was conducted on tertiary hospitals located
to restore a normal level of functional performance. A conceptual in the San Francisco Bay area in California. Tertiary hospitals are
understanding of hospital resilience is essential for an integrated referral hospitals that provide comprehensive and multidisciplinary
approach to enhance hospital resilience to cope with future disas- care that requires highly specialized equipment as well as full
ters (Cimellaro et al. 2010, 2016). A similar concept was presented departmentalization and facilities with the service capabilities.
recently and applied at the country and state levels (Kammouh A questionnaire with 33 questions (Supplemental Data) was devel-
et al. 2017). oped to collect relevant data for the hospitals’ resilience analyses.
Several researchers are aware of the utility to adopt factor analy- The survey was conducted between April 2014 and July 2014.
sis to analyze guidelines associated with hospital emergency man- Among all the selected hospitals in San Francisco’s Bay area, 16
agement (Pett et al. 2003). For example, O’Malley et al. (2005) complete questionnaires were collected, representing an approxi-
analyzed the quality of care and service in hospitals using factor mate 71% response rate. The locations of the analyzed hospitals
analysis and tried to identify the important dimensions of health are shown in Fig. 1.
care to improve hospital quality. Cimellaro et al. (2010b) analyzed The survey was conducted by interviewing the hospital’s emer-
the seismic resilience of a hospital network located in the United gency staff or by sending the questionnaire by e-mail. For each
States using an analytical function that is based on a loss estimation hospital, a person who is familiar with the emergency plan was
performance indicator. selected for filling out the questionnaire (in most cases, the director
Later, Nakajima et al. (2012) analyzed public hospitals in Japan of the emergency department or someone designated by that
in terms of financial managements, medical services, and cost person). All the selected hospitals were informed about the research

© ASCE 04018002-2 ASCE-ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Eng. Syst., Part A: Civ. Eng.

ASCE-ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Eng. Syst., Part A: Civ. Eng., 2018, 4(1): 04018002
goals and developments. Before starting the factor analysis, the col- where zj ¼ jth standardized variable; F1 ; F2 ; : : : ; Fn = common
lected questionnaires were reviewed to check their completeness factors independent and orthogonal each other (with m < n); and
and consistency. kjh = calculated coefficients. Then, applying the inverse factor
model, it is possible to obtain the factors’ equations as a linear
Description of the Questionnaire combination of the original variables

The questionnaire consisted of 33 questions grouped in eight sec- F1 ¼ c11 z1 þ c12 z2 þ · · · þ c1n zn
tions. All the questions are in multiple choice format, for which the
only two possible answers are yes or no. Yes answers received a F2 ¼ c21 z1 þ c22 z2 þ · · · þ c2n zn
score of 1, and no answers received a score of 0. The answer ···
yes represents the hospital’s ability to resist and absorb the shock
of disasters, whereas the answer no is related to a less-resilient Fm ¼ cm1 z1 þ cm2 z2 þ · · · þ cmn zn ð2Þ
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hospital’s behavior. The total score of each section was obtained

by summing the scores of all questions. The higher the final score, To extract the key component factors, three steps were consid-
the more resilient is the hospital to disasters. ered. First, the relationships between variables were analyzed;
Eight major variables were selected to reflect the hospital’s second, the factors were extracted; and finally, an analytical for-
behavior during an emergency, which are listed as follows to sim- mula to determine the hospitals’ resilience was proposed.
plify the analysis:
1. Hospital safety;
2. Hospital disaster leadership and cooperation; Correlation Analysis
3. Hospital disaster plan; As aforementioned, the goal of factor analysis is to obtain the fac-
4. Emergency stockpiles and logistics management; tors that can represent the correlation between variables, meaning
5. Emergency staff; that these variables have to be somehow connected with each other.
6. Emergency critical care capability; So, if the relationships between variables are weak, it is unlikely
7. Emergency training and drills; and that common factors exist. Two tests were used to verify the pres-
8. Recovery and reconstruction. ence of significant correlations between the items. The Kaiser-
All the collected data from the survey were analyzed to identify Meyer-Olkin test (KMO) is used to check whether the sample is
a lower number of unobserved variables that reflect the hospital large enough (when KMO value is greater than 0.5). Bartlett’s test
disaster resilience. The data from the questionnaire was saved in of sphericity compares the observed correlation matrix to the iden-
a database and factor analysis was performed using IBM SPSS tity matrix (a matrix of zero correlation). Particularly, it checks if
Statistic. The basic idea of the method is to reduce the the correlation matrix is an identify matrix, implying that all the
number of variables included in the hospital’s resilience analysis, variables are uncorrelated. In this study, the KMO value is greater
by including only the significant ones. In fact, some of these var- than 0.5, and the Bartlett’s test indicates that some variables are not
iables are linearly related each other. Thus, first the presence of independent. These tests suggest that the data are suitable for a fac-
significant correlations between the items was checked. Then, ini- tor analysis, as shown in the correlation matrix in Table 1.
tial factor loadings were calculated using the principal component The correlation matrix shows that some variables are correlated.
method (PCA). Once the initial factor loadings were calculated, the In fact, the absolute values outside the main diagonal are often close
factors were rotated to find factors easier to interpret. The rotation to 1 (e.g., b and d: 0.813; g and b: 0.764). This means that these
goal is to ensure that all the variables have high loadings only on variables are valuable for a factor analysis. Moreover, the table of
one factor. Varimax rotation was used to rotate the extracted prin- communalities was examined to test the goodness of fit. Indeed,
cipal components. Then, factors scores were obtained and the num- Table 2 shows how much of the variance in each of the original
ber of factors was chosen by looking at the number of eigenvalues variables is explained by the extracted factors. For example, in
greater than 1. Finally, a framework for hospital disaster resilience the first row of Table 2, R2 ¼ 0.869 indicates that approximately
was obtained as a linear combination of the extracted factors, by 87% of the variation in hospital safety (a) is explained by the factor
taking into account the calculated weights. model. The results in Table 2 suggest that the factor analysis does
the best job of explaining variation in variables hospital disaster
leadership and cooperation (b), emergency stockpiles and logistics
Factor Analysis management (d), and recovery and reconstruction (h).
Factor analysis is a statistical method used to investigate whether a
certain number of variables of interest Y 1 ; Y 2 ; : : : ; Y n are related to
a smaller number of unobserved variables F1 ; F2 ; : : : ; Fm called Table 1. Correlation Matrix
factors. A factor is a hypothetical variable that influences the score Correlation a b c d e f g h
on one or more observed variables. The factor analysis’ first goal is
a 1.000 0.494 −0.374 0.321 0.550 −0.040 0.377 0.549
to determine how many factors are necessary to include all the b 0.494 1.000 0.356 0.813 0.471 0.000 0.764 0.301
information available in the original set of statements. Different c −0.374 0.356 1.000 0.304 0.120 0.000 0.102 −0.346
methods exist for estimating the parameters of a factor model. d 0.321 0.813 0.304 1.000 0.000 −0.111 0.745 −0.079
In this research, the principal component method was used, which e 0.550 0.471 0.120 0.000 1.000 0.292 0.441 0.686
consists in an orthogonal transformation that converts a number of f −0.040 0.000 0.000 −0.111 0.292 1.000 0.186 0.553
correlated variables into a set of factors that are linearly uncorre- g 0.377 0.764 0.102 0.745 0.441 0.186 1.000 0.318
lated and with high variance. These factors are called principal h 0.549 0.301 −0.346 −0.079 0.686 0.553 0.418 1.000
components. Therefore, each variable can be expressed as a linear Note: a = hospital safety; b = hospital disaster leadership and cooperation;
combination of a number of common factors c = hospital disaster plan; d = emergency stockpiles and logistics
management; e = emergency staff; f = emergency critical care capability;
zj ¼ kj1 F1 þ kj2 F2 þ · · · þkjh Fm ð1Þ g = emergency training and drills; h = recovery and reconstruction.

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ASCE-ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Eng. Syst., Part A: Civ. Eng., 2018, 4(1): 04018002
Table 2. Communalities each approach is beyond the scope of this paper; however in most
Variable Extraction cases, these two methods usually yield very similar results.
Hospital safety (a) 0.869
Hospital disaster leadership and cooperation (b) 0.929 Rotating the Factor Structure
Hospital disaster plan (c) 0.834
The rotation phase of factor analysis attempts to transform the ini-
Emergency stockpiles and logistics management (d) 0.891
Emergency staff (e) 0.711
tial matrix in one that is easier to interpret by rotating the factor
Emergency critical care capability (f) 0.752 axes. Typical rotational strategies are varimax, quartimax, and
Emergency training and drills (g) 0.775 equamax. Varimax rotation was used in this research to improve
Recovery and reconstruction (h) 0.910 result analysis and interpretability. In short, varimax rotation is
an orthogonal rotation developed by Kaiser (1960). Analytically,
varimax searches for a rotation (i.e., a linear combination) of the
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factors’ axes to maximize the variance of the squared loadings

If the communality for a variable is less than 50%, it is a can- of a factor (column) on all the variables (rows) in a factor matrix,
didate for exclusion from the analysis, because the factor solution which means minimizing the complexity of the extracted factors.
contains less than half of the variance in the original variable. For Indeed, the relationship between the initial items and the extracted
this reason, higher communalities are desirable. In this case, the factors is not clear after the factors’ extraction. For this reason,
extracted communalities for all the testing variables are greater than rotation was used in an effort to find another set of loadings that
70%, which indicates that the extracted components represent the fit the observations equally well, but can be more easily interpreted.
variables well. After a varimax rotation, each original domain tends to be associated
with one of the three extracted factors and each factor represents only
a small number of items. In fact, the orthogonal rotations keep the
Factor Extraction factors uncorrelated, while increasing the significance of the factors.
A rotated component matrix was obtained, which helps in
The PCA was used to extract the independent factors using the
determining the meaning of each factor. The total amount of varia-
eigenvalues determined by the analysis. The eigenvalues indicate tion explained by the three factors remains the same, and the total
the variance included in each principal component, or factor, so amount of variation explained by both models is identical.
the sum of the eigenvalues is equal to the number of variables. The Table 4 shows a new set of values for each of the three extracted
number of factors was determined considering the number of eigen- factors. The bold values represent the larger correlations of the ex-
values that exceed 1.0, according to the method proposed by Kaiser tracted factor versus the corresponding variable. The first factor is
(1960). In fact, lower values describe less variability than does a strictly connected to three items, including hospital disaster lead-
single variable. In the case study analyzed, three factors have an ership and cooperation (0.947), emergency stockpiles and logistics
eigenvalue greater than 1 (Table 3). The three extracted factors management (0.919), and emergency training and drills (0.836).
appear to be representative of all the domains, and they are arranged Three variables are also included in the second factor that is pri-
in the descending order on the most explained variance. In fact, marily a measure of emergency staff (0.733), emergency critical
the cumulative variance of these three factors exceed 83%, which care capability (0.834), and recovery and reconstruction (0.822).
means that they are sufficient to describe the hospital’s performance. The third factor contains information mainly from two items, hos-
pital safety (0.770) and hospital disaster plan (0.842). Therefore,
Truncated Component Solution some observations were made. In fact, it is possible to see that
all the items have high factor loadings on only one factor.
The initial solution has as many components (factors) as there are The first factor (F1 ) includes all the items related with the hos-
variables (complete components solution shown in the first three pital management mechanisms during emergencies. On the other
columns of Table 3). The extracted solution has the chosen number hand, the second factor (F2 ) is representative of the emergency de-
of factors (truncated components solution). The component matrix partment’s capability, in terms of human and financial resources as
shows the correlation between each factor and each variable, which well as hospital’s facilities (e.g., beds, emergency rooms). The third
is obtained using the principal factor analysis (PFA) that is different factor (F3 ) focuses on the hospital’s prevention strategies (struc-
from PCA. The defining characteristic that distinguishes between tural and organizational). In this way, the three extracted factors
the two factors’ analytic models is that in PCA, it is assumed that all were identified and named as follows:
variability in an item should be used in the analysis, whereas in • (F1 ) cooperation and training management;
PFA, it is only used the variability in an item that it has in common • (F2 ) resources and equipment capability; and
with the other items. A detailed discussion of the pros and cons of • (F3 ) structural and organizational operating procedures.

Table 3. Total Variance Explained

Initial eigenvalues Extracted factors Rotated factors
Component Total Variance (%) Cumulative (%) Total Variance (%) Cumulative (%) Total Variance (%) Cumulative (%)
1 3.356 41.950 41.950 3.356 41.950 41.950 2.951 36.891 36.891
2 2.075 25.932 67.882 2.075 25.932 67.882 2.101 26.257 63.148
3 1.241 15.507 83.388 1.241 15.507 83.388 1.619 20.241 83.388
4 0.779 9.735 93.124 — — — — — —
5 0.308 3.851 96.975 — — — — — —
6 0.191 2.382 99.357 — — — — — —
7 0.046 0.569 99.926 — — — — — —
8 0.006 0.074 100.000 — — — — — —

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ASCE-ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Eng. Syst., Part A: Civ. Eng., 2018, 4(1): 04018002
Table 4. Rotated Component Matrix Table 6. Factor Score Coefficient Matrix
Component Component
Variable F1 F2 F3 Variable 1 2 3
Hospital safety (a) 0.479 0.216 0.770 a 0.142 −0.063 0.479
Hospital disaster leadership and 0.947 0.178 0.006 b 0.322 0.006 −0.038
cooperation (b) c 0.135 0.122 −0.579
Hospital disaster plan (c) 0.353 0.014 −0.842 d 0.349 −0.184 −0.032
Emergency stockpiles and logistics 0.919 −0.202 −0.083 e 0.056 0.331 0.010
management (d) f −0.120 0.505 −0.286
Emergency staff (e) 0.359 0.733 0.211 g 0.273 0.059 −0.021
Emergency critical care capability (f) −0.120 0.834 −0.208 h −0.042 0.358 0.172
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Emergency training and drills (g) 0.836 0.270 0.053

Recovery and reconstruction (h) 0.118 0.822 0.469

factors and the coefficients used to produce the factor scores

through multiplication.
Table 5. Component Matrix Thus, the factors are determined as linear combination of the
Component variables using the coefficients given in Table 6 as follows:
Variable 1 2 3 F1 ¼ 0.142a þ 0.322b þ 0.135c þ 0.349d þ 0.056e − 0.120f
a 0.700 −0.292 −0.541 þ 0.273g − 0.042h ð11Þ
b 0.877 0.400 0.002
c 0.086 0.637 0.648
d 0.643 0.676 −0.146
F2 ¼ −0.063a þ 0.006b þ 0.122c − 0.184d þ 0.331e
e 0.715 −0.388 0.223 þ 0.505f þ 0.059g þ 0.358h ð12Þ
f 0.259 −0.489 0.668
g 0.842 0.255 0.029
h 0.624 −0.716 0.094
F3 ¼ 0.479a − 0.038b − 0.579c − 0.032d þ 0.010e − 0.286f
− 0.021g þ 0.12h ð13Þ

Finally the linear combination of these three factors represents

the hospital’s resilience. Estimation of the Resilience Index
After the factors were determined, the hospital’s disaster resilience
indicator (R) is determined as a linear combination of three factors
Numerical Results of Factor Analysis as follows:

Each of the variables describing the hospital’s behavior after an R ¼ αF1 þ βF2 þ χF3 ð14Þ
emergency was expressed as a linear combination of the extracted
factors, taking into account the weight factors obtained by the com- where F1 , F2 , and F3 = extracted factors, calculated using
ponent matrix shown in Table 5. Eqs. (11)–(13); and α, β, and χ = corresponding weight factors,
Therefore, the eight hospital variables are defined as follows: which were calculated as a ratio between the percentage of variance
corresponding to each factor and the cumulative variance of the
a ¼ 0.7F1 − 0.292F2 − 0.541F3 ð3Þ three main factors. Substituting the numerical values of the weight
factors in Eq. (14), the following expression for hospital disaster
b ¼ 0.877F1 þ 0.4F2 þ 0.002F3 ð4Þ resilience is obtained:

c ¼ 0.086F1 þ 0.637F2 þ 0.648F3 ð5Þ R ¼ 0.503F1 þ 0.311F2 þ 0.186F3 ð15Þ

d ¼ 0.643F1 þ 0.676F2 − 0.146F3 ð6Þ The weight for hospital cooperation and training manage-
ment is 0.503, for hospital resource and equipment is 0.311,
e ¼ 0.715F1 − 0.388F2 þ 0.223F3 ð7Þ and for hospital structural and organizational operating proce-
dures is 0.186. This means that the first factor is more relevant
f ¼ 0.259F1 − 0.489F2 þ 0.668F3 ð8Þ to assess the resilience of health care facilities, representing ap-
proximately 50% of the hospital emergency preparedness and
g ¼ 0.842F1 þ 0.255F2 þ 0.029F3 ð9Þ response.
Three levels for hospital disaster resilience were identified. In-
h ¼ 0.624F1 − 0.716F2 þ 0.094F3 ð10Þ deed, when the questionnaire is filled out, each of the eight items
will have an overall score, obtained by summing the scores of each
A performance index to assess hospital resilience was proposed question (with the score 0 or 1). Using these scores, the three ex-
combining the three factors that have different contributions on the tracted factors can be calculated. Knowing the factors’ value, the
overall resilience. hospital disaster resilience index can be obtained using Eq. (15).
The numerical quantification of each factor was determined The R values are in the range of
using the regression analysis based on the factor score coefficient
matrix given in Table 6, which shows the correlation between the 0<R<1 ð16Þ

© ASCE 04018002-5 ASCE-ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Eng. Syst., Part A: Civ. Eng.

ASCE-ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Eng. Syst., Part A: Civ. Eng., 2018, 4(1): 04018002
Table 7. Levels of Hospital Disaster Resilience
Parameter Value
Low level of resilience R ≤ 0.25 (25%)
Moderate level of resilience 0.25 < R < 0.75 (25–75%)
High level of resilience R ≥ 0.75 (75%)

Table 8. Disaster Resilience Scores for the Considered Hospitals

Hospital R
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1 0.836
2 0.813
3 0.771 Fig. 2. Overall level of resilience in the San Francisco Bay area
4 0.772
5 0.391
6 0.831
7 0.904 Table 9. Extracted Factors Scores for the Considered Hospitals
8 0.818
9 0.871 Hospital F1 F2 F3
10 0.681 1 1 0.48 1
11 0.787 2 0.88 0.71 0.78
12 0.607 3 1 0.52 0.85
13 0.739 4 0.55 0.62 0.93
14 0.663 5 0.67 0.29 0.57
15 0.892 6 1 0.47 0.93
16 0.581 7 0.98 0.76 0.92
8 0.99 0.48 0.94
9 1 0.57 0.93
10 0.78 0.56 0.71
where 0 represents no resilience, and 1 means a maximum level 11 0.89 0.62 0.86
of resilience corresponding to the ability to absorb any damage 12 0.77 0.48 0.64
without suffering complete failure. 13 0.77 0.58 0.92
If the resilience value is greater than 0.75, the hospital has a high 14 0.66 0.53 0.72
level of resilience to emergencies, whereas if the resilience value is 15 0.89 0.71 1
16 0.56 0.57 0.65
below 0.25, the hospital is not able to adequately absorb disastrous
events and reduce the consequences from such failures before,
during, and after the event (Table 7).
Although the resilience indicator given in Eq. (15) gives a global means that there are no health care facilities with an insufficient
description of hospital resilience, the indicators given in Eqs. (11)– level of resilience. These results indicate that the San Francisco
(13) correspond respectively to cooperation and training manage- Bay area’s hospitals have a generally high level of resilience.
ment, resources and equipment capability, and structural and Furthermore, the scores of the three extracted factors were
organizational operating procedures. These additional indicators calculated to identify the areas within the hospital with a lower
can help understand which parts of the hospital system requires resilience level. In fact, the central goal of this research is not
attention to increase its level of resilience. only to provide a measure of the overall resilience level in the
San Francisco Bay area, but also to identify the factors with a lower
level of resilience. This analysis allows focusing on the areas that
Analysis of the Numerical Results need improvement and helps to find information about the most
effective strategies for improving the quality of care. The results
The proposed methodology was applied to each health care facility were standardized so the score range from 0 to 1. The factors’
of the hospital network located in the San Francisco Bay area to values are listed in Table 9.
analyze the level of resilience in the considered geographical region The results were plotted in Fig. 3, which shows the trend of the
considered as the case study. The disaster resilience score was cal- extracted factors (F1 , F2 , F3 ) for each hospital and indicates that
culated for each hospital as listed in Table 8. For confidentiality the three extracted factors have a generally acceptable performance
reasons, hospitals’ names were replaced with a number. level. Among them, factor F2 (resources and equipment capability)
The results were plotted in Fig. 2 representing the resilience has the lowest performance level. Fig. 3 shows clearly that if some
trend of health care facilities in the San Francisco’s Bay area. improvement is to be made to increase the overall level of resilience
The chart was divided into three sections corresponding to of the hospital network, the resource and equipment capability of
the three levels of hospital disaster resilience (low level, moderate the network should be analyzed.
level, high level).
According to Fig. 2, 10 hospitals, which account for approxi-
mately 62.5% of the sample, have an high level of resilience Concluding Remarks
(R ≥ 0.75), whereas six hospitals, representing the remaining
37.5%, are in the moderate resilience zone (0.25 < R < 0.75). Hospitals and other health facilities are vital assets to communities
There are no hospitals whose resilience score is under 0.25, which when a disaster strikes. Therefore, the capacity of a community to

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Fig. 3. Overall level of the three extracted factors F1 , F2 , F3
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© ASCE 04018002-7 ASCE-ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Eng. Syst., Part A: Civ. Eng.

ASCE-ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Eng. Syst., Part A: Civ. Eng., 2018, 4(1): 04018002

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