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Composting Toilet Options For Tiny Houses

One just never appreciates the vital nature of a well functioning toilet until theirs doesn’t work
properly. We have gone through not just one, but two composting toilets for hOMe. Granted there
are 3 of us living in it full time so I suppose we will put any toilet system to its full test. The first two
turned out to not be viable options for us. The odor was awful, they were quite frankly dreadful to
clean out, and we began to dread using them at all. The great thing that came out of those
experiences is that we became incredibly informed consumers. The key factor in any composting
toilet system is to find one in which the urine diverts from the solids. Those two frankly don’t belong
together. The other factor to consider is the clean out process. Believe me, this part can be foul and
I am in no way squeamish. Fortunately there are fantastic composting toilet options for tiny houses,
one being the Separett.

We recently purchased the Separett composting toilet and we

couldn’t be happier with it. It is SO easy to use, to clean and it has absolutely no odor to it
whatsoever. This is hands down the best system out there as far as we’re concerned. The only
downside we see is the cost (though we honestly believe it was worth every penny).
Richard Brunt, the man that we purchased our new Separett composting toilet from was kind
enough to write an article for us regarding how the toilet works. If you are interested in the toilet
and have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact him. He is easy to reach and eager to help.
He’s a super knowledgeable guy that knows his poop! Without further delay, here is what Richard
has to say:
Separett waterless toilets from Sweden are quite different from older style composting toilets. The
key feature is the separation of urine and solids. This makes the whole process of dealing with
human waste much simpler and easier.
Urine is basically sterile, and does not pose a health risk. It’s easy to dispose of – either in a small
drain pit, or even as grey water (check your local codes). Some people collect the urine in a tank,
dilute 10:1 with water and use it as fertilizer.
Solid human waste is about 80% water by volume. The fan in the Separett toilet vents the moisture
outside, and the solid material begins to dry out. As it loses moisture, the waste shrinks drastically.
This is why the capacity of the Separett toilet is so large. A family of 4 will probably empty about
every 3-4 weeks. Note: the solid waste often does not completely dry out. It depends on the number
of users. This is normal.
Also, very soon after the solid waste begins to dry out, most odor disappears. Any odor that remains
is exhausted outside by the fan, which should ideally run 24/7. It is a very quiet fan, but it does
make a whispering noise, so you want this toilet in a separate room from where you sleep. The fan
draws about 3 watts with the Separett 9210 DC model (for batteries or a solar system) and about 17
watts for the Separett 9200 AC (which plugs in to a regular wall outlet).
Compare this to the older style composting toilets, which combined urine and solids together. Most
of that liquid has to be evaporated before composting can occur, so many older style toilets use
powerful electric heaters. If the heaters fail to evaporate enough liquid, composting never occurs –
and you have a toilet full of raw sewage. The odor inside that toilet is horrifying. Depending on the
model, there may be rotating drums, mechanical rakes or other complexities which can (and do) 
break down. If an older style ‘all-in-one’ toilet needs repair, and you need to take it apart, it is a very
unpleasant job.
The Separett solves these problems, with its simple urine separating design. It does not require a
heater or complex mechanical rotating mechanisms.
Inside the Separett is a container lined with a compostable plastic bag. When this bag gets full, you
open the toilet, remove the compostable bag, and take it outside to a compost bin. It’s no more
difficult than taking out the trash. The inside of the toilet remains clean, as human waste does not
contact the inner workings of the toilet itself. The solid material should stay in this secondary
container for about 6 months of above freezing temperatures, so the composting process can
complete. It is then safe to put on non-edible plants.
Cleaning the bowl after each use is fairly easy. The Separett has a large trap door that opens
automatically when you sit on the toilet. Most of the solids will drop into the lower chamber and not
even contact touch the sides of the bowl. However, there is inevitably some cleaning required. Most
people keep a spray bottle with water and a little vinegar beside the toilet. After each use they mist
the sides of the bowl, and wipe it clean with a paper towel or toilet paper. The paper can then be
dropped into the toilet.
One question I often get asked is “is the toilet legal?”. In most places, yes. Separett toilets are
certified to the ETL standard for hygiene and health care. Some inspectors have asked if it is NSF
certified. NSF is another testing agency, like ETL. However, NSF does not have a category for two
stage toilets like the Separett, where composting has to complete in a secondary container. Neither
certification – NSF or ETL – is a guarantee that a building inspector will approve any given
composting toilet. Some counties love them, other counties remain skeptical. In my area, the
inspector says “I like composting toilets, and I understand what you are trying to do. But the code
books were written before composting toilets were around, and there is nothing here that talks about
them. So don’t ask, and I won’t say no”. Use your own judgment and common sense.
Another frequent question is “what about flies?”. Fortunately, most people never have any trouble
with flies. It is a bigger issue in the southern states, and tropical locations such as Hawaii –
especially in open air homes without screens on the windows. The first line of defense is to keep the
flies out of the house, and especially the toilet area. There are entire web pages devoted to keeping
your home free of flies, so I won’t repeat their advice here. You can also add a product called
diatomaceous earth to the solids bin. This helps a great deal, according to many people. If you do
get a fly problem, remove the bin and the rotating plate that it sits on, and clean everything very
thoroughly with a solution that will kill all fly eggs. (Do not get the fan wet, as that may destroy it.
Do not flush the toilet out with a hose). Remember, the toilet is not producing flies. They are
coming from somewhere. Eliminate the source and you eliminate the flies.
In the final analysis, Separett waterless toilets are one possible option for dealing with human waste
in a tiny home. They are low cost, compared to a septic system, easy to install, easy to empty and
maintain, and most importantly, odor free. You can learn more and purchase the Separett waterless
toilet by visiting my Separett page. You can also read frequently asked questions about the
Separett here: Separett FAQ
In closing, here is a short Tiny Minute we made of how it works:

Want to learn more about tiny house living and how to build a tiny house? Want
to do so for FREE? Sign up for our totally free 7 Day Tiny House eCourse!
Find out more HERE.

About Gabriella
Gabriella has had a fascination and interest in housing and how we occupy space for most of her
life. A global traveler, she has lived in all types of housing from an oceanside mansion in Rio De
Janeiro, to an 80 sqft historic log cabin with no running water, plumbing and electricity in the
Colorado mountains. Gabriella is happiest and most at peace when living in a tiny space in close
contact with her family and nature.
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The Art Of Slowing Down

213 Responses to Composting Toilet Options For Tiny Houses

Kathleen May 15, 2014 at 11:57 am #
Gabriella – that was a perfectly executed demonstration of the Separett. Not too long, good
visuals. I would still love to have seen how you remove the bag, though I know its good for
another 3 weeks. — it really lasts that long??? Great product. Thanks for working out the
bugs for the rest of us :o)

Gabriella May 15, 2014 at 12:01 pm #
Thanks Kathleen! I guess I should have shown how to take the bag out. It’s as simple
as removing any other bag from a trash can. It does last that long. They say 4 weeks
for a family of 4 but I think that’s a wee bit longer than it can handle.

John Teague May 19, 2014 at 3:33 pm #
“Wee” bit longer. . . .
Now that is funny!
You and I conversed about this, and I have to admit you have me convinced
on the Separett. I was thinking of something a bit more involved. But after
your review I am asking myself why I would.
Thanks again as always.

Gabriella May 20, 2014 at 8:00 am #

Wilson May 26, 2015 at 6:28 pm #
Can I use any trash bag? How do you avoid bugs from getting in the pee tube
since I would rather have the tube outside. Does the seat feel confident to sit

Jacob and Nancy Tritt May 9, 2019 at 12:29 pm #
Hi Andrew and Gabriella! We heard this “sanitizer evaporative Toilet” is
revolutionary and are wanting to buy one for our tiny house, what are your
thoughts about this one?

Gabriella May 10, 2019 at 1:48 pm #
Looks interesting! I wonder how it differs from the Incinolet. It
obviously requires power to dry the waste but hopefully it’s more
energy efficient than the Incinolet. Keep us posted if you get one!

Anders Hale February 16, 2016 at 7:38 am #
Extremely informative and well-written! Did you consider the cheaper ‘Weekend’,
and if so, why did you eventually go for the ‘Villa?

Gabriella February 18, 2016 at 10:00 am #
We did consider it though quite honestly, I don’t remember why we ended up
with the Weekend model. I am guessing simply bc of usage loads (there are 4
of us using ours full time!).

Andrea March 3, 2016 at 11:21 pm #
Hi Gabriella, Thanks so much for the clip. I am curious what the
advantage really is over a bucket if it is a single person in a house who
is not squeamish? And have you tried any of the toilets that claim to
finish the composting inside the unit itself?

Gabriella March 6, 2016 at 5:17 pm #
Hi Andrea! I do have to say that I am not squeamish at all. I
have a gut made of steel and have done my fair share of animal
dissections (animal physiology classes), cleaning out noxious
smelling things, taken care of sick children and adults dealing
with the stomach flu and food poisoning. I only mention that
bc I think it’s important to establish a baseline in terms of my
perspective and feedback. I think that the bucket system can
work IF someone diverts the urine. Perhaps the smell of feces
and urine mixed together in a bucket won’t bother you, but in a
tiny house, the smell will be evident for others that come to
visit (which may be totally fine for you). If you divert the
urine, you can mitigate the odor pretty well. The other thing
you can do to create a very inexpensive bucket system (believe
me I am all for saving money where I can), is to vent it by
installing a vent pipe in the back of your bucket cabinet and
installing a small computer fan in the vent pipe. That measure
will pretty much eliminate any odors. We had an absolutely
nightmare experience with the SunMar NE which is a true
composting toilet. We literally had sewage spill onto our floor
in hOMe not just once but twice. That said, I have heard good
things about the Nature’s Head. Let us know what you go with!

Arlene White June 7, 2016 at 8:18 pm #
I agree with Gabriella. The urine goes to the outside. Very foul
smelling when we empty that even though it is diluted. I also
think the fan is the saving grace. No odour because it always
blows outside. I can still remember no toilet at my
grandmother’s and the pot under the bed. One night was bad
enough. I could not imagine going 3 weeks like we can with
this unit.

Michelle February 20, 2016 at 6:44 pm #
This is supposed to be a COMPOSTING toilet. An entire bag of human waste is
“disposed” of? Where, the landfill? I want a REAL composting toilet.

Violet February 21, 2016 at 6:48 pm #
This is a real composting toilet. You “dispose” of the biodegradable bag in an
outdoor composting setup to finish the process. Then it can be returned to the
soil away from food crops.

Annie Soerensen June 2, 2016 at 5:30 am #
Dear Gabriella, Read with interest your 2014 post about Separett composting toilet. I
have a small cabin in CO too. Couple of questions. How do you like the Separett
now after two years of use? And, what do you use to power your fan. Thanks so
much for great info. Best, Annie soerensen

Gabriella June 2, 2016 at 10:08 am #
Hi Annie! We still love the toilet. No signs of it slowing down or operating
less than optimally. We power the fan just off our regular electric system (it
just plugs into the wall).

Arlene White June 7, 2016 at 8:26 pm #
The bag lasts that long. I like to keep it emptied at that point. You will get a slight
smell if it is too long, or you have a busy weekend. The bag is not that big a deal. I’m
an emergency nurse, but still don’t like it… I lift the toilet body, mostly it is toilet
paper in the bucket and very light. (it dries out). I quickly toss the black lid on the
bucket so I don’t have to smell it or look at it. Then I carry it up to my composter up
the hill and hold my breath and dump it in. I wear disposable gloves and throw those
in garbage. I keep a plastic garbage bag in the toilet to prevent spillage. I throw that
out too. The urine really smellls foul. I keep that in a large plastic Jeri Can. The
screw on lid has an opening the exact size of the hose so I just slide it in and out. We
empty that every 2 or 3 days (I have all boys so they tend to use the woods). Our
neighbours have one and they have their hose buried in a gravel pit that drains away.
Lori May 15, 2014 at 2:16 pm #
Would it be diplomatic to ask what the prior two models were and whether the deficiencies
were noise, mechanical, or design/functional (or some combination of the above)? I would
be specifically interested in knowing if a natures head toilet was part of your experience as
that is the one my research currently has me leaning toward. Thank you.

Gabriella May 15, 2014 at 4:00 pm #
Hi Lori, it was NOT the Nature’s Head. In fact, Richard who we bought ours from
has very good things to say about the Nature’s Head. For us it simply came down to
an aesthetics preference bc by principle they are very similar.

Jason May 21, 2014 at 2:26 am #
I’m a bit confused to read the terms “plastic” and “compostable” used together. Are you
saying that the whole bag will deteriorate over time? Or will you eventually have to pull
plastic bags out of your compost?

Gabriella May 21, 2014 at 3:27 pm #
Hi Jason! The bags themselves are made out of a composting material that resembles
plastic. They fully biodegrade.

Jason June 7, 2014 at 12:00 am #
Thanks for the explanation… But what’s the timeframe on their breakdown? I
mean, if you leave it for a while before removing the bag, will you run the
chane of the bag failing as you take it out? Or are we talking “months” rather
than “weeks”?

Gabriella June 7, 2014 at 3:17 pm #
That’s actually a very good question and I don’t have the exact
answer. I can tell you that after placing our filled bags that we have
generated so far into our Humanure composting system outside, that
the earliest bag (which is about 10 weeks old) is just now starting to
decompose. That’s outside exposed to rain and all the elements. So I
would think that indoors and in the dark, that one would have a few
months before breakdown.

Jason June 7, 2014 at 4:59 pm #
yep, that sounds reasonable. Thanks for the candid feedback.
As you’ve said — these are questions that many might avoid.
But it’s good information to hear…

Elena April 16, 2016 at 4:08 pm #
Hi, Gabriella,
How about using this toilet for one person.Do you think using
it and having lasted for 2-3 month it is not going to smell
inside? What is Humanure composting system is? How
appropriate and possible to do this if I am close to the city or
suburban area. ? What is in your opinion the benefits of
composting toilet vs conventional. I love what I read, just How
to dispose of it and period of time it takes before it can be used,
I question what to do with it?

Arlene White June 7, 2016 at 7:57 pm #
I have a 9200. Love it. So easy to manage. We have a larger composter
that rotates. We dump the composting plastic bag and excrement into
this. We have been using the same one for 2 full seasons. Just keep
adding to it. We will purchase a new composter this summer and retire
the first one which sits behind our shed up the hill. I plan to leave it
for 2 full years. That should be plenty of time for the plastic to break
down. We are in a cold climate so it will take longer.

j May 23, 2014 at 1:48 am #
i bought a separett toilet for the cottage in the muskokas a few months ago and am looking
forward to getting it installed ASAP – gotta build the outhouse and get power running
ive only heard and read good things about the separett…hopefully it will end up being
$1300 well spent — ive gotten used to going in the woods, but im sure the female
counterparts in my family will enjoy using a ‘real’ toilet.

Gabriella May 23, 2014 at 8:46 am #
So far so good here!! Still loving it. And yes, VERY important for the female
counterparts to be happy! ?

Kat May 28, 2014 at 7:06 pm #
This is such a great post Gabriella!
My partner and I JUST purchased our toilet for our tiny house we are building this summer.
( so excited!)
The one we have ordered is EcoJohn, and I cannot give it a review as we haven’t used it,
haha, but it seems it compares to the brand you have purchased and has the separating
Perfect timing on this article, as I have not found it easy to find quality reviews on
composting toilets for tiny houses.
Kat ?

Jay October 22, 2014 at 6:09 pm #
Hi Kat,
I’m considering an Eco John toilet and wonder how you like it now that you’ve been
using it for 4+ months? Pros and cons? Would love to hear what you have to say as
I’m in the process of trying to decide on a composting toilet or incinerating toilet for
my art studio.

Mary Henton June 17, 2015 at 8:04 am #
Kat (and anyone else)….what has been your experience with the EcoJohn?
Would you be willing to share your reasoning for choosing that brand?
I’m building a THOW in central Ohio, looking to use systems as sustainable as
possible (relying heavily on solar power, for instance). I thought I would go with a
SunMar toilet. Macy Miller speaks highly of her SunMar. But reading here about the
Separett and reviewing the EcoJohn, I’m very confused!

Christal December 3, 2015 at 4:20 pm #
Just a quick note worth mentioning: Macy has a SunMar Centrex 2000, which
is more like a regular toilet since the waste is flushed to a container outside.
Gabriella, Andrew, and family had a SunMar Excel, which is a self-contained
unit that holds the waste inside the house, directly under the seat.
Helen June 5, 2014 at 12:27 am #
Thank you! This convinced me that we can use this in our future home! It’s sold everywhere
here, and being Swedish design it’s probably good quality. And it looks like a proper toilet –
also important. ?
Helen, Norway.
ps – did you do a post abt how you get water to your house?

K-mo June 5, 2014 at 11:07 am #
So what if you have to vomit or you have diarrhea?
Does that ruin the compost? I would have to think so…
So curious about disgusting things…

Gabriella June 6, 2014 at 12:00 pm #
Great questions that most people wouldn’t dare ask! ? I don’t think it would ruin
anything actually though I would say that I would NOT want to vomit into ANY
composting toilet! I’ve wondered the same thing myself if any of us ever vomit again
(which is likely). I suppose we would just go outside? Anyways, not sure about that
bit. In terms of diarrhea, that would be no issue at all. It’s just a different form of
fecal matter and it all will decompose the same.

bkydcmpr August 15, 2014 at 12:18 pm #
If you are sick, should prepare some paper bags like those from the airplanes.

Jerry McIntire December 3, 2015 at 6:24 pm #
My wife much prefers a kitchen pot to vomiting in a toilet. If you’re stuck in
bed, or anywhere, you don’t have to go far with a pot at your side. It can be
dumped in the toilet later.

Arlene White June 7, 2016 at 8:01 pm #
Diarrhea dries out eventually, there is a steady fan that blows to the outdoors through
a vent. (9200 series) We have had diarrhea and no smell at all in our tiny cabin. I
would strongly not recommend vomiting into a bucket of toilet paper and poop that
is inches from your face. You would need to vomit into a bucket and dump that
outside or into your composter.

jefree anderson June 13, 2014 at 9:16 am #
I am very curious of the stink factor. They recommend letting a small fan run 24/7 that must
be venting somewhere AND all those weeks accumulating poop and urine in their respective
containers must create quite a foul odor. How stinky is it?

Arlene White June 7, 2016 at 8:09 pm #
No smell at all…. that’s why we went with this model rather than the mixing of peat
moss, etc. Your composting does not take place in the toilet. It is a reservoir. A
bucket. There is a constant fan and it vents to the wall behind the toilet. We have
small cabin, so my husband put it directly to the back. There is very little sound. But
you can feel a little breeze past your bottom. We just keep it on low setting. But,
when we leave we often empty the bucket so the toilet has nothing in it. It takes just a
moment. We could easily use it 3 weeks. If there is excrement in the bucket, we
either leave fan running or we empty bucket. In the winter we turn it off. Remember
your urine runs out of a thick hose to the outside. Ours we have into a large gasoline
plastic can. It fits perfectly into the opening and lid screws around it. (we removed
jerry can insert). You always run 1/4 c water behind the urine to keep hose clean.
Dilutes the urine. It is sitting on ground behind our cabin. Hose will freeze if you pee
into toilet and it doesn’t drain properly.

jefree anderson June 13, 2014 at 10:00 am #
Feel free to delete my previous inquiry. I just saw your tiny minute video where you say that
it is odorless. Wow! That is awesome!
Is there an odor around the outside toilet exhaust vent area?

Andrew June 13, 2014 at 11:16 am #
So far not Jefree, and we have already had some days where it’s been in the 90s. The
key here is that urine and solids are separated and honestly, solids aren’t as stinky as
we think once they are separated. While the solids are in the holding bag they are
being dried by the fan so it’s not super sludgy in there. Hope that helps!

Adam November 1, 2014 at 8:15 pm #
Also if you watch their video the vent for the soil pipe is above the roof line, which
carries any odor up up and away

Arlene White June 7, 2016 at 8:31 pm #
There is an odor. Our vent is directly behind toilet, so at chest level. I find it smells if
I’m standing where the fan blows out. But you cannot smell it anywhere else. Our
neighbours all have them. They have a vent that rises up the side of the cabin and
eliminates that problem.

prema June 16, 2014 at 4:51 pm #
pls excuse my not understanding. when you remove the bag to clean, you would be actually
looking at your waste, is that correct. if so how do you deal with that?

Brian June 17, 2014 at 5:06 am #

terre October 26, 2015 at 12:29 pm #
The visual! because I pictured someone with something already in their…

Gabriella June 19, 2014 at 2:10 pm #
Hi there Prema
Yes, you would see the solids at that point. If you are super squeamish about those
things you could put a couple paper towels on the top so you don’t have to see
anything. ?

Larry May 26, 2016 at 10:31 pm #
Check out Traveling with the Wins on youtube.

Arlene White June 7, 2016 at 8:33 pm #
It’s mostly toilet paper, be quick with the lid.

Junebug June 22, 2014 at 12:53 am #
Why did you decide to get the Villa 9000 instead of the Flame 8000? Just curious. =)

Gabriella June 22, 2014 at 11:52 am #
Junebug, the 8000 is an incinerating toilet and thus requires a lot of electricity
(something we don’t have in abundance since we are off grid)

Lorrie Williams July 13, 2014 at 10:17 am #
So a few months into this new composting toilet, how are you liking it? And how did the
new size and different vent position change the design of the bathroom?

Gabriella July 14, 2014 at 3:16 pm #
Thanks for checking back in! We love it. We have quite a bit more space in the
bathroom now that we took the behemoth Sunmar out. The new one just vents right
outside the wall and our large bathroom window is just inches from the vent. We
wondered if there would be odor from the toilet coming right back in through the
window in the heat. But even in these 100F days we have yet to have that happen.
We change the bag every 3 weeks. They had said 4-6 but it would be incredibly full
at that point. The only downside is that we just realized exactly how much power the
little fan uses. They had said negligible but it’s actually 15watts per hour. Add that up
over 24 hours and it’s 360watts. Considering we have just a 600 watt system (that’s
how much power we can produce in a day of sunlight) that is a MEGA chunk! We
couldn’t understand why we kept running out of power. So we have actually turned
off the fan until we get new panels (which we need to do anyways). And the smell is
really really minor as all the windows stay open.

Tiffany July 14, 2014 at 6:37 pm #
Andrew and Gabriella,
First off, aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!! I love your hOMe! To say I am obsessed with
making tiny home living work for us is an understatement and your design is
simply the best I have seen out there! I could go on and on (and probably will
separately) but wanted to get my reply to your latest review of the current
toilet set up. Ok, now that I’ve got that out of my system, I understand your
latest response was just yesterday but I was wondering if you had spoken with
the manufacturer yet to see if there is possibly a defect, something not
installed correctly (although I seriously doubt this given your building skills),
or if they truly believe 15watts/hour is “negligible”? I’d be interested to find
out if this is truly common. I am doing my research with Backwoods Solar
and such for our power needs but definitely may need to rethink the Separett
if this is indeed its normal functionality.
Love the house, love the blog, love the amazing knowledge you have already
imparted to me for free, and will continue to follow everything as I continue
farther down the tiny house path. Thank you both for sharing your world with

Gabriella July 19, 2014 at 11:34 am #
Just heard from the distributor and the issue is that we are using the
110 system, rather than the 12v system. The 110 uses 18 watts/hour,
whereas the 12v just 2.5. There is a conversion kit that we can get and
apparently that’s an easy fix. But now we need to figure out how to get
12 volt power to that outlet since all of hOMe is on 110. But good
news is that a solution exists and perhaps we don’t need to upgrade to
quite such a large solar system now!

Lorrie Williams July 16, 2014 at 8:19 am #
Ahhh, power.
And from what I read, you all don’t use A/C…
Southern weather combined with large windows could be a large off grid
issue for A/C.
This is probably an answer I could look up, but are there larger solar systems
for more than 600 watts. I also noticed your solar panels weren’t attached
during the hoMe tour video. Does that allow for the best placement for the
day’s collection of sun, ease of cleaning, both or was that temporary?
We’re in Germantown TN next to Collierviile, home of Tiny Happy Homes,
which has good options, I’m sure.
One more toilet pertinent question, do you all run out of composting space or
do you have multiple composting beds/drums?

Gabriella July 16, 2014 at 8:59 am #
Hi there Lorrie! No, no A/C for us (don’t need it) but it’s certainly an
option. Perhaps a mini split system for you guys (if you need heat and
A/C)? If you want to run A/C though you will need an incredibly large
solar system which will set up back $10k+ pretty easily. Our solar
panels are set away from hOMe for max exposure. Our house is
parked under the shade of two very large oak trees (and why we don’t
need A/C) but mounting our panels on the roof wouldn’t have made
any sense. In terms of composting, we built a very large 3 stage
composter and we won’t run out of space. One could also just compost
their solids in the provided plastic drums that come with the Separett.

Lorrie Williams July 16, 2014 at 9:11 am #
Awesome! Thanks for your suggestions! Yes, no A/C is just not
an option here….unless we drive the tiny house to a new home,
lol! Options are awesome!
Just starting this tiny house journey. Dee Williams TEDx talk
was key to starting this journey. Thanks for posting it and all
the other things you do to help inspire.

Larry September 24, 2014 at 9:34 am #
Because we use a 24v dc battery system in our off grid home, (120v ac with
our inverter), before installing the Separett, I removed the 12v dc fan that
came with it, and replaced it with a 24v dc fan of comparable size. I draw less
than 2.5 watts an hour, 60 watts a day. This is a great trade off to the energy
loss that would have occurred had I used a 24v to 12v dc converter, a 120v
AC to 12v dc converter, or AC fan (the latter two which would have keep our
inverter on 24/7). Although a very easy install, I had a bunch of other
bathroom work to do first, so It took me a few months before I finally got
around to replacing our old behemoth Sunmar. Although it has been only 4
weeks since the install, the Separett, in my opinion, is far above our old toilet
in utility and design.

Gabriella September 24, 2014 at 11:35 am #
Great to hear it’s going well for you too Larry! We switched out our
AC fan which was drawing 18w per hour (yikes!!) to the 12v one and
now we also use just 2.5w. We are still absolutely loving the Separett
especially after the SunMar NE model! Plus we have so much more
space in our bathroom now.

Colleen August 21, 2014 at 2:49 pm #
Were you in one of those crazy cabins on the mountain in Tride? lol. I have a question. I use
a potty squatty! lol! Is there a way to open the “flap” while not sitting actually on the toilet?
Thank you so much for all your info and answering so many questions. Super nice of you~

Gabriella August 23, 2014 at 9:47 am #
Hi Colleen! To open the flap on the Separett without sitting on it is easy. You can
either just push down on the seat with your hand or lift the seat and push a blue
button that opens it up.

Colleen September 3, 2014 at 9:36 pm #
Aha, excellent, thank you!

Pete September 7, 2014 at 9:32 pm #
Thank you for your experiences with the composting toilets; it is greatly appreciated.
I assume that men have to sit down to go # 1 on the Separett, is that correct?
How did Andrew get past the natural aversion to sitting down when urinating? :>)
Besides the aesthetics issues, the size and using the cranking mechanism, did the toilet in the
Full hOMe tour video function correctly?

Andrew September 8, 2014 at 1:05 pm #
Hi Pete. You are correct that men have to sit down to go #1. For me, it’s not a big
deal. I either enjoy going outside on our 5.5 acres or sit. No big deal to me. The
previous SunMar toilet is one we would not recommend to anyone as a full time use
toilet. It was smelly and dirty. In fact, it full on grossed us out two times, enough so
that we replaced it with a 5 gallon bucket until we found the Separett.

Scott September 29, 2014 at 9:10 am #
We’re building a tiny house in Colorado. I was curious how you contacted Mr. Richard. It
looks like the only dealers are in CA or MA.

Gabriella September 30, 2014 at 9:09 pm #
Richard is easy to reach. He is out of Canada but can ship anywhere. and 888.361.0014. He actually answers his phone!
Let him know we sent you. We’re not affiliates but we really like supporting him by
sending people his way. ?

Crystal April 15, 2015 at 1:25 pm #
Just ordered ours from Richard!!
He is So helpful and very nice!

Jay October 20, 2014 at 7:55 pm #
This is very informative and helpful. I would like to put a composting toilet in my art studio
but it is not kept above 50 degrees F 24/7. Sometimes the ambient air temperature is in the
low 60s, but most of the time it’s around 50 during the winter. If composting doesn’t take
place at such low temperatures, would this one work for this application? If not, does anyone
recommend ones that would?

Gabriella October 22, 2014 at 11:40 am #
I have a couple options: 1) Incinolet if you have electrical power (there is no mim
temp for it to work) or 2) Separett toilet (which doesn’t actually compost inside the
holding tank). One that would not work for you is the SunMar which requires a min
temp for composting to happen (though you may meet that with your temps). You
could also just use the lovable loo (bucket system) but just make sure that you divert
the urine from the solids if you go that route so that you don’t create sludge in the
bucket. Hope that helps!

Jay October 22, 2014 at 6:03 pm #
Thanks so much for your reply, Gabriella. Do you have any experience with
the Separett toilet? I’m wondering if it doesn’t actually compost inside the
holding tank and yet feces accumulate there to be emptied periodically, how it
is different from a simple bucket and what would keep the feces from
smelling as it accumulates not composting?

Gabriella October 26, 2014 at 6:13 pm #
The Separett comes with 3 black custom buckets that fit inside the
toilet frame. The solids are caught inside that bucket (which is lined
with compostable plastic bags). When the bucket is full you can either
take the bag to your composting pile or put the custom lid on the
bucket and leave it outside to compost. I believe they say that the
solids will compost in about 3 months (there must be a minimum temp
though for that composting to happen).

Keith October 22, 2014 at 8:24 pm #
First off, you two are fantastically informative! Thank You! I am just beginning my planning
for my tiny home. I love your design and will likely purchase plans from you. I have been a
carpenter for about 14 years and I cannot wait to begin. That said I do have some questions.
I have my land picked out (not yet acquired but very soon) and want to be as off-grid as
possible. I would like to use rain water or creek/pond water and run it through a Berkey
filter. How do you get/maintain any water pressure? Would a 55 gallon drum be enough
water (rain catch system I’m working on) to keep on hand? Could I reused shower water
(again run through a Berkey) for laundry or visa versa? lastly what kind of water heater do
you use, and would it work with a fairly low pressure system? Thanks so much!

Cindy October 27, 2014 at 1:02 pm #
Hi Gabriella, loved reading all your post. I learned something new today. I am looking into
buying a small cabin in the mtns. of VA as a weekend getaway. There is no septic system, so
I was wondering if the Separett toilet would be a good alternative. My concern would be not
being there on a regular basis to empty the bucket. Do you think this would be a problem?

Gabriella October 29, 2014 at 1:15 pm #
That’s great Cindy! I see no reason why the Separett wouldn’t work for you. As long
as you have your fan running there will be no odor whatsoever, even if you don’t
empty the container each time that you leave for an extended period.

john November 1, 2014 at 11:27 pm #
These toilets are not fly proof. We put our separett in an outhouse and have been plagued by
maggots and flies. There is no mention of the fact they are not fly proof in any ads.

Gabriella November 3, 2014 at 1:05 pm #
Thanks for the heads up John! We have had absolutely zero issue with this but it is
indoors. Our SunMar on the other hand did come with a fly infestation even indoors.
I wonder if there are any composting toilets in the world that would be able to be fly
proof outdoors? Seems like it would be really hard to keep them out. Let me know if
you know of one that can do that. ?

Sylvia December 17, 2014 at 6:17 pm #
I have big problem w flies and maggots.. My separett is in an out building but it is
properly enclosed and screened… It’s becoming difficult to use the separett, as a

Richard Brunt January 21, 2016 at 8:34 pm #
Flies are an easy problem to solve. Diatomaceous earth, added to the lower bin, fixes
it most of the time. Occasionally there are people living in tropical locations without
screens on the windows, and it does not work. In that case, you buy inexpensive “fly
cakes” at the hardware store which are small metal cages containing mothballs.
Attach the fly cake inside the lower bin using velcro tape. Flies will avoid the toilet
like the plague!

Kirsten December 5, 2014 at 8:32 pm #
I just finished watching the tour of your beautiful home! I just love it!! I have a question
though about the composting toilet that was in the video tour and the one in this post, and
wondered if the toilet in the video tour was the SunMar? From your last response it looks
like you’re still using the Separett, but was curious as I’m getting ready to head off-grid and
looking at the different composting toilets. Thanks in advance!

Gabriella December 9, 2014 at 12:19 pm #
Great observations! Yes, we currently use the Separett. We got rid of the SunMar. We
were too many using it. We love the Separett!!

Kirsten December 10, 2014 at 6:31 am #
Thanks! If I’m the only one who would be using it (other than periodic
guests), do you think the SunMar would be a good investment? I like the idea
of me not having to do anything with the contents until they are done
composting ?

Andrew December 10, 2014 at 8:30 am #
I can’t say for sure Kirsten. The chances of it working are pretty good
if it’s just you, periodically and if you can keep the ambient temp
above 70F constantly. In order for composting to happen, there needs
to be warmth. Let us know what you decide!

Sylvia December 17, 2014 at 6:28 pm #
Yes, flies are a big problem…I get the tiny flies. Notice that the lid of the separett has a
rather large gap underneath. Even large flies could get under the lid. I’ve draped a light
weight towel over the seat to cover the space…but still get flies and maggots…
Also, the bag decomposes in a matter of two or three weeks. I’ve been doubling the bags and
even putting newspaper on top of the new replacement bag, but the bags deteriorate none the
less. The other problem is that because the turntable under the bucket is not removable, it is
difficult to vacuum all the maggots. I have to use a blower, only hoping that all all the debris
under the turntable is removed, since I cant visually inspect it. I’m liking dor a solution
because I do like the design, but these are design flaws.

Gabriella December 19, 2014 at 9:24 am #
Sylvia, it would be great to contact the folks at Separett. They have amazing
customer service and really want to create the best product they possibly can. In
terms of the bags, we found a great work around with that and now just take our
entire plastic tub with the bag inside straight up to the compost. Because the bags are
compostable, they will begin to degrade.

j January 23, 2015 at 9:26 pm #
i installed the separett in our outhouse. no flies, maggots, or anything of the like after
two seasons of use. that being said, the design would make it possible for flies to get
in since the unit draws air from the room (as you noted, from around the lid)
what that really means is that you have flies getting into your outhouse. thats
probably fairly common since most outhouses are built like….
well, the point is, if you want the unit to be functional, you have to address the
insects getting into your outhouse.
ive been using a temp door on the outhouse until the weather warms up and i can
install the final one, but even at this stage, ive ensured that the outhouse is airtight,
and havent had any bug problems (fingers crossed – id say ive been the most
skeptical user of the separett, and am always waiting for the other shoe to drop)
what i will agree on is that the bags deteriorate too fast. ive tried doubling them up,
but even then its been a problem. fact of that matter is we live in a very humid
climate, so we typically run the fan on the second (high) setting, while trying to
combat the general humidity.
all in all, the unit was purchased to please the fairer sex in our household, (since the 5
gallon bucket and sawdust was vetoed) and it’s done it’s job as well as could be

j January 23, 2015 at 9:30 pm #
forgot to mention the flies could be coming in through the exhaust vent, if
you neglected to put the screen that comes with the unit on it, or it fell off….

Sylvia Baker December 22, 2015 at 1:51 am #
Yes. Tiny flies were coming through the exhaust vent despite the
screen cover. I added a piece of no seeum mesh to the original screen
which took care of that situation. But still got the tiny flies. I have no
bugs in my outbuilding. It houses kitchen and washroom and is
completely and properly enclosed…until the door is opened. I live on
a remote island in the Caribbean. Now I notice, another problem. The
metal bar inside the toilet cabinet to which the seat is attached
allowing it to pivot, is entirely rusted. I may also mention that the
turntable which turned adequately for a month or two, hardly moves a
quarter inch, now. I tried adjusting the cable, but that did not improve
the operation of the turntable.. And has anyone mentioned that the
plastics holds odor? True, I don’t smell the poop, but gracious, the
plastic bins and the inside the toilet stink to high hell. I have resorted
to using the solid fragrances of the old days…the ones hung on the
inside of a regular flush toilet because bleach and other cleaners do
nothing to eliminate the odor. The toilet is still looking good, but there
are design issues that the company should be responsible enough to
address and correct… Oh. I really do wonder if young women are
comfortable using the separett at that certain time of the month.

Gabriella December 23, 2015 at 8:35 am #
How cool Sylvia! Where do you live? Have always dreamed of
living on an island in the Caribbean (have spent a lot of time
traveling there over the years). Interesting feedback on your
toilet and how it’s doing in the tropics. You are the first person
I have heard about that is using it in a very humid climate.
Maybe the Separett isn’t quite designed for tropical climates.
In terms of the odor, we flush a little bit of water down the
urine shaft each time we use and also use the Separett brand
blue tabs and that has taken care of any urine odors. We did go
through a while where we weren’t quite so diligent in doing
this each time and was beginning to smell of urine but that
issue has been long gone. With using the Separett during our
period, we haven’t had any issues with it at all. We don’t have
any other toilet options so that it all that we use. So far hasn’t
been any issue at all for any of the women that has used it.

Richard Brunt January 21, 2016 at 8:50 pm #
Hi Sylvia.The turntable should only move 1/4 inch each time
you sit on it. That is normal. The metal bar, like all metal in the
tropics (even stainless steel), may start to rust. I’d clean the
rust off, and coat it with something. On boats we use vaseline
on metal parts – works great. I have never heard of the plastic
taking on odor. I’m a bit confused because poop is contained in
the bag, and never comes in direct contact with the toilet or
bucket. I’d be very interested to hear if anyone else notices an
odor. You could wipe it down with a mild bleach solution. If
flies occur, it is easily solved, as I mentioned elsewhere. If you
have any issues, just call whoever you bought it from. They
can usually advise you, and solve most problems quickly.

Richard Brunt December 4, 2015 at 11:49 am #
Problems with flies are actually pretty rare, and can usually be easily solved. First,
keep in mind that flies are coming from somewhere. Check the screen on the vent
pipe. It has to be a fine mesh screen with no rips, tightly fitting. The vent pipe itself
must be well sealed where it exits your home. OK, nothing coming in from outside.
How about inside? Fruit bowls are a prime source of fruit flies. Are the windows
screened? In the Southeast you may need to keep the toilet room door closed,
possibly with weather stripping on the bottom. A screen in the bathroom window is
You can clean the toilet quite thoroughly with paper towels, and a solution that will
kill fly eggs. Don’t run water in there or you might destroy the fan. Once it’s clean,
spray it with a fly spray. If you are able to do everything here, flies probably will not
be an issue going forward.

Gabriella December 5, 2015 at 3:09 pm #
One thing to add too…don’t put any food in the toilet! I actually heard of
someone putting banana and fruit peels in their composting toilet and low and
behold, they had flies. They were upset they were getting flies too.

Holly December 20, 2015 at 7:39 am #
Hello Gabriella! Thank you for this amazing post. I’m just looking into eco
loos for a tiny earth bag house and your post is so informative. I was
wondering about the use of potash to keep down flies and smell. In the past
when a cat left a smelly gift in the garden, I’d put a scoop of ash from the
BBQ on it then scoop it into the compost. Would this work also with a
composting toilet?

Gabriella December 20, 2015 at 3:15 pm #
Thanks Holly! In terms of cover material for composting toilets, I
don’t know a whole lot honestly. With the Separatt they actually
recommend that one not use any cover material at all. A lot of organic
cover materials actually create breeding grounds for flies and insects.
That said, I know that lovable loo systems do encourage organic
materials as cover material to keep odors down (the Separett uses an
electric fan to do that job). Sorry to not be of more help!

Richard January 30, 2016 at 3:50 pm #
The turntable is removable. You just undo the small bolt holding it in place. It takes a
few seconds. Then you can clean in there. However, I don’t think a toilet has been
invented yet that the tiny flies cannot outsmart. The best approach is to keep the toilet
in a room that has fine mesh screen on the windows. It’s important to remember, the
toilet is not producing flies. If they are in your house, they will find the toilet. If you
reduce or eliminate flies in the house, then the problem is eliminated. If you do what
you can to keep the flies out, and use diatomaceous earth, you should be fine.

TJ Houston December 23, 2014 at 12:23 am #
The only problem I see with a composting toilet is that you can’t use PooPourri.

Kelly C January 27, 2015 at 2:14 pm #
I am wondering about what type of maintenance the outside composting pile requires. Do
you add material to the outside bin? Do you have to “stir” it or rotate the contents in some
manner? I am reading a lot about how easy it is from the indoor experience, but what
happens outside, where you deposit the bag?

bob January 27, 2015 at 3:28 pm #
Oh, Oh, Oh, I can assist on this one… Get the Humanure Handbook by Joseph
Jenkins and you’ll find out all about that issue.
Christa February 22, 2015 at 4:30 pm #
Gabriella – thank you for all the info. You should sell for the company :)! Quick question –
how close do you need to be to the vent output area outside to start smelling anything? I am
considering putting these in our new studio for my elderly mom and venting through the
roof but I don’t want her to be smelling anything while enjoying her patio which would be
about 8 feet down and 8 feet over :).

Gabriella February 22, 2015 at 4:58 pm #
Good question! On a really hot summer day, about 4′. When it’s cold we don’t smell
it at all

Christa February 22, 2015 at 5:00 pm #
Thanks Gabriella :)!

chris February 25, 2015 at 4:26 pm #
When you sit, the trap door opens. Then you stand in order to wipe. When you stand, the
trap door closes. You toss in the toilet paper which will likely stIck to the sides. So my
questions are….how do you get the tp into the solids container when you’re standing, the
trap is shut, and the paper is stuck to the sides? Do you have to sit back down and somehow
reach between your legs?
Thank you,

bob February 25, 2015 at 4:36 pm #
Now this is a “touchy” part of this subject. Most guys that I know of don’t stand to
wipe. In the stalls at work I can always tell when the guy in the next one over is
standing or sitting and when they pull off gobs of tp to take care of this. I’ve never
known any guy at work to stand and wipe. Just lean over. :O
If it doesn’t work that way the door does open on this unit when you push on the
seat. If you were sitting on it then it shouldn’t be a bother to push on it to open the
door. Washing of hands soon follows anyway. ?

Compost Toilet January 23, 2019 at 6:24 am #
It’s almost humorous how often questions like this come up. It’s the little things no
one thinks about that come up after the purchase!
As to your question, There is always a learning curve when using something new.
This is no different.
Compressing the seat to open the flap is very easy and can be done by hand or by
foot with minimal effort if needed.
Also, we keep a spray bottle next to the toilet with vinegar and water. A quick squirt
with that will clean off the sides and nonstick what’s stuck if needed.

FL February 27, 2015 at 5:41 pm #
Another “difficult question”
I was wondering where menstrual blood should go– in with the solids or liquids?

Gabriella February 28, 2015 at 7:34 am #
Hi FL! That goes down in the liquids. After each time we urinate we pour a little bit
of water down the liquids side to ‘flush’.

Horser01 March 3, 2015 at 9:53 am #
Well… I was all for it until I read the part about having to be above freezing for more than 6
months… That’s not going to happen in Canada. Lol!
Is it a huge deal if it freezes? Our compost heap freezes all the time and it just continues on
when it thaws… I’m new to all this, so any advice on composting toilets in Canada would be

Gabriella March 3, 2015 at 2:45 pm #
Great question. That is one way to compost the material. The other is to build your
own compost system. We are using the Humanure 3 stage composting system and in
time, even with more than 6 months of freezing temps, it will all compost. You
certainly don’t have to use those containers (we sure don’t). We only use them to
hold the composting bag for the solids. ?
kristen ogrady March 11, 2015 at 6:06 am #
Hello! We are considering a composting toilet for our seasonal beach cottage. I wasn’t sure
where the liquids go? On the video it shows them going down a pipe–what happens after
that? Do they just drain into the ground? Not sure if our association would allow for that as
we are near the ocean. Any insight you have would be helpful. Thanks!

Gabriella March 11, 2015 at 1:05 pm #
Hi there Kristen! Very good question considering you are so close to the water. The
urine just goes straight out through a hose. Urine is sterile and since we live in a
really forested area with porous soil, we just have it go straight out. I have heard of
people attaching hoses to 5 gallon gas cans or other containers though and then
moving the urine and disposing of it in another area. Please let me know what you

Jessica March 28, 2015 at 9:14 am #
Does your Separett have the child seat, and have you (or your children, rather!) used it? I’m
really curious how well that works, as the toilet is obviously sized for an adult. My littlest
tends to just barely hang her butt over the edge of the toilet seat when she goes, so I would
be worried that the poo would get nowhere near the hole it needed to go down and/or the
urine would go into the poo container.
Thanks for all this great info! It has really helped me narrow down the composting toilet
choices for my tiny house.

Gabriella March 31, 2015 at 5:39 pm #
Hi there Jessica,
Our Separett did come with a child seat but we have never personally used it; though,
I am sure it works quite well!

Amber January 20, 2016 at 11:44 pm #
You could always make a home-made child-sized Separette if you had a mind to…..
pass it on when your kid graduates! :3 Just dump the contents into the big-kids potty
when it gets full.

Andrew January 21, 2016 at 9:13 am #
The unit actually comes with a child seat that fits into the regular seat so that
little kids can use the unit too. Ahh the Swedes. They think of everything!

Chad Sullivan April 8, 2015 at 9:28 pm #
Hey There,
Was wondering what was the Conversion Kit you installed to make the 12volt fan work with
your 110volt outlets…. any info would be greatly appreciated… am going togo with a
separett (mainly because of your review of it) but need to figure out this detail
thanks so much….

Gabriella April 9, 2015 at 11:38 am #
Hi Chad! It actually was just a different fan with the option of plugging into a battery
terminal or with getting power from a plug. I thought it was going to be a whole
different thing but literally it’s just a plug that you can plug into your 110 socket. I
will say though that the 12v fan wasn’t quite strong enough for us and we were
getting some odor leaking out. We went back to the original fan and that works great.
It does draw more power but that’s something we are willing to live with.

Robert Garlow May 1, 2015 at 9:27 am #
Hey Gabrialla and Andrew,
We are purchasing a composting toilet soon and the Separette is the front runner. Recently
however, while considering a ceiling bathroom fan vent (with intentions of expelling shower
moister and maybe venting our whole space) we am becoming concerned with the potential
for it to over power the small fan in the toilet vent tube causing a back draft in which odors
are sucked back into the space. Do you have a bathroom and/or a range hood vent fan and
have you had any prior experience with this? Thanks!

Bob May 1, 2015 at 11:57 am #
Why not consider the fan in the Separette vent as doing double duty (pun intended)
as the whole bathroom fan/vent? It does draw air from the room and out the vent
tube, right? Otherwise for the rest of the house a range vent hood should be sufficient
without nullifying the fan in the Separette… I would think… depending how far
away they are from each other. What do you think Andrew/Gabriella?

Robert Garlow May 1, 2015 at 12:27 pm #
This has been a ligament thought as well and I thank you for bringing it up,
Bob. The kitchen and bathroom ARE on opposite sides of the house.
I guess we are looking for some sort confirmation that A. a composting toilet
vent fan can adequately ventilate bathroom shower moisture and B. that a
range hood, even 18 feet away would not back draft the toilet vent in a tightly
sealed tiny home. I haven’t come across either of these issues over the last 6
months of browsing forums so maybe its not as big of a concern as it seems

Gabriella May 2, 2015 at 7:45 am #
Super question Robert. This is what we have found in hOMe with the
Separett: the standard AC fan set on high is strong enough to combat
the draw from our kitchen and bathroom fans. The Separatt fan is not
enough to pull away moisture from the bathroom when showering so
we highly recommend a ceiling fan in the bathroom. We also have a
fan in the kitchen that we use each time we cook. Our bathroom fan
has a built in moisture sensor so if the ambient humidity gets higher
than what we have it set at, it automatically kicks on. We did run into
odor issues after swapping out our AC Separett fan for the 12v one.
That one was really not strong enough. We no longer have any odors
in our tiny.

Robert May 2, 2015 at 1:36 pm #
Excellent feedback. Thank You, Gabriella.

Polly Ann December 31, 2015 at 1:06 pm #
Same here. 900 sq foot home, bathroom in the middle. The
Separett’s fan is not powerful enough to vent the shower steam.
However the exhaust fan in the bathroom can overpower the
toilet fan a little if left running. For a 15 minute shower it isn’t
a problem. The exhaust fan over the stove does not overpower
the toilet fan ever, and mine is wicked powerful. It is about 18
feet away. The attic fan I foolishly installed right outside the
bathroom door that would suck paint off a car is very much
powerful enough to overcome the toilet fan. (Ok to laugh at my
less than genius planning) I close the bathroom door when I
turn it on. I may add a weather strip under the door this
Summer if closing the door doesn’t solve the issue. ?

Richard Brunt January 21, 2016 at 9:13 pm #
In my opinion, it’s important to think of air flow in a tiny home. In my area, all new
homes are required to have an air calculation done, and have a make up air solution
installed if required. Modern homes are tightly sealed for energy efficiency, and a
couple of fans can easily move more air than is coming in when the doors and
windows are closed.
A common strategy is to have a make up air vent. A make up air vent could be fancy,
with a heat exchanger, or something as simply as a passive vent that slides open and
closed. A consultation with an HVAC person might be very helpful.
I do know that the 12 volt fan is more than adequate to ventilate the toilet with no
odor. If there is odor, it means another fan is overpowering the toilet fan. Make up air
is required in that situation.

DM May 4, 2015 at 7:58 am #
This is a super informative post! Question for the urban tiny house dweller who might not
have a compost bin – is it acceptable to dispose of the bag of solids in the local garbage
collection system? Or even city compost collection where that’s available?

Gabriella May 5, 2015 at 4:34 pm #
To be honest I don’t know the answer to that DM. I believe that it depends on each
township. I know that our dump here doesn’t want human waste but I feel like I
heard somewhere that some areas actually will accept it. Will you keep me posted
about that as I’ve been curious myself. ?

bob May 6, 2015 at 6:05 am #
I also wondered about this same question some time ago. I think I read
somewhere that for most communities poop is allowed, but not desired. They
allow it since that’s where everyone puts their pet waste and they don’t
provide other means of disposing of that.They cannot differentiate between
pet waste and human waste really. They do have limits about how much they
would see coming into the garbage dump. I think it’s more of a don’t ask
don’t tell situation if it’s only a few sources. If everyone put their waste in the
garbage there would be enforcement of regulation on it. But I don’t see that
happening any time soon.

Gabriella May 7, 2015 at 3:52 pm #
Thanks Bob!!!

Laura December 25, 2015 at 7:25 pm #
My understanding from some other composting toilet blogs and reviews is that most
municipalities DON’T want people to put such waste anywhere except into a sewer
line or RV dump, effectively negating the eco-conscious persons attempt to handle
this issue properly. Fortunately, I bet you could find a community garden somewhere
outside of town that might accept the waste if they know you are handling it properly.
P.s. this blog is fascinating. Might I suggest checking out reviewers of
the Humanure book as well as the Natureshead toilet? Mostly for humor value. I
don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard. Some of those folks have an awesome sense of
funny and it isn’t crude, just plain old fun. You guys are nice and sensitive here,
which I appreciate too, but let’s face it, this can be a funny subject!

Andrew December 28, 2015 at 8:58 pm #
Hi Laura. There are a couple things at play here to consider. The first issue, as
you note, is the potential for road splash to enter the walls thus causing mold.
The biggest thing to consider here is proper flashing. If the seal at the bottom
of the wall is done in a way that directs water away from the base of the wall
and allows for any water that does get in to drain out, then you will be in
good shape. Gravity can also play in, depending on the materials used for
insulation, but it is less likely to be of concern.
The second issue is moisture found in the wall in general. The biggest reasons
for moisture in the wall are improper flashing at the roof, windows, and
doors, and improper vapor barriers and house wrap usages. Both vapor
barriers and house wrap should be used in home construction and how they
are used is very specific. They do not do the same thing and so should not be
substituted for each other. If you allow the wall to breathe out excess moisture
(as house wrap does on an exterior while keeping water from entering the
structure) and stop moisture from entering the walls to begin with from the
interior (as vapor barriers do) then you are in good shape, once again.
Now, to answer your question. Yes, you can use different insulation types in
the wall if you want to. You will likely have a leak at the joint, which is not
great. I suppose you could use expansion foam to tie the two materials
together; however, I have never tried that. I think you would be better to focus
on your flashing and waterproofing material installation and opt for the best R
value you can get with your insulation (if that is your priority). If you prefer
to stay as green as possible with your insulation, then use that as your guide.
Whatever your number one priority, do your best to meet it. As I said, I think
the use of flashing, vapor barriers and house wraps are more important in
solving the issue of mold than what type of insulation you choose.
WJZDL May 5, 2015 at 10:28 am #
Question re the composting bags – which ones (brand) do you use and how quickly do they
break down in your compost pile/bin? Our Separett Villa for our TH arrives today!

Gabriella May 5, 2015 at 3:23 pm #
Woohooo WJZDL!! I don’t know the brand name but you can use any composting
bags (there are a few on the market). I believe they are a kitchen size large. Boy they
don’t last very long though. Maybe a couple of weeks outside in the composter? And
I will say that they aren’t super heavy duty so we NEVER take the bag out of the
plastic bucket inside the house. We take the whole bucket all the way out to our
composting pile and dump the plastic bag out then. We learned the hard way with

Keyla May 19, 2015 at 7:11 am #
Hi Gabriella!
I am thinking about building an off grid tiny home as well in the next coming year or so- and
this composting toilet is great! Anything that works well, and is great for the environment is
A-Okay with me! You have a composting bin outside of your home, or do you just throw out
the bag anywhere outside? If you do have a compost bin outside, where do y’all have that?
Just curious and still learning about the off grid style!

Gabriella May 20, 2015 at 6:22 am #
Hi Keyla! We have a 3 stage compost bin that we built to follow the book
Humanure’s compost principles. We fill each bin in about a year’s time and then start
the next one, letting the other ones compost fully for at least 2 years. Our compost
bin is up towards the forest so about 200′ away from hOMe. ?

polly May 19, 2015 at 12:29 pm #
Curious about the 110 vs 12v issue. I’m not of grid but still don’t want to use power I don’t
have to use. I’m 110 like you. I have seen 110 to 12v adapters. I’m thinking I could buy the
12v model and use the adapter. How did you solve the issue? I know you switched the fan
but then how did you address stepping down the power? PS. Thanks for posting the video. It
helped ease the mind of my 10 year old about going waterless.

Bob May 20, 2015 at 6:18 am #
Just some information to keep in mind on this matter. Any time you convert from one
type of power to another there is energy loss. IOW- when you convert from 12vdc to
110vac there is loss of energy. Also, when you have 110vac and convert to 12vdc
there is energy loss in that conversion as well. This loss is most often cast off as heat.
Since this house runs on solar and has an inverter (I think, please correct me if I’m
wrong on that) there is already a conversion from 12vdc (or 24vdc) to 110vac and the
associated power loss AT THE INVERTER. If you already have 110vac available, as
here and as you say you have, then there would be more energy loss to convert again.
Therefore it is best if there is a 12vdc or 24vdc outlet that can be wired directly from
the solar system control unit (before converting to ac) then that would be the way to
go for any dc applications if you really want to use dc. But if not, it is best to stick
with ac in most cases since so many devices or appliances only come as ac or dc
leaving no choice about using an adapter/converter or not. There are always
exceptions and sometimes using dc will save more energy than is lost in converting
from ac to dc. I don’t have enough information on this specific device to give an
opinion if the conversion is worth it or not. I hope I haven’t totally confused the

Gabriella May 20, 2015 at 6:27 am #
Hi Polly! Bob has given some very good food for thought in his comment below. I
anticipated having to go through an extensive process of finding a way to install the
12v fan into our 110 system. However, I was relieved that the DC fan came not only
with an adapter for installing directly onto a battery but also, a plug that allowed me
to plug it directly into a 110 socket. So, no complicated installations at all. I will say
though that we ended up going back to the regular 110 fan that came with our
original unit. Though the DC one saved a lot of power, we were getting issues of
odor when we put our kitchen fan on. Hope that helps somewhat!

polly May 20, 2015 at 9:28 am #
Thx, great note about the kitchen fan.

Polly May 23, 2015 at 5:13 pm #
I hope these questions are not too graphic but I honestly want to know:
All reviews say it is odorless, I like that you mention there IS odor when you
change the bucket. My guess is it would be no worse than emptying a diaper
pail. Is that the case? Have you tried putting a scoop of grass clippings or
compost boosting material through the trap door before opening the toilet to
change the bucket to help with this? Next, let’s face it “fresh” waste has an
odor, a strong odor. So what happens when you use the toilet immediately
after someone else? Their waste will still have a strong odor and now you are
sitting on the seat causing the trapdoor to open and allow that odor to come
out. Is the fan powerful enough to prevent this from being an issue?

Gabriella May 24, 2015 at 2:37 pm #
Glad you aren’t shy about asking these questions! They are important!
In terms of how much odor there is when changing the pale, I would
say it’s about twice as strong as changing a diaper pail. Diapers get
wrapped onto themselves whereas with the solids bucket, it’s pretty
much all just ‘solids’. We have thought about putting some peat moss
or something on the top but we’ve just grown used to the routine of
opening the bathroom window all the way and the front door to air out
hOMe when we take it outside. In terms of odor when use the toilet
right after someone else, there is actually LESS odor with the Separatt
than with a traditional toilet. Water doesn’t do a good job of damping
odor in a regular toilet whereas with the fan on, it really does pull
down nearly all of the odor. Once in a while, if someone has really
been in there for a long time and it’s particularly stinky, then yes, you
can smell a little bit. The key is the fan working properly. Hope that

RS May 27, 2015 at 3:00 pm #
Hi – thank you sooooo much for all this info! We are just starting our build and anticipate
the toilet to be one of the last items we put in…we’ll make sure we are rigged for 12v
though. No questions from me (I just hope your posts will be up a year from now so I can
refresh my memory about all the info you provide).

Mary Henton June 17, 2015 at 7:42 am #
The video and conversation thread are very helpful. Thank you.
I had been leaning toward using a SunMar Compact. I am a single person building my
THOW in central Ohio.
Would you be willing to share—
1. info about which SunMar you tried?
2. what the problems were that you had?
3. why you did not go with a Nature’s Head?
Thank you,

Gabriella June 17, 2015 at 9:28 pm #
Hi Mary! We had the Sunmar NE (non electric) and the issue was that with 3 of us
using it full time, there was not enough opportunity for everything to actually
compost inside the unit. So we always ended up with the holding pan filled with
sludge since it holds liquids and solids in the same bin. The key, in my opinion, to a
working composting toilet is to keep the solids and the liquids separate from each
other. Solids can’t compost quickly enough when they are constantly being combined
with urine. In fact, I am hard pressed to believe that any toilet could actually allow
true composting to happen inside the unit. With the Separatt, the composting happens
in our composting bin, and the toilet itself is more of just a holding tank for the solids
and the liquids are diverted. The Separett comes with 3 holding bins with lids and
you can put those outside when full with the lid on, allowing the solids to compost
over several weeks if you don’t have a way to create a composting bin. I just
preferred the simplicity and aesthetics of the Separett over Nature’s Head but I’ve
heard good things about the Nature’s Head. Hope that helps!

kevin August 3, 2015 at 11:34 am #
Can I ask which two versions you had before and why you didn’t like them?
I was looking at the EcoJohn and Natures Head.

Gabriella August 6, 2015 at 9:05 am #
We had the Sunmar NE (non-electric) and then created our own bucket system. It is
our believe that any environment that stores urine with solids is going to create a
very strong odor. Even with wood shavings or other materials to cover it. No matter
what we did with both of us, they just plain stank. I have heard good things about
Natures Head though. Don’t know anything about the EcoJohn.

Joe Jenkins August 3, 2015 at 3:10 pm #
Technically, this is not a “composting toilet.” It is a “dry toilet.” For some reason, dry toilets
became known as composting toilets when in fact they do not compost at all, they dry out
the toilet contents instead. That is what they are designed to do, hence the urine separation,
vents, etc. Actual composting requires three components: an aerobic environment, human
management, and the production of internal biological heat. Dry toilets do not produce the
correct environment for composting to take place, therefore, there is no internal biological
heat. Toilet systems that make actual compost do not require urine separation, vents, heaters
or even electricity. Check out the Loveable Loo as an example of a toilet that makes actual

Gabriella August 6, 2015 at 9:03 am #
Thanks for writing Joe Jenkins! I think that Separett would argue that they are a
composting toilet in the sense that the buckets come with lids. When each bucket
fills, one can close it up with the composting bag inside and set it out in the sun for
specified amount of time. Eventually when one opens up the lid, the contents are
supposed to have turned to compost. Of course this requires a few buckets (our toilet
came with 3) and if there is more than 1-2 using the toilet, more buckets would need
to be bought. We owned an actual composting toilet and the smell from the sludge
was so horrific that we literally dragged the whole thing into the woods to let it
compost out there. We were really surprised at how poorly that system worked. It
was disappointing to say the least.

Sandy Graves August 12, 2015 at 9:09 am #
The advantages of a separating system is that you can use the urine as
fertilizer immediately. The solid waste can be covered with sawdust or peat
moss which dries the surface and immediately removes the sewage smell.
Actually some form of composting does take place while in the toilet (you
can feel it giving off heat) but not enough to amount to anything. What you
ultimately want is a system where you can easily transfer the solid waste to a
composting mound where it can compost at natures own pace. You can
significantly speed up the process at the compost mound by adding a black
soldier fly generator. Also the system can be designed to hold an insecticide
such as the Hot Shot No Pest strip which effectively turns you toilet into a
death trap for any insect that finds it’s way inside. Google “BoonJon” if you
want more information on this system. It is economical, super easy to use and
maintain and requires no ventilation, electricity or water.

Gabriella August 13, 2015 at 3:51 pm #
Thanks so much Sandy! Super informative!

Sylvia Baker December 28, 2015 at 5:40 pm #
Hot Shot No Pest Strip…that’s a great tip Sandy! Thanks!
I’ve ordered it from Amazon and will put it inside the separett housing
as soon as I receive it. I’ll let you know if this works. Gabriella, I live
in a secluded area on Cat Island.

Lara Zukiwski August 12, 2015 at 7:46 pm #
Hi Gabriella:
Just wanted to say thanks for all of your info. I bought one from Richard today. Easy peasy!
best wishes,

Gabriella August 13, 2015 at 3:50 pm #
Thumbs up Lara!

Polly October 12, 2015 at 2:11 pm #
Hi! I asked you so many questions going into this I have to post now that my toilet is in and
we have been using it for nearly three weeks. I love it! Yes it IS odorless! My tween
daughter has no hesitation using it, in fact she went first. I wish I had read more about the
install. The sizes are not US but there are adapter fittings to tie into 3 inch pipe to make a
longer vent…. So wish they offered adapters for 2 inch. When installing in an existing bath
this was more trouble than it needed to be do to my lack of research in that area. The fan
works well on low. It does not have an off switch. It is supposed to stay on. I probably
missed that post too but it is so quiet that you have to stay quiet to hear it. I could go on but
I’ll just say I like it a lot. I’m so happy about the lack of water use, even more than I
anticipated. I’ll let you know how the first bucket change goes. It isn’t in need for a couple
more weeks. That is with one adult and one tween full time use. We put ” wet” toilet paper
in the trash can and ” dirty” in the Separett. Guest put everything in the Separett.

Tanya November 5, 2015 at 8:05 am #
I LOVE all this information!!! We have just purchased a tiny off-grid cabin in Colorado and
are planning to use it for three seasons (and rent it out when we’re not there). We need a
toilet that looks like a regular one, feels like a regular one, and won’t make renting guests
squeamish. This appears to be the BEST option out there for us (they won’t have to turn
anything after making “deposits”, empty urine containers, etc).
This seems to be the most “normal” toilet out there on the market.
I do have one very…graphic question tho that I’m dying to know the answer for. The fan
dries out the excrement, and when it’s normal that makes sense. But what about…very liquid
movements (diarrhea)? Is that more of a problem for smells and messes? I’m sorry to be
graphic, but I must know. I sometimes have GI issues and suffer from such episodes and
want to make sure that this won’t be a big issue with this toilet.
Thank you for any insight you can give me.

Gabriella November 9, 2015 at 10:16 am #
Hi Tanya! Great question actually! I think there needs to be a point of clarification.
The fan doesn’t dry anything out. It simply pull the odor out. I suppose that if the
toilet was used only occasionally and by only one person that perhaps the fan would
dry things out to some extent. In our case though with 4 of us using it full time, there
is no opportunity for anything to dry out. Because we pull the entire bucket out
(rather than just the composting bag which can easily tear) and take the whole thing
out to our composting system, it doesn’t matter at all how liquid the solids are. Hope
that helps! ?

Hugh Owens December 1, 2015 at 3:34 pm #
Gabriella’s excellent video led me to buy the Separett and I have had experiuence buying 2
other types which were not satisfactory. I have installed the Separett in the tiny house I built
but have not used it for number 2. I tested the pee system which I routed through the floor. I
will review the toilet when I have a chance. My initial impression is that it is well
engineered and cleverly designed. Calling it a compost toilet is a misnomer. It seems to me
to be a dehydrating toilet, drying out the solids and routing urine away to avoid introducing
liquids. Once the poop bag is full. then it is removed and then composted by following the
instructions for a period of 6 months to kill pathogens. My only con so far is that it is flimsy
and constructed of thin wall thermoplastic. Initially I used the supplied wall bracket to get
the proper wall spacing and in the process of sitting on the toilet the lower chamber must
have cracked by the trivial movement of sitting down a few times. There is no reinforcement
of the bolt holes and clearly there needs to be. I used the 4 holes in the base and lagged it to
the floor. So far no base cracks but the base lacks reinforcement as well. The whole unit
flexes easily and it is obvious to this observer that great care will be needed in using it. The
base rather obviously needs thicker walls and/or additional beefing up in some areas. It
should be constructed of much stronger or thicker material, perhaps epoxy fiberglass or
epoxy graphite which would be far superior to the poly plastic . I would say that it is
overpriced especially considering that the Euro has fallen about 30% in the past year.
We do not intend putting toilet paper in it which should give longer use before emptying.

Richard Brunt December 4, 2015 at 12:30 pm #
No, you are incorrect on several points. The toilet is actually extremely tough, and
you definitely do not need to exercise special care when using it. We’ve never had a
single breakage in 6 years and thousands of toilets sold. The toilet is injection
molded polyethylene, with special polymers to ensure maximum strength. It was
very carefully engineered and does not break. The base does not need reinforcement,
as it has never cracked. Epoxy fiberglass cannot be molded into the complex shape
required by any conventional or cost effective means, and would increase the cost of
the toilet substantially. The Euro has fallen, but most of our costs – distribution,
warehousing, marketing, warranty, customer service – have not. Toilet paper should
be put in the toilet. Even with toilet paper, the toilet hods a vast amount. 4 people
using it full time typically empty it every 3-6 weeks.

Gabriella December 5, 2015 at 3:05 pm #
I have to agree with Richard too in terms of strength. It doesn’t feel flimsy at
all. It feels sturdy. We haven’t had any issues with it at all.

Polly Ann December 31, 2015 at 12:50 pm #
Hello fellow Separett owner! I agree the bracket could be improved. Mine is installed
in a finished home so it is screwed through sheet rock into wood studs. I think it
needs an additional brace in another location to prevent movement of the unit and
subsequent fracture of the drywall. The bracket remains intact and so is my drywall
for now though the unit does move a little. The unit sits on a porcelain tile floor. I
will drill through the tile and anchor through the base in the Spring. I’ll post if that
solves the movement issue and does not cause fracture to the plastic, I doubt it will
cause fracture. The plastic lacks western aesthetics but is sturdy enough. I mean you
no offense but we Americans are traditionally much larger than our European
counterparts. No weight limit is listed for the unit (that I noticed). If this concern
does not apply to your situation please disregard. If it does you might inquire with
the manufacturer regarding used restrictions. I think high weight coupled with
movement could cause fracture at least at the bracket but I have had no issues myself.
The bucket reservoir is proving as advertised. I have 2 adults using it full time as the
only toilet in the house. We empty it at 6 weeks. We are both female so “wet” toilet
paper is discarded into a covered trash can and “dirty” is placed in the unit. Guests
use only the unit for TP disposal. This separation is what extends our empty- the-
bucket regime from 4 or 5 weeks to 6 or better consistently. I hope that helps.

Richard May 15, 2017 at 8:56 am #
Excellent points. The screws going through the base are absolutely essential,
as that is the primary method of ensuring the toilet does not move. The
bracket at the back is not even really necessary. You definitely cannot rely on
that bracket as the sole support for your toilet! Weight capacity is about 250
lbs. Heavier than this, and the walls may deflect slightly. I’ve never heard of

Rocio December 12, 2015 at 12:20 pm #
I own an alley lot in Washington DC (no sewer or water connection possible, but I do have
electric) and I am considering building a house/art studio in it with rainwater collection and
some kind of no-water toilet.
I heard that incinerator toilets are smelly. In researching composting ones, I was considering
one from Phoenix, very expensive (I heard min of $3,500), but has an indoor big “storage
tank” (could be placed in a potential basement). I would not have any yard, only option
would be to have a deck on roof for planting, but since I will collect rainwater from the roof
(about 1,000 sf), I assume it’s better not to do a “green” roof completely.
The separett sounds a good option, but in addition to having to have a separate composting
pile outside and having three kids, I wonder how good they would be at enforcing a “real”
separation ?
Have you heard about Phoenix toilet systems? About rainwater collection, I am looking at
the “rainwater pillow”, I like that it comes with all the necessary filters, etc, and can be
stored also in basement/crawl space.
Any tips on any of these? Thanks a lot for your generosity in sharing your experience and

Gabriella December 15, 2015 at 9:19 am #
Hi there Rocio! Great that you are wanting to build a studio on your lot! Yes,
incinolets are pretty stinky (think burning waxy paper smell). The Separett does
actually truly separate liquids from solids even with kids. You can’t really go wrong
actually bc of the design and how it forces liquids to stay up front and solids to go in
the back. The rainwater pillow seems great. Haven’t heard of the expensive
composting toilet. One thing that does come to mind with the Separett toilet is if
there are any restrictions locally since you live in urban setting in regards to a
composting system that carries human waste?

Laura December 25, 2015 at 7:15 pm #
I’m actually wondering about the Incinolet also. Despite the above posts
noting the “grey” area of code and possibly legal dumping of the compost
wastes, I am Leary that my SUPER sensitive code maniacs in the Austin,
Texas, coding authority will veto any attempt on my part. Anyone out there
actually USING an Incinolet in a tiny home bathroom.? I am ESPECIALLY
interested in heat gain in the room due to Austin’s high heat 4-6 months of the
year (it was probably OVER 70 degrees outside today, Christmas 2015). Can
anyone comment? If not, I have a query out to Incinolet today, asking them
and will update my own post later.

Laura January 10, 2016 at 1:27 pm #
There is SO much info on THIS blog, but I didn’t see the following information,
AND IT MIGHT BE A NEW PRODUCT, so I thought I’d add this to the mix,
especially as a response to Rocio’s question above. I found the following on related to a “new” type of composting toilet that is
almost a low-energy composite of a composting and incinerating toilet. I just copied
and pasted the info. I am fascinated since I have a bad feeling my local code
authorities won’t like normal composting material being dumped outside. While the
product below is NOT something terribly different, it just MIGHT solve the problem
I, and Rocio, seem to be facing. Maybe…. Anyway, for your information. And the
author of the below was addressing the blog on the showcase website.
“I thought you might like to inform your attendees about The Sanitizer™
Evaporative Toilet. It’s a big improvement over the current Tiny House sanitation
systems – composting, incinerating or honey bucket systems.
The Sanitizer™ is an appliance that dries and sanitizes solids, evaporates liquids,
using air flow and short bursts of heat. The treated matter is removed in a bag. The
unit weighs 43 pounds, needs only to be vented, plugged in and is ready to use. It is
mobile, works off of 110 volt wall plugs, generators and solar. No special type of
toilet paper is needed, there is no composting, no fire, and there are no chemicals or
water. The user will simply replace the disposal bag every few days.
Liquid and solid human waste is deposited into the same disposal bag that sits in a
wire bag holder deep beneath the toilet seat. The constant air flow instantly begins
drying the deposited matter while also drawing air in from under the toilet seat, down
and out the vent.
When the bag is full it is removed by lifting the top of the toilet unit which is hinged,
removing the disposal bag and replacing it with a new bag, and closing the top. The
disposal bag goes into the trash, sanitized and dried thereby not harming the
• Very small and light weight: 25″ x 17″ x 21″ and 43 lbs.
• Strong air flow: 50 cubic feet per minute,72,000 cubic feet per 24 hour
• Uses very little energy: one kilowatt per day
• No odor due to killing the bacteria and constant venting
• Easy installation: just connect the vent pipe and plug in the unit
• Numerous safety features (see below)
• Lab tested to meet or exceed health safety standards
• A wire bag holder sits in the heating element
• The heating element cycles and is controlled with a timer periodically
heating the disposal bag contents.
Safety features include:
• A Ground Force Inhibitor (GFI) prevents electricity arcing
• The timer holds the temperature when the heater is on and lower than what
is required to burn paper
• Waste matter is sanitized: the pathogens are rendered harmless or killed,
as confirmed by lab tests
• A safety latch to hold the toilet seat closed when not in use.
I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Ted Knight
Vice President
Clean Up America, Inc.

Jerry McIntire June 18, 2016 at 10:47 pm #
Yes, I’ve heard of the Phoenix system and used some of their installations. They
work well with their large composting drums in the basement or in a vault below
ground. Well made in the USA! I would set one up with a urine diversion system
which would reduce smell, extend the period before you needed to remove
composted material, and give you an immediate supply of fertilizer. Urine holds most
of the nutrients we excrete, is sterile, and can simply be diluted 50/50 with water and
used on trees, ornamentals, etc.

Polly Ann December 31, 2015 at 12:33 pm #
Hello again,
The blog feed is a bit too long to look for others who may have asked this so:
1) Where is the best place to buy biobags for replacement.
2) I want solar back up fan for possible power outages. The one from separett USA is pricey.
They say it is the best due to being a high powered fan but they don’t list the power, wattage,
HP, or anything of the fan. Anyone try it?
3) where can I buy those little absorptive pads the Separett came with. I had zero odor with
the first use (bucket change). But now I have odor. I don’t know if it is urine related, it
doesn’t have a distinctive urine smell. The only change I’ve made is the lack of that pad. I di
extend the vent pipe but had no odor after that, instead the change in odor only came after
use without a pad. I am pouring H20 through the urine cup now to see if that fixes it as well.
Any other thoughts?
3 months in and like my toilet!

Gabriella January 2, 2016 at 9:44 am #
Thanks for the great info about your toilet Polly Ann and for letting us know how it’s
going for you! We just buy composting bags from our supermarket now. SO much
less expensive than the ones from Separatt and they work fine. They are not as strong
and they don’t have those handy handles which makes tying a knot in the bag a bit
trickier but we do appreciate the savings. We buy kitchen size Large and they fit. The
other thing is that we never ever take the bag out and walk it across our floor (we
always take the whole bucket out of the toilet with the bag inside) and so it doesn’t
affect us that the supermarket biobags are not as strong. We are still buying the blue
scent discs from Separett and they are really expensive. The company did say that I
can just buy any urinal odor capsule and use that but so far we haven’t done that. If
you find one that works, let us know. Would love to hear!

Polly Ann January 4, 2016 at 2:32 pm #
Thanks. I took head of all the warnings about how well the bags biodegrade
and thus have always doubled up. I too hadle my bucket chages this way:
open the toilet then place the lid on the bucket and then take it out of the toilet
and then outside before reopening to pull out the bad and lastly place the bag
on the compost pile and wash the bucket with the garden hose at let it sit
outside to air out. I ise tue nezt bucket to reset the toilet.I never take an open
bucket or bad through the house. Do you still use absorptive pads in the
bucket? And thx for the reminder that I can use any urinal cake. I will buy
some next week and let you know.

Patricia January 6, 2016 at 6:55 pm #
Great article ! Very thorough.
You mentioned that the toilet has to be wiped down with Geror and water solution after each
use. That seems like a bit of a hassle especially if you’re renting out your place to Airbnb
guest or accommodating visitors. Is this really a necessary step? And, if it’s not done after
each use will you damage the toilet?
Thanks! Patricia

Gabriella January 9, 2016 at 5:47 am #
Oh dear…I said that? I better read through this again. Gosh, no we don’t wipe it
down after each use. We just put a little water to ‘flush’ down any urine in the bowl. I
clean it about once per week with a wipe cloth. I fully clean the entire toilet,
including the bottom compartment which collects dust, etc. about once every 3

cathy January 19, 2016 at 9:32 pm #
Where is fan off n on button on villa DC model??
And do I understand correctly that DC model
Can use that extra plug to plug into ac
120 vac???

Gabriella January 20, 2016 at 1:09 pm #
The DC model doesn’t have low and high power options. It’s just stays at the same
setting. You won’t want to turn it on and off (they’re supposed to be on 24/7 to keep
odor down). Yes, the extra plug just plugs into regular 120 outlet. We haven’t had
that issue with the screen. You should call the person you bought it from and ask for
a replacement.

cathy January 19, 2016 at 9:39 pm #
Also I bought my toilet in Aug last year 2015
We r barely opening box and installing it
I notice fan screen very loose won’t stay on
The one inside toilet.
And no absorber pads were included

Off Grid And Green January 25, 2016 at 8:36 am #
Great article Gabriella!
For those a bit squeemish about looking at the poo, there are other options available too. A
few of my favorites are the Dry Flush and the Natures Head. The Dry Flush seals up the
waste after each use and you never see or smell it, and it couldn’t be easier to install. The
Nature’s Head has a flapper inside the toilet that seals off the compost bin so you don’t see

Alan February 9, 2016 at 8:38 am #
I wonder for city dwellers, modifying a diaper genie…. each “deposit” individually wrapped
and sealed, and all cities take diapers, it’s the same packaging.
Or putting kitty litter in a heavy garbage disposal bag with the dry toilet biodegradable bag
and city wouldn’t know poop was not animal

Sarah February 23, 2016 at 7:04 pm #
Has anyone used the EcoJohn yet? I see some commenters on your thread ordered it, have
you heard any feedback on their actual usage? Looking to establish solid reviews for

cheryl February 28, 2016 at 7:57 am #
Hi Gabriella,
First, thank you for providing so much helpful information. Great!
So I’m ready to purchase and I’m torn between the Separett Villa (do you think the Ejector
Tank is necessary?) and the EcoJohn Composting or Incinerating toilet.
I’m already sold on the Separate, but I’d like to know if the Ecojohn incinerating toilet is an
equal or better choice?
Thank you!
Warm regards,

Gabriella February 29, 2016 at 9:39 am #
Hi Cheryl! Great that you are getting so close to making a decision. In terms of the
EcoJohn I can’t really speak to it bc I don’t have experience with it specifically. That
said, we did have the Incinolet and the two main challenges with it were 1) it uses an
awful lot of power so it was certainly not an option up here at hOMe where we are
off the grid 2) the combustion process smells quite a bit (think burning wax smell). I
don’t know if the EcoJohn has the same issue. We love the Separatt because it draws
hardly any power at all to run the fan and because there is no smell. So best of both
worlds for our needs and wants. Hope that helps!

Valerie March 26, 2016 at 5:19 pm #
Hey Gabriella,
Thanks for providing so much information about all aspects of tiny living. Your website
covers everything for those of us looking to make the switch. I was wondering how you
manage composting waste in the winter?

Gabriella March 29, 2016 at 11:30 am #
Hi Valerie! We continue to put our solids in the compost pile and wait until it starts to
warm up in the summer. We are new to composting so really are struggling to make it
all work. We will though! ?

Tom April 7, 2016 at 9:31 am #
Hi Gabriella, great thread, the Sepparet looks like a nice unit. I have been living with a
SunMar NE for a little over a year now and there was a learning curve. I first want to point
ou that the SunMar does separate liquids from solids. The urine drains through the bulking
material into the holding chamber below and there is also an overflow diversion tube in case
evaporation is not fast enough. The one time I did have an overflow problem it was due to
this diversion tube freezing in Winter,I live in Canada. No probs this Winter as I now have
insulated skirting around my 12×40 off grid mobile. Granted there are only 2 of us and we
divert all of our toilet paper, I think 3 people full time would be pushing the SunMar to its
limits. My vent stack goes directly up as compared to yours that had a couple of bends in it
which inhibits evaporation, I think you have a loft above yours.
I had a fly problem at one time but this was solved by cleaning out the the toilet,puting a
insect cartridge (Raid or similar) from the hardware store in the bottom pedestal beside the
finishing drawer and on the couple of occasions when I have seen a fly in the bathroom
since I have a spray bottle of diluted Malathion that doesn’t stop the composting process but
kills flies,eggs an larva that I spray in the toilet. Less than half a dozen times in the last year.
Air management is something everyone will have to figure out. When I shower I leave the
bathroom door open as when it is closed the bathroom fan was drawing air straight down the
toilet vent stack. With the door open, no problem. When cooking, withe the stove fan going I
just shut the bathroom door,again, no problem.
The SunMar does require bulking material which is a stupid price if you buy the SunMar
brand but costs next to nothing if you buy a bag of peat moss and a bag of wood chips and
mix together. The SunMar enzymes you can purchase but I have heard you can avoid that by
putting a handful of dry leaves in on occasion. I haven’t done this yet as when I purchased
my toilet they threw in a bunch of the enzymes with the sale.
All that being said the SunMar is big and I would worry about anyone elderly or unstable
getting up on that little step every time they have to go.
I do think you have a quality new toilet there but I think you gave the SunMar the bum wrap
so to speak. If you had sludge overflowing onto your floor a couple of times your toilet
wasn’t set up right.
I think people get the impression these sorts of toilets are labour intensive, they’re not. Just
different requiring a bit of trial and error.
Love your site and will be ordering your dvds. Keep up the good work.

Gabriella April 9, 2016 at 12:07 pm #
Hi Tom! Thanks for giving your perspective. You are in the very small minority in
terms of the NE. Actually, you are the only person I have heard of that is having a
reasonable experience with it (though I wonder how long you have had it for since
you mentioned you haven’t gone through all of the enzymes yet that came with the
order). When we were using it there were two of us using it full time for the most
part (our kids were visiting from time to time). We actually were draining the liquid
line straight down through our trailer floor and outside. No freezing at all since both
times it was warm. There is just so much bulking materials and solids that fall down
there that the line got clogged twice. The thing is that the drain line is all the way in
the back of the unit, requiring one to reach in there with gloved hands to unclog
things. Or as we did, using a Shop Vac to suck all of the sludge out of the bottom of
the unit and unclogging the drain line. But the BIG thing for us was that OK, let’s say
that everything is working fine and the drain line is working properly, with the
Sunmar NE, the urine drops straight down into the where the solids are, when liquids
build up and they drain out of the line, one now has black water going straight to the
outside. It is absolutely bizarre that this unit is approved as a legal composting toilet
option bc black water on surface is really not good. With the Separett, only sterile
urine goes outside bc the urine and solids don’t intermix. Anyways, like I said, I am
genuinely happy that it’s working well for you guys bc it is so expensive and I hate
for anyone else to have as bad of an experience as we did! ?

Tom April 11, 2016 at 6:45 am #
Hi Gabriella, we have been using the SunMar going on 18 months now. I haven’t gone
through all the enzymes yet as when I purchased mine it was a floor model at a local
hardware store and when I bought it I made them an offer on the toilet and all accessories
they had in stock. I really got one heck of a deal on it. It wasn’t a big seller for them and
they were happy to free up the floor space.
I do add more bulking material than recommended after each bowel movement, almost 1/2
full scoop supplied with the toilet as opposed to the I think 1/2 cup SunMar recommends.
Urine in the bulking material is essential for composting to take place as is adherence to
rotating the drum every second day. At first I was rotating the drum too often and too fast
and this disrupts the composting process. My overflow drain goes into a buried 50 gallon
plastic barrel, checked it yesterday and it is almost empty. If this were going directly into the
ground it wouldn’t concern me at all. I suspect mine is evaporating better due to the vent
stack having no bends.
I’ve never had solid waste fall into the evaporation chamber as the drain screen is far too
small to allow that, though I have seen compost from the finishing tray get knocked out
while removing the tray. This was always dry composting material that was easily picked up.
Anyhow, mine works great, I have No odour in my place and am pleased with it after some
frustration in the beginning.
Glad you’ve found a loo that works for you. Not knocking the Separett, it may indeed be a
better product for some but for our purposes the SunMar has been a champ and has required
no electricity which is a big plus being off grid.
Cheers Tom

Tiny Houses Inside May 9, 2016 at 4:39 pm #
Hi Tom,
Have you ever had any problems with Flies? If so, could you recommend a solution
that worked for you?
Thanks for sharing the specifics on how often you should rotate the drum. We’ve
installed a Sun-Mar Excel NE aaaand a Nature’s Head for a side by side comparison
test. We’ve got a YMCA camp that are the guinea pigs all year long, already have the
winter data. It’s a win win, the kids learn more about sustainability, and we get real
data about the two going head to head, pun intended, in cold and hot weather, so we
can flush out any problems that may arise.
Could you elaborate on what your initial frustrations were with the Sun-Mar?

Gabriella May 14, 2016 at 9:05 am #
Tiny Houses Inside…how great you are using both at the camp!! I would love
to hear what your study finds! Feel free to shoot me an email at gabriella at
tinyhousebuild dot com or just to post in here ?

Tom May 26, 2016 at 8:51 am #
Uuuummm, time for me to eat a little crow so to speak. Though my SunMar works fairly
well with no real odour issues I recently realised I too was having problems with the urine
overflow drainage. With my vent stack going straight up I think it evaporates as best it can, I
do not have the in line fan to draw air up. The problem seems to be, as Gabrielle said earlier
material falling through the drainage screen into the evaporation chamber. In my case none
of this appears to be solid waste as the screen wouldn’t allow that but fine peat moss dust.
The cumulitive effect of this mixing with the urine eventually created a sludge mass that just
would not drain. I discovered it before any unpleasant overflow occured but as Gabrielle
said in an earlier post cleaning it out is quite unpleasant. This is a real design flaw.
As far as flies, as I posted earlier I had a problem but it was resolved by cleaning out the
toilet. I then put a fly killing cartridge from the hardware store in the bottom of the toilet
beside the finishing drawer. I dont recall the brand but it is from one of the regular
manufacturers. It is rectangular, about 8x3x1/2 inches sold in single pouches. Listed as not
for use indoors but as it is in the body of the toilet and is vented I do not worry about it. On
the odd occasion I do see any flies in the bathroom I picked up a bottle of Wilson 50%
Malathion liquid at my local TSC store. I hear it is also available at garden centres. Dilute as
per directions on the box and put in a spray bottle. Be sure to diute it, it is strong stuff. I read
on another forum that it does not stop the composting process. As I said in my previous post
only rotate the drum every 2-3 days. Rotating too often will not give enough time for
composting to take place and rotating too little will not aerate it enough. Rotate the drum 4-6
complete revolutions. 1 revolution equals 7 turns of the handle.
I too am interested in hearing how the 2 toilets compare.
My apologies to anyone I may have unwittingly misled with my previous posts on the
Cheers Tom

Sandy Graves July 11, 2016 at 3:59 pm #
If you are looking for a really good alternative toilet system, may I make a suggestion? I’m
reading about all the issues surrounding the Sun-Mar and Separett toilets and no one has
mentioned the BoonJon urine diverting toilet and system. It is the simplest urine diverting
toilet on the market and solves all the problems mentioned above by being so simple. I’m
the designer and manufacturer. The website is full of information and my customers seem to
love it. Google “BoonJon” or “C-Head” toilet. I’d be glad to answer specific questions about

Ron July 31, 2016 at 7:54 am #
Hi Gabriella,
On the Canadian web site they list wood burning incinerator as an option to dispose of the
waste material. Has anyone disposed of the poop in this way?
Thanks Ron

Gabriella August 2, 2016 at 9:00 am #
Hi Ron! I haven’t personally but incineration is used in many municipalities around
the world for disposal of waste. I’m also thinking about the Incinolet toilet. Let me
know if you end up doing that!

RICHARD ROSSMASSLER August 17, 2016 at 8:25 am #
hi gabriella… i enjoyed you article and comments… i’m building a floating
house and about to select a toilet… you seemed so happy with your separett
aside from the fan issues you experienced… why are you now thinking about
the Incinolet toilet?
i also have limited energy so a high powered fan is not ideal for my
is it because of the energy use that you are looking for alternatives?

Gabriella August 18, 2016 at 8:58 am #
Hi Richard! Sorry, there must be some confusion. We actually had the
Incinolet years ago (would pretty much never get one again for
various reasons now that the Separett is available), and we aren’t
going anywhere from our Separett toilet. We are still just as happy
with it as we were two years ago or so since we got it. Even the energy
draw has turned into a non-issue for us ?

Gabriella August 18, 2016 at 8:58 am #
Hi Richard! Sorry, there must be some confusion. We actually had the
Incinolet years ago (would pretty much never get one again for
various reasons now that the Separett is available), and we aren’t
going anywhere from our Separett toilet. We are still just as happy
with it as we were two years ago or so since we got it. Even the energy
draw has turned into a non-issue for us ?

RICHARD ROSSMASSLER August 21, 2016 at 7:09 am #
ok great! thanks for clarifying gabriella!
much appreciated

kmou August 13, 2016 at 2:41 pm #
Hi, I can see for a female that there won’t be splash back when we use the toilet to pee, but
what about men peeing? I noticed from my past boyfriends that they tend to pee towards the
farther end of the toilet (where the solids would go in this case) and (sorry for the “TMI”)
that they pee at a faster and more “aggressive” rate than women. Won’t there be splash back
since it’s so “close” to the person?

Gabriella August 16, 2016 at 1:22 am #
Hello kmou! Great question. As long as men are sitting down while using the
Separett (not standing), there is no splashing. As men get older though and their
stream isn’t quite as aggressive anymore, they can stand up while using the
Separett. ?

Nadia Marshall October 1, 2016 at 8:12 pm #
Dear Gabriella,
We’ve just built a tiny house in Australia and, after watching your video and reading your
blog, bought a Separett toilet. We’ve been using it for about a month so far an love it but we
do have a couple of issues. First of all, we seem to be filling it faster than others – it says
each bucket takes 60 uses. We tend to go twice a day so we’re the bucket is getting pretty
full in just 2 weeks for us! Also, we vented the loo straight out the back wall and we
certainly notice an odor at the back of the house. Our outdoor shower is not far away so
that’s a bit unpleasant and we live in a suburban area so it’s not ideal. We’ve told the
neighbours to let us know if they smell anything but we seem to be the only ones noticing it.
I’ve ordered some of the absorbant pads to put in the bucket to see if that makes a
difference. There is no odor at all inside so that’s good. If it doesn’t improve, we’ll vent
upwards above the roof. Getting 75mm PVC pipe in Australia is the next challenge as it’s
not readily available…
Our next challenge is managing the waste. It isn’t clear how long you have to keep the waste
in the little black buckets before moving it to another compost. Originally I read keep it in
the bucket for 6 weeks and then transfer to another compost. And we’re a bit nervous about
the other compost actually working well enough to take care of the business (and I have
odour paranoia). Luckily we live next to a big a paddock so we think we might buy a few
black plastic garbage bins and use them for storing the waste for 12 mths (with sawdust
added perhaps) and then empty the (hopefully) composted material in the paddock.
So far I’ve added soil to the two black buckets we’ve used and kept them slightly vented and
put them in the backyard. I’ve bought two more buckets because we’re going through them
quite quickly but can’t have hundreds of poo buckets lined up in the backyard! Do you or
Richard have any suggestions as to how to best manage the waste if we don’t have woods
nearby or room for a three stage composting system?
Many thanks!!

Gabriella October 17, 2016 at 9:05 pm #
Hi Nadia! This is the response from Richard Brundt who distributes the Separett
here. Hope it helps!
Hello Nadia,
Thank you for bringing up these issues. There is a bit of a learning curve, and I’m
sure that in a short time everything will be working fine. The bucket holds about 60
solid “uses”, and that was very carefully determined in extensive testing. However,
this varies on the volume of the waste and also the quantity of the toilet paper you
use. If it fills up in two weeks, you might try less paper, otherwise you’ll have to
empty it every two weeks.
If you notice odor out the back of the house, you will need to move the vent pipe. I
explain to my customers that you can vent out a wall only if it can exhaust in an area
not frequented by people, and not near a deck, door, or window. All toilets will smell
at the vent pipe, even regular flush toilets. It sounds like you need to extend the pipe
to the roof line.
The vent pipe included is not widely available. It is metric, and slightly smaller than
typical 3″ PVC. That is why there are numerous couplings in the box, to allow you to
transition to standard 3″ PVC. It’s very easy to do. The dealer you bought the toilet
from should be able to guide you if you have difficulty.
Separett recommends you store the compost for 6 months – not 6 weeks. This is
similar to WHO guidelines for warm climates. Other guidelines are suggesting even
longer, but I am confident that in 6 months the material will be safe to use on non-
edible plants.
Forget the bucket storage system, in my opinion. I have found the best method to be
as follows. Dump the contents of the bucket, including the compostable bag, into a
sealed compost bin (not an outside pile or a bin with holes in the bottom. You don’t
want leaching of the waste to occur). I like the off the ground rotating bins. Two of
them should suffice, and won’t take up much space. Keep adding material until the
compost bin is full. This typically takes a year or so, but maybe less in your case.
Then start using a second bin. When the second bin is full, the contents of the first
bin are ready for the plants.
I hope this helps. Your Australian dealer can also help you. Once you have
everything sorted, I’m sure you will be very pleased at how easy it all is. You can
read more on my site, under Separett and Separett FAQs.

Féidhlim Harty November 28, 2016 at 7:46 am #
Hi Nadia, In terms of disposal of the bucket contents – one option outlined by Anna
Eday of is to upend the buckets onto a dedicated woodchip area and let
the worms drag the compost down into the woodchips as they digest it.
The methods I’ve used for dealing with faecal material for composting have been to
trench it in shallow covered trenches to let the soil biota do their work; or to compost
it in a dedicated compost bin with tiger worms (and then trench it afterwards just to
be sure, planting comfrey over it to recycle N, P and K).
I’m wary of sealing the contents into an airtight bucket – but since I haven’t tried it, I
can’t comment from experience and I’d be interested to learn more about the speed
of breakdown.

Richard Brunt October 27, 2016 at 2:08 pm #
In response to many questions, I now have a post on my site specifically dealing with flies.
It is fortunately a pretty easy problem to solve. One new development is we have found that
a naturally occurring pesticide called Gnatrol is very effective, in addition to the other things
I have mentioned.

Kayshla Torres January 11, 2017 at 3:14 pm #
Hey, I looked at your video twice and I was wondering what do you do with the bag when
you have to replace it with another one? I am sorry if you answered this question but I still
do not understand the process. I am really interested in living in a tiny home and I want to
have all the information so that I can be prepared for when I do.I thought your article was
very informative and great! Thank you!

Gabriella January 12, 2017 at 2:25 pm #
Totally fair question Kayshla! Once we remove the bag, we carry it up to our
compositing pile where we compost our solids as well as food scraps. We then
replace the old bag with a new compostable one and start anew. What you don’t see
in the video is our walk up to the woods where we have our 3 stage composting
bins. ?

Akshay March 24, 2017 at 1:39 pm #
Hai Gabriella, That was a great article, its really an useful one for me.
I am a 1st yr Architecture student nd our major project turn out to be a portable tiny house
nd thus i came in search for a comfortable composting toilet.
I have got few doubts about as if this is used by a single person then it would take more than
2 months to filled up right, so is it necessary to have a composting bin within the tiny
Or can we dispose this waste with all our other wastes as disposed regularly??.
I am sorry to ask you these questions.
Thank you.

Gabriella April 14, 2017 at 4:43 pm #
Hello Akshay! Great that you guys are building a tiny house! No, you wouldn’t want
to build a composter in your tiny house. Depending on where you live you could
potentially put the bag into the municipal trash system.
Nancy April 19, 2017 at 10:25 pm #
Is there ever a way to compost human waste to a point where it is safe to to use in a
vegetable garden? Thanks!

Andrew April 22, 2017 at 1:38 pm #
I have heard of people doing this; however, I would not recommend it. Too risky for
my comfort.

Dee September 15, 2017 at 12:44 pm #
Hi, was wandering about the outdoor compost you dump the solid waste in. If you are close
to neighbours, will it cause a smell?

Gabriella September 16, 2017 at 8:59 am #
Hi Dee! If you have neighbors I would recommend you stack the venting up beyond
your roof peak. That will divert any odors up and over the top of anyone’s houses.
It’s what we have now and we no longer smell anything anymore. Of course if you’re
going to be mobile you’ll need to take it down before you drive down the road ?

Dee September 17, 2017 at 7:41 am #
thank you Gabriella, that is a good idea. I am not mobile, and the neighbours are about 150
feet away, so the but the wind usually blows in their direction. I am concerned also about the
compost where i would be dumping the solids. Could you comment on this as well? thank
you again.

Sosi November 18, 2017 at 2:15 pm #
Question: If we use this in an outbuilding “guest room” where the toilet won’t be used that
frequently, then how often do we have to empty it? Can you leave it for a long time, or do
you have to empty it every few weeks, even if there have only been a couple of uses?
Madison March 27, 2019 at 10:22 am #
How long does a composting toilet last? I mean as a toilet, am I going to have to buy a new
one in 5 years? Or is it a long lasting toilet. Trying to debate on installing a regular or
composting toilet in our cabin that we use year round in all temperatures.

Jacob and Nancy Tritt May 9, 2019 at 12:19 pm #
Hi Andrew and Gabriela! We heard this evaporative toilet “The Sanitizer Toilet” is
revolutionary. We want to buy one for our tiny house if it’s as good as it sounds. What are
everyone’s thoughts. Please let is know!

Andrew Morgan August 6, 2019 at 12:10 am #
Hello Andrew and Gabriela, can you please tell me how frequently we have to clean toilet?
If we can maintain it by following the timeline it will remain clean and keep away from
Andrew Morgan

Harry Brent November 6, 2019 at 4:35 am #
Do you have any idea how to stop water dripping from balcony?
Please suggest.
With Regards,

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