Usage and Style

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Affect and vs effect

Affect is a verb, effect is a noun

The drought had a nasty effect on Angela’s crops.

Effect as verb it usually means to create “effect change”

Kimiko hoped that the new mayor would effect change in her town.

Affect as a noun “someone’s affect” Personality Persey had a smug affect.

Less versus fewer

You can use less to refer to count nouns and mass nouns, but you can only use fewer
to refer to count nouns.

Count noun: grains of sand, hous of sun exposure Mass nouns: sand, sun

Robert Baker, 1770

Advice is a noun, advise is a verb.

The Sound of Language: Alliteration, Assonance and Onomatopoeia

Alliteration=παρήχηση, when a series of words all start with the same consonant.

Robert Park swam swiftly surely and straight.

Assonance=συνήχηση, when a series of words all start with the same vowel

Althea abolished all anguish


Irony is the difference between expectation and result.

1.Situational irony – every is aware of thedifference

The gift of the Magi - O. Henry

2.Dramatic Irony – unevenly distributed awareness of the difference; there’s an


3.Verbal Irony – difference between stated meaning and actual meaning


Pun – plays on multiple, simultaneous meanings

I’m feeling a little flat today (a heavy object fell in my foot)

If you're using two adjectives in a row, you need to put a comma between them if they're coordinate adjectives. One way you
can tell that adjectives are coordinate is if they're in the same DOSA-SCOMP category. DOSA-SCOMP stands for determiner,
opinion, size, age, shape, color, origin, material, purpose.
Hint #2

Another way to tell if adjectives are coordinate—and therefore need a comma between them—is if you can write them in the
opposite order that they're already in and the sentence still makes sense. For instance, you can write He made us a
delicious, beautiful cake or He made us a beautiful, delicious cake, and both of these sentences work perfectly

Hint #3

Finally, you can tell if adjectives need a comma between them if you can put and in between them. For example He made us
a delicious and beautiful cake.

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