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What is our GOAL for this MODULE? 
We learned the concept of Sequences in the Code. We learned to organize complex ideas 
efficiently using sequence routines. We also applied to sequence to develop decisive logic by 
selecting optimized flows for linear outcomes. 

What did we ACHIEVE in the class TODAY? 
● Created our own sequence by forming logical connections. 
● Arranged blocks in order to reach the desired outcome. 
● Understood that there are multiple ways to solve a problem and achieve the same 
● Evaluated why a sequence should be a preferred one. 

Which CONCEPTS/ CODING BLOCKS did we cover today? 
● Sequence: I​ t is the order of doing things or order in which commands are given to a 
computer to do a task. 
● Fixed Sequence: S ​ equences or order which can work only in one way. 
● Flexible Sequence: S ​ equences where you can decide and choose the order of 

How did we DO the activities? 

Activity 1: Familiarizing with the coding environment 
● Play Area:​ Where your program will run. 
● Toolbox​: Holds all the blocks that you will need for each puzzle. 
● Workspace​: where you will drag blocks to build your program. 
You can drag and drop blocks from Toolbox to Workspace. If you don’t want any block, we 
can drag and drop it back into the toolbox. 
● RUN​: Click RUN to check your working of your Code. 
● STEP:​ To go step by step through each line of our code or trace the steps in the 
Activity 2: Understanding the difference between Fixed and Flexible Sequences 
Fixed Sequence Puzzle: 

Solution:​ Only one possible solution, hence fixed sequence. 


Flexible Sequence Puzzle: 


Multiple Possible Solutions to achieve the same goal: 

OR ​OR ​  

Activity 3: Sequencing Practice Puzzles : Structured practice activity 

1. Give commands to complete the stem of the flower? 

2. Use JUMP and help the artist complete the picture. 


3. Draw a line and jump after every other draw to create a dashed line. 

4. Give commands to complete the Map. 


Activity 4: Fixed or Flexible? : Real life connect, examples from day to day life 
Examples of Fixed Sequence  Examples of Flexible Sequence 

Ludo Game  Snakes and Ladders 

Running Track  Football/Soccer 

Reading a Book  Drawing/Coloring Activity 

Knitting a Scarf  Picking Apples 

Hatch an Egg  Mixing Colors 

Sunrise and Sunset  Packing a Bag 

Activity 5: Sequencing Practice Puzzles 
1. Draw a square below the triangle and complete the house. 


2. Jump and draw a square next to the house. 



3. Draw a square where there are missing lines. 



4. Draw a rectangle to complete the bridge. 



Activity 6: Create an ordered sequence of directions for the alien to reach the spaceship. 
● E for East 
● N for North 
● S for South  
● W for West 


What’s NEXT? 
We will learn how to logically structure sequences to form shapes, alphabets and numbers 
in the artist lab 

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